
Young Writers Society

12+ Language

The Boy Who Broke Mirrors (Chapter Seven)

by Sins

A quick heads-up: trolley is the British word for shopping cart.


The Boy Who Broke Mirrors

(Chapter Seven)


I’m doing it again. I’m imagining everyone around me being dead one day. I try shaking the feeling off as someone laughs, and a flurry of cigarette smoke dissolves into the dark sky. The cold gnaws at my nose. I’d rather not be sitting on the lawn outside Cardiff City Hall at midnight, but I’d pick this over home any day. Mum doesn’t live there anymore. She’s staying with a friend because Dad refused to leave, and she couldn’t bear sharing the house with him. I can’t say I blame her.

Christmas came and went, as did the realisation that Christmas of all days should be when the sadness over my parents’ situation floods over me, but of course it never did. I just remained feeling nothing, which is what I’m still doing. I should be glad I have the emotional capacity of a table really. While Livvy spent Christmas Day curled up on the sofa and refusing to speak to anyone, I spent it getting on with things easily enough. It's just that I want to feel something towards Dad. I want to be angry at him, and I want to cry over what he’s done. I just want to feel human.

“C’mon, Eff, give it a go!”

I blink as I resurface back to reality, and focus my eyes in front of me. Robbie’s sitting there with a one-sided grin on his face, while Preston lies on the grass beside him. The others are behind them, and they’re pushing an old supermarket trolley around city hall’s car park while Delyth sits inside it laughing.

“I’ll push you, if you want,” Robbie continues as he nods at the group behind him.

Assuming he’s asking me to do so, I can’t really say I’m in the mood to sit in a trolley and roll around Cardiff all night. I shake my head with a shrug as the sound of Aiden cackling echoes around me. I think he’s the one pushing Delyth.

“Go on, babe, live a little,” Preston says from the ground. I can almost hear the grin on his face when he says, “do it and I’ll let you make out with me afterwards.”

I roll my eyes. “I’d rather not catch herpes tonight, thanks.”

The boys laugh, Preston seeming especially amused. “Fine, I’ll let you make out with Robbie then.”

Robbie punches him in the stomach, but Preston only laughs harder. This is the first time he’s acknowledged me all night, and he’s already making me want to throw him out a window. He doesn’t pay much attention to me when his personality disorder decides to make him Zack, and I prefer it that way. The fact he can’t even be Preston when it’s just Robbie and me really makes me question what the hell his and Robbie’s friendship actually is.

Preston’s still laughing hysterically when Robbie turns back to me with flushed cheeks. “Ignore him, he's an arse. You’ve been quiet all night, it’ll liven you up a bit. Go on, I’ll push you.”

He’s right. All I’ve done tonight is be miserable and sit apart from everyone. Nobody has any idea about what’s going on with my parents, not even Aiden. I know it’s probably a stupid idea to keep it all to myself, but I hardly feel mentally damaged by it. I don't need comfort from others. Having the capability to feel sod all is a pretty good coping mechanism, and besides, it would feel wrong to tell Aiden. He’s always so happy and bright, and even discussing bad weather with him feels too negative.

“I don’t know…” I say, finally replying to Robbie. “Maybe.”

“Okay then, fine, I’ll raise the stakes.” Preston butts into the conversation again. “Do it and I’ll keep guard for you and Robbie have a quickie behind city hall.”

This time Robbie hits him in the crotch, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see someone in pain. Preston’s laughter catches in his throat, and he doubles over on the ground with his hands cupped around his groin. He’s still somehow laughing, not that what he said was remotely funny in the first place.

“Screw it,” I say, turning back to Robbie. “I may as well give it a go.”

What can I say? Seeing Preston writhing in pain has cheered me up.

Robbie grins. He stands up, reaches his hand out, and lifts me onto my feet. Preston’s still grappling his crotch as Robbie leads me towards the others, but he still manages to call from behind us.

“I’m only friends with you because your surname’s Morrissey and I like The Smiths!”

Robbie responds by lifting his middle finger into the air. Preston’s laughter vibrates in my ear drums, and it’s impossible to ignore.

“Holy mackerel, you’re not actually going to have a go, are you, Eff?” Aiden exclaims as he bounces towards us.

He’s wearing a bright orange jacket, and I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t caused any car crashes yet. I nod with a shrug and he literally squeals.

“Let me push you, I want to push you! Oh my God, it will be like my childhood all over again! Remember when you tried teaching me to skateboard and I pushed you down this massive hill, and you, like, flew off the thing and landed on a cat.” He pauses. “I won’t throw you onto a cat this time, scout’s honour.”

I turn to Robbie questioningly, and he shrugs with a smile. Taking that as a go ahead, I let Aiden grab my hand and pull me towards the group. A Blink 182 song blasts in my ears as we approach them, and it takes me a while to realise it’s coming from wireless speakers in Samantha’s hands. It’s the closest thing to any noise she’s ever made. Delyth’s lifting herself out of the trolley and as her eyes clap onto where my hand is in Aiden’s, she looks like she’s about to eat me alive. Someone needs to tell her Aiden’s gay. They really, really do.

I don’t properly know anyone else in the group besides Samantha, but then all she ever does is stare and smile at me. She’s doing exactly that as Aiden helps me into the trolley. Robbie’s caught up with us by the time I’m sitting inside it, but Preston's still lying on the otherwise empty lawn. My heart's beating out of time to the song pulsating out of Samantha’s speakers, and there’s not a car or a soul in sight. The car park must be at least a hundred yards long, and I don’t think city hall has ever looked so threatening. It stands to my left, towering over me as if one little nudge could send it crashing to the ground. I grasp onto the trolley’s sides, its metal freezing against my clammy palms. I swallow hard.

The music suddenly changes, and John Newman’s Love Me Again starts playing. Aiden grabs the trolley’s handle. This was a bad idea. This was a really, really bad idea. My voice competes against John Newman’s as I try telling Aiden I’ve changed my mind, but he doesn’t even blink. I clench my eyes shut. I know I’m being wimpy, but I can’t say I’ve ever rolled around in an abandoned supermarket trolley before. Knowing my luck it’ll collapse underneath me, and my trustworthiness towards Aiden is decreasing by the second. I swallow again. I seriously need to stop agreeing to things so willy-nilly.

The song’s chorus kicks in and Aiden starts pushing. My eyes are still shut, my palms are sweating. The trolley’s speed is accelerating every second, and the uneven concrete below me is causing it to wobble. What if I fall out? Oh shit, I’m going to fall out, aren’t I? I yelp. Aiden’s running, the music’s getting louder and louder, and the moment the beat kicks in, he lets go. I scream as a wave of emotion almost knocks me over. Fear floods my bloodstream, anger over Aiden letting go vibrates in my brain, and the frustration of having no control looms over me like a heavy mist.

And then I laugh.

I laugh because for the first time in what feels like forever, I feel something. I feel everything. I want to jump out of this trolley and charge after Aiden, I want to scream and cry in fear, and I want to laugh at my irrationality. I finally open my eyes and the wind rushes into them. It stings, but I don’t care because it makes me feel alive. It makes me feel human. I zoom past a parking meter as a discarded polystyrene box swirls into the air, and I’m charging towards blackness as I approach the end of the car park. I’m about to let go of the trolley’s sides and lift my arms up when I come to an abrupt stop.

I spin my head around to see Aiden behind me again, the handle firm in his grasp. Everyone else is standing in the middle of the car park now rather than the other end of it, which probably explains the music getting louder. All I know is that I want to go again. I need to go again.

“Do it again!” I yell at Aiden.

He laughs, and being the true best friend he is, he does just that. He reverses me back towards the group, and as we near them, he starts spinning around. The trolley and I spin with him, and the exhilaration comes rushing back over me like a tsunami. It dances around my body as Aiden pushes, pulls, and spins me around the car park. I lift my arms up and feel like I could fall out any second, but I don't care. Faces turn into blurs and everything around me becomes less and less real. The only thing connecting me to reality is the music seeping into my ears.

I’m feeling nothing again, but this nothing is different. This nothing is good. It’s as if I’m floating. It’s as if the trolley is a fragment of my imagination, and everything else around me make up the other fragments. Maybe I am floating, and maybe this is reality. Maybe what I thought was real--my parents, college, Aiden, Robbie, Preston, everyone else--are just illusions. Maybe I’m just a body floating aimlessly through space, content in the nothingness that surrounds me.

The music suddenly stops, the song changes, and I snap my eyes open.

“Earth to Effie… Hello?” Robbie laughs as he finally catches my attention. He's standing in front of the motionless trolley. “Give someone else a go.”

“Sorry,” I say as my cheeks flush.

He helps lift me out of the trolley, and I jump onto the concrete with a soft thud. The ground doesn’t feel real anymore. Adrenaline pumps through my veins, and it still feels like I’m spinning. Delyth grabs the trolley from beside me, but before she can do anything with it a hand snatches it from hers.

“My go.” Preston winks at her.

Rude. I hadn’t even realised Preston was here, and neither did anyone else judging by the surprised looks on their faces. Instead of staying put, Preston pushes the trolley out of the car park and onto the pavement that frames it. He’s heading towards the steps of the underpass, and knowing his lack of safety awareness, he’s probably planning to ride it down those. To my relief he goes past the stairs. He must be heading for the ramp instead.

As he reaches the top of the ramp, Preston gets Robbie to steady the trolley. He effortlessly jumps into it. There’s a dead end at the bottom, and you have to take a sharp right turn to follow the underpass leading to the other side of the main road. Otherwise you’ll get a face full of concrete. Despite that, Preston asks Robbie to push him straight down the ramp.

“Zack, you do realise there’s a wall at the bottom of it, right?” Robbie raises his eyebrows, his hands still grasping the trolley. I can only just hear him over the music blaring from Samantha’s speakers.


“As in a hard, concrete thing you’ll crash into and probably get yourself killed with?”


Robbie raises his eyebrows again.

“Don’t sweat it, I have it covered.” 

Robbie laughs as he does the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen him do. He pushes the trolley just enough for it to start wheeling down the ramp. 

“It’s your funeral!”

I gape at the scene before me. Is Robbie stupid? He’s already almost seen Preston dead once, so why on earth did he just do that? Preston stands up in the trolley with his knees slightly bent. What the hell is he doing? Why is he standing up? Dear God, does he have a death wish? He’s grinning. He’s actually smiling at the fact he’s about to slam head first into a concrete wall. I simply stare, my face extorted into an expression of utter distress. 

He’s seconds away from hitting the wall now. I’m biting my lip to stop myself from yelping, and so is everyone else by the looks of it. He’s inches away. Centimetres. Just as I’m about to give in and scream after him, Preston jumps, flips backwards, and lands feet first onto the concrete, stumbling slightly. Meanwhile, the trolley crashes into the wall. Robbie high-fives him while everyone else stares in admiration. I think I almost just spewed out all of my internal organs.

Now that Preston’s done showing off, I turn away and sit on the metal railing beside me. I can feel the coldness of it through my jeans, and the blue colour it’s been painted with is peeling off. I pick at it as I watch Robbie high-fiving Preston once more while the others watch on, some still looking amazed at what just happened. I shake my head. There is something seriously wrong with that boy. I’m about to stand back up when Delyth breaks away from the group and sits down next to me.

“So what’s the deal with you and Robbie?” she asks in a casual but clearly delving for gossip sort of way. “Not that I’m assuming anything, but y’know, it seems like you two are into each other or something. I was just wondering because, like, does that mean you’re over Aiden?”

What? Delyth carries on rambling per usual, but I don’t process a word she says. She thinks I have a thing for Aiden? Up to now I’ve been half-joking about her fancying him, but the reality of my theory is slapping me in the face like a wet fish. Oh Lord, the poor girl… I should tell her, shouldn’t I? No one else seems to have so far, and she clearly isn’t figuring it out for herself.

“Don’t worry, Delyth.” I interrupt her mid-sentence. “I’ve never had a thing for Aiden, I can assure you of that.”

“C'mon, Eff." She nudges me with a wink. “You so fancied him. Are you sure you still don’t?”

“Del, seriously, I’ve never fancied Aiden in my life.”

“You so have!”

“I really haven’t…”

“You have!”

Delyth’s voice is raised, her eyebrows narrowed. Her lip is curled, and she’s actually getting kind of scary. Her hands are grabbing onto the railing so tightly that her knuckles have turned white. Someone doesn’t like being wrong.

“I bet this whole Robbie thing is just a front to make me think you’re over Aiden… That’s it, isn’t--”

“Delyth, Aiden’s gay!”

She stammers. Her agitated look disappears, and her face softens. She purses her lips and swallows hard as guilt starts creeping in on me. I shouldn’t have said that so bluntly. Bless her, she probably really likes him, doesn’t she? She must be dead embarrassed right now. Plus I take my hat off to her for not stereotyping and assuming Aiden’s sexuality from the get go.

I’m about to comfort her--heck, I’m tempted to wrap my arms around her and give her a hug--when she smiles. Not the embarrassed smile I expected though. The kind of smile that says, let’s be best friends forever and ever, and have loads of sleepovers so can I rip your limbs off while you sleep, chop them up, spit on them, boil them, and then feed them to all your friends and family.

“Look, you can say you don’t all you want.” A strand of blonde hair falls over her face. “You obviously fancy Aiden, but no way am I letting you win him. You can make shit up about him all you want, but I am not giving up that easily. I’ve never lost anything in my life and I don’t plan to start now.”

Delyth shoots me her I will kill you in your sleep grin again, stands up, and struts back over to the group. Well that was really freaking weird. I'm not sure whether to burst out laughing, or start sleeping with a knife at hand from now on.

* * * * *

I struggled quite a lot with this chapter, so I'm sorry if it's a little pooey. I'd written the first five in advance before posting the novel, so this is the first 'freshly written' one. It just feels kind of all over the place to me. I could really do with some help with it, so please do rip this to shreds. Cheers! (Also, Cardiff City Hall is an actual place. As my descriptive skills are absolutely shameful, search it on Google Maps to get a better idea of things if you want.)

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:22 am
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Renard wrote a review...

I’m imagining everyone around me being dead one day. Inconsistency issue sorted as far as I am concerned. It shows that you've really thought about what you're writing and you've honed in on the origin of your character. Good.
“I’d rather not catch herpes tonight, thanks.” More of that classic wit. Brilliant!
I can see why you felt like this was a bit scary, because it's freshly written, but this style compared to your other entries is pretty much indistinguishable. Don't worry about 'organic' writing. It's good to think on your feet. :)

Yours in ink


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Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:42 am
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dragonrider wrote a review...

I have to say, I enjoyed this chapter. It wasn't my favorite chapter, but it was an important one. I liked how much you revealed about the characters in this chapter.
I have a critique for you that I feel need some attention.
First off, you're not separating Effie's thoughts from the rest of the action. It makes the story a little confusing where I'm switching to Effie's thoughts to the rest of the story without a clear transition.
For example:
"I gape at the scene before me. Is Robbie stupid? He’s already almost seen Preston dead once, so why on earth did he just do that? Preston stands up in the trolley with his knees slightly bent. What the hell is he doing? Why is he standing up?"
You should separate Effie's thoughts with italics, putting it in its own paragraph and/or both. It'll be easier on the reader.
Personally, I'm agreeing with StellaThomas. I think Roffie would be awesome and they have some chemistry whereas she and Preston would be better as friends.
I have to say that I'm very curious what happens next.
Keep on writing!

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Wed Aug 07, 2013 10:55 pm
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StellaThomas wrote a review...

Hi hi hi!

Okay so fangirling first:

-ROBBIE. Omg Robbie I love you. Give me more Robbie. Seriously, he and Effie should be a thing. I'm shipping Roffie. I don't care if um... Efston? is canon.

Spoiler! :

-I really like the timeskip over the awkward and irrelevant Christmas period although I do have cúpla rud to say about its execution

-the whole trolley thing seemed very Perks-esque. Which is great. It totally embodied that feeling of teenagerdom and new friends and youth and adventure and how the wackiest things- like a shopping trolley, can suddenly make you feel free. I loved that concept.

Okay, now we are onto the non-fangirling, gif-free review part of, um, the review:

-the timeskip, while I liked it a lot and I think it was a wise decision, left a lot unsaid. Here, Aiden, Delyth and Effie are literally just hanging out with the cool kids. There's no party, there's no reason other than that now, apparently, they are all friends. It doesn't quite fit together. I mean, have they been hanging out all through the hols? Is this like a once-off thing? How has Preston been all that time?

I think that while you're doing great at telling Effie's story, one theme that I find cropping up is that you sort of forget about Preston until he's an important plot point again. And I'm probably only noticing this or feeling like this because I do this all the time- in my own novel there's a pivotal character called Setter, but Setter tends to get left out a lot because the other characters are a lot more entertaining to both write and read. But then when Setter's needed, it's like she appears ethereally (which actually sort of works to Setter's advantage because she's like that). But Preston is not some weirdo Loony Lovegood character like Setter, he's a huge part of this group of friends, right? I mean, he and Robbie are bestos 5eva. Sooo I find it weird that he's just kind of sitting back and ignoring everyone, and that nobody really cares about him until he does something reckless. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this to you but I'm probably hyper-vigilant for it because I am so guilty of it. I think one of the fears might be- you're worried you're mentioning him too much? That you're making too big a deal out of him? Well, you're not. You could turn it up a couple of notches.

If that made any sense.

The other thing was more a language thing- the trolley scene, as I said above, I loved. But I felt that Effie's feelings and the physical description in the first paragraph were too mixed up together. I think it'd be better to separate them. Eventually you do a lovely job of describing how everything vanishes- I think the line about freedom really belongs there? But I'm not quite sure. It is, of course, entirely up to you.

Goodness this was rambly. I'm sorry! This is actually my third attempt to write this review, the second two times I've been too distracted! But now it is done.

Get writing, I want Chappie 7 stat.

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x

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Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:39 pm
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Deanie wrote a review...

Hi Skins,

Just a little quick comment from me. I liked this chapter a lot! There is a time gap, which was a bit unexpected but I really like the whole exhilaration thing you had going on their for Effie. It was described really well and completely captured my attention. It also an interesting scene that showed the characters personalities a lot. Especially Preston's and Delyth's. I'm interested to see what she's going to do.

Apart from character building this chapter seemed a bit uneventful which kind of bothered me again.

Keep writing though! It was good ^^

Deanie x

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:57 am
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ArcticMonkey wrote a review...

Hey Skins! Here to review :D

Okay, hmmm, what should I start off with? As usual, the style you write this in is really good and whatnot with varying your sentences which makes it really engaging to read, which is good. In terms of what actually happened in this chapter, I guess I just like how we learn loads more about the characters and stuff, which is cool. I mean although slightly confusing, it's good that the characters have got all these deeper layers to them. Also,

“I’m only friends with you because your surname’s Morrissey and I like The Smiths!”

This made me lol ;).

Nowww, critiques. I think the one thing that really sort of bothered me about this chapter is that nothing really happened. I know that of course, something big can't happen in EVERY chapter but like for me this fell a bit flat. As I was reading I was expecting more than actually happened, and apart from learning more about the characters nothing that vital actually happens. So I guess maybe for the next chapter something more relevant to the actual plot should happen, to speed things up a bit.

She must be dead embarrassed right now.

I don't think this line needs to be included because beforehand you already show that she's feeling embarrassed. Maybe instead you could show even more about how she's embarrassed rather than just saying it because you know, show vs. tell and whatnot.

When Zach's riding on the trolley on that crazy ramp I think it could be explained a bit more, like to slow it down. It all happens quite fast, as it would in real life, but I think if more was put to it it would look really cool. Like what if Effie feeling about it, it's already mentioned a bit that she's quite scared but you could talk more about that. Or even mention if Effie didn't care as much- just to slightly reveal more about how she feels about Zach because I and the other readers I'm sure am just dying to know what she thinks of him! xD

Delyth... Oh Delyth. She makes me laugh to be honest, I mean although she's a bit of a lunatic she's still a funny character. To me however, she's just coming off as *slightly* unrealistic, not majourly, but just a little bit. I'm not sure, I guess her actions are a bit whoah and so I think with her character you need to either commit with full-time crazy, or tone it down a bit.

Overall, I'm absolutely loving this story and I think your characters are being developed really nicely. I think I may have mentioned some concerns with your characters in previous chapter, however those worries are beginning to go away, which is great! I totally get the Effie thing now and how she acts differently around people, but it could do with some touching up, when you redraft the whole novel. My main issue with this whole chapter is how slow it was, not to do with your writing, but what actually happened in it- so I'd like to see a more action-y chapter next time! Anyways, I hope this review helped and PM me with any questions you have.

Keep writing!
~Arc x

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:19 am
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Iggy wrote a review...

I lied. I'm here for more.

What a interesting chapter. Not your best out of all of them, but still well written and a pleasure to read! As I stated before, no major nitpicks. Your grammar is gooder, your Britishness is fudging adorable! <3

Preston is becoming very confusing to me. Who is he? I mean, in this chapter, he is acting more like Zach than Preston. He's a bit narcissistic, rude, and a show off. What's going on! Is this some catastrophic event, you telling us readers that they are really one in the same? Or was he supposed to be Zach and you got confused? I dunno, I feel that could be explained more.

Delyth. Can we kill this hoe off? I definitely don't like this psycho. She be putting moves on my Aiden! Also, she's a freak. Weirdo!!

Overall, another wonderful chapter to read. Can't wait till the next one!

~ Iggy <3

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:46 am
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ST63 says...

I loved it, it was deep and profound, thanks for giving me inspiration to write! ;)

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Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:23 am
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therealme says...

Personally I think this is one of the best chapters for the story that you've written so far. Your writing reminds me a lot of the book/movie 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' - in a good way :)
I love how you write deeply about things and the way you describe stuff. I wouldn't change anything about this chapter.
Keep writing more chapters because they're really interesting and inspiring xD

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