
Young Writers Society

Flirting & Impressions

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15 Reviews

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Points: 890
Reviews: 15
Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:29 pm
MuffinWriter says...

:arrow: What are 3 main things that you notice about a girl right away?

:arrow: What 3 things could a girl do that would easy impress you & catch your attention?

:arrow: Does it always matter if the girls the prettiest out there if shes sweet?

:arrow: What are 3 majour flirting things a girl could do to really catch your attention?

:arrow: Does it matter how revealing a girl does or doesn't dress as long as she acts confident around you?

:arrow: A girls very NATURALLY clumsy. *Clumsy to the point she can trip over her own feet while walking down a non-icey sidewalk, & twist her ankle* Do you find it more cute or annoying? How do you usually react?

:arrow: How have you managed to impress guys?

:arrow: What sort of flirting techniques do you like best?

:arrow: If you worry about a friend liking the same guy, do you still go for the guy? Would the fact your friends dated within the last few months, and you haven't dated in years change your mind any?

:arrow: Personal Experiences?

Thanks for any & all help. :D
Why does believe have the word lie in it?

*like the line in my dp? Check out my one poem: "In Repair". I made the dp to match the poem.

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18 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 18
Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:58 am
J_Fang says...

:?: 1: What are 3 main things that you notice about a girl right away?

:?: 2: What 3 things could a girl do that would easy impress you & catch your attention?

:?: 3: Does it always matter if the girls the prettiest out there if shes sweet?

:?: 4: What are 3 major flirting things a girl could do to really catch your attention?

:?: 5: Does it matter how revealing a girl does or doesn't dress as long as she acts confident around you?

:?: 6:A girls very NATURALLY clumsy. *Clumsy to the point she can trip over her own feet while walking down a non-icy sidewalk, & twist her ankle* Do you find it more cute or annoying? How do you usually react?

:idea:1: Guys are mostly visual creatures initially, but here are two different takes.
This comes with age, but whether of not she has a wedding ring.
As for 3 non-age related things.
Physically: Legs and butt, skin condition and overall body shape.
Other: Her facial expression--smiley, how she dresses, and how she talks to other people.
Her smile determines if I should talk to her. If she's very smiley I'd think I could talk to her and even if she doesn't return the interest she wouldn't be a witch about it, but if she is just-meh-then its dicey. If she's sad it triggers something in every guy to try and make her feel better. Angry is just a no-no.
Her dress tells me if I'd like to hang out with this chick, if she is self obsessed, a misspelled witch or well yeah...
How she talks to other people seals the deal on my opinion of if she is a self absorbed (expletive deleted), if I could hang with this chick or afford to take her out, or if well-yeah...

:idea:2: Laugh (a chick that laughs catches attention); Do something clumsy or cool; Squeal (like the girl on the burger king mini-burger commercials). Other than that, guys really scan the room constantly--even if they're committed. We can't help it, honest.

:idea:3: Honestly, it doesn't matter too much how she appears.
For initial reactions guys are very visual creatures, we go for what we like, however, if you spend 30 seconds with someone and talk, it can very easily become personality--even if she is on the opposite spectrum of what a guy finds attractive. Though this also varies from guy to guy, some guys are more shallow than the rest, some are completely open.
So, while we might not approach a girl that isn't our physical "it" if she talks to us, or for some reason we do talk to her and she has a personality trait a guy likes, she's probably in his interest zone.
And it truth, if a woman is our "perfect physical it" most guys (at least the ones I know) can be intimidated, and resort to trying to see if the chick is interested in us before talking to her.
::The only two women I have actually ever fallen for were both not the body type I am personally attracted to--like 100% the opposite, aside from the fact they were short.::

:idea:4: I'm terrible at picking up when a woman likes me, but I'm pretty good at telling when someone is interested in a friend of mine.
So, here are the signs I notice first.
#1--How close she stands. Does she infringe a bit on personal space, and take random attempts to touch me/him? If she pats the guys arm, shoulder, hand or back more than a couple of times its a good sign.

#2--How much she puts into the conversation. If she finds ways to keep the conversation going or keeps it going with the questions I/he pose to her, then I'd take it a sign.
If she answers short and to the point and offers no return question or seems to be waiting for her opportunity to leave, then she's probably not interested.

#3--How funny I/he am/is to her. If she laughs at a lot of stuff and is generally kind of giggly, then its a sign.

:idea:5: Revealing isn't a big thing, but it's guaranteed to catch a guys attention. A girl could wear a jacket and loose pants, but if the guy likes her he likes her.
Confidence can be both a turn on and off.
If she's too confident it can scare some guys away or just make you think she's not interested, but on the other hand uber confidence is a turn on for some guys.
If she's completely un-confident the guy will probably just think the girl is shy.

:idea:6: Umm....Personally, I'd see it as a big deal. It makes her more approachable. I'd feel like I didn't have to try so hard to not be a goof. It'd be really cute, and I'd be more likely to ask her out or at least make an effort to become friends.

:arrow: Also, as a side note, they've done studies and found that most people tend to gravitate towards people with a similar bone structure regardless of weight. When your brain kicks in and starts evaluating them as far as physical appearance is when most people start to back off if someone not their body type, like too heavy or too skinny.
So, someone may actually find themselves attracted to someone else initially only to, upon their brain kicking in, point out flaws that make them not like the other person and thus become un-attracted.

Hope any of that helps, and of course if you would like to know more or have more questions, just ask. You can PM me, IM me, or just post a reply question here. :)
Johnny was a chemist's son, but Johnny is no more; what Johnny thought was H20 was H2SO4.

— alliyah