
Young Writers Society

A life unwritten

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Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:02 pm
Emma says...

A Life Unwritten

My name’s Anna, I normally hung around with my two best mates – Janet and Suzie. I had decided to use my life to save other people like me. I felt it was destiny to help those that are in need in my town. This time the mission was going to be harder, bloodier and tiring that any other mission I have tried ever before. Never in my wildest dreams would I be solving problems that could lead to death and destruction. Ok… so we saved a museum from being taken over by ghosts and saved an old woman from drowning in the canal but nothing would prepare us for this. Of course it would start in my favorite hang out place, most people would start off in the morning when they get up or something along those lines – but my story starts where my stories always start. The good old McDonalds.

I sat on our favorite seats by the window, reading the latest news from the local newspaper – The Stains News, while Janet and Suzie went up to the counter to order the milkshakes. I had tried to look prettier than usual, my hair was down and I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans and top. Of course I wouldn’t look pretty for nothing. The newspaper was to not track his attention. He was the boy of my dreams – Adam Shorn. His long died blond hair flew amongst the light breeze, his eyes as blue as the sea and his lips… well perfect for a kiss which would melt your heart. Suzie knew I had a crush on him. She was always alerting me by nudging me in the ribs every time he went past. The two girls sat down at the table, which I sat on, with a large grin on their faces, happy that they finally got their milkshakes. I looked back at Adam to find him leaving, I sighed and looked down at the newspaper for comfort. I suppose I wasn’t going to get anywhere hiding from him. As I looked down at the paper something caught my attention: -
Murderer let loose after bloody killings.
I quickly read on, taking down all the info I could fit into my tiny mind. Murderer aged around thirty to thirty-five, short and pudgy looking, short brown hair. Janet suddenly saw my concentrated eyes and peered over to see what I was looking at. “Oh no!” She snapped, “We ain’t doing that mission if our lives depended on it!”
Suzie came over to peer at the newspaper too and shook her head. “Its too big ‘f a task. We could kill our selves.”
My concentrated face turned into a puppy dogs. I knew it; they were all chickens – too scared to even walk. “If we have fought through ghosts then I pretty much think we can defeat a mad killer. Anyway it’s like destiny, you must feel it two. You may not want to do it but inside you – you have to do it.”
They sighed, knowing that I was right. A smile grew on my face and we started to drink in the necessary information.

After a lunch in the restaurant we decided to have a walk around to see if we could spot the evil killer. The best place to look was in the alleyways, I knew deep in side that we weren’t going to find the guy – but it was hard to put my mind somewhere else. I just wanted to search him down and beat the life out of his hard, cold, evil skin. Janet ran ahead laughing her head off while Suzie tried to catch up with her. I forced a thin smile and ran off after them into the cold, dark ally.

It was fun to be happy for a change, even though we heard about the killer. It was like we had forgotten all about him and his actions. But it wasn’t until we suddenly heard a noise from the near by dustbins. It couldn’t be from anybody who lived in the ally because each house had been boarded up from window to door. We stood there in the cold, keeping as still as anything – not moving a muscle. Suddenly we heard a grumbling sound. His voice was as deep as a foghorn and was as crackly as fireworks. I took a step back and carefully picked up a dirty bread knife, which was beside me. I slowly wiped off the mud, making sure my hands didn’t get dirty. Janet and Suzie soon followed with other kitchen utilities, which had been left by the original owner. I took the first step, taking my time; I slowly walked over to the bins, my body shaking like a drill as I got closer and closer. I turned my head slightly to see where my friends where. They were shaking as bad as me, but it appeared to be Suzie shaking the most. I saw the gathering fear that lay in her eyes. He thin lips closed tightly together – trying not to scream. “Why … couldn’t we … play droughts … instead?” She trembled, her voice slowly led into silence, as we got even closer to our deathbed. We got to the bins – our eyes as sharp as anything. No one was talking or even breathing incase we got distracted. I peered over the group of bins to find the killer. The description in the newspaper matched him perfectly. His evil eyes connected with mine. He slowly got up from his hiding place, grunting. “Ya got to help meh.” He begged,
We looked at him uncertain and took a step back. “Ya don’t know wats goin’ on!” He continued, “I’m no killer! I – I was made ta. By dis guy ya see.”
Janet shook her head. Her face was as red as blood, full of anger. She concentrated on the man, studying him carefully. “No… you did it because you wanted to. I know who you are, we all do. We aren’t as stupid as we look. We’re not going to help you. We are going to give you to the police and if we have to. We will kill you…”
She turned to us, I could tell she meant it. I but I didn’t think we were ready to actually kill someone. If we did kill him then we would be in the same league as what he was in. We would get hunted down. I stood there uneasy about the whole idea. Unable to grasped what we had got our selves into. I turned to the worried Suzie, she looked much worse. He skin wasn’t any longer a beautiful rosy red but a pale white colour. “Fine don’t believe meh. I’ll just have to kill ya.” He sneered,
He went into his pocket and took out a small shaped knife called a katana and swished it back and forwards each time getting closer to us. Janet was quicker than us two to fight back. She tightened on to her bread knife, blocking each attack she was given. I knew she couldn’t last long so I quickly joined in too, scratching and kicking him in different places. He cursed violently and retreated. We tried catching up with him but it was no use. His speed was two times faster than ours.

We stood in the darkness, tired and sore. Unable to recall on what just happened. Janet kicked the bins down and cursed into her self. She gently pulled her hair away from her face and turned to us – forcing a smile, “Lets go home…” She sighed,
Then walked off, out of the ally, into the bright town. I watched her walking off. Still not moving from my space, Suzie was still scared and I had to calm her down. If any of our parents knew about this, we would be grounded for like; YEARS. “We cannot go on Anna. We must retreat and stay home, warm and safe.” Whispered Suzie,
She gripped onto my arms and shook me lightly, “Promise that we cannot go on!” She cried,
I turned away, trying to block her cries out. I couldn’t help it, I needed to defeat the killer. I had to show him that no one will get away from something like that. So I gripped onto her arms and held onto the tearful wreck, “You know what we have to do Sue. We can’t change what we think inside. We’ll regret it if we do.” I whispered into her ear. She let out a lonely cry and nodded. I looked down where Janet had knocked down the bins. There lay the Katana that the killer was trying to kill us with. He must have forgotten it – the stupid Muppet. I picked it up, admiring the detail on the handle, and then put it in my pocket. “We better catch up with Janet.” Sighed Suzie,
And with that we walked out of the Ally like Janet did, into the bright town, every five minutes looking around incase the man was trying to follow us.
After two minutes of trying to catch up with Janet, we suddenly saw her. But she wasn’t alone.
We managed to keep our distant. But making sure we could see Janet and her stalker. As we got closer to the person, we suddenly realized who it was… It was the killer! He was stalking her so he could finish off the job. We watched them as they took a turning off the main street then followed the two once again. My heart was beating way too fast, I wasn’t even sure it was meant to beat that fast anyhow. I could have a heart attack! It was the only thing that would stop me thinking ‘what if the killer…’ every time we caught a glimpse of him. We turned to the right, out of our next-door street into our home street. I sighed with relief, he wouldn’t get the chance to kill her – she was too close to home. But he suddenly got closer, his small steps grew into a jog, into a run.
I screamed as loud as I could to attract both of their attention. They both turned around and automatically Janet spotted him. She kicked him up the butt and he fell from the force. Whimpering – he rubbed his bum and slowly got up, but we had made a run for it. “See you later LOSER!” Shouted Janet,
He cursed and tried to run after us, but it was no use. Next time I promised to catch him and arrest him, no matter what the consequences.

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Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:04 pm
Emma says...

OKay, this is the first half. I will have the second half soon. Just ask me so I know if you actullay want to see it. Thankyou.

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Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:17 am
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Nate says...

It's good! The action at the end definitely held my attention and I found myself caught up in it; very nice. However, it does need to be fleshed out more, especially in regards to what their mission, which I never quite understood, is. It is good sometimes to let the reader gradually find out, but more often than not, it's best to just spell it out in the beginning; something like, "My name is Danny and my mission is to found out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie pop."

There also needs to be some proofreading done. For example, you twice spelled "alley" as "ally." Also, in the very first sentence, you say "hung" when it should be "hang." There's another couple instances such as these, but you'll be able to catch them after reading it over a couple times.

Overall, I really liked it. For some reason, I always get chills whenever a character starts talking about special missions, and this story was no exception. I look forward to the second part! Just tell me when it's up :)

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Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:34 am
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Emma says...

Yey! Thankyou. If you have noticed I cant spell for toffee. I am writing the next part on microsoft word so I can paste it here. Its much easier... And I still get the spelling wrong! :?

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Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:22 pm
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Nate says...

Emma wrote:Yey! Thankyou. If you have noticed I cant spell for toffee. I am writing the next part on microsoft word so I can paste it here. Its much easier... And I still get the spelling wrong! :?

Lol, I can hardly spell either ;)

Or rather, I tend to skip over words... if you read most of my posts, a lot of them have articles such as "a," "an," "the," "it," etc. missing. If I care to take the time to read over my post, I usually catch them, but usually I'm just too lazy to read them over.

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Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:17 am
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DarkerSarah says...

Hey. I liked this, it just needs some editting, methinks.

I really like the way it starts off, the first paragraph, and in McDonald's. Except...if the guy, Adam Shorn, was in McDonald's...I don't think his hair should be blowing in the light breeze:
His long died blond hair flew amongst the light breeze
. Heh. Good luck with the second part!

"And I am a writer
writer of fiction
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones...
Let me go if you don't love me" ~The Decembrists "Engine Driver"

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Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:03 am
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Emma says...

Okay, so you know in those mushy films when a girl sees this handsome guy and there is mushy music in the background and his hair is like flying and his teeth sparkling and his lips shining and his smile dazzling. Thats what I was trying to get.

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Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:29 pm
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Green Monkey says...

Well, let's see here... Your writing is very good and displays unique skill. I wish I could write more detailed as you seem to. But then again, everyone writes more detailed then me. Lol...

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Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:34 pm
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Emma says...

No, your work is good, by the way you MUST send in your art work. Cos Im still waiting.

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Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:58 pm
Mattie says...

Emma darling, I really liked this! I agree with Nate as he said it sent chills up his spine. I thought you also had an unique style and sense of yourself when writing. Your imagery is good, your spelling and punctuation, not so good! :) LOL Just fix some things and you'll be fine. Hope to read more. My favortie part was:

After a lunch in the restaurant we decided to have a walk around to see if we could spot the evil killer. The best place to look was in the alleyways, I knew deep in side that we weren’t going to find the guy – but it was hard to put my mind somewhere else. I just wanted to search him down and beat the life out of his hard, cold, evil skin. Janet ran ahead laughing her head off while Suzie tried to catch up with her. I forced a thin smile and ran off after them into the cold, dark ally.

That really made me want to continue reading more which is good because this was so good. :) Hope you get the next part up soon and I'll be sure to critique!

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Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:22 pm
Flikity says...

Hey mema! Twas really goooooooooooooooooood bloody long though but it held my short attention! Keep up the good work you muppet! LOL! :D

my money! ^^ hehe

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:52 pm
Horrorwriter says...

Yo! the doom is on!!

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
— Winston Churchill