
Young Writers Society

Character/Author Email

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Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:14 am
Shadowlight says...

(This is a interesting conversation a character and I had and I thought some of you might like to read it. Everything herein is true to a point.
I have Dyslexia so I know my punctuation and spelling are lacking- please don't critique my work on those please. Everything else is fine though, thanks.)


FROM: Dezz [ Hot-Jackal@charactersmail.com ]
SENT: Friday, October 21, 2011 2:00 PM
TO: Blanch Nymh [mailto: Shadysomething@authorsmail.com]
SUBJECT: My job- Our relationship...

Dear Blanch,

Hello, it's me again- long time no see huh? I've missed you terrible old friend.
Why have you abandoned all of us here in Ithirica? Have we done something wrong? Have
you moved on from us who have been your friends for so long- those who have stood by you though countless troubles, writer mental breakdowns and complete character revamps?

Blanch what are you doing over on YWS?
Who are all these characters who now swarm your mind and drive us all out?
Who are all these jackasses who strut around like they are the shit?
I am sick of Rayden, Tige, Hector, Caleb, Bedivere- all of them!
I hate them all, they've caused you to forget about all of your real characters- forget about me...

Come on girl!
I am twice the character than any of these “new” boys of yours are. What are you doing?!

We used to be so tight, we used to hang out every afternoon coming up with new adventures or new stories. Now I'm lucky if you even think about me once every day....

Blanch I hate to do this but, If you don't rethink your priorities- I'm going to leave you..
There is nothing else to say. You've let these other guys fill up your mind and you've forgotten about me, I don't want to be second rate to you anymore. I deserve better than that after all the shit we've been though together.

Don't you remember?
All the times I stood by you during writers group when Jeane shredded your writing?
All the times writers block stopped your from writing for months on end- who was the one always waiting for you?
Me. That's who, I always waited for you Blanch. Do you think any of them will wait for you like that?

I need you to get your head out of the clouds and come back to me.
I love you, did you know that? I mean damn- you were the one who found me and made me into the man I am today, I just wish you would realize how much I miss you....

Always yours,

FROM: Blanch Nymh [ Shadysomething@authorsmail.com]
SENT: Saturday, October 22, 2011 10:00 PM
TO: Dezz [mailto: Hot-Jackal@charactersmail.com]
SUBJECT: Re: My job- Our relationship...


Oh my God I had no idea you were feeling like this, I am SO sorry!
Please forgive me!!

I feel just awful about neglecting you all so. Everything you said was true, I am horrible- I am letting everyone down: You, Mairead, Jadeya, Tadgh, Jadewyn and Raif.... oh lord.

If I had known this is how you were feeling I would have talked to you sooner, why didn't you say anything? You should have let me know!

I am so sorry about all of this.
It's just I am going through a hard time right now with my writing- as you already know.
I mean I haven't done anything on any of my novels in almost six months, since the spring.

Ever since Jeane said that about me never finishing anything I start, I just lost all of my drive. I guess I have let her get to me. All the times she hinted that my writing was bad, how I wasn't good enough- I think I've started to believe her, and now hearing from you, I think she's right. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a writer...

I have failed you my dear, dear friend.
You were right- you have stayed by my side and I have treated you like complete crap all along! Why are you so nice to me? Why are you so faithful? I mean if you really look at it with all the other things I'm doing it's like I'm cheating on you with all my “Storybook” characters!- Oh god I feel sick now.

I've dropped the ball on my real writing and now I'm terrified I've lost what little talent I had. I am afraid to start again for fear of what has happened. Someone once told me trying to write after not doing so, is like learning to walk all over again. I'm afraid of falling and not being able to get back up again.

I miss you Dezz, I miss you so much! My writing has been missing something all along- you.
I want it to be what it was like before all of this crap happened. Before life went down the drain, before everything went to hell.

Dezz, I want you.

I pray to God it isn't too late for us, I pray you will forgive me and give me another chance- you are such an amazing man, it is an honor to be your author.

I will love you forever my faithful friend,


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Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:41 am
Leahweird says...

This is very entertaining! I think you've highlighted a lot of what we go through in the creative process. It's far too easy to get distracted and discouraged, until it seems like a character you loved working with really does pop up and day "Hey! Remember me? Where have you been?!"
Actually, after reading this, I really want to find out what kind of story Dezz goes with...

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Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:13 pm
paraperson says...

Hi there!

First, I wanted to say that I really enjoyed this. I mean, it pretty much shows just how intimate an author's relationship with his/her characters have to be. I love how Dezz shows his jealousy and even threatens to leave. And I can totally relate to your struggles with writing. "I've dropped the ball on my real writing and now I'm terrified I've lost what little talent I had. I am afraid to start again for fear of what has happened. Someone once told me trying to write after not doing so, is like learning to walk all over again. I'm afraid of falling and not being able to get back up again." This hit me a lot and I'm in love with it. It's just so honest and it just speaks to me so much.

Overall, this is an excellent piece. Honestly, I can't critique you much because this is a rather informal scrap of writing, kind of like a side-note to the story Dezz is from. Couldn't critique you anyway because I love this too much. I think it's great that you wrote something like this. Keep writing! Never quit!
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Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:33 am
Sachiko says...


This was so cute. xD As one of the other reviewers stated, it's a very informal piece of writing, and not really much for me to touch base on. The only thing I would touch on is punctuation, but you said please so I'll refrain. ;)

FROM: Blanch Nymh [ Shadysomething@authorsmail.com]
SENT: Saturday, October 22, 2011 10:00 PM
TO: Dezz [mailto: Hot-Jackal@charactersmail.com]
SUBJECT: Re: My job- Our relationship...

I loved the formatting you did for this. Usually most people stick to just To: and From: , but you added the extra mile and made it really look like it came from an actual email account. Very nice!

Such a perfectly useless review~ But hey, you asked, and I obliged! 8D

You should post more.

"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

"Behold ye babes of grammar: the goddess Sachiko. She does what she wants." -- Lauren2010

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— WaffleCat