
Young Writers Society

Book Review: By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

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189 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 398
Reviews: 189
Fri May 24, 2013 3:00 pm
manisha says...

I hope this isn't too long and is how a review is supposed to go.

Book: By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

Author : Paulo Coelho

I love Paulo Coelho’s works. I am not a very religious person and Coelho’s stories resonant religious views but when I read his words something deep inside me stirs, leaving behind a spiritual sense. I fell in love with his books from the day I read The Alchemist which is one of his most renowned works.
By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept is one such of his composition, written in his beautiful story-telling style and a poetic depth.


Start: Pilar, the protagonist is sitting on the banks of river Piedra and writing the story of her life. There is a legend that everything that falls into the waters of this river—leaves, insects, the feathers of birds—is transformed into the rocks that make the riverbed. Pilar wants to do just that with her heart and story.

Actual start of the story: Pilar goes to meet her childhood friend whom she hadn’t met in 12 years for he had invited her to attend a seminar of his. The name of the childhood friend isn’t mentioned anywhere. He is referred to as “childhood friend”, “friend” or “he”. Pilar is surprised at what his seminar is all about. He spoke like a true spiritual. He believed in the feminine face of God, referring to her as The Great Mother.

Next: He invited her to travel with him for a few days. Confesses his love for her. Pilar immediately brushes it off. She is not yet ready to fall in love for love brings sorrow. She also learns he is a kind of healer who heals people of their illness and his connection to the Goddess is too great and deep.

Then : he tries to teach her his method of spirituality. Pilar finds herself drawn to it. She attends a benediction which completely changes her look on life. She drops her false façade and decided to rejoice the child in her. She lets herself be loved and to love him fully.

Later: Pilar decides she will walk his path along with him and help him serve the people. When everything seems happy she learns that he had asked the goddess to take away his gift of healing so that he can devote his time and love for her. Pilar is horrified and runs away. She is found by a woman who tells her to write her story and throw it in the river as the legend said.

during one of the days Pilar was writing her story he finds her. She realizes his love was true and they could live their dreams in many ways.
“"I don't know. But the Goddess has always given me a second chance in life. And She is giving me that
with you. She will help me to find my path again." he said.
"Our path."
"Yes, ours."
He took my hands and lifted me to my feet.
"Go and get your things," he said. "Dreams mean work."”

My take/review: As always I enjoyed the book, reading every line again so that its profoundness is completely understood.
In not one page has Coelho mentioned the name of Pilar’s childhood friend and I think this adds to the exquisiteness of the story line. The childhood friend could be anyone.
Coelho weaves powerful thoughts in his story.
Phrases like have great meaning –
You have to take risks, he said. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow
the unexpected to happen.
If we are not reborn—if we cannot learn to look at life with the innocence and the enthusiasm of
childhood—it makes no sense to go on living.


Pilar :
• Dwells on her childhood memories.
• Reserved herself from love.
• Led a controlled life.
• Fast learner.
• Changed person.
• Accepts love.

The childhood friend:
• Traveler and very spiritual.
• Very profound.
• Has gift of healing.
• Loves truly.

Wrongs: However good Coelho’s writings are, I find his dialogues fail to reflect light on the mood or state of the character speaking them. Maybe this was done intentionally but it makes the reader wonder how exactly the character is expressing his words.

Yes, Coelho talks about magic and something beyond ordinary and it makes some of the readers uncomfortable. He tells us about happenings we don’t see in your daily life . He writes about things that many consider unreal and unethical. However, it would be wrong to limit our view of the world, a world in which we do not understand or can explain many things. Ultimately, what the writer wants to achieve is to put forward his take on the universe, and we can just absorb the parts we find acceptable.

My points : 9/10
If Novels are a bucket of imagination, Short story is a bucket of imagination made to fit a mug.

You must never give into despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.
— Uncle Iroh