
Young Writers Society

Squills 11/3-11/10/13

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Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:36 am
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SquillsBot says...

written by: megsug < PM: >

WARNING: a high Nano content can be found in this roundup!

November’s all about a rising word count, but @Audy has made a contest focused on the shorter the better. She talks about it here:

Simple. We want to inspire YOU to write the shortest poem you can! Easy, right? …Along with lack of word count, we will also more closely judge a poem on its merit. So be sure to trim the fat, and not the content!

Third place will get 100 points and one review, second place 300 points and three reviews, and first place gets 1000 points with five reviews. But this is not the best! Every participant gets a kitty! Am I being serious? Go check it out.

As if there aren’t enough. So, to add on to NaNo, The Short Poem Contest, and the Serial Challenge, here’s another for those of you who aren’t challenging yourselves yet. Or, for those who are taking on tons of challenges. I have to say, this one is pretty tough. @Sparktoflame will lay it out for you:

Simply, 30 reviews for 30 days!
It begins on Nov. 1st and finishes on the 30th!

Between 1,667 word counts, episodes, or when you need to back away from your poem before you trim it up a bit, write some reviews. At the end of the month, Sparky will be handing out some points to the best reviewers.

What month is it? Come on! What month is it? YES! That’s right! YWS Appreciation month! We’re celebrating YWS’ ninth birthday. How are we celebrating this? A thread. What do you put in this thread? @Lava lets us know:

Well, you can post just about anything from "I LOVE YWS"to "Got YWS" to why YWS means something to you.

We also accept:
- Pat Buchannan references
- Monkey art
- Any form of art
- Monkeys vs. Dragons comic strip
- Balloons and streamers
- Declaration of eternal love and gratitude to YWS
- GIFs
- Poetry
- Spoken word poetry
- Cake

I’m waiting for someone to bring the cake… Anyways, show YWS the love!

November is a stressful time, and Nano veterans know that it can be just a tad bit nerve-wracking to have to write without editing. @SparkToflame has your back:

I'm Spark, and I'll be talking about the fear of your novel not being good enough today.

First of all, you need to realize this is a first draft. It's also a first draft that's being written in thirty days.

She has a fantastic point there, and six more are waiting just for you. If you’re feeling a bit discouraged with your plot for Nano, check it out.

A new club has popped up, and it should be a smash hit! What’s it about? Why, what I said up top. Rewards. For what? Ahem… I can’t tell you that. Join the club. ;) There is a catch though. You have to be approved before you’re part of the club. @KittyCatMeow lists the requirements:

10 Reviews done
100 points (max) (50 point min) before joining (I NEED THE POINTS. Don't worry, I will keep a record.)
2 followers, 2 followings (friendliness)
4 wall posts at least
1 portfolio post

So go! Either fill out the requirements or sign up. Why wouldn’t you? Points as rewards for… things. I promise, they’re good things, and the main point of the sentence is points. So check out the club!
Last edited by SquillsBot on Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:41 am
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SquillsBot says...


written by SquillsBot < PM: >

We love to run articles and questions, but we also love to advertise for you. Let people know about your new blog, a poem or story you’re looking for reviews on, or a forum thread you’d like more traffic on through Squills’ Shameless Plugs. PM @SquillsBot with the exact formatting of your advertisement, contained in the following code.

Code: Select all
Place advertisement here. Make sure you include a title!

No Shameless Plugs this week folks! Be sure to send some in soon!
Last edited by SquillsBot on Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:45 am
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written by SquillsBot < PM: >

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Who knows anything about anyone, let alone themselves.
— Hank Green