
Young Writers Society

Raiden Storm: Universal Assassin

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Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:10 pm
AlucardXD says...

Over three-million years ago, seven sister planets were formed from combustive asteroids and meteorites, packed together by the pounding force from the sun and surrounding stars and shaped into the form of a miniature version of the Sun. They were spread out amongst billions of other planets, situated in each of the seven major galaxies, also known as the seven universal planes. Archangels were given direct orders by their superiors to watch over these planets, each inhabited by potential "super breeds". The Archangels thought this as the best opportunity to wager a bet: in three-and-a-half million years, the seven planets would finally be judged, and their sins placed into accountancy. If the species delegated to a specific planet were cloaked in such immoral sin, unaccountable and unforgivable to the Archangels, their planet would not suffice, and would ultimately perish and combust, much like the meteorites and asteroids that created them. Every thousand years soon became a signature event for the cruel Archangels: Judgement Day. Unbeknown to the seven species spread between these seven planets, they were pawns in a magnificent game of multi-galactic chess, directed solely by the seven Archangels, until the prophecy was written: a young human male would be the saviour of the universe as we know it, and the downfall of the Archangels...
His name was predicted to be Raiden Storm, the Universal Assassin, and a direct target for the wary Archangels. Many attempts to wipe his existence from the face of the universe have not sufficed, and still the boy lives...

I feel the blow to my stomach like a kick in the balls, and grimace. I am not getting my ass kicked again. I feel my jaw click out of place, and I grimace before realigning it to its correct position.
"Give it up, Dante." I growl, feeling blood running down the right side of my face. "It's not worth it-"
"Oh, but it is. I believe your face is a little...intact, no?"
"Well, I actually happen to like my face-" I snap back at him, and then Dante swipes his sword around, slicing down the left side of my face. I feel the warm, sticky blood flowing profusely down my jaw line, and I grimace once again, swinging my leg around to trip up my assailant. He catches my foot in his large hand, snarling inhumanly as he pushes me back. My knee slams back catching me on the wall of my chest and I groan painfully yet almost inaudibly, flying through the air backwards and smashing my back forcefully against the hard brick wall. The air whooshes from my lungs and I grunt defiantly as I push up to my feet, just as I see another attack flying. I dodge the fist aimed directly for my face, and Dante's fist slams into the wall. He growls, and then cracks his fingers, a gruesome sound. His fingers are drenched in his own blood and are more than likely broken on his left hand, and I wave sagaciously, turning and moving quickly. I never run from fights,but common sense prevails and in all my wisdom I know that Dante Harke is just lethal, and this is one fight I'm just not prepared for. Renowned for his sheer brutality and lack of remorse for his prey anyone whose anyone knows not to mess with Dante! just because he "has a reputation to uphold". He's like the main protagonist at Kaiyo Academy, the leader of just about every high school group, and it's all so cliched, too. I mean, Harke has never actually worked hard for anything in his life, he intentionally uses our first two hours of study-time every day to either sleep or hit on different girls around the academy. Even though it's little over two-million Yen a year to attend, Harke acts like it's nothing, just going for the duration. I hate his guts, putting it bluntly. And he's foreign, from England; that doesn't exactly add any "refresher" points, right? And no, I am not racist, I just strongly dislike foreigners.
"Hey, where the hell d'you think you're going, Storm?" I'm only half-Japanese, so my name isn't Asian like everyone else's.
I growl, turning quickly to face him, and his green eyes glare brightly as he grins sadistically.
"Sorry?" I try not to smirk, and Dante narrows his eyes, growling slightly.
"I said, where are you going?" His voice is a demeaning snarl, but I'm not very intimidated. This guy's all talk and fists, no morality or humanity. He doesn't know what he's getting himself into.
"What's it to you?" I can see the rage in his face, and he snarls again. How can people even do that? Is he even human? And then I feel a nervous laugh bubbling up inside me. No, don't be stupid...but that would be awesome, right?
"Uh, well, I am kind of superior-"
"Yes, so you are-"
"Do you want me to kick your ass again?!" He snaps, and I chuckle. Again? Why, you'd hardly inflicted any damage the last time, because these wounds are nothing. What I really do not grasp the concept of is why you carry a sword around with you." I fold my arms across my chest, yawning slightly. Piece of cake. This guy has no brains nor wit, he's toast, in a manner. I suppress a grin.
"I'll wipe the freakin' floor with you-"
"Tell me again, why do you carry such an item around with you? Is it of supreme sentimental value, or such? Because I-"
"Enough!" He advances towards me, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt as he snarls.
"I'd tell you, but you won't believe me if I did-"
"Oh, care to test that theory-"
"Enough! Stop acting like a spoilt little rich kid-"
"I am not!" I mock mortally-wounded, grinning lopsidedly.
"Well, stop it anyway! I'll tell you, then. I got this sword from the highest authority possible-"
"The FBI-"
"We're in Japan, dumb-ass! Listen. I was given this, told that I would find an otherwise worthy opponent when fighting with this sword. I'm told he's a young kid, still in middle-school, and he's supposed to be...well-"
"What? Supposed to be what?" I'm suddenly intrigued.
"Uh...nothing. He's nothing." He lets go of me, turning, and rests the sword on his shoulder. "Don't make me kick your ass again-"
"Yeah, I doubt that'll happen-"
"Shut up, Storm!" He growls, loping off, and I cock an eyebrow. I don't know what the hell he's about, but he sure is a psycho, that's for sure. One minute he's "kicking my ass", the next minute he's being exceptionally friendly and just walking off like nothing is wrong.
I shrug to myself, quickly moving across the large courtyard and into the main building. I'm probably late for class by now, but hopefully no one will mind, right?
I sigh to myself, shaking my head. Yes...sure. My parents will kill me during winter break if they find out they're paying two-million Yen a year for me to get into constant fights and be late for classes, and no doubt the teachers will mutter that to themselves when they hand me the dreaded red late-pass. I mean, why do schools such as Kaiyo Academy even hand out these things?
As I walk down the dimly-lit corridor, I see a flash of light, and I follow the path of light until my eyes rest on a young girl of around my age, teeth gritted and eyes blazing bright red. I blink in surprise, thinking that maybe I'm seeing things, but when I open my eyes and look back at her, I see that she's still red-eyed, and now angrily glaring at me. I'm suddenly confused. What did I do now?!
She stands up, and as she snarls inhumanly - much like Harke did only moments ago - I'm suddenly wary and more alert. Her skin suddenly looks almost red, and I now know that my eyes are definitely not deceiving me. She walks slowly towards me, her glare intent and demonic and also extremely inhuman, and she looks up at me in disgust.
"Human. What is your name?" Her accent is foreign, but I don't know anything about where it might have originated from.
"Why?" She growls, and reveals a blade in her right hand. I raise my eyebrows. "Raiden Storm."
"Then you are the Universal Assassin. Come-"
"What? Universal... Are you on drugs, or something? I mean, that's why your skin looks rather odd and your eyes are red, right? And growling? Can normal people even do that?" I think about Harke growling, and chuckle to myself. No, normal people certainly do not growl.
"We are but abnormal beings, then, yes? Come, you must see the-"
"I have class-" She growls again, and I blink in surprise.
"Well, now you do not. Come, or I will have no other choice but to use brutal force." She glares - try me, her eyes snarl - and I frown.
"I am not leaving-"
"Yes you are." She grabs me quickly, dragging me effortlessly with an inhumane strength down the corridor, her strength almost unreal, almost like an untrained and wild horse would drag a man by the reigns, her grip almost deadly. I try to pull away, scowling darkly.
"Hey! Let go of me!" I protest, but she just pulls me down towards the senior bathrooms, and I blink. "Why are we going into the bathroom-"
"We are not. We are going to my home planet, Diamorphia."
I gape. "What?! You're high, aren't you! They don't allow drugs in this school-"
"I am not a student here. I am not from Earth-"
"Shut up! You're high, aren't you! You must be on something! Diamorphia, my ass! Don't talk crap-"
"Just be quiet, human, and it will all make sense soon enough." She pushes me through the doorway to the senior boys' bathroom, and I tumble to the ground, but I don't hit the floor. I gasp as I slip through the floor, slipping into an infinite darkness, and then into a discomforting and confusing unconsciousness, one of which many questions arise, the majority concerning that strange girl, and the said "planet" Diamorphia.
Last edited by AlucardXD on Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 11
Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:21 pm
Vicky17 says...

Hello :D
I have to say I really liked your story especially the prologue at the beginning, I think it was very well written. I just wished you described the main character a bit more and the setting too. Otherwise it's pretty good, keep it up

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Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:48 am
NightWriter says...

Hey AlucardXD,

This bit (and I'm copying the whole thing, because, frankly, it's phenomenal) here blew me away:

Over three-million years ago, seven sister planets were formed from combustive asteroids and meteorites, packed together by the pounding force from the sun and surrounding stars and shaped into the form of a miniature version of the Sun. They were spread out amongst billions of other planets, situated in each of the seven major galaxies, also known as the seven universal planes. Archangels were given direct orders by their superiors to watch over these planets, each inhabited by potential "super breeds". The Archangels thought this as the best opportunity to wager a bet: in three-and-a-half million years, the seven planets would finally be judged, and their sins placed into accountancy. If the species delegated to a specific planet were cloaked in such immoral sin, unaccountable and unforgivable to the Archangels, their planet would not suffice, and would ultimately perish and combust, much like the meteorites and asteroids that created them. Every thousand years soon became a signature event for the cruel Archangels: Judgement Day. Unbeknown to the seven species spread between these seven planets, they were pawns in a magnificent game of multi-galactic chess, directed solely by the seven Archangels, until the prophecy was written: a young human male would be the saviour of the universe as we know it, and the downfall of the Archangels...

Okay, there is nothing I can say. I wish I was you right now. I don't write this genre often, but at the moment I wish I did. I read this and thought, 'Oh gosh, look at this guy."

Congratulations, I take my hat off to you.

NightWriter x
raised by wolves // brought up on words.

A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it.
— Roald Dahl