
Young Writers Society

KATANA: Chapter 3

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:43 am
specsbroodking says...

Shawn had been walking for hours. The sun was beating down on him, and it didn’t help that the sun that didn’t hit him was being reflected off the sand. He was just about to give up hope when he saw a roof in the distance. It’s just a mirage, he thought. It’ll go away soon. But as he kept walking, the roof kept getting bigger. Soon, he was able to see the whole house. A house in the middle of the desert?, he thought. Better go have a look. In spite of his tired body, he began to run toward the house.
But suddenly, he heard a humming noise coming from behind him. He would know that sound anywhere. A KATANAbot. He turned around and waited. Every second, the K-bot got closer, and the humming noise louder. He waited until the K-bot got right in front of him and ducked. It missed him by mere centimeters. Before the K-bot could alter its flight path, he smoothly pulled the katana on his back from its sheath and sliced the bot in half.
He picked up the camera that served as its eye and looked into it. “I hope you have something better than that.” He then threw it on the ground and smashed it with is foot.
Shawn looked up and saw a small family. “Hello? Do you understand English?” The man, presumably the father of the two small children, yelled out his reply in Japanese. Time to put that Japanese I learned in the compound to good use. “<Hello, sir!>”
“<Who are you?>”
“<My name is, uh, David. David Sapher.>”
The man, who didn’t seem to notice his slight hesitation, carried on the conversation. “<What are you doing out here?>”
“<I got kidnapped unfortunately.>”
“<Do you need help?>”
“<Yes, thank you. I am much obliged.>”
The man motioned for him to come inside. When Shawn made it inside, his nose was instantly grateful. After smelling sand for hours, even the simple stew on the stove smelled amazing. “<Dinner!>” the man’s wife said. She passed out the stew to the family and Shawn. Shawn, never one to complain about food, especially now, gratefully accepted it. “<Thank you.>” While eating, he spied a Yamaha motorcycle that seemed out of place in the simple house. He shrugged, thinking nothing of it.
Later that night, he lay awake on a bedroll that the family graciously lent him. Katherine betrayal was still fresh on his mind. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he was still, for some unknown reason, overtaken by guilt. But he knew he had to stay aware. He couldn’t let the feeling take over him. And with that thought fresh in his mind, Shawn fell asleep.
At dawn, Shawn woke up. It seemed like today might actually be a good day. The mother, who he knew as Mrs. Lao, was up and had already started on breakfast. The two boys and their father soon came in as well. About ten minutes later, they all sat down and began to eat. “<So, David, how was your, uh, trip to the, um, your friends house?” Mr. Lao asked.
“<Very bumpy. As one might imagine. It was all made worse by this terrible headache I had.>” Shawn replied slyly. “<How did you sleep?>” Mrs. Lao asked. “<Very we—” Shawn was cut off by the sound of glass breaking and Mr. Lao suddenly gasping. A throwing knife could clearly be seen in his back. Then, three more shatters, three more people dead. Shawn turned around and waited for the inevitable fifth shatter. When it came, Shawn caught the knife and quickly threw it back at his attacker. Seconds later, a distant grunt was heard. Shawn quickly geared up the Yamaha and sped off towards the grunt.
He was there in seconds. His attacker was on the ground. The word “KATANA” could clearly be seen on his left breast pocket. “Why did you kill those innocent people?” Shawn demanded. “They had outlived their usefulness.” the man calmly said. “Usefulness? They were working for KATANA?” Shawn said. “Where do you think they got that bike?” the man said.
Shawn bent down to grab a throwing knife from the man’s belt. “I should use this to kill you, but that wouldn’t make me any better than you, would it?” With that, he threw it down. It barely missed the man’s ear. Shawn geared up the bike and drove off towards the town he had been told of inside the compound.
Meanwhile, at the compound, Katherine and Ani sat alone in a conference room. “We trained him too well.” Katherine said. “He’s too good and too smart to be caught now.”
“Too smart? I wouldn’t say that.” Ani said. She pulled out a small device, which looked very much like a cell phone, and turned it on. A red blip could soon be seen on the screen. “What is that?” Katherine asked.
“Or more accurately, who. My dear, that little red dot is Shawn.”

** In comics, the signification for talking in a foreign language is the symbols '<' and '>'

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13 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1259
Reviews: 13
Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:15 pm
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Ad1la3tt3n says...

This was nice, but you should of probably made this a novel insted of multiple short stories. If you don't know how to do this go to "submit" and click "how to post a novel". Back to the story. Your story was well written except there were some punctuation problems. I wouldn't of noticed except i'm trying to fix my own. (Can you tell? lol!) anyway you've gotten me interested in the rest of you work so i'm gonna check it out. bye!
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I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good... then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor - such is my idea of happiness.
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