
Young Writers Society

Major Arcana (closed | started)

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Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:19 pm
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crossroads says...

The one by the name of Threnody deserves the credit as the person who originally stands behind the idea of this Storybook.

The Major Arcana. Though their origins have been largely forgotten, the people still portrayed on decks of Tarot cards today, are still alive...barely. There are only seven out of twenty-two of them left and they are being hunted down slowly by a force bent on destroying the world.

~The History

In the old days, the Major Arcana were twenty-two powerful immortals with world-shaping powers that kept the people of Earth in balance. They bore names like The Magician, The Tower, The Star, Justice, Death...and many more. Out of gratitude for their actions, the humans they protected placed their likeness on Tarot Cards. They weren't necessarily all good, and many would seek power beyond what they had. In the modern age, they have weakened and gone into hiding after Death, a former Arcana, turned on them and with a group called the Collective, comprised of (Judgement, The Devil, the Hanged Man, the Fool and The Hermit), have disrupted the balance of the planet, causing death and destruction in their wake and incapacitating the remaining Arcana who oppose them.
We are the last seven Arcana who survived. Drawn from your hiding by the Magician, whose lover the Empress was doomed by Death to eternal drowning in the bottom of Mariana's Trench, you have embarked on the near-impossible task of suppressing the power of the Collective, rescuing the other Arcana, and bringing balance to the world.
This storybook takes place in the modern time, with timeless characters who have witnessed and taken part in many major historical events. They are immortal but not invulnerable, as shown by the schism that wracked their group. The Magician has summoned the remaining members pf the Major Arcana to Venice, yet none of them expects what they will find waiting for them there..

~The Major Arcana:

The Star - @AriaAdams (I wonder if I'll get a notif for this)
The Moon - @niteowl
The High Priestess - @Aquestioning
Strength - @ERZA
Temperance - @ReisePiecey
Justice - @Dante
The Emperor - @Alvarin

~The Collective:

The Hanged Man
The Devil
The Fool
The Hermit


The Lovers
The Magician
The Tower
The Empress - @Shadowlight
The Hierophant - @Auxiira
The Chariot
Fortune - @Janika
The World
The Sun - @Iggy

There is one more slot open, and up for grabbing are the ones currently Incapacitated. The members of the Collective stay NPCs, as well as the remaining imprisoned members of the Major Arcana.
If the need arises, we can consider making getting one more slot open.
For all the details, check the DT, and please respect the general guidelines for the remaining characters, following.

Spoiler! :
The Lovers: Sophia and Rico. These two are so inseparable that they are one unit. They amplify emotions, romantic and otherwise and can alter alliances. They were turned to stone to imprison them after they attempted to dissolve the Collective.

The Tower: A fortress in which the Arcana based themselves. Sort of a Mt. Olympus deal, but it moves around depending on where it is directed to be. It's allegiance lies with the strongest alliance of Arcana.

The Empress: Her name is Cielle. She is a guardian of nature. Without her, nature becomes chaotic instead of harmonious. Currently she's captured by the Collective at the bottom of the ocean.

The Hierophant: Her name is Vidya. She inspires logic, reasoning, and understanding. She is a whiz with technology of any era and also very good at understanding how systems work. She's super intelligent. She sees the Major Arcana as being a logic puzzle and understands how each member fits into the balance. If she weren't ironically trapped in a labyrinth she would be of major help to the last 7. However, the labyrinth won't hold her forever. She is Justice's best friend.

The Chariot: A pretty awesome mode of transportation. It could also be time traveling machine.

Fortune: Her name is Fortuna. She's blind, She has the power, if she wants to, to be able to change one's destiny or fate. She can only do that, however by going into someone's mind, and the High Priestess is the only one who can do it in a way for her to use her power. She is always the one to think of any plan or anything, because opportunities are right up her alleyway.

The World: It's name is Asha and it is an androgenous, gender-neutral person who facilitates the cycles in the world. Asha can assist in completing all cycles as well as strengthens the bond between humans and the earth. The Emperor is the check to Asha's power. And as you can tell by freak hurricanes and global warming, Asha is indisposed, floating endlessly in orbit around the earth because without thrust in space, you go with the flow. There's irony for you.

The Sun: Her name is Aurora. She controls fire and light. She was the one who made the oh so wise decision to give humans fire. She can give inanimate objects a temporary "spark," life. Also makes people focus on practical and realistic things and allowing them to enjoy what is rather than focus on the past or worry about the future. She was the Star's closest friend, and they used to have a somewhat sibling-like relationship.

This Storybook is run by myself and Reise, so please PM either or both of us if you have any questions or suggestions - and don't forget, use the DT to reserve characters, ask questions and generally check in.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:22 am
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Sassafras says...

Uriah "Temperance"

If Judgement would have left his scales alone, Uriah would have never agreed to be a part of the Magician's little plan. Israfil had been interfering with his work, and Uriah needed to know why, and how he could get back at him - because revenge was the logical response to such a crime as sabotaging his work. He couldn't care any less about what the others were doing, or about the silly war that had started between them. Uriah was perfectly content in his solitude until Judgement came along, and he couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed that his two closest companions, Death and The Devil, had purposefully set Judgement against him - them going against him in such a way only confirmed the idea in Ri's head that he was better off alone.

When Oliver approached him in his temple, Uriah wasn't surprised at all. He knew something was going to happen between the Tarots sooner or later. Before Judgement started his attacks, Uriah heard of Death and The Devil speaking of mutiny and war. He didn't think much of their conversation, the two were not often looked at suspiciously when they voiced those type of thoughts. Not even when they invited him into their conversations did he begin to think anything bad of it. They usually invited him in on their little get-together's, and Uriah was more of a friend to the two than he was to many of the others. Never did he suspect them of actually attempting malice against the others, much less starting a war, but those things would be well up their ally and Uriah couldn't say he didn't see it coming.

He didn't really care once he first heard the news about the war, from Death's mouth himself. Uriah had not been in contact with the other Tarots for a long time, and didn't care what they were getting into. He simply wanted to be left to his own devices, but apparently that was too much to ask.

When Uriah walked into the meeting room there was no one else there, he figured that since he was not doing anything more important he had no reason to stall his arrival and showed up an hour or so early. So, to kill a bit of time, he found a quiet corner and set down to meditate. He wasn't excited for the meeting, to be honest. The Magician annoyed him with his lies and extravagance, and he didn't know who else would be in attendance, but he didn't have much of an opinion on the others anyway as he didn't spend time with any of them - and didn't care to.

Ri folded his long legs under him and sat against the wall. Already he regretted coming and no one was even there yet. He could find Judgement on his own and skip this whole fiasco. Uriah shook the idea out of his head and patiently waited for the first person to arrive.

He was only here to find Judgement, and that was all. He wouldn't stick around a second more.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:26 pm
Auxiira says...

Vidya - the Hierophant ~ a sort of day before the meeting

Labyrinths. I hated them. Nothing logical, nothing of a pattern about them. They were all different, and you couldn't collect information about one, and use it for another. Even if you knew ther person who had made the maze, how they thought, how they ticked, their mazes were still utterly unpredictable. I hated labyrinths. I hated people who made labyrinths.

Another dead end.

I shrieked and threw myself to the floor, crossing my legs angrily. How could one place have so many dead ends? It wasn't normal. I stared at the wall in front of me for any of the marks I had started to leave behind after a few decades. Nothing. Nothing at all.That didn't mean that I hadn't been by here before; I was pretty sure that the Labyrinth got rid of any marks I left. I had other suspicions about the Labyrinth. After all, there was no logical way that I could try every door I came to, and not find at least one exit.

I kicked the wall across from me repeatedly with the heel of my foot until my whole leg hurt. There was nothing rationnal about it. I hated Labyrinths. Hate didn't understand, hate didn't rationalise, hate didn't listen to logic. Hate went against everything that I stood for. I had never truly hated before. Before the Collective, before the maze, before the Break. I hadn't hated. Then the Break had come, and everything had gone wrong. The balance had been wreaked. We weren't made to be apart. In conflict maybe, but not separated.

I drummed my fingers against my leg, smiling slightly as I realised I was tapping out morse. The smile lessened when I realised what I was tapping. I'm lost. Help me. Find me. I punched the walk angrily. There was no point in such weak messages, especially when no one was around to hear. I hadn't seen anyone in a century, except for Lucifer, and he hadn't visited in a couple of decades.

"Are you sure about that?" a smooth voice filtered its way into my mind. I was used to it. It had appeared a few decades or so ago, and came about every week, I think. I had lost track of time, only counting the time by how old I felt, and that was hardly a measure. I wasn't sure who the voice was, but it sometimes seemed reassuring, sometimes terrifying. It had moods, so I was pretty sure that it was a human, but it had a logic, and a reasoning that was slightly skewed, but the only one I had. "Are you sure he hasn't visited? Didn't he visit just the other week?" I saw an image of the Devil in his usual smouldering clothes, talking, and watching, as usual, and it seemed a recent memory. It wasn't smudged, or blurry.

"So he did," I replied, out loud. "I must've forgotten." I added it to my events in my head. The voice was quiet, not unlike my own.

"When do you think we'll get out?" With the way it talked, I had come to believe that the voice was maybe very very small, and that I was the only one who could hear it. It was the only logical solution. It couldn't be anything else, according to what I knew. It could have been Lucifer, but I had immediately dismissed that idea. There was no reasoning behind it, just instinct, and instinct was dangerous.

"Shut up." I snapped, and the voice shut up. I hated labyrinths. I started drumming on my leg again, a nice rhythm that went well with an old blues song. I tried to think over the map I had created to see where I was, even though I was pretty sure that the walls moved around. There was no way one place could have so many dead ends. I could only find that the walls moved to block me. I couldn't remember the map. I sighed an took my laptop from its bag, opening it, and smiling at my screensaver, a picture if an owl. It hooted back.

"Hello, hello," I said, stroking the keyboard gently, pressing down certain keys as I went to enter my password. The computer liked to be stroked, and from the little charge I received through my fingertips. It was pretty happy today. I liked to talk to my laptop. It was such a happy device. I clicked on a little maze icon, and a sprawling map, with exclamation marks, and crosses, and doors, and little green and red lines cutting across it opened up. A little owl sat at the end of a line that I quickly turned red. "Not this one either," I muttered, frowning. "Puuty, when was the last feasible path?" A blue line quickly appeared, going back the way I'd came. "Thank you!" The owl hooted as I sprung back up and started down the corridor.


A hall of doors. The hall of doors. Or maybe it was one of many. I wasn't sure of anything any more. I was the Hierophant, I was meant to be sure. I frowned annoyed at myself. There was no point lingering on it, even if that was all I did here. Logic, reasoning, understanding. There was none of it here, and it was making me crazy. That much I knew. I needed things to relate to, events that made sense, puzzles that could be solved, not mazes that changed and moved around. I needed the other Arcana back. I wanted to see Natashia. I missed the world, and humans. I wanted to go back.

"You will get back." I sighed. The voice sometimes tried to be reassuring. I liked it.

"You don't understand. The Devil let me. I'm his counter, so he won't let me go." Normal, reasonable, simple. It was logical. I almost hummed. I loved logic. I loved music. They went well together.

"Have you tried just asking?" The voice seemed almost amused. I couldn't tell why. I wasn't sure I liked the voice.

"Of course I have," I snapped, glaring down the corridor, trying to choose a door. There were so many. Every year or so, I managed to get back here, and not necessarily through the door that I was sure I had come through. Normally, with the map, I should've been able to get back whenever I wanted, but I knew that the Labyrinth didn't work that way. I had had a portable computer since NASA had had one, and found out how to make my own mapmaking program. There were other programs on my computer, but my Mapper was my main one, the one that was always running. Even if it didn't help at all. It was my reassurance. Even if it didn't help, I still used it.

The voice had fallen silent, and I was wondering if it had left. I stared at the doors again. They seemed to have changed. Eyes, and waves, and stars, and chalices, and scales, and a sword, and an orb, and the cycles of the moon, and an infinity, and keys, and a sun, and a wheel of fortune, and a circlet, and the symbols of all of the Major Arcana littered the doors, mixing and moving, and swirling. I stared at them, for a few sconds, then turned away, scrubbing at my eyes. I wouldn't let the lonliness get to me. I wouldn't. There was no reason to be sad. None. I wanted to see Natashia.

There was a crash behind me, and smoke filled my end of the corridor. I stopped my tears and turned, clenching my fists. A thing stood behind me, wings spread, horns pointed, goats head and legs. I twitched.

"Lucifer, that appearance is ridiculous," I muttered, crossing my arms. My laptop was in my bag. I couldn't remember when I had put it there, but it was there. He smirked. It was strange seeing a goat smirk.

"Is it too illogical for you?" I stared at his bizarre body. There had been a time when I would've replied a categorical "yes", but now...

"Not really. The blood circulates fine. Wings are the remnants of your time as an angel." Angels don't exist. "The horns fit with the goat's head and legs. I assume they're a personal choice?" Don't make assumptions, unless based on facts.

"Indeed." He grinned wildly, then changed back to a human appearance. Slick black hair held back by a tie and burning red eyes through sunglasses. Smouldering clothes. He turned to the doors. "How do you like the decor?"

"You never did have any taste." I frowned as the symbols grouped together by Arcana. "And I don't want to see that." He glared at me and I flinched. He grinned.

"Demanding, aren't you?" Twenty doors disappeared in flames, leaving just two. Keys squirmed on one. A heptagram spun on itself on the other, never ending. "Shall we play a game, Vidya?"

"No. Your games are time-wasting and unreasonable." I turned to go, but there was no longer a passage.

"Vi-" I turned on him, desperate.

"Bring back the passage." I ordered. "Show me the door to get out. Please. You don't need to keep me here. I need to know what's happening. I can't stay here forever." The tears had spilled over, and I was sobbing like a child. He took his sunglasses off, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Do you want to play a game?" There was something significant about the question. His orbs burned, but nothing else did. It wasn't normal. It made my head hurt. "It ended well for you last time." He nodded to the bag. I clutched it tighter.

"And what would you have done if I had lost?" I asked in a trembling voice, sniffing. His eyes danced with an insane glee.

"Do you really want to know?" I shook my head. I really didn't. "Shall we play then?"

"...okay." I whispered, sitting down with my bag in my lap. "What are the rules?"

"You choose a door within two days. You loose, I'll take the computer back, for starters." I clutched it tighter. "You win, well... You win."
Last edited by Auxiira on Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:50 pm
KingLucifer says...

Natashia - The Justice

Nata was sitting in court watching the trial as she sipped on a bottle of Whiskey, attorneys going back and forth making there cases. It was a criminal case, Nata had already shot the defendant with her Karma beam, depending on his character would make all the difference in this. Nata was simply watching, no one could see her as she had her feet up sitting in the jury and simply not caring. She was Justice, her real name was Natashia, to the mortals she was invisible, unseeable, god-like. The jury was just now filing back into the courtroom and the fate of the defendant decided.

"Jury, have you reached a verdict?" the Judge asked.

"We have your honor," a white woman said standing up.

"Place tell us your verdict," the Judge asked.

"We, the Jury, here by find Mark Williams guilty of first degree murder, kidnapping, and rape," the white woman said.

"I hear by sentence Mark Williams to three counts of a life sentence without the possibility of parole." the judge took up that wooden hammer and brought down. The case was closed. Natashia could finally get the heck out of there, she checked my watch and Oliver had summoned her to Italy for a meeting. She was due for a flight to Italy.

She was now walking along the water front, enjoying the time she took to get here three days since the trial. She since haven't been summoned which was a rarity in itself, she had refilled her flask of whiskey and made her way to the place he had requested her to come. Nata toke a quick sip of Whiskey before placing it in my jacket in a hidden sleeve inside, Nata had just barely remembered to come to the meeting in Italy for Oliver, he wasn't in her highest favor mainly due to him and The Fool working so closely before. But that was past, this was now, now Oliver had told her there would be no alcohol at the meeting, knowing better than to lie to her or risk his karma biting him where it hurts, his wife.

Now she was at the place he had requested her to arrive at, she looked around and saw no one else around. She reached for the handle and turned it to step inside, inside there was only one person someone she associated with a lot in the past. Uriah - The Temperance, she hadn't seen him in forever did Oliver summon him here as well?

"Uriah, nice, to see the Collective haven't gotten to you," Natashia said.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:01 pm
Omni says...

Junon Papal - The High Priestess - 10 Months Ago

I felt the twinge a Hearth Stone untouched by me but still familiar enter my personal space, which was actually about 300 yards away from me at all areas.

Egypt. Cairo to be exact. This place was large, bustling, and almost always changing. It was the perfect hiding spot.

I loosely clenched my fist and looked around my building mentally. I knew almost everyone in the city, seeing as most had passed my building and had allowed me entrance into their Hearth Stones. But I rarely met any being with a Hearth Stone that I had touched before and had lost contact with. Arcana.

I stood up and left my room without shutting the door. Running down the stairs, I mentally avoided the Arcana, whoever they were, for they would immediately know about me, and attracted a crowd of people to block his or her path for one reason or another.

I exited the building to feel the impact of the hot, summer sun as I felt the Arcana's presence get closer, despite the crowd. Whoever they were, they must have been making a beeline to me.

I had to get a look of this person. Not knowing who you're dealing with is like going into a naval battle with a horse. It's not going to end well.

I wrapped most of my face as to not attract attention to myself and I crossed the street. I felt him even closer to me, and suddenly, an overwhelming sense of my body wanting to pull itself apart grew in me. They had finally come for me. This is my end. I finally had sight of the Arcana, and my heart skipped a beat. It was Death. Death had finally decided to find me, and he sent none other than himself to do it.

I reached out to his Hearth Stone with all my force to distract him, all the while forming a larger crowd who had apparently started watching a band play. He let me in without a fight, though. "I knew you would be here somewhere, Junon. Your mind games don't work on me anymore. I've been chatting with your friend, Una."

My dress shivered to black for a moment, and I knew in an instant that he had located me. I will not go out without a fight, I thought. For a moment, my mind thought of Una and for the first time in a century, my dress changed into Sea-Foam. For the first moment in a century, I was closer to her than I had been since we had went our different ways. But I knew what would happen if we would both be captured. "Poor Death, if only you could catch me. So close, yet so far away." I touched the Hearth Stone of a large man who was at the right place at the right time: right next to Death, watching the performance with a automatic-like joy. I entered his soul and began to quickly prod. "The man next to you just reminded you of a man that you had seen in bed with what you thought to be the love of your life. Your entire existence is now focused on killing this man at all costs. Do not let him get away from you."

The man frowned a bit, and then glanced to his left to see Death. He growled and picked up a piece of wood and pushed Death. Death, who had been so focused on finding me, had fallen to the ground and I felt him lose control of his Hearth Stone. As the huge man broke the piece of wood over Death's head, I invaded the deep and dangerous parts of his soul. It was darker than most, filled with the secrets he would kill people to keep it that way.

My energy was weakening, but if I wanted to make it out with my freedom still intact, I would have to fight. I felt my own Hearth Stone, an object I was extremely familiar with, but hadn't touched in a long while. I forced myself to leave my Stone and enter his. In a flash, my vision switched from my body to Death's, and out of the corner of his eye, I saw my body fall to the floor, arousing people near my body to help it. I felt my hold on his Stone waning, but I held on and attacked his soul. I reached the inner's of his memories and warped them, altering his mind and his deep, almost forgotten emotions.

I felt something twinge, and I forced Death to look over to my body once again. Someone was picking it up and left with it. I felt my grasp on Death's Hearth Stone leave, and everything went black.

To be continued...
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Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:37 am
niteowl says...

"So...here's the combo to the safe, all the paperwork for the cafe should be in there. If something needs my signature, forge it. You can handle basic readings, just tell people what they want to hear. Special clients, tell them I'm sorry, I don't care how important they are, I am on sabbatical and I'll get in touch with them when I come back." If I come back. I didn't need to tell Jackie that, though. I needed to believe this would work, despite the odds.

"How long will you be gone?"

"I'm not sure, but don't expect me for a couple months. I'll check in when I can, but don't try to contact me." It hurt not telling Jackie everything. I'd known her since she was a little girl, when I was trying to re-open the cafe and needed help and her mother Vicky was alone and broke. Over time, I'd entrusted Vicky with many secrets. She didn't know everything, but she knew more than most. Ten years ago, Death had taken her in a "car accident". Even in the afterlife, she must have known better than to speak of me. I wasn't sure Jackie could be so strong.

"Okay, Ms. Selena. May your journey be bright as the full moon on a clear night." I smiled at hearing Vicky's old expression. I embraced her and hoped it wouldn't be the last time.

Above the clouds, I stared at the twinkling lights moving too fast to be stars. Could Asha hear my thoughts, all the way up there? This must be how mortals felt about their gods, hoping to be heard but knowing there would be no response.

I got out the photos from my bag. The first, from the early 1900's in the ruins at Delphi, where Asha and I had made love for the first time centuries before. It ended up being the last time as well. The strain of trying to keep a fragmented Europe at peace was too much for the World. Asha could assume many identities at once, both male and female, young and old. Normally they could be maintained, but they started to blend together until Asha had no idea where or who he was. When Death took the Archduke, Asha followed, schizophrenic and defeated. Now he was somewhere up there, imprisoned in his own dream of connecting all of humanity.

The second photo had color, but it had faded to yellow long ago. It showed me with the Lovers indulging in the "Summer of Love". Sophia and Rico loved the 60's, how the world was changing at last for the better. They believed the boomers could actually do this, end wars and hasten the fall of the Collective. Of course, they forgot just how crafty the Devil could be. Now they were encased in stone, imprisoned in their desire for each other.

I got along with the other Arcana okay, but it just wasn't the same. We all had our alliances, even before the rise of the Collective. Now we'd have to unite, form a new team to take back those we held dear.


I walked into the meeting room. In one corner, Uriah was meditating. Wonder what Oliver had to do to yank him out of wherever the hell he's been hiding. I wished I could be so steady. Then again, life wouldn't be much fun all balanced. I greeted him but he merely grunted in response.

There was only one other Arcana, all perfectly monochromatic and reeking of booze. Great.

"Hello Natashia". I tried to be casual. Despite our differences, she was strong and clever at her best, and we needed a good dose of both right now.

"Selena. How nice to see you. Conned anyone into doing your dirty work lately?"

"Hey, I don't make people dream of dark things. I simply tell them where to go." That's the problem with black and white. Sometimes, you have to protect yourself and the result isn't always pretty. Natashia couldn't see that. Which is probably why she was drinking herself to death.

"Doesn't matter. You're still guilty." She was right. People died because one director threatened me. But now they know better, so all is well. Still, I don't ever want to do something like that again.

"Perhaps, but I survived, and now I'm here to help get our fellow Arcana back. That's all that matters."

Natashia was about to respond when someone else entered the door.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:58 pm
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crossroads says...

Jaime, the Star
I watched as the smoke rose from the cigarette, more playing with it between my fingers than actually smoking it. It was long and thin, dark black and with something written in silver letters around it. I stared at the smoke - the way it twirled, turned to shapes and seemed so alive against the dark sky, it was almost magical.
I smirked to myself, extinguishing it on the head of a stone statue next to me. You will really pay all your attention to anything just to distract yourself from what's really happening, won't you? With a small sigh, I shoved the cigarette into my pocket, not really caring if it'd get destroyed. I smoked that thing ten times in the last few days already. I could still feel it on my lips, though if I'd ask anyone else, they'd say I didn't even bring it to them.

There was nothing I could do, now like all the times before, to stop them from taking Oliver too. Over and over again, just like with Aurora, the Empress and all the others, I ended up defeated and running as I tried to interfere. I went back, waited for him, warned him before they even arrived. I set up traps and I tried to talk to them, but the only thing I managed to achieve was getting him killed - and I didn't want to see that happen again. So I just watched. Stood there, up on a building under the sky, and watched.
He was there, waiting for us, and then disappeared in a flash like he was never there at all. And I did nothing.

I sighed, observing as Selena arrived, hidden on my roof. When was the last time that I saw her, the last time she talked me into spending the night in her company even though I'd just stopped by for a cup of coffee or tea? Five years ago, ten? It could've been just a few months. I
remembered seeing her just yesterday, but I knew she had no memories of that. 
What am I even doing here?They can see for themselves that he's not there.

I turned away to leave, clenching my fists and closing my eyes as memories flashed through my head. All those years, even centuries ago, yet so clear in my mind.
Don't. Please, Jaime, stop it, there's nothing you can do. Save them - let me go.

"Oh, come on.. When was I ever the noble one? Or a real team player, for that matter?" I looked towards the setting sun and rubbed my temples. "...fine." One more time or a thousand more times, as if it even matters.

I took another deep breath to calm myself as I stood in front of the door, and then pushed them open. I didn't need to look up to know who was there - I'd seen them all walking in while I was lurking from high above.

"Hello to you too," I said, before either of them really greeted me. "Lovely to see you, now you can all go back home. I'm pretty sure Oliver isn't coming."

Glancing at all of them, I turned away to leave again, but stopped as I felt someone's hand touch my shoulder.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Oct 13, 2013 6:45 pm
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Iggy says...


Jaime abandoned you on that ship. He left you to die. He betrayed you. He laughed as he handed you over to Death. But you were okay with that, you liked it. You know you want to join us, Aurora..


Cruel, malicious chuckling bounced around the grimly walls of the well, ringing in the ears of the woman curled up in the corner. Her frail, bony hands moved to cup her ears, pressing into her skull, desperate to escape from Kesil's lies.

The laughter stopped and for a moment, Aurora thought herself at peace, slumping back against the wall and feeling her body start to relax.. and then something shimmered from across the small well floor.

Coolly staring at her was a handsome man, with dark hair that fell into his bright blue eyes and a cruel smile. He took a step forward and seemed to get pleasure out of Aurora clinging to her corner in fear.

"Hello, my beautiful Sun," he said happily.

"Leave, Fool." Aurora rasped. Normally, her voice was kind, melodic, bright as the sun and twice as warm. But after being trapped in this dark, cold well, six feet underground, for God knows how long, she was no longer radiant. She was skinny, frail, weak. Her once golden hair was now gritty and covered in soot, her dress in tatters, her body covered in bruises.

Kesil enjoyed the sight before him, laughing once more. "Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that. It's nearly time for your rejuvenation."

"N-no!" Aurora begged, but the man simply smirked and melted back into the darkness. The lid at the top of the well slowly creaked open and sunlight poured inside.

Aurora flinched away from the rays, killing herself in the process. Her sun. Her beautiful, wonderful sun, and yet she didn't want it. She couldn't bear to take it. But down in this well, there was nowhere to hide. It filled the space, bathing her, forcing her to absorb it.

It was a cycle. Everytime Aurora drew near the point of death, Kesil would bring her back by allowing the sun to heal her, then isolated her once more to almost die. Many times, he did this, and many times, Aurora begged for death. To which he questioned, death or Death?

Her skin shimmered, once again flawless. Her hair flew down her back in golden curls, her dress once again white and swishing around her legs, her form filling out, making her healthy again. It felt amazing, and Aurora's eyes closed, enjoying it, allowing herself to enjoy it..

And then the lid slammed down again and the darkness consumed her.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:22 pm
Auxiira says...

Vidya - the Hierophant

I stared at the doors with wide eyes, remembering the end of my conversation with Lucifer over a day ago.

"Just choose a door?" my voice came out as a squeak.
He hummed his acquiescence. "It's a fifty/fifty bet." I twitched. I didn't make bets and he knew it. "Have fun!" He smirked, and disappeared.

I didn't like Lucifer. The doors were transfixing me, the keys twirling, and the heptagon spinning. It was making me feel dizzy. Worse, I could almost feel Lucifer's eyes burning into me. It made me edgy. And I didn't know which door to choose. From preference, I would've chosen my door. But then Lucifer would be expecing that, so the right door to choose would probably be his. However, he would probably also have forseen that I would work that out, and so it would be my door. But then wouldn't he also understa-

"Aren't you overthinking it?" the voice chimed. I was surprised by its intervention. It normally left me to solve my own problems.

"I can't help it. It's who I am." I muttered, wrapping my arms around my knees after tucking my bag next to me. The voice was strange, and refused to accept that I could only accept logic with evidence.

"Haven't you made bets before in this place?" It was a stupid question. When had I ever made bets? They went against my nature. And you never knew the outco- My thought cut off with a shriek.

"How could I?!" I had. I had made bets at every turn, without even noticing it. Without even second guessing my choices. It felt like I was dragging my logic and reasoning across burning coals. I understood though. All too well.

"Is it that much of a tragedy?" the voice murmured, right next to my ear. I whipped my head around, trying to catch a glimpse, but it was gone with a chuckle.

Is it that much of a tragedy? Of course it was! I couldn't make bets. I couldn't. I couldn't change. It wasn't me to change. The Devil changed. He changed, and was as inconsistent as his moods. I didn't know anymore.

I stared at the doors again. I knew now. Logic and reasoning were worth nothing in this world. It made me cry to think that, but no tears fell. It seemed like my mind was in shreds.

I closed my eyes, still seeing the keys and the heptagon, spinning next to each other. My flimsy keys seemed so irrelevant. The key to knowledge. I had been called that at one point. The ruin of mankind too. Knowing too much could hurt humans, so fragile. It was better for them to live in ignorance. Somewhere in my mind, I was screaming.

The two doors disappeared, leaving just one, plain wood, in their place. I stared at it for a few seconds. Was this another trap? I couldn't know. I stood shakily, clutching to my bag as if it was a piece of flotsam in a storm and approached the door. Nothing jumped out. Nothing attacked me. I opened the door and stepped through. Nothing jumped out. Nothing attacked me.

The sun shone, and for the first time in a century, it was Earth's sun. It was Aurora's sun. I froze. I didn't know what to feel. Lucifer appeared next to me.

"The third door was genius, wasn't it?" I nodded. I didn't know any words. I stared at him with wide eyes. It couldn't be this easy. He wouldn't just let me go like this. It was another trick, another way to hurt me. Take me to where I wanted to be the most, then take me back to the Labyrinth.

"I'm not taking you back, you know. We have another occupant for the Labyrinth now. And we're done with you." I couldn't absorb his words. I was free? He was talking about the Collective, that I understood. Couldn't we all just talk it out? Lucifer had his sunglasses on.

"We'll probably meet again soon." He nodded, then disappeared. The sight of The Biblioteca Marciana replaced him. Library. My centres of knowledge. They had been my idea, so that people could learn about everything they wanted. This library, the building that was, had been standing for over... I didn't know. Was it in 1546 that the work had finished, or was it 1588? There was a 1553 in there as well. I couldn't remember. I didn't even know what year it was that I was in. How long had I truly been in the Labyrinth?

The people walking past didn't wear the clothes I was used to, and some were carrying small objects in their hands. I wanted to know. I reached out and grabbed the wrist of a passing girl. She gasped, then stared at me, before running off without a word, tears spilling down her cheeks. I had felt the small buzz of energy. I hadn't wanted to give her knowledge. I couldn't control it. I didn't have control over anything. I cried, and the tears fell this time.

Spoiler! :
So yeah, Vi's in Venice and during the meeting. She hasn't received the summons, she's not reigning in her presence, so the Arcana will probably feel her arrival, her power is completely out of control, meaning that if anyone touches her, they get the whole *weird knowledge input* experience, and she's completely overwhelmed. Have fun. ^^
Ps sorry for the maybe long post
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:01 pm
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Alvarin says...

Spoiler! :
”Don't make it too simple. Don't make him save her in one paragraph,” Aria said.. Well, okay then.

Alrik - The Emperor
I had been waiting for so long that I had almost gotten used to it. Waiting, preparing, pretending and constantly sucking up to that bastard. Now I had it, a way to break the barrier cast around my sister, the only thing that had kept me from saving her from her watery grave. I was finally going to get her back, the only one that meant something to me, the only one who could possibly understand me. Without her the world was empty. The days passed by in a haze, grey and dull, with nothing to define them, with a stone in my chest constantly weighing me down.. But I had fooled him with my act and my pleasantries, it had taken me centuries, but I had done it. Now all that remained was to get down to that cave, hidden deep within the ocean, where she was waiting for me to come rescue her.

Tokyo was the perfect city for me. It was big, wonderfully crowded and my place even had a view off the ocean. The ocean and the harbour. With the Yakuza at my disposal it hadn’t been hard to locate the harbourmaster - or whatever they were called these days - and take control of him as well. In a few hours a small ship would arrive as part of a scientific expedition out to the pacific, and onto it a submersible would be loaded. I couldn’t have gotten a better set up had I asked for it. It would no doubt be unpleasant to venture so far down with only one human to accompany me, but it couldn’t be helped. I wanted my sister back, so I was going to get her.

"Master, your car is ready."

I turned away from the window to look at the exotic flower who stood before me. Her pitch black hair flowed down to her waist, and her eyes were so dark they almost looked black as well. Beautiful and completely devoted to me, but nothing compared to my sister. She was the only one who understood me, and who truly cared for me. I needed her back with me, needed her more than any toy I had ever had. I waved my hand lazily at the Japanese girl, gesturing for her to go away, and then I pulled my jacket on and headed to the elevator. Soon we'll be together again, little sister. Nature and man, like we're supposed to.

The drive to the harbour only took a few minutes, and the boat was already ready to leave when I got there, so all I had to do was walk on board, making the scientists and the crew simply forget they had seen me. I didn't like boats, nor small spaces with too little people, but I'd have to endure it, knowing that it was well worth the trouble. If Death had done anything to my sister, I'd kill him. I'd kill Death.. I'd kill him anyway, just because he took her in the first place. I'll kill all of them.

The boat took off. While I waited below deck I explored the minds of the people on board, without taking any more control than I needed to. They still needed to be able to think for themselves, and to use their own abilities, since I needed them to be able to steer both the boat and the submersible. I knew how to sail, but had never bothered to learn how these modern motor ships worked, and I didn't really need to know it. I didn't need to know anything, I could just make someone else do whatever it was for me, but it was inevitable that I picked up quite a few things over the years, and I didn't want to be like any of those other idiots just because I was powerful enough to get by anyway. Like I could ever be anything other than extraordinary. I chuckled and leaned against the back of the chair I was sitting on, closing my eyes as I let my thoughts drift away. It'd take a while before we reached the coordinates I had made the captain steer towards, and I figured I might as well sleep until then. Soon.


I couldn't quite sleep, I was too exited to, but at least felt a bit more alert when one of the crew members informed me that they had reached the correct coordinates and were going to lower the submersible into the water in a few minutes. I walked up on deck and took one of the scientists' place in the submersible, and when the latch closed above it was only me and the one who was supposed to guide it into the underwater cave that Death had told me about. He had always teased, he and the others, of how even if got down there I could never get passed the barrier that shielded her of from the rest of the world. Until that idiot told me what I needed to break it. I looked down at the hilt sticking out of my backpack. Natashia's blade. It would work like a key, giving me access to the cave. I wasn't sure if it was the headache my attempt to control Death had caused, or if he simply didn't believe that I could find the sword, but he had told me about it, told me how the spell worked with a confident grin. Idiot. I doubted he'd ever underestimate me again.

The submersible was slowly lowered down, and shook slightly as it was detached from the devise holding it. I swallowed, forcing myself to calm down. I didn't like this at all. If anything went wrong down there, when the people on the boat was out of reach, I'd die right after the scientist did. I hated only having control over one person. It made me almost mortal, almost weak. I didn't like feeling like that, like I was just a common human when I clearly was so much more than any of them.. Than all of them.

Despite the strong headlights I could barely see anything, but at least the scientist seemed to know what he was doing.. Though it still took about half an hour of slow descending before he pointed to what apparently was the underwater cliff that the cave was located below, and then another half hour before he had found the opening in it. By the time the latch above us finally opened again I was about ready to start clawing at the walls, and I got out as soon as I could. I wanted to see her, to talk to her, hold her. If she wasn't there then it had all been for nothing. Death wasn't intelligent enough to trick someone like me, but he could've moved her when he realized his mistake. I leaped over to the closest cliff, and made the scientist toss me a flashlight. The cave stretched on into the darkness until it seemed to disappear, the floor and ceiling was covered with stalagmites and stalactites. When I sighed it echoed against the rock walls, and I realized that finding her might take a bit longer than I had though. Though as I started walking I soon spotted her lifeless body on an altar of coral and pearls. Fool. Doesn't he know I can give her something a thousand times more beautiful if I wanted to? A pang of joy hit me with a force I hadn't felt in a very long time, if ever. I hadn't quite realized until now just how much I had missed her.

“Demi?” I called, but she didn't move. I took a few more steps before my flashlight hit something much like a glass wall. With a snicker I brought out the blade, simply slicing through the barrier and stepping through. This is almost too easy.

I approached, gently letting the tips of my fingers touch her skin. The ancient dress looked perfect on her, so much so that it almost seemed a shame that she'd have to wear modern clothes from now on.. But at least she'd be with me, by my side. “Wake up, little sister. You're free now.” I frowned when she didn't react. Was this another spell? Another spell Death had told me nothing about. No, she'll wake up soon.. It might just take her a while. I suddenly remembered those many fairytales, where the prince would wake the princess with a true-love's-kiss. Slowly I bent down, brushing my lips against hers for a second. She didn't stir, but the colour of her skin seemed to deepen slightly. “When you wake up you will be far from this horrible place.” With those words I picked her up and carried her back to the submersible. I'd take her back to my penthouse in Tokyo and wait for her to wake up, and when she did I'd take revenge on everyone in the Collective.. Starting with Death.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:14 pm
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ERZA says...

Kratos, strength

Finally I am here. Venice, here I come. A light chuckle escaps from my. Lips as I take in the sight of this beautiful place from a gondola. I am not a fan of boats but this time I will ignore them. This place looks so developeed and well...modern but I cannot help but like the ancient touches this place bears. After passing from under five or six bridges I simply got bored. Getting off I thanked the boatman. "Thanks, Bill" "But..I am not Bill" he says. I gave a light smile and asked him " I can call you that now can't I?" His eyes softened and he said "Of course you can! Now get going lad." I smile at his reaction and set off to explore. I am bad at names and I can't be bothered by it.

A feel a slight stirring in my mind- a sign that they are here...not all of them but some of them are here. One day is still left for the meeting. In the meantime I begin my search for shelter to spend the night and after an hour bingo! I found it. A small hotel stood in the corner of the street which looked cheap. So I went in. The owner who was a sly looking old man, gave an oily smile as soon as I stood infront of him. "Hi there young boy. Do you need a place to stay for the night? I could help you." He says. I know where this is going and thats why.."whats the catch?" I ask him directly. He mutters something about me being too smart for my own good and tells me that he won't be giving any discounts since the lift is out of order and that he needs to earn more to repair the lift and renovate the hotel a bit. Aha! thats my cue. "I will repair your lift but I want to spend the night here and have my supper and tomorrow's breakfast.free of charge. We shall not pay anything to each other". "Are you kidding!! Kid this is not some joke! Go to your parents if you don't want me to tell you off!" His face was red with fury. Thank goodness he was not shouting. I meekly replied "But sir..I am a mechanic and I have fixed lifts before." Anyone believes or not he smiled! "Oh! My apologies. Come this way."

~~next morning- meeting day, ten O clock~~

The sun is too bright today...I am roaming these couple of streets in search of a decent coffee shop and none of them look that friendly. I could have easily found out the meeting plcae but I am avoiding going there and meeting the arcanas for some unknown reason. Suddenly I find myself in a new unfamiliar street. A few metres ahead I found a coffee shop and praying that they serve muffins as well, I went towards it. I was filled with a sudden nausea as I was about to open the door to the little cafe. Someone is high on their power. And that arcana is nearby! A chill goes down my spine as numerous questions arise in my my mind among them..could it be an enemy? makes me worried the most. I decide that right now all that can wait.

I enter the shop and the smell of warm coffee and freshly baked cookies hit my nostrils. I smile in content an went to sit in an unoccupied corner table. I can still sense the unstable arcana and for sometime I decide to ignore my radar. After sometime a waitress comes to take my order. "Good day. I will be serving you today please place your orders. Heres the menu." She waits for me as I scan the menu. When I look up she smiles at me and looks away when I smile back. Strange... "I will have some coffee with double cream and some blueberry muffins. Thank you" She giggles lightly and after saying a 'I will be right back', goes away to the counter with a slight spring in her steps. I finger my cloak that is right now neatly folded on my lap. The bell by the door rings as someone enters the shop. Without knowing I whip my head towards the door with my eyes already wide. Junon Papal, one of the arcana was standing on the entrance and she was staring at me.
Always and Never are two words to always remember never to use.

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Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:20 pm
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Sassafras says...

Uriah - Temperance

“Uriah, nice to see the Collective haven't gotten to you.”

Uriah cracked open one of his eyes and saw Natashia standing in front of him. Honestly, it was nice to see another familiar face, it provided at least a little comfort since he knew he'd have to be dealing with the Magician later. Just the thought furrowed his eyebrows and turned his mouth into a small frown.

“I highly doubt they would try something so foolish. Even their recent act of sabotage against me..."

He trailed off and looked at the ground. It was hard for him at first to accept that the decision to act against him was probably approved by Death and The Devil. He couldn't help but to feel a slight sting of betrayal even now. He didn't want to speak about it so soon and cursed his mouth from moving without thought. He cleared his throat and unfolded his long legs, opting to relax back against the wall.

"Anyway, the odds of them trying to capture me are slim. It would be an idiot's move. And it is... nice to see that you have evaded their grasps also."

He said that truthfully. She was the only other person that he could stand being around that he knew was safe. The Devil and Death have turned their backs to him, and Fortune had been out of contact for a while. He would care if Justice too was in danger.

"So how did the Magician manage to drag you here?"

"I have my own reasons."

She seemed to accept that, and they were falling into a comfortable silence when the door to the room opened and Jaime came walking in. Uriah hardly recognized him. He hadn't seen the boy since... well he couldn't really remember when. The two Tarots rarely crossed paths, and that worked in The Star's favor as Uriah didn't really have an opinion on him yet. With Temperance, it was better that he have no prior opinion on your character. First impressions were the only ones he would judge you by, as that typically showed a person's true character. It was better to not mess that up.

"Hello to you too," he said. "Lovely to see you, now you can all go back home. I'm pretty sure Oliver isn't coming."

Uriah's face twisted into a frown and, as Jaime turned to leave, he was already up and across the room, one hand on his shoulder. Bad first impression. Giving up before attempt does not even give chance for success. He thought that was something everyone knew. Jaime turned around and stared up at Ri's blank face.

"Why did you come if only to leave? I do not appreciate my time being occupied by persons of such low conviction. Your negative attitude is affecting my energy."

He studied the Star's face before stepping back and sighing. Even though he did not know Jaime, he could tell he'd changed and he didn't like it at all. Jaime's internal scales were all screwed, and Uriah could sense it. It made him physically sick to be around someone of such drastic imbalance. He distanced himself further.

"How about we all just sit and wait for the others," Natashia offered as she stepped up to the two and laid a gentle hand on Uriah's arm.

He nodded in agreement and returned to his corner. He was starting to regret his choice of coming. He could have dealt with Judgement himself. He didn't need these people. Uriah sighed and starred, from a safe distance, at Jaime as he settled down reluctantly into a chair. He'd have to watch that one. His mental state was dangerous. He cut his eyes towards Natashia and realized that she too would have to be watched.

He'd surrounded himself with a bunch of ticking time bombs and could only hope this would be a quick ordeal. He didn't want to spend another minute here.

Spoiler! :
So sorry this is sucky but we have to move the day forward.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:43 am
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Iggy says...


"I bet you're hungry. Aren't you, Aurora? When was it since you ate? Wasn't it three days ago?"

"Piss off." Aurora hissed, dirty hair falling into her face, head leaning against the slimy wall.

Kesil smirked at her from across the space, then made his way over to her. He knelt down and brushed her hair off her face, then slowly stroked her cheek. Aurora quickly yanked away from him, making his blue eyes harden.

He forced a smile and then forced her to look at him. "You're so very pretty, Aurora. Don't you miss your sunshine? Or the fresh air? I can give that to you. Death can give that to you. All we ask is you join us. Why are you even fighting for someone who abandoned you? I don't see Jaime trying to save you-"

"Shut up."

"- no he's happily sitting on his ass with the Major Arcana, plotting ways to save the others. But you? No one cares about the Sun. You'll be the last they save, if at all. I bet they don't even think about you-"

"Kesil, I'm warning you-"

"- Jaime's replaced you by now. He doesn't even care anymore, and why should he? He gave you over to us, just like that-"

"Shut up!"

Aurora's hands flew up and, with sudden strength, she shoved him away from her. Hard. He slammed into the opposite call and crumpled, unconscious. But only for a second.

Aurora panicked. She quickly jumped up and circled the well bottom, heart racing. How did she do that? She was impossibly weak earlier, fatigued and in desperate need of food, not to mention the sun. She was withering away, and then she suddenly drew energy from nowhere..

Or did she? Glancing up, Aurora saw that the well wasn't shut all the way. A small sliver of sunshine had been leaking inside. Aurora hurried forward and stretched out, placing her hand in the ray and absorbing it, until she was strong enough to focus her power on the well top, trying to move it further open.

It barely budged. She was panting, incredibly out of touch. She had forgotten how to do this. She was going to die down here.

Stop that! Get it together, Sun. Aurora snapped at herself, then squared her shoulders and tried again.

The top scooted back and more sunshine flooded in.

Autora greedily absorbed it.

Kesil started to stir.

She panicked. She had enough power to throw a message out to Jaime, via the sunlight, to travel and deliver it to him. Then she used the rest of her powers to shut the well top and cowered in the corner as Kesil slowly rose, fists clenched.


The sunlight travelled the four winds until it reached Jaime, drifting down to shine in his ear and deliver the message.

I'm alive. Kesil has me. Please. Please save me.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:00 pm
Shadowlight says...


It was a beautiful place, trees rustled gently in a warm breeze, flowers nodded sleepily as the bees droned on, busy about their work. All of it was so bright, so happy- but yet darkness hung in the shadows more than seemed real. I looked about, yes, the shadows were like black voids. I shivered, suddenly cold. Something was not right- I could feel it, something hadn't been right since I came to this place. I wandered towards the shadow, the darkest one that lay beneath a massive yew tree, it's trunk gnarled and scared, twisting and writhing as if in pain. I laid my hand on the rough bark, and was suddenly aware I wasn't alone in this place, this dream- the darkness in the shadows was deeper here, it had a form here under this Yew.

"who's there?" I asked, fear suddenly clutching at my heart,

"Do not be afraid Demhara, it is only me..." Death had come again to me, I stepped back out of the shadows trying to see him-but his magic was far stronger than mine in this place. "Please Demhara, I don't mean you any harm- I would never harm you... you're so beautiful."

His words felt like icy knives into my heart. He slowly stepped out of the shadows, revealed to me in the light of this place. He was terrifying. Tall and powerfully built- swathed in his black shroud like robes, and emotionless white mask. Slowly he lifted a bandage bound hand and arm to his face and pulled his mask away.

"Demhara, Demi Please..." His voice was soft, almost gentle, "Please don't be afraid, I can't stand anything but your fear." He moved closer, his pale face and dark eyes troubled, locks of his dark hair falling across his forehead. I might even thought him handsome, but not now, not like this. "Demhara I love you, please try to understand. Ever since I set my eyes upon you I have," He reached for me and I recoiled,

"S-stay back- don't touch me!" He looked stricken for a moment, like my words actually had weight with him. "I don't love you- I won't love you! Let me go- why won't you let me go?! Why leave me in this place?"

"Aren't you happy here?" He asked, honestly looking concerned, "I made this place just for you, I made it beautiful for you..." I shook my head,

"No, I miss my brother, I miss my friends- I want to go home!" I began to weep, covering my face with my hands as my heart broke again. It was always like this. He was always here, always watching me. This place wasn't real, it was some spell of his, a prison. I sobbed all the harder, falling to the ground.

"Demhara..." I felt him lay a hand on my shoulder, voice gentle, almost soothing, "Please don't cry. Please..." I pushed him away,

"Leave me alone!" He brushed my hair back from my face,

"I can't do that, I love-" Suddenly the sun in my prison died, darkness loomed like a tidal wave and a great crack appeared in the fabric of the spell- light and air of a different kind streamed in. The trees vanished with screams like that of dying souls and the flowers withered to dust.

"No!" Death cried, rushing towards the rend, "No!" His voice was no longer gentle, it was a roar of a furious beast- his magic suddenly flared with such force it knocked me backwards. "I won't let her go! she's mine! she's mine!" He screamed, clawing at the shreds of his spell. And then, everything was dark.

Warmth enveloped me, softness, gentle darkness, I stirred slightly and heard the rustle of sheets. Slowly I became aware of my surroundings. Silk sheets, down pillows, a dull unexplainable sound, an arm around my waist...an arm?

I bolted up floundering in the sea of silk and blankets and tumbled from the bed,

"Demi!" I heard a voice cry and as I struggled to open my eyes- they seemed weighted- someone scooped me up into his arms. "Demi it's alright- it's me- It's Alrick, it's Allie...." My eyes flew open and I stared up into my beloved brothers dear face. His dark hair was shorter then I remember, and he wore strange clothes but it was Alrik. I clung weakly to him, bursting into tears,

"You came! Oh I knew you'd save me!" His strong arms tightened about my and I felt safe, nestled against him like this,

"I will always come for you Demi. I won't ever leave you."
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:21 pm
Omni says...

Junon Papal – The High Priestess – 10 months ago

I smelled roses and some mixture of lavender and honeysuckle. Even with my muted sense of smell, I could clearly decipher them. I tried to open my eyes, but something prevented me from opening them.

I mentally reached out and sensed the area, feeling for any being around me. I touched a small Hearth Stone, but it felt somehow . . . different. It was a small rabbit, running around in what seemed like grass. I entered her Stone and forced myself to look through the rabbit’s eyes.

I could tell something was off. The Stone was almost empty, like it had just come to life, its memories mixed with ones it had made and something else, like a mixture of something from this world and something from . . . something else. It felt hollow, like it wasn’t real.

Then I remembered the events that led me to this. Someone picked my body up and carried me away from Death. Who was it? A member of the Collective? Wouldn’t I be brought towards Death if that was the case, though? Maybe they wanted to sever the connection between Death’s Hearth Stone and myself. Maybe it was another member of the Arcana? The though dwelled in my head for a moment. It could have been possible. All of the commotion had distracted me from noticing any other major Hearth Stone, so it could have been friend or foe. The third possibility was that it was just a stranger who had been persuaded to take me out of harm’s way.

Where am I now, though? I had the rabbit hop around me to see what was covering my eyes. Although the vision of the rabbit was blurry, it suddenly cleared up upon reaching my eyes. I gasped, my thoughts reverberating through the rabbit, making her jump around in fright. My eyes were covered by something dark and shiny, but I could see fractures all around the black mass. The mass itself seemed to be living off of me, thriving off of my life.

I wanted to scream, but my face wouldn’t allow it. I wanted to get up, but my body was too weak. The rabbit sensed my anguish and chimed a sad sound. I forced the rabbit to turn around and scanned my surroundings. It wasn’t much (either due to the horrible vision the rabbit had or just the surroundings). For some reason, I felt so much worse compared to when I faced Death. It seemed like he was here with me in spirit, persuading me with subtle hints to come to his lair, to his domain. Maybe it was his plan to do this, and this was his way of capturing and slowly breaking me down. Maybe he’s already taken me and it was just a matter of time before I realized it.

I had the rabbit lay down as I viewed my body. I had done things like this before, but to know that I was slowly dying and there was nothing I could do about it frightened me to no end.

“It was hard, Priestess, but you are most certainly not dying,” a large voice rumbled through the rabbit’s Hearth Stone. It was strangely familiar, yet it seemed to change frequently. It was like a memory that was just out of my reach. “I will wake you soon, Junon, we have business to discuss.”

I struggled to reach my Hearth Stone again. The image came to me as soon as I had left the rabbit’s Stone, like a wave crashing on a shore. It was the same image of the person picking my body up from before. However, it was clear who it was, like a veil had been lifted from his body.


Spoiler! :
I swear I will make another post really soon to finish this up and get to the meeting!
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so many languages have fallen / off of the edge of the world / into the dragon's mouth.
— Lucille Clifton