
Young Writers Society

'Armies of the Gods'-(Started/Open)

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:23 am
Dreamery says...

This is the first Storybook I've made, or even participated in. At first, this concept was meant for a text Roleplay between some of my friends and I. However, not all of them wanted that concept. So, I bring it to you here. I hope you like it and decide to join.

Spoiler! :
The year is 2095 and the human race is very technologically advanced, able to achieve what was once considered "impossible." Things like the sort of spacecraft you'd see in Sci-Fi movies, and new weapons based around the concept of concentrated lights and lasers, etc. However, with these new inventions came trouble. Twentieth century problems arose in new forms; like arms races and space races. The threat of nuclear war was likely. It was a tense atmosphere between nations. So, it happened. It began; a new World War, World War III.

After the nuclear war, the various cities and towns strewn across the world were decimated. Very few of them stood intact. However, many government officials were safe, being contained in missile bunkers equipped with weapons and provisions. When they met together, the rage still present in their minds, they decided on peace. They didn't need any more war damaging both their physical and infrastructural statuses. So, they formed The Council.

The Council was a large group of world leaders, thirty in counting, that met to discuss world issues and to decide what they'd do about said issues. The thirty that were chosen were the best of the world's ambassadors and delegates. Their central building was situated in a comfortable position in England. A mistake made in the choosing of The Council was the fact that most of the delegates were very conservative in religion, which nearly half of the trivial issues they dealt with were based upon.

To avoid any more religious disputes, The Council decided to form their own, universal religion, called Techklid. The reason it was called "Techklid," or, rather, the reason for the "Tech" part was because the entire world was based around technology, so, they decided, that the religion must be the same. So, became Techklid. They even had six Gods. The so-called 'Gods' were merely humans given robotic suits to make their attributes, such as strength and speed heightened. They were, also, immortal, as they were given a pill that only they and The Council had access to. The pill kept their physical and mental bodies from aging. The 'Gods' were permitted to recruit and use armies, with a limit of three. Once the three armies, or factions were created, the Guardians, the Paladins and the Redeemers, the six 'Gods' chose a faction, two for each.

Each faction had a large amount of strength, and a large amount of troops and weaponry. They all, however, had a similar goal in mind. Domination. They all had plans to take over the universe, being corrupted by the power that they were granted. They were all fighting over the same planets, as they had colossal spacecraft and specialized suits that could be used on any planet, in any atmosphere, and refused to find compromise. A war sparked between the three factions. Many decades passed, and the war dragged on. People killing people. Brothers killing brothers. It was a horrible war.

But it had to be done.

The Factions:
Spoiler! :
The Guardians:
The Guardians are a defensive faction, who attack only when they, themselves, are attacked. They focus their training on tactics and stealth. Their capital ship is named The Endeavor. Their flag is a shield brimmed with light on a blue background.

The Paladins:
The Paladins are an offensive faction, who attack first under most circumstances.They focus their training on brutality and mercilessness. Their capital ship is named The Savior. Their flag are cross-swords on a red background.

The Redeemers:
The Redeemers are an unpredictable faction. They may be offensive on one day, and offensive on another. They focus their training on weaponry and accuracy. Their capital ship is named The Hero. Their flag is a diagonally tilted sword behind a large shield.

Available spots:
Spoiler! :
I'm being preemptive with the large number of spots. :D

-John "Racer" Moore(Guardians) (ddman18)
-Genesis "Goddess of Hell" Murilo(Redeemers) (LoyalHeart)
-Guidu Clase(Guardians) (VeerenVKS)
-Ariannis(Redeemers) (ladcat13)


-Cassie Marbles(littleauthor)

-Anog Ramshaft (jordin)


And, finally, the Character Applications!
Code: Select all
Affiliation(Which faction? Or are you a civilian?):
Why are you aligned with them?:
Primary Weapon(Feel free to make up weapon names. But if you do, please provide a brief description):
Secondary Weapon:
Where have you been posted?(For soldiers)(On a planet? A capital ship?):

Average Storybook rules apply.

The DT:

I hope you guys join and have fun!
Last edited by Dreamery on Sun May 19, 2013 6:06 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:39 am
Omni says...

Coul I reserve two spots, a god and a member of the council?
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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:41 am
Dreamery says...

Of course.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:41 am
KingLucifer says...

Name: Genesis "Goddess of Hell" Murilo

Age: Appears to be 16, but is as old as the Religion

Appearance: Genesis is rather tall for a woman and tends to have an aura of silent anger about her, like she's ready to rip someone to shreads. Her eyes are a dark, blood red color, her hair is a dark blue, dyed from it's original blood red color. She wears a jacket with the Redeemers insignia on the back and on her shoulders, she has black jeans and a white shirt on. And finally on her hips is her signature weapons, Vindicta (Vengeance) and Remuneratio (Retribution) See Primary and Secondary Weapon

Personality: Brutality, Cruelty, and Unpredictability is nothing uncommon when it comes to Genesis, she's a powerful warrior and she knows it. Though surprisingly, if one was to dig, she still has the sweet innocence of a little girl in her, it's just buried, really, really, deep within her. She has no mercy for anyone, and is seemingly emotionless around people until her innocence is dug up, but until then, she is cold, heartless, and the most brutal person you will ever know.

History/Backstory: Genesis comes from an upper class family that had a lot of involvement in politics at the time, in true Redeemer fashion, was randomly chosen to become a Goddess of Redeemers. She was ripped from her high school and dragged into the Redeemers to become there Goddess, of course she was reluctant at first, but once everything was set and her immortality made. She decided to embrace what she was chosen for, eventually she became known for her brutality and cruelty towards others outside the Redeemers. Her brutality became unmatched and so with her cruelty, she eventually earned the nickname "Goddess of Hell" for it all. But she was also far from disloyal, she remain loyal to Redeemers never allowing herself to betray them.

Present Day: But then something happened, Genesis disappeared from her faction, Redeemers of the faction blamed the other two factions for her disappearence. The true story was, she really was kidnapped in her sleep, Genesis was still human, even after becoming a Goddess. Genesis is being held captive somewhere, some place, while the war wages on, and the Redeemers are down a Goddess.

Affiliation(Which faction? Or are you a civilian?): Goddess of the Redeemers

Why are you aligned with them?: Read her history.

Primary Weapon(Feel free to make up weapon names. But if you do, please provide a brief description): Vindicta (Latin for Vengeance): A powerful single fire lazar gun that had enough power to it to destroy any armor plating on her target, once the armor was gone, the gun could not hurt anything organic.

Secondary Weapon: Remuneratio (Latin for Retribution) This is a powerful lazar sword that could cut though anything organic, this sword was made to cause people to bleed, It causes a wound to bleed longer and faster.

Where have you been posted?(For soldiers)(On a planet? A capital ship?): Even she doesn't know, she's kidnapped.

Other: Will post theme and pics for her weapons later.
Last edited by KingLucifer on Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:42 am
Dreamery says...

Heh, I joined YWS back in December! This is just my first Storybook. :P

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:53 am
Dreamery says...

Name: John "Racer" Moore
Age: 26
Appearance: John stands a moderate height of 5'9". His arms and legs are thin, giving him enhanced speed and agility, thus the nickname "Racer." He has many cuts and bruises on his body, and two scars on his face. One is still pink-ish red, being new, on his right cheek. The other is older and is white-ish, on his chin. His shoulders aren't very broad, and don't span very long.

Personality: He is a very extroverted, out-going person near his friends. He likes to crack the occasional joke and speaks very much. He's called loud by his soldiers, but is only loud because he considers them his friends.

Around strangers, he tends to be very introverted. He doesn't talk much around them and can be very quiet. Even silent.

Around his enemies, or any of the other factions, he's very aggressive. He has a deep hatred of his enemies. When around his enemies, he can be angered very easily, even by his own allies.


At the young age of nine, John became interested in politics. He loved reading books about how the government works and he loved to watch the presidential elections. He had hopes of one day voting for the president himself.

The reason for this sudden obsession was because he father himself was a politician; a senator in the U.S government. His father wanted to teach John how politics worked, so he did. After his sudden disappearance, John continued to learn on his own, borrowing books from the library, watching the news, etc. He couldn't fathom the thought of wielding so much power over everyone else. But he was interested.

When he turned eighteen he was excited to vote for the president. He liked having the power to elect someone else.

At the age of only thirty-five, he ran for president. He was sure of his ability to win the election and become the president. He didn't. He lost. Even so, this didn't stop him from achieving something in the political field. He became a member of the U.N Council.

After a few years in the U.N, he'd already negotiated many issues and resolved them with ease. He was known for his abilities in persuasion.

When the nuclear war came, he was transferred to a missile bunker, where he stayed for nearly three years. When he came back up to the decimated world, he continued to work in the U.N.

After The Council was formed, he was chosen to become a 'God' because they, The Council saw great things in him. He knew he could live up to their expectations and he knew he could fulfill his duties.

He had to.

Affiliation(Which faction? Or are you a civilian?): God of the Guardians
Why are you aligned with them?:

He's not the kind of person to be offensive, so he thought that the Guardians would be the perfect faction for him. Also, since they're trained in speed and stealth, he could fight just as ably as the other soldiers, as he has equal speed. Also, many of his friends are Guardians, so he'd like to be near them.

Primary Weapon(Feel free to make up weapon names. But if you do, please provide a brief description): XLD-20 Assault Rifle. An assault rifle that shoots small, blue beams of concentrated light. With enough energy or power, it can rip through two inches of sheet metal. With a lack of energy, it wouldn't even form a dent in a single centimeter of sheet metal.

Secondary Weapon: Small knife.
Where have you been posted?(For soldiers)(On a planet? A capital ship?): The Council, England.
Other: N/A for now.
Last edited by Dreamery on Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:12 pm
Dreamery says...

By the way guys, if you'd like any "special" characters(Characters that are different from other characters), feel free to PM me as LoyalHeart did.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:46 pm
Dreamery says...

If you look above, you'll see that I've edited my application with my character's backstory.

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:23 pm
Shady says...

I'd like two characters please. A God and a paladin.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:03 pm
littleauthor says...

Name: Cassie Marbles

Age: 19

Appearance: Dirty blond hair that falls to the bottom half of her back. Her long hair is usually down unless in battle then it is up in a high ponytail. She has gold eyes that give her hair a lighter appearance. She is only 5'2 which doesn't bother her because it give's her a advantage in fighting.

Personality: She is brutal despite her innocent looks. She isn't afraid to break necks and loves the feeling of being more powerful then others. She would rather be throwing knifes or shooting a gun then doing regular teenage girl stuff.

History/Backstory: Cassie has always been brutal even as a young child. She used to get in fights at school and poison stray cats. Her parents sent her away to a special private school when she was 8 and that hardened her. Cassie made friends with many other troubled kids and they teamed up and lanned on how they where going to run away from the private school. When she was 10 Cassie was the leader of 15 other kids who for the most part older than her. Cassie's team attacked the school guards and they ended up running away going in all different directions. Cassie left them and went to live on her own in a broken down car for 3 more years where she master the art of knife throwing. She was on the run for 5 more years till WWIII started and she joined The Paladins and began becoming even more ruthless, if that was even possible.

Affiliation: The Paladins

Why are you aligned with them?: It was perfect for her. She was hooked up with other people just as ruthless as her and she loved the feeling of attack and taking over.

Primary Weapon: AK-198. A knife that turns into a pistol in a push of a button. The knife is razor sharp and could easily kill in a swipe of the blade.

Secondary Weapon: A trident

Where have you been posted?: A large Capital Ship.

Other: Nope
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:24 pm
Dreamery says...

That's a disturbing backstory, littleauthor. :P I'll be sure to add you to the list.

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Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:51 pm
Dreamery says...

Just as a heads up for everyone else who comes, I've made the DT.

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Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:14 am
littleauthor says...

What can I say, I'm a sucker for horrible characters xD
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:45 am
Dreamery says...

Do all storybooks start out this unpopular? :P

Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness
— Allen Ginsburg