
Young Writers Society

Greed. Need. Fame. [Full :)]

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:28 pm
Sassafras says...

Greed. Need. Fame.

The Place to Discuss Things

"You're crazy, Alfr, to think that any sane person would be willing to agree to this."

"I'm not looking for sane people, John. I have no interest in the mentally stable."

"Even so, why would anyone willingly agree to being hunted down and toyed with? This is the craziest of your little schemes yet. There is no way, no way in all of hell, that this will work."

Alfr laughs.

"People need money."

"And if they have money?"

"They will join for the fame."

"And if they already have fame?"

"Then for the power. Definitely for the power."

"Then answer this, Alfr, what if they already have money, fame, and power? What if they're happy with their life?"

"Then they will join for the thrill, and it's that person that I want most of all. The one that arrives seeking nothing more but thrill, fun, and games?"

"This is neither fun nor a game. People's lives are on the line!"

"Just send out the invitations, John. I've made up my mind.."


Need money? Fame? Power? Excitement? Or, even better, are you craving all four. If your answer is yes to any of these then come to at 495 Victor Lane tomorrow night at 11:30 PM. Further details will be explained upon your arrival.


You look down at the note in confusion before the burly man in the black suit snatches it out of your hands.

"495 Victor Lane, be on time or don't come at all."

You shut your door and stare away into nothing, wondering if you should arrive at this strange place. And who was A.N anyway? You ponder over the note for a few more moments before going to write down the address.


You've been invited to the home of Alfr Ness, one of the country's most influential underground Bosses, with the promise of money, fame, power, and thrill. But at what cost?

You get there only to have John, Alfr's right hand man, tell you that you may die, but, then again, you may not. If you do survive you get 100,000 dollars cash and more respect and honor than you can ever hope to achieve while living a normal life. And if you're already rich and powerful the least you will get out of this is excitement.

Many leave but you stay. You need one of the four things being offered and you'll do anything for it. You and the others who didn't leave are taken into the office of Alfr Ness and he gives you a slip of paper with nothing but the name of a weapon on it.

"You will be transported to a disclosed location and forced to fight for your life against another team. Along with the opposite team trying to kill you, there will also be wildlife at this location. If you die, oh well, and if you don't, you will be rewarded. All members of the opposite team must be killed before any members of your team can be rewarded. Goodbye, and good luck."










1. Lire Else
2. Evelyn (Effy) Culpepper
3. Betty Newman
4. Mason and Persephone Hasting
5. Nadia Chamlain
6. Faye Jensen

1. Ten Sauna/ Dill Rivanni
2. Micah Tallow
3. Maverick Lock
4. Nate Wickhum
5. Reserved

- Swearing is allowed but don't go overboard.
- No killing off teammates
- No God-Modding
- Be nice
- Have Fun!!!

Spoiler! :
That's basically the whole plot and everything. I want everyone on an island fighting for their life, and yes everyone is on the same team. I want to start this mostly because Ten Sauna would be the perfect person for this storybook! I also need help thinking of a title. I started something like this before but with dolls (The Toy Box) and that didn't last very long. This time it's going to be with humans though. Mostly because of my lovely Ten Sauna!

Want to join?
Last edited by Sassafras on Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:05 pm, edited 21 times in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:14 pm
goofysmurf1 says...

Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! Love this! When do we start?!
go to page.php?id=1242 now please and subcribe

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:50 pm
gleek456 says...

Okay! Here's my female :) :

Name: Evelyn (Effy) Culpepper

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (Just turned)

Weapon: Many types of combat (karate, etc.), but she has a knife with her.

Appearance: Effy is a petite girl, but she's pretty strong. She has brown hair that goes past her shoulders a bit, and bright blue eyes. Effy has a small and slim figure. She has a small stitch running up from her ankle. Effy ties her hair up like in the second picture below whenever she's fighting or training.

Spoiler! :
tumblr_kv486noOo41qas4vq.jpg (27.04 KiB) Viewed 437 times

Personality: Effy is a quiet and serious girl. She is a girl of few words and only says the things she thinks is worth it. when she isn't talking, she would communicate with her eyes. Trust me, you can userstand her when she isn't talking. Effy is a very calm and down-to-earth girl, and isn't really self-centered. Effy is a bit of a druggie, and has that "don't talk to me, I'm drunk" aura.

History: Effy was born to parents who were working so much. Effy was an only child, and because her parents were always working, they sent a babysitter for her. She had numerous babysitters because she caused so much trouble with them, whether it would be flirting or pranking. They didn't know what is wrong with her, but Effy just wanted her parents there. At the age of 13, they began to leave her at home everyday. Effy grew tired of this, and ran away.

When she ran away, she didn't dare look back or regret it. It was their fault, they didn't care. Effy has been gone for 2 weeks, being very hungry and dehydrated. Effy was pretty much on the verge of dying, until someone took her in. Someone named Wendal Pearce, a karate instructor, took her in. He took care of her and raised her, also teaching her the art of karate. A few years later, Effy earned her blackbelt.

Other: Effy has a British accent, her mother and father being born from England. Up for love, and is straight.

(Hope this is okay!)
Last edited by gleek456 on Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:29 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:48 pm
Sassafras says...

Name: Ten Sauna

Gender: Male.

Age: 22

Weapon: Claws

Spoiler! :

Personality: Ten may comes off as a normal person upon first meeting him - depending on which side he's showing -, but if you spend more that even ten minutes around him you will start to notice his little quirks, and they're not good. Ten suffers from schizophrenia and is bi-polar, it's evident in the little things that he does. He also has a phobia of spiders, small spaces, eyes, and the dark. When he talks to you he won't meet your eyes, instead he'll look down, up, around, anywhere but directly into your eyes. Sometimes Ten will talk to himself and can one minute be sweet, funny, and a really good nice person but the next be the worst person you've ever met. As long as Dill is there to keep him under control he probably won't kill any teammates.

When he walks he doesn't make a sound. It's scary how quiet and sneak he is. He can also climb trees extremely fast and will run or walk on all fours when he's in fighting mode.

History: (Impossibly Long) Ten was involved in the mafia from an early age, ever since he was thirteen when he witnessed a killing while sleeping over at his best friend's house. His best friend, Dill, was the son of "The Boss" Gio Rivanni and heir to the throne. One night Ten woke up from his spot next to Dill's bed and got up to use the bathroom and get a glass of water. He does this most every night and it was nothing out of the usual, but today, while he was walking down the staircase, he heard begging and pleading coming from the main room below. Ten peaked over the staircase and saw Gio and his wife, Penny, standing over a bleeding and crippled man. Gio had three men in black suits waiting behind him, each of them holding a giant gun. Ten wanted to turn away, knew he should turn away, but instead watched as Gio beat the man into submission before forcing a gun of his own into the man's mouth and blowing his brains out.

Dill caught Ten watching and had to report to his dad that someone saw the Mafia in action. Gio Rivanni treated ten as a son, he was always over at their house because his mother would constantly beat him and blame him for her divorce. One day she even filled his room with spiders, creating his phobia. Gio didn't want to kill Ten because he loved him like a son, so instead he gave Ten a chance. He trained him to be a hit man. While going through training Ten had to witness many "hits" and the overexposure to blood and gore at such an early age messed with his mind, turning him slowly insane. He developed a paranoia that morphed into schizophrenia.

One day while Ten's mom was beating him he snapped, the last of his sanity going out the door. He grabbed her by the throat and bit hard into her shoulder, fighting down with his sharp teeth until he pulled a chunk out of her skin. Ten chewed on the lump of meat and any hopes of him being even remotely okay again were shot. He ate his mother alive and the Mafia was there to clean up the mess.

Once Gio died Ten was hurt more than he thought he would be. Gio, Penny, Ten, and Dill were walking through park, like any normal family would. They didn't have guards around because it was the anniversary of Ten being in the Mafia, they wanted special time alone. They were on their way home when a black van sped around the corner, coming fast towards the family. Gio knew instantly what was happening and ordered for everyone to get down, not even a second after he uttered the last word gunshots rang in the air and Gio was dead.

Ten and Dill crawled over to their father, crying over the body. Gio's eyes were open, starring blankly at the sky. Ten made the mistake of starring into them and developed a fear of eyes.

His fear of dark and small spaces came from being captured and held for ransom by the Rivanni's number one enemy. He was trapped in a small, cold, dark, and damp basement that was crawling with bugs and spiders. He lost his mind in that basement and every time someone would open the door to feed him Ten would grab their ankle from under the staircase, drag them down, and eat them alive. This only worsened his condition.

Once Ten got out he had to be committed to an asylum where he got shock treatment. He was showing signs of getting better, no longer eating the other patients and killing the staff, but it was just Ten's bi-polar disorder rearing his head. Anyway, Ten got out a year later only to return to the Mafia, even worse off than when he left.

He had to be kept on a leash and trained like a dog by Dill so he won't kill the servants in the house. When Ten is not in the killing state of mind he will sometimes revert back to the obedient dog mode he's used to being in, but he listens only to Dill.

Other: The only person he loves is Dill, but not in a sexual sort of way. Ten sees Dill as a type of big brother/best friend/father/boss/ master type person. Dill is literally everything to Ten. But if you make friends with Ten instead of seeing you as food he will protect you with his life. You might even be able to get him to listen to you.

(Goofy, does that mean you want a spot? And I'll have Dill's profile up later.)
Last edited by Sassafras on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:09 pm
OnigiriChan says...

Spot saved for a... girl! A girl please. Her weapon will be a staff with knife ends.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:13 pm
RedBird says...

Name: Micah Tallow

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Weapon: Twin long swords; he also has a knife that he has in a boot sheath.

Appearance: Micah has chin-length red hair, and a ton of freckles. He has bright green eyes, and wears stylish glasses (at least, he thinks so). He is around 5' 7" and has a slim figure, but he isn't particularly athletic. He usually wears a button down red shirt and black skinny jeans, as well as combat boots.

Personality: Micah is generally a happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He loves being around other people, and tends to talk A LOT. However, he can be prone to fits of sarcasm. He is also fiercely protective of his friends and does not take insults lightly. He loves to read and take walks in the rain, and even though many people think him weird, he tries to make friends whenever possible. He loves being the center of attention, and so he's in this for the fame...

Flaws: He reacts to a lot of things based solely on his emotions, and not rational thinking, which can get him into trouble. He is also very talkative which can really annoy people.

Strengths: Micah is a very intelligent person, although he doesn't always use his brain. He can swordfight and is very protective of friends.

History: Micah has never known his real parents. He was given up for adoption, but no one ever actually adopted him, and he has lived in several foster homes, some of which were pretty abusive. Despite that, he has remained steadfastly cheerful as a kind of compensation to the misery of his day-to-day life. He is currently living in a foster home in the town of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and repeatedly gets yelled at and beaten by his foster father. He goes to the local high school, but has few real friends.

Other: He loves to read, and does so in every spare moment. Up for love.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:23 pm
OnigiriChan says...

Name: Lire Else

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Weapon: Bow and Arrow

Spoiler! :
Her hair falls to her shoulders whenever it's not pinned up.

Personality: Lire is a very sweet girl but is also stubborn. Once she sets her mind to something she does that thing no matter what. She never backs down or walks away and will defend her point to the end of the world and back, even if she's wrong. She's not weak minded and is not quick to trust. She keeps everyone at arm's distance until she finds a soft spot for them in her heart. Because of her little brother she also has a type of mother complex about the people close to her.

Lire doesn't like admitting her weaknesses or asking for help. She prefers to figure things out for herself and if she ever does need help she'll exhaust every other option before asking someone else to assist her.

History: When Lire was eighteen her mother and her father died, leaving her alone with her younger brother Roman. Lire immediately got a job and tried her best to provide for her brother so they wouldn't get taken away to an orphanage. Family members tried to get her to stay with them and Lire did have to live with her aunt until she turned eighteen and got her own place. Roman moved in with her, or rather she took him away, once she got a full time job. She never went to college but managed to provide for Roman while working two jobs. But when Lire got fired from one of her jobs and couldn't find another she had to resort to being a stripper to bring in money.

When the letter came in the mail Lire agreed as soon as she realized there would be lots of money involved.

Other: Up for love.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:01 pm
Sassafras says...

Name: Dill Rivanni

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Weapon: Actually, his weapon is Ten, but he also has a revolver just in case.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Being a mafia boss, Dill carries an air of authority. He doesn't listen to anyone but himself. He's a nice cool easy going guy until you cross him. You mess him over and your life is over, simple as that. He doesn't take bull from anyone and will joke around to a certain extent. If he feels you're being purposely disrespectful to him he'll tell you about yourself and it would be in your best interest not to disrespect him ever again.

When he's not being serious Dill likes to smile and joke around. He actually doesn't like being mean but will when he has to. The way Dill acts to Ten, though, is completely different. Dill will only raise his voice to Ten when he's shouting at him to stop beating the crap out of someone who doesn't deserve it. In Dill's eyes Ten can do no wrong, no matter what he does.

History: Dill was born into the Mafia so he learned respect from an early age, he also learned how to get power and to get people to respect him. Ever since Dill was a kid he craved power, as much power as he could get.

One day he was carrying out a simple hit job on a man that tagged his father's church. Before Dill killed the man he allowed him a few last words. The man spewed out a bunch of crap about Satan and how he could give you powers you didn't know you had. Dill was taken aback by the statements, expected since he was born and raised catholic, and shot the man in the middle of his speech, too shaken and confused to listen to more. Though Dill was confident in his religion he searched Satanism more and soon became obsessed in the religion, but he didn't practice it. After that he started studying everything weird, odd, and unusual. Once he met Ten he was as happy as he could be, the boy embodied everything he was obsessed with.

After his father died Dill took place as Mafia Boss. Ten's mental problems, though, both fascinated him and broke his heart. He liked to study Ten's ways but the fact that his best friend was mentally unstable only bothered him when the other boy was in pain because of the things going on in his head. After Ten broke out of the asylum and came back to him it troubled Dill that he had to train him as he trained his dogs. He had to leash Ten and give him rewards and punishments until Ten was programmed to listen to him and only him. It gave Dill an even higher sense of power knowing he controlled the most dangerous man in Italy, his best friend Ten.

Dill still has a sort of fascination for all things strange.

Other: Up for love, but his first priority is Ten.
Last edited by Sassafras on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:17 pm
Apple says...

Name: Betty Newman

Gender: Female

Age: Sixteen turning seventeen.

Weapon: Twin pistols.

Spoiler! :

Newman has impossibly straight (long and dark) hair and that is without the aid of a straightener. Betty just naturally doesn't have any curls and she hates it. The girl couldn't afford buying curlers so she had no choice but to compensate by placing ribbons into it, trying to add as much volume as she could. Her eyes are a dark hazel that are always brimmed with makeup. Scratch that, her whole face is always caked with makeup. Even with her history Betty's one time favourite thing is dolling herself up and taking pictures in front of the mirror. Self confidence issues? Hardly! Not that she ever had the time too but when she could fit it in, she would. Betty is normal height with a slim build, retaining a slight healthy glow if you could call it that. All in all, Betty's nothing to really look at but you can be the decider of that...

Betty has a very hot and cold personality. She’ll switch moods so quickly that before you know it you’ll be on your back for simply saying hello. Betty is very opinionated as well and likes to speak her mind, not caring about the other person’s feelings. Many times she's gotten in trouble for her quick tongue, even fired from one of her numerous jobs. But does she learn? Nope. If you do something wrong Betty tell you about it, if she doesn’t like you, you’ll hear about it. If she likes you, well, you’ll feel it. Betty is very impatient, which explains her temper, and is easily embarrassed, snapping at anyone who makes a fool out of her. So as you can see, yeah, she's a bit of a hand full. In saying all that though Betty is very cautious about her actions (like endangering her life), and will think about every possibility before throwing herself into their crosshairs of an enemy.

Betty is also a goody-too-shoes type. She thrives on rules and gets stressed out when things aren't planned out in advance, often breaking out in hives if her emotions get too out of hand. Everything has to be set out in front of her from paper A to paper B, she doesn't like just 'winging' it. If you want to stay around her then make sure you have numerous plans and they each have to be full proof, if not, well then bad luck. Betty Newman's pretty confusing, ain't she? Well don't worry, she'll only get worse. :wink:

The girl is a high school dropout at the age of fifteen. Betty left because she felt like she was only wasting time studying when she needed money as soon as possible. Her mother died after the birth of her seventh child leaving Betty at the age of eight with six other siblings and a father spiralling into a deep depression that no one could pull him out of. As soon as she could, Betty had to get a part time job to support her family. In fact, she had to get three, ditching school to work at the local supermarket, working the nights at a gas station and walking dogs on the weekends. Her hands were pretty full and studying had no part.

Betty’s father was fired from his job a few months after his wife’s death leaving Betty to use their life savings to buy a loaf of bread or a bottle of milk. And even then that wasn’t much. They soon ran out. Over the years of non-stop work it still occurred to her that no matter how many small jobs she took, Betty could not keep her family financially stable. Many thoughts crossed her mind: getting compensation from the government, getting her siblings to do minor jobs or even doing other means to collect money…even killing herself was a thought although she didn’t. Betty couldn’t stand the thought of her brothers and sisters being without her and only their drunk father who spent most of his time on the couch watching reruns.

Her last resort came with the man in the black suit. She had no choice but to except; without it, her family would be forced out of their fourth commission house and onto the streets again. Betty learned to use guns when she was working at the gas station after unreasonable hours. It was compulsory for each employee to know how to weild a weapon so that if the problem ever arose they'd be able to protect themselves. And lucky Betty was one of those.

Other: Betty is up for love but she will be a whole heap of work since she's only ever cared for her brothers and sisters. Other facts about Miss Newman are that on occassion she'll break out in hives if she gets overly stressed, it often happens to her and the results aren't pretty. But even worse, she'll fall back into that used-to-be-adorable-but-not-anymore lisp she had had ever since she was a little girl. Stress and her are a terrible combination. Also, Betty is pretty much worthless at firing guns. Unless their stiff targets, she won't be able to get a propper hit. If the guy who had been testing her hadn't been such a pervert Betty wouldn't have gotten it in the first place. But don't worry, her planning and small, lithe body somewhat make up for this. Some what.
Last edited by Apple on Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:21 am, edited 5 times in total.
I spy!

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:26 pm
RedBird says...

ReicePiecy-Is Ten like Dill's alter-ego? Or something different?
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:41 pm
Sassafras says...

Alter ego? I'm not sure actually. Dill is only in this storybook to keep Ten under control.

The Discussion Thread.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:50 am
Iggy says...

Name: Mason Hastings.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Weapon: Sword (like the picture).

Spoiler! :

Personality: Oh boy. If you want to live, do not mess with Mason. She is a firery-tempered woman who takes shit from no one and will kill you on the spot. She trusts hardly anyone and is always on guard around you. If you give her any reason to think you might hurt Persephone, she will attack.

History: Mason was seven and Persephone was five when they witnessed their father beat their mother to death. When the father was caught and hanged, the Hastings orphans were adopted by a man named Jerrson, since they had no other living relative. Jerrson was a rich, retired swordman who owned a blacksmith shop and lived in a mansion. He taught the girls how to fight with a sword, shoot an arrow, throw a dagger, ride a horse, handle a gun, fight with a staff, and self-defense. The girls were the best fighters in the country, but no oe could know because they were females. Well, one of Jerr's trusted workers spotted the girls fighting expertly and he told the Council of the town. It's illegal for a man to teach a man the art of fighting, so the Concil attempted to bring Jerr in and hang him. Mason killed the men and the three of them escaped and fled the country. They relocated to a new state and settled down. The girls are home-schooled, lest someone recognize them. Jerr dyed his hair and change his name to Jarlson.

Other: She's VERY hard to win over, but she's up for love. Protecting Persephone and Jerrson is her priority.

Name: Persephone "Seph" Hastings.

Gender: Female.

Age: 17.

Weapon: Two daggers (see picture).

Spoiler! :

Personality: Seph is a kind and sweet woman who treats everyone with respect and kindness. She makes everyone feel good to be round her, and she makes you smile. She's funny and smart, clever and wise. She hates to hurt meone but she wil kill you if you attack someone she loves.

History: Mason was seven and Persephone was five when they witnessed their father beat their mother to death. When the father was caught and hanged, the Hastings orphans were adopted by a man named Jerrson, since they had no other living relative. Jerrson was a rich, retired swordman who owned a blacksmith shop and lived in a mansion. He taught the girls how to fight with a sword, shoot an arrow, throw a dagger, ride a horse, handle a gun, fight with a staff, and self-defense. The girls were the best fighters in the country, but no oe could know because they were females. Well, one of Jerr's trusted workers spotted the girls fighting expertly and he told the Council of the town. It's illegal for a man to teach a man the art of fighting, so the Concil attempted to bring Jerr in and hang him. Mason killed the men and the three of them escaped and fled the country. They relocated to a new state and settled down. The girls are home-schooled, lest someone recognize them. Jerr dyed his hair and change his name to Jarlson.

Other: She's all for love, but Mason will kll you if you touch her sexually xD
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:13 am
Dragongirl says...

Save a guy spot for me please. I'll get the profile filled out in the next couple days.
"Every writer I know has trouble writing." - Joseph Heller

~ A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need advice.~
- Bill Cosby

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:23 pm
Tabithalillian says...

Could you save a female spot for me? I will have my profile up later today.
Living in a tower

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Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:50 pm
Justagirl says...

Hm... Can I have a female spot reserved for me? Thanks, Reise :)

"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.
— George Orwell, 1984