
Young Writers Society

Autumn Breeze Arts Academy

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:54 pm
Bella says...


Autumn Breeze Arts Academy

An academy for the artistically gifted, ages 13 through 19. Autumn Breeze specializes in music, dance, art, acting, and writing. Along with taking many rigorous classes in their specialized field(s) of art, students are expected to take a series of required core classes.


*No god-modding
*Limit 2 characters per writer
*When you write about another person’s character, make sure to keep them in character. If you aren’t sure, ask the person, or don’t write it.
*This is NOT a fantasy – please, just human characters
*Please check your posts for proper spelling and grammar before posting
*Please avoid double posts, unless they are two different characters
*Please label your post with your character’s name and location [example will be seen in first post]
*Have fun!

Character Profile Guidelines

Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] (13-19)
[b]Pictures:[/b] (if you have them. please nothing too big if posting the actual image!)
[b]Artistic Talent:[/b]

Additional Information

There is no set plot at the moment – we’ll just see where things go. It’s more fun that way :)

After we get enough character profiles, I (or someone I delegate the responsibility to) will write the first post. Until then, please only post character profiles. If you have questions, ask me, or post them in the discussion thread, found here.

1. Abigail "Abby" Stewart - Bella
2. "Jazz" Bradley - Bella
3. Jude Baker - Maybe
4. James Baker - Maybe
5. Hazel Burbank - TexanWriter
6. Johnny Blaze - Vramel
7. Annabelle Leon - FictionFanatic
8. Jasper Leon - Fiction Fanatic
9. Madison Hart - MyStoryline
10. Daniel - MyStoryline
11. Monroe Davies - TheStoryGirl
12. Faustina "Rheal" Wice - CannonComplex
13. Meredith Lee - StoryWeaver13
14. Magnolia Street - RainyDay
15. Ariana Youngblood - penprincess
16. Atemisia *Artie* Star - ladyofthedeathroses
Last edited by Bella on Wed May 25, 2011 7:00 pm, edited 11 times in total.
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sat May 21, 2011 5:28 pm
TexanWriter says...

I'd like to reserve a character -- will post a proile later.
Religion without science is lame; science without religion is blind.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

-Albert Einstein

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Sat May 21, 2011 7:58 pm
Vramel says...

Name: Johnny Blaze

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Johnny has brown, straight hair, combed left. His face is fairly small, with big brown eyebrows and a large nose. But has a brilliant smile with thin lips and large, fairly-white teeth. His cheeks are fairly puffy when smiling and his skin-tone is lightly tanned.

He is wearing a light blue t-shirt, with a brand name at the front with a spiky font. He is also wearing black skinny jeans, with a white belt. He is also wearing white trainers.

Spoiler! :

Artistic Talent: Scatting and Show-Dancing

Personality: Johnny is cheeky, flirty and social. Always wanting to make a big and brilliant impression on people and make them laugh. He likes singing where ever he can and always looks up to people like Scatman John and the other scatting greats. He is also a fan of show-dancing, like in Singing In The Rain he loves the song 'Make 'em Laugh' and often sings it when he is in a good mood.

He often likes to impress girls and is not afraid to make a fool of himself infront of other people. He loves the attention and takes everything in his stride.

Biography: Johnny was raised since 11 by Cheryl Blaze, the famous artist. Much known for her abstract paintings of fire. His father, Martin Blaze, died of cancer when Johnny was only 11 years old. This is when Cheryl's art started became popular, Johnny's mum was convinced Martin blessed her work from heaven.

Johnny started listening to Scatman John at 7 and he was determined to keep up at the rate he scatted while still switching to singing, at such a fast rate. He learned for 3 years until he could start making his own 'scats.' He then took up another hobby, showdancing. Such as what they did in the film 'Singing in the Rain' this is where he found to be most happy singing and dancing the original songs like this, most people never heard of the songs by them and called him a nerd, but he knew that was him, his skill, his talent.

He knew he would be more accepted in an Arts school and when he got a scholarship he knew he would accept whatever happens, even though it would be a boarding school and would miss home, alot. But nevertheless he took up the offer and here he is now.

Other: He is up for love! :D
Last edited by Vramel on Sun May 22, 2011 9:24 am, edited 3 times in total.
I'm a Writer!

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Sat May 21, 2011 9:01 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Name: Annabelle Leon

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Annabelle has ringlets of crazy brunette curls, deep brown eyes, usually wears dark brownish-red lipstick, and usually wears darker colors. She is very tall, standing at five feet ten inches, and is rather thin. She's very fit with long, muscular legs, strong, lengthy arms, and delicate hands. Her feet are extremely messed up from her years of dancing, but the rest of her is beautiful. Despite her thinness she has curves. She always walks with pride and grace, and is just pretty much graceful in everything she does.

Pictures: Image

Artistic Talent: Ballet Dancer

Personality: Annabelle is the kind of person who really gets into things. She's a very hands on knid of girl and likes to get things done. She is obsessed with and loves dearly ballet and will give up anything to dance. She's an extremely fast learner, she has an OCD about appearing perfect, and puts her heart and soul into everything, expecially her dancing. When she isn't dancing, she's a very humorous girl who loves to just be with people, have a laugh, and have a good time. She's very outgoing and extremely opinionated, and she's not afraid to speak her mind. She can be very blunt and very honest, and she never tells a lie, no matter what. She's a very likable person and she doesn't really hate anyone, even if they hate her. She has a big heart and you'll never see her not smiling, unless she's dancing, when she gets rather serious.

Biography: Annabelle started ballet dancing when she was only three years old. Ever since then, she's been in love with it. Her parents are extremely supportive of her and do anything they can to propel her. Annabelle's life is completely wrapped around ballet and she's completely obsessed with it. She has extremely supportive parents and grew up in a wealthy, loving family with her brother, whom they also support greatly. By the time she was eight, Annabelle was an extremely experienced, prodigous dancer who dreamed to dance for the New York ballet, and she still does. She's completely devoted her life, heart, and soul to her dancing. However, her parents have always favored and fawned over her brother, Jasper, more than Annabelle, due to his blindness and his prodigous piano playing, so she can be a little attention craving sometimes. But when she dances, she looses all sense of time, fatigue, or pain, and may not even hear someone if they say something to her. When Annabelle reached ten, she started dancing on point. She's so dedicated, she often tears up, ruins, and damages her feet to the point where she can barely walk, but will still insist on dancing.

Other: Up for love. She tends to always stand in either first or fifth position. And she will never go to the nurse about her messed up feet for fear that she'll be restricted from dancing

Name: Jasper Leon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jasper has a blonde-brunette mix of curly hair, which is a tad long but not extremely so. He stands at five feet seven inches, is average pretty average weight, and is pretty average in the muscle department, too. His eyes are very misty and are a very very soft colored blue, due to his blindness. His hands are pretty large for his body, and he has long, pianist fingers. He tends to wear dress shirts and khakis with loafers, because he takes pride in his appearance, despite the fact that he can't see it himself. You'll usually see him with his walking/guiding stick, unless he's in a place that's uncrowded and he's very familiar with, like his dorm (I'm assuming this is a boarding school) and the piano room.

Pictures: Image
Spoiler! :
some more pics of different viewsImageImage

Artistic Talent: Pianist

Personality: Jasper is a very down to earth, wise guy who loves to both learn and teach. He's a very curious guy and he loves to explore. He became blind when he was eight, so he knows pretty much what most things look like, and will often ask for a description. He has a brilliant mind and, luckily, a great memory, so he can memorize piano music easily, and even make up his own and keep that in his head. He loves to smile and he takes pride in his clothing/appearance. He's a great listener, good advice giver, and loves to laugh and have fun. When he first meets a person, he makes sure they can see his eyes, because he feels that if they can't accept him ofr his blindness, then he doesn't want to waste his time and end up hurt because of it. He's a really sweet, understanding guy, and will sit for hours and hours just listening, and sometimes even "watching"/listening (as in looking at her shadow) to his sister dance.

Biography: Jasper grew up in a rather wealthy, loving family who support him and his sister a great deal. Jasper started playing the piano at age five, and has loved it ever since. At age eight, Jasper got into a car accident with his aunt, who didn't make it, and he went into a coma. When he woke up, he was partially blind, only able to see shapes, shadows, and outlines. He learned to take nothing for granite, and tries to convey that message to everyone. He continued with his piano playing only a few weeks after waking up from the coma, and with his blindness his other senses were increased, as well as his piano playing, tremendously so. When Jasper plays the piano, he doesn't do it for other people. He does it for himself, but he's completely open to, and loves it when, people come and listen to him.

Other: Up for love. He's blind, but he can see shapes, shadows, and outlines - that's it. He also has extremely great hearing - better than nearly all seeing people. Also, when he meets a person, he makes up an appearance for them in his head based off of what he learns about them (i.e personality, likes, dislikes, etc).

*I hope this is okay. I understand it'll be a little hard, and maybe even a little weird with a blind guy, for me and the other writers, but I really want to test myself on this.*
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Sun May 22, 2011 4:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat May 21, 2011 9:34 pm
MyStoryline says...

Name: Madison Hart, but she refuses to go by her real name. Everyone just calls her Sugar.

Age: 16, but she looks a lot older

Gender: Female

Appearance: Sugar has white-blonde, wavy hair that is cut very short, to about her jawline, and her bangs are cut just above her eyes. She has extremely bright blue eyes, pink lips, pale skin, and rosy cheeks. Sugar is a very thin, petite girl who is a little bit under weight, is five feet five inches, and has a rather thin face. Sugar almost always has her arms covered in splotches of paint, clay, graphite, or whatever she's been working with. Her wardrobe consists completely of black and/or white clothes, and she's a very practical shoe kind of girl, usually wearing tennis shoes, converse, sperries, or flats. Her shoes are the only things that aren't black or white, and are usually some wacky colors and patterns, some she even makes herself. She also tends to wear a lot of crazy hats

Pictures: Image

Artistic Talent: Artist, and even most of her clothes and shoes are her own creation, so a little bit of design, too..

Personality: Sugar has a very strong artist's eye. She can and does find beauty in everything, even if it's just a weed growing out of a crack in the sidewalk. She's a very earthy girl who loves to be outside and she takes life as it is and is happy about it. She can (and usually does) turn anything she can get her hands on into an art project, so watch out! Sugar is a very hyper girl with a lot of happiness and excitment. She a very "express yourself and your opinion" kind of girl. Her art can go from very dark, eery, and creepy to something happy, smile worthy, and eye catching. She gets very into and wrapped up in her projects, and sometimes will skip classes to finish them.

Biography: Sugar was raised by a single father, because her mother left them when she was five years old. They always struggled with money, because he too was an artist, but he spared no expense to let Sugar's artistic talent grow. He eventually gave in and gave up his art career, going into business, even though it upset him greatly. From then on, he made sure Sugar followed her dream of becoming an artist, teaching her everything he knew, sending her to classes, different schools, supplying her with everything she would need, and letting her use anything in the house she wanted for her art. They were never really wealthy, but Sugar is very proud of her father and was never afraid to bring friends around her house. From an early age, Sugar was labeled the weird kid, and not many befriended her. But t didn't matter to her, she didn't really care. The friends she did had were great and were also art geeks, though less experienced than Sugar. And as to explain her name Sugar: Sugar has an extremely big sweet tooth and was given the nickname Sugar by her father when she was six and ate an entire cake that was meant for his boss' retirement party. From that day on, she refused to go by anything but Sugar.

Other: Up for love. She always has something sweet with her: whether it be candy or a really sugary drink. If she doesn't get sugar, then Sugar will be pretty trecherous and, to be blunt, an absolute nightmare to everyone and everything.

*P.S, is this a boarding school or just a school? You didn't really say in the description*
Last edited by MyStoryline on Sun May 22, 2011 8:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sat May 21, 2011 11:12 pm
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thestorygirl says...

Save me a spot!!!!! Pweez...
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:03 am
cannoncomplex says...

Name: Faustina "Rheal" Wice

Age: 17

gender: female

Appearance: Faustina has short cropped hair; her fringe almost covered her forehead, and her hair is darkish brown. She has beauty mark at the corner of her left eye. She has brown eyes, and slighlty petite for her own age.


Artistic talent: writer

Personality: Faustina does not really engaged much. She loves to be in the background observing the world, and getting ideas for her stories. When someone suddenly talks to her, she passively agrees to whatever the person said, and would get anxious on what on earth she had just agreed to. She preffered to be called, "Rheal" because its her pen name and the antagonist of the story she is making. She loves daydreaming, and philosophy and anything abstract. her stories are often darker not because she wanted to but from a collaboration from a friend.

Biography: Faustina was born in Poland, hence her name, but grew up overseas. her love for writing began when she started poetry but soon moved to stories seeing how she love making characters. She was often aloof at school; went to sleep late, and not entirely fit. this prompted her parents to take up counselling. Faustina agreed to go to counselling where she befriended a girl name Francesca, and her friend Cero. It wasn't the type of friend her parents would agreed but Faustina tried to hold onto it seeing how her new friends were interested in her stories. However, Faustina tries not to get involved with them and still sticks playing the role in the background.

other: If Faustina does get involved, she becomes socially awkwa
Last edited by cannoncomplex on Sun May 22, 2011 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lain Iwakura: If you're not remembered, then you never existed.

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:10 am
StoryWeaver13 says...

Name: Meredith Lee (but everybody calls her Ren, her middle name...)
Age: 16
Gender: Girl
Appearance: brown hair, usually put into a pair of short braids, brown eyes, and pale freckles on her nose. She's skinny, and self-conscious about that and how short she is.


Artistic Talent: Musician - plays drums, guitar, and piano, but guitar's her strong suit

Personality: Quiet at first, but a quirky tomboy beneath the surface. She loves animals and is a total nature girl, along with having a habit of unintentionally getting into trouble, thanks to her minor curiosity, but she knows when to give people their space, because she likes to be independent herself.

Biography: She was born in small-town Arizona, but spent most of her life in Montana. She was the oldest of ten kids, so she usually spent her time taking care of her younger brothers and sisters or sneaking off to the forest. Being from a really religious family, she's also really conservative and often pretty shy, but she has moments of rebellion. Her parents grudgingly let her go to school, knowing that she wanted to pursue her musical talents.

Other: Nothing I can think of...oh, yeah, sorry I couldn't get the picture up. Tried a bunch of times, failed. :S
Last edited by StoryWeaver13 on Thu May 26, 2011 12:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ~Lemony Snicket

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Sun May 22, 2011 5:17 am
Bella says...

I'm going to read through all the biographies shortly, just to make sure everything is a-ok, but so far things are looking good. I will PM you if I have any questions/concerns about your characters :)

To answer a few questions:

FictionFanatic - I think that will be really interesting, and definitely a good challenge. Good luck!

MyStoryline - After some debating, it's been decided that Autumn Breeze will be a boarding school, with the option to commute if you live close by.

Also, just because this spoiler thing seems weird and unnecessary to me, I'd like to offer another way to post images. There is an image code button. Image code looks like this:

Code: Select all

To use image coding, you just put a direct link to the image (like the link you get when you view an image in a new tab on firefox or safari, or see full size on google image search) between the coding, like this:

Code: Select all

And it comes out looking like this:


I dunno, that's just how I've always seen images done up until my recent return to the storybook forums - it makes more sense to me than labeling your image a spoiler, because your image is an important part of your character, not something to hide from everyone?

Anyway, that's all for now. Just a few more character slots to fill and then we'll get this story up and running =)

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) <3

Please review my performance poem?

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Sun May 22, 2011 7:14 am
Maybe says...

Name: Jude Baker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Physically, Jude and James are nearly identical. They have curly, dirty blond hair that falls just past their jawline, bright blue eyes, sharp features, and lightly tanned skin. They're fairly tall, standing around six-foot-two, and naturally thin. However, that's where their similarities end. Jude has a much more lanky build than his brother, which tends to make him appear more boyish. His clothing style is often described as indie, with dark skinny jeans, loose shirts, and cardigans. Unlike his brother, who wears contacts, Jude prefers glasses. He's also never seen without at least one camera, usually more, and he always carries spare film.

Artistic Talent: Art (specifically photography)

Personality: Jude acts younger than he looks. His lanky build lends him a boyish air that he embraces wholeheartedly. He's friendly and outgoing and incredibly kind-spirited, but he has few real friends. He's more of the guy that everyone likes but no one really takes the time to get to know. He's overshadowed by his brother - a fact that doesn't seem to bother him much - and despite their obvious differences he does love James. Jude recognizes the bond that he and James share, and is usually the first to apologize when their fights get particularly nasty. He's also oddly responsible when it comes to his brother, and is usually seen doing little things to help James, or (in most cases) help the people around his twin. The dynamic between the two brothers is difficult to explain. He doesn't feel the need to hide his feelings from people, especially his brother. Pride and inflated egos aren't really his problem; he leaves that to James.

Biography: The twins were born to a well-off family, to put it lightly. Their mother, Amelia Anderson-Baker, is a fashion designer involved with several different well-known lines. Their father, Harrison Baker, is a respected composer, and often does movie scores for popular films. The twins were nearly inseparable until fairly recently, when they decided to attempt to become their own person. Before, they were almost always mistaken for one another, and entering high school forced them (rather violently) to realize their differences. Since then, the two have grown distant, though they get along when not around other people.

A lot of pressure was put on the brothers from an early age to excel in the arts, and while James took to acting from an early age, Jude found it hard to focus on any one art form. He began with music, and learned the piano until he was eight, when he switched primarily to acting for a brief period of time. That didn't last long however, as James thought he was attempting to steal all the attention. Then, for his eleventh birthday, his mother bought him a camera. Ever since, Jude has been improving his skills as a photographer, and has been featured in several magazines and showcases within the past few years.

Other: Jude is the twin brother of James and the younger of the two by two minutes and forty-seven seconds. He is pansexual - he doesn't take gender into consideration when it comes to love, instead choosing to base his feelings on how well he and the other person get along and how much they have in common.

Name: James Baker

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Physically, James and Jude are nearly identical. They have curly, dirty blond hair that falls just past their jawline, bright blue eyes, sharp features, and lightly tanned skin. They're fairly tall, standing around six-foot-two, with thin, supple builds. However, that's where their similarities end. James has a much more lithe build, and carries himself with an air of grace and confidence. His clothing style is more refined than his brother's, with casual button-ups and expensive jeans. He will only wear glasses when his eyes become too irritated by his contacts.

Artistic Talent: Musical theatre

Personality: James is the 'cool guy'. He's incredibly suave, easily charming people into being his friend, but he does have a mean steak that he isn't particularly proud of. James puts up a confident, charismatic front, which makes him a fantastic liar and a wonderful actor, as he's constantly worried about being considered second-best in any way. He's got a few pride issues, and definitely a few insecurity issues. He compensates by having one of the best GPA's in the school, often landing lead roles in any of the theatre productions the school puts on, and he has a flawless permanent record. He hides his emotions from everyone, and only opens up partially to his brother when they're alone. He claims to dislike Jude, and only 'puts up with him' because he doesn't have much of a choice. In reality, the two are closer than they usually let on, and James does care for his brother though he rarely shows it.

Biography:The twins were born to a well-off family, to put it lightly. Their mother, Amelia Anderson-Baker, is a freelance fashion designer involved with several different well-known lines. Their father, Harrison Baker, is a respected composer, and often does movie scores for popular films. The twins were nearly inseparable until fairly recently, when they decided to attempt to become their own person. Before, they were almost always mistaken for one another, and entering high school forced them (rather violently) to realize their differences. Since then, the two have grown distant, though they get along when not around other people.

A lot of pressure was put on the brothers from an early age to excel in the arts, and James took instantly to acting. He's been in thirty-four plays and seven musicals - an impressive resume for a seventeen-year-old, especially when most of the roles he's had have been leads. He's had one or two movie offers over the years from scouts who have seen him act, but declined, deciding to wait until he finishes high school before he even tries to take on a movie role.

Other: James is the twin brother of Jude and the older by two minutes and forty-seven seconds. He is up for love. He's also addicted to coffee and most definitely not a morning person.

**Edit: To fictionfanatic: Believe me, I'm well aware of the definition of pansexuality, but thank you for catching that! I meant to add that in to Jude's profile, but must've forgotten. It's been fixed.
Last edited by Maybe on Mon May 30, 2011 6:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Be the cartoon heart. Light a fire, light a spark. Light a fire, flame in my heart. We'll run wild, we'll be glowing in the dark.

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Sun May 22, 2011 3:57 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Maybe, about Jude's love interest: I believe what you're trying to say is that he is something called pansexual, which means that you don't care about gender, you only care about the person's personality, etc.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun May 22, 2011 4:34 pm
MyStoryline says...

Name: Fridjtof Daniel Aleksander Hans, but it's hard for Americans to say his first name, so he goes by Daniel, which in his accent sounds like Dan-Yiel, but Americans pronounce it as the American pronunciation of Daniel

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Daniel stands at six feet tall and is pretty thin and lanky. He has brown hair and hazel eyes that start out green on the iris, then turn a goldish color, until it finally turns gray, and then blue at the pupil. He has very straight, white teeth, dimples when he smiles, and a fair skintone.

Pictures: Image

Artistic Talent: Actor/playwrighter/singer

Personality: Daniel is a very wise guy who has seen and learned a lot from his travels all over the world. He loves learning about other cultures, especially African and New Orleans. He's very outgoing and very curious and adventurous, willing to do anything to learn. He's very proud that he knows all about different places, and loves to do African dances and speak in a New Orleans, bayou, accent, as well as make and eat food commonly eaten in New Orleans. He knows how to appreciate beauty and loves to teach people about the different cultures, people, and places.

Biography: Daniel was born in Norway, and both of his parents are rich Norwegians, and him and his family lived there for eight years of his life. When Daniel turned eight, his mother and father decided he was old enough to travel with them. So they traveled much of the world, homeschooling Daniel wherever they went, as well as teaching him to act, sing, and many different languages as well as accents. A couple months ago, they decided to come to America so Daniel could attend Autumn Breeze Arts Acadamy while they traveled the country, which Daniel is perfectly pleased about, hoping to learn more and expand his acting, knowledge, and work on his American accent, which in one of the more difficult ones for him. His favorite places he's ever been were Africa, Russia, and New Orleans.

Other: Up for love. His normal accent is Norwegian, but he can switch to any accent at will. He can also speak in Norwegian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, and American Sign Language rather fluently, but Norwegian is his native tongue (He learned them in that order)

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Sun May 22, 2011 4:43 pm
RainyDay says...

I see you guys already have many characters, but may I have one, please? I haven't done a storybook in a while and think this'll be a good one to do. I'll post my profile in a couple mins. after I eat lunch

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Sun May 22, 2011 5:26 pm
RainyDay says...

Name: Magnolia Charles Street

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Magnolia has short, but not too short, hair that is such a dark brown it's nearly black. His eyes are a bright, earthy green surrounded by really long, dark eyelashes. His skin is tanned from being outside all the time. He's pretty short for a guy, standing at five feet two inches and he's pretty muscular. He always wears a necklace with and old Asian coin and will always be wearing his hat (shown in pic.) as well as a brown fake leather ('cause he's a vegetarian) bracelet with an onyx stone on it

Pictures: Image
And he'll usually be wearing something like this:
Spoiler! :

Artistic Talent: Guitar, Ukulele, Bass Guitar.

Personality: Magnolia is a very earthy guy who loves the outdoors. He loves nature and will take every oppurtunity he can to be in/around it. Magnolia can't stand to see fighting and is a big peacemaker. He's level-headed and can keep his temper. He almost always has a smile on his face, no matter what. His entire life he's been made fun of, but it doesn't matter to him, because he believes that if people can't accept him, then who needs 'em. Outgoing isn't the best way to really describe him. It's more just that he doesn't care what people think of him. He's a great listener and gives pretty good advice, but he loves riddles, confusing people, and making people think. However, he can get really stir crazy. He hates being indoors for too long and if he is he will practically loose his mind bouncing off the walls. He also can't be in a room without windows. No one knws why really, he just can't do it. He loves music, dancing, people, and, well, everything and everyone. He's also incapable of hate. He just can't do it. He's also up for anything/trying new things.

Biography: Magnolia's parents couldn't be more different. His mother, Rayne Street, 35 years old, is, to be blunt, a full blown hippie, minus the drugs. His father, Charles Lellan, 37 years old, is a very successful lawyer. When Rayne and Charles got together, age 19 and 21, Magnolia was the product. Rayne, knowing that Charles was dreaming and heading to be a lawyer, didn't want to mess it up for him, so she ran off, not telling him about Magnolia. Magnolia was born in Austin, Texas, several states away from his father. Rayne then gave Magnolia Charles' first name as a middle name. Since Magnolia was born, him and his mother never stayed in one place for more than nine or ten months. They were never very wealthy, sometimes sleeping in the car or in a tent, but they loved each other greatly and were very close. Magnolia calls his mother Rayne and can tell her anything. They're more like friends then they are mother and son. Rayne allowed Magnolia to do anything really, never questioning him. Magnolia is a lot like Rayne, with the herb concoctions, yoga breathing and mediatating, vegetarian diet, and hemp hipie clothing, etc etc. Rayne taught Magnolia to play the guitar, the ukulele, and the bass guitar as well as singing and spiritual dances and yoga.

Other: He will try to go without shoes and be outside as much as possible. He also refuses to go to a doctor/nurse/etc; he doesn't believe in them. He uses herbs and plants and teas to fix himself and others when they're ill/hurt.
These are his guitars...
Spoiler! :

His ukulele...
Spoiler! :

And this is his bass guitar...
Spoiler! :

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88 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 4524
Reviews: 88
Sun May 22, 2011 10:43 pm
TexanWriter says...

**RainyDay – He really must be a hippie, if he uses herbs and plans for medicines. I use homeopathic and herbalist medicines all the time, but those come in bottles and sugar pills.**

Name: Hazel Burbank

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Exactly like in the picture; her clothing is usually the same fundamentalist style, typically military boots, and man's trenchcoat when it's cold. If anyone can't see the picture, just let me know and I'll write it out -- otherwise, I'm feeling extremely lazy and writing this on my iPod.


Spoiler! :

Artistic Talent: Drawing (mostly ink pen or magic marker, only does pencil when she wants a polished piece)

Personality: Hazel is a practical person to the extreme. Everything she has or does serves a purpose – except for her art. She tends to avoid people unless she needs something from them, and only speaks when she has something worth saying. She doesn’t really care about other people’s feelings, which, mixed her sharp bluntness, tends to bring her a reputation of being mean. She’s not. Like her catchphrase, “It’s nothing personal, it’s just you.” Does whatever she wants within the legal limit – no time for jail time, or detention. A dry wit and a quick tongue top off the thing called Hazel Burbank.

Biography: She came from average, middle-class stock, in a family where an artist's eye was a gift bestowed upon few. Nothing in her life was very extraordinay, although a few family deaths early in her life thickened her skin dramatically. That close realization with death gave her an instinctive desire to do something in her life that would keep her memory alive even after she was gone. She tried throwing herself into a number of hobbies and activities, from getting straight A's one month to nearly breaking her neck in parkour. Not one of them seemed to stick with her, whether she sucked at them or didn't think they would make her known. Over two months she drew every day, and went from drawing stick figures to fairly accurate cartoons. Her parents saw this rapid progression, and pinned together money for art lessons. After five years she became able to draw nearly perfect portraits -- and truly perfect cartoons.

Other: Is in the process of writing and drawing a manga (Japanese comic book) that she wants published, but writing doesn’t come naturally or forcefully to her, so it’s going slowly.

Last edited by TexanWriter on Wed May 25, 2011 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Religion without science is lame; science without religion is blind.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

-Albert Einstein

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
— H. Jackson Brown