
Young Writers Society


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Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:52 am
Neo Eclipse says...

STAR WARS. Ya gotta love it. I know I do. So, I have created this thread to let all the STAR WARS geeks on this sight to vent.
The timeline is set in an alternate universe twenty-five years after the Battle of Endor (In other words, after episode six), one in which the Yuuzhan Vong wars never happened. After the fall of the Empire, the galaxy and it's New Republic have prospered. The Jedi Council has been restored, and Jedi Praxeums (academies) have emerged on a variety of different worlds. The Jedi numbers boast some thousand students. This story takes place in the Jedi Academy established on Ossus. To create a character, just fill out a profile that covers this information

Affiliation (Can't be Sith. Will be explained later)
Occupation (Bounty hunter, Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, Mercenary, etc.)
Rank (Jedi or Military Personel only)
Lightsaber Description (Only if Jedi
Weapon Description
Force alignment-
Light/ 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5/ Dark (Just type the number)

....This is my first topic. Be gentle :lol:
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:23 am
Dynamo says...

Sounds cool. I'm a Star Wars fan myself. Is Luke Skywalker or any of the other characters going to be in this I wonder?

Nickname: Spark
Real Name: Kikkarus Osar
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Homeworld: Bespin
Affiliation: Jedi
Occupation: Unknown
Rank: Unknown
Lightsaber: Purple, dual lightsabers
Weapon: Sniper Rifle, Thermal detenators
Physical Discription: 5'7 tall; Long, gray hair; Right eye - blue; Left eye - gray, with a scar over his eye; Wears baggy clothing
Alignment: 0

I'll start his part of the story tomarrow, I'm too tired right now. But if anyone else decides to start posting, please don't include my character. I want to introduce him into the party myself.
Last edited by Dynamo on Fri Mar 17, 2006 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:15 am
sabradan says...

Another one???
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:49 am
Neo Eclipse says...

To Sabradan-Well, it's kinda another one. The idea was that it was to be a test run for a story I've been writing. It also allows for more people to get into it, since it is based around a community, not a central plot. Don't get me wrong- Yours was great, and I still plan to post on it.

To Dynamo-Nice background (I wish I could churn out names like that)! Bespin, huh? Kool-aid.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:31 am
Neo Eclipse says...

Okee-dokee....my turn

Name- Davion Korr (no relation)
Species/Gender- Human Male
Homeworld- Unknown
Affiliation- Unknown (Formerly Jedi Order)
Occupation- Unknown
Rank- Former Jedi Knight
Lightsaber- Plain chrome hilt, Blue blade.
Ranged Weapons- Two Heavy Blaster Pistol
Physical Description- 5 ft 7 in, 165 lbs. Wears a long, black leather over coat that looks like it has been a rancor chew toy, with black robes beneath it. Has long-ish, dark brown, scraggly hair (think Harry Potter). Slightly muscular.
Alignment- -1

The Black YT-1930 quaked around Davion as he exited hyperspace. It was all Davion could do to not fall out of his seat. As the quaking toned itself down, he looked to the view port of the cockpit. Before him was yellowish-green orb of Ossus. Then, without warning, the ship's power systems went offline, leaving Davion in darkness, but not before one last display appeared on his heads-up display.

"Warning- Orbit degrading".
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:23 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: Thanks. It's actually quite easy to think up names for starwars characters. You just have to sound out different names and choose which one sounds best. I guess it's not as easy for you guys as it is for me, though.)

Kikkarus Osar was riding his speeder bike on Tatooine after making a thurough search of the planet's deserts. He had been searching for any remaining clones from the Empire's army. If there were any clones left, Kikkarus knew they would rally together and try to rebiuld their army. In the worst case senario, if they were allowed to do that, another Death Star might be created. Even though the galactic civil war had been over for 25 years, he had to make sure that it wouldn't start up again.

"I guess Tatooine is clean. I'm almost at Ironhead. Time to get off this planet."

Kikkarus Osar likes to call himself Spark on account of his uncanny ability to fix almost anything mechanical, and how agile he is in a fight. His sniper rifle and his thermal detenators had gotten him out of tight situations before. Spark was born in Cloud City on Bespin, the largest tabana gas mining facility in the galaxy, and was brought into the Jedi Academy at the age of 6. He never cared much about either side of the Force, the Dark side, the Light side. Personally, both extremes annoyed him. So, as soon as he learned the basics in his Jedi training he left the academy at the age of 15 and began to learn the rest on his own, with no influences of either side of the Force to destract him.

As soon as he made it to Ironhead, (which was a city just west of Mos Eisly) he got into his starship and headed towards Ossus to report to the Jedi Council about his search on Tatooine.

His startship was larger than most for people who usually travel alone in the galaxy. He won it in a bet on a pod race in Malastar a few years ago. It was built much like the Mellenium Falcon, one of the ships used to destroy the second Death Star, except it had two floors instead of just one.

Before he entered Hyperspace he always makes a thurough search of his ship for stowaways. If he didn't check, it would be very easy for someone to sneak into and hide on his big ship. When he finished his check, he went into Hyperspace.

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 11:53 pm
Dynamo says...

When he landed on Ossus, Spark went to the Jedi Council to report his findings. After finishing the report, Luke Skywalker, the leader of the Jedi Council, said, "Well that's a relief. If the empire should ever rise again, it'll mean trouble for us all." Luke was impressed by how thurough Spark's report was. "Why don't you come back to the academy? We could really use someone like you. With the pace you're going in your training it wouldn't take long for you to gain a spot in the council and the title of Master."

Spark frowned. "We've been over this. I'm a freelance Jedi now, and that's how it's going to stay. My path is my own to walk and if I choose either side of the Force that path will not be mine to choose."

"Of course. I understand." Another Jedi came into the room and whispered something into Luke's ear. "It seems a starship has crashed on the other side of the planet. If you don't mind, Spark, could you sheck it out for me? I have pressing matters to attend to."

Spark replied with little interest. "Yeah sure, whatever." He headed back to his ship, mounted his speeder bike and headed towards the crash site.

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Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:29 am
LamaLama says...

Name: Tinech
Species/Gender: human male
Age: 25
Homeworld: Coruscant
Occupation: Mercenary
Rank: Dark Jedi
Lightsaber Description: Blue and green. A double bladed lightsaber with seperate crsytals and power cells.
Force alignment- -5
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:41 am
LamaLama says...

Tinech wasn't far from the crash site when it happened. He knew that others were not far behind and if there was going to be any salvage, he should grab what he could before the Jedi Council's lacky got there.

Tinech didn't hate the council, or the Jedi. He hated being a pawn. He enjoyed his emotions and supressing them seemed to be counter productive. Although, there was a certain dark pleasure he got from letting his more sinister thoughts carry through to action. It was his more sinister side that got him stuck on Osssus in the first place. His ship was too damaged to take off again, and the parts he needed to fix it might just be in the remains of that starship.

As he got closer, he could feel the presence of people still on the ship. There were not only survivors, but force sensitives. Probably Jedi. Growing ever closer, he could see survivors gathering outside the wreckege. He detoured to the south of the crash and stopped his speeder about a mile away. He'd walk the rest of the way to the ship. Suprises now might end in blood. He wasn't in the mood for blood.
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:59 pm
Dynamo says...

When Spark arrived at the crash site he saw that there were many survivors. He recognized the crashed ship. This was the transport ship that was suposed to bring potential candadits to the Jedi Council to join the academy.

He walked up to the person who was in charge. "I was sent to investigate a ship crash. What happened here?"

The man said, "I don't know. As soon as we entered the planet's atmosphere our engines burnt out."

"Is anyone hurt?"

"No, I think everyone's fine."

Spark pulled out a communicator from his cloak. "I'll contact the academy and tell them to send-" He felt a tremour in the Force that caused him to stop. He sensed a dark pressence close by, very close by.

Worried, the man asked, "What is it, master Jedi?"

Spark turned on the communicator and called for some backup. When he turned off the communicator he said, "Get everyone away from the crash site and head for that hill formation to the east. Wait for someone to pick you up." Without letting the man reply, Spark ran towards the crashed ship. If what he sensed is accurate, he could be dealing with a dark Jedi.


Tinech was inside the ship's hull taking spare parts from the engine. The ship's hull was ripped open when it crashed. "Yeah. These parts will suffice."

A voice from behind asked in an uninterested tone, "And just what to you think you're doing?"

Tinech spun around and pulled out his lightsaber, turning it on at the same time. Spark was stending at the ripped open entrance with his arms crossed. His eyes were half closed, as if he didn't care about what was going on. Tinech could sense no tint of light or darkness with this Jedi. Uncertain, he asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you with the Jedi Council?"

Spark replied, "An even better question is who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Tinech said, "I was hoping to avoid any bloodshed today, but I guess I have no choice now." He readied himself to attack the Jedi who blocked his escape route.

Spark sighed, "Fine. If it's a fight you want..." He pulled out and turned on his purple lightsabers. "...then that's what you'll get." Spark wasn't about to lose to some dark Jedi he hasn't even met.

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:21 am
LamaLama says...

(OOC Hey, in the future, don't play my character, I actually had something completely different in mind. If you want to pick a fight, thats fine, but that was completely out of character for Tinech. But I'll run with it this time.)

"Screw this." A blast of energy threw the uninvited guest against the wall, hard. Hard enough to knock him out. "Easy enough." He finished gathering the few parts he needed and left, sealing the only way out behind him. "Oughta slow him down enough." He made his way out of this hip, passing the survivors on the way back to his speeder.

"Hey, you, who are you?"
"Its alright, I'm with the council. They sent me to retrieve an artifact that one of the candidates was carrying with him. The potential has, sadly, not survived the crash. This wreckage is stable enough to collect any left belongings, if you'd like. I must go, its a long way back to the Council." He bowed politely, and the commander did the same. He pressed a button on his lightsaber, and his speeder quickly returned to him. He sped away in the direction of the council.

He hit the comm device on his speeder and opened a message to the Jedi Council.
"This is Tenrch Orlin. Luke- the lacky you sent to the crash site is a bit hot in the head. You sure you can trust him?"
"Tinech, he isn't a member of this order, as are you. Unless you've decided to return to us."
"My services are always available Luke, I believe the term you used was 'unsavory methods'"
"Yes, true. Have you found the parts you need?"
"Took them from the ship, I didn't imagine they were needed. That friend of yours didn't seem to understand that.
"Alright Tinech, you take care of yourself."
"Goodbye Skywalker. Tinech Out."
He veered off in another direction, away from his hovel or the crash site, stopping in an open plain, devoid of any active life forms, and began to meditate, sheilding his presence from any unwelcome guests. Even Yoda wouldn't have been able to detect him there.
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:41 am
Dynamo says...

(OOC: Sorry about that. I guess I deserved to have my character get smacked against the wall. I'll remember in the future. By the way, Yoda's dead in case you didn't know, unless you were speaking metaphorically.)

Spark got back to his feet. He felt foolish about letting himself get destracted. "I guess I'm getting rusty. I haven't had a good fight for a while now." He left the crash site and headed back to the academy to get his ship. He needed some parts repiared on his ship.

When he got the academy, he parked his speeder bike inside his ship and left the planet. He was on his way to Hoth, a remotly desolet snow planet.

When he got to Hoth, he parked his ship outside an old abandoned hangar that was the entrance into Echo Base, the base used by the Rebels during the Galactic Civil War after their base of Yavin 4 was discovered.

He got out of his ship and went walked towards the giant metal doors at the entrance. They weren't closed all the way, so Spark was able to squeeze through. Since Echo Base has been long forgoten, it's the best place to use as a gettaway without being desturbed by outsiders.

Spark could hear the sound of someone scrounging through scrap metal on the far side of the hangar. Spark shouted, "Hey Tech! Is that you?"

He suddenly heard a loud crash that sounded like hundreds of scrap pieces on metal falling and hitting the ground at once. At the same time of the crash, Spark heard someone cursing. After a moment, a voice from the other side of the hangar replied, "Well, you know I'm here! What are you waiting for?" Spark was amused by that answer and went over to where he heard the crash.

When he got there he saw a guy picking up metal pipes and tossing them aside. He turned around, "Hey, Sparky. Long time no see!"

Spark crossed his arms and frowned. "It's only been about eight days, Tech." Tech was a close friend of Spark's. He was a real gear head just like Spark. Tech lives here in Echo Base. Spark always comes to him when he needs repairs or upgrades on his ship or weapons, mainly because it's cheaper and Tech does greater quality of work than other space traders.

Tech asked, "Anyway, what can I do for you Spark?"

"Well the hyperdrive system on the Ebon Hawk is acting up again." The Ebon Hawk is what Spark called his ship. "You think you can take a look at it?"

"No problem. But first I want to show you some new stuff I invented."

"Sounds interesting. Lead the way." Spark followed Tech to his lab.

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:41 am
LamaLama says...

(OOC Yeah, I know yoda's dead. Just illustrating point. And Eben Hawk dude... we've all played that game. I'm playing through it now for the upteenth time.)

After he was sure that the threat was gone, it was time for his own suprises. He made his way back to his ship, and set to work making the repairs. It didn't take long, he'd been here a long time, long enough to collect and repair most of his damaged ship. He left the planet for good.
"Now, you little scoundrel, where might you be." He still had a trick up his sleeve or two. He happened to get a glance at Spark's speeder on his trip out of the wreckage, and recognized the model.
"R3, I need you to find all of this type of land speeder, that might have left this system recently." The unit whizzed at him, slightly annoyed. 7 results displayed themselves on his computer, but one grabbed his attention. What being in their right mind goes to Hoth?
"Set a course for the Hoth system." The ship fired its hyperdrive, and screamed towards the desolate system. The modifications and repairs he'd made were able to bring his ship to Hoth faster than he'd expected. If there was anyone anywhere in this place, it was in the old rebellion station, Echo Base. The rebels left in such a hurry, there was plenty left to salvage, scrap, and sell. This was a practical breeding ground for techies.

He took no bother in hiding his presence, whoever was there probably knew he was coming already. He landed close to the base, and scurried in the slightly open doors to find two people already there.
"Forgive me, its cold outside, and a man could catch his death out there." He put up his hands in a sign of peace. "I may have acted to brashly before, but I needed those parts. I'm not appologizing, just explaining I don't mean to start any fights."
Beware of the scary banana fingers! For they are mushy, and yellow.

I will change my sig whenever another member asks me too. (please request publicly) Last change: Nov. 12 by: Griffinkeeper

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:05 am
zell says...

name: ri san
gender: male
species: droid
homeworld: Mygeeto
occupation: bodyguard of luke skywalker
rank: jedi master
lightsabre describtion: double ended lightsabre (colour green and blue)
Force alignment- -5
Last edited by zell on Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:42 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: I was just making sure you knew. And the name Ebon Hawk, I know I got the name right out of the game, but I didn't have anything better to call it. It doesn't really matter anyways. And by the way, zell. The planet name is spelt Mygeeto, just so you knew. Although I'm not sure if it's just one 'e' or two.)

Tech looked at Spark and asked, "Friend of your's, Spark?"

"Not really." Spark walked up to the man and said, "I understand. I sense much of the dark side within you, and I can see that it can mess with you from time to time. If you need those parts so bad then Tech can have a look at your ship later."

Tech replied, "Yes, later. Right now I've got some stuff to show you, Spark."

"Alright, lead the way." Spark motioned the newcomer to come with them as they headed for Tech's lab. "By the way," he asked the newcomer, "I didn't catch your name before."

"I didn't give it." he said. "My name is Tinech."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kikkarus Osar, but everyone just calls me Spark." He pointed at Tech. "And this is my friend, Tech."

They made it to Tech's lab. The doors were made out of the toughest of metals. Tech began to brag. "5 blast dooors, 37 firewall systems, a fingerprint scanner and 3 password systems, no-one but me is alowed in here."

Spark stated, "That's the 79th time I've heard you say that."

Tech entered his three passwords, 'X-Wing', 'Spark', and 'lightsaber'. He made Spark and Tinech walk away and turn around before he entered the passwords. When the 5 blast doors opened they enteres Tech's lab. Tech walked up to his work table, grabbed something from on top of it and tossed it to Spark. He asked, "Here's my first invention."

Spark looked at the sphere. "It looks like an ordinary thermal detanator to me."

"Looks like it, but its 5x more powerful. I could make it 50x stronger, but that would turn it into and atomic bomb." He turn to another object and handed it you Spark. "Here's a new scope for your sniper rifle. It can zoom 2000x further than your old one."

"You really put things to the extreme when you make stuff, don't you?" Spakr asked.

"That's why I had to make shop here." He grabbed two small black boxes and handed them to Spark. "Here's my last one. Attach these to the bottom of your lightsabers and the only thing they WON'T be able to cut through is another lightsaber."

Spark took the boxes and attached them to his lightsabers. "Thanks Tech. What would I do without you?"

"Well, let's not try to think about that, shall we? Now, let's go take a look at your ships."

And on the pedestal these words appear:/'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;/Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'/Nothing beside remains.
— Percy Bysshe Shelley