
Young Writers Society

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Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:10 pm
Dynamo says...

After Dynamo and his group left the gang's fortress, Tiren had said his goodbyes and flown off somewhere else. They were all back in the city. Shlear and Isaure kept their eyes on the six year old.

Selena asked, "Why did you want us to go after the Dreadnaughts gang leader in the first place?"

"I promised someone I met in the market district that I'd kill him."

"Why?" Dynamo told them about Karen, the girl he saved, and how the Dreadnaughts killed her father. "That's terrible." Selena said.

"I know. That's why I wanted to help her."

"What's our plan of action now that he's gotten away?" Shlear asked.

Dynamo scratched his head. "You know, I haven't really thought that far yet. I guess we're going to have to ask around for information on his whereabouts."

Dynamo felt a very small magnetic pull on his magic powers. Whenever a being with magical powers comes near Dynamo, his thunder magic reacts with the energy field that surounds the individual, creating a small magnetic pulling sensation. Of course, he feels the same thing when he's around his friends, but what he was feeling right now was from someone more powerful than them. Whoever it was, he or she was following them.

They stopped at the city's inn. "You guys go ahead and make the reservations. I need to go do something." Dynamo said before parting with them.

Dynamo walked down the street. The magnetic sensation hadn't gone away yet, which means the individual was following him. The magnetic pull was getting stronger, indicating that the individual was getting closer.

Dynamo turned around and saw a man in front of him. "Can I help you?"

"Hello." The man began. "My name is Greg. My trade is antiques."

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Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:24 pm
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

(occ: just if you people didn't knotice shlear is in a coma.....and i don't wanna leave the cave! did you see how much gold was in there. and plus there were still a few dreadnaughts to screw around with (which is what i do for fun). Also dynamo you are making him too serious, i know i said he can be serious, but he normally isn't. only on rare occasions.)
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:29 am
Myth says...

Somewhere in Shimloch...

Astrath held out his hand, he knew it was what people did in these parts of the world when they first met. Thunder-Foot took it and they shook hands, invisible fields of magic sparkled around their connected hands and a bell of warning rang in his ear. I underestimated this guy; he is as powerful as me.

“Now, you like look a man who knows a thing or two about rare antiques such as the Royal Blue Lamp, Mr –”

“Dynamo. I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of the Royal Blue Lamp.”

“That’s why it’s rare!” Astrath laughed. “I say, do you know anything about...” he looked around them and conjured an Orb around them, the other man was aware of it somehow but did not say anything. “Have you by any chance heard of Acra’s Stone? I know you are a mage or a magical being of some kind, and you would know about these things wouldn’t you?”

The man was thinking fast and his face remained expressionless. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’d advise you not to follow me, I have no need for antiques.” He stepped aside and walked off without looking back at him.

Damnation! I should have known a neo-wizard would never know anything about Acra or her Stone. He smiled. But he did have something worth selling. He took out a small silver dagger with a dark green hilt made of dragon skin. He waved the Orb away and set off towards the bazaar, he knew exactly what he was going to do now.

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Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:25 pm
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

(occ: you know what, screw the coma.)

"I am gonna go do somthing real quick, you wanna come?" shlear asked selena, "there is nothing better to do." he said getting up.

"sure, why not; you think dynamo will know if we are gone?" selena questioned as she stood up from the table.

"no, not really but if he does he can find us."

"so where are we going shlear?" selena sliently asked.

"Back to the cave, to check things out; do you get sick from heights?" shlear asked.

"what does that have do do with anything."

"do you?" he asked seeming a little annoyed.

"well i don't really know, i don't go up high." she retorted.

"well, would you like to find out?"

"no not really." she replied walking through the bazzar.

"well then you will have to walk, cuz i'm flying." shlear said smiling as he wandered off into the forest and out of sight, then suddently he burst from the tree lining flying through the air. Saluting selena he sped off towards the cave.

"oh joy" she said as she ran after him.

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Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:03 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: Just to let you know, Doe, Dynamo(my character) is more friendly than that.)

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Thu Apr 20, 2006 1:09 am
Karma says...

((OOC: Okay, we're havilg a lot of spats :), but where exactly are Shlear and Selena going, I'm kinda onfused...))
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
( 0 . 0 )

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Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:32 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

(ooc: ok people read the posts, i mean seriously its all in the posts. It says that selena and shlear are going to the cave, as in the dreadnaught cave with all the gold and stuff. yea we are basically going to check out the cave and get some cash, or that was my plan (also we barley explored, there might be some cool stuff there) :o )

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Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:36 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Tiren was surprised again. Apparently the second person was only unconscious. Now that he was healed, Tiren went to selecting various jewels and coins. He'd need it to replace the cost of finding them the first time. He went for the jewels mostly, they were small, light, and sure to fetch a good price.

He pretty much ignored the rest of them, only muttering a "You're welcome" before getting airborne.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:56 am
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Myth says...

Southern Shimloch...

As evening set over the land the more notorious crowd of Shimloch were out and about in the streets, the bazaars were still open though a few decided to close up and hurry along home. Astrath followed the line of people towards the more bazaars edge, he had only been to Shimloch once before and that had been when he was a boy with Myth to guard him. There was no time to summon a daimon but he conjured a defensive Orb to activate when he was in trouble.

Through the alleyways he came to an old library, it was dark inside with cobwebs hanging from corners and torn books on the floor. He went up a flight of stairs to the top floor; the room he entered was large with shelves on every wall and books stacked upon each other like uneven towers. The windows were closed and only flickers of light drifted in to show a man with a skullcap working at a desk.

“What is it, what do you want?” he asked noticing him.

He strode towards the man and flew backwards and saw a shield beam around the man. I should have known! “Peace, master, it’s me Astrath.” He held up a hand and revealed a tattoo rune on his palm. The old man at the desk put a silver ball to his eye and inspected it.

“Ah! You’ve grown boy, but I expected you to be much older. What wizardry is this?”

“Not wizardry master, it’s a reversed aging potion.”

The man grunted with displeasure, filled his quill-pen and wrote furiously onto his parchment. “What do you want?” he repeated.

Astrath brushed off the dirt, the shield vanished and he stood before the old man. “I need to know where Acra’s Stone is, I have a mission to fulfil and the only thing I need is the Stone.”

“What mission?” the man did not look up from his writing.

“It involves Xephyr’s Peak, I’ll say no more.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing boy, it’ll cause chaos amongst magicians and those other fellows, what do you call them?”


“Yes, them.” He stabbed his quill on the paper. “Who’s put you up to this? Not Percevil, I hope that old fool hasn’t corrupted you and the others.”

“If you don’t mind, and I don’t mean to be rude, but I haven’t got time to argue, I need the Stone. If you hate the neo-wizards as much as I do you’ll help me. I have a gift to present.” He took out the dagger and held it out for the old man who inspected it with his crystal.

“My oh my! What have we here? It has an aura of magic in it but I can’t place where it’s from.”

“I got it from a mage of some sort but it doesn’t seem he knew what it was, otherwise he would be coming in through the door.”

The old man froze and dropped the dagger. “Fool! You haven’t brought him here have you? All my life’s work will be destroyed!”

“Master, just tell me where I can find the Stone and I’ll leave. If the mage follows he won’t be able to get in here, you have your Guardian don’t you?” he scanned the room but felt no presence of a daimon.

“I sent him on an errand, he won’t be back until tonight, and unfortunately it may be too late by then! You clod, you’ll ruin me!” he raised his hands high chanting a complex spell, it took over a minute and nothing happened. Astrath was about to question this then a tremor ran through him and the building seemed to shaking and then came to a sudden stop.

“That was a shifting spell; if Percevil was a good little magician he would have taught you it. I’ve relocated my room somewhere else in the town.” He went over to the window and stuck his head out. “We’re north of the city now.”

He went back to his desk and picked up the dagger again. “If this is worth anything I’ll let you know, come back tomorrow or I’ll send Callé. Now leave me in peace.”

Astrath left hurriedly, it took a while for him to figure out how to get back to his daimon. She was still asleep when he found it; he Concealed the dagger into a wall and kept watch over his Guardian.


(OOC: Dynamo, I didn't intend to make your character unfriendly I just wanted him to be curious as to why a man of magical powers would go up to him and ask about something he didn't know about.)

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Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:09 pm
Dynamo says...

(OOC: It just seemed like you made Dynamo sound a little obnoxious at the end of their conversation, that's all. And by the way, Dynamo isn't really a man. He's 16 years old so he's closer to being a kid.)

"Hmm.... Acra.... Acra...." Dynamo was thinking about where he heard that name before. He had ran into many people in his days that knew magic. The name Acra seemed familiar to him. If the owner of that name was important, then he was sure he would remember that person. The again, sometimes Dynamo's memory was as bad as a 60-year-old's.

He stopped walking when he finally remembered the owner of that name. "Oh yeah! Acra! She was that evil mage I ran into a few years ago. She's pretty powerful, but she was no match for my speed." Dynamo pulled out a smooth blue stone that glowed with a purple aura. "She was trying to use this stone for some sort of ritual. It was a good thing I took it from her, who knows what she would have done with it?" He thought for a second as he looked at the blue stone. "Hmmmm... That guy said something about Acra's stone. I don't think this is the stone he was talking about, it doesn't feel too powerful to me. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong." Dynamo put the stone back in his pocket and headed towards the inn.

He accitentaly bumped into a girl in the street. "Oops, sorry about that." The girl turned to face Dynamo. It was Karen. "Oh, hi Karen!"

Karen's face went red. "Oh, hi."

(OOC: By the way, Dynamo is NOT going to be parting with that stone any time soon. Remember that if anyone tries to do something to Dynamo, he is too fast for them to catch him. So if someone is planning on taking that stone from him, their going to have to do a lot better than just using force.)

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:45 am
Jiggity says...

Vera awoke.

She'd been in a deep preserving trance. Such trances healed and gave longevity to the participants. They had another, less known purpose, and that was to gather magical energy; right now Vera was at her most potent, and she needed to be for what she had in mind. During the trance she had suffered visions, glimpses of what was occuring in the world. Magical cults, sects, and djinn rose and fell in the Far East where the desert clans dwelt. Wars, battles, and magical struggles were initiated and fought to a bloody end. All this and more, and yet Vera was unconcerned. The most interesting thing she had noticed was the grouping together of a small band of somewhat magical adolescents. They fancied themselves heroes, she knew, they thought themselves strong.

They had yet to face the thousand year old might of Vera; Sorceress of the Night.

Stretching out on her Throne of Bones, she shivered in anticipation. "IIyanamo measa nee-edro" She intoned.

Come mighty Dragon.

"Reesa nahsume Isrilioth Anum!"

Arise from the Depths of the Abyss

"Le-anema goswatha manduba Iceneh Drakul"

Heed my call Ice Dragon of the North

"Mertala restula thy imratale echol"

Mortals await thy Eternal hunger.

As the words fell of her lips and darkened the air, a dark stain, like that of ink, filled her veins. Visibly travelling up her arms--filling her with sweet pleasure as it did so--the darkness flowed; crisscrossing a delicate web until it rose up her throat, into her face, there to pool in her eyes.
In the middle of the room a dark puddle formed and grew. Within moments it encompassed the entire, enormous cavern that is her home; a vast sea of evil. The darkness began to swirl, forming a mighty whirlpool and a whispering, as of a host of damned souls, filled the cavern. Near frothing now, Vera screamed her incantations; summoning the Dread Ice Dragon, an elemental being of vast power.

Then the swirling and whispering stopped. Even Vera was silent, it seemed as if the very world was holding its breath. Then the darkness surged, stretching to breaking point before falling away as a monstrous form shot into the air. A trumpet call, of triumph and promised vengeance, filled the air with a resounding shriek. Clapping hands to her ears, Vera screamed as her ear drums burst. The call died away, leaving a ringing silence filled only with Vera's exhausted sobs and the mighty loud noise of a dragon breathing.

"I am free" the words were spoken in a whisper, yet they boomed through the enormous cavern. "Thy work shall not go unrewarded little plaything" It said, directing its attention to her.

"Thank you my lord" Vera replied, bowing and shivering all at once. The temperature had dropped to subzero levels already. " I live but to serve"

"And now, let there be no delay, for I will have my vengenace on this acursed world!" So saying, it beat its mighty wings and flew out into the sun. Huge, pale and glittering with a dazzling light, the dragon screamed its delight to the world, performing airial feats; swooping, diving, and spinning in mid-air. Its call was not that of an evil creature, just that of a creature, chained for too long. It was not long before it remembered however, just who had locked it away.


Be creative if/when you defeat the dragon. Use your heads people!
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:05 am
Myth says...

In the underground room of a bookshop...

He woke as he felt a slight disturbance rippled through his defensive Orb. Startled he jumped up and immediately created a ball of fire in his palms.

“Jethiss has a message for you,” out of a corner of the room strode a cat; it shifted into its human form and held out a scroll.

Astrath looked out at Myth and then let down his Orbs. He quickly read the scribbled note and frowned. “It has to be here!” he cried through his arms into the air. “I felt drawn to this place; the Stone must be here somewhere.”

“Jethiss is not wrong; any daimon could have told you that, we feel these sorts of powers in our soul.” It looked at Myth and smirked. Unless his Guardian is trying to get him killed.

“My Guardian has never been wrong before, tell your master he can’t have the dagger unless he tells me where Acra’s Stone lies, he knows where it is and so does Myth.”

The daimon laughed. “You’re not as stupid as Jethiss proposed. I will speak with him again, make sure you do not leave this building, Shimloch has changed in the past forty years.” The daimon shimmered and went out of focus.

For a while he just stared at the empty spot. Well, Astrath, is Myth was awake what would she suggest?

“Go out of course,” he replied out loud. It was still early morning when he teleported outside, now he had time to scour the City without being disturbed by the bustling of people.


In her dreams Myth was drifting through a forest, like all dreams she suddenly found herself at the top of a mountain peak. Nine jagged stones glowed as nine different artefacts were placed on them by invisible hands. Xephyr’s Peak.

She saw Astrath in the centre, chanting a series of spells, sparks buzzed from his hands to the Stones and the treasures, and a bolt of lightning cursed through his body. The smell of burning filled her nose but she was no longer in that place, she was now in the realm of daimons, all flitting and flying in different directions. Home at last.

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:39 pm
zelithon says...

Libby was surprised when the adults simply forgot about her-while she was still there. After a bit of contemplating her situation she realized it would simply be stupid to pursue revenge. Her little misadventure with that group would not be all useless though; it had gotten her life back on track. Libby now realized despite her tender agree it was time to start doing something with her life. Whatever that something is it isn't in this town she thought as she saw the adults run off. She had already exposed herself to those mages. After briefly considering going back to the privet wearing school she decided to instead become an apprentice to a powerful mage then once skilled enough to find her thief.

suitable for forest travel than a human child. Soon she came upon a loud crunching noise. Switching back into human she came into a clearing that seemed considerably colder than the forest, but that’s not what shocked her. On the other end of the clearing was a huge winged reptile of some kind eating a dead grizzly bear. And apparently it had killed the grizzly too.

Libby had never heard of dragons before so she did the only thing she could think of doing when confronted with a creature many times stronger than any she had seen before.

Libby became a young dragon. She was about a fourth the size of the full grown dragon but still large. She wasn't the same color either. She was bigger and stronger than ever before in any form. Elation filled her. She flexed her wings and realized she would not be a clumsy flier with them as she was when other young creatures.

The dragon looked at her with obvious surprise and said, to Libby's surprise in plain English, "Hello little one I thought I was the last one left. Come with me and let us get revenge on mages everywhere for what they have done to me and our brethren I am. I am known as the Dread Ice Dragon to humans but simply as Frozentalon among us dragons, and you are little one? How have you come to be without parents young hatchling? Ah the humans took them away too. I see."

Libby took a deep breath and managed to calmly lie, "Yes I think they took my parents. I was asleep when it happened. I am Velvet fang. I wanted to get revenge as well but found it unwise to do it by myself." Frozen talon seemed satisfied with her answer.

"A rare name but suitable little Velvetfang. Let us go kill all the mages we can. I find mages quite tasty. Even better than bear." A fearse light shone in his cold eyes. Even if he was nice to other dragons Libby could see he would not hesitate to kill any human. He would appear evil she realized startled. Libby herself was already fond of him.
Adults are just obsolete children, and to hell with them!

Deadpanners are backtalkers!

Atheism is a non phophet organisation

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Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:13 pm
Dynamo says...

Name: Zephyrus
Age: 22
Height: 6 feet tall
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon Knight (It's a race I created. If you want to know more about it, look at the posts in my personal profile for YWS and look for Dragon Knight Legacy: Prolouge.)
Powers: Wind (He has the power to control all wind), Psychic Powers (Can read peoples' thoughts, move stuff with his mind, etc.), Powers Of The Ancients (Powers from his race. He can use it to conjure up small amounts of the five elements of Chaos. Fire, Thunder, Ice, Darkness, and Light.(Remember, it's SMALL amounts.))
Bio: Zephyrus was named after the god of the Western Winds, also seen as the most gentilest of gods. He is the very last of his race. He has four feathered, angel-like wings growing out of his back, which he always keeps hidden under his clothes. When his wings aren't showing, he looks just like any other human. He believes that because he is the last of his race, his destiny is to find and protect two swords created by his ansestors from those who would use them the wrong way. The first sword is the Tenjin, the most powerful sword in the world. It is imbued with the five elements of Chaos(as listed earlier). The second sword is the Dragon Katana. It was made by the Dragon Knights as a weapon against the Tenjin if anyone were to use it the wrong way. The only power that the Dragon Katana has is to absorb any type of energy, including souls, and use it as a weapon, therefore it can be just as strong as the Tenjin, if not stronger. His only reason to live is to find these two swords, and keep them out of the hands of the feable minded humans that seek their power.
Personality: Strong of will, very wise, he doesn't believe in divine beings such as God or Satan, he is generaly quiet, doesn't like to resort to physical violence unless provoked, he's a good person although some people don't view him as one.

"Oh... So you weren't able to kill the Dreadnaughts' leader?" Karen asked.

Dynamo and Karen were walking together in the market place. Dynamo had just told her about what happened at the gang's HQ.

"No. Sorry." Dynamo wished he could have killed the gang's leader, but he got away so fast. He tried to reasure her. "Don't worry. I plomise that I will not stop until I kill him."

"It's ok, you don't need to go through all this trouble just for me."

"I know, but it's not just for you. That guy has ruined the lives of many good people in this city, and I want to show him how it feels when the same thing happens to him."

Dynamo heard some commotion up ahead. Curious, he went to find out what was going on. Karen followed after him. They stopped when they saw a market stall being held up by a bandit.

"Give me everything you have!" The bandit was pointing a strange looking weapon at the stall owner.(Just to make things easier, the weapon is an old aged rifle. In this time, I guess it would be considered a new type of weapon, though.) The bandit pointed the weapon upwards and pulled its trigger. The weapon exploded at the tip as it shot its contents into the sky. He pointed the gun back at the stall owner, who was now trembling in fear.

"Stop what you're doing, theif." A strong looking man walked into the open. He had long, silver hair. His eyes were gold.

The bandit turned around and pointed his gun at the man. "Just try and stop me!"

As soon as the gun fired, a very strong, but quick updraft of wind circulated around the man as if acting like a sheild. The bullets from the gun were caught in the sudden gust and were redirected into the sky.

The bandit was frightened when he saw that the man was unharmed. He struggled to reload his gun. The bandit stopped what he was doing when he looked at the man's face. For a few moments the two of them just stood there staring at each other. The bandit's arms began to tremble. His face began to turn white, the reaction someone has when they've seen something too terrifying to comprehend. He suddenly dropped his gun and fell to his knees on the ground, he puked his guts out. The bandit shouted to the man. "No! No! Stop! Please don't kill me! I'm sorry!" The bandit was giong insane.

All through the event that took place, the man didn't blink once. But, as soon as he did the bandit stopped screaming and looked around, obviously confused about his surroundings. As soon as he looked at the man again, the bandit scrambled to his feet and ran away, leaving his gun behind.

Dynamo was amased at what had just happened. He knew the man was using some sort of magic on the bandit. "Cool! I've got to know what that magic was!"

"Wait!" Karen shouted before Dynamo ran off to greet the man. Dynamo ignored her.

He stopped in front of the man. "Excuse me. What's your name?" Dynamo asked.

"Zephyrus." The man replied in a calm voice.

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Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:30 pm
Karma says...

((OOC: Can someone kill my character off, this is getting WAY to confusing for me...sorry))
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
( 0 . 0 )

Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
— Carl Sandburg