
Young Writers Society

Twelve (Started!)

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:36 am
OnigiriChan says...

Phi Jackson

I wipe my eyes and get up off the bench. The storm is rolling in quicker now, dark clouds liter the sky and depresses the atmosphere. The sun is blotted out, a few rays desperately try to shine through the gaps in the storm but are eaten away. I can smell the rain. I get up to leave, ready to go home and prepare for the lightning. Whenever there's a lightning storm I feel at home. The lightning comes to me like magnet and for a moment or two, when the lightning connects with my body, I feel amazing, like that is where I'm supposed to be.

I want to ride the lightning one day, like I ride through power and telephone lines, but I know that if I go up into the clouds I may never come down again...

I start to walk off, finally, but am stopped by someone grabbing my shoulder. I turn faster than I thought I could and grabbed the offender by the neck.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Phi, it's just me."

Requiem pulls my fingers off his throat and frowns. I feel a blush darken my face and I cough.

"Oh, sorry Req. Thought I was being attacked."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. I have half a mind to stomp his toes but that would be extremely childish of me.

"Anyway," he sighs. "We have a mission."

I frown and look up towards the clouds.

"Right now?"

"No, tomorrow."

"Whatever... What's the mission."

"Sangue assassination. Just to "get the pot boiling"."

He starts to walk away and I follow. It breaks my heart a bit that I won't be able to dance with the lightning but I can deal with it. This, after all, is much more important.

"Guess Alex's ready to get this war into full blast, but why Sangue first?"

"Because we actually know for sure where they are. Might as well get the easy ones out of the way, I guess."

I make a small noise of agreement and keep my head down.

"Where are we going?"

"To get the others."

"Others as in..."

"Cypher and the kid."


"Yeah, him."

I nod again and we break into a small run.

"Since I'm going to have the miss the storm anyway I think I might train a bit after the mission is over. Oh, I need to get my rod. Left it at home."

"Phi! Really?"

"Yes," I narrow my eyes at him and frown. "Just come on, it'll be quick. My house is right this way."

I make a left and ran as fast as I possibly could down the street to my house, which was still slower than Requiem. That, for some reason, made me frown. We made it to my house and I quickly strolled in through the door, Requiem lingered in the door frame. As usual, when I walked in, everything in the house sprang to life, except the blender, I made sure not to turn on the blender.

I kicked past toys and other gadgets before grabbing my rod out of the corner of my bedroom. I used it to channel my electricity through so I could fight with it. When I returned to the living room to leave Requiem gave me a strange look.

"You live here?"

"Ummm... duh? Come on, let's go. We're wasting time."

With that I ran out the door, Requiem quickly catching up behind me, and we went to get the others. It felt good, in a way, knowing that I'd finally be on a mission again. I smiled brightly and let out a small laugh. This was sure to be fun.
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:28 pm
Sassafras says...

Ten Twelve

I take a sip form my own mug, but coffee. Don't fancy tea too much. Tyler shrugged and looked away. I allowed myself to frown and ran a hand through my hair.

"You don't know," I asked.

"No. I didn't try. This is new to me."

"Well, umm..." I bit my lip and sat back, trying to think of something deep and intellectual to say to her, but my minds draws blanks again and again. "When things get difficult... No... When something is new to you... you just..."

"What are you trying to say, exactly?"

I can feel my face heat up so I look away and try again.

"If you don't know something you shouldn't just sit there and hope the information will come to you. Answers don't fall from the sky. You just have to try and try again until you get things right." I look back towards Tyler and smile. "In other words, practice makes perfect. So train, lazy ass."

I stand up and stretch, I can feel my bones cracking. It's already getting late and if I want to be home before it gets too dark then I must leave now.

"Actually, I would propose you come train right now but that would leave Elli home alone. I was actually hoping you would watch her while I went out for a bit... Please?"


"She actually seems to like you, which is strange since she is wary of strangers. It'll only be for an hour or two. So, what do you say?"
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:54 pm
Via says...

Tyler Mascaw

"And what...you just assume I have nowhere to be tonight?"

Ten looked from the bag to Tyler, and back again, "...well?"

Tyler sighed, ".....okay, I don't."

She glanced to Elli who was still in the kitchen working on a sandwich. She really was a cute kid, but Ty was torn with herself. Ty knew who she was--where she had come from, anyway, not how she got here. Tyler knew this because she didn't want anything to do with the kid, but...now it was right here, in her face, in her life, and she couldn't find the courage to turn it down.

Ty turned back to Ten and shrugged, "I guess it's fine."

Ten smiled and Elli came bouncing back into the living room with a very awkward sandwich on a plate. She dropped it in Ty's lap, "Here ya go!"

"Great, thanks." Tyler took a quick glance to the sandwich, hoping it still tasted good regardless of it's outward appearance...she knew she'd have to eat it.

"Elli, I have to go out for a little bit--Tyler is going to stay with you." Ten grabbed his jacket and a pack of cigarettes as he spoke.

"But! Can't I come with you?"

"No Elli, not this time. I'll be back in a little while."

Elli sighed heavily and put on a pout, "Fine." She sulked into Tyler's side.

Ten nodded in their direction, "Thanks, Ty," and headed out the door.
My Literary and Arts Blog

"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:54 pm
Skull3670 says...


Once again outside those blasted doors and Cypher returned to the surface. I slid the bin back into place, pulled my motorcycle kit back on and blasted back to the penthouse. It was that time again. Time to become the Hunter for oh so many more kills. I nodded to the doormans customary greeting and rode the lift all the way up. I stepped out, checked all the entrance triggers, no one had been in but me. I walked over to the cupboard, lifted the loose board out of the base and removed the box within. I pulled open the box, catching the blade that launched from the pressure plate with a speed only i possess.
Within lay only one item. A shimmering metal string. That same blasted guitar string which had birthed my fractured mind set so long ago. Sure other items had joined my equipment. A plastic handled glass bladed knife and ceramic pistol incase of metal detectors. A pair of silenced beretta 92F's for when it really hit the fan. But when it really came down to it, my most fearsome and feared weapon was that guitar string.

Number Four - Hunter

I arose to find myself staring down at it my. My equivalent of the reapers sythe. The hair thin blade of destiny. I wrapped it almost reverentially around the leather of the watch strap before strapping my other kit in place. The handguns in a pair of thigh holsters. The glass bladed knife in its back sheathe. I felt almost ... complete. Only three things missing. I strode over to the cupboard, combat boots crunching with each step and threw it open. On went the black leather trench coat, then the signature black trilby and finally the same deadly predatory smirk.
Once again it was the time all enemies of the Twelve should fear. Time for the Hunter to do fulfil his purpose.
Almost as if the hand of destiny itself was out work my special Twelve phone buzzed with a simple message.
~~We're here. Time to go to work.~~
I marched purposefully into the elevator and headed down to the lobby. There they stood, my compatriots in the war. Number Nine, Phi, The Thunder Child and Number 7, Requiem, Lord of the Dead. Alas my Crimson Queen was not among us this time, Number Eleven, Kai, The Soul Splitter.
"Well Seven, let's get to work. I hunger for the hunt." I could barely supress the predator hiss in my voice.
"Calm yourself. We need to collect Johnny." Replied Requiem calmly.
"Ah Number Five, The Shadow King. What an interesting game tonight is turning out to be." I grinned.
"This isn't a game you maniac! If you weren't so good at what you do I'd have convinced Alex to be rid of you."
"Oh now dear Thunder Child that's just cruel," i replied feigning hurt before laughing. "I am the best at what i do," I sped behind her and drew a finger across her throat while whispering in her ear. "And what i do isn't very nice."
If i don't know i would say she shivered under my touch.
"Enough," growled Requiem. "Follow me. Now!" With that he strode from the corridor, Phi and I hot on his heels.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:28 pm
sylverdawn says...

*I think we should leave how Johnny meets up with us up to Belarus, but if no one else minds I'd like to start the mission itself once we're all there. I plan to start it off with a bang.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:30 pm
Sassafras says...

Sounds fine.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:58 am
BelarusBirdy says...

I felt Jakie's shadow behind me before I heard her light, fast footsteps. As she caught up with me, I said, "Watch out. I think there are a few Diavolo scouts around. Maybe looking for us."
She nods solemnly. "I know, I can feel them too."
A few snickers from the popular crowd at school are silenced.
Then someone screams.
It seems like everything is slower as the gun fires, hitting Jakie in the throat. She's dead seconds later, falling to the ground as scarlet drops rain down on the pavement and the schoolbooks she's carrying.
"Shit. Not here," I mutter. It's not Diavolo, it's a Dolore. I turn as he flashes a smile.
"We can find you. We can kill you. Someone you trust is a traitor. You've been warned."
Even as he's turning I'm shadow-traveling to the base.
A traitor, allied with Dolore.
Things just got interesting.
*hope this is okay, if not I can change it*
A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes. I screamed aloud as it tore through them and now it's left me blind.
Florence and the Machine, Cosmic Love

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Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:52 pm
untameabletiger says...

I Apologise for not posting recently , my computer has been messing up. I'm at school , but I might not have the time to post . Nevetheless , i'm trying!

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Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:25 am
Sassafras says...

Alexander Douze VII

As Ten was entering the building I was leaving it. Yes, I trained for a short amount of time, but my heart wasn't in it as it usually was. There was this insufferable itch at the back of my skull, nagging me. It's still there, even now, and I want to scratch it, but I can't reach inside me head. So I suffer.

"Oh, hey, Alex," Ten calls. I nod and keep walking by him. He grabs my arm and I turn on him, suddenly angered.

"What the hell, Ten," I scream at him. "Leave me alone, dammit! Go home, we're not training today."

He holds up his hands in surrender and backs away slowly.

"Sorry, dude, sorry," he mumbles. I shake my head and run off.

Something's wrong.

Something's wrong.

"Shit!" I curse loudly and run faster through the streets. The itching increases and I scratch at the back of my head desperately. There are ants crawls all over my skin, in my head.

"What the hell is this?" I run to the only place I know where to go, home. No, not to my lonely flat, but home to the Twelve house where are my servants and my Mom. I make it there in no time and as soon as I'm not running anymore I pull out a cigarette, light it, and take a long drag that at least calms the shakes. I have to knock because, of my not being here for nearly a year, my key is outdated and no longer fits the locks.

The door opens slowly at first but once the maid can get a look at me the door is flung open.

"Master Alexander! It's been so long."

She gathers me in a hug and I smile back, wrapping my arms around her. It was Callie, my personal maid since I was a toddler. She pulls back and ruffles my hair, a stunt that no one but mother and herself can get away with.

"Where's Mother," I ask, peering around her shoulder. She steps aside to let me in, but doesn't answer my question. "Cal," I turn on her and frown. The house is unusually empty. "Where's everybody?"

"Off, Sir, as are Lady Douze's orders. You see, your mother has fallen ill and-"

"Ill? What's wrong with her? Where is she."

"Her room, Sir, but-"

I ignore the rest of Callie's sentence and rush up the stairs to Mother's room. It's not hard to find, really, it's the biggest room in the entire house. When I burst in an overwhelming smell covers me and I'm forced to cover my nose. Mother's lying on the bed, thin, pale, and withered. There are tubes pushed into his skin, in her nose, a mask over her mouth, and at least a thousand dollars worth of medical equipment in the room.


She doesn't answer.

"Mom!" I rush forward and grab her hands in mine. She so cold. There are cuts everywhere on her body, now that I'm close enough to see, bruises on her face. Callie runs in and I turn on her, more hostile than I mean to be. "What happened to her?!"

"An attack, Sir. She was attacked yesterday..."


"Yes, sir. Was walking home, me and her, and some men ran out and attacked her."

"Who were they?"

She gulps and looks away.

"I don't know, but I think they might have been part of one of these gangs. Shouting something about a war-"



"Shit! They went for my mom?"

The itching starts up again. I scratch frantically at the back of my head and grab another cigarette.

"Shit... I got to go."

I run off and back down the street, towards headquarters again. I knew he would be there, so it's no surprise when I find Dio lounging against a wall, his features shadowed. It starts to rain.

"Yes, I did," he answers. "Your move, Twelve."


And with that I run off again. Planning... planning... I need a cup of coffee.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:51 pm
sylverdawn says...

*Lets see if I can get this thing rolling again. Also I posted the next part of Fireborn if anyone here is interest in reading my novel.*

Requiem Zvers-

Requiem holstered his guns, and checked the knives he carried in their wrist sheaths. Phi and Hunter were finishing their own preperations for the raid. As they wait for Johhny to show at headquarters, he'd texted them and said he would be there just as soon as he could cut class.

His head came up as if had caught a scent. Deep within him the pond Requiem thought of as his power rippled. Something was coming, something dead. Moments later the shadows gather in the center of the room coalescing to form Johnny. The younger Code held Jakie in his arms, she was covered in blood. To Requiem's eyes her body shimmered with a faint gray light before it took the form of a spirit hovering in front of him.

"Is she dead?" Phi had to ask, since Requiem wasn't making her ghost visible to the others.

"Doesn't get much deader then that." Requiem murmured, stretching out a hand to his former comrade.

Johnny layed her down almost gently on the floor as he explained. "I was on my way here when we were attacked by a Dolore at school. After Jakie went down I shadow-travelled here as fast as I could."

"Crud." Requiem swore, raking a frustrated hand through his dark hair

Hunter leaned against the table. "Do we still go forward with the raid on Sangue?"

Eyes glittering in anger, Requiem nodded. "We need to get on the offensive before this thing gets ugly. Jakie's death was very public and it won't be long before the other gangs hear about it. They'll try to press the advantage. So we'll take the fight to them before that happens. If Alex wants to call us back he can contact us."

Hunter's smirk widened in anticipation. "My kind of plan." He agreed.

"Then let's get going." Phi said. "Johnny leave a note for the others and get ready, you can't walk up to Sangue's headquarters in bloody clothes."

*I'll leave it to Belarus whether or not to tell the others about the mention of a traitor.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:24 am
thestorygirl says...


I woke up and blearily stumbled out of bed. Douze trotted in and put his head on my bed, clearly expecting food. I got up and shooed Douze out of the room. I quickly got dressed and put on a tight black tank top, black shorts and high heeled boots almost up to my knees. I let my long hair spill out on to my back. Then I placed a long necklace around my neck. It was basically just an old silver pocketwatch with a picture of war, bloody and unforgiving, painted intricately on the back of the watch, behind the hands of the clock; which were hands cupped around a mirror.

I then opened my door and gave Douze some leftovers from his dinner last night. I then promptly left the penthouse, but not in the usual way. I opened the door and let Douze out, and shut the door. Then I walked across the apartment and jumped out of the window.

I dropped down quickly, not bothering to unfurl my wings until the very last moment. No one saw my wings when I hit the ground, and I didn't bother to think about why. I waited for a moment, and sure enough, Douze rounded the corner.

"Come on," I said to him. We took my car out of the city, Douze flopped lazily in the front seat. When we got to Duck's land I opened the door for Douze. I said hello to Karnan, the man who took care of Duck while I was away. He was about thirty, and he was kind and not afraid to cuddle with Duck. I left Douze with him and went off to visit Duck.

After Duck went to sleep in his little cave, Douze and I left.

When I pulled my black car up to the curb of my building I got out and started walking. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. I started walking down Fifth avenue, but got turned around and sent down a crummbling alley that I wouldn't expect to be in this part of the city. Douze grew increasingly more suspicious as we walked farther away from the lights. Then suddenly I was being pressed up against the wall. I felt the strange power of this person, it was a male and the arms he was pressing me up against the chipping walls was definetly not human.

"Dolore," I hissed. He let go and stepped back a few feet. My attacker was about the same age as me, with curly dark hair that twisted over his forhead and dark grey eyes. He was wearing a white button up shirt and black jeans with dark oxfords of a sort. He looked Spanish, but he spoke with an unmistakeable German accent.

I was flattered strangely that the Dolore himself had come to kill me. "Yes," he spoke, "I've come to warn you."

I hated it when people spoke in ominous fashions. "Me or Twelve."

"You, Twelve takes no part in this. I've gotten word from one of my spies that Diavolo, Morte, and Dio plan to utilize you as a tool to take down Twelve." He didn't even give me a chance to respond before he left.

Immediatly I called Alex. He picked up drowsily, "Really, three o'clock? Couldn't you just fly by my window and scream again." Ignoring his comments I told him everything Adan, (I'd recalled earlier what Dolore's name was).

"Couldn't you have killed him then and there." Alex asked with an exasperated sigh.

Oh god he wasn't getting this. I had just reached my apartment after telling him the story. "No he'll be of use to us in the future. I think I know how to control him."

Alex let out another sigh, "Okay, we'll adress this later. Until then, goodnight."
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:06 pm
thestorygirl says...

Someone should post on here soon.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:33 pm
Skull3670 says...

Number Four - Hunter

My smirk widened in anticipation. "My kind of plan." I agreed barely suppressing a chuckle of maniacal glee.
"Then let's get going." Phi said. "Johnny leave a note for the others and get ready, you can't walk up to Sangue's headquarters in bloody clothes."
"Yes," I smiled. "Save the bloody clothes for when we're leaving Sangue HQ." I whispered unwrapping and re-wrapping the guitar string, revelling in the feel of it in my hands once more. Without another word Johnny laid Jakies body on the body and walked away to change. Something in his eyes resonated with Hunter. Something inside the Shadow King had broken.
"Sweep dreams Nightmare Princess," I spoke calmly. "It seems to so odd to think such power was contained in so innocent a shell. What a waste."
"If i don't know better i would say you almost cared," Phi's voice broke the almost respectful atmosphere.
"Care? It's not caring that drives the Hunter is it?" Requiem spoke out. He almost sounded amused. "No he is driven by much baser instincts. Vengance, the thrill of the hunt. I must say i almost admire you. Your musical skill is quiet frankly brilliant, but the way you conceal Hunter so deeply."
"Enough," i almost growl. "My life outside of here has nothing to do with in here. None of you care about my fame, my looks, my life style. Here i am not pawed at and fawned over. I am feared, respected. Except that damn Code One, the disappearing fool."
"Leave her alone!" Hissed Phi. At that moment Johnny returned dressed and kitted out. Requiem turned to the collected mass.
"We must press forward. We cannot be seen as vulnerable now one of our number has fallen. The other gangs will be searching for weakness. We shall show them none. Hunter, i can't believe i am about to say this but .. let loose. This must be a massacre so brutal as to drive icy fear into the hearts of our enemies. With me," On that note he turned and strode toward the door. As the others filed out i turned to Jakies corpse.
"This is for you Nightmare Princess." Then i swept across the room faster than the wind and slipped through the closing door.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.
— J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye