
Young Writers Society

Dalle Private School (Closed)

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:47 am
Ktg17 says...

I heard the announcement come over the loud speaker just as I was leaving my room. After I shouted hello to the boy in the gym, he turned and bolted out and I haven't seen him again since. Hmmm, maybe I'll see him at dinner.

I always feel good when I get dressed up and look nice. It makes me feel pretty and I like it that way. My hair is curled, makeup on, and I'm wearing a pretty red dress. My grandma's silver locket is around my neck. She gave it to me when I turned 10. It was her's when she was in her 20s, and whenever I wear it, I feel like her adventurous spirit is with me. I walk into the cafeteria and look around to find a seat. So far I only know Lucy, but she is having a conversation with another girl I haven't met yet and I don't want to interrupt them. I go get a salad, chocolate chip cookie, and Mtn. Dew and sit down at an unoccupied table.

I see Lucy look over at me and give me a cold stare. What did I do now? She slowly stands up and walks over to me.

"Seriously?" she asks, staring right into my eyes.

"Is there a problem?" I ask her.

"You may want us to be all best friendy, but that's probably not going to happen. So you can just stop trying. And never, EVER, match with me again! We're not twins, you know!"

She must see the confusion on my face because she continues, "We're not best friends, or buddies, or whatever you want to call it; so quit trying to match our outfits together!" Then it dawns on me- she's wearing a red dress and I'm wearing a red dress. It's so ironic I start to laugh.

"Oh, you think that I purposefully tried to match y--"

"Don't laugh!" She cuts me off, "Of course that's what I think because its ovbiously true! Gosh..."

"No I really wasn't trying to-"

"Don't even try to explain yourselve to me!!" and with that, she stormed off back to her table. I can feel everyone's eyes on me now, but I'm not going to let he get the best of me. So I take a deep breath and continue eating my dinner as a few more students walk in.
Even if you see in black and white, think in color...

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:40 am
Dreamwalker says...

This is going to be long seeing as I have to get Tristan and Jessie to the cafeteria so I can connect up with Oni's post. Sorry if it looks... ridiculously long xD.


As we turned to go towards the cafeteria, the boy paused and looked suddenly very embarrassed. "My books."

I looked at him curiously, not really moving from where I had positioned my feet until he explained what he mean't, which he eventually did.

"My brother and I switched up bags. He has my books," he stated, this time the one who looked anxious. If anything, I had felt quite a bit more comfortable now that he was showing that could feel panic. "His names Tyler, by the way."

"Tall, athletic, scary?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "How'd you know?"

"We're roommates."

He looked neither pleased nor dismal about the subject. He treated it as a fact and that was that. "So, then, you can lead me to wherever his dorm is, then?"

I nodded, then turned back towards where I had come from, reaching out for his wrist complacently. It was an awkward movement for me but we were in a rush so I pushed back the lump in my throat and merely went with what I thought was a good idea at the time. I didn't turn back to see if this was okay. Instead, I simply trudged on, grip loose around his thin wrist so that he could pull it away if he chose to.

As we moved forward, he spoke quickly. A jumble of words is what I had initially heard but after repeating himself, I realized he was saying his name and that it was Jessie.

"I'm Tristan," I responded, smiling softly though I'm sure he couldn't see it.

When we got to the dorm - which didn't take long - he grabbed the rucksack his brother had recently possessed and replaced it with the one around his shoulder. As he did this, I grabbed my book off my bed, just in case, and we set off for wherever the cafeteria was.

Of course, after a good fifteen minutes of aimlessly charging down unknown stairwells and empty hallways, we finally ended up on the quad where all the buildings were visible. After that point, locating the cafe seemed to be relatively easy, and we did so surprisingly not ditching each other long before then. But, I suppose, it was better to be with someone then alone, and as much as I would never admit it, I thought he was pretty cool.

Jessie headed towards the line and I followed suit, suddenly feeling my stomach knot. I wasn't hungry anymore now that we were in such a busy place. It was easy to get overwhelmed by all of it.

When a voice sounded over my shoulder, I had half expected I would hurl whatever contents were left in my stomach.

"Hey, I saw you in the hall, didn't I?"

I turned around slowly, unsurely. When I caught sight of the male, my stomach only furthered its tight coils, leaving very little room for my already frayed nerves to calm. Another one of the magnificently handsome. He was just a little more... intuitively handsome. "I-I suppose?"

He smirked. "Well, either or, I'm Jin."

He raised his hand out of which I took, albeit slowly. He looked to be a foot taller, though I really couldn't say he was. So far, out of everyone I had met, I appeared to be the shortest. "I'm Tristan."

I had heard myself speak my own name quite frequently tonight.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:57 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬ (I have over 52 notifications in this, the DT and another thread O.O)

I didn't like people seeing my work. I'd have to tell that boy that. It was just something I thought. So, I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder and quickly walked to my dorm room. I dumped my stuff on the bed and set out in search of him. I walked into the cafeteria. I noticed some boys on the table and walked up to them.

"Hey, I'm looking for Seigh?"

"Why do you wanna know?" One of them sniggered.

"Why would it be any of your buisiness?" I snapped. "I need to talk to him, for your information,"

I slid into a seat, two away from them, and waited. Did they know him? they were probably teasin me. I scowled. Would he show up? I paused, ready to get out of the seat, but instead, I got out my book and dove into it.

"Yo," I bruhed my hair behind my ear and looked up. He was with another boy.

"Hey, you're that guy. Umm... Sig... Slay..."

"Seighart," he finished. I laughed, and nodded. Keep it together, Arwen. Of course that's his name!

"Yeah, Seighart." I smiled, he returned the smile, and slid into the seat. He puled out his pad. "Hey, sorry about before. I don't really like people seeing my work until I've finished it,"

He nodded, but showed no other sign that he'd heard me. I smiled. Just like me, he was absorbed in the artwork. I looked at the boy next to him. I smiled at him, but he glared at me. I frowned, and feeling the need to draw, I clamped my book shut and worked on a peice. It was nearly finished, but needed a few extra finishing touches. It was block lines, a tree on a hill. I hadn't coloured it in, but coloured it, black line, green line, black line .... or the colour I was using.

"So," I said, smudging the lines, "Did you know that they make air fresheners out of Sheep droppings?" I said to thin air, aimed at either Seigh or the angry boy. (He'd just come back, and sliped the coffee next to Seigh) "And they say that they are cut grass scent. But, then again, when I went to... erm... Africa! They made paper from elephant droppings so..." I shrugged. "Ignore me, I'm just so random,"

The boy scowled at me again. I looked away and focused on Seigh. He was so absorbed in his work, his hands moving the pencil and colours with excellant precision. I smiled. Red and orange...

A cough brought me out of my reverie. The boy- whatever his name was- was glowering at me.

"Have you got a problem?" I asked, closing my pad and and stowing it in my bag. I turned round to him and fixed him with a stare. "Have you?"

I brought Jin back. Hope it's OK. I'll edit, if you want. I just thought it was an idea :D ^^^
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Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:24 pm
gleek456 says...

Lucy Coyne

I sat back down in my seat, after that little episode with Anna. I need to file a complaint soon. I begin eating my salad again, and take a sip of my water. I stare at the girl, who was absorbed in her hamburger.

"Who are you again?" I asked. She looked up to me.

"Oh! I'm Samantha, nice to meet you!" she extend her hand, but I just nodded.

"Sure," I respond. Samantha looked disappointed, but began eating her hamburger again. I notice a group of students - new students- sitting near me and Samantha. There was this one girl, with the most oddest hair ever. Though the colors were okay. She was surrounded by... many guys, which sort of intimidated me. I shake my head and stand up. I grab my salad and throw out whatever's left. When I returned to my seat, Samantha had a strange look.

"What?!" I asked.

"That's a waste," she answered. I roll my eyes and flip my hair off my shoulders.

"Whatever," I simply answer. Suddenly, the Headmistress appeared on the stage. She tapped on the microphone several times before she got our attention.

"Ahem, welcome to Dalle Private School!" she greeted. The cafeteria erupted in cheers, so I clapped politely.

"Again, I am Headmistress Reginald. Where I'm standing, is a stage. During Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, students are allowed to perform here after they've eaten," she explained. Oh right, I forgot about that.

"Anyone want to perform? Now? Anyone?" the Headmistress waited for a few hands to go up... but none shown up.

"It's like freshman year all over again," she whispered. "Okay then. I'll pick," Headmistress Reginald's finger moved for a few seconds before landing on me.

"Lucy. Good to see you again. Care to perform?" she asked. I smile politely and cross my arms.

"Why Miss? Can't get enough of me?" I ask teasingly.

"Here. Now," she said sternly. I roll my eyes and walk up the stage. There was a grand piano on the stage, so I sat there. I touched the ivory keys before playing, making sure everyone was silent. I began playing on the keys, and seconds later I started singing through the microphone. This song is one of my favorites, so I chose that. I was playing "Jealous Guy" by the ah-mazing John Lennon.

(Okay, I chose Lucy to go first to give you guys an example of what to do. Oh, and the song she was playing, you can search it up on YouTube. I'm doing this on my phone, so I can't give you the link. Just type "Jealous Guy Elizabeth Gillies". Man I love her! :) )

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Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:43 pm
Sassafras says...

Seighart Duo

A smirk formed on my lips as Arwen turned towards Jin. She fixed him with a glare I didn't even think her mean enough to accomplish. But to my surprise little Jin glared back just as hard.

"Have you got a problem? Have you?" Jin narrowed his eyes even more and leaned forward.

"Well actually..."

"Ahem, welcome to Dalle private school!" I groaned at the interruption, this was finally getting interesting. I was always up for a good barking as long as they didn't start swinging on each other, then I'd have to step in. Jin sat back with a huff and Arwen did the same. I smiled and ruffled Jin's hair jokingly. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me. I laughed and turned back to Arwen, studying her a bit before going back to my picture. As it turns out, it was a picture of her. Strange, I never really drew portraits before but it was coming out nicely and not just because of the fact that she was already pretty cute in person. I stopped drawing and dead-panned. Yeah, I did think she was pretty cute...

The audience clapped suddenly, which jolted me out of my thoughts. I clapped anyway as a girl made her way off stage, strange, I didn't even know she went up there. Then again, I was drawing. The lady started talking some more but I wasn't really listening. I put my bag on the table and took out the first of my vitamins, I swallowed those quickly along with the rest of my supplements and finally took out my syringe. I only had to give myself two more shots after this one and, excuse me, but I was in a hurry to get it over with. I strapped up my arm, tapped the inside of my elbow, and inserted the needle. Luckily most everyone was too busy watching the stage as someone else went up to show their skills to care about me. Which was good, I didn't need questions.

"Oh, hey, are you okay? You sick or something?" I looked over at Jin and nodded with a weak smile. Taking this crap always made me drowsy, but I needed to do it anyway.

"You know, you're the first person that didn't think I was on drugs." He smiled and shrugged.

"Well, you know, saw you with the pills and plus no one would be confident enough to shoot up in the middle of the cafeteria."

"You okay, Seigh?" I looked over at Arwen then and nodded, explaining to her briefly about my medication before grabbing my bags and my coffee and standing to leave.

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go. Getting pretty freaking sleepy, you know?" I turned to leave when someone calling out to me made me turn around.

"Yes, young man! Come on up and show us your talent." I turned slowly and shook my head at the lady on stage gesturing for me to get up there. I laughed, albeit sarcastically, and walked away quicker.

"No," I called back. "I don't want to."

"Come on," she insisted. I rolled my eyes as the whole cafeteria joined in with calls of "Go for it" and "Just shows us what you've got!" I huffed and started towards the stage. The lady backed away from the microphone as I went up to it.

"I'm Seighart," I said with a sigh, "and I draw freaking pictures about random shit." I pulled out my drawing pad, ignoring the look the lady was giving me, and held it up for the audience. "There," I said to the lady. "I'm gone." And with that I walked off the stage and out towards my dorm. I was so tired I don't think I'd make it onto my bed.

Just as I predicted as soon as I unlocked the door and walked in I was out like a light. Whatever, I'd move when I woke up.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:17 am
Dreamwalker says...


I watched with shock as Seig cussed in front of the entire group of people. As he started to storm off stage, I gave an apologetic glance towards Jessie, then turned to follow him. He didn't look well. A little pale, if anything, and his words sounded oddly strange as if I hadn't expected them at all.

Of course, as I pushed across the cafeteria towards the exit he had previously taken, the lady spoke, directing her attention towards me. "You then, and this time with a bit more respect for ones peers, I should hope!"

I paused. She didn't just...

"Come, come," she was gesturing towards the stage.

I slowed my movements, prolonging the inevitable for fear of what should come next. As my feet slid across the floor, I feared the looks. The way in which everyone would be watching. Everyone would know.

I watched my feet as they took me up the small stairs and onto the platform, the lady smiling all the while. As I bee-lined away from the microphone and towards the piano, she seemed to be relatively pleased that I had decided against another act of disregard.

"Your name?" she asked, her hand pressed against the microphone so that only I could hear her. When I answered, she nodded and turned her attention back towards the group of teenagers and staff, sickeningly sweet smile ever present. "Tristan, everyone."

I had to concentrate mostly on not throwing up.

As I pressed my fingers against the keys, the first song that popped into my head seemed the only one that would do in such a situation. I didn't want to play something frightfully sad in thoughts that I would end up crying again, especially in front of a group of people this large. Instead, I turned towards a more passionate, exciting piece. Passionate...

I pressed down heavily on the ivory keys, the sound a heavy contrast to a rather quiet atmosphere. It was enough to turn some eyes towards what I had been doing which was not exactly what I wanted, but at least they weren't laughing yet.

I began to play the 3rd movement of Beethoven's Appassionata. One of which I had studied for quite some time and had fallen helplessly in love with. It was a quick, technical song with lots of heavy pressing and movement that could be seen as rather difficult. I, on the other hand, found it to be fun.

As I continued on, I thought of Seig. Of Tyler. Of Jessie... I knew I wasn't going to get along with everyone, but there was still someone, and that made it so much easier to play.

Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:33 am
gleek456 says...

Lucy Coyne

I sat back down, while listening to the sound of applause. I crossed my legs and arms and leaned back in my chair. After my performance, Reginald called on some guy who tried to exit. Smart descision, I thought to myself. Obviously the Head would notice. She did, and eventually, the boy got up on stage. His name was... Sighhart? Or was it something else? Whatever, he was just some artist with horrible manners towards adults.

Next, this other guy tried to exit. God, what's up with guys and escaping? I thought to myself. He got called on too, and he looked very... shy. He began playing on the grand piano, and beautiful music filled my ears. Nice use of the pedal, crystal clear notes, this guy is very interesting. His name was... Christian? Man, I think I'm getting names wrong now. I turn my attention towards my dress, hoping not to make a fool of myself in my phase of awe.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for beautiful pieces played on the piano and violin! They just fill me with pride ad happiness! I sat back and looked down. I listened to the notes carefully, studying the timing of the beats and the melody. I could play it... If I had the score. I should ask for it one day.

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:18 am
icebender28 says...


Several people had gone up, and then a guy stood up and played a beautiful piano peice! How fun!
"That's it, I'm going up!" I said as the man slowly made his way down. Arwen gave me a funny look as I skipped up.
"Oh! And what's your name?" The nice lady said.
I smiled. "Samantha! Samantha Eress!" I held out my hand for her to shake and she took it smiling. It was fake, though, I can tell, but, at least she was trying.
"What are you going to do?" She asked.
Uh oh. I hadn't thought of that. "Ummm, can I get your help?"
"Uh, okay."
"great! Alright, hold out your hands like this. Great! Now, throw me up!" A laugh went through the crowd. She gave me a questioning look, and then complied.
She didn't really throw me very hard, but it was enough. I flew into the air, and did my signiture move: a triple back flip, twist, saumersault, and, as a finishing touch, I landed on the piano, rolled and did the splits.
The crowd burst into applause, and I bowed, smiling bigger than ever if that were possible. Once I had bowed once or twice I got off stage and sat down in my seat, or tried. i slipped and fell to the ground. In my desprate attempt to stay upright, I accidently grabbed a tray, full of spegetti.
I looked around, my head hurting from hitting the ground, spigetti coveringg my front, and the entire cafeteria laughing at me. Even the headmisstress giggled. I got up, tears brimming my eyes, and ran from the room. I didn't care where I went, but somehow or other, I ended up in my dorm. I changed quickly and layed down in bed, crying. And for once, I didn't smile.

(Hope this is alright! Tell me if I need to change something! :D )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:20 am
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Shadowlight says...

Last edited by Shadowlight on Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:44 am
Shadowlight says...

(Marianna is maker her big entrance! XD)

Marianna Labrecque:

I had finally finished the last perfect touches to my art room. This was my first year teaching here at Dalle and when I had first moved in I had found the art room anything but artistically inspiring- needless too say I fixed that.

I hung colorful and beautiful prints on the walls, filled up all the leftover shelf space with models and anything interesting to spark creativity.

I was jittery about the next morning, my first day. I wondered what my students would be like, would they be better than me? was one of my consuming thoughts, I had heard all the students at Dalle were geniuses in their own way and I was worried I wouldn't be able to teach them- I wasn't a genius!

I wiped my hands on my skirt and slowly walked out of the room switching off the light. I knew I was missing dinner but I knew I needed to get back in time to introduce myself to the students. I needed to make a quick stop in my room for something and as I was this years dorm mother I headed for the girls dormitories to my own room.

As I was walking down the hall I heard something, I stopped dead and listened...was someone crying? I hurried along the hallway checking each room until I came to the one that was closest to my own. A young girl was flung upon her bed crying bitterly, I couldn't leaver her like that in the state she was in! The assembly would just have to wait. I tapped the door frame gently.

"Excuse me, whats wrong?" the girl looked at me eyes all puffy, my heart broke and I walked into the room and sat next to her on the bed, she sat silently, I tried another tactic.

"I'm Marianna. I'm the art teacher and dorm mother here, what's your name?"

(Hope this works, remember Marianna is a mother hen so any students with problems she wants to fix it for them.)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:07 am
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬

She wasn't going to get us all to go up, was she? When Samantha got the spaghetti knocked all over her front, and she'd run off crying. I slipped out of the table, but not before-

"Ah, young lady, do you care to peform?"

"I... no...I mean..." I coughed, "I need to find out if Sammie's all right ... the spaghetti..."

"She'll be fine,"

"No, no," I slipped closer to the door, but before I reached it hands clammped themselves around my arms and steered me towards the stage. I had time to whip round to see ....


I scowled at him and got up on the stage. "I'm Arwen," Most people were staring at my bright red hair, and I rolled my eyes. "And I have bright red hair," A few of them looked away. "I excel in drama, art and english, none of which I can really show now, because my bag is at my table," I began to walk of the stage, hoping to make a quick exit but, no.

Jin hurled the bag at me, which I caught.

"There you go. Carry on, it was most entertaining," He sneered.

I scowled at him. I pulled out my artwork and walked back onto the stage. I opened it up and flipped through it. I selected one piece and held it up. "Ciao,"

I walked through the door and hurried to my dorm. Seigh...

I paused for a second. Should I? I dare not ... he's probably asleep, knowing him. I opened the door to my dorm, to find Samantha and a older woman. "I ... err...Are you OK?"

Samantha nodded, and the woman turned to look at me. "You can go, don't worry, she'll be OK,"

Go where? I wondered. I pushed thought of Seigh from my mind, as I walked down the corridoor. I did hesitate by some of the boys doors, hoping to hear him.

I walked down the corridoor. Hands gripped me roughly, and I was pushed up against the wall. Startled, I grabbed who ever had grabbed me.

"Jin? Is that you?"

It can be anyone. Doesn't have to be Jin.
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Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:04 pm
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gleek456 says...

Lucy Coyne

I propped my elbow on the table and rested my chin on my hand. I watched as Samantha slipped, leading to spaghetti covering her. I smirked a bit, but didn't really laugh. It didn't seem funny for some reason. I don't really care for those kinds of things. I watched as Samantha ran out, followed by Arwen, an artist with bright hair.

I stood up and began walking out, passing by the table where Arwen was sitting. I began walking fast towards the dorm building and towards my dorm room. I took off my flats before unlocking the door. I threw my flats on top of my suitcase, then took out a laptop out of the case. I logged onto the school's site, and began looking through the students. The site had more detail than that pamphlet. I quickly searched for mine, waiting to see what they've said about me.

Lucy Coyne: Aspiring actress and musician, good start.

Lucy was discovered by an undercover Dalle scout during one of her recitals. She excels in acting and playing the piano and violin. She sings as well. Lucy is known as a very cocky and ambitious student. Lucy is in her second year here in Dalle.

Cocky?! I'm cocky?! I shut my laptop off and started to change. I changed into a light blue camisole and white short shorts. I slipped on some flip flops and stormed outside. I decided to wander around, to help take away the stress. I began walking... then found myself in the boy's section of the dorm building. I saw that Arwen girl, which was pretty easy because of her bright hair. I smirked. I quickly push her up against the wall, and she quickly grabs my wrists.

"Jin? Is that you?" She asked. I put on a surprised face.

"What?! I'm not named after wine! Lucy is a common girl's name!" I retorted. Arwen let out a breath.

"Will you let go of me?" she asked. I shake my head.

"I need to ask you something," I said with a tone.

"Can you ask me without me up against the wall?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and let her go. I dust off my shorts and put my hands on my hips.

"Why are you in the boy's dorm?" I asked with a disgusted tone. Arwen bit her lip and looked around.

"Why are you?" she asked back.

"I found myself here," I answered. "I'm not some perv. What are you doing here?"

(Hope this is okay Princess!)

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:31 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬

"I'm not some perv. What are you doing here?"

Exasperted, I let out a breath. "Why do you wanna know? You're not a stalker, are you?" I snapped.

"Ugg. Why would I stalk someone like you if I were?"

"I don't know, I'm not a stalker, and I don't understand their twisted mind-set,"

She bristled and glared at me. "So what are you doing?" She asked.

"Looking for someone," I said.

"Not ... not that Seighart?"

It was my turn to bristle. "No,"

"It is! and I didn't think someone so low could sink much lower,"

"Shut up,"

"It is!" She cried gleefully. "Red head's got a boyfriend!"

"I said shut up!" I hissed.

"Aww. Arwen and Seighart sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes lov-"

I shoved her, hard, and she stumbled backwards. "Shut Up!" I roared. I'd gone bright red, flushed with anger and emmbarrasment. K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

I clenched my fists and stormed off. I leaned my back against one of the boy's doors and sighed angrily. I really shouldn't have lost my temper like that...
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Wed Aug 24, 2011 2:52 pm
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Shadowlight says...

Caspian Morley:

By some freak chance I had evaded making a spectacle of myself on the stage. the head mistress of the school didn't even bother calling on me as I slowly slunk out- I guess she though I had already done a good enough job with my "grand entrance"during dinner.

Using my crumpled and slowly disintegrating map of the school I found my way back to my dorm-room and began unpacking. None of my other roommates were there yet so felt comfortable enough to spread out my stuff as I put it places.

being the last one in the room I got: the crappiest bed, the crappiest dresser, and the desk I didn't care about. The only good thing was that my bed was right under the window and air-conditioner. For anyone else this would have been a bad and drafty place to sleep but I hate being hot so the colder I am the better.

It didn't take me long to find places for all my stuff: Clothes in the dresser, books on the desk- school supplies in same spot. My fencing gear was in it's own box and which fit under the bed nicely. The only thing that gave me trouble were my spare pairs of legs- I had three other pairs and I was pretty sure my fellow roommies wouldn't appreciate them being out in the open- for the time being I stashed them under the bed.

Then I got ready for the night. I changed into my loose sleep shorts- I didn't bother about a shirt, it was too hot in the room for one and who would care? We're all just guys in here anyway. I laid down on my bed and was just about to read, when heard something thump into the door.
I thought it might be one of my roommates who had locked himself out, even though i could have sworn I hadn't locked the door.

I opened it quickly, a girl fell in backwards with a cry and took both of us down...

(I hope this was alright Princess, tell me if it's not and I'll change it! :D)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:46 pm
gleek456 says...

Lucy Coyne

I watched as the door opened behind Arwen, making her crash on top of a guy. I smirked and walked towards Arwen's feet. I stopped, then leaned over.

"Have a nice trip?" I asked teasingly. I crossed my arms and stood up straight.

"Shut up and help me up," she answered. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the helping kind," I said. Arwen scoffed then got up. She quickly helped the guy she crashed on top of. Once he was fully standing, I looked him up and down. He had... artificial legs and feet. I looked back up to his face. I sighed, then turned to Arwen.

"I'm going to sleep... have fun Arwen," I said before winking and leaving.

Nobody wants to see the village of the happy people.
— Lew Hunter