
Young Writers Society

Long Live the Living (Closed | Started)

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 4:36 pm
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Auxiira says...

Ludiv -Bodyguard of Prince Thranack
Merillial - Day Two

Spoiler! :
I watched the Princess go over to her brother and stared into space as I walked over to Thranack, thinking of the way he had forced me to my knees. My shoulders burned, echoing my ... shame, embarrassment, disgust at being defeated.

"Lude?" he asked as I approached.

I started and looked up at him, suddenly realising that I wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on. "My Prince?"

He frowned at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir." The conditioned reply slipped from my lips and I was glad for it, though I frowned at it being automatic. Does he ask me that that often?

"Are you certain?" He shouldn't have to worry about me. A prince shouldn't have to worry about his bodyguard.

"Yes. Are you?" Turning the question back at him usually worked, I didn't have to do it often.

"Of course. You were the one the prick tried to hurt." I didn't want to talk about it, I was meant to be able to protect myself. Wasn't he annoyed at me for having lost?

"I'm sorry." Better to be out with it... it probably won't change much...

"I...Me too." I looked up at him. Why is he apologising? He shouldn't have to apologise to me.

"W-what? Why?"

"Because...I...messed...up?" This is probably the one time you didn't mess up. I almost sighed.

"No, you didn't. I did. I'm the one who lost."

"Oh, psh, don't let that bother you. Dae's a good swordsman."


"A damned good swordsman." Yes, but he still shouldn't be able to beat me. I'm meant to be one of the best.

"I know." I said quietly, not wanting to think about any of it, even though it wouldn't leave my mind.

"Come on. Let's take a walk-- it'll help you clear your mind." I wanted to sigh but didn't. After all, he's not going to change his mind.

"As you wish."

"Mm." he grunted, turning down the path, walking fairly quickly. I was used to his speed though, and followed him.

Suddenly he pulled off his tunic and smiled. I snapped my head up, not distracted at all by his toned body. Most of the soldiers had a body like his. Keep telling yourself that, Hawkins. Don't let your mind wander.

"Prince Thranack." I snapped.

"Yes, Ludiv?" He folded his tunic over his chest and grinned at me. Your doing this to wind me up, aren't you?

"You really should put your shirt back on." Before I decide to put it back on for you.

"Why?" He grinned at me. Definitely doing this to annoy me. And it's working, a little.

"It's really not proper."

"So? The Princess has gone back into the castle with Dae, and Father's no where in sight."

"Even so, you really should--"

He stopped as we turned the corner, almost making me walk into him and cutting off my sentence.King Megarus was walking towards us, looking at the flowers. As Thranack tried to turn, Megarus looked at him "F*ck me." Yes. This is why you keep your clothes on.

"...In case we run into someone." I finished my sentence. He narrowed his eyes at me, then quickly pulled on his tunic before looking at me.

"You can go, until he's finished talking to me." What? Why?

"My Prince, it's my job to protect you." And to be able to protect myself...

"I know...but...I don't want you to be around him." He glanced at the approaching King, a frown playing upon his brow.

"Because I can't protect you? I mean, it's understandable, I can't even protect myself." It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. I almost clapped my hands over my mouth but didn't, not wanting him to see how much I regretted it.

"What? No." He blinked and whispered at me. "I meant what I said about you being a fierce warrior. But you're too nice. Diplomatic. You won't tell him to f*ck off, which is exactly what he needs. He's a--"

"Prince Thranack." King Megarus had reached us and stopped.

"King Angroth. What a pleasant surprise." Thranack bowed. At least you remembered that. "Are you enjoying the gardens?"

"Mm, they're too soft to suit me. I don't know how you ever feel safe here." He had looked contemptuously around the gardens as he spoke. His ressemblence to is son was startling and it took me back to my defeat. I suddenly felt as if he was doubting my worth.

"Our kingdom is most safe, I assure you."

"Is that why you walk around with your guard?" Is he threatening Thranack?

"I enjoy her company." I glanced at him, surprised. I wouldn't enjoy my company if I were you. Thoughts started swirling through my head that made me force the rule to the front of my mind again. Don't go down that road, Hawkins. You'll just get hurt.

Megarus seemed surprised by Thranack's reply too. Then again, he probably only talked to his servants to ask for more wine. "Indeed?"

"Oh yes. I've found some of my best companions in the most unlikely places.The barracks, stables, kitchen..." Now he was just getting full of himself. I wanted to tap him on the back of the head to bring him back into line, but in front of King Megarus, that was impossible.

"And just where did you leave my daughter, Thranack?" The King asked sharply. He had left off Thranack's title and I narrowed my eyes at him slightly. Though he might not be a very good prince, he is one, and you'd do well to remember it, King Megarus. Then I noticed the look that Thranack had on his face and almost did tap him on the back of his head. He was going to say someth-

"She grew tired of my company, I believe." I almost sighed. Thank the gods, my Prince didn't say anything stupid.

"Did she grow tired of your company, or you hers, I wonder?" I'm not liking this King. I thought sourly as Megarus sneered at Thranack.

"Mm, we didn't discuss the reasons for parting ways. It just seemed like the thing to do, at the time."

"And you just left her, to wander about by herself? I need to know my Princess is going to be safe here, Thran...ack." I fingered the hilt of my sword to disperse my rising annoyance at King Megarus.

"She is most safe, I assure you." Thranack replied icily. "No one will lay a finger on her, while she's here."

"I certainly hope you're correct." Megarus said disdainfully. I really don't like this King.

"I am. Our gardens are guarded... Besides, I believe Lord Daerys escorting her."

"Indeed." His eyes flashed. "And do you know where they were heading?"

"That way, I believe." Thranack pointed into the gardens, far away from the way Lord Daerys and Princess Lierre had actually gone.

Thranack waited until King Megarus was far away before saying, "You're welcome."

"You can't honestly expect him to thank you for lying to him." I scoffed, even though I didn't disapprove of what he had just done.

"Well..." He lifted a shoulder and smirked. "He can't expect me to tell him the truth, if he's going to be a jerk."

"You're going to get in trouble."

"Eh...I've been in trouble before. Often." Yes, you have. I frowned as he grinned.

"You wouldn't get in trouble so often, if you'd only put a bit of effort into being more agreeable."

"But why should I, when it's so much fun to make people angry?" I sighed. Only he would find it fun to make people angry. He grinned before turning

"Come on. Let's go do something."


I followed Thranack through the gardens until he suddenly stopped and sat on a nearby bench. We had been walking around for a couple of hours and the heat was starting to make me uncomfortable, but I was used to being hot in my stiff leather top. Thranack suddenly stood up again and paced back and forth in front of the bench. I had known him long enough to know that he was either thinking about something, or he was nervous. I wasn't sure which though. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's nearing suppertime?" I knew what approximate time it was from routine. He probably did too.

"Getting there."

"Right..." He evidently didn't want to go to dinner.


"Ludi..." He stopped pacing, looking at me. "Can I...ask you, something?" Pardon?

"Of course, my Prince."

"Lierre doesn't like me." He said. What made you think that?

"I'm sure she just needs time to get used--"

"She doesn't like me." He repeated. Well, now that I think about it... "...Do you know how I can change that?"

"I..." I sighed. How was I meant to know? I wasn't good with this stuff. "Perhaps you could do something nice for her?"

"I'd like to." He nodded. "But...I don't know what. What do girls like?" I don't know. I'm not good with knowing what other women like.

"I...can't answer that, sir." I sighed. "I don't know her."

He sighed too. "Me neither. Girls are complicated." Are we?

"Not really."

"Well then what...do I get her, Ludi?" How am I meant to know? I haven't ever really acted like a girl.

"I wouldn't know. I'm not a typical girl, my Prince." I almost blushed at what I had just said. Why did you say that Hawkins? Why should he see you as anything other than a loyal bodyguard?

"I know that, you're cool." He stopped for a second, and a slight flush crept up his cheeks. "I mean...just get you a knife, and you're happy."

"Mmm, although, I have quite a few knives already. I probably don't need any more. I don't know... get her something she doesn't see in Barqarnon." Barqarnon. His sister. He should know what she likes... What would your sister like, my Prince?"

"Mm...My sister ..." He sighed and started pacing again. "Pretty things...toys, dolls, flowers...flowers!"

"That can't be that hard...we are in a garden, sir." The Princess likes flowers too, juging by her interest in the gardens before.

"I'll get her flowers." He started back through the garden, picking roses and taking off the thorns. Princess Lierre is one lucky girl. I mean, who else has a prince picking roses and taking their thorns off?


Thranack stopped in front of Princess Lierre's door and took a deep breath before sighing and knocking on her door. I had stopped further down the corridor out of ear-shot. It wasn't polite to listen in on courtship, and I didn't want to anyway. I watched as he hid the flowers behind his back, then gave them to her. A small white thing bobbed up Thranack's arm and I took a few steps forwards, wondering what it was. It looked like something one of our magicians would make. "It's cute." Thranack grinned. "What spell did you use to make it fly?"

"N-no spell. I just touch them and they wake up." That's some powerful magic she has.

"That's awesome." I frowned slightly.

"Well, I should probably go and.. Unpack. I hope I'll be seeing you at dinner tonight?" I hope? For some reason it annoyed me slightly that he wanted to see her.

"Yes, I'll be there, my prince."

"Do call me Thran. 'My prince' sound so.." He waved his hand. I didn't hear what she said, but his smile widened. "Exactly."

"Thank you for the roses, Thran." He stepped back and she closed the door. His smile turned into a goofy grin.

"Prince Thranack, sir," a messenger boy bowed. I recognised him as one of Sir Brekyr's preferred messenger boys.


"Sir Brekyr wishes to speak with you, sir. He's in his office, in the barracks, sir."

Thranack sighed, though he had to have been expecting it. He couldn't get away with messing up a Council meeting without being told off. "Okay. Thank you."

The boy nodded and sprinted off. Thranack sighed again and glanced at me. I took a few steps forwards and followed him to the Barracks.

I noticed Thranack up his guard as soon as we reached our destination. He and Chief Brekyr had been practicing fighting as soon as they saw each other apparently since Thranack was seven, and I didn't want to get in the way, which was why I took a step back as soon as Thranack pushed open the door. I waited until the noise of fighting had stopped and stepped into Brekyr's office, closing the door behind me as I did so. Sir Brekyr had Thranack pinned to the ground with a blade pressed to his neck. Though I knew that my Prince was in no real danger, I couldn't stop my hand from flying to my sword and unsheathing it a tiny bit. Thranack let his head fall back onto Brekyr's knees, panting.

"You're dead." Brekyr stood up, smirking as he helped Thranack stand up, then bowed. "My Prince."

"Yeah." Thranack rubbed his neck as he pulled a chair out in front of the desk.

"You let an old man beat you...again." Sir Brekyr moved around his desk, placing a few papers back on it.

"Whatever. I'm tired, I've been riding all day." I knew that Sir Brekyr was one of the few people Thranack was completely free with.

"Oh, I didn't realize. I'm sorry." He said mockingly, sitting. "I'm sure anyone trying to kill you will be far more considerate." True.

"Mm." Thranack grunted as he flopped into the chair he had pulled out and I stood close to them, but far enough away to not be intrusive. "Alright. I get it."

"If only you did." Sir Brekyr said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"At least I got the Duke's support." Aaaand we get to the reason we're here... probably.

"He threw you off his property."

"A minor detail."

"After you called his son a little bitch."

"I called it like I saw it."

"You can't do that, Thran." Sir Brekyr rubbed his face. "You very nearly started a war."

"But I didn't. He came to his senses." Oh, my poor, dear Prince. That isn't a reason.

"I cleaned up your mess." Sir Brekyr corrected. He was known to be very good at clearing up other people's - mainly Thranack's - messes.

"So quickly?" Thranack seemed slightly disapointed. Why do you enjoy causing trouble so much, Thranack?

"I have people to watch my people." Because you don't trust the people who are already with him?

Thranack poured himself a cup of coffee before lounging in his chair again. "Well, I hope they're more... loquacious than I am."


"...What is that supposed to mean?" I almost smiled. Surely you know what he means, Prince. You don't mean to say that you haven't noticed you're completely tactless?

"It means, Thran, that you're a poor, dumb goober who puts his foot in his mouth as often as he opens it."

"I...okay. Fine. I guess you found a good spy to follow me, then?"

"My most diplomatic." Brekyr rolled his shoulders. "Don't worry, Dearie, he's very good at saving your ass...you've given him plenty of practice." Sir Brekyr's habit of calling people Dearie or Sweetie had kicked in, and it reminded me of the times he had visited the Crimson Guards in training. Those had been very interesting lessons.

"No point employing someone who's not good at what he does." he grumbled, and I was reminded of my defeat earlier. Why does this keep coming back up in my head? Let it go, Hawkins. Thranack has already tried to cheer you up...

"I know, but you're good at fighting, so we tolerate your lacking diplomacy in Councils." Thranack glared at Sir Brekyr as the latter smirked.

"Though, you really should try to think before you insult people." That's what I-

"That's what she was telling me." Thranack mumured, jerking his head at me. Sir Brekyr looked over at me and smiled.

"Oh, yes, hi Ludi." Thranack and he were the only ones who called me that, the only ones I accepted calling me that. Thranack because he was my Prince, and Brekyr because he had helped after my father died, when I didn't want to do anything else but stay in a corner holding my father's sword and hit those who came near me.


"Smart girl. Hard headed, but smart." Now they're going to talk about me as if I'm not - hard headed? What in all the gods?

"Tell me about it." Thranack sighed. Don't you start! Maybe I'm a little ... oh fine.

"Well, she might be a bit more agreeable if you were kinder to her." He isn't unkind.

"I try that!" Thranack exclaimed, "It doesn't work. Watch." He turned to look at me. A slight frown creased my brow.I'm not here to entertain you.

"She's not a dog, Thran-- don't try to make her perform." Sir Brekyr reprimanded him and Thranack turned back to him.

"I know she's not a dog," he snapped, as he crossed his arms.

Sir Brekyr glanced at Thranack, and grunted, then looked back at me. "How are you, dear?"

"Fine, thank you, sir...And yourself?"

"Oh, fine, aside from putting up with Thranie's nonsense." Thranie. Brekyr's pet name for Thranack. I repressed a smile. Although, nonsense is a bit far...

"That's a job, sir." I answered.

"Indeed it is." Sir Brekyr agreed. "But what's wrong with you?" Pardon? With me?

"Nothing, sir." Apart from earlier. But I don't want to talk about that.

"I know you better than to believe that, Sweetheart." Sir Brekyr answered, making me ground my teeth a little. "You seem...distracted, distant. What happened?" Why can't people just drop it?

"Nothing, sir." I snapped, my reply coming out sharper than I had intended. The War Chief glanced at Thranack for an answer, his brow raised. Don't tell hi-

"She was sparring with Dae and lost. I think she's still sore about it." Why can't everyone just drop it? Why can't I drop it?

"Oh, there's no shame in that." Sir Brekyr told me brightly. "Dae's an excellent swordsman."

"Yes, sir, I know." I replied stiffly, glaring at Thranack. Why did he feel the need to tell?

"Look at Thranie here-- he loses every time I spar with him, but you don't see it getting him down. If he let losing bother him, he'd have some severe mental problems. But, no, he lets it roll off his shoulders. That's what you have to go-- just let it go. I know it's hard, but after you get as much practice as Thran here has, it's easy. Really, I mean, when he first started losing he'd sulk for days. But now it's second nature, right Thranie?" A smile started to creep over my face. Sir Brekyr knew how to cheer me up. Make fun of Thranack, without really insulting.

Thranack grunted and glared. "Yeah, guess so."

"See? He's even got gracious about admitting how good of a loser he is. Why--"

"Alright!" He snapped, sitting up. "I think she gets the point." I chuckled at his discomfort, feeling a lot better. The defeat no longer annoyed me that much.

"Good. Do you?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get the point-- I can't beat you. Yet."

"See, Ludi, dear? He's been losing for twenty years, and he keeps clinging to the hope that he can beat me one day." I smiled. The day Thranack beat Brekyr was the day he'd become War Chief, which wasn't what Thranack was meant to be, even though it was what he really wanted.

"Yep. Now let's talk about something else."

"And he still seems to think he's got some type of authority here."

"He is the Prince, Sir." I reminded him, even though I did find it amusing the way Sir Brekyr made fun of Thranack and allowed him to be more himself. Thranack wasn't suited to being a prince, really.

"I know. And I plan to take advantage of that fact." He leaned back, propping his feet up on his desk. "I can't tell him to shut up when he's the king and actually has authority over me."

"I'll remember all this." Thranack grumbled and I almost laughed. Your memory isn't that good.

"No, you won't."


I felt the hairs raise on my arms and the crackling sound of electricity coming from the yard. "Sir, is the Crimson Guard doing magic drills in the yard?"

"Yes, Sweetheart. Want me to take care of Thran here for you so you can go?" The prospect of being able to practice with my brothers in arms was making my eyes shine.

"Can I, sir? Prince Thranack?" I needed their agreement before I could go. It wasn't very professional for me to leave like this, but I wanted - needed to talk, to practice, to lose myself for a while.

Brekyr nodded. I looked to Thranack.

"Of couse." I bowed and left the room quickly, marching down the stairs. I pushed open the door to the yard and hurried outside.

"Hawkins!" The cry came from the instructor. We never stopped learning, even once we were trained. "Are you joining us?" The crackle of energy had stopped as the group waited for my reply. I knew most of them, but some of them were new recruits, just it from the Academy, and they were all men. Most women didn't venture down this road. I smiled and removed my hardened leather top and placed it on a nearby peg, the crimson cotton top underneath hugging my form.

"Prince Thranack and Sir Brekyrd gave me leave to practice during their conversation. And I missed everyone." They came over and we talked for a short while. Most considered me their little sister, and I considered them my older or younger brothers. Some didn't like me that much, because I had stolen the post of the Prince's bodyguard from them. Although, they had nothing to envy. Making sure the Prince didn't start a war was a full time job. Once everyone had gone back to training, Itaph came over to me.

"How was taking care of Prince Thranack?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. I turned to the closest target and made an explosion in it's centre. "That bad, huh."

"Not really. Just helped to stop him from starting a war again." He came and stood behind me.

"You're giving away your intentions again. Your finger twitched." He grabbed my hands and turned me away from the target. "Try again." I sighed and closed my eyes, visualising the target's centre and released a tiny trickle of power before opening my eyes to the sound of my explosion. I sensed Itaph's mouth next to my ear. "Very good, Lu."

"Itaph, would you please let go of my hands. I'm pretty sure you like your eardrums." He snorted, but let go of my hands, moving his up my arms. I plucked a small dagger from my belt and twisted my arm so that it was me holding his arm and not the opposite. The dagger was balanced right next to Itaph's jugular. "I'm pretty sure you like your blood being in your veins too." He laughed and raised his hands.

"You got me." I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step back just as he drew his sword from it's hilt and swung it in a wide arc. The guards around us had already cleared the space.

"Sure, I got you." I stuck the dagger back into it's sheath and drew my sword, smoothing my fingers along it's back once, feeling the words inscribed on it. Living is dying. "You did the three things I dislike within two minutes, my brother." I grinned as I twirled my sword in my hand once. "You insulted my prince." The centre of the target I had been practicing on exploded. "You called me Lu." The centre of another one was blown out. "And you got waaaay too close." A third centre exploded in a small cloud of straw. "So, come on. I needed someone to boost my confidence. You'll do well." Itaph grin echoed mine. Our fights were routine, and I almost always won, learning new tricks at the same time.

I was the first to test the waters, sending a blow ringing against his sword. He quickly responded with his own blow, and we quickly descended into a glinting dance of metal and skin. A circle formed around our spar, but I hardly noticed, loosing myself in the fight. I reacted on instinct and quickly gained the upper hand. The song of the blades hummed in the air and I lived off of it. Itaph's sword clattered to the ground and I stopped, my sword pointing at his neck. Small cuts fingered our arms and legs, and we were dripping. I grinned at him. "Second blade at your throat today, Itaph."

"You were fierce today, Ludiv." He remarked as I sheathed my sword and gave him my hand to help him up.

"I needed to get something out of my system." I yanked him up and clapped him on the shoulder. "How are you?"

"Same old, same old. I'm gussing the Prince is harder work since Lord Daerys' family got here?"

"Yes, but then it's not that hard after three years. You thinking about letting one of those suitors get to you any time soon?" Itaph had always had the town girls around him, but had never seemed interested.


I sat on the fence and leant against the wall as Itaph joined me after retrieving his sword. We had been sparring for about quater of an hour, and I was tired, especially after the spar with Lord Daerys earlier.

"What about you, Ludiv? You're liked in the barracks, you know."

I laughed a little. "No, never. I've got a job that I can't do with a relationship."

"So you don't like anyone?" No one. Definitely not. Don't try going there, Hawkins.

"Nope. No one." I felt a tendril of power creep around me and narrowed my eyes at him. "No one, Itaph. And you know the day you read my thoughts is the day our friendship ends. Why do you even want to know?"

"Because... I..." A conflicted look crossed his face then he seemed to decide something. He suddenly leant in front of me and pressed his lips to mine. I froze and couldn't think as he drew back and looked at me, his icy blue eyes meeting my violet ones.

"Why did you just..." He seemed exasperated at my question, but his voice stayed soft.

"Because I lo-"

"Ludi!" Thranack's voice called from the door leading inside. He was looking directly at me and I realised he had seen Itaph kissing me. Ice dripped into me and I scrambled to my feet.

"I'm coming, my Prince!" I called before turning back to Itaph. "We'll... talk about this." I ran over to Thranack, grabbing my leather top as I passed. I didn't put it back on since my crimson shirt was drenched. I reached Thranack, who was frowning. I realised that my shirt clung to my form and I flushed a little. "Sorry for making you wait, my Prince."

"No, it's fine..."He seemed distracted. "You need a clean shirt. You can't go like that to dinner."

"Okay then, do you want to stay here, my Prince?"

"No, it's fine. I'm coming with you." I nodded and lead him back into the barracks. I walked into the living quaters and up to the first floor, stopping in front of my door.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to, Majesty." I said quietly. In fact it would be better if you didn't.

"No, I'm fine." I nodded again then pushed open my door.

My room was quite small and sparse. My bed stood to one side with a chest of drawers at it's foot. A shelf with books stacked along it was fixed to the wall above a small desk littered with papers. I hurried over and quickly slid a few papers into an open drawer and slid it shut. Thranack didn't need to see the observations and reports I had made on him. A chair sat next to a screen cutting off the corner of the room, and Thranack went to sit in it after closing the door. I took a half-sleeved crimson shirt from my chest of drawers and looked at it for a second. Perfect, seeing the heat, I thought as I untied the small laces at my neck before slipping behind the screen and placing the clean shirt over one corner of the screen next to my leather top.

The thought of the Prince being just on the other side of the screen was slightly distracting as I pulled the sweaty shirt over my head. The cotton scraped the small cuts on my arms and a small hiss slipped through my lips.

"Ludi, are you okay?" Thranack's concerned voice floated over to me.

"I'm fine, sir. I got a few scrapes when I was sparring with Itaph earlier." I put the dirty shirt over the corner of the screen and studied my stomach. A few bruises were blooming over my ribs, but they didn't hurt much. I smoothed my hand over them then reached for the clean shirt.

"Itaph? The man you were with when I was looking for you." Something seemed strange about his voice, but I couldn't tell what as I pulled the shirt over my head.

"Yes...that man, sir." I tied the laces on the shirt and reached for my leather top, tugging it over my head.

"So...do you like him?" My hands slipped on the laces of the top. Don't think about it, Hawkins. He doesn't really care.

"No, my Prince. We're just training partners." I replied slowly as I finished lacing the top and stepped out from behind the screen. "Whilst I serve as your bodyguard, sir, I will not take a partner. Shall we go, your Majesty?" I started towards the door, leaving him to follow me. It wasn't very proper, but we needed to get to the dinner. I heard my door slam and rapid footsteps indicating that the Prince was following me. He caught up to me as we exited the barracks.

"But being a bodyguard is basically a life-long job!" he protested as we started into the gardens.

"So I won't take a partner for my life. I chose for it to be this way, Prince, and I don't regret it." Not even one teeny tiny bit. I stopped for a second and fell into step behind him as we crossed the gardens at a rapid pace. He didn’t reply to my statement and I couldn’t tell whether it was because he didn’t know what to say or because he didn’t care. Either way, it shouldn’t matter to me… I thought slightly sourly. But then again, my life choices were none of his concern. I chose when my father died that I would be a bodyguard like him. When I had met Prince Thranack, I decided that I was going to be his bodyguard, and I managed to outclass all of the men going for the same spot. It was an honour and a huge achievement to be able to be a bodyguard. Why can’t he see that?

I thought about the way he had acted after seeing Itaph kiss me. He had probably just been angry that I had taken so long. But what if he wasn’t? The thought slipped into my mind and wouldn’t leave. What if he was jealous of Itaph? I tried to chase the thought from my head. Thranack was about to be married, and anyways, why would he care about a bodyguard? I shouldn’t care whether he thought of me in that way either.

Thranack suddenly stopped. We had reached his room and I hadn’t even noticed. Some guard you are, Hawkins. Thranack paused with his hand on the door handle.

"You...you can stay out here. I need a bath and it...wouldn't be proper..." He murmured before slipping through the door. That it wouldn’t. I thought as I stood next to my door. At least his attendants are the- my thought was cut off as the door opened again. "If I won't let Ludi in here, I damn sure ain't going to let y'all in here." The attendants traipsed out of the room and milled around in the corridor. The door slammed shut behind him and I heard the click of the key turning in the lock.

Well it’s nice to know that he trusts me more than them for most things. I thought as I leant against the wall lightly, ready for a long wait. Thranack had seemed distracted and I knew well that that meant he would take a long time. And he had always liked his baths.

I emptied my head and floated in the dark pit that I had created inside. Most people thought of pits as somewhere dark and fearful, but for me, it was reassuring. I could visualise my power as a shining globe, but I didn’t want to see it right now, so it stayed as a glow in the distance. For now I just wanted to relish in the emptiness the pit brought me. I was still alert and heard everything that was going on around me, I could even distinguish people’s footsteps, but I was alone, so utterly alone. I would spend a lot of time here if I would, but I didn’t respond when I was in my pit.

Though it was a place to not think, I couldn’t help but let Itaph’s kiss filter through. It was something that shattered my peace, someone I considered my brother suddenly doing that.

I flickered back to the corridor, and looked in the direction I had heard James’ characteristically light footsteps.
“James.” I called. “Can I talk to you?” I was determined to get the answer to at least one of my questions. The attendant walked over and smiled.

“Ludiv. How can I help you dearie? I see that our Prince is in a mood again.”

“Mmm. James, what-” I stopped for a second, wondering whether this really was a good idea. Then again I had never been one to back down from a challenge. “What does it mean if someone kisses you?” James glanced up at me, surprise painted over his face. I couldn’t blame him. I hadn’t thought that I would ever ask something like this either. But then expect the unexpected. I unconsciously touched my lips, trying to erase the ghost of Itaph’s kiss. James smiled slightly.

“It probably means that they love you. Did someo-” I cut him off with a glare. I wanted to know something else.

“Say someone-” The door opened next to me.

“James.” Thranack’s demanding voice called from inside. The attendant threw another smile at me and hurried through the door leaving it open behind him. I could’ve listened to their conversation, but I was lost in my own thoughts. He was the one person I truly trusted

Itaph probably loved me. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. I thought of him as a brother and had done since we started the military course. I trusted him more than anyone to watch my back in a fight and I still could, really, but I wasn’t sure that it would be the same. I sighed. Why did he have to change everything? I hadn’t even imagined that he thought of me in that way, but then again, I wasn’t very good with anything to do with love. Hell, I couldn’t even keep my own feelings in check.

"Would you like me to fix your hair?" James' voice emanated from close to the door, and I smiled slightly as I straightened up. James had always been more feminine than other men, but I didn't mind. I knew that Thranack did a little, but not very much. I saw Thranack appear in the doorway.

"No. I'm not a girl, regardless of whether or not I'm wearing this damned rose. You're not doing my hair." The door snapped shut and Thranack looked at me. "Ready?" I nooded and he nodded back before starting towards the dining hall.

He was dressed in a black tunic and trousers, a rose pinned to his chest. I stared at it without really staring at it. He was evidently trying to please Princess Lierre. It annoyed me even though it shouldn't have done. Why do you do this to yourself, Hawkins? He's going to get married and he doesn't really care that much about you anyway.

Thranack suddenly started walking faster and I saw Princess Lierre ahead of us, rounding a corner. "Lierre?" He called and she turned around relief painting her face. Was she lost? I glanced past her and saw King Megarus. I still don't understand. Unless she's afraid of her father.

"Oh, hello King Megarus." Thranack didn't bow and just stared at King Megarus, as if he was throwing him a dare. Brilliant. Start a war in your own country. This man has your sister in his castle. Think of her a little. "I was going to escort your daughter to the dinner. I hope you don't mind?"

"How chivalrous of you." One of the only times he's like this, apart from holding doors open. I thought with a slight smile.


"Don't let her run off." He looked at Thranack in a condescending way again, making me grind my teeth. I don't care if you're a King. You don't look down on my Prince like that.

"She's rather quick." The King quickened his pace, stiding towards the dining hall and leaving us in his wake. After a few seconds, Thranack glanced down at Princess Lierre, who was sighing. I caught a splash of red and glanced at her hair. Roses decorated her dark strands. My heart panged. She was making an effort for Thranack too. They're going to get married, Hawkins. Stop torturing yourself. The Crimson Guards who guard the Royal Family must never let themselves develop any feelings for those in their care. That rule is there for a reason.
"Are those the roses I gave you?"

"Yes, they are. I like them." I dropped back a bit, not wanting to hear the conversation. It wasn't proper and it wasn't helping me get rid of my feelings. I watched from behind as Thranack offered the Princess his arm and she took it. I wonder if the Princess is going to have a bodyguard once she marries Thranack. I thought as we walked towards the dining hall, not really bothered about whether she would or not, just worried that I might have to stop being Thranack's guard. I wasn't sure that anyone else would be able to handle him really.

In front of me, Thranack opened the dining hall door, letting Lierre though before letting it go for me to catch. I slipped through behind him and took up my place at the back of the room after having bowed to everyone in general. I watched as the Princess curtsied and took the seat that Thranack offered her. He bowed to King Megarus, then to the King, who eyed him. I smiled slightly. Sir Brekyr and I weren't the only ones who could tell what Thranack was thinking.

"It's good to see you on time."

Thranack sat down and I stared at his back for a second. "Yes, sir. I even took a bath this time." Is that really something you want to be declaring to the whole table.

"And we all appreciate it."

I saw him rub his nose and knew that he was trying not to grin. I held back a sigh. [i]Grow up, Prince.
"Good to know my efforts are appreciated."

"Indeed they are, when you make them." I held back a small laugh. He has a point. "You seem to have a talent for disappearing, though." And taking me along with him. Sorry I'm not able to stop him from hiding.

"Thank you." It's not really something to be proud of unless you're a child... "...But I'll be sure to be easy to find later?"

"Good." Thranack nodded then emptied his glass in one go. Getting drunk isn't a solution. And I have to deal with it later if you do.

"Is that a new bruise?" The question caught my attention. It probably is, but when did he get it - oh. Lord Elgan. Of course. Why do men always sort problems out with their fists? Thranack coughed and set his glass down.


"On your cheek. Is that a new bruise?" Thranack touched his cheek. Yes, it is. That wasn't there when we came back.

"No. Of course not." I tuned out of the conversation slightly, tracking everyone's movements closely, only turning back to what people were saying again when the Princess stood up suddenly.

"I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well. May I be excused?"

"You're being rude." Megarus' voice ground out. I really don't think that I like you.

"I'm sorry." There's nothing to be sorry for, really.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Thranack asked. I stood up a little, in case she did.

"No, but thank you, Prince Thranack." She left the room.

"Well, it seems all of the children grew up rude." No. I really don't like you. "What's wrong with you?" He asked Thranack. Probably you. He doesn't do well with arrogant people.

"Nothing...sir." Lie.

"Mm. So, Thranack." Thranack turned to him stiffly. I could tell that he was trying hard not to start a fight for once.

"Yes, King Angroth?"

"I'm glad to see you managed to make it back into the castle, with your poor sense of direction." He has a very good sense of direction. It leads him away from things he doesn't want to confront. Thranack rubbed his nose, hiding a grin again. That's a bad habit.

"Yes, sir, me too."

"But it makes me wonder..."

He took a bite of his roll and I knew that he had an innocent look on his face, just to provoke Megarus. "What do you wonder, King Angroth?"

"Are you a habitual liar, or is that special treatment that you reserve for me?" Are you calling my Prince a liar? Well... He is one, but that's beside the point. King Creyo, Sir Elgan and I are the only ones who can really do that. Thranack choked on his wine again, coughing incessantly. I frowned slightly as he reached for the glass and took another drink.

"I draw, from your obvious dismay, that it is indeed special treatment." Thranack choked again and my frown deepened. I really, really don't like this King. Why do you hate my Prince? He hasn't done anything to you, really.

"King Angroth, I'm not sure such a direct accusation is in--"

"Look at the boy." King Angroth cut the King off, and I ground my teeth. "He's guilty and he knows it. And now he knows that I know it as well."

"No, sir, I assure you that--"

"Shut up." Why don't you shut up? The way he was treating Thranack made all polite thoughts leave my head.

"Yes sir." He looked down, rubbing his hands on his legs. I could tell that he was getting nervous, which was normally when he looked to me for a way out. I started to think of excuses that would make sense. I wasn't going to leave him in a situation that he didn't like, even if he was the one who had started it. He reached into his pocket and looked at a small piece of paper, glancing up at me for a second before turning his glare back to the paper.

"Thranack." King Creyo asked. "Did you lie to the king?" Yes.

"Well, uh, you see--"


"No, sir. I--"

"Don't lie about lying." King Angroth said coldly and I almost glared at him.


"I-I w-w-was, I-I." His stutter took me by surprise. Didn't you get rid of that? Even though I found the stutter slightly endearing, it normally meant that we would be escaping pretty soon. I stepped forwards slightly. "M-may I b-b-be excused?"


"I-I-I just rem-remembered that- that L-Lord Elgan w-wanted to see m-me." Right. Okay, I can confirm that if I have to.

"Mm." The King stared at him, suspicious, and I almost opened my mouth to help, but I stopped. If he didn't look at you in that way he does when he needs help, then you shouldn't try to help.[i] "Can't it wait?"

"N-no sir. I've wait-waited too long as it is."

"Hm, very well. I'll chat with Lord Elgan later, to see what was so important it had to interrupt your supper."

"Y-y-yes sir, thank-thank you sir." He stood up abrubtly and bowed, before hastily leaving the room. I hurried after him, bowing before leaving the room like him. He was leaning against the wall, panting slightly with his eyes closed. [i]Poor you. You put yourself in that situation, though

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. He opened one eye and nodded. He didn't look good. "Are you sure?"

"I-I'm fine." Really?

"...I thought you said you'd stopped stuttering." My eyes narrowed slightly. Or that Brek managed to get you to stop. "I certainly haven't heard it in a while." At least... two years, I think.

"I-I lied. I still s-stutter when-- stutter when I get-get flustered."

"You knew he'd figure out you lied to him eventually."

"I-I just didn't...expect...for him...to accuse me...of such." He slowed down, making an effort not to stutter. Calm down. Learn the lesson. Megarus is like that.

"Wild men w-who caught and sang the s-sun in flight, and learn, t-too late, they grieved it on its way, do not go gentle into that good night." I'd heard the poem before, the last time he had got this flustered. Brek made you learn that, didn't he? He just wants to help, whatever he does.

"Better?" He opened his eyes again.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"Good...are you really going to go find Lord Elgan?" I don't think so, but maybe.

"Well... I guess I don't have much choice now." I nodded. Are you a sucker for punishment? He turned around and walked to where Sir Brekyr's room was in the palace. I had rarely been to it, only ever with Thranack. I thought back to the times when I had had to sneak into the barracks to be able to see Brekyr and smiled slightly. I had been so childish then.

We reached the room and Thranack glanced at me. "You can stay here." Hmmm? Sure. You must want to talk to Brek by yourself. He knocked as I stood next to the door, ready to wait.
"Who is it?" He opened the door and walked in. Sir Brekyr won't like that. I heard movement inside as the door shut behind Thranack, then a low thump against the door. Him or Brek?

I leant against the wall to wait. After a few minutes I sighed. If it was like this, then my mind was going to wander, and I didn't really want to let that happen. Letting my mind wander today alwaysn seemed to bring it back to Itaph, or Thranack, and that wasn't what I wanted to let it do. Itaph...Itaph was my brother, and I had thought of him that way for as long as I had known him, really. I couldn't have Thranack, even if I wanted him, so there was no reason for me to get worked up about it. I closed my eyes and relied on my other senses to tell me if there was anything wrong, slipping into my pit again until I heard a voice.

"F*ck you!" Thranack's yelled from behind the door. I straightened up a little. What happened this time? A few moments later the door opened and Thranack came out, pulling his shirt on. I saw a smattering of dark bruises across his ribs and frowned slightly. I should have a word with Sir Brekyr about that, but it isn't really my place, is it? He stormed down the corridor, cursing and I jogged a few steps to catch up with him.

"Dare I ask what happened?"

"He's a motherf*cker. A real asshole." You said that the first time we met. Do you remember that? And I said that Brekyr was kind. Then ran away. I don't do that anymore, do I? And really...

"Isn't that why you like him so much, my Prince?" He glared at me then rubbed his face before nodding. See? Calm down a little and look at the situation properly, and it makes sense more often than not. I followed him down the corridor as he hurried along, watching in case anyone was around. He rounded a corner and screeched to a halt, turning and pushing me back around the corner. What on earth?

"What are you--?"

"Shh!" He hissed, glancing back around the corner. "Megarus is back there." That explains that. But then... I saw King Creyo round the corner in front of us and sighed. From one problem to another.

"You're going to--" He walked straight into the King and I sighed as I stepped away from them slightly. That was what I was trying to warn you about.

"You're trying to avoid King Angroth?" The King frowned.

"N-no sir." The stuttering had kicked back in again. Are you really that apprehensive about talking to both of them?


"I-I was just..."

"You were just...?" If it wasn't so obvious then I would have shook my head. Just dig yourself further into that hole, why don't you?


"I thought I'd seen you disappear around here." He turned around as King Megarus arrived. Brilliant. This day is just getting better and better. Thranack opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Should I help? I don't think you'e like it if I did...

"Thran?" The King asked.


"Thranack?" King Megarus repeated, making me frown. Stop pestering my Prince.

"...What was that?" He jumped backwards with wide eyes. I didn't hear anything... oh, excuse, right. I tried to fall in with his act, touching the hilt of my sword.

"What was what?"

"That--that loud crash?"


"Yeah! Didn't you hear it?"

"I didn't hear anything." I twitched. Be quiet for once. Leave Thranack be.

"It sounded close. I-I better go check that out." He said before sprinting off, with me following him. It's been a while since you made me run like this away from someone. Normally I have to stop you from running to them to hit them. We slowed down a few corridors over.

"Sir...where are we going?" I asked.

"If Brek asks, to the physician." He leant against the wall, breathing heavily and holding his side. What have you done to yourself? "If Father or Megarus asks, to...I don't even know. A horse got out? And I had to get someone to put it back?"

"And the truth?" He rubbed his face. Don't lie to me, please. Can't you trust me?

"I think I should go clean out Reb's stall." It wasn't a lie, I could tell, but it wasn't the full truth either.

"Why does Lord Elgan expect you to go to the physician, My Prince?" For your side? He glanced at me and shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess I just looked stressed." Liar. I glared at him. So you don't trust me enough to tell me what's really happened? My hands fisted slightly.

"So, we should go." He turned and made towards the stables. I sighed and followed him.
Last edited by Auxiira on Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:21 pm
crossroads says...

Prince of Barqarnon | Castle of Merillial
Day Three


I sighed before the doors of the Dining Hall, knowing I was late. I didn't like that - I was rarely late, especially because I knew my wandering alone around the castle was always observed in one way or the other. I made my best to look just apologetically enough, and bowed my head at Creyo a bit.

"I apologise..for being late." I said, loud enough to be sure they've all heard me. With a little smile, I turned to the rest of the table, and made sure to frown as I met Lierre's glance.

I was hungry - drastically so, after the dreams and the night I spent mostly awake, and missing dinner the day before - but I felt somewhat sick by looking at the food. Lierre was eating, though not as much as it would be normal for a girl of her age, and I vaguely noticed her and Thran exchanging a few words. He liked her - it was obvious since the moment they've met - but now she seemed to be starting to like him as well. Do I have to interfere? I wanted them, I needed them, to get married..but I didn't expect her to like him so fast. She should've been afraid, she should've still be wanting to stay away from him. I took a sip from my glass, glaring at some fruit at the plate in front of me. If she trusts him enough to tell him, she might start a war before I'll get the chance to do anything about it. I took a few bites for no other reason but so I wouldn't have to lie to Quill if he asked me about my eating later. Thran will take care of her. I gripped my glass, and absentmindedly noticed as father made the same move. He wasn't wearing his rings this time, and I almost smirked. Are you following the same thoughts? Is that how it was like to have her slipping out of your hands and into mine? Were you troubled with the same thoughts? Or were you troubled by feelings I know nothing about? I knew Thran will eventually care about Lierre - and I knew he'd do it because he's just that kind of person, and it'd be inevitable that she once found out about what real love and care were.

I tensed as her fingers touched mine, as she reached to take my hand. I looked down, noticing how now I was paler than her, but I didn't turn to meet her eyes. She was shaking a bit, noticeable only because of our skin touching, and that almost made me grin. Good. Stay frightened, little sister. I need your fear to build my kingdom.

"Dae," she muttered, so silently I could barely hear her. I furrowed my brow, but still didn't turn to her, pretty sure she wanted me to. You started to choose him over me. I need you to realise that's a mistake. I wondered if she had any idea of how close she was to becoming completely irrelevant to me. If she was to squirm out of my reach, if I wasn't to hold her and have her dance by my notes, then she'd only mess with my plans further. And then it would be more risky to let you live than to kill you along with your husband, sister dear.

"Are you alright?" She asked, reluctantly squeezing my hand. "I was worried when you didn't come to dinner yesterday."

"I had a busy night," I said, keeping my voice equally silent. And you, were you dreaming of future? I wondered if giving her that key was such a good idea. I needed her to know I could protect her from father, yes..but not to make her feel too safe. I wondered how she'd react to me turning cold and unemotional towards her. Would she feel sad? Confused? Angry? ..guilty? I smiled a bit. Guilt is good. "Bad dreams, as well.." I turned to look at her this time, frowning slightly. What does a hurt person look like? "I dreamt of walking around the castle like a ghost - as if I weren't even around, not even you payed any attention to me trying to reach you."

That did the trick - she was looking at me apologetically, her lips trembling a bit and her hand getting colder again. What if I asked you to pick? Would you turn to him for protection, and tell him what you needed the protection from? I did no move to squeeze her hand back, and I kept serious, reading from her eyes how it affected her. Emotions. So intriguing - I wonder if she'd be able to name it. I wonder how long it'd take to make her cry now.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice silent and almost sounding like on the brink of breaking. Yes, you really are sorry, aren't you... "I would never do that." She squeezed my hand tighter.

"Well, it seems that our children's rudeness knows no bounds," father suddenly said. You have no idea. "They've sank to whispering at the dinner table.." Well I'm certainly not into talking to you instead.. "Trying to run away when they see decent company."

"I didn't realise that us running to other people makes you so lonely," I muttered, bringing my glass to my lips again. Lierre's hand was shaking slightly, though she kept her posture, again resembling a stone statue. Interesting. So afraid, yet acting so brave. Whom did you act brave for in Barqarnon, sister dear? Whom are you acting brave for now? I felt father's eyes on me, but didn't care to turn at him. My sister's hand gripped mine tighter again, and I looked at her, reading the silent plead in her eyes. Worried about me? I wondered what she'd do if I got hurt.

"You should know to pay proper respect to your king. And so should he," father said, gesturing at Thran. I almost smirked at Thran's expression. "Lying and hiding.. You know your history, right? Do tell.. Countries fall under such kings, don't they?"

Yes, Thranie, do tell. Be the big hero my sister sees you as.

"Well Thranack?" father insisted, smiling a little. He didn't really look happy - but I was fairly sure he was amused. "Don't you know it's rude not to answer your elders when they speak to you?"

"I do." I furrowed my brow at Thran, knowing father was glaring at him too. I could practically tell what was going on in his mind. "I-I meant.. I was.. I was just.. Trying to.. Gather my thoughts before I answered."

"Well, with the time it's taking you to gather them, you've got far more thoughts than most people," father said, "..or maybe you're just particularly slow."

Thran was angry, seriously angry this time - I wasn't quite sure if that anger was more directed at father or at himself being unable to think of a proper comeback. Lierre, on the other hand, seemed terrified, and I suppressed a smile. Oh, right..if he's mad, you end up hurt, don't you.. I wonder if you still think your fiancé could protect you.

For a moment, I thought of acting instead of saying anything. I wondered what they'd do if I took a knife and attacked father, or shifted and kissed Lierre out of the blue - I imagined the latter having worse consequences than the former.

I wondered what Quill would say on me thinking and acting like that - he knew better than anyone that I wasn't really provoked to get into a fight, and I was curious as to how'd he feel about me doing it anyway. I should ask Creyo to have Quill with me at meals. It'd be so much fun. I knew he would never say anything - but I did know that I could see it in his eyes, and the thought almost made me grin. Don't do that, Dae, I warned myself. He's worried for you as is, you don't want him to end up doing something stupid for your behalf. I took my glass again, just now really realizing what I was drinking. Wine will surely do good after lack of sleep and food. I smirked slightly.

"I can imagine that the next generation on the throne is simply the best thing that could happen to some kingdoms," I said, this time louder, playing with rings on my fingers. I could feel Lierre freezing of fear again.

"Please don't," she whispered, at the same time pleading and panicking. If you keep that up, they will all figure something is going on. I kept my glare on my rings. Why not, Lie? You have Thran now, why would you cares what happens to me?

"None seem to come to mind." Father remarked. "I'm certainly not impressed with any heir I've seen yet."

"I'm not particularly impressed with the incumbent on Barqarnon's throne." Thran muttered, and for a second I lost the line I had in mind. Who'd say, someone just grew a bit of something..? I licked my lips, realizing that father didn't even hear him. So, brave enough to have an opinion, but not quite to share it... I guess that's a start. I wondered whose side I should take. Teasing Thran was always fun - but I got to do that all the time anyway, and besides, I had to maintain my role of perfect protector. I doubted my sister would take my side if I took our father's. So I acted angry about him attacking my friend and brother in law to be.

"No one particularly cares what the kings think, heirs are heirs anyway," I said, getting similar glances from Thran and Lierre.

"Watch it," father warned silently, and I turned to him with a slight smile on my lips.

"Why so? You surely wouldn't want to leave your land kingless, now, would you?"

His grip on his glass tightened, and he glanced at Lierre. I will win that duel. And you will leave her alone. "You should learn when to shut up," he muttered.

"I'd say it's inheritable."

"Alright," King Creyo interrupted, suddenly getting up. I kept my eyes on father for a second longer, then turning to our host along with everyone else. "It's already rather late, and I believe we all have our obligations. King Megarus, your carriage has been arranged, I believe you can leave to Barqarnon as soon as you've planned to." It took me a moment to figure why would he be going so soon. Then I thought of mother and Princess Amalaya. I bet you'll want to make sure they don't forget you once you won't be able to constantly remind them of what you can do to them. Creyo's eyes fell on me. "Daerys, if you would, I'd have a word with you. I'm sure your lessons can wait a bit." He waited for me to nod shortly. "Thranack, Princess," he smiled a little to Lierre, "if you'd excuse us."

I got up, letting go of my sister's hand though I couldn't help but meet her eyes again. The way her feelings showed in them..the way her fear made them sharp, and all the unshed tears so shiny.. I knew she wanted me to stay. See what's it like to not have me around, sister dear. Then you might start to understand that I am the only one you can rely on.

Father's hand clutched around my wrist as I tried to pass through. He let me go almost instantly, but it was enough to get me to stop.

"You will bow to me before you die," he whispered, and I turned my back to him and the table, following King Creyo out of the Dining Hall.

He stood in front of a tapestry, one which showed the crowning ceremonies of some long lost generations of kings, seeming somewhat distant. I joined his side, my hands behind my back, my thoughts fleeing to garden and swords outside. And Quill. Not like you don't have ideas of what to do with him.. I bit my lip and kept serious, pushing the thoughts back, as King Creyo spoke.

"Your relationship with your father is a bit worrying, lord Daerys." Oh, you've noticed? I kept silent. "Your personal issues shouldn't be brought to discussion in situations like these. Sharing meals with your allies aren't when certain matters should be talked about." He looked at me as I still haven't spoken. "Is everything alright?"

I shrugged, buying myself time. What now, Dae? Worried, scared, sad, angry, dismissive..? "I will see never to lose my temper like that again, sir."

He frowned slightly. "That's not quite reassuring."

"There's nothing you should be worried about, Your Highness," I said, with a little smile. "Regardless of our little disagreements, both my father and myself are looking forward to the bonds made between Merillial and Barqarnon." I bowed a little at him, still with the smile on my lips. "If you'd excuse me now, my tutor is waiting for me."


I found Quill in the back garden, again lying down in the grass, with his eyes closed and the swords aside. I considered picking one up and poking him with it; then he opened his eyes and got up, as if he felt my presence as soon as I approached him. He smiled, getting the swords, and handed one to me.
“Should we start at once, my prince?”

You do seem eager to. Still worried about my duel? "Sure, why not?"

We took our positions, and I shoved the thoughts of politics away as I listened to his voice and the sound of our swords meeting. Sparing with Quill always had the same effect on me - it was one of the few rare things that could make me stop thinking of everything else. If it applied to me, I'd say it was lightening my mood. Ever since I was a child, I liked the feeling of a sword in my hand, and knowing that I could use it for defense just as offense. I didn't remember it, but uncle Marius told me that I used to observe him practicing back in Barqarnon, and I recalled how eager I was to learn my moves as Quill just started teaching me. I was barely eleven back then, and the sword I first took in my hand was almost longer than my height.

I glared at Quill as he put his sword down to tell me something, trying to remember what I thought of him back then. I haven't trusted him yet - that took time and proving loyalty - but I didn't really recall anything more of those days. I was busy mastering my acting, and I never cared much to make memories of anything else.

"My Prince?" I looked up as Quill called me, suddenly aware that I have no idea what he was talking about a moment ago.

"Yes, Quill?"

"Are you alright?" He stepped closer. "You're still unusually pale, and seem rather distant." I shrugged. "Did something happen with your father?"

I shook my head. "He said I'll bow to him before I die." I looked up to meet his eyes. "When did I start calling you Quill?"

He seemed a bit caught by surprise - I imagined switching the subject like that, with my casual mentioning of father's threat, made him worried or something again. "You only twice called me by my full name."

I raised my eyebrow. "You recall that?"

"I recall many things, my Prince." He turned the sword in his hand. "We should keep practicing."

I raised my sword as well, and looked up as I felt rain dripping all over me. Quill didn't put down his sword - though I was fairly sure he would drop it if I said I wanted to stop sparing - so I kept my own up as well, continuing with following his moves, answering to his blows with my own, keeping the rhythm until I found myself losing my breath. I should have eaten something. I don't get tired so soon usually, do I?

We stopped to take a break, and I blinked as I looked up, just now realising that it had stopped raining.

I turned around as Quill stilled, following his gaze to find Thran's tutor observing us. A smile crept up to my face by habit - the kind of smile which wasn't even supposed to seem natural, because people seeing it wouldn't expect to see me smiling anyway.

"Good morning, Lord Elgan," I greeted him. Have you heard of my conversation with father already? Have you perhaps even heard of our little duel arrangements? "It looks like the start to a lovely day."

He walked closer to us, and him and Quill nodded to each other. "Hello, Master Daerys. I see you're off to an early start." He was the only one who called me that - Quill occasionally did go with the title, but he never used my name. "Do you spar every morning?"

"Indeed I do - my tutor has a special tendency of getting me exhausted..numerous times a day" I smirked, glancing at Quill, who seemed to be hiding his smile. "Do share your expert opinion, does it seem worth it?"

"I don't think it'd be proper to share whether I think your...private excursions, are worth doing," he replied. Ah, so you seem to be in your playful mood, don't you..? "Or do you mean with your swordsmanship?"

"I see you find yourself to be an expert in many fields," I countered. "I knew there was a reasons I grew fond of you during all these years," I added, with another little grin. Indeed, he was one of the rare people one could properly practice dueling with words. "I was referring to swordsmanship, though."

He smirked. "Practicing, with any weapon, is always worth it. You never know when you might have to defend yourself-- or fight for people you love."

"People I love," I repeated. You know nothing. And I don't love. "Soon enough, Thran-- prince Thranack.. Will be the one with a duty to protect one of them."

"Prince Thranack has practiced very diligently for many years," he said, with a hint of something which might have been pride in his voice. "He's very capable of protecting those he loves."

Reason more not to make Lierre think she needs protection from me. "Have you met my sister, sir?"

"Only when she was a young girl, and a few brief encounters when I was in Barqarnon, but not since she's arrived. Why do you ask?"

Because I wonder if you spotted anything I wouldn't like you to spot about the way she acts. I shrugged. "She's changed. Grew up.." Hopefully she'll soon return from wherever Thran took her, because I really want a word with her. "While on the subject of my family, have you heard from my uncle?"

As much as I knew, they were something like friends. As I asked uncle Marius about it, he said that men of their position can never turly make friends, especially not with other men of their position - yet they seemed to be quite enjoying the time they spent together whenever uncle Marius would visit Merillial.

"I have," he said. "He wrote me very recently, asking about you and your family."

"Did he now..?" I wonder how you replied. "I hope he'd arrived to Eajra safely. Have you talked to Thran about the wedding?"

"He didn't mention his travels, though I doubt he'd be writing me if he wasn't well." He gave me a somewhat suspicious look. "Certain aspects of it, why?"

What do you think why? Because I don't want him taking too many advices from you when it comes to my sister. "Because, if I may, he picked a wrong moment to be too proud..or jealous..to talk to me," I said instead. "And I'm worried about my sister."

"Well...the Prince has always dealt with stress...in a manner that I do not approve of," he said. Thran has a manner of dealing with stress? That's a first. "He and I have had our own differences lately-- however, I will talk to him about that. I would be willing to wager that he'll be ready to discuss matters with you this afternoon."

That easy?

"Lord Elgan.." I licked my lips before talking again, more wondering how he'd squirm out of answering than actually expecting a reply. "When Lierre and Thran get married, will Princess Amalaya and I stay hostages?" I must know if I can kill father and be sure to get my crown after the damn wedding.

"Master Daerys, I'm sure you understand that, with the privileges of my knowing, comes the responsibility for me to keep my mouth shut," he said, not unexpectedly. Would you tell the same to anyone else, or are you just worried of what I might do with that information?

"Ah." I sighed, putting up my mask of a young boy who just misses his home. "Of course, expecting of you to let your tongue slip just to satisfy my curiosity was stupid of me. I merely wondered if I'd see my homeland anytime soon."

"I'm sure I would wonder too, if I were in your position," he let the proper answer slip away once again. I almost grinned - him and my uncle were probably the only two people who could get me to a dead end in a game of wits.

"If I were in my father's position, I'd make sure to have at least one of my children by my side.." I stopped myself before saying more than I intended to. "I'm not, of course." I mentally smirked in advance to what I was going to say. "Praying to Pravus it stays so for a long time on."

"Indeed." He kept his glare on me, and I wondered what he was thinking about. Do you know that I nor care for nor pray to this god of my father's? "Well...it will be most pleasant to see all of you Angroths together at the wedding"

I couldn't help but smirk. "I can imagine," I said. "Make sure the wine isn't too strong. And no one brings a dragon."

His expression mimicked my own. "Well strong wine would make for a quiet evening, at least."

As quiet as a graveyard, lord Elgan. Literally. "I dare to say that the ones not drinking might end up with enough information on their hands to take down a king or two..but who am I to make predictions of any kind." I offered him my sword. "Feel like starting your day by fighting a prince whom you haven't taught how?"

"You're correct, regardless of who you are." He said, taking the sword from my hand. "Sure. A fresh challenge would be welcome."

I turned to Quill, who handed me his sword with a somewhat concerned expression. I could read from his eyes that he didn't want me to do it without getting properly rested - I was, though, sure he could read from mine that I wouldn't change my mind even if he spoke up, because he just silently inclined his head to me and took a step back again.

"Don't worry," I muttered, "he surely won't hurt me."

I turned to Brek, once again taking my position.


Sparring with him wasn't like sparring with Quill. They were both good, and they both surely knew what they were doing, but over the years I've learned to almost sense Quill's moves before he'd make them, and it wasn't too easy to adjust to this new way of fighting. I felt Quill's eyes on me as I observed Brek's. Over the years, I've learned that I could've more easily predict the moves one would take by following their eyes than their swords - at least it was so with every opponent I fought so far, my uncle excluded.

I moved in offense, experimenting a little, forcing him to back away, ignoring the weird tiredness that seemed to be overcoming me. Perhaps Quill is right and you should rest a bit more often, I couldn't help thinking as my opponent's back touched the wall of the castle. I pointed my sword at him.

"I see you've refined your offensive skills very nicely," he said. I parted my lips to reply, as he turned his sword in his hand, suddenly moving forward again, his eyes telling nothing about the moves he was about to use anymore. I found myself in his place, against the wall and with the sword pointed at my chest, after just a few swift moves. He smiled. "But your defense could use work."

I glanced at Quill as his eyes narrowed, but Brek only put his sword down again and took a step back. I considered walking around him to stand next to Quill, but staying leaned agains the wall suddenly seemed strangely alluring.

"Lord Elgan, sir.." I asked, frowning a little, finding it unusually hard to focus on keeping myself in character. "Have you ever fought my father?"

"I did," he said, "but it was a very long time ago."

For a moment, I imagined my father as a young heir, or as a king who just got his crown. "What was he like?"

"I hope you remember, before you do anything stupid, that I fought him well before you were born," he said, and I knew anyone else wouldn't be able to hide their surprise - it was one of those moments in which I could really see the benefit of having no troubles with feelings, as my face stayed impassive. I doubted that anyone told him about my deal with father - so he was either a really good guesser, or even my questions could've been read between the lines. I wasn't quite sure which option I liked less. "But, back then, he was better at defense than offense. It was quite hard to land blows on him."

So direct opposite of myself, based on what you just said to me? "Well, stupidity is in the eyes of beholder," I said. "What about my uncle?"

"And dead is dead," he remarked. "Your uncle can-- well, could, anyway-- beat me."

I decided to ignore the first part of what he said, though I noticed a flash of something in Quill's eyes at the mention of dying in context of me dueling my father. "Mhm..I remember him fighting me. Didn't last five minutes," I admitted. "You two could duel on the tournament - I suppose there'll be one to go along with the wedding." Perhaps I could get Thran to fight me on that one. "Do you think Thran will make a good husband?"

"We might, it just depends," he said, stretching. "Thran will make a very good husband, if Lierre is patient enough to teach him." So I must teach her how to be a teacher now? Fun times. "He wants to please her, but he can be...well...Thran."

I laughed a little, judging it would be appropriate enough. We were close enough to brothers after all, weren't we? In other people's eyes, anyway. I wondered how free I could allow myself to be with the response, absentmindedly noticing a girl passing across the garden. I couldn't recall her name for all the gold in the world, and the last time I'd seen her she didn't look like she spent a lifetime of sleepless nights, but I did remember the ones she spent with me. I flashed her a grin, and then felt it grow wider as the same one froze on Brek's lips. She gave us both the same strange look, her face turning red, and then turned and practically ran off in the castle.

Lord Elgan turned to me, his smile disappearing, and I met his eyes. Don't worry, it wasn't my intention to steal. If she wasn't sleeping with you, in fact, I wouldn't be interested in her at all. She told me some quite interesting things, though.

"My Prince." The corner of Brek's lips curled up in a half-smile as Quill addressed me, and I looked over his shoulder to my tutor.

"Yes, Quill?"

"You should--"

"Lord Elgan!" We all turned, finding Thran walking towards us. Lierre stood by his side, and a smile froze on her lips as she met my eyes. Having fun, sister dear? They came closer to us, followed by Ludiv as always, and I could see my sister's discomfort; I wondered if it had to do with all of us being men. "Dae, Quill."

"Thranie," I said, and he frowned.

"Don't call me that."

"Then don't call Quill Quill."

"Princess," Brek interrupted, bowing to my sister and kissing her hand. Your future Queen. I hope she won't be listening to you too much, or we might have a problem there. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"..Again, lord Elgan?" She glanced at me once more, again seeming scared.

"Last time I saw you, you were a very little girl, my lady." He smiled, though I didn't miss the way he observed her, carefully yet making sure not to look at her for too long. This might get dangerous.

"I hope you had a good time in town, Lie," I said with a smile, stepping away from the wall and hugging her. "You and I have to talk," I whispered as my lips got just an inch away from her ear, and she tensed a bit. Afraid of me, my little sister? Not without grounds - but not good for my plans either.

"It was wonderful," she said silently as I let go of her, glancing back at Ludiv and Thran and smiling a bit. "Merillial is beautiful."

"Now more than ever," I smiled at her, picking up something between pride and annoyance from Quill's expression and ignoring the glare Thran shot at me. It's not my problem you don't have my way with words. Not for the first time, I wondered who'd win a match between the two of us. He used to be winning as we were children - but I wasn't so much smaller than him anymore for years.

"Could..could I be excused now?" Lierre looked at Thran, but didn't say another word until I nodded. "I wanted to get ready for lunch."

Thran said something, and somewhat to my surprise, his guard turned to escort Lierre to the castle. Sweet move. So, you figured she feels better around women too, haven't you? I watched them as they left, wondering if Lierre could feel my eyes following her. I ignored a short conversation between him and Brek, absentmindedly realising I should be far more hungry than I was. I frowned slightly, wondering why was my mind wandering so much, as I felt Quill's hand on my shoulder.

"You don't seem quite well, my Prince," he muttered. I looked at him, and shook my head, focusing on the matter I had to settle with Lierre again. I could just kill her and make it seem father did it.. I bet most of them would believe it, wouldn't they..? I bit my lip to suppress a grin. I didn't really want to do it - regardless of her seeming to go against my will, she was still interesting to play with.

"I'm just tired," I said, shrugging, and his hand slid from my shoulder. "In fact, I should go get ready for lunch as well." I turned to Brek. "It was a pleasure, Lord Elgan."

"As always, Master Daerys."

I turned my back to all of them, walking towards the castle, and slowed down a bit as I heard Thran following me. He caught my pace, and for a few moments we walked in silence.

"I think she's starting to like me," he said then, and I stopped, frowning slightly. Brothers should be protective, right? That shouldn't be suspicious. I raised my eyebrow. He sighed. "I heard you sparred with Brek."


"And that he kicked your ass."

I rolled my eyes, walking again. "If I was able to win against him, he could hardly be an example for every soldier in Merillial." At least one of my family members can do it. "Quill would equally easy kick yours."

You sound like bragging with your favourite pet, I told myself, and grinned at the thought.

"You can't hide behind Quill forever."

I suggest you not to end up challenging me to a duel, Thranie. I might decide to kill you. I imagined just reaching my hand to him, saying a word and making him turn to dust. No one was around - and no one would ever know. Sending Ludi away and leaving Brek behind wasn't the smartest thing to do, you know. I wondered if he trusted me enough after all, or just never thought of me actually posing a threat to him. You need them to get married, Dae. You can't afford to be caught in the enemy country if the kingdoms get to war with each other.

"Perhaps I'm not the one who should be hiding," I muttered, figuring he might get it as a too serious threat the moment I said it. "Are you planning to have a fight with my father again at lunch?"

"I don't-- It wasn't a fight. He's just.." He frowned and looked away. "Why does your father hate me so much?"

As opposed to what? I don't think he loves anyone. "He doesn't hate you," I said slowly, wondering how much he'd buy. "He's just.. protective. Towards Lierre."

"Well he's more than a bit overprotective, if you ask me," he muttered. "She seems to be terrified by him. Would you know anything about it?"

Bold enquiries..? You must really care for her already. "Father has his way of making people scared of him without really trying," I said carefully. "I'm sure you know a thing or two about that." I glanced at him, and he avoided my eyes. "Well then, to brighter topics. You should have a tournament for the wedding. I'd love to see Brek and uncle Marius in it."

"He looked at me again, considering it. "Why not Brek and Quill? Afraid my tutor would win over yours?"

Afraid? Guess again. But I don't want to risk anything happening to Quill, especially seeing I'll need someone to make sure I don't end up killed in the crowd. "You're really fond of Brek, aren't you?"

"You're the one to talk. You and Quill are inseparable."

You have no idea. "He's the only one I have," I said, making sure to avoid his glance this time. "I don't have my family here, nor can I go home to them - except for Lierre, of course, but you're the one who'll have the privilege of spending most of the time with her after the wedding." So get out of my way now and let me make her act the way I need her to. "And I'm the only family she will have as she becomes your wife, so I think you should understand why I'm so worried about her." Did I make you feel guilty enough? "You shouldn't ever try to take my sister away from me, Thran. It would be..painful." Or perhaps it wouldn't, I have no idea if it hurts when I turn someone to ashes.

"...did you just seriously say all that?"

I rolled my eyes, aware that I've ran out of things to say - I have mastered reading people, yes, but I only had as much in my tallon of roles, and I had no way of knowing if improvising with hurt feelings any further would end well. "Don't expect me to say it ever again," I muttered. "By the way, I'm fairly sure father already left, soon after breakfast. So you can relax."


I left Thran as we entered the castle - our rooms were on the opposite sides of the hall - and waited till he disappeared from my sight before I turned to Lierre's room. Silently, I unlocked the door with the spare key I never told her about, and smiled a little as I heard the moves behind the doors of her bathroom. Perfect. I slid the curtains over the windows and sat in an armchair next to them, waiting, observing the movements of little bird in her cage.

She came out wearing one of those thin dresses which the ladies wore under the actual dresses, running her fingers through her hair and then over the still visible bruise on her neck.

"Hello, little sister." She startled, taking a step back, glaring at me as her breathing accelerated. I slowly got up. "Do I now scare you that much?"

"Dae," she breathed. I could see she was trying to calm herself down - trying, but not succeeding. "I was just..how did you get in..?"

I walked to her, and she stepped back again, stopping as she touched the wall with her back. So the curtains have opened, the audience is seated, time to start the performance. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest. "I can't believe you're really that afraid of me. Of course, I'm an idiot. You think we're the same, don't you? Father and I?"

She shook her head, but her eyes got wider and she licked her lips as I stepped closer again. "You're nothing like--"

"No?" I raised my voice. "Well you certainly act like that. For a while it was all alright, but now your perfect fiance is around, you've forgotten everything I've ever done for you." And I really need you to think so.

"I didn't," she was silent, but sounded fairly determined. "I.. I wouldn't. I--"

"Don't you lie to me." I was stading close enough to kiss her. Judging from her expression, the idea crossed her mind, but she seemed to be too afraid to do it. She parted her lips, probably to say that she wasn't lying, hesitatingly reaching to touch me. I gripped her wrist and pinned her against the wall again, locking my eyes on hers. "You think I'm your enemy too. You think I'd hurt you." I gripped her wrist tighter, and she winced.

"I don't! Please, Dae, why are you mad at me? I don't think you're my enemy. You're my brother, I love you." Her eyes were filled with tears now, but she didn't look away, and I was sure she was telling the truth. I hope I won't have to remind you of that again, sister dear, it's not particularly easy to find examples to learn my acting from.

I let go of her and took a step back, making sure to make myself look almost shocked by my own actions before I turned my back to her.

"I'm sorry," I said silently. "I'm not mad, Lierre. You're my little sister, I..want you to be happy." I sighed, hopefully not too theatrically, and ran my hand over my face. Over the years, I've learned that the gestures which people wouldn't even notice doing were the most important bits - without them, even the best made facial expression could've been spotted as a lie. "I'm just being selfish, I know. I know you must marry him. I just don't want to see you get hurt eventually and be unable to do anything about it." I licked my lips, letting the idea of her being hurt after the marriage sink in properly. Then I turned to the door. "I shouldn't have came here. I'll see you at lunch."

I made a few relucant steps, and stopped with a smile as I heard her moving. I turned serious again as I felt her hand on my back, and made sure to tense just enough to make her unsure about keeping her fingers there.

"Don't go," she said silently. "I'm sorry. I didn't know..I didn't choose him over you, Dae."

I kept still. "That's not the impression I got." I suppressed another smile as she stepped closer and hugged me, her head against my back, sliding her hands under my shirt. If I were anyone else, it would be adorable enough to work. "How can I know you won't do it, once? You're the only one I have." I can't believe the same tactics will work on both of them.

Marius Angroth

Diplomat of Barqarnon | Capital of Eajra

Day Two


My smile disappeared as I turned my back to Princess Rea and entered the house instead. The family coat of arms, engraved by the door, showed a lily and crossed swords. For purity and kindness, and loyalty to the crown we bow before. I looked down again, taking off my sword and placing it by the wall, then silently walking further into the house.

It was always like that - the home of the Duke was silent and dimly lit, and the rare servants moving around were taught never to pay too much attention to the guests. I passed through the well-known hall, stopping at a big family portrait at the end of it.

Candles lit it from each side, casting their light over the faces of five people. The oldest woman was sitting, holding like a queen, and a little boy sat in her lap. I remembered him, and highly doubted he ever really sat still enough to be painted like that. The other woman's hair was darker, and she was smiling, holding her husband's arm. He wasn't much older than her, but seemed so because of the beard, and he shared the posture with the older lady. I licked my lips as I let my eyes slide down again, to the girl sitting on the floor by the chair. She was younger then than when I met her, maybe twelve or thirteen, but she already had the same look in her eyes, and the same hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"As silent as ever."

I turned at the voice, stopping my hand as it automatically moved towards where my sword would've been. The man was watching me with a little sad smile, and pulled me into a hug as we shook our hands. He wasn't a short person, yet I was taller than him, and though his eyes kept the sharpness they had on the painting, one could practically read the bad memories from them.

"Anton is in the castle," he continued. "I tried to change his mind, but he says there wil be no new war and he wants to get to high enough position to travel." He smiled at me again, turning serious as I didn't respond in the same way. "There will be no new war, right?"

I will know when I get to that wedding in Merillial..and when I return to Barqarnon after that. "You do understand that I'm not allowed to discuss such matters," I said. He eyed me for a while, and then nodded.

"I won't take too much of your time," he said. "But there is somehting I thought you'd like to see.." His voice trailed off.

"My time is yours whenever I visit, sir," I replied. "You know that." I'm responsible for everything, after all.

He shook his head, stopping in front of a door. I knew those doors very well too - though I've never seen the room behind them until after its owner died.

"There are some letters..letters she'd sent us," he said. "Very old letters, I didn't even know I still had them." I felt as if someone punched me in the guts. No, not now. I don't want to deal with her father getting all sad now. I followed him into the room, feeling much younger than I was as my gaze fell on a bunch of papers on the bed.

As I sat down with them, Anea's father closed the door, taking a discrete leave, and the room turned as silent as a graveyard. I untied the strings which held a letter in a roll, and bit my lip at the sight of the handwriting. I recalled the nights we spent, as storms of passing winters blocked the way from our home to the Crag, sitting by the fireplace and mostly laughing, trying to decipher books written in old languages. I'd taught her basics of Scarthian, and she wrote them down in the same handwriting, always making small notes and drawings at the margins of papers. I slid my finger over a scribbled sketch of a castle, hearing her voice as I read the words.

It's colder here than at home, she wrote, and the storms outside tend to rage for days.. yet the walls and the windows hold and, despite of everything, I feel safe here. I smiled a bit, recalling the days we spent apart as high snow made it impossible to leave my brother's castle.

I stopped paying attention to time slipping by, as I read every single letter from that pile, letting them fall to the floor from my fingers. She wrote to them back when she first arrived, and she wrote to them in the last month of her life, and I found it surprising how easily I could recall what was happening in our lives at the times those letters were sent. She wrote them of myself, back in the days when she didn't know what to think of me, and then again as her opinions changed. She wrote them of the beauties of my country, ones I wasn't even aware of, and of her fears of war closing in. I remembered the days she shared those fears with me - when she told me how scared she was for her parents and her little brother, as the battlefields moved to Eajra - and as I sent to hell my rule of not getting involved, pulling my connections to get them to Barqarnon. My brother never found out - no one ever found out - but since then, the relationship I had with Anea's family has drastically changed. Even after the war moved from Eajra, and they were free to return home, even after I left Anea and Ari to go fight for my brother, they still kept thinking of me as of another son. They should've been blaming me, they should've seen that Death would never find their family if they haven't decided to marry Anea to me.

I smirked. I've destroyed that family's life as I walked into it. And they treated me like a savior for doing so.


On my way back to the castle, as I found the Prince lying in the grass and looking like he's been in a bar fight, I let Vysperian's words occupy my mind again. He spoke of a queen, and of a sibling to my queen..I wondered who was supposed to be my queen in that statement. As far as I knew, Marcia had no siblings, at least not any which could be in the Prison. But I only even knew one other queen..

I stopped as Prince Zain did, turning back to glance at him. For a moment, he closed his eyes, and then frowned as he opened them again.

"Are you alright?" Judging from what you look like, I wouldn't bet on it.

"I'm about to leave," he muttered, and shot me a strange look. "Not a word to Timmy. I'll know."

I had to force my face to stay impassive. "I told you already, I'm not out to get you. I won't tell him anything."

He seemed to lose his balance for a second, and then a rather terrified look washed over his face. He glanced up at me, and then at the streets around us, his eyes wide. Well then, welcome back.

"Prince?" He turned to me as I called him, but didn't meet my eyes. "Everything alright?"

He blinked. "I..what.." he lifted his hand, carefully touching his eye, and winced.

"Some men thought it was a good idea to try to robtheir prince," I said. "You won, but I take it they managed to land a few blows."

"I..did," he muttered. He still looked terrified, but seemed to be observing me somewhat suspiciously. Well yes, sorry, I promised Zain not to tell you I know.

The guards shot me murderous looks as we returned to the castle. Ah, right, I sort of stole him from you.. I grinned.

"Don't worry, all is well, nothing much happened." I glanced back at the Prince and then turned my glare to them again. "I would appreciate it if you'd keep it between us, hm?"

"Sir, we report directly to--"

"I will talk to the Queen in a few minutes," I cut. "I might mention to her how simple it was for the Prince to get lost with a visitor from another country. Should I?" They exchanged a look and backed off, and I smiled to Tim. "See you later, then."

I didn't wait for his response, entering the castle. I wasn't really planning to tell Mina anything - pretended I knew nothing of Zain was still probably for the best, at least until I knew more - but nonetheless, there were matters she and I had to discuss.


|Castle of Eajra

Day Three


"If I don't hear differently, I will be eagerly anticipating your arrival.

All the best,


I folded the letter as I read it, smiling a bit to myself. As careful as always - if anyone intercepted that letter, and found something of higher importance in it, we'd be playing with the futures of everything. I sighed, rereading it. So, Prince Thranack was managing to behave more or less the way Brek approved, and Lierre didn't run from him yet. I couldn't help but feeling slightly worried about her and Dae. They were siblings, and I knew that she missed him whenever they weren't together and that he'd always been nice to her, but I also knew that he never bothered to be nice to people without a reason. Nor is it like him to be 'at odds' with anyone so transparently, though, and look at that.. you should really get to Merillial as soon as possible. I frowned a bit at what Brek said about Meg. What he saw as entertaining, many people would call differently, and I didn't want to imagine what would happen if Brek found out about his deeds. Prince probably would, eventually - on the wedding night he shares with Lierre, if nothing else - but I was fairly sure reputation, position and magic would keep Thran away from Meg. Brek, on the other hand.. He might do nothing. You did nothing for years. I shoved those thoughts away, dipping my quill in ink.

"My dearest Sir Brekyr", I wrote, glaring at the paper. I knew what he'd want to hear. I bit my lip before continuing.

"I am pleased to hear my niece and the Prince are getting along well - I believe, by the time this letter reaches you, they will already be as close as friends. As for my brother, don't worry, I assure you he's looking forward to the bond of our countries just as we all do, and the odds between him and his son never stood in the way of what's the best for the kingdoms." I put the quill down again, wondering what my next step should be. I've spoken to Queen Mina earlier - yet I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to go through with my idea. "I'm happy to inform you I'll be able to arrive a few days prior to the wedding - I believe, not long after this very letter - and, unless you advise me against it, bring along two young guests with me. I assure you their presence will bring nothing bad - and might prove to be fairly educational.

Until then, I'm looking forward to our soon reunion.



I folded the letter and put my stamp on it as I finished it, putting it aside. Well then, to a somewhat touchier matter.. I dipped the quill in ink again.

"Dear brother,

In the lights of everything happening in Merillial, I take it I wasn't wrong to send this letter to you in the Crag. I hope you're doing well, and I'm happy to inform you I'll be arriving to Merillial in a few days, meaning I'll probably be there already as you return, and take two guests along. I've heard that Lierre and the Prince get along rather well - I do hope you've suppressed your sadness of giving away your daughter, and showed them how happy we are to make bonds with Merillial."

I stopped and turned as I heard knocking, calling them in as soon as I covered the letter I've been writing. Not particularly to my surprise, the guard let Princess Rea through, and I got up as she walked in.

"Princess. How nice to see you again."

"Lord Marius, please--"

"I'm a guest in the country your mother rules over," I cut, but smiled after a moment. "I'm afraid formalities are a necessity."

She seemed a bit caught by surprise, but covered it up pretty fast. Not bad. I sat back down as she stepped closer to the table, showing her to the other chair. Glancing at the papers and the quill, with ink still not quite dried, she sat down and flattened her dress.

"I must say, I'm glad to see you've arrived safely back from town," I said as the silence grew longer. I wonder how hard you're trying to read me right now. I could see the small spark in her eyes, though she seemed to watch not to make her interest too obvious. I vaguely recalled telling her something about that in one of my previous visits.

"Likewise," she said. "And my brother, as well." She paused for a second. "His..temper..gets to get him in troubles from time to time."

I raised an eyebrow. "Whatever do you mean?"

She seemed a bit taken aback. Well then, get me to tell you how much I know. "I'm fairly sure you've noticed, sir."

I kept my face unreadable, though I held back a smile. "..have I?"

She blinked. "You..have?"

I leaned forward, messing a few papers on the table in the process. "What were we talking about, again?"

“Tim and... his... eccentricities.” She eyed the papers, and I sat back again.

"Yes," I said, "I have noticed. The..other prince..is a rather good swordsman, even." I observed her as she observed me. "Was there a particular need behind your visit to my chambers, Princess?"
She leaned back in her chair, loosely linking her hands together in her lap. “I just wanted to know where you stood with Tim, and... I had a chance to practice what you’ve been teaching me this afternoon.”

Now, that is indeed interesting. I wonder if I should teach you not to tell me about it, or you know it already. "Have you? That's good to hear. Will you share it with me?"

I give you credit for trying to not look proud of yourself. I smiled a bit again as she spoke. "I've encountered Dem-- Prince Demitri as I was going back to the castle," she said. "He..left back to Talantera."

Without saying goodbye? What could've possibly happened.. "Did he tell you why?"

She looked away. "Well..no. But he did ask me not to tell anyone I saw him."

I made a mental note to travel to Talantera in the near future. "Really now..and you, naturally, said no to that, seeing I'm hearing about it right now?" I smirked.

“Oh... Well... Ah...” Her eyes flicked up for a moment. “I can trust you, can’t I?”

As a friend, of course. As a diplomat of another kingdom, no, never. "I believe you can be the judge of that yourself. How did you get to practice what I've been teaching you, then?"

“Well... I got him to talk about his country! He said the strangest thing about Talantera’s government. He said something along the lines of it seeming like the country was ruled by one person.”

For a moment, I couldn't find words. One part of me - the part which had been teaching her what moves to make since the day she'd expressed interest - wanted to warn her to stop telling me of everything she finds out and instead talks to someone of the position in her own country. The other part - the one loyal to my brother, and interested in everything since he was a little boy - just wanted her to tell me more. "...I wonder what he meant by that. Would you happen to have any ideas?"

“I couldn’t make heads or tails of it myself," she admitted. "I tried to get him to keep talking, and he seemed willing to for a moment, but he left before I got anything of any value after that.”

I don't recall people of their age being so smart back in the days. "Everything is of value, Rea," I said instead. "You should pay equal attention to every word another person says..there's usually time later to determine which information is the most important at which time."

She frowned. “He said... it was a metaphor. Then he just excused himself.”

I stayed silent for a while after she said it, contemplating her words. Prince Demitri was, as little as I knew him, a smart kid, and apparently he knew better than to let too much information slip his tongue - seeing that he manage to get Rea confused, and she was one of the brightest kids I've met so far. Especially counting only the royal kids. I observed her as she glanced at the papers again, as she flattened her skirts again, as her eyes flickered around my face automatically. She looked much alike her mother, though her eyes had something of the grey of her father's, but reminded me a lot of myself. For a moment, I thought about the days I was a boy in Barqarnon, spying on people and trying to keep my face emotionless as I pretended I didn't know of things someone would decide to tell me about. I pulled myself back from thoughts, finding her looking at me.

"Go ahead, ask," I said, and she blinked.

" ..Ask what, sir?"

I couldn't help but smile this time. Avoiding potentially touchy subjects was generally polite - but again, our job wasn't to make sure we never create an awkward situation, but in knowing how to get ourselves out of it.

"Ask me whose house it was," I said, "and what was I doing there."

She gave me a little innocent smile. There we go. "Only if you feel like telling me, of course."

Of course. I hesitated a moment. "My wife's father and brother live there," I said then. "I pay them a visit every year."

“Oh. I see. That’s very kind of you, sir.”

"I owe them as much," I replied silently. What the hell, Mary? She's too young to be listening to your problems. For a moment, I imagined telling of them to Meg - like he didn't know of them already, and like this time he'd act like he cared any more than the last time. Perhaps I could bug Brek. I almost laughed at the thought.

“They must have done quite a lot for you to be indebted to them.”

They listened to me and to their king, instead of thinking of the future. How far will you go with your questions? "Indeed they have.. they married their daughter and sister to me."

“That partnership seems to be in their favour.”

I kept my eyes on her for a while. "A person's death," I said silently, "is rarely in favour of their family." Which I suppose you'd know a thing or two about, unfortunately. I thought back for some years, recalling the days I've spent talking to the King of Eajra. It didn't take a genius to figure how much differently the children acted when he wasn't around.

She dropped her gaze. “I see.”

So, there we are, no more questions? I'd made sure not to seem mad at her - but I was still pretty sure she felt like she overstepped it.

"There is nothing wrong in curiosity," I said, giving her a chance to go on, wondering if she'd take it.

“Thank you, Lord Marius, but I think it’s time for me to excuse myself.”

No? As you wish, then, though I would tell you more if you asked. "Well, who am I to take your time.. Before you leave, though. I suppose you've heard of the wedding soon to be held in Merillial?"

She nodded. "It will create a very strong bond between your two kingdoms." I couldn't tell what she was thinking of it. Barqarnon and Merillial were never on particularly friendly terms with each other, and I was fairly sure anyone with a bit of political knowledge would know that we're all swimming in dangerous waters, even though the peace still prevails. However, probably even children could tell that the union of Barqarnon and Merillial, if there was a war against anyone else, could lead to destruction of other countries. If Scarthia was still around, I'd be sure that the remaining three kingdoms would be able to win that kind of war - though Merillial and Barqarnon had Brek and myself - but it wasn't, and I was certain every person of position in Eajra and Talantera played with the thought of making their bonds with Lethe stronger just in case.

Stop thinking about war. "Have you ever been outside of Eajra's borders?"

"No, never."

"Would you like to?"

She eyed me somewhat suspiciously. "I suppose visiting as many places possible should be in my interest, yes."

Not a bad answer. Not bad at all. "Well then, would you like to attend the wedding?" She seemed confused. "As Lierre's uncle, and my brother's advisor, I will be there, but I'm allowed to bring guests. I thought it might be an..insightful experience."

She grinned, leaning forward. “Really?”

So I take it that's a yes. "Really," I said. "We'd have to leave tomorrow morning, though, seeing I'd like to get there a few days prior to the event." I hesitated for a brief moment. "And I would like to take your brother along as well." Of course, it'd probably mean you'd occasionally have to keep an eye on him. But after all, I don't want you wandering around Merillial's castle too much, do I?

“Oh! That’s fine of course!” she said, hands fluttering. “This might be good for Tim, and...” She stopped herself. Slip of tongue..? “This might be good for Tim.”

I smiled as well. "...And?"
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:03 am
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Alvarin says...

Lierre - Princess of Barqarnon | Merillial castle - Day Three
Spoiler! :
"Come now, Li--" No! Please don’t let him take me with him! I kept my eyes on Thran’s back, not daring to look up at father. He was going to leave soon, and I already knew what it was he wanted. Dae wasn’t here to save me but..

"Please,” Thran cut, stepping between me and father again. Dae wasn’t here to save me, but maybe Thran could do the same? He had promised that he’d never hurt me.. He’d even told me to hit him if I thought he was treating me badly. Not that I’d ever dare to do that. "You've been with her for years. I've only had the pleasure of her company a few days."

"You'll see plenty more of her, I'm sure." I almost grabbed hold of the back of Thran’s shirt as father tried to get to me again, but managed to stop myself. If father saw, he’d punish me. "You're both young, and you have the rest of your lives."

"If it's all the same to you." Thran stopped him, again. "I'd just as soon start our friendship right away." Friendship? The word struck me as odd, as it hadn’t crossed my mind before. Is that how it’s supposed to be?

"I think you're being over-eager."

Once again Thran stepped between us, before father’s dark eyes reached me again. "I prefer 'prompt'."

"You scrawny little bastard." I froze. The anger in father’s voice was unmistakable. If he lost his temper, he could kill Thran easily.. And then he’d move on to me.

I swallowed, trying to gather myself again. Father wouldn’t risk doing something like that. For him, it won’t really be a risk. It would be just like crushing a fly. I stepped back, to give Thran more space, but mostly because I wanted to get further away from father. To my surprise he bowed. It wasn’t a proper bow but.. "At your service." He’s already angry enough!

I was glad I couldn’t see father’s face. I was already shaking, and I knew he enjoyed seeing me afraid. "First I can't hunt you down, now I can't get rid of you."

"We were just leaving,” he said as he turned towards me. "This way, Princess." Can you really save me from him?

He put an arm around my shoulder, and for once I didn’t mind. I was just relieved that he was taking me from father. As we finally turned the corner my knees buckled. “Lierre?!” He supported me as I gained control of my legs again. When I looked up at him I could see the worry in his face. Do you really care about me?

“I’m sorry. I.. I lost my balance.”

He looked at me a bit suspiciously. Please, don’t let him find out, I prayed. I straightened up, trying to make myself stop shaking. “Well.. Are you okay? I can take you to the physicians.”

“I’m fine.” He didn’t look convinced. “I really want to see those birds.. Can we go?” The sooner we got out of the castle, the better. I didn’t want father to come after us. Every time he got angry, someone got hurt, and that someone was usually me. I still didn’t trust Thran, and doubted that I ever would, but I had at least realized that he would never treat me as poorly as my father.

“Of course.” He let go of me, and led the way. I quickly fell into step beside him. “Should we take a carriage?”

Memories of the journey here made their way to the surface, even though I tried to push them down. “Can’t we walk there?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

“If you want to. It’s not that far.”

I smiled a little, and he smiled back, but didn’t say anything more. I tried to come up with something to say, but I wasn’t sure I should. Father didn’t like when I talked, and Dae.. Dae seemed angry with me.

“Your father is.. Difficult to get along with,” he said after a while. I kept my eyes on the floor. I should warn him. He saved me from father now.. I owe him a warning. “I hope I didn’t make you angry. He is your father, after all.”

“No.. I’m not angry.” I looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Please, try not to make him angry. He.. He can get very cruel when he’s mad.” Had I said too much? He wasn’t quite as sharp as brother, but that might’ve been too obvious. If he finds out, he could get the wedding called off. I looked down at the floor again, not wanting to give away anything else with my eyes. I couldn’t let him know. With both him and Dae here.. I’d be safe, wouldn’t I?

“I’ll remember that, if I ever go to Barqarnon.. In Merillial, his wrath has very little effect on me.. Or any of the Meliors.”

“I hope that’s true.. He’s very strong.” The last words came out as barely more than a whisper. I couldn’t understand how he and brother could be so reckless. Maybe they’re just braver than me, or maybe it’s because I know how he is when he doesn’t have to hold back.

“Indeed..” Thran opened the door and held it for me, offering his other arm as I stepped across the doorstep. I hesitated for a moment, before taking it.

I hadn’t seen Thran’s bodyguard waiting for us until he greeted her with a nod. I felt a bit better with her around. “The carriage is ready for you,” she said with a bow.

Thran hesitated for a moment, before looking down at me. I forced myself to smile a bit, hoping that we wouldn’t have to take it.. "Well, actually, we decided we were going to walk to town. Thank you, though."

“Yes, my prince.” She bowed again.

We continued walking, my hand resting on his arm. I wasn’t shaking anymore. I didn’t trust him, and I didn’t feel exactly safe, but I didn’t believe that he would hurt me.. Not like father did, at least. He was looking ahead, so I took the opportunity of taking a closer look of his face. I hadn’t noticed before, but he was actually rather handsome with his dark hair and blue eyes.

He suddenly turned to me, smiling a bit. “What is it?”

“Nothing,” I said quickly and looked away. “I was just wondering if you had been to that store before.”

“Yes, I’ve been there a couple of times. First time I was there, I was only a kid.” I giggled, earning a smile from him. Of some reason I couldn’t imagine him as a kid. First time I had visited Merillial, I was only five, and he was already an adult. “Dae and had I snuck out from the castle, ‘cause we were tired of our lessons. When we passed the shopwindow I saw this huge falcon. Dae could probably see that I wanted to get closer to it, and when he dared me to release it, I couldn’t resist.”

My eyes widened slightly. “So, you released it?”

“I did. You should’ve seen the claw marks that thing left on my arms and face. Somehow I managed to make a run for it. Dae had told me to meet him at the castle gates.. When I got there he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but Brek was there. Made me work in that store for two weeks, to pay for that bird.”

“How old were you?”

“Me? Thirteen. Dae was seven.”

I smiled. “Sounds like he tricked you.” Brother is too smart for his own good. Seems he was like that as a child as well.

“Well..” He seemed suddenly uncomfortable, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I had said something bad. I didn’t want to make him angry. “I guess he did.”

We walked in silence for a while, passing a marketplace filled with people. Many turned to look at us, and I convinced myself that was a good thing. No one would be stupid enough to harm you with this many people watching. I kept that in mind, until we passed a group of men, probably about Thran’s age. They were looking at Thran like they wanted to hurt him, and they were looking at me like.. I squeezed Thran’s arm.

“It’s just around the corner,” he said with a reassuring smile.

A moment later we were there. Thran held the door open for me, and as I stepped through I noticed that it was quieter than I had thought it would be. Not all of the birds were chirping. Maybe they’ve realized what the cages are for..

“Prince Thranack, what a.. Pleasure.” The old man behind the counter didn’t look too happy, probably due to the story that Thran told me earlier. He looked a bit like a bird. Long and thin, with a big nose that seemed more like a beak. “My lady,” he said with a slight smile. I forced myself to smile back at him, even though I found his eyes slightly.. Unsettling. “Do take a look around, and feel free to ask about anything.” I nodded, before turning away from him to look around.

There were birds everywhere, in all colours imaginable. A few I had seen pictured in books, but most of them I hadn’t even heard about before. I found a couple who looked rather dull, but chirped beautiful melodies, and a lot who didn’t chirp at all, but were more beautiful than any flower I had ever seen.

I walked around, looking from one bird to the other, realizing after a while that I was smiling. When was the last time I had this much fun? I couldn’t remember. Never, seemed like a likely answer. I stopped in front of a small cage, containing a rugged little gray bird, that sat still and quiet.. As I approached, it looked back at me.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, my lady?” The store owner put on another smile, and Thran turned to look at me as well, seemingly relieved to have the conversation interrupted.

“What kind of bird is this?” I gestured at the cage.

“Oh, never mind that one. I was told its melody is supposed to be exquisite, but as you can hear, it doesn’t sing. I’ve been keeping it around, hoping that it would, but it seems I got tricked.” He walked around the counter, gesturing towards a big cage with several small pink birds. “I think these would suit my lady much better. They’re almost as beautiful as you are.” I instinctively took a step back as he winked at me.

Thran cleared his throat loudly, and glared at the shop owner as he stepped closer. I couldn’t help but smile a bit. Maybe I’m starting to feel a bit too safe? I still don’t know him that well. “What will happen to it if it doesn’t start singing?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I’ll just release it.” His eyes were too cold, and his voice.. He’s lying to me.

“So, what is it?” Thran asked. He was still glaring at the man, who seemed to be growing increasingly uncomfortable.

“It’s an ‘Evening Singer’, or at least, that’s what I was told. It’s probably just some normal forest bird, though.”

I looked at it again. It didn’t look especially happy. No wonder you won’t sing, when you’re stuck in such a small cage.. Not that the size of the cage really matter. It’s still a cage.

“Lierre?” I looked up at Thran. “I’ll buy it for you, if you want it.”

I blinked. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you for something like that.”

He smiled. “I want to buy you a gift. If you’d rather want one of the pink ones..”

“No!” I cut, a bit too loudly. I looked down at my hands. “No, I want this one.”

“Then I’ll get you that one.”


As we walked back towards the castle, the men who had been staring before got closer. I tried to ignore them, but their hungry eyes scared me. I was holding Thran’s arm, and I could feel him tense.

“Just don’t look at them,” he muttered gruffly. “You’ll be fine.”

I nodded, not even sure he could see it. I wasn’t convinced. Even though Thran and his bodyguard might be strong, they were still outnumbered. The people around us, the normal citizens, were going away. This isn’t good. I squeezed Thran’s arm, realizing that I was trembling again. Maybe they won’t do anything.. Maybe they’re just trying to prove that they’re tough.

“You’ve sure got a lot of guts, coming ‘round here again.” They were walking beside us now. Four of them. I glanced towards Thran’s bodyguard, she was gripping the hilt of her sword.

“I don’t remember anything particularly scary about it,” Thran retorted, never slowing his pace. You shouldn’t be making them angry. I kept looking ahead, forcing myself to not look down. I had no idea what they would do, but it was probably best if I didn’t show how scared I was.

“Oh, do you need to be reminded?” I suddenly felt an arm around my waist, pulling me away from Thran before I could even scream. “I’ll just keep the lady company, while you have some fun.”

I felt myself go rigid. He was holding me to close, and I could feel his disgusting breath against my neck. No, please. The fear crept back, real fear. These men would hurt me if they could, just like father. No. I struggled to get loose, clawing at the arm around me. He took a painfully hard grip of my chin and forced me to look at him. “Be still, or I might show you something real’ scary.” I froze. Dae, Thran.. Please help me.

As I looked up I could see Thran and his bodyguard fighting the other three men. The guard was holding a sword, but Thran had only his fists. I watched, trembling so much that I thought my knees would buckle. To my surprise I noticed that Thran’s guard was only using the flat side of her sword. Why would she try to spare men like these?

One of the men fell to the ground after Thran hit him in the head, and soon after another man went down. The remaining man, and the one holding me, seemed to realize that they had lost. For a moment I felt relieved, because I thought they’d let me go, but I soon realized that wasn’t going to happen. He grabbed my arm, making me wince, and then pulled me after him.

I heard running footsteps going past us, and when I looked up I saw the man that had been fighting running past us. “What the hell are you doing!?” I tripped over the hem of my dress as I was yanked forward, and he was forced to let go lest I’d pull him down with me. He stared at me for a moment. Something desperate came into his eyes, as he drew a knife.

He came towards me. I tried to move, to crawl away, but I couldn’t even blink. Suddenly Thran was over him, wrestling him on the ground. Thran’s guard sprinted past us, following the man who ran. I saw a flash of a blade as the man swung the knife at Thran. No. If Thran dies, I’ll never get away from father. Just before it hit his chest, Thran blocked the man’s arm, keeping the blade hovering in front of his chest. He can’t die now.. He just can’t.

As they pushed against each other, trembling and breathing heavily, I realized that Thran getting killed now would mean more than me having to go back to father. That man.. He’d hurt me. He’d probably even kill me, but it wasn’t just that.. I didn’t want Thran to die, not because of what that would mean for me, but because I liked him.

I was startled as the man suddenly hit Thran, making him curse. I saw a flash of the knife again, and gasped for breath as he somehow managed to parry it. Please, don’t die. As if he had heard my thoughts he managed to pin the man’s arm across his chest. I wished that I could help, somehow. I wished that I could use my power, but I knew it was hopeless. I was weak and scared, and my power couldn’t really be used for anything else than entertaining children. Which is why you need Thran and Dae to help you. To save you.

It felt as if my heart stopped when I saw the blade flashing towards Thran again, and again, before the man suddenly went limp. I didn’t understand what had happened, but Thran got up and tossed the knife away, and the man stayed down. He’s fine. I let out a shaky breath. He’s fine. you’re fine.

He crouched down beside me. “Did he hurt you?” He’s worried about you. He cares.

For a moment I just stared at him. “N-No. I’m alright.” He smiled a bit and helped me get up on my feet. “Are you alright? He.. He had a knife.” My eyes stopped on his right arm. “You’re bleeding!”

He looked down at his arm. “This? It’s nothing, just a scratch.” Somehow, he was smiling.

“But you-you’re bleeding..” My voice trailed off when I realized that I was crying. My stomach hurt where the man had held me, and my chin hurt where he had held me.. And Thran was bleeding.

“And you’re crying, which concerns me far more. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I nodded and wiped my tears. “I’m sorry. I.. I was scared. I thought you’d get killed.”

I froze as he wrapped his arms around me. No, plea.. A sudden realization struck me. He won’t hurt me. He started letting go. “Sorry, you probably don’t want me to..” I grabbed his tunic and buried my face in his chest. His warmth made me realize that I was freezing. “Lierre?”

“I’m sorry.” I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be trusting him.

“It’s alright,” he mumbled while stroking my hair.


Thran’s guard returned after a while, apparently having dealt with the remaining man, and we walked back to the castle together. My dress was a bit dirty, and I felt sore where that man had grabbed me, but it was nothing compared to what father could do. I was more worried about Thran, and his guard. Unlike me, they had been fighting.


He turned to look at me. “Yes?”

“Could you teach me how to defend myself?” He looked quizzical. “Not now but.. Later. Against people,” men, “like that.” He kept looking at me, so I looked down on my hands. “I’m sorry, it’s probably a weird request.” I shouldn’t have asked. Ladies aren’t supposed to fight.

“No, that’s alright. I’ll teach you what I can.” I looked up at him again with a smile, and he hesitated for a moment. “Do you mind doing something for me in return?”

No. “What?” My voice trembled ever so slightly.

“Don’t tell anyone what happened. Brek wouldn’t be happy with me if he knew we left without the full guard.”

I managed to breathe again. That’s all? “Won’t he find out anyway?”

Thran laughed, looking a bit nervous. “Well, if we don’t tell him right away,” he glanced at his guard, “he might not find out.. For a few more hours.”

I laughed. He could be rather cute. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone.”


We walked in silence for a while longer, until Thran suggested that we’d visit the gardens again. I accepted, even though I was a bit tired. I was starting to like Thran. Feel comfortable around him, even. I knew I shouldn’t. It was too soon to be able to tell what kind of man he was, but somehow I knew I could trust him. It was the same with Dae. I hadn’t spent that much time with brother, but I still knew I could trust him. I knew that he cared. Then why was he angry with me this morning?

I looked up as I heard voices further ahead. Dae, his tutor and an older man I didn’t recognize were talking. I noticed brother’s wet hair and clothes, and realized that it must've been raining while we were in the store. You already looked sick this morning.. I couldn’t help but worry. I didn’t want anything to happen to him.

"Lord Elgan!" Thran greeted them, and they turned towards us. I smiled at Dae, but he just looked at me coldly. Why are you angry with me? We walked up to them, and I tried to keep my face neutral. I knew Dae’s tutor, but the other man I couldn’t remember ever seeing. "Dae, Quill."

"Thranie." Thranie?

"Don't call me that."

"Then don't call Quill Quill." I glanced up at brother’s tutor, noticing that he was trying to hide a smile. Seem like Dae’s protective of everyone he likes, not just me. It was a comforting thought, knowing that was nice to everyone. He really is a good man.. But then, why is he angry with me?

"Princess," the older man said suddenly, startling me. As he bowed, I reluctantly gave him my hand, and he kissed it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"..Again, lord Elgan?" Will he be annoyed that I don’t remember. I looked up at Dae, hoping that he’d help me, somehow.

"Last time I saw you, you were a very little girl, my lady." I didn’t know what to answer. Should I pretend to remember? Father sometimes got very angry when I forgot things.

Once again, I looked to Dae, and this time he walked up to me. "I hope you had a good time in town, Lie," he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as well. Maybe he’s not that angry? "You and I have to talk." No. I didn’t understand. What had I done wrong? I loved brother more than anything, so why couldn’t he see that I just wanted him to love me too?

"It was wonderful," I lied. It was wonderful for a little while, at least. I glanced at Thran as I walked back to him and his guard.. "Merillial is beautiful," I said with a forced smile.

"Now more than ever."

"Could.. Could I be excused now?" I kept my eyes on Thran. I had wanted to spend some more time alone with him, but with Jonquille and lord Elgan there, I’d rather be alone in my room.. And I want Dae to get there as soon as possible. If he just told me why he was angry, I could fix it. I’d do anything. "I wanted to get ready for lunch." I glanced at Dae, who nodded.

"Of course.. Captain Hawkins, would you mind escorting the princess to her rooms?" I couldn’t help but feel relieved. I didn’t trust him yet, not completely, at least. Not enough to want him escorting me to my chambers.

We walked into the castle in silence. As Thran’s bodyguard she ought to know him quite well. I wanted to ask her, but I wasn’t sure I should. There probably wasn’t any harm in asking, if I just acted polite. If I was anything else than that, and it might come back to me later. "How long have you guarded Thran?" I said, trying to sound more curious than worried.

"Three years, Princess," she said shortly.

Not as long as I thought. "And what do you think about him?" As his guard, she probably couldn’t say anything bad about him, but I should at least be able to tell if she was using some rehearsed line.

"..He's a good man.” She hesitated for a second. “He just.. Get's himself into difficult situations," she said finally, looking slightly uncomfortable. Difficult situations?

"They way he acts with me.. Is that how he usually is?"

"He's normally around soldiers or Lords. He hasn't really courted a lady before, Princess.”

"Oh.. I see." We walked up a set of stairs, and I wondered how wise it was to continue. What if I did get her to say something bad about him? I'd be prepared for what was coming, but she might get in trouble. "And how does he act around those soldiers and Lords? ..Sorry, I don't mean to question you. I just want to know what he's like." If he’d ever be mean or hurt me.

"With the soldiers, like another one of my broth- another one of them, really. With the Lords.. How lord Elgan expects him to, mostly."

"Mostly?" I swallowed back my fear, just barely managing to keep it out of my voice.

She quickly looked around and stepped closer to me. No, don’t say anything you shouldn’t. I don’t want you to get in trouble for my sake. "As I said, he gets himself into difficult situations. Which are normally fixed by more eloquent people, who don't tend to insult important people."

I couldn’t quite understand what she was telling me. He was a good man, he mostly acted like the prince he was.. But he insulted people of importance? And what about the fight with the duke’s son, that I heard about? "So, he has a temper?"

"Only around people he doesn't like.” I must’ve let my neutral expression slip, because she smiled encouragingly. ”Don't look so worried! He likes you."

“He does?” She stopped, and I realized we had reached my chambers. “Thank you, captain Hawkins,” I said with a slight smile before entering my room and closing the door behind me. Father should’ve left by now, but I locked my door anyway. Will there ever be a day where I feel truly safe? I hadn’t thought so before, but considering how Thran had acted today, I might actually be able to feel happy with him. Maybe.

I smiled as I saw the birdcage on my dresser. It looked so small and sad. I hesitated for a second, before opening the door to the cage. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. If you want you can leave,” I said silently, before opening the window as well. I held my breath, waiting for the bird to leave its cage and fly away. It simply poked its head outside the cage, and then went back to its former place, completely silent. “Don’t you want to be free?” I asked with a slight frown, even though I wanted it to stay. I want you to stay, but I don’t want to be the one keeping you here.

With a sigh I sat down on my bed, looking down at my dress. It was dirty from when I had tripped. I’d have to change it, and I should also do something about my hair. It had gotten tangled earlier. For a moment longer I watched my bird as it sat still on its perch. “I’ll just leave the window open for you, if you change your mind,” I mumbled before going into the bathroom.

I pulled my overdress off, and hung it over the back of a chair, before walking in front of a mirror. At least the underdress was clean. My mind wandered as I brushed my hair. Thran was nice to me, but apparently not to everyone. Brother was nice to me, and apparently to most people.. Brother was angry with me, and I didn’t understand why. He was probably going to tell me later. If Thran got angry with me, what would he do?

I put the hairbrush down before splashing some water on my face and going back to my bedroom. Now I’d just have to find a new dress and arrange my hair in a way that would cover my bruises. I glanced at the birdcage. Why don’t you leave? Unlike me, you..

"Hello, little sister." My heart felt as if it had stopped, as I spun around. Dae. "Do I now scare you that much?"

"Dae." I tried to calm my breathing. For a moment, I had thought that father was back. Back to punish me for defying him. "I was just.. how did you get in..?" I couldn’t tell him that I had mistaken him for father.

As he walked towards me, I stepped back instinctively. I knew I shouldn’t act like that, but I couldn’t help it. I was trembling again, and my heart was still racing. He frowned and crossed his arms. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so scared. I’m sorry for whatever I did before to make you angry. "I can't believe you're really that afraid of me. Of course, I'm an idiot. You think we're the same, don't you? Father and I?"

I shook my head. No, I’ve never thought that. He stepped closer, and I tried to calm down. Stop beating so fast. Calm down. It’s just Dae. My heart wasn’t listening. "You're nothing like--"

"No?" He cut. Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t know what I’d do without him. Father wasn’t here anymore, but he’d be back. He’d told me that I’d never be safe.. And Dae had promised that he’d protect me. I need you. "Well you certainly act like that. For a while it was all alright, but now your perfect fiance is around, you've forgotten everything I've ever done for you."

"I didn't," I said quietly. I’d never forget. You’ve saved me so many times already. "I.. I wouldn't. I--"

"Don't you lie to me." He was close enough for me to feel his breath against my face. I was finally starting to calm down, forgetting about father and realizing just how close he was. I reached out towards him, wanting to tell him how I would never lie to him, but he grabbed my wrist, pinning it towards the wall. "You think I'm your enemy too. You think I'd hurt you." His grip tightened, and I winced, even though I didn’t want to. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know that he’s hurting me.

"I don't!” I exclaimed. “Please, Dae, why are you mad at me? I don't think you're my enemy. You're my brother, I love you." Please, believe me. I love you more than anything. What if he didn’t believe me? What if he thought I hated him? I struggled to hold back the tears. If you stop caring about me, I’ll have no one. I’ll be all alone and father will be able to do whatever he pleases.

His eyes suddenly widened and he quickly let go of me and stepped back. I knew you weren’t doing it on purpose. He turned around, and I only felt more guilty. "I'm sorry," he said silently. No, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. "I'm not mad, Lierre. You're my little sister, I.. want you to be happy." He sighed, and I felt the knot in my stomach grow. I know that. "I'm just being selfish, I know. I know you must marry him. I just don't want to see you get hurt eventually and be unable to do anything about it." I froze. Thran wouldn’t hurt me. In my head I went through the memories of the little time I had spent with him. Brother knows him much better than you do.. My head snapped up as he started walking towards the door. "I shouldn't have came here. I'll see you at lunch."

I quickly caught up to him and reached out, touching his back. He tensed as I did so, but I didn’t pull back. I’m not afraid of you, and I’m going to prove it. "Don't go." My voice was barely audible. "I'm sorry. I didn't know.. I didn't choose him over you, Dae." I never will.

He didn’t move. "That's not the impression I got." Why don’t you believe me? Yes, I liked Thran, even trusted him a little, but I didn’t love him like I loved Dae. I got even closer, and wrapped my arms around him, carefully letting my hands slide under his shirt. Why can’t you see that I’d never dare to be like this with anyone else? "How can I know you won't do it, once? You're the only one I have." And you’re the only one I have.

I walked around him, glancing up at him for a moment. "Trust me," I pleaded. "Please, Dae. Don't act so cold. I'll do whatever you want." If you just forgive me.

For a moment, he just kept silent. Then he reached up, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Alright. I do trust you."

I smiled a little, feeling relieved, then I reached up, grabbing his shirt and balancing on the very tips of my toes to be able to kiss him. I stayed on my toes, even though I pulled back a little, looking at him with a warm smile. “I’d never do anything to hurt you, Dae. I love you more than anything.” I kissed him again, longer this time, before stepping back to untie the strings holding his shirt up.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close again. I gasped as I felt the pain in my ribs again. Brother frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Father,” I mumbled. “He threw me into the corner of that table,” is said and nodded towards the table. “My side hurts..” My voice trailed off as I realized that I didn’t want to complain. I shouldn’t complain. I should be thinking of Dae, and not of father now.

He caught my chin and turned my face towards himself, meeting my eyes. "What else?"

Thran had told me not to tell anyone. “I’m not supposed to..” I shook my head. “Sorry.” I needed brother to trust me, that meant more to me than Thran did. “When we were in town, some men attacked us. One of them, he just held me.. But he wasn’t very gentle.” I let my hand drop down to my waist. It still felt sore, and I was sure I’d get a giant bruise.

Dae's hand followed mine, and he put a little pressure on it, making me wince. I’m sure that will look lovely on my wedding night. I froze. Wedding night. I looked up at Dae again, he was frowning. "Let me see."

“It’s alright,” I said, trying not to make him worried. “It doesn’t hurt that much,” I mumbled. I didn’t want him to see it. Or at least not stare at it. He had enough to worry about.. And the ugly marks on my body shouldn’t be one of those things. I wanted him to look into my eyes and tell me that he loved me, like he had before. I reached up and began untying his shirt again, but he stopped my hands.

"Lierre. Let me see. Maybe you should see a physician."

I shook my head weakly. “No, I can’t show anyone.” If it had just been the bruises from the men who attacked us, then I could’ve gone to a physician, but I had far more bruises than that. “Thran might find out.. What father did.” I looked down, avoiding brother’s eyes. Whenever I thought of father, I felt so tainted and.. Shameful. “If I show you, do you promise I won’t have to go to a physician?” I asked quietly.

“Yes, I promise”

I reached behind my back, straining to undo the bow, but he stopped me. Taking my wrists, he closed his eyes for a moment, and suddenly my underdress was turning to dust, disappearing in front of my eyes. I gasped, and looked up at him. You have powers just like me.. But much much stronger. suddenly I realized that I wasn’t wearing anything, and tried to cover myself with my arms, but he didn’t let go of my wrists. Instead he bent down, capturing my lips with his. I stopped struggling, and kissed him back. Dae, I love you more than anything.

I froze as I heard someone knock on the door. Dae pulled away slowly, as it knocked again. "Lierre?" My eyes widened slightly. Thran?
Last edited by Alvarin on Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:53 pm
crossroads says...

Spoiler! :
Back in business ;) Apologies for the post being, eh, short. Ish.
Also some things in it aren't particularly child friendly, so keep that in mind~

Prince of Barqarnon | Castle of Merillial
Day Three


I glared at the door. Thran had a gift of appearing in all the wrong moments. I should be annoyed. I sighed, as he knocked again.

"Lierre? Are you alright?"

I tightened my grip on her wrists as she moved, and her eyes snapped up to meet mine. "Dae, I should open--"

"You can't open the door like this," I muttered. Especially not with me being in the room. Even he would figure it.. No one is that stupid.

I gestured her to stay calm, letting go of her, and tied back my shirt as I approached the door. With another glance at her, I opened them just enough to be sure Thran can't see Lierre and the room behind my back.

"Lierre, I thought you-- you." He frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"Talking to my sister," I kept my face impassive. "I'll bring her to lunch."

He stopped the door as I moved to close them. "Wait. Is she alright?"

I lifted an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't she be?"

He seemed a bit caught by surprise. So then, you don't want anyone to know of whatever happened in town? I smirked.

"Try not being late this time," he said finally, and I nodded.

"Coming from you, the expert in the field, that advice better be taken."

He frowned as I tried to close the door again. "Can I speak to Lierre?"

Can I speak to Lord Elgan about you getting in fights again? "..no. Let her rest a bit."

"You are in her room," he pointed out. "Perhaps you should let her rest too."

She doesn't need to rest from me. "It's a pretty bird you bought her." He blinked. "I bet I know where it came from. Did you say hello for me?" Not that the shop's owner would remember me. I wasn't the one who released his precious bird and then worked for him weeks after that. My lips curled into a smile as I recalled that day. He glared at me flatly, lifting his eyebrows as Lierre appeared next to me. I frowned a bit, wondering how did she manage to get dressed so quickly. I supposed she had practice from back home - I was fairly sure Father sometimes wanted her to pretend nothing happened just minutes after it did. I almost like this dress. You should've put on one you wouldn't mind to see destroyed too.

"I'm alright, thank you," Lierre smiled at him. I wasn't quite sure if I liked the expression in Thran's eyes. They were somehow softer now, different from the Thran I knew - was that caring? Or love, already? I wrapped my arm around my sister's shoulders.

"Now you know that, can you please leave us to talk?"


I kept glaring at the door as Thran left, warning me again not to be late for lunch, then turning to Lierre - to find her in front of the mirror, observing herself. I leaned against the door, watching as she arranged her hair, covering the bruise that was still there. There was something almost enchanting in the thought of putting a mark on her like I did on Quill. I wanted her to be mine and aware of it, and I wanted to act that way with her. I wasn't used to being gentle and nice all the time - it was something I picked up from people I knew, met and observed, but not something I particularly enjoyed. It lacked creativity. You should get to Quill right after lunch. Even if he wanted to spar, I suddenly had different plans.

"Dae," Lierre called, and I looked at her again, meeting her eyes in the mirror. So much lighter than my own - part of me wonderedhow did she manage to inherit that, seeing mother's were a whole different colour and father's were naturally much darker. "I don't want to get married."

That again. You have to, because I want my crown and I can't risk having a war at my hands before I get the time to prepare myself.

I pushed myself off the door and walked to her, standing behind her. "Don't worry," I muttered, "I'll make sure nothing ever happens to you."

She smiled a bit, but quickly turned serious again. "But you won't be here all the time..and as we get married, Ami and you will be able to go back home, won't you?"

To be perfectly honest, keeping the Princess in Barqarnon might be a good idea.. I let the idea sink in. She would be at the wedding - I knew there was no way for me to get rid of father and go crown myself in Barqarnon before that. Besides, I doubted uncle Marius and Brek would be ready to go through with the marriage if I was the one holding Barqarnon's power; at the very least, they would have to change their strategies, and that would take time.

"I won't leave you," I said to Lierre. "And if I do go to Barqarnon, I will see to bring you to me."

Her eyes widened a bit. "But father--"

"Forget father." I placed my hands on her waist, considering making the dress disappear, letting myself glance at the bed shortly. I want to see you tied up to that. Would you go with it if I told you to? I wasn't quite sure - and I knew better than to risk it. You have Quill for the interesting parts. Play your role of caring brother now. To my surprise, her eyes filled with tears.

"Dae, he..he said I will always be his.."

"And you said you're mine," I cut, locking my eyes on her reflection's, and then bent down to kiss her neck. "Do you remember?"

She nodded a bit, and even without looking at her, I knew she closed her eyes. I focused on turning the dress to dust, this time letting the underdress stay untouched. There were things I could tell her..but I couldn't quite tell if any of it would end up well, because I never yet had the chance to practice. All the girls I happened to be with before, were more than ready to do as I said without the nice words, and neither of them had to be comforted about any kind of alliance. I looked up again, still with my lips by her neck, finding her bluching a little. I almost smirked. That was good.

"You shouldn't worry about that marriage," I said quietly. "You are far more powerful than you think."

She frowned. "Powerful? I can only--"

"Not powerful in a magical sense." Though it can't hurt, especially seeing everyone who doesn't use it, fear it. "Powerful as a person." I moved my arms, one crossing her chest and holding her still, the other sliding down her ribs. I made sure not to press too hard this time - I wanted to see her trying to get away, I wanted to see how much pain she can take before crying, but I had to play another part now. Caring. Nice. Gentle.. you need them to get married and you need her to support you once you get your throne. "You have no idea how you can affect people - men - like Thran." I almost rolled my eyes at myself. You have no idea how she affects people, not really. "Controling them isn't as hard as it seems, and it's only a step away." I brushed my fingers against her dress as I moved my hand further down. She closed her eyes again.

"I can't do that," she muttered silently, but I hushed her.

"Sure you can. There are ways to get him do whatever you want..whenever you want." Her breathing quickened as I moved my hand again. It was almost unbelievable how easy it was. Unlike Quill, she didn't know how to play and pretend. Why do I feel this dizzy? I closed my eyes for a moment, burying my face in her neck again as tiny dots of light suddenly danced before them. I was fairly sure something was wrong by now. I don't want to be ill now. I have things to do.


I opened my eyes again, just then realizing that she'd put her hand over mine.


"..why did you stop?"

I almost smirked, stopping myself in time, and made the dress disappear this time, holding her tighter as she automatically flinched. It was harder to focus than before - for a second, I wondered what would've happened if I made her skin disappear instead. You shouldn't be doing it while touching a person at the same time as fabric.

"Because," I cooed, "I believe it would be simpler to move over there," I turned her to the bed, "for the rest of the lesson."


We arrived to the dining hall a second before Creyo and Thran sat down. For a long moment - or at least it seemed so to me - I considered taking my father's place as he wasn't there. Then I figured Lierre might get it wrong, and remembered what Quill said about taking unnecessary risks, and took my usual seat, letting Lierre sit between me and Thran, trying to focus on food.

I hadn't eaten anything properly since the lunch the day before, and even then I was quite picky in comparision with some. I knew Quill wouldn't approve of it, especially not after the sparring and the rain, yet again I couldn't bring myself to eat anything. The table and the plate were bluring before my eyes, and I leaned the glass against my forehead for a while instead drinking from it. It took me a while to realize I was having a headache, dull pain pushing its way through, becoming stronger, so it seemed, every moment. I knew what pain felt like - but I felt it so rarely that I couldn't ever get used to it. The room was unusually cold - or unusually hot, perhaps, I couldn't quite tell - and suddenly I couldn't even make myself open my mouth to even take a bite.

Closing my eyes for a second, I got up again, attracting all of the attention.

"I apologise," I muttered. "I'm afraid I don't feel particularly well.. I would like to excuse myself, if I may."

I glanced at Creyo, who seemed somewhat worried. "You should go see the physician, perhaps."

I nodded absentmindedly, leaving the room without another word.


“My prince?" Quill stepped out from the shadows. He sounded worried. Why are you worried? Do I look as bad as I feel? In the rare moments I could really tell I felt ill, I made sure not to show it - but nonetheless, he always knew.

I looked up to meet his eyes. I’m fine, Quill.." Except for I'm starting to think someone is trying to dig my mind out of my head. With a spoon. "A headache won’t kill me.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You have a headache?” I looked away, figuring I should've kept silent. Slips of tongue aren't happening to you, Dae. Perhaps you really are worse than admitting. “You should go lie down then.”

I couldn't think of anything to say, walking past him in the general direction of my room. I needed to send some letters - to my uncle and my mother, primarily - and the library wasn't too far-- I looked up quickly, from one passage to another, and found the world spinning. For a moment, I couldn't focus on anything, my vision being cut by thousands of tiny white lights flashing before my eyes. Then I felt Quill's hands on my shoulders, and calmed myself with a few deep breaths. It was a while since I last felt as weak, especially since I let it show.

"My prince?” Quill was worried, I could tell even without looking at him. I frowned as he touched my forehead with his hand. His skin was cold, far more so than usually, but I stayed calm until he removed it.

“I’ll live," I said. "I have things to do.”

I turned to the stairs which would lead me to the library, stopping as he cahght my hand. “And all those things can surely wait for a few hours." He practically dragged me back in the direction of my chambers, and I almost smiled. I knew he cared - and I was more than aware of him being right, even though I really did have things to do. I wondered how much sense would my letter even make right now. "Did you eat something?”

He turned to me. No, Ihave not. I couldn't quite force myself to do it. I knew it wasn't what he wanted to hear, glaring into his eyes. "Sure I have.”

“I’m sure that lie would be very convincing to anyone else, my prince," he replied right away. So if I act as humans act when telling the truth, you figure I'm lying.. I felt dizzy again, and I realized he was still talking. "...but me. I’m taking you to your room, and I’m going to make you rest if I so have to tie you down to your bed.”

I couldn't help but smile a bit as he led me into my chambers. I was never the one to be tied to anything - but the thought did bringback some amusing ideas. You don't have to play any parts with him. I untied my shirt, glaring at the bed, wondering if I was too tired. Yes, the inner voice said. But I didn't really want to show it.

"Are you going to stay here?” I asked. I want you to, I almost added, biting my lip again. I wasn't quite sure what it was - not the same kind of desperate need of something, like when I'd wake up from a nightmare, but not complete emptiness I was used to either. My world once again spun around me as I tried giving it more thoughts. I was vaguely aware of Quill saying something, and forced myself to focus on his voice.

"Now lay down.”

“You seem to be very eager to get me in bed," I said without thinking. He is right, you should sleep. But I didn't want to.

"Bed, now.” He crossed his arms. "I’ll go get you some medicine from the physician, and if you’re not here when I come back..” No, don't go.

“Or you could just stay here," I said silently, still not meeting his eyes, glaring somewhere at his chest as he walked to me and pulled my shirt off. I knew well enough what normally came after that - I had to give him some credit for not doing anything but touching my lips with his. I'm not pulling back. One would think you would use that. I wondered if I should give up trying to ever understand people's actions.

"Rest," he muttered again, "please? The more you push yourself, the worse you’ll..”

I kissed him, cutting his words, closing my eyes as the shiny white dots danced in my vision again. He is right. This might even be dangerous.

“I’ll get bored just lying down and doing nothing," I said instead of listening to him, and he looked at me silently.

"I’ll keep you company,” He said then, guiding me to the bed. There we go.. “I’ll even tell you a story or sing something."

I kept my eyes on his, fairly sure he could read my thoughts from my face. I considered making his shirt disappear again, and then realized I couldn't really focus enough to do it. I was more tired than I thought I was. I had no way of knowing how my magic would behave if I tried using it.

Quill removed the cover from my bed, and I sat down, looking up at him. I was rarely in the kind of mood I was in now - usually it was him who did the seducing and convincing, and then let me do what I wanted as I'd decide to go through with it.

“My prince.. You’re sick. You should rest."

I felt my lips curling up as I decided to keep playing that game. “Perhaps if I got properly tired," I said, "I wouldn’t mind resting.”
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:20 pm
Alvarin says...

Jonquille - Prince Daerys’ tutor | Merillial castle - Day Three
Spoiler! :
"He said I'll bow to him before I die." I won’t let you die. Not as long as I can prevent it. Dae looked up at me. "When did I start calling you Quill?"

Changing the subject? It wasn’t like I wanted to talk about his death, but I would’ve prefered if he seemed a bit more serious about the duel. Then again, it was hard to know what he really thought about something. "You only twice called me by my full name," I said, remembering both times clearly.

He raised an eyebrow, and I held back a smile. "You recall that?"

"I recall many things, my Prince." At least when you’re involved. Most of the memories I had from before I met him were.. blurry, to say the least. I took position again, realizing that we should do the most of the time we had before the duel. Stupid incubus, just kill that king already. "We should keep practicing."

The sky suddenly opened up, but I ignored it. There were so many moves that I wanted Dae to learn, but I didn’t know which ones he’d need. Teaching him all of them would take more years than he had left. Don’t even think about that. I forced myself to focus on the present instead, to focus on the moves of our swords. I kept my level above his, but not much, but introduced new moves as he got used to the old ones. I didn’t know if I should be harder towards him, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t learn as much then. It was easier to learn from an opponent who were just slightly better than yourself.. Or at least I found it to be so.

I lost track of time, but realized that Dae was starting to breathe heavily, and that he still was far paler than he usually was. “Lets take a break, my prince.” And you should change your clothes before you get sick. At least it had stopped raining now, but when I watched Dae I felt as if I might’ve pushed him too hard.

I felt eyes on by back, so I turned to see Brekyr watching us. "Good morning, Lord Elgan," Dae said. "It looks like the start to a lovely day." Won’t be so lovely if you get a cold.. On second thought, I wouldn’t mind you staying in bed for a week or two. I pushed that thought aside and greeted Brekyr with a nod as he approached.

"Hello, Master Daerys. I see you're off to an early start." I held back a frown. Master? Well, I suppose we mean it in quite different ways. "Do you spar every morning?"

"Indeed I do - my tutor has a special tendency of getting me exhausted..numerous times a day" Once again, I struggled to keep my face neutral. You shouldn’t lead people on like that, my prince. "Do share your expert opinion, does it seem worth it?"

"I don't think it'd be proper to share whether I think your...private excursions, are worth doing.. Or do you mean with your swordsmanship?" It was too long since I had a conversation with Brekyr. He was always fun to pass time with. A bit.. A lot like Marius, but I had to keep in character with Brekyr.

As they continued their conversation I made sure to keep just enough attention to know if I should react to anything. The part of my mind that was not listening to them was wandering through my memories, something I knew I shouldn’t let myself do too often. Thinking of the past could occupy me for.. Well, a very long time, but at least it was better than thinking of the future. The future.. All I knew was that I would live, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I had watched Dae grow from a little boy to a young man, and if I wished that I could freeze time. I had no wish to watch him grow old and die. You don’t really have a choice. You’re not a demon who can make deals and grant immortality.

"Sure. A fresh challenge would be welcome."

The words tore me from my thoughts. I looked at Dae, slightly concerned that he was straining himself even further. Even so, I handed him his sword. I knew him well enough that he wouldn’t go and rest even if I told him so.. Unless he was on the brink of fainting.

"Don't worry, he surely won't hurt me." That’s not what I’m worried about. I didn’t say anything, just stepped back and let them spar, hoping that Dae might pick up something from Brekyr that I hadn’t managed to teach him. One day I’d tell him what I was, and if he didn’t reject me, which he will, I’d teach him all the things that I couldn’t when I was pretending to be human. Defensive and offensive moves, ancient languages, forgotten history, spells.. I had picked up quite a bit of knowledge over the years. Everything but how to make a person immortal. Maybe I could get in contact with a demon? I shook my head. No, that didn’t end well last time. Not well at all.

My head snapped up just in time to see Brekyr pin Dae against the wall, pointing his sword at his heart. I felt an urge to leap forward and twist the sword from his hand, the same urge I always felt when I saw Dae in any type of danger, but I pushed it down. Brekyr quickly put his sword down, and my mind started wandering again.

The idea of contacting a demon merged once again, but I ignored it. Demons never hold their end of the bargain anyway, and last time I dealt with one.. Well, I still didn’t know quite what had happened. I had lost over a hundred years in an instant, and when I came to it I was on the other side of the continent. No, demons were not an option. If it had been for someone else, someone I cared less about.. Like there even is someone else that I care about.

"And dead is dead." No, I’m not letting him die. Not in the duel against his father, not of age. Never.

He was looking even more pale now, his skin almost white and his eyes seeming.. What was that word again? Feverish. Could eyes even look feverish? He was leaning on the wall like he needed it to support him. I really shouldn’t have made him spar out in the rain.. And I should’ve forced him to go change already.

"My Prince,” I said suddenly.

"Yes, Quill?"

"You should--"

"Lord Elgan!" I frowned. Not now. "Dae, Quill." I frowned once again. For someone who had never really had a name before, it was probably silly of me to resent the way others said it.. But I didn’t want anyone but Dae to call me that.

"Thranie," Dae said, and the corner of my lip curled up into a wry smile.

"Don't call me that."

"Then don't call Quill Quill." You’ve noticed that I don’t like it? It seemed out of character for him to defend me like that.. Unless he of some reason were trying to make me like him more? I would’ve shook my head, but stopped myself. You probably like being the only one who I allow calling me that.

I kept my face neutral as Dae hugged his sister. You only need her to love you. There’s no need to get so physical. I noticed the way she tensed, and the way Thranack glared. I can work with that. If my nightmares could make people kill themselves, they could surely pull two people apart. I’d just make Dae act like her father would, and Thranack come in as a knight in shining armor. I snickered silently. Soon enough Dae will be all mine again.. I watched as Lierre and Ludiv left. ..and she won’t even dare to go near him.

Brekyr started questioning Thranack, and I couldn’t help but find it a bit amusing, even though I didn’t care much for either one of them.. Especially not the prince. He’d probably be a threat to Dae in the future, especially if he found out about him and Lierre. Both of them were going to be kings, and I doubted that they’d get along.

"In fact, I should go get ready for lunch as well." Yes, it’s high time you get some dry clothes on. "It was a pleasure, Lord Elgan."

"As always, Master Daerys." Thranack glared at Brekyr, and then at Dae and back again, as Brekyr bowed. The prince should show some restraint when it came to his facial expressions.. Though it was probably a good thing that he was easy to read. "We sparred."

As Dae left, I considered following him to his room, but I knew I should tempt myself to try to take any more energy from him. He needed it. I was fairly sure he already had a cold. If he isn’t any better after lunch, I’ll drag him to bed. Whether he likes it or not. I knew my feeding was straining for him, it would be straining for anyone, and I had taken too much last night. If I could just let him be for a few days.. Stupid incubus, starving yourself. ..I was sure he’d feel better.

"Oh...well..I need to talk to Dae...I'll see you later!" I watched as Thranack left. I should follow. They tended to get into arguments, and Thranack tended to get violent. He surely wouldn’t notice that Dae looked ill, and even if he did notice, I doubted that he’d care.

I glanced at Brekyr. I’d feel if Dae was being hurt, and I hadn’t talked to the old Wat Chief in a while. I almost smiled. Who am I to call someone old?

"I hope you found his talents at least a bit.. Challenging?" I said as I turned towards him, smiling curiously. If nothing else, I’d get to warm up my acting skills a bit. Warm them up? You’re basically acting all the time.

"Indeed. You've taught him well, Lord Jonquille. You should be proud." No, practicing my acting skills was unnecessary, but my skills as a tutor.. After all, Dae was my very first student, and how quick he was to pick up new techniques had suddenly become far more important than I ever thought it would.

"When you spar with Price Thranack, how do you prepare him for an actual duel? I find that rather difficult." I snickered a bit, making it seem like I was doing so at myself. "I'm afraid I might be too nice."

"It is difficult to be as fierce as men are in serious duels. " He wiped his face, seeming to think for a moment before continuing.. "However, I have been training men - soldiers - for battle for a very long time, and I make no exceptions for Thranack just because he's the prince."

I made myself smile, one of those small, slightly sad smiles. How much have you figured out of what is going on between me and Dae? "It's not his title that concerns me." It could be fun to lead him on, but on the other hand he might find away to get me fired, and that would make it rather difficult for me to be around Dae as much as I was. No, I should probably go back to asking for advice. "I can't teach him anything if I'm too.. Too good, and at the same time I want him to be prepared to face someone stronger than himself.” I had always questioned my way of teaching him, now more than ever, and I wasn’t too proud to ask someone about it.. Not while I was playing the role of the concerned tutor, at least.

"Ah, yes, you want your pupil to grow without discouraging him.. That is indeed one of the hardest lines to draw.” That’s helpful. “It really just depends on the pupil, though. The Prince, for instance, refuses to learn if I do not remind him of where his skills really are - where other students try harder if you let them believe that they're nearly as good as you are." He was looking at me with suspicion in his eyes now, and I checked myself if I was over- or underacting, but realized I wasn’t doing either. Was my sad smile too big a clue?

"Lucky for you, your prince is easier to read..” I muttered. Dae wouldn’t get jealous if I showed him that I was better than him, neither would he suddenly feel a great need to surpass me.. And I highly doubted he’d get discouraged no matter what I did. “Maybe I should try /reminding/ him later." Maybe.. But didn’t I do something like that yesterday? I glanced in the direction Dae had left, making myself look like I was trying to hide my concern from him. "I value your advise, Lord Elgan. In matters like this you're far more experienced than I."

He smirked. "Taking away something he likes can be a powerful tool as well."
I nearly frowned, but stopped myself. "There isn't much that he likes," I mumbled, making myself seem like I was trying to come up with something, when I really felt.. A bit lost. Is there anything he likes? Anything at all? "And even less that I can take away from him."

"He seems to enjoy your..” He hesitated. I did indeed give you too big a clue. “Companionship. Simply refuse to spend time alone with him, until he tries harder." That was as good a proof as any, that Brekyr had no clue how Dae really worked, while I was painfully aware of it.

Once again, I smiled a little sad smile, this time making it seem even more pitiful. I I showed my real feeling right now, would I look more or less pathetic? "I'm not sure I'd be able to do that.. And I highly doubt that he'd care either way."

"Mm.." He raised an eyebrow. You have already figured it out, so how much longer will I have to push to get you to actually say it? "That is indeed difficult, then.. Especially if you find yourself growing too fond of your student."

"I wish I would've know that eleven years ago.." No, I don’t. If I hadn’t let myself care, then I would still be bored. I let my eyes drop, and studied my hands for a moment, as if I was unsure of myself. "Surely I'm not the only one to make that mistake?"

"That long? It seemed to me that you only grew..very close,” You still don’t want to say it straight out? “..few years ago."

"Well, we weren't quite as close back then. I started tutoring him when he was only ten. It seems a lifetime ago." I let myself smile properly this time, showing how amused I was. I don’t even know what a lifetime is supposed to feel like. "Then again, I shouldn't be saying such things, seeing that your student is older than mine."

"We're both tutors, Lord Jonquille. It doesn't matter the age of our pupils." No, but it does matter how long we’ve been teaching them.

"I suppose so.." I should hurry up and catch up to Dae now. He might need me. I nodded a bit to myself, both to confirm my own thoughts, and to make it seem I was really thinking hard about Brekyr’s words. Might as well add some pleasantries to the end of this. "Calling me a 'lord' is a bit.. You shouldn't. Jonquille will do fine." I shot him another smile, a sincere one. Or at least, a sincere-looking one. "Thank you, for your advice. I appreciate it." Didn’t help me much though.

"Anytime." He made a slight bow, which seemed a bit too polite. "I always enjoy chatting with you."

I suppose you’re interesting enough to keep me occupied for a few minutes. Marius could probably keep me entertained for a bit longer, but he had the advantage of knowing what I was. "Likewise, Lord Elgan," I said before following the path Dae had taken.

I didn’t really need to look for him, as I instinctively knew what direction would take me to him. I wonder if he feels that as well? It was like holding a string, and someone was constantly tugging at the other end. When I first was bound to Dae, I had thought of it as a leash, and I had despised it. Now I was rather fond of it. I’d always know where he was, due to the half of my soul that rested within him.. Or was it due to the half of his soul resting within me? I shrugged to myself. It was probably both.

A few minutes later, I found myself glaring at Lierre’s door, wishing that I could just kick it down and drag my prince out of there.. But I couldn’t do that, and the images that kept invading my mind enabled me from even thinking of a clever way to interrupt. I stayed in front of the door, until I heard steps approaching. I slipped back into a shadow, watching Thranack knock on the door, and wait. Don’t you worry. I’ll make the princess see you as her savior, and Dae will be the monster she needs to be saved from.

I didn’t wait for Dae or his sister to open the door. I didn’t want to see them. I couldn’t bare it. Jealous little incubus, who doesn’t want to share his food. Jealousy was stupid, especially for me, who knew everything about Dae and his lack of feelings. I was too old to be jealous, too old to be eaten on the inside every time I saw Dae as much as smile towards anyone. It hurt, even more than the constant worry, but Dae only found it amusing. Yes, watching me silently scream in pain must be horribly fun.


I looked around, realizing I wasn’t just a shadow anymore.. I wasn’t even in the same part of the castle. The smell..? Old parchment, ink, sunwarm books. Apparently I had been going back to my room, close to the library. When was the last time I visited that room? You went there to fetch one of your books for Dae, four months ago.


I turned to look at James, just now realizing that he was standing there. His expression quickly changed from worried to stubbornly angry. His eyes were still worried, though. Still angry at me? “Yes?” I asked with a slight smile, straightening up.

“You looked like you were having trouble breathing,” he muttered, a slight frown creeping onto his face.

His words surprised me a bit, but as I took a deeper breath I felt the burning pain in my lungs go away. Right, human form. I need to remember to breathe. “No, I’m perfectly alright.” He opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “What are you doing here? Surely, prince Thranack didn’t ask you to fetch a book for him?”

“He’s not stupid,” he suddenly hissed, and I held back a snicker. It’s about time you fall for someone else.. But Thranack?

“I never said he was, but I don’t remember ever seeing him in the library,” I said with a shrug. Do distract me for a while, will you? “I’ll help you find whatever book you’re looking for.” With that I started walking towards the library, not checking if he was following me. Four years ago he had followed me around like a dog, and he hadn’t changed much. “So, what are you looking for?” I asked as I opened the doors. Three days earlier Dae and I had been sitting here.. I glanced at the table. Before that witch came.

“It’s a fairly old book.. Wonderland Rift?”

I stopped suddenly, almost making him walk into me, and then turned around. He took a step back, looking down on his hands. Naaaw, afraid to get too close? “Oh, that’s right, you did tell me that you like dark fairytales.” I smiled. Though, at the time you were making so many other noises that I had trouble hearing what you were saying.

He blushed, recollecting the same memory. “Mm.” He looked up at me again, trying to not show any pain in those big blue eyes of his, but failing miserably. I took a step towards him, and he tried to step back, but ended up stumbling into a bookshelf, then I took another step, putting myself so close to him that I was all but touching him. “Wha-what are you..?”

I reached above him and took a book down. “I’m afraid we don’t have that one.. But I’m sure you’ll love this one. It’s one of the oldest fairytales around,” I leaned closer, almost touching his ear with my lips, “and it’s quite gruesome.” I whispered those last words with a soft voice, almost making him tremble. Four years, and you still haven’t let go. How cute.

“Jonquille.. I should go,” he mumbled, avoiding my gaze as I pulled back to look at him.

“Lunch will be served soon, so you should.. But do you want to go?” He didn’t answer, just stood there like a statue, seeming to struggle with himself. Remember to breathe. I drew my fingers through his wavy blond hair, and realized that he must’ve been adorable as a child. “James?” I kept my voice warm and soft, making sure I looked serious, but not frighteningly so.

“Why are you doing this?” His voice didn’t tremble, and it surprised me. Then again, I hadn’t talked to him in four years. It would be weird if he was as uncertain of himself now as he was then.

Because I feel like crap and need to take it out on someone. “Don’t you want me to?” I leaned closer again, tracing the line of his neck with my lips. “I’ll stop if you don’t.. But I’ve seen the way you look at me.” Actually, I hadn’t bothered to look at him properly since he walked out of my bedroom those years ago.. Until now, that was. I wanted to watch him tear himself apart, trying to decide if he’d let me break him once more.

“I know about you and the prince.” I pulled back again. This time he was looking me in the eyes, and his expression seemed both desperate and vengeful. I raised an eyebrow, wanting him to go on. Since you’re telling me, there’s obviously something you want. He was proving to be a better distraction than I thought. “As you said, I’ve been watching you.. Both of you. I suppose others don’t realize since they haven’t been with both of you, like I have.”

The roaring sound in my head, that feeling eating me from the inside.. It came back as if he had just snapped his fingers to summon it. “.. With both of us?” I said calmly, feeling myself smile. It wasn’t really a smile, more like I was baring my teeth at him.

“After you deceived me, it wasn’t hard to figure out that your beloved prince was only using me.. I didn’t even care at that point.” Stupid, stupid human. You’re too consumed by your own hatred to even notice the look in my eyes. Had he been acting before, or had he just suddenly flipped? It’s not like I care either way. I was going to make him scream every time he fell asleep from now on. I’d show him images of him killing himself in all ways possible, until he couldn’t cope anymore. Slowly and painfully I’d let him die, I’d watch him bleed out or hang from a rope, and I’d smile knowing that he would never be able to touch Dae again. “I’m quite curious too see how his father would react. Would you just get fired.. Or would he have you beheaded?” For the second time that day, I felt my lungs burning, but I couldn’t breathe. I was shaking just from holding back the roaring monster inside of me, as it was trying to claw its way out. “If the rumors about him are true, he probably won’t be too nice to his son ei-”

The world disappeared for a moment, and when it came back James was laying at my feet, his head in a strange angle, his eyes wide open. I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. My hands were trembling ever so slightly, but I could finally feel the monster leave me. You turned out to be useful, after all. Useful, but now I had a dead body to deal with. Not that I hadn’t done that before.

I quickly locked the doors and took a walk around the bottom floor of the library, letting both my ears and nose change into something more animalistic. I was fairly sure the library was empty, but I knew better than to count on it. As I walked past one of the older wooden ladders I couldn’t help but smile. Old Nelliquorian had wanted to get those replaced when I first came to the castle.. Maybe now someone would actually bother to do it.

I moved the ladder to where James was, broke one of the steps, and then moved him a little to make it look like he had fallen on his head. As I left I tossed the book I was still holding over my shoulder. Eventually someone would find him, and Thranack would have to get himself a new attendant.. and Dae will never ever touch him again.


I waited outside the dining hall, figuring that I should probably make sure that Dae got some rest when he was done eating. If he get sick, seriously sick, it’ll be my fault. I was worried, more so than before. Worry was a completely different kind of monster. It didn’t try to get out, but made a nest in your chest and then slept there. It was heavy and cold.. I didn’t like it, but I much prefered it to jealousy.

My head snapped up as the door opened and Dae came out. There was nobody else with him, and he looked even paler now than he had last time I saw him. “My prince?” I asked, letting the worry slip into my voice.

He looked up at me. “I’m fine, Quill.” That’s the most obvious lie you’ve ever told. “A headache won’t kill me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You have a headache?” If he actually mentioned it, then it had to be pretty bad. I didn’t normally hear him complain about pain, even if it should’ve made him scream. “You should go lie down then.”

He didn’t answer, but walked passed me and continued down the hallway. No smart retort? I followed, cautiously watching his every move, and it wasn’t long until the worry in my chest grew tenfold in an instant. Dae’s knees folded, but I caught him well before he hit the floor. “My prince?” I asked again, sounding far more worried this time as I helped him find his balance. When he looked somewhat stable I let him go, placing the back of my hand against his forehead. He was burning.

He frowned, and I couldn’t help but think that he looked like a stubborn child, refusing to admit that he was sick. Cute, but not at all helpful. “I’ll live. I have things to do.”

He started walking in the opposite direction of his room, but I grabbed hold of his arm. “And all those things can surely wait for a few hours,” I muttered and more or less started dragging him towards his room. I had expected more resistance from him, but he probably knew I was right. “Did you eat something?” I didn’t want to sound or act like his mother, but he didn’t leave me any choice. It wasn’t just worry driving me on, it was guilt as well.

I looked at him, waiting for an answer, and he looked me straight in the eyes. “Sure I have.”

“I’m sure that lie would be very convincing to anyone else, my prince. Anyone else but me. I’m taking you to your room, and I’m going to make you rest if I so have to tie you down to your bed.” It was more difficult than I thought to say that seriously, without adding a tone that would make it mean something completely different. When we reached his chambers I held to door open and gestured for him to get inside.

I closed the door behind us, watching as he untied his shirt and then stood still, glaring at his bed. Really now? I couldn’t help but smile a little. Are you going to argue about staying up longer? “Are you going to stay here?”

“Yes, or you’d get up the moment I close the door,” I muttered. “Now lay down.”

“You seem to be very eager to get me in bed.”

I ignored his teasing voice, which I normally would’ve found amusing. “Bed, now.” I crossed my arms. Is this how Brekyr feels when he’s babysitting Thranack? “I’ll go get you some medicine from the physician, and if you’re not here when I come back..”

“Or you could just stay here.” I studied his face carefully. Did he actually care whether I stayed or left? The fever was probably worse than I had thought, and yet I couldn’t help but feel a bit happy.

I let my arms drop to my sides again, before walking up to him and gently pulling his shirt off. My whole being was screaming at me to push him down on the bed and.. But I couldn’t. He was sick, he needed to rest. I didn’t want to make it any worse than I already had. I brushed my lips against his, only for a second. “Rest, please? The more you push yourself, the worse you’ll..” He suddenly kissed me, and I lost myself for a moment, kissing him back and putting both hands on his back. Warm. I opened my eyes and pulled away reluctantly.

“I’ll get bored just lying down and doing nothing.”

I just looked at him, my resolve wavering more and more. I’m supposed to protect him, not kill him. A deep breath then I started nudging him towards the bed. “I’ll keep you company,” I said, but made no move to take of my clothes. “I’ll even tell you a story or sing something,” I offered. Anything, just stop pushing me. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could withstand it.. That playful look on his face was beyond tempting. You really picked the worst time.

I pulled the cover away from the bed, and looked at Dae as he finally sat down.. And remained seated. Don’t do this to me. With a smile he looked up at me, biting his lip like he did so often, but that I had never understood the reason of. I found myself almost mesmerized by the look in his eyes. Had there ever been a time when I had to resist him like this? Usually it was the other way around, me trying to seduce him.

“My prince.. You’re sick.” I tore my eyes of him and studied the pattern of his pillow instead. “You should rest.” Is this going to become a competition to decide which one of us is the most stubborn? I had a feeling I wasn’t going to win.

He observed me for a moment, his smile widening slightly. “Perhaps if I got properly tired, I wouldn’t mind resting.”

I kept my eyes focused on the pillow, opening my mouth to tell him once more to rest, but then I couldn’t stand it any more. I had never had to restrain myself like that, and I didn’t want to ever do it again. As much as I would like to keep control of myself, I was an incubus, and I cared far too much for Dae. I should be able to be with him without taking any energy.. Or at least not more than a mouthful.

“To hell with it then,” I muttered silently as I kissed him and pushed him onto his back, never separating our lips. I ran my hands down over his chest and over his side, feeling the contours of his ribs. You really ought to eat more. I pushed the worry aside for now. I didn’t want to worry, I just wanted to feel his skin against mine.

As I felt my lungs starting to burn again, I wrapped both arms around him and pulled him with me as I rolled over to my back, then I let him pull back so that we could breathe. Having him on top of me had become more of a habit than I thought it would.. A habit I usually didn’t mind breaking, but as he was right now, I didn’t want to push him.

Slowly I ran my hands over his back, ignoring how warm it was, and smiled as he touched place where the ‘D’ on my chest was. I sat up, pushing him back so that he sat in my lap, and pulled my shirt off. After wrapping my arms around him again and pulling him closer, I kissed my way from his collarbone to his lips. I let him push me down against the mattress again.


I stroked Dae’s cheek with the back of my hand, feeling more guilty than ever. He was still warm. Far too warm. This is all my fault. I took too much energy last night, and I took some now as well. “Do you want me to get you something, my prince?” I asked softly. It’s just a cold. All humans have colds from time to time. They did.. So why did I feel so guilty? Because you fed on him and then made him spar with you out in the rain, and then fed on him again.

“A coffin, based on your expression.” I laughed at his answer, but couldn’t quite feel happy. Stupid incubus, worrying about your food again.

I leaned back towards the pillows, keeping one arm around Dae as he rested his head on my chest. The room had fallen into darkness, with no candles lighting it up. “You should try to sleep. It’s getting late,” I mumbled and kissed the top of his head. I half expected him to tell me to leave, but he didn’t. “Goodnight, my prince.”

For a while I just watched him, until his breathing slowed down and his body relaxed. The peacefulness in his expression didn’t last for long. Nightmares, as raw and bloody as usual. I changed them, as I always did. Pushing away the blood and the pain and the fear, replacing it with other things. Would he think it was strange if he dreamt of a memory from my perspective? A wry smile crept onto my lips, remembering the first time I talked to him. Yes, I’ll show him that.

You’re walking down the hall from the library, feeling quite contempt. With a mix of knowledge and charm you’ve just managed to secure the job that you’ve wanted for some time. You have some things to take care of, but stop when you hear a sound coming from further ahead, rhythmic thumps and cursing. Muffled, from behind a closed door, but still audible. The voice is familiar to you, and you’re not fond of it. The boy behind the voice is a prince, but he’s not your prince.

You approach the door, and open it slowly. The elder prince hitting the younger, one half of a toy is on the floor. You already know what has happened, or at least you think you do, and you can’t help but smirk. You have a feeling that the elder prince will grow to regret what he has done, eventually.

“You might want to stop that before someone sees you.” He freezes, one of his fists raised to deliver another punch. The little prince doesn’t look too bad, except for a split lip and some bruises starting to form. “Someone like Lord Elgan, or the King.. They might not approve if they see you beating someone who’s six years younger than yourself.” The elder prince is staring at you now, looking as if he doesn’t know what to do with himself. A smug smile creeps onto your face. “You should hurry up. They might be on their way.”

More cursing, before the elder prince finally leaves and slams the door shut behind him. When he’s gone you turn back to the little prince, realizing that it’s the first time in years that you have been this close to him. His black hair’s in a mess, but his eyes and expression is completely blank, for a moment, at least. As you keep staring he realizes that he should wear an expression, and he mimics pain and some fear.

“Are you alright, my prince?” you ask with a slight bow.

“I’m not a prince here.”

You smirk. “You’re more of a prince than he will ever be.. But you should learn how to fight back.” You take out a handkerchief and give it to the little prince, so that he can wipe the blood from his lip. “Small targets are harder to hit, my prince.”

“Thank you,” he mumbles, before looking up at you again. “Who are you?”

Once again you smile. “I used to be one of Nelliquorian’s pupils.. Now I am
your tutor. My name is Jonquille,” you say with another bow.
Last edited by Alvarin on Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:32 am
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Shady says...

Spoiler! :
:smt036 Potentially disturbing material ahead. :smt036

Thranack- Merillial- Day Two

I wasn't going to the physicians. They were awful. They prodded and poked, and tried to drug me. And I wasn't going. Brek could kiss my ass.

He was silent a long moment. Probably thinking of something to yell at me for...anything to make me uncomfortable, right? Lecture me about my fighting technique, or--

"Where's Ludi?"

Or that... I frowned. Theoretically, she'd be waiting where I left her. I don't have any idea where she actually is. Maybe having a quickie with Itaph. I don't know. "In the hall."

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "You two have a fight?"

"Nope." I said shortly.

"Fine, I won't pry." He closed his eyes.

I suppressed a sigh of relief. "Good."

There was another comfortable silence, and then he sighed. "You should get going. I never keep you much longer than this."

"I know." But it's safe in here. There are no Angroths. No Father. No Ludi. And no damnable Itaph.

"And so it probably wouldn't look good.'

He cut my train of thought off. "...What wouldn't?"

"You and me, lying in a bed, half dressed--"

You bastard! I sprang to my feet, stumbling across the room. "F*ck you!"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying..." He grinned, sitting up.

I grabbed my shirt and started across the room, fuming. "Bastard..."

I slammed the door after me, pulling my shirt on, still muttering curses as I stormed down the hall.

"Dare I ask what happened?"

"He's a motherf*cker." I snapped, barely glancing at Ludi as she matched my pace. "A real asshole."

"Isn't that why you like him so much, my Prince?"

I half-glared at her. Yes. Just not when he's being an asshole to me. I rubbed my face. I was taking Brek too seriously. She had a point-- Brek was a known asshole. That was why I liked him so much. I finally nodded.

I walked down the hallway briskly, Ludi by my side, carefully watching out for anyone. I was around a corner, starting down that hall, when I saw Megarus walking rounding the far corner. I slid to a stop, pushing Ludi, scrambling around the corner.

"What are you--?"

"Shh!" I hissed, glancing over my shoulder suspciously as I started back the hallway I'd just come from, pushing Ludi. "Megarus is back there."

"You're going to--"

I crashed into someone. I jumped back, snapping my head around.

"You're trying to avoid King Angroth?" Father frowned at me.

"N-no sir." I kicked myself mentally. Stop your damnable stuttering.

"Hm..." He didn't believe me. I couldn't blame him. I was lying.

"I-I was just..."

"You were just...?" Father asked, lifting his eyebrows.

The hell if I know. "Um..."

"I thought I'd seen you disappear around here." I whirled around as Megarus's voice came up behind me.

I looked between the Kings, trapped at far closer quarters than at the lunch. I opened my mouth, but no noise came out. Again.

"Thran?" Father asked.


"Thranack?" Megarus insisted.

"...What was that?" I asked, making my eyes wide, jumping back, looking around.

"What was what?" Father asked.

"That--that loud crash?" I hesitated. That's pretty good.


"Yeah! Didn't you hear it?"

"I didn't hear anything." Megarus said disdainfully.

"It sounded close. I-I better go check that out." I said seriously, putting my hand on the hilt of my sword and sprinting away from them, Ludi by my side. I didn't slow until my side was aching too badly for me to continue running, several hallways away.

"Sir...where are we going?" Ludi asked.

"If Brek asks, to the physician." I leaned against the wall, panting, holding my side. "If Father or Megarus asks, to...I don't even know. A horse got out? And I had to get someone to put it back?"

"And the truth?"

I rubbed my face. "I think I should go clean out Reb's stall." Before Brek actually gets annoyed.

"Why does Lord Elgan expect you to go to the physician, My Prince?"

I glanced at her, and lifted a shoulder. Because the bastard broke my rib? "I don't know. I guess I just looked stressed."

She glared at me. She knew I was lying.

"So, we should go." I turned and walked to the stables, sending Reb out with a stableboy to graze, as I cleaned out his stall and hauled fresh sawdust into it, each movement agony to my throbbing side.

Well. I guess I've hid long enough. I sighed as I pulled on a clean tunic and looked at myself in the mirror. "I gotta talk to Father eventually."

"You've got to work in time, somewhere, for that thrashing, too." I whirled around as Brek walked into my room. "Have you thought of what you're going to say to Lierre yet?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"I gave you fair warning."

"I went."

He pointed a finger at me, lifting his eyebrows. "Don't lie to me, Boy."

"...I was getting ready to go?" I said slowly, laying a hand over my side protectively.

"That's what I thought."

I nodded. "You were right, as usual."


I walked past him, grumbling as I made my way to the infirmary. They quickly patched me up, confirming the broken ribs, and ordering me straight to bed.

I laid down in bed, not sure whether to be annoyed that Brek had actually managed to get me to the infirmary, or pleased that he had saved me from that meeting with Father. I closed my eyes, pulling the blankets over myself, exhausted.

Day Three

Darkness. Fire. The smell of death floating on the smoke. Brackish blood staining the ground, in puddles, the ground drinking it greedily. I stumbled forward, confused, my eyes and mind refusing to catch up with the chaos around me.

I turned, and saw a shadowy demon with glowing eyes sinking its fangs into Brek, ripping him nearly in two. His mouth opened and blood gushed out, dribbing down the front of his shirt, his eyes rolling up in his head.

"BREK!" I shouted, running towards him. I was caught by a shady rope, sprung from nowhere, that wrapped tighter, and tighter around me, until I couldn't breathe. The bindings held me in place as, one by one, Ludi, and Father, and Lierre, and Ami were dragged before me and executed as they screamed for my help.
I pressed my back into the cold, stone wall of the dungeon. I was soggy, my clothes, my hair, my skin-- everything was saturated in stale, frigid water. I was cold to the bone. Far colder than I'd ever been before. My teeth chattered, my entire body shaking as I shivered, hugging my knees close to my chest, even though it hurt my side.

It was so dark. I couldn't even see two inches in front of my face-- couldn't tell what, or who, might be in the cell beside me. It was so quiet I didn't figure anything was. It'd been quiet for years. Decades, maybe. It was hard to tell. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen a real person.

That was the worst part. The lonliness. Not having anyone to talk to all day. Knowing I wouldn't have anyne to talk to the next day. Or the day after that. Or any day for the rest of my life. Even if I did manage to get out, I wouldn't have anyone to go home to.

It was suddenly bright, and I was dry. I blinked and looked around, finding myself in a throne room. I squinted ahead of me, at a hard, angular throne. I stared as I saw Dae sitting on it, his crown cocked to the side, him smirking at me.


"It's King Angroth to you, Swine." Someone snarled as I stood up. Large hands landed on my shoulders, slamming my face into the cold floor. "And you'll bow before your king."

"King?" I looked up, a bad feeling in my stomach as Dae stood and walked towards me.

"That's right, Thrannie boy." I tried to stand up, to spring towards him, to smack him in the nose and warn him about calling me that-- but two soldiers on either side of me held me on my knees. "Honestly, if you weren't so stupid you'd have seen this coming."

I glared up at him as I pulled on my shoulders. "What have you done with everyone?"

"Really? That's your first question?" He frowned. "You always have cared far too much for others. If you had a bit more sense, you'd look out for yourself more. If you did that, you might've had a chance at sitting on a throne yourself."


He chuckled coldly. "Who am I kidding? You've /never/ had what it takes to rule. You're a sheep. Born to follow."

"And you're an egotistical asshole who shouldn't--"

A blow struck my cheek so hard it knocked me sideways, drawing blood. I turned my head to the side, cringing.

"Let him finish. I shouldn't /what/?" Dae asked challengingly, leaning close to me.

"You shouldn't be trusted with watch over a dog, let alone a kingdom."

He laughed derisively. "No? This, coming from /you/?"

"There's worse things in life than being nice, or caring too much about other people." I lifted my chin, finally giving up pulling on my arms.

"And what are those?" He leaned closer to me, so that our faces were mere inches apart.

"Being like /you/."

He grinned savagely. "Then I will enjoy making you watch as I rule what could've been your kingdom."

I tugged on my arms.

"King of Barquarnon yesterday, King of Merillial today, King of the World tomorrow."

I shook my head. It didn't make any sense. Dae was king? /Dae's the king? Dae's.../

I saw myself, so small, on the ground. I was floating through the air, Dae's cackling seranding me as I left

"Dae's the king!"

A sharp pain ran through me.

I gasped, coughing, falling back into my pillows panting. I wiped my sweaty brow, catching my breath. Once I could breathe again, I looked around, and found my attendants all staring at me.


They nodded, murmuring as I rolled out of bed, more exhausted than when I went to bed. I got dressed, not even looking at the clothes they had laid out for me, and then stumbling out into the hallway.

"Good morning, My Prince."

"Mm, mornin' Ludes." I grumbled, trudging past her, trying to forget the snippets of the dream that I remembered. I couldn't remember most of it. Mostly lots of blood. And death. And...Dae was king? Hm...I'm sure he'd be flattered to know that him being king was a nightscare of mine.

I shook my head, finally starting to get woke up as I got to the dining hall. I pushed the door open, and I froze as I spotted Megarus sitting at the table. I was suddenly fully awake. No one else was in the room. Shit.

"It's far too late to avoid me this time, dear Prince."

Wanna bet? No. Bad. Don't think like that. It is too late. "I'd never dream of avoiding you, King Angroth." Mostly because I'm too busy having nightscares about your dear son.

"I'm not worried about what you do when you're sleeping. It's while you're awake that it annoys me, you trying to avoid my--"

I bent down to 'tie' my boot, stopping half-way across the floor. I stood up to find him glaring at me. "I'm sorry. You were saying?"

"You're trying to ignore me."

And you're making it so very difficult. "...I'm sorry, what?"

Disbelief washed across his face. Followed by a glare that could've melted steel. I hesitated, suddenly wishing the filter on my sarcasm was more effective. His eyes bore into me several moments longer, silent rage seething through him.

If looks could kill...if he could kill...without starting a war...I'd be so dead. I swallowed uncomfortably. And I thought Lierre didn't like me.

"Why?" He asked tersely.

Because I do stupid things when I'm around people I don't like. And I don't think either you or father would ever forgive me, if I hit you. "I assure you, King Angroth, I--"

"It doesn't seem that your word means much, you little liar."

I felt the muscle in my cheek spam as I clenched my jaw, barely cutting off a fountain of sarcasm that wanted to spew from me. He stood up, his glare never leaving me. "What? Are you all out of lies for me?"

Getting near it. I'm not used to lying to anyone this much. I usually just say what I think, and then worry about the fists coming at my face-- you're so much more...delicate, though. Can't take an insult without starting a war. "No, sir."

He strode toward me, looming, once again making me wish for a late growth spurt. "Does that mean I'll have to wait a while to know what's in that small little mind of yours?"

Just until the wedding. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I have nothing but the utmost...respect... for you."

"As well you should." He said contemptulously. "I guess you're not as stupid as you seem."

I only barely managed to still my fists by my side. I'm going to kill--No. I can't do that. I can't even punch him....can I? I looked at where Ludi was standing, next to the wall. She seemed annoyed, her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her sword so tightly her knuckles were turning white. I met her gaze a moment. No. I can't.

"I'm...glad you approve." I answered through clenched teeth.

"I never said that I--"

"My King."

My eyes flicked to Ludi, then to where she was bowing. Father was coming through the door. He paused, his eyes flicking between me and Megarus, slightly worried. I looked up at Megarus again, meeting his glare, and then turned towards Father, briskly striding toward him. "Father! Good morning!"

He looked at me suspiciously. I threw my arms around him, wrapping him in a hug. He stood stiffly a moment, then hissed in my ear. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry!" I said too brightly, relieved that Father rescued me from Megarus, trying to calm my temper before I did something stupid. I stepped away from him, and pulled his chair out. "I'm just so happy to see you."

He narrowed his eyes. "What did you do?"

"What? Pft. I didn't 'do' anything." I laughed nervously. "Can't I be happy to see you?"

He glanced at Ludi, and then back at me. I felt my smile wavering. I knew no one was buying it. I usually stumbled into the dining hall and glared at my plate for a while. I didn't figure either of them would let me get away with that this morning.

"Mm." Father sat down, and then gestured at my chair. "Sit down."

"Yes sir." I carefully took my seat, and decided to try my luck at getting away with just glaring at my empty plate.

"Good morning, King Angroth."

"Yes, it certainly was." Megarus answered arrogantly.

I didn't need to lift my eyes to know that they were both glaring at me. I could feel their disapproving looks boring into the sides of my head. I decidely didn't meet either of their gazes.

"...Did you two have a lengthy conversation?" Father was worried. As well he should be. It's impossible to answer Meggie's questions.

"Not particularly." Megarus answered. "You can't hold a conversation with a boy who looks for ways not to answer your questions."

And you can't answer double-edged questions without getting crucified.

"Yes...I'm afraid my son isn't very...sociable...in the morning."

"I haven't found much to admire in him any time of day."


I felt sweat dripping down my neck, and hoped no one could see it. I finally looked up and met Meg's gaze, wishing I was anywhere but there. The door opened. I sprang to my feet as Lierre walked in. I carefully pulled her chair out.

She smiled slightly as she sat down.

“Are you feeling better today?” I breathed a silent sigh of relief.

She nodded.“Yes, much better. Thank you, Thran.”

I grinned. Maybe she doesn't hate me. I glanced up at Megarus. He certainly does. I turned my attention back to Lierre. “I’m glad to hear that. What do you say we head to the town after breakfast?”

“Yes, that sounds good.”

I suppressed the urge to stick my tongue out and start teasing Meg. Hehehe, you might not like me but your daughter sure does...well..she will...

I sat down, agonizingly aware that Megarus's glare never left me. I forced myself to ignore him. To eat, and to make sure Lierre was eating. She still didn't look so good. I frowned. “Don’t you like the food? I’m sure the kitchens could make something else if you just..”

“It’s fine, really,” she smiled reassuringly. “I just don’t have much of an appetite.”

I narrowed my eyes. I ate more than that when I was six.

“If everyone had Thran's appetite there wouldn't be enough food in the world." Father laughed, strained.

I glared at him. To hear you and Dae talk, one would think I weigh as much as a horse.

As if on cue, the door opened and Dae walked through. He murmured his apologies to Father, and I turned back to Lierre. "Is there any special place you'd like to go later?"

Dae turned towards Lierre and frowned. She looked worried. No. Stop caring what he thinks.

"Is there any special place you'd like to go to later?" I tried again, slightly louder. Lierre's head snapped around towards me, and she started trembling again.

I bit back a sigh. Are you going to be the one to break me of my temper? Just make me feel like a jerk every time I slip up?

"Forgive me...My tutor told me about a store that sells birds. Rare and colorful ones. I'd love to see that."

I knew what she was talking about. That store was interesting. I went as often as I could, without attracting attention. I remembered the small crane she made the day before and smiled. "You like birds, don't you?"

"I like everything that can fly." Anything that can't be trapped in a storm of satin? Everything that's not being observed and evaluated every moment of every day? I sighed silently. We're more alike than I think either of us wants to admit, Princess.

"Thranack." Father's crisp voice cut through my thoughts.

"Father." I looked at him.

"Dae." I heard Lierre whisper. "Are you alright?"

There was a moment's silence. Why wouldn't Dae be okay?

"I was worried when you didn't come to dinner yesterday."

Oh, is that all? Hm...he wasn't here, though.

"I had a busy night. Bad dreams, as well.."

You and me both...I wonder if you dreamt about me being king? That would be a bad dream for you, wouldn't it?

"I dreamt of walking around the castle like a ghost - as if I weren't even around, not even you payed any attention to me trying to reach you."


"I'm sorry."

No. Don't you dare let Dae make you feel bad. He's very good at playing off of emotions...

"I would never do that." Lierre sounded so weak, so sincere. I rolled my eyes.


I started, my head snapping around to look at Father. "Yes...sir?"

"Well, it seems that our children's rudeness knows no bounds. They've sank to whispering at the dinner table..." I turned towards Megarus's voice. "Trying to run away when they see decent company."

I tensed as Megarus's glare bore through me. No. Don't do this-- not in front of both of them. Don't you dare try to make me look stupid...again.

"I didn't realize that us running to other people makes you so lonely." Dae muttered.

I took a sip of my wine, carefully pretending that I hadn't heard. Megarus finally took his glare off me, locking it on Dae.

"You should know to pay proper respect to your king." You're not our king. Don't bring me into-- "And so should he."

Megarus gestured at me. I glanced at Father, then Ludi, then Dae and Lierre, and finally back at Megarus. Not now...not here...

"Lying and hiding.. You know your history, right? Do tell... Countries fall under such kings, don't they?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but quickly stopped myself before I did. Countries fall under arogant old men that pick fights with young men. No. No. Bad. Don't threaten him. Just...say...

"Well Thranack?" Megarus insisted, grinning cruelly. "Don't you know it's rude not to answer your elders when they speak to you?"

"I do."

Megarus's eyes were steelly again, boring into me. I felt my eyes go wide. Uh oh...I didn't just say that...oh, but I did... I sighed. I knew that you didn't really want a simple answer.

Everyone was annoyed. Fix it. "I-I meant.. I was.. I was just.. Trying to... Gather my thoughts before I answered."

"Well, with the time it's taking you to gather them, you've got far more thoughts than most people... or maybe you're just particularly slow."

You bastard. I've had it with you! I clenched my jaw to keep myself from speaking my mind. I grasped the edge of the table, hard, and narrowed my eyes at Megarus.You came into my home, and have done nothing but insult me since you got here. Either grow a set and say what you're thinking-- or f*ck off.

"I can imagine that the next generation on the throne is simply the best thing that could happen to some kingdoms." Dae broke the silence.

"None seem to come to mind." Megarus sneered. "I'm certainly not impressed with any heir I've seen yet."

"I'm not particularly impressed with the incumbent on Barqarnon's throne." I muttered, unable to stop myself.

Lierre turned towards me, wearing the most pitiful look I'd ever seen. I looked way from her, keeping my glare on Megarus, trying not to say anything else. For Lierre.

"No one particularly cares what the kings think, heirs are heirs anyway." I felt my eyes go wide. You didn't just...Oh ho... I hid a smirk, as Dae moved himself up several notches in my book.

"Watch it." Megarus hissed.

"Why so? You surely wouldn't want to leave your land kingless, now, would you?" Dae pressed.

Megarus's grip tightened around his cup, and he glared at Lierre. "You should learn when to shut up."

As should you.

"I'd say it's inheritable."

I smirked.

"Alright." Father stood up suddenly, looking slightly faint. I couldn't blame him. We all knew what was coming; and Merillial couldn't very well afford Dae and I jumping on Megarus.

The thought of actually being an ally with Dae in a fight was rather amusing, after all the fights we'd had as children. I wonder if I could still take you, Dae... It didn't really matter, if we were to be allies.

"It's already rather late, and I believe we all have our obligations." Father clasped his hands in front of himself. "King Megarus, your carriage has been arranged, I believe you can leave to Barqarnon as soon as you've planned to."

He's leaving? Yes! I mean...heheh.

"Daerys, if you would, I'd have a word with you. I'm sure your lessons can wait a bit." Dae nodded. Father looked at me, his disapproval condensed and venomous. "Thranack."

He quickly looked past me and smiled. "Princess...if you'd excuse us."

Dae smile at us coldly before he stood and turned his back on Lierre and I. I didn't even care what he was planning. I'd deal with Dae when it came to that-- right now, I needed to get Lierre away from this madness. To take her to see the happy parts of Merillial. To make her want to be here. To want me.

I stood up, throwing my napkin into my plate, shoving my chair back where it belonged. "Princess." I said, more tersely than I meant to. "Are you finished?"

She looked between me and her father fearfully. I carefully didn't meet his gaze. She nodded and stood up, trembling. "Yes."

I gestured toward the door, not trusting myself to speak. I didn't so much as glance at Megarus as I walked past him, staying between him and Lierre. I paused at the door and glared at him, then shut the door and followed Lierre down the hall a little ways.

Ludi fell into stride, a step behind me. I can't make up with Lierre with her standing here...and I can't ask her for help...though she certainly seems to be good at making people-- no. Forget Ludi, and Itaph, and their nasty behavior. Lierre. Calm down, and focus on your fiancee.

"Captain Hawkins, would you be so kind as to prepare things for the Princess and I to go into town?"

"Yes, My Prince." Ludi bowed and briskly walked the opposite direction.

I forced myself not to watch her go. To keep pace with Lierre. A moment later, we stopped. Lierre stood before me, trembling, looking at the ground. I stopped a moment, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself so I wouldn't snap at her again. I finally relaxed, slightly. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. I hesitated.

"Are you sure?" I rephrased my question. "Did I scare you?"

She froze a moment, before quickly shaking her head, panicked.

"Good...because...I would never hurt you. I will never hurt you...but I'm a jerk sometimes." I took a deep breath. "I've been working on it...but...I've got a ways to go, as I'm sure you can see..."

She was silent. I felt my face burning, and focused on a point on the wall over her shoulder.

"So..." I took a deep breath again. "If I act like an ass--jerk, to you, or to anyone you don't want me to act like a jerk to, just slap me and tell me to get my head out of my--to behave."

"I wouldn't hit you." Her voice was nearly silent.

"Good. I'm far too delicate to be hit." I stroked my face.

She looked at me, searching for a response. I laughed, and she looked at me, bewildered.

"I'm kidding, gosh. I'm a man-- I don't just break." My side throbbed in silent opposition. "Unless, of course, you want me to." I winked at her, hoping I didn't look as awkward as I felt.

She smiled at me. I grinned. "So...do you want--"

"Whispering again." Megarus's loud voice startled me, his large hand landing on my shoulder, squeezing. "How rude."

"Is it?" I looked at his hand, then followed his arm up to his smug face. I was still angry with him.

"What would you call it but rudeness? Excluding other people from a conversation?"

I noticed his other hand was on Lierre's shoulder, the muscles in his hand tight. I clenched my fists by my side. Get your hands off my fiancee.

"I'd call it consideration." Something you'd know nothing about.

"How so?" He sneered.

Lierre was trembling again, her eyes pleading.

Megarus was looming. If I could punch you... His eyes echoed my thoughts.

"Our conversation was pertinent only to ourselves. We didn't want to bother anyone else with plans which don't include them." I said pointedly.

"Pray tell." His grasp tightened on my shoulder, his fingernails digging into my flesh. "What are those big plans of yours?"

Don't hit him. Don't hit him. Don't hit him. I struggled to keep my temper under control. His grasp was starting to hurt as he squeezed tighter and tighter. I wanted to smack his tanned nose for him.

Then my eyes landed on Lierre's shoulder, where his hand still sat. You'd better not be squeezing her as hard as you're squeezing me. My eyes flicked up to her face. She sported a stoic expression, but her eyes looked hurt.

You don't hurt girls. I stepped to the side, knocking his hand away from her with my shoulder. Rage rippled across his face, and I heard Lierre gasp behind me. I lifted my chin. "Lierre and I are going into town."

"Why?" His grip doubled pressure on my shoulder.

Kiss my ass. "I was away when you and her-- you both arrived."


I narrowed my eyes more, unwilling to so much as cringe. Good. I might be concerned if you did like me. "Indeed. However, I wasn't able to get her a welcoming gift. I...intend to rectify that."

"With what?"

None of your damned business, that's what. "Whatever she wants."

"How very generous of you."

Oh yes. I am a terribly nice guy. If I wasn't, you'd have a bloody nose already. "Anything for my wife-to-be."

He grunted, finally turning loose of my shoulder. I bit back a sigh of relief.

"Well, you're already three day days late. Might as well add a few more hours to it. I wish to speak with my daughter." He pressed on my shoulder, pushing me to the side.

Lierre was pale, trembling. Is that my fault, or Daddy dear's?

"Come now, Li--"

"Please." I stepped between them once more. "You've been with her for years. I've only had the pleasure of her company a few days."

"You'll see plenty more of her, I'm sure." He tried to walk around me. "You're both young, and you have the rest of your lives."

That thought sent a pang through my stomach. The rest of my life...

"If it's all the same to you." I stepped between them once more. "I'd just as soon start our friendship right away."

"I think you're being over-eager." Megarus stepped around me once more, his voice even icier than before.

Oh no you don't, you bastard. I slid between them, even though there wasn't enough room from me. I sucked in my stomach so I didn't bump Lierre, or have to touch Meg. "I prefer 'prompt'."

"You scrawny little bastard."

I grinned, stepping back as Lierre gave me room to do so. I bowed slightly. "At your service."

He glowered. "First I can't hunt you down, now I can't get rid of you."

"We were just leaving." I turned to Lierre, finally tearing my glare off Meg. "This way, Princess."

She was trembling violently. I carefully wrapped my arm around her shoulders and briskly strode down the hall, and around the corner. She breathed a sigh of relief, so quiet I barely heard it. She collapsed the moment we were out of sight.

"Lierre?" I asked, scared, as I held her up. She looked up at me, worrying her brow a little.

I carefully checked where my hands were, and then looked back at her. "I'm sorry. I...I lost my balance."

This is one thing I do know about. You didn't trip, you collapsed. There's a big difference. I searched her face. She looked scared as she stood, trembling. I kept my hand on her arm, ready to catch her again if she fainted. What aren't you telling me? Never mind...I won't pry. "Well...are you okay? I can take you to the physicians."

"I'm fine." Liar. "I really want to see those birds...can we go?"

I hesitated. A strange sense of protectiveness overcame me. Far more than I'd ever felt for anyone else before. It made me want to hide her away somewhere that she'd be safe from everything and everyone, and surround her with physicians that could fix anything that was wrong with her. Hypocrite. Brek had to drag you to the physicians...don't do that to her.

"Of course." I suddenly felt strange, and took my hands off of her. "Should we take a carriage?"

She frowned, slightly. "Can't we walk there?"

"If you want to." I hoped she didn't see how relieved I was. I hated taking the carriage into town. It always drew so much attention...so much trouble. "It's not that far."

She smiled a little. I grinned. I'm getting better at this.

We walked in silence a little while, down the halls, toward the door. I was searching for small talk again.Actually, I'm really rotten at this...come on...small talk... My side still ached every time I took a breath. Small talk...that doesn't involve talk of Brek beating me up...or Meg...I wonder if Meg could beat me up, if it came to blows....

He probably could've...heh, that would've been flattering...it's a lose-lose situation for me. If I lose, then I'm not the strongest man in her life-- if I win, then I beat up her Father...I wonder if she's angry with me for taking her away from her Father. He's not going to be around much longer.

"Your Father is...difficult to get along with." I said softly, giving her the opportunity to scold me. She kept her eyes on the floor. I frowned, slightly. I wasn't used to someone not taking the opportunity to chastise me.Maybe she really is angry with me. Giving me the silent treatment, rather than lecturing me. “I hope I didn’t make you angry. He is your father, after all.”

"No...I'm not angry." She looked up, scared. "Please, try not to make him angry. He...he can get very cruel when he's mad."

She looked down quickly. I remembered back in the hall with Meg, how tightly he'd squeezed my shoulder. I slid my tunic to the side, glancing at the red grip marks on my shoulder, and I felt my eyes narrow. He does hurt you, doesn't he?

She didn't seem to be in the mood to answer any questions, and I knew I wasn't nearly tactful enough to get her to admit it by accident.

“I’ll remember that, if I ever go to Barqarnon... In Merillial, his wrath has very little effect on me...or any of the Meliors.” And very soon you'll be one. And he'll never hurt you again.

“I hope that’s true.. He’s very strong.” She breathed, barely audible, terrified.

“Indeed...” Hurting little girls doesn't make you strong. I opened the door, stepping to the side, awkwardly holding my arm out to her. She hesitated a moment, then took it and stepped across the doorstep.

As we started down the stairs, I spotted Ludi. I started to say something to her, but second-guessed if it was normal to do so. I nodded to her instead.

“The carriage is ready for you." Ludi bowed.

I hesitated. Now how do I say this, without making Ludi suspect that it was my idea to ditch the carriage...and the guard. I looked down at Lierre, and she smiled a little. "Well, actually, we decided we were going to walk to town. Thank you, though."

“Yes, my prince.” Ludi bowed again and fell into her place, a step behind me.

As we walked toward the town Lierre rested her hand on my arm. I noticed, as we walked through the gate, that she wasn't trembling anymore, even though she didn't seem completely certain of herself...or of me.

I looked ahead, scanning the people. You'll learn to trust me...eventually. I didn't see anyone that should concern me. I guess all the bar rats haven't come out, yet.

I became aware of Lierre's eyes on me, as I relaxed some. I looked down at her, smiling. "What is it?"

“Nothing.” She said quickly, looking away. “I was just wondering if you had been to that store before.”

“Yes, I’ve been there a couple of times. First time I was there, I was only a kid.” She giggled, and I grinned. That hard to think of me as a kid? Good. I feel like I still am a little boy, half the time.

“Dae and had I snuck out from the castle, ‘cause we were tired of our lessons." And because we could. "When we passed the shop window I saw this huge falcon."

I could remember it nearly as clearly as the day it happened. A huge, brown peregrine falcon. I'd wanted it. Bad. "Dae could probably see that I wanted to get closer to it, and when he dared me to release it... I couldn’t resist.”

Her eyes went wide. “So, you released it?”

“I did." Though the plan was just to play with it a bit...it wasn't supposed to get away. "You should’ve seen the claw marks that thing left on my arms and face."

I fingered the scar on my left forearm. "Somehow I managed to make a run for it. Dae had told me to meet him at the castle gates..." I frowned, remembering the heart attack I had. Not only had he convinced me to act stupidly, but he'd made sure I got in trouble for it. "When I got there he wasn’t anywhere to be seen, but Brek was there. Made me work in that store for two weeks, to pay for that bird.”

“How old were you?”

“Me? Thirteen. Dae was seven.”

She smiled. “Sounds like he tricked you.

“Well...” I hesitated, wondering why I'd told her that story. It'd seemed like a good idea when I started, but it suddenly felt like I'd made myself look bad. Made Dae seem so clever-- while I made myself look so stupid. “I guess he did.”

We fell silent for a little while as we reached the marketplace. I carefully looked at each face, to be sure that none of them meant trouble, before I looked straight ahead and tried to ignore all of the attention we attracted. You've all seen me plenty of times...it's not like I don't frequent the town.

Then I saw the Mob of Idiots, as I'd dubbed them. The four or five half-wits who thought that they were tough, and thought that they scared me. We'd had many verbal fights before it finally deteriorated to a physical scuffle, in a bar, a few months before. I hadn't seen them since. They looked like they were in a sour mood...and like they were interested in Lierre.

She saw it too. She stepped closer, squeezing my arm.

"It's just around the corner." I smiled at her reassuringly. With any luck we'll get there, and I won't have to kill anyone.

A few steps later we were there. I opened the door, stepping to the side so she could walk through, after I made sure the shop was empty. As I walked in, the shopkeeper saw me, and his eyes narrowed. I narrowed mine too.

“Prince Thranack, what a... pleasure.” The shopkeeper, Shaw, said icily. I nodded to him coldly. I paid for my sins. He smiled at Lierre. “My lady.”

I saw his gaze move across Lierre. Don't even think about it, you old bastard. "Do take a look around, and feel free to ask about anything." She nodded and turned towards the birds.

Shaw looked back at me. "Though I must ask that you don't touch anything."

"Fine by me." I strode towards the counter, aware of Ludi trailing behind me.

"Is it?"

"I was a kid." I growled. "Not even half the age I am now."

"You sure caused enough chaos." He snapped.

"Which I helped clean up." I clenched my fists, remembering how much I'd hated working for him. I adored the birds, and hadn't even minded cleaning their cages so much-- it was him that made those two weeks agony. He wasn't pleased by anything I did. Hit me every chance he saw. "While you bullied me the entire time."


"You paid me back, with interest." I snapped. "You can drop it the matter."

"Make me." He snarled.

Make you? I'm the f*cking prince. I can make you, you son-of-a-bitch.

“Excuse me?”

We both turned towards Lierre. She seemed far happier than she had been. Shaw put on a fake smile. "Yes, my lady?”

“What kind of bird is this?” She gestured at a small gray bird.

“Oh, never mind that one. I was told its melody is supposed to be exquisite, but as you can hear, it doesn’t sing. I’ve been keeping it around, hoping that it would, but it seems I got tricked.” He walked around the counter, gesturing at a large cage filled with pink birds."I think these would suit my lady much better. They’re almost as beautiful as you are.” He winked at Lierre, and she stepped back, uncomfortable.

You're dangerously close to crossing the line, Old Man, and I think you'll find that I'm not nearly so easy to push around as when I was a kid. I cleared my throat loudly, glaring at Shaw as I took a step nearer to Lierre. Mine.

Lierre smiled a little bit. I nearly smiled too.“What will happen to it if it doesn’t start singing?”

Oh no...don't you dare tell her. Don't you dare. She's a girl. You don't tell girls of death and such things. Shaw lifted an eyebrow. “Oh, I’ll just release it.”

Lierre narrowed her eyes. She knew he was lying.

“So, what is it?” I cut in, before that conversation could take its course. I glared at Shaw, dearly hoping he wouldn't mess this up for me.

“It’s an ‘Evening Singer’, or at least, that’s what I was told. It’s probably just some normal forest bird, though.” I could've breathed a sigh of relief as he didn't disrespect me in front of her.

Lierre stared at the bird a long moment, seeming to think. She wants it.

“Lierre?” She looked up at me. “I’ll buy it for you, if you want it.”

She seemed startled. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you for something like that.”

I grinned. “I want to buy you a gift. If you’d rather want one of the pink ones..”

“No!” She looked down at her hands, embarrassed, and continued, more quietly. “No, I want this one.”

“Then I’ll get you that one.”


They'd followed me. Us. I saw them as soon as we stepped into the street. Ludi had too. They were lying in wait. One...two...three...four...Oh, good, the goons are all there...at least I can be pretty sure of no ambush, then.

Lierre didn't see them, I could tell. She looked so happy, so much closer to being at peace, than ever before. I didn't mention it. She didn't need to worry about them. I could handle those four fine-- and even if I couldn't, Ludi was there.

I watched them as they moved closer, waiting until we got far enough out of town that I wouldn't have a store to push Lierre in, before they approached. As they got closer, I felt Lierre squeeze my arm again. I glanced at the men, tensing slightly.

I'd never been in a fight where I had to protect someone else. Sure, I usually had Ludi backing me in fights-- but that was different. That was working together to defeat a common enemy. This was protecting someone who wouldn't be fighting. Someone who'd actually be afraid.

“Just don’t look at them." I said gruffly. “You’ll be fine.” No one's going to hurt you, ever, while I'm around.

She nodded, unconvinced. She looked even more afraid as she noticed that everyone who didn't want trouble was disappearing. She squeezed my arm, trembling. Well, yes, dearest. You get sucked into a fight if you don't disappear...and everyone can see a fight's coming...you do realize that, right?

“You’ve sure got a lot of guts, coming ‘round here again.” They finally had the courage to catch up, and were walking beside us. I kept myself between them and Lierre, before they could get any stupid ideas...any more stupid ideas.

“I don’t remember anything particularly scary about it.” I answered, barely glancing at them, never slowing my pace. I really didn't want to get into a fight. Not in front of Lierre.

“Oh, do you need to be reminded?” A hand landed on my shoulder, jerking me to the side. They beat the f*ck out of me last time we crossed paths..but I'd been the only man that walked away from it. They all had to be carried away, bruised and bleeding.

I caught my balance, barely blocking a blow to the face. I stumbled as a second one jumped on me, driving me into the ground.

“I’ll just keep the lady company, while you have some fun.”

Oh no you don't. I managed to get away from them both, stumbling backward, the third fighting Ludi, fourth dragging Lierre backward, away from the fight. The two oafs jumped on me again.

One of them hit me in the ribs, sending a pang of agony run the length of my body. I groaned, bending half-over. That does it, you bastards.

I swung my left fist into the taller one's mouth, splattering his clothes with bright blood from his own lips. I kicked his legs out from under him with my heel, stomping down on his stomach as I walked over him and elbowed his friend in the gut. I grabbed his shoulders and brought his upper body down, as I brought my knee up into my face.

He collapsed over his buddy, and I turned to help Ludi.

"I'm...fine..." She grunted, fighting him off. "Get the Princess!"

I turned, suddenly, and found the leader of their little party dragging Lierre back towards the bar. I stumbled as the man Ludi was fighting suddenly bulled into me, and then ran past.

“What the hell are you doing?” Someone shouted.

I sprinted towards the guy who was holding Lierre as she tripped and fell. He looked at her, then up at me, and panic washed over his face. He jerked a dagger out of his belt and started towards Lierre.

Don't you dare. I reached Lierre about the same time he did. I dove over her, grabbing the man's arm, wrestling him to the ground. Ludi ran past us, chasing after the last man. I looked down, back at my fight, just in time to see him swinging his blade at me.

I caught his arm just before it reached my chest. You bastard!

I pushed on his arm, trying to move it away from my chest, but he was trying his damnest to sink it in my flesh. I pushed against his arm harder, trying to get it away from me, my arms trembling against his with the effort it took to keep the blade from sticking me.

We both grunted, the blade only moving mere inches either way as we each pushed against it. He brought his other fist up, under my arm, where I was pinning his shoulder, and hit me in the side-- right on the broken ribs.

"You son of a bitch." I groaned, falling forward, still fighting his arm. The blade flew over my shoulder, as the guy took my moment's distraction to sit up. I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down, still fighting for the knife.

Suddenly, rather than trying to pull it away from me, he was thrusting it at me again. I barely jerked my head back before he would've cut the tip of my nose off. I continued pushing it around, so that his arm was pinned to his chest.

He pulled his knee up, hitting me in the side again, filling my body with an unbelievable pain. My vision flashed white. When I could see again, I saw the blade flashing at my throat. I instinctively threw my right arm up, and he sank his blade into my forearm, glinting away. I twisted my arm around, snatching the blade from his hands.

Now you're going to die, motherf*cker. I glanced at Lierre. No. You can't kill anyone in front of her.

"I wasn't trying to kill you. I don't appreciate you trying to kill me." I twisted the dagger around, bringing the hilt down on his temple, making him go limp. I tossed his dagger to the side, standing up, aching everywhere.

I turned towards Lierre, where she still laid on the ground, my entire right arm throbbing. I crouched. “Did he hurt you?”

She stared at me a long moment. “N-No. I’m alright.”

She looked terrified. Of course she is. You're the fighter-- most Royals aren't... I smiled a bit, hoping she'd relax. I helped her to her feet.

“Are you alright? He.. He had a knife.” He certainly did. I opened my mouth to tell her that I was fine, when her eyes went wide.“You’re bleeding!”

I looked down at my arm. It was bleeding, but I didn't think it was all that deep. “This? It’s nothing, just a scratch.”

She looked horrifed. It was adorable. I grinned.

“But you-you’re bleeding..” She trailed off, crying.

...I thought you said that you're okay... I looked at her a long moment, bewildered. 'You're bleeding."...Is she crying for me?

The thought made me feel strange. I stepped nearer to her. “And you’re crying, which concerns me far more. Are you sure you’re okay?”

She nodded, wiping at her face. “I’m sorry. I.. I was scared. I thought you’d get killed.”

Well, your faith in me is overwhelming-- no...she's crying...it's your fault. I hesitated. She's crying because you're bleeding...

I wrapped my arm around her. She stiffened, and I instantly let go. “Sorry, you probably don’t want me to...”

She suddenly grabbed my tunic and pressed her face into my chest, trembling, clinging to me. I froze, bewildered. Wh...I...don't understand girls. “Lierre?”

I was scared to touch her.

“I’m sorry.” She sniffed.

I carefully wrapped my arm around her, and, this time, she didn't seem to mind. I stroked her hair with my other hand, careful not to get any blood on her or her clothing.You poor thing...I didn't know that my fighting would scare you so much... I felt like an ass. I finally found my voice, and cooed to her. “It’s alright."


I held Lierre as she cried, murmuring sweet nothings to her. She, eventually, stopped crying and pulled away from me. Shortly after, Ludi reappeared. She looked fine-- but insisted on bandaging up my arm, ignoring me telling her I was fine.

Once Ludi was done fretting over me, we walked back to the castle. We were all silent. What do you say, after you make a girl cry? I didn't know. I considered making a joke, but didn't figure either of them would appreciate it.


I looked down at her. “Yes?”

“Could you teach me how to defend myself?” Defend yourself? I'm not even very good at defending myself. That's something you should talk to Dae about-- he can talk himself out of trouble, no matter what he does. “Not now but... Later. Against people...like that.”

You want to learn to fight? I was surprised. I hadn't taken her as that kind of girl. I'd taken her as the quiet lady that sat by and watched and cried as a fight went on. I nearly grinned. She looked down at her hands, and I realized I'd been staring at her too long. “I’m sorry, it’s probably a weird request.”

“No, that’s alright." I would love for you to learn how to fight. It would make me feel a lot better, if you ever leave the castle without me. "I’ll teach you what I can.” I'll just Brek teach me how to teach others...that's one lesson he's neglected.

She looked up at me and grinned. I hesitated. If he doesn't realize what I'm doing...he won't like me teaching Lierre to fight...or me fighting in front of her...oh crap, I'm in so much trouble. “Do you mind doing something for me in return?”

“What?” Her voice trembled, and I realized how bad that probably sounded, especially after those assholes had tried to drag her off.

“Don’t tell anyone what happened. Brek..." [i]Will kick my ass...again.
"Wouldn’t be happy with me if he knew we left without the full guard.”

She looked relieved. “Won’t he find out anyway?”

I chuckled nervously. Brek always finds out. “Well, if we don’t tell him right away...” I looked at Ludi, pleading with my eyes. Don't tell him. "He might not find out... For a few more hours.”

And by then, I can hide, so he can cool off before he yells at me.

She laughed. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone.”

That was relieving. My beating would be so much worse, if Brek heard a tearful account of it from Lierre. I grinned. “Thanks.”

We walked in silence, until we walked through the castle gates. I don't want us to part...I spent most of our visit together getting my nose rubbed in the dirt..I want to spend more time with you. "Would you like to see the gardens again?"

"Sure." She smiled, looking adorable.

We walked through the gardens. I stopped when I saw Brek, Dae, and Quill standing near each other, by a training block. No, no, this isn't good...not those three, alone.

It was far too late to turn the other way. We were too near. "Lord Elgan!" I said brightly, hoping he wouldn't notice my arm. As we approached them, Lierre stiffened again, getting uncomfortable. Do you not like being around a lot of people? "Dae, Quill."

"Thranie." Dae said coldly.

"Don't call me that." I snapped.

"Then don't call Quill Quill."

F*ck you. Would you rather I call him "F*ckhead's Little Bitch"?

"Princess." Brek interrupted, bowing to Lierre, kissing her hand. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"..Again, Lord Elgan?" She glanced at Dae, seeming scared.Oh, maybe you're just scared of Brek...people tend to be afraid of him...at least, his post. And him, because he holds it. Pft, you'll get used to him.

"Last time I saw you, you were a very little girl, my lady." Brek smiled, carefully observing her, gauging her reaction.

"I hope you had a good time in town, Lie." Dae smiled, hugging her. He whispered something and she tensed. I did too. What did you say to her, you bastard? She stepped back, smiling, one of those fake smiles. A real smile was so hard to get out of her. "Merillial is beautiful."

"Now more than ever." Dae said, smiling. I glared at him.

"Could...could I be excused now?" Lierre looked at me, hesitating to wait for Dae's nod. "I wanted to get ready for lunch."

You're starting to trust me...but it would probably make you uncomfortable, me being that near to you and your rooms, alone, no? "Of course...Captain Hawkins, would you mind escourting the princess to her rooms?" Lierre looked relieved.

I watched as Ludi and Lierre walked away.

"I trust you had a good time in town?"

Brek's voice startled me. I looked at him, 'casually' being sure to keep my right side turned away from him. "Oh, yes, it was...lovely."

"Indeed...and did the Princess actually enjoy it?"

"I think she did...I got her a bird."

Brek frowned at me. "A...bird?"

"Yeah. An...Evening Singer, or something. It's going to be delivered. She wanted it."

"Which means you went back to Shaw's?" He looked at me flatly.

"She...wanted to." I shrugged. I knew he didn't approve. I knew he wanted me to keep my distance from that store...but I didn't care. Lierre wanted to see birds, so I took her. And got my ass kicked for it.

"In fact, I should go get ready for lunch as well." Dae turned towards us. "It was a pleasure, Lord Elgan."

"As always, Master Daerys." Brek bowed slightly.

I looked between them suspiciously. What was?

"We sparred." Brek supplied.

Dae turned and started walking towards the castle briskly. I need to get away from Brek, before he sees my arm...and I should tell Dae that Lierre doesn't hate me anymore.

"Oh...well..I need to talk to Dae...I'll see you later!" I hurriedly caught up with him, matching his pace, and walked beside him in silence.

"I think she's starting to like me." He stopped, frowning at me, lifting an eyebrow. I sighed. Why do you have to be so damned overprotective all the time? You should be happy for me...for us. "I heard you sparred with Brek."


"And that he kicked your ass." At least...I assume he did.

Dae rolled his eyes and started walking again. "If I was able to win against him, he could hardly be an example for every soldier in Merillial... Quill would equally easy kick yours."

He grinned at the thought. I couldn't argue. Quill was good...not as good as Brek, from what I'd seen, but good. "You can't hide behind Quill forever."

"Perhaps I'm not the one who should be hiding." He muttered. I narrowed my eyes, a bad feeling sparked in my gut. He and I had never got along. That's the understatement of the century...we've been at each other's throats, since he decided to be a prick and break Ami's toys.

But when we were little, it didn't feel like a big deal. We were boys. We got into fights. I got into fights with lots of boys. Now, as the wedding was approaching, I started thinking of the future, and realized we were too old to be threatening each other. The heirs of two powerful countries shouldn't be in the habit of threatening each other.

"Are you planning to have a fight with my father again at lunch?"

Speaking of fights... "I don't-- It wasn't a fight. He's just.." I frowned, looking away from him. "Why does your father hate me so much?"

"He doesn't hate you." Liar. I wasn't so good at telling when people liked me-- but I was pretty good at telling when people didn't like me...especially when they made it as obvious as Meg had. "He's just.. protective. Towards Lierre."

"Well he's more than a bit overprotective, if you ask me." I muttered. "She seems to be terrified of him. Would you know anything about it?"

"Father has his way of making people scared of him without really trying." He said."I'm sure you know a thing or two about that."

I carefully didn't look at him. Well, yes...but it's his magic, not him, that scares me. There's a difference between an overprotective father beating me up, and a sorceror turning me into a frog.

"Well then, to brighter topics. You should have a tournament for the wedding. I'd love to see Brek and Uncle Marius in it."

Yeah...that would be interesting. "Why not Brek and Quill? Afraid my tutor would win over yours?"

"You're really fond of Brek, aren't you?"

I am. He's taught me all of the important things I've ever learned. I knew that would just be drawing a big target on myself."You're the one to talk. You and Quill are inseparable."

"He's the only one I have." I glanced at him, and this time he avoided my eyes. "I don't have my family here, nor can I go home to them - except for Lierre, of course, but you're the one who'll have the privilege of spending most of the time with her after the wedding."

Oh, come off it. I've been seperated from my sister longer than yours has been alive...and I actually knew her. You never did have a relationship with Lierre...besides, you'll be going back to Barqarnon.

"And I'm the only family she will have as she becomes your wife, so I think you should understand why I'm so worried about her." ...He's still her brother..I guess I'd feel as protective...I damn sure wouldn't be okay with Dae marrying Ami. "You shouldn't ever try to take my sister away from me, Thran. It would be..painful."

"...Did you just seriously say all that?" You never get all soft...you're just trying to make me feel guilty. It was working.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't expect me to say it ever again...By the way, I'm fairly sure father already left, soon after breakfast. So you can relax."

Oh, good. I hoped I didn't look as relieved as I was. We walked in silence until we came to the place we had to split, to go to our own rooms. We nodded to each other, and then parted.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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332 Reviews

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Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:36 pm
Blackwood says...

Day 3


The water was coated in a thin, golden layer of oil, like much of the waters near the edge of the docks of Talantera. At the same time as disliking it, Demitri was also glad of its presence. He knew it was unnatural, that it masked the clear turquoise lustre, like that of the water further out, but it also acted as a shield. A barricade from the watery voices.
Behind him was a large building, the size of three houses, with a brick roof. Thatching, although still common in the countryside and also other empires, was rare within the inner cities of Talantera. This was because of the numerous experiences of fires that caught alight after the increasing use of furnaces.
The building itself was the office and workshop of a highly ranked inventor who was responsible for much of the cities technological advancements.
Although his name always slipped Demitri’s mind, he had an obviously familiar voice that rang in Demitri’s ears as he recalled the quote yesterday from the very man.
___We have machines for spinning, machines for weaving, machines for ploughing, machines for cooking, cannons, crossbows, mechanisms, sewage works, water works... And the most revolutionary yet….
___"Steam works..." Demitri completed under his breath, quite cynically.
He admitted that when the inventor himself had suggested it, Demitri had been quite sceptical, and in fact was even more so now after pondering it all of the previous night to no avail.
But then again, had he not felt the same about the theory of carts 'powered by coal'? The inventor had proceeded to impress him after successfully establishing a system in the underworks of the city. Was this new theory not just an elaboration of that? A device that could work on its own will, fuelled by simply burning materials and water. If this inventor was correct then Talentarian ships would no longer be dictated by the wind or the power of man, they would be faster and more efficient than ever before.
Demitri pushed open the door with his foot and strode in, without even knocking, because effectively, he was emperor, just without the figure-head. He could do whatever he wanted.
___"M'lord, M'lord!" came the high pitched voice, very excited, this guy had a tendency for hyperactivity.
___"I am not here for demonstrations" Demitri interrupted before the wave of inevitable suggestions arrived, "I simply want to commission more contraptions and ask on the status of work."
The man nodded and looked down at Demitri with a strange sort of smile. He was quite tall and ...well fed, but had the smallest of hands. It felt intimidating being so beneath him, especially because of his own smallish stature.
___"I want automatic, reloading crossbows," Demitri started to list, "and if you could do the same for cannons, that would be impressive."
The inventor nodded, he had whipped out a parchment and coal out of seemingly thin air and had already started scribbling.
___"I want to make sure that our fleet is powerful to make up for the small size of our infantry. I know that my father agreed to the commissioned peace a few years back, but everyone knows that your power is determined by fear and strength, regardless on if it is used or not."
Demitri stopped mid-rant as something in the back of the workshop caught his eye. The bulk of the room was filled with various pipes from the latest projects, so it had been easy to miss at first sight.
___"What is this?" he asked, turning to the inventor.
The big man’s grin widened, "Now that my lord, is a device on par with even the most effective magic."


Smugness and content were only some words that could be used to describe Demitris emotions as he departed back for the marble palace. Amidst them was a great well of power, as well as emptiness. A longing for something he didn’t have.
Two things slotted into this desire, the first and most obviously, was Timothy. Ever since he had left Eajra so hastily, both Tim and his alternate self, Zain, had been on Demitris mind. He had originally been so drawn to Tim because of his reclusive nature and how it had seemed to have a form of sweetness which tugged on Demitri’s heart. Demitri, being naturally assertive and quite commanding, Tim had appealed to his desire of the feminine counterpart. However Zain... Zain changed everything, and this is what Demitri hated but at the same time, liked. Zain no longer left room for Demitri’s dominance over Tim, which proved both a challenge and bliss.
These intensive emotions had haunted his mind until he had been compelled to write yet another letter in order to cease them. This one, not directed to the royal family, was to be addressed and delivered directly to Tim. It was an invitation, one that would hopefully be accepted.

But as Demitri sat at his desk, beyond the great glass underwater, the second longing plagued him even more so. The voices were loud here, but soothing. They did not beg him or pull him, but rather lulled him. Above ground they cried and nagged and complained, urging him to their depths. The sea was calling him, moaning in time to his thoughts and routine. It tugged his heart, in the opposite direction that Tim tugged it. One was up the river, toward the land; the other was under the waves and out across the dark blue plains. The balanced pull must have been why Demitri stayed here, in Talentera, stuck between the two forces of love and nature.
___Having a strangely selective memory, Demitri remembered something that he had once overheard when he was a small child. A conversation between his father and a tailor that had occurred after Demitri had suffered unexplained torturous pain the day and night before. Like his skin was getting ripped at and pricked with a thousand needles.

.....there was only just enough for the hat...
.....it was all used correct?...
.....yes every bit.......but there were a few strips remaining...
....how were they incorporated?.....
.....I contacted the glass smith and.... well, it was used for a fine pair of seaman’s goggles....
.....ah a matching set.....

The rest of the memory was blurred, but those words had always haunted him, the nightmares of needles and spires, haunting him for the rest of the year. Then he was young, and did not understand, but now, much older and informed, Demitri had made a plausible conclusion.
It had always been obvious that his real mother was not a normal being. Nobody ever said it aloud, but Demitri, as well as almost everyone in the court who had known her, knew that she was something of the ocean, kept captive by his father via hiding her seal skin.
She had found it and escaped.
Whatever she was, he was. He was part of her, he must have a seal skin too, taken away from him at birth. Taken, and made into something else.
___Demitri felt a rush of determination, not anger, not frustration, but will, concentrated to an extreme. He rushed, almost running through the corridors to the Emperors quarters. He had searched it before, many times, for various objects, but now he knew what he was looking for.
The empresses, the woman he called mother, was reading a book on the bed, she didn’t even lift an eye as he rushed past through to his father’s treasure room.
The mannequin had been there always. It had scared him, but he never thought of it as having any significance. It was just a trophy of a sailor. A commanders suit, topped with the finest seal skin hat.
The goggles, a sailor’s salvation against sea spray, were even positioned over the top, resting just above the edge, like they were made to fit.
The moment Demitri touched it he felt a rush, a sort of spark, the same feeling he got as the voices from the ocean.
It was his now. Finally his.
He knew, that they day that it once again touched the water, the would be reunited with the sea.
The singsong voice of mother echoed through back from the bedroom as she was roused from her reading.
"Please tell me which colour you think suits me the most."
Demitri shuffled back into the bedroom, hat clutched tightly at his chest, it seemed it would be inseparable from him now. His face was sunken with the dreaded though of his mother’s clothing dilemmas. The moment she had gotten word of the marriage in Merillial, she had gone to drastic measures to ensure herself an invitation, and along with it, the rest of the family. She had a sort of obsession in parties and social events, weddings in particular. She enjoyed draping herself in lace or powdered wigs, ensnaring the public in her apparel.
___"I think I should choose something to match with you and your father," she continued, "you two have a much smaller selection."
___"I told you already, I have no interest in marriages..." Demitri stated, trying to be harsh but finding he could not talk hardly against his mother.
___"Oh come on dear, you are going, don't try to get out of it this time. Besides, your father told me you have your own arrangement now." she made an excited 'eeee', as she preened in the looking glass, "we could get ideas!"
Demitri sighed and strut himself out and away, attempting to make a point, though he wouldn’t argue.
Let her have her little pleasures while they last. He clenched the hat tighter to his heart.

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935 Reviews

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Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:08 am
Shady says...

Brekyr Elgan- War Chief
Merillial- Day Three

Spoiler! :
:smt076 Language warning... :smt083

The young prince looked far too happy to see me. Someone was up to something. I swallowed the last of my breakfast and nodded to his cheerful greeting.

"Hello, Master Daerys." I nodded to him. "I see you're off to an early start."

Of course, it's easier to get an earlier start if you don't have such a late evening.

"Do you spar every morning?"

"Indeed I do - my tutor has a special tendency of getting me exhausted..numerous times a day." He seemed pleased with himself. Is Quill your Jackie? "Do share your expert opinion, does it seem worth it?"

Absolutely not. Why f*ck a man, when there are so many beautiful, willing women out there? Such a waste.

"I don't think it'd be proper to share whether I think your...private excursions, are worth doing..." I said with just enough of a hint of a smile to let him know that I was on to them. I wasn't certain that they were doing anything inappropriate-- but I'd seen enough evidence to have my suspicions. "Or do you mean with your swordsmanship?"

"I see you find yourself to be an expert in many fields. I knew there was a reasons I grew fond of you during all these years." He grinned again. I decidedly kept myself from glaring at him. Perhaps being coy isn't such a good thing...perhaps Thran's cluelessness is a blessing in disguise. Always so easy to read. "I was referring to swordsmanship, though."

"Practicing, with any weapon, is always worth it." He stayed quiet, so I continued, probing a bit further. "You never know when you might have to defend yourself-- or fight for people you love."

"People I love...Soon enough, Thran-- prince Thranack.. Will be the one with a duty to protect one of them."

"Prince Thranack has practiced very diligently for many years." He's a clueless, ignorant little ass-- but a damn fine soldier. "He's very capable of protecting those he loves."

"Have you met my sister, sir?"

Changing the topic, eh? "Only when she was a young girl, and a few brief encounters when I was in Barqarnon, but not since she's arrived. Why do you ask?"

"She's changed. Grew up.." He shrugged. "While on the subject of my family, have you heard from my uncle?"

"I have," I answered. I was used to people trying to change the topic-- draw my attention away a matter of interest. However you wish. You should know that I will find out what I want."He wrote me very recently, asking about you and your family."

"Did he now..?" Indeed. "I hope he'd arrived to Eajra safely. Have you talked to Thran about the wedding?"

The boy was as sporadic as Thran. Smarter, perhaps, and definitely far more devious and cunning than my Prince was-- but seemed to be as easily distracted. Perhaps it's something among high-bred boys.

"He didn't mention his travels, though I doubt he'd be writing me if he wasn't well." I answered the first; it was reasonable. The second, however, seemed dangerously close to trying to stick his nose where it didn't belong. "Certain aspects of it, why?"

"Because, if I may, he picked a wrong moment to be too proud..or jealous..to talk to me...and I'm worried about my sister."

Yes, he's been being a little ass to me as well. I know what you mean.

"Well...the Prince has always dealt with stress...in a manner that I do not approve of." I answered carefully. And neither of us have had a marriage arranged for us, against our will...Well, neither of us have faced a marriage at all. "He and I have had our own differences lately-- however, I will talk to him about that."

I flexed my hand. It was still sore from beating him. My side didn't feel so good either. The boy was getting stronger. Faster. But not good enough that I can't beat him. "I would be willing to wager that he'll be ready to discuss matters with you this afternoon."

"Lord Elgan.." He licked his lips, seeming a bit nervous about whatever he was about to ask. I could've sighed. Why do people like asking me slanted questions? I'm not stupid. I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work. "When Lierre and Thran get married, will Princess Amalaya and I stay hostages?"

At least you're not trying to sneak the information out of me. "Master Daerys, I'm sure you understand that, with the privileges of my knowing, comes the responsibility for me to keep my mouth shut."

"Ah." Dae sighed, letting his shoulders drop slightly, looking like a homesick little boy. "Of course, expecting of you to let your tongue slip just to satisfy my curiosity was stupid of me. I merely wondered if I'd see my homeland anytime soon."

Bravo. Wonderful act. "I'm sure I would wonder too, if I were in your position."

He seemed amused a moment, before turning serious. "If I were in my father's position, I'd make sure to have at least one of my children by my side..."

Bullshit. You and your father have the worst relationship I've ever seen in a family. You'd put as much distance between yourself and him, just as he did.

"I'm not, of course....Praying to Pravus it stays so for a long time on."

"Indeed." I frowned at him. He met my gaze, trying to read me, which made me frown more. One had to wonder what his game was. He wasn't the religious type. He'd never professed to be, until now-- and now he claimed the god of his father? Not likely. "Well...it will be most pleasant to see all of you Angroths together at the wedding"

He smirked. "I can imagine."

Unfortunately, so can I. My life would be a living hell for quite a while. I knew it, and it seemed he did too.

"Make sure the wine isn't too strong. And no one brings a dragon."

I smirked. "Well strong wine would make for a quiet evening, at least."

"I dare to say that the ones not drinking might end up with enough information on their hands to take down a king or two..." Of course. And I would like to get Megarus very, very drunk...I'd like to get Mar drunk, too, for that matter-- but that, obviously, would never happen in this lifetime.

"But who am I to make predictions of any kind." Dae offered me his sword, changing the topic once again. "Feel like starting your day by fighting a prince whom you haven't taught how?"

"You're correct, regardless of who you are." I answered, taking the sword even though my body and good sense screamed at me not to. I am so bloody tired."Sure. A fresh challenge would be welcome."

Dae turned toward his tutor, who looked worried as he handed over his sword. Without a word, though, he nodded to Dae and stepped back. Dae murmured something-- what, I couldn't tell, but turned back to me and lifted his sword.

He locked his eyes on mine as he moved forward and cautiously made a blow toward my shoulder. I easily deflected it, keeping my eyes on his. Good...very good. I stepped backward as he made another pass at me. A swing at my side, an overhanded blow, a jab-- I blocked each, letting him force me across the small palet, keeping my eyes locked on his.

He was tired. His moves were strategic, and well executed-- but his eyes betrayed his exhaustion. Don't challenge a man to a duel, if you're too tired to finish it. I took another step back, watching the way he moved his body. Quill trained him well.

I felt my back brush something, and looked back to see the castle squarely behind me. Very well indeed. He lifted the tip of his sword.

"I see you've refined your offensive skills very nicely."

He opened his mouth to reply, but I never gave him the chance. I rearranged my grasp on the hilt of the sword and leapt forward, knocking his blade to the side. I felt my eyes narrow, as they always did in battle. Narrow and unreadable. I'd worked hard on that.

I brought my blade down swiftly in a back-handed blow, hitting his blade so hard he stumbled to the side. I twisted around him and brought my sword around on his side. He barely blocked in time, his eyes wide. I followed through with my blow, forcing him backward-- then jabbed him in the chest with the wooden tip of my sword and pushed him backward until his back was touching the wall. I smirked. "But your defense could use work."

Dae glanced away from me, at his tutor. I lowered my blade and stepped backward, giving him room. However, he didn't move. He merely leaned against the wall, propping his sword up beside him. I glanced at it. If you were Thran...

I looked at the way he was trying to be so casual.

I would whack you over the head with my sword, just to make the point that you should never drop your blade, until there's an agreement that the fight is over-- and not even then, if you don't trust the man you were fighting. I kept a hold of my sword.

"Lord Elgan, sir.." He frowned, not quite himself, deep in thought. "Have you ever fought my father?"

"I did." Where are all these questions coming from? "But it was a very long time ago."

He was silent a long moment."What was he like?"

"I hope you remember, before you do anything stupid, that I fought him well before you were born." I knew what those questions meant. Daerys wasn't as foolhardy as most lads his age-- but he was bound to be just as stupid, to a certain degree. At least when it came to thinking he could take on his old man. You did the same thing. Don't be too harsh. "But, back then, he was better at defense than offense."

I still couldn't let him try his luck. At least not without a warning. If he were me-- or most of my soldiers-- I'd tell him to stop trying to sweet talk information out of me, grow a set, and get his ass kicked by his old man, if that was what he wanted to do; and if it wasn't, to stop talking about it.

But, he wasn't me. Or my soldiers. He was a prince, and his father was a king-- and they both played for blood. That was bad. Very bad. "It was quite hard to land blows on him."

"Well, stupidity is in the eyes of beholder. What about my uncle?"

"And dead is dead." I said, a bit too harshly, but it needed to be said. He was starting to sound like Thran. What of your-- you're thinking of fighting Mar? Boy, you're dead if you fight him. You'd damn sure better use blunt swords if you want to try your luck-- and hope he doesn't bruise you too badly. "Your uncle can-- well, could, anyway-- beat me."

"Mhm..I remember him fighting me. Didn't last five minutes." Dae admitted. I nearly let out a sigh of relief. "You two could duel on the tournament - I suppose there'll be one to go along with the wedding." Almost.

F*ck you. I don't get to see Mar very often, and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend our visit getting beat black and blue. I stretched my back. There was a chance that I was better than him now-- but I wasn't certain. Neither was Marius. And the last thing I needed was for Mar to be sure that he could still beat me.

"Do you think Thran will make a good husband?"

"We might, it just depends." I answered, stretching my arms as he spouted off another question. I supressed the urge to glare at him. "Thran will make a very good husband, if Lierre is patient enough to teach him."

I couldn't read Dae. That annoyed me. "He wants to please her, but he can be...well...Thran."

Dae laughed politely, and glanced toward the garden. I followed his gaze, and found Jackie walking past. I grinned at her, remembering last night, her flowery scent still lingering on me. I froze as I saw Dae, giving her the same grin. She looked at us both, blushed, then ran into the castle. You dirty little bastard.

I turned toward him, glowering for the first time today. He wasn't apolgetic, but he didn't seem to want to challenge me for her either. That's right. You keep your little attitude and little d*ck to yourself. She's mine.

"My Prince." I felt myself half-smirk as he turned toward his tutor. Little d*cks run together... I was suddenly okay with the thought of Quill sleeping with Dae. Keep him busy, so he couldn't f*ck Jackie.

"Yes, Quill?"

"You should--"

"Lord Elgan!" I turned toward Thranack's voice, as he and Lierre came toward us, trailed by Ludiv. I shook my head, trying to clear it. "Dae, Quill."

"Thranie." Don't be a prick. I glared at the side of his head.

"Don't call me that."

"Then don't call Quill Quill." Aww, standing up for your little boyfriend. Good. Stick to him. Leave my beautiful women alone.

"Princess." I recovered my diplomatic skills, and intervened before a fight could break out. I bowed to the princess and took her hand to kiss it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"...Again, lord Elgan?" She glanced at Dae, afraid.

"Last time I saw you, you were a very little girl, my lady." I answered, smiling as my eyes flicked across her. For a brief, fleeting moment I had thoughts of sleeping with her. Payback. But I quickly cleared them from my mind.

"I hope you had a good time in town, Lie," Dae smiled and stepped forward to hug her. The princess stiffened as Dae whispered something else. I watched them a moment, before glancing at Thran and Ludiv. He was guilty. The way he stood, trying to be nonchalant. The way he avoided my gaze, trying to act like he wasn't. He'd done something. I rubbed my forehead.

"Merillial is beautiful." Lierre said as she stepped back.

"Now more than ever." Dae said, smiling at her as Quill and Thran both glared at him. I glared too. Flattery is my forte, little bastard. Keep to kissing your family's ass-- and leave my women out of it.

"Could..could I be excused now?" Lierre looked to Thran, then Dae. I finally felt a bit of sympathy for the poor girl. Not only was she being forced into something she didn't want to do-- and marriage, no less-- but she was trying to please two little pricks at the same time. One that's sleeping with my woman, and one that's trying to hide something from me.
"I wanted to get ready for lunch."

Thran murmured something, and Ludiv escourted Lierre back to the castle, leaving me with the two idiots and Quill.

"I trust you had a good time in town?" All I needed was to make him talk to me. He'd spill his guts.

He jumped, turning toward me. "Oh, yes, it was...lovely."

Lovely, eh?

"Indeed...and did the Princess actually enjoy it?"

"I think she did..." Thran nodded, seeming to be convinced that she did. "I got her a bird."

I frowned at him. You didn't... "A...bird?"

"Yeah. An...Evening Singer, or something. It's going to be delivered... She wanted it."

"Which means you went back to Shaw's?" I said accusingly. The idiot knew better. I knew he did. He had to.

"She...wanted to." He shrugged, trying to defend himself, shrug off my annoyance. It wasn't going to--

"In fact, I should go get ready for lunch as well. It was a pleasure, Lord Elgan."

Godsdammit Dae, do you have to interupt? I bowed to him. "As always, Master Daerys."

Thran looked between us curiously.

"We sparred." I answered his silent question. Now it's your turn to tell me what happened...

"Oh...well..I need to talk to Dae...I'll see you later!" He said, and hastily ran after Dae. I sighed, scrubbing my face. I was getting to old for this shit-- keeping track of everyone, when they didn't want to be kept track of.

I looked after them a long moment. Those boys will be the end of me.

"I hope you found his talents at least a bit... Challenging?" I looked toward Daerys's tutor, Jonquille, and found him smiling a bit.

"Indeed." I answered. "You've taught him well, Lord Jonquille. You should be proud."

"When you spar with Price Thranack, how do you prepare him for an actual duel? I find that rather difficult." He chuckled.

I beat the f*ck out of him.

"I'm afraid I might be too nice."

Probably. I never beat up my f*ck buddies.

"It is difficult to be as fierce as men are in serious duels. " I wiped my face, pausing a moment to gather my thoughts. I was angry-- pissed-- that Dae slept with Jackie. Rather, that Jackie slept with Dae. She surely knew what she was doing. But I couldn't let myself talk to Dae's tutor. I would tell Jonquille to keep his prince away from my woman-- but Lord Elgan needed to stay diplomatic. I hate my job. "However, I have been training men - soldiers - for battle for a very long time, and I make no exceptions for Thranack just because he's the prince."

He smiled sadly. "It's not his title that concerns me."

I know. I tightened my grip on the hilt of the sword, wishing I could, for once in my adult life, say what I was thinking.

"I can't teach him anything if I'm too.. Too good, and at the same time I want him to be prepared to face someone stronger than himself.”

"Ah, yes, you want your pupil to grow without discouraging him.. That is indeed one of the hardest lines to draw.” I put the sword in the rack. “It really just depends on the pupil, though. The Prince, for instance, refuses to learn if I do not remind him of where his skills really are - where other students try harder if you let them believe that they're nearly as good as you are."

I turned toward him and looked him in the eye. I wished either he or Dae would simply admit to being f*ckbuddies, so I could stop trying to probe for evidence or a confession.

"Lucky for you, your prince is easier to read..” He muttered.

That he is, and, for once in his life, I'm glad for it.

“Maybe I should try reminding him later."

Maybe... I definitely should. Beat a confession out of Thranack. Find out what he's trying to hide from me.

Quil glanced away. "I value your advice, Lord Elgan. In matters like this you're far more experienced than I."

I smirked at him. You're not bad at flattery either. I wasn't that easily distracted. "Taking away something he likes can be a powerful tool as well."

"There isn't much that he likes...And even less that I can take away from him."

I nearly snorted.

"He seems to enjoy your..” I hesitated. No. Think of something...something you can actually say. “Companionship."

Yes, 'companionship' would do.

"Simply refuse to spend time alone with him, until he tries harder."

He smiled another sad smile, looking like a forelorn little boy. A whole f*cking palace full of pretenders. Not that I had much room to talk. I acted nearly every hour of every day of my life, any more-- but that was my job. They were just being turdheads.

"I'm not sure I'd be able to do that...And I highly doubt that he'd care either way."

"Mm.." I lifted an eyebrow at him. Stop with your godsdamned coyness. Just f*cking say it already. "That is indeed difficult, then.. Especially if you find yourself growing too fond of your student."

"I wish I would've know that eleven years ago.." He dropped his eyes to his hands. "Surely I'm not the only one to make that mistake?"

"That long?" Pervert. "It seemed to me that you only grew...very close...few years ago."

"Well, we weren't quite as close back then. I started tutoring him when he was only ten. It seems a lifetime ago." He smiled at me. A smirk, really. "Then again, I shouldn't be saying such things, seeing that your student is older than mine."

"We're both tutors, Lord Jonquille. It doesn't matter the age of our pupils." You're sorely mistaken if you think I will either rise to your bait or let my tongue slip.

"I suppose so..." Quill nodded, reflectively. "Calling me a 'lord' is a bit... You shouldn't. Jonquille will do fine."

He smiled at me. I smiled back, slightly. Why do people insist on telling me not to call them properly? I am a diplomat. I've got very little choice in the matter.

"Thank you, for your advice. I appreciate it."

"Anytime." I bowed to him, slightly. "I always enjoy chatting with you."

"Likewise, Lord Elgan." He started down the path the idiots had taken. I should probably follow them too.

Instead, I pulled a cigarette from my pocket, lit it, and started into the town.

Two men were bending over a man lying on the ground. One of them slapped the man on the ground's cheek, muttering at him, ordering him up. I walked up behind them silently. "What happened?"

The two on either side of the man on the ground jumped as if they had been shot, and leapt to their feet. They looked at me a fraction a moment before sprinting away. I watched them go-- trailed them into the shady doorway of a house.

"Hm." I didn't know what they thought I would do. I looked at the man lying on the ground. He was unconscious, and had had the hell beat out of him. I took my canteen off my side and poured a bit of the icy water on his face.

He gasped and sat up, spluttering and scrubbing at his face. I stepped back and took a drink of the water left in my canteen, letting him get his bearings. He shook his head and looked around.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

He started when he saw me, and tried to jump up. I put my foot on his chest and pushed him back down. "Ah-ah, a few questions, first."

The man glared at me. Hate me all you want. I don't care.

"What happened?"

"You're the War Chief"

"That's very observant." I stepped off of him. He wasn't going anywhere. At least, I'd never yet met a man stupid enough to go when I said to stay-- not when they knew who I was. "What happened?"


I lifted an eyebrow.

"Just a friendly scuffle. That's all."

My eyes landed on the blade of a dagger, glinting in the sunlight. I bent and picked it up as the man stood up. I brushed the blade with my thumb and looked at him. "Doesn't look like it was so friendly."

The man hesitated, before glancing away, nursing the bloody spot on his temple. He'd been whacked pretty hard there-- likely the blow that knocked him cold.

So it's your blade, eh? Something didn't add up. Obviously this was a serious fight, judging from the condition of his mangled face-- but it wasn't, at least the man that walked away from this fight didn't consider it, a fight worth ending with a blade. But then, if a man pulled a blade on me...

"Who started it?"

"That bastard."

"And which bastard is this?" I offered the dagger to him.

The man paled.

I frowned. "Well?"

"A...a...I don't know."

I glared at him.

"I mean. He's a hotheaded bastard who gave me some trouble in a pub a few weeks back. We met out here, and, well...the fight wasn't quite over."

"Mm." That made more sense. You didn't have to know the name of a man who busted a beer bottle over your head.

"I...I don't feel so well." The man hurried off, after his friends.

"More sense...but not quite the truth, is it?" I shook my head. Stop concerning yourself with these petty matters. Bar fights happen. Not quite able to shake the feeling that I should look into it further, I started down the street anyway, to the bird shop.

I ducked under the low doorway, and walked into the shop. Shay was sweeping up feathers that were strewn across the floor, under the cages-- and paused to look at me. He grunted when he saw me, and went back to sweep. "'Ey Brek."

"Hello." I dipped my head and walked further in. "How's business?"

"Slow but steady."

I looked at him, wondering if he'd tell me about Thran coming here. He looked up and met my gaze a long moment before smirking. "I know you already know your prince came here earlier, so what do you want? A confession? Me to tell you that he did?"

"That sounds about right." I smirked back.

"Well, then-- Thranack was in here earlier with a pretty little thing I take as his sweetheart, along with his guard. That girl that always hang around him."

"That would be Ludiv." I said, mostly to myself. "Did he behave himself?"



"He was an ass, as usual-- but didn't break anything this time."

"That's always a plus."


I grinned. "Well, I really should be going. I just dropped by to see if anything needed paid for."

"Nope. This time, he actually paid me."


I started toward my office.
I glanced at the dagger that sat on the edge of my desk. The bloodied man had run off without it, and I'd been sitting, glaring at it, ever since I got to my office. The more I thought about that man, the more I was convinced that he wasn't telling me everything. He was too scared, as he was telling me-- and beyond how people usually were around me.

"He was fighting with someone he didn't want me to know he was fighting..." I blew out a cloud of smoke, as I thought. I didn't really care for anyone but my Royal Family, Ludi, and Mar-- and no one knew that I cared for anyone at all. All people knew was that I protected my Royal Family, and defended my soldiers.

My mind flicked back to Shay. "Thranack was in here earlier with a pretty little thing I take as his sweetheart, along with his guard. That girl that always hang around him."

"Thranack and Ludi were both in town...though, he wouldn't have been in a fight with either of them. They'd have been fighting with the guards, if any of them were fool enough to--" Realization hit me. "That scrawny little bastard."

I flicked my cigarette out the window as I stood up quickly. "That little bastard took the princess into town without a guard...f*ck."

I stormed from the room. I needed to have a little chat with Thranack, it seemed.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:11 pm
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Auxiira says...

Spoiler! :
Stuff not for kids in here... you're warned.

Amalaya Melior | Princess of Merillial
Barqarnon | Day Three

Spoiler! :
I took a shakey breath as I saw Saevrie, chained to the wooden cross. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The King turned to me, pushing me towards the wall. As I hit it, he clamped a cuff around my wrist. I glanced at the chain leading to the wall. Is it long enough? No. He wouldn't do that. I fixed my eyes on Saevrie. Even through my fear, I could feel his, as well as the fear that had soaked into the room's walls. And beneath it... anticipation? I glanced over at the King. He grinned at me.
"It's all your fault," he said quietly, making my breath speed up slightly. "Think about it." I know that it's my fault. I know that I'm the reason Saevrie's hurt. Tears pricked at my eyes as I leant against the wall. The Dungeon Masters bowed as the King looked at them.
"Take those clothes off him." I blanched slightly as I thought of what they were going to do to him. Saevrie... I wanted to reach out to him, to tell him that it would be alright, even if it wasn't, but I knew that that would make it worse for him, that he would be hurt even more if I did do that. I sawshadows creep over Saevrie's eyes and shivered. I knew those shadows.
The room became quiet, only the hiss of metal piercing the silence. I shivered. I'm sorry, Saevrie. So, so, sorry.
The King sat in a chair, a girl walked in with a glass of wine, I hardly saw them. All I did was track the Dungeon Masters' movements with my eyes. One took out a whip with metal thorns driven through it and I paled. "They'll entertain me as long as they stay awake, then they'll die."
I flinched as the whip flicked across his skin, swirling deep lines in his skin. The fear in the room had become stronger, the pain too. The whip snapped again and I put my hands over my ears to not hear it again. More lines were scored across his chest. I whimpered as the fear and pain became stronger and stronger, clouding everything else. I slid to the floor and huddled there, still watching Saevrie. Fifteen, sixteen...how many more? I'm sorry, so sorry. I can't stop anything, not in any way that would help. I scrunched my eyes up to stop the tears from falling. Saevrie didn't want my tears. The King did, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing them.
The fear and pain swirled around the room, but stopped becoming stronger for a minute and I risked opening my eyes a little, lifting my hands from my ears a little.
-are you, and what are you doing here?" The King's voice grated on my ears as I stared at Saevrie. Blood was flowing from the cuts. My heart thumped in my chest as I though of the fact that this was only the beginning. I swallowed.
"Saevrie... hunter of the Räjroe-tribe," Saevrie replied. Why the you doing this? Why? You know that he won't tell you anything you really want to hear. He winced as he sucked in a shallow breath. "I wanted to see the kingdoms, so I left the Plains."
"How sweet. Welcome to the kingdoms." He waved to the Dungeon Masters and I clamped my hands down on my ears again, but not fast enough to block out his next words. "Do scream out when you decide to tell me something useful." I trembled.


I was trying desperately not to choke on the pain and fear filling the room. It had filled up the space like smoke and was almost stopping me from breathing. I had learnt not to open my eyes whenever the emotions stopped increasing, it hurt too much. However much I clamped my hands down on my ears, Saevrie's screams still filtered through, accompanied sometimes by the sound of whatever they were using to hurt him. I had almost been sick a while ago, but I had nothing left on me in the way of fight.
I heard a cry that wasn't Saevrie's and paused a little. What's going on? Should I look? No. I don't want to give him that satisfaction. I sensed movement around me, but didn't move until I was yanked upright. My eyes flew open as my hands fell away from my ears. The King's face was inches from mine. I winced as he slammed my back against the wall and wrapped his hand around my neck. I took a rasping breath.
"I said that I want you to watch." he said silently. No, no, no, no, please, no. My gaze flicked to Saevrie and I couldn't stop the tears from spilling over as I watched something being turned that made bones crunch and Saevrie scream. His head fell to his chest. A sudden sensation a slipping away scared me. Don't leave me Saevrie! Please!
The King turned to look at him as one of the Masters approached Saevrie with a heated bar. I flinched as the bar touched Saevrie's skin, making him scream again. I sobbed quietly. My fault. All my fault. Th slipping feeling came back again and I panicked.
"Please." The King turned back to look at me as I whispered. "Don't. Don't kill him." I didn't care what would happen to me now if Saevrie died. "Leave him be, he did nothing wrong, he just--"
"Shut up," the King cut, frowning. I didn't care. Think, Amalaya. What he want from you?
"Please--" I knew what he wanted, what he normally wanted from me. I started to shake at the thought of what I was going to say, going to do.
"Quit the whining, you little--"
"I'll do whatever you want." I cut him this time. For Saevrie. "Anything. Just let him live." A curious expression came over his face and I knew that I had offered something that he wanted, even if I hated it.
"Take him back to his cell. I want it guarded dusk till dawn, and if anyone but me approaches it, put them in a dungeon as well." I can't see Saevrie before we go... He undid the cuff on my wrist and dragged me after him out of the room. I glanced back at Saevrie, fixing the image of his beaten body in my mind.
"Time to properly welcome me home." One day. One day, I swear, you will pay.


I was shoved onto my bed as soon as we got to my room and I lay there on my back as the King locked the door, staring at his back. He turned back around and strode over to me, not giving me any time to react as he pinned me to the bed grasping my wrists together above my head. I hated not being able to move.
​"Shut up, little whore," he hissed right next to my ear making me flinch. For Saevrie. He can't die. I recalled the King's violence and found a way to stall him a little.
"We have things..." He started to untie my dress and I squirmed under him, trying to stop him or to release my hands. It didn't stop him and my dress quickly lay around me. They mustn't know... "...to talk about." Please, just wait a little.
I winced as his hands tightened around my wrists and I couldn't stop tears from beading in my eyes again. His hand twitched over my face and I held in the tears. I didn't want him to hit me, even if I knew that it was inevitable, that he would later. He yanked on my hair, making sure that I was looking at him. I wanted to close my eyes, to not see him, but I couldn't.
​"Please.." I whispered, trying to continue.
​"Whatever you want," he said, echoing my earlier words. "That's what you said." I know. Whatever I want. So shut up and get on with it."
My hands trembled as he pulled away, kneeling over me. I undid the buttons on his trousers and leant forwards.
​"We're leaving for the wedding tomorrow." I shifted slightly as he lay back, trying to pull back a little, but couldn't because of his hand fisted in my hair. He was silent for a long moment. "Our dear adventures will have to cease for a while." Thank the Gods. His hand loosened in my hand, allowing me to kneel up and crawl away. I curled up on the bed. Breathe, Amalaya. You won't have this time later.
"Don't fret," he sat up, glancing at me, "they surely won't cease entirely. You will come back with me, and you will always be mine." I won't be able to go home after the wedding? Not even for a while? I almost whimpered.
He made a move towards me again and I couldn't stop myself from twitching. I cursed the habit as his eyes narrowed and the shadows around me crept over my body, holding me against the wall. As I tried to slow my breathing, the slid over my chest and started to squeeze. No, please.
"Pathetic. I could kill you in an instant." Not if you don't want a war. I tried to pull air into my lungs despite the shadows.
"You..you can't.." I felt anger flash in the room and knew I crossed the narrow line.
"Can't," he echoed quietly. As he stepped towards me, the shadows tightened and I tried not to show how scared I was. "I can't? You find it suiting to tell me I can't do something?"
His lips twitched up into a smile and my body tensed for the first blow.
Last edited by Auxiira on Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:38 pm
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crossroads says...

Marius Angroth

Diplomat of the Crown of Barqarnon | Capital of Eajra

Day Three


Dear brother,

In the lights of everything happening in Merillial, I take it I wasn't wrong to send this letter to you in the Crag. I hope you're doing well, and I'm happy to inform you I'll be arriving to Merillial in a few days, meaning I'll probably be there already as you return, and take two guests along. I've heard that Lierre and the Prince get along rather well - I do hope you've suppressed your sadness of giving away your daughter, and showed them how happy we are to make bonds with Merillial.

I'm looking forward to seeing Princess Amalaya again, and I am sure her father and brother are looking forward to it even more. I do hope she won't be too tired by the trip, because I'm also sure her family will want to spend as much time with her as possible.

On a somewhat brighter note, Eajra is as beautiful as ever. The Queen sends her regards, as well as - in an a bit more personal way - the Duke as his son. You might wish to know that boy is already twenty..time flies, doesn't it?

Once again, I'm looking forward to seeing the Princess, your Queen and yourself in a few days time, as well as Dae and Lierre. Give my regards to Marcia for me - I shall write to her as well - and I will see that they prepare everything for your and her arrival to Merillial.



I sighed, rereading it, wondering if there was a single word in it which truly meant what it seemed to mean. I will be arriving before him - I will know how things are standing before his arrival. I hope he showed his happines about making bonds with Merillial - I hope he suppressed his ideas of taking Lierre to himself now that we were so close to making a proper alliance instead of starting a new war. I'm sure King Creyo and Prince Thranack will wish to spend time with Princess Ami - they would notice, or she might tell them, if anything happens on their trip to Merillial. Time flies.. I smiled a little smile to myself. It was impossible for me to forget - and I wasn't planning on ever letting him forget either, that he should listen to me when I tell him which moves to make, for we both know how it ends when he promises everything will turn out well. I put the letter down, leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, thinking of the other one I wrote minutes ago.

My dearest Queen,

I hope the preparations for the trip and the event are going well. You might be interested to hear that I'm safe and sound in Eajra and the Duke and his son send many regards to my brother and yourself. I will be arriving to Merillial in a few days - very likely, around the same time as this letter reaches you - and am looking forward to meeting you there.

From what I've heard, and I'm sure you'd like to know, Lierre is enjoying Merillial, and she seems to be growing fond of her fiance. She and Dae are also getting along well, and I am sure this will prove to be pleasing for everyone.
Kindest regards, until I see you in Merillal,


I opened my eyes as the floor shrieked a bit, finding the Prince standing in front of my desk, with the letter to my brother in his hands. Well, that's rude. But still, not unexpected. I was fairly sure he'd want to check what I was writing, after I discovered his secret. Truth to be told, I didn't yet even know myself what to do with it - telling Meg would've been logical..however.. I wondered if Brek would notice, and when.

"Asking wouldn't hurt, you know."

He glared at the letter for a second longer before putting it back to the table and frowning at me. He met my eyes - at least I knew whom I was talking to.

"It's not like you'd tell me the truth anyway," he muttered, and I sighed.

"You can't know unless you ask, can you?" Really, Mary, will you tell Meg about it? I mentally kicked myself for being so indecisive. "Well, now you've read it, are you satisfied?"

He frowned. "You mentioned two young guests?"

I'd wondered if he would notice - and now I wondered how he'd react, as I nodded. "That would be your sister and yourself."

“What was that about ‘asking wouldn’t hurt’?” he asked with a slight smile.

"I did ask," I said, showing him to sit down though I didn't quite expect him to do it. "I asked your mother, and she agreed it would be an experience worth having."

He blinked, dumbfounded for a moment. “My mother agreed to let me go outside the castle walls? ..With you?”

Don't flatter yourself, kid, you're far from the worst I've dealt with. I made an effort not to show my thoughts. I could've made him just agree with the whole idea - but that would mean using my magic for something I only needed words for, and doing so in Eajra would be just stupid. I wondered if he had some kind of magic as well - it was almost ironical, seeing it was illegal to use it, that almost the whole royal family had the gift of it. For a moment, my thoughts fled to Rea, and I wondered if she'd told Mina about her ability.

I shoved those thoughts away. "I come across as quite a reliable person, you know." I smirked. "Of course, it's understandable to be a bit scared of the wide world when you're spending your life trapped inside."

He glared, a threat in his eyes that he managed to swallow. “She hates me, and she’s afraid I’ll spoil little Timmy’s reputation, so she doesn’t usually want me outside the castle walls. I’m just surprised she trusts you enough,” he said with a shrug, his eyes still burning. Even though I could see he was angry, he still had a strange smug air around him that hadn’t been there yesterday. “But then again, you’re known for being good with people, so I suppose I can understand her.”

I kept my face impassive. "I'm aware of her concerns - and as much as I saw, one can't say they're without grounds.. however, I asked to take you with me, and I trust you'll make sure not to spoil prince Tim's reputation..not if you don't want everyone to know of you, that is."

“Why would I ruin his reputation, if it also meant ruining my own?” he asked pointedly. “And that was a very fancy little threat. I suppose that’s why they call you a diplomat?”

"It wasn't a threat, it was a fact," I said flatly. "If you acted like he'd never act, people would notice, regardless of their position." I narrowed my eyes a bit. "I could, and will, tell them about you if I judge it necessary, and at that point it will be irrelevant what you do to get me to change my mind."

He sighed. “Do you take me for an idiot? Pretending to be Tim is, sadly, what I do best.” He smiled a little. “But with you I don’t really have to act now, do I?”

I frowned. "I don't, and I disagree - when you pretended to be Tim, I figured it out, have I not? You should give yourself a bit more credit."

“Well, that’s because I didn’t want to lose..” Another strange smug smile, like he knew something I didn’t. “Unless someone forces Tim to pick up a sword, that won’t be a problem.”

I lifted an eyebrow. If it's as hard to get you do other things you don't want to, as it was to get you to lose, I might to need to use that knowledge of mine as a threat eventually after all. I remembered the days sparring was my whole life - I was younger than him, but apart from myself and perhaps my brother, Brek was the only one whom I could really call much better than this prince now.

"That means, it will be him who will go to Merillial, and not you?" I asked instead. I was fairly sure I understood him better than he thought I did - but there was something almost amusing in watching him explain his own existence while not wanting to talk about it at the same time.

“I’ll be acting like him, yes, and I suppose he’ll take over soon enough,” he muttered. “Meaning I won’t get to have a decent conversation during the whole wedding.”

I almost sighed this time. He was acting so much alike my brother did some twenty five years ago, that I almost started questioning my decision to bring him close to Meg and Daerys.

"Prince Timothy's personality isn't that famous outside of Eajra's borders," I said slowly. "You can have decent conversations, you just need to pick the moment and the person carefully enough."

His eyes widened a little, and he smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t think of that befo..” He suddenly frowned. “No, that won’t work. What if Tim comes back in the middle of it? Then I’ll.. We’ll suddenly not be able to talk at all. He doesn’t always give me much of a warning.”

"Perhaps then you should let the other person know," I suggested. I could imagine the reactions of most of people. You'll really have to watch over him, Mary. "Or be sure to have this conversation somewhere where he'd leave you alone." I was somewhat thankful for the fact that Prince Tim couldn't hear what I was saying - if I had had to act like I was on both of their sides at the same time, it would've been much harder.

He frowned again. “I can’t tell anyone.. No, I’ll just have to play the insufferable little-” He bit off a curse and glared at the wall. “He hasn’t come out since yesterday, so hopefully I’ll have some more time before he takes over again.”

"Can't you..? Why not?" I glanced at the letters again. "If I were you.." I let my voice trail off.

“People here can’t accept a king with magic, what would make you think they’d accept one who’s mentally disturbed?” His voice had gotten louder as he spoke, ending almost as a shout.

"I'm not talking about people here," I countered. "And you're not a king just yet."

“If people know somewhere else it’ll spread to here as well,” he muttered, glaring at me suspiciously. “And I will be a king soon enough.”

"You seem to be in a lot of hurry. Being a prince is much easier than being a king, you know." I couldn't help but think of my brother again. Zain reminded me of a mix of the two of us - he had Meg's desire to rule, but he was as far from being an heir as I was myself. "And believe it or not, there are trustworthy people out there." And people who'd keep their mouth shut for their own gain. I had a feeling he had more experience with the latter than the former.
“I am in a hurry. I’m tired of being stuck in a castle all the time.. And even more tired of being stuck at the back of someone’s mind..” He snickered. “I’ve only ever met one person I’d call trustworthy, and that’s Tim, but the only reason I think that of him is because he’s a weak idiot. I’ve never met anyone somewhat intelligent that I could trust with anything.. And I don’t suppose you’re gonna go and say that you’re some rare exceptions, ‘cause I won’t believe that for a second.” He sounded more amused than annoyed.

"You will become a king, unless your sister happens to return from the Prison, as your mother dies - you shouldn't be waiting with excitement for that to happen." I made my voice sound less harsh as I continued. "Have you tried talking to her? Or, for that matter, have you tried talking to Tim?"

“She has magic, so I can just send her back there if she ever got out,” he said with a shrug. “And yes, actually, I did try to talk to her. She made the knights lock me into a cell. Great fun, especially for Tim, who was the one who had to sit there the whole night.. And no, I’ve never tried to talk to Tim. I’m his worst nightmare, so why would he want to? To him I’m just some evil demon possessing his body from time to time.” His shoulders drooped for a moment, making him look almost like Tim, before he regained his posture.

He's a kid, I couldn't help thinking, both of them are, and it's neither of their faults that they're the way they are. I ran my fingers over my lips, thinking, judging how to react.

"Whether you like it or not, you do share quite a few things," I said then, slowly. "It's ridiculous that neither of you can make proper bonds with people around you, I'm pretty sure you both get that."

He clenched his jaw, anger suddenly flaring in his eyes. “You don’t know anything about me, or any bonds that I have.” His voice was low, almost a warning growl. Go ahead. Will you start yelling? Try to hit me? I let my lips stretch into a smile again.

"Don't I? Perhaps you're not as hard to read as you'd like to be."

“Perhaps you don’t know as much as you think you do.” He suddenly turned towards the door. “The breakfast will be served soon, and I don’t want to do anything stupid, so I suggest we go there, now.”

I got up, moving fast enough to reach the door before him. "If you keep seeing everyone as enemies, you'll miss your chances to make anything else," I said, opening the door for him. "Also, prince Tim should be informed of the fact he's leaving, before he wakes up in Merillial all of the sudden..and be ready till the morning, we're leaving quite early."

He snickered, obviously choosing to ignore my first comment. “That would be rather amusing though.. And I don’t know when he’ll be coming out again. He’s busy feeling sorry for himself at the moment.”

"Oh?" I let him pass through the door. "What happened?"

He kept glaring at me, and I was fairly sure I could understand what went through his head. He didn't trust me - not yet, for sure. “None of you business,” he cut, and I nearly smiled. You don't trust me..yet. He raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you coming?”

I wasn't planning to - though I enjoyed the company of all of them, I couldn't help but feel somewhat crowded. It was always like that, even though I've learned to hide it; whenever I was in Eajra, I wanted to be alone, and yet I always knew better.

I locked the door, suppressing a sigh. “I’d rather not have anyone else read my letters,” I said. I didn't mind him reading them - I'd even expected it - but I couldn't risk too much. “I take it we could discuss some details of our trip during breakfast, yes?”

“Yes, we could.” He didn't seem particularly thrilled about it.

I kept my eyes on him, discreetly enough, as we walked towards the dining hall. He seemed somewhat lost in thoughts, and I wondered what really went through his head. Could he feel the other prince in there? Talk to him? I somehow doubted it. From what I'd gathered, pretending to really understand him would be a stupid move - even though I was sure I would be better at it than he gave me credit, I also saw enough to tell he would just get annoyed by it. Just patience, Mary. I smiled a bit to myself. If I could've gotten him to see I'm not just speaking empty words.. I wondered what he was going to do at breakfastt. Let Tim take over again? Pretend to be him, or let himself be who he is?

"Seeing you're here anyway," I muttered, "you could try being yourself now and see how that goes."

He gave me another one of his suspicious looks. Really now, have you trusted anyone ever? “Suppose I could.. Do convince my mother to free me from that cell if it comes to that, will you?”

"Trust me, my Prince," I said silently before he opened the door, "it won't get to that." I hope.

I didn't quite know why he thought his family hated him that much - they maybe didn't like him for this or that reason, but I knew Queen Mina well enough, and I was sure she wasn't as much of a villain as he made her look. He sent Princess Ataia to the Prison, though.. if one of your kids did that to another, would you still care about them equally? I bowed a bit to both her and Rea, absentmindedly noticing the way she looked at her brother. No, not her brother, I reminded myself. I wasn't even sure if they saw each other as family members - I was fairly sure they didn't want to.

I looked between Rea and her mother as I took my seat, trying to figure how they conversation went - if they spoke already. It was hard to believe how much has happened already, and we were only sitting at breakfast.

"I will be meeting with our entourage for the trip tomorrow," I broke the silence. Gods, I can't wait to get close to someone like Brek, whom I don't have to be so formal with all the time because we both know we'd be pretending anyway. "If there's anything either of you require," I glanced at the prince and princess, "do tell."

Rea looked up at me. "...We’ll be riding in a carriage… Right?”
Zain snickered, but quickly shut up when his mother turned to glare at him.

"A carriage," I repeated, "yes." And it looks like a long ride ahead of us. "Trusted drivers, trusted horses, trusted soldiers to follow," I glanced at Mina, who nodded slightly. Don't worry. We'll be fine. "We'll travel fast, and reach Merillial in a day's time. I have sent out letters to prepare everything for our - mostly your - arrival."

“I suppose most of the other royals are invited?” Zain asked, sounding slightly hopeful. Whom are you expecting?

"Most likely," I confirmed. "I highly doubt we'll be seeing some of them, though.. Your friend Prince Demitri might be there, however." The place will be full of princes. I couldn't help but wonder if Lethe would send a delegate - the wedding seemed to be of bigger significance than we first wished it to be. Zain nodded, returning to his bread again.

"Speaking of Prince Demitri," Queen Mina said, frowning only slightly, "I recieved a letter earlier."

I did my best to keep my face impassive. A letter from Tarantella, which I'm allowed to hear about? That either meant it was unimportant - and in that case, why even mentioning it now? - or that I'd find out soon enough anyway. And there wasn't many things people wouldn't at least try to hide from people like me. If I wasn't the King's brother, I was fairly sure I wouldn't had even heard about the wedding in Merillial until it'd be too late for me to interfere with it. Wedding.. oh dear.

"The sovereigns of Tallantera are suggesting an alliance between our kingdoms," Queen Mina said, "and seeing the bond that Barqarnon and Merillial is about to form, I think it's an excellent idea."

Well, well.. I kept my mouth shut, pretending to pay more attention to my breakfast than I really did, waiting to hear their responses.

Rea's eyes widened, and she blinked several times, her fork clanging against her plate as she set it down harder than she must have thought. I see you figured quickly enough what exactly that meant. I was also pretty sure she didn't quite like the idea of it. Of course she doesn't. It would mean to leave home..I haven't yet met a princess who liked the idea of that.
Zain didn't wait for the Princess or the Queen to say anything - with a strange expression in his eyes, he just stormed out of the room, leaving all three of us glaring after him. At least he stayed calm enough.. I was vaguely aware of Rea saying something to her mother, as I kept glaring at the door. There was something wrong in the way he reacted, something unusual. Anea's family wasn't particularly happy to see her marrying me; Dae never cared to act happiness about Lierre marrying prince Thranack.. but that was different. Not even an hour ago, this prince practically confessed to me that he'd walk over the bodies of his family to get the crown he thought belonged to him. Sending Rea away to marry Demitri should've been something to make him happy, or close enough, not something to piss him off so much. That makes no sense. I glared at where he was sitting, realizing I was looking at a crack in the table, half of my mind wondering how could someone even make it with bare hands. Unless.. I bit my lip, and turned my gaze to the door again. Unless.

I sighed, glanced at the Princess and got up. Her mother didn't seem mad at her - and though I couldn't avoid telling her I knew about Zain, I didn't quite want Mina to know I knew of Rea's power. It was safer to leave than to stay.

"Excuse me, my ladies," I bowed a bit to both. "I'm afraid my duty awaits - and if I may, the Prince and the Princess should get ready for tomorrow morning."

I avoided people as I walked up to my rooms, lost in my thoughts. Prince Zain reminded me of my brother, and of myself, and I liked neither of those. I rubbed my temples, sealing the letters, locking the room on my way out again as I headed to send them to Barqarnon and Merillial. I sent away the servant who tried to assist me, found the birds and watched them as they flew out. Strictly speaking, they were hunting birds, not messanger ones. But even birds had eyes and emotions, and I needed them to reach Brek, Meg and Marcia quickly enough.

I left towards the gardens as they left my sight, found a secluded corner and sat down by a tree, leaning the Throne next to me.

It was wrong to say Zain reminded me of Meg, really - they did share a few traits, but I remembered my brother from when he was completely different. I smiled at the thought, recalling the days we spent back home, in the time when he was the heir and I was his little brother, free of duties and allowed to be as mischievous as I liked. Power changes people. Crowns change people. I let my thoughts flee to Daerys and Lierre. Were they going to change? Dae was to inherit the crown, one day. I wondered how soon - I knew well enough how similar he was to his father. And I wondered what will the world become like when that happens.

He grew up with Brek around, I tried to tell myself, but I also knew what Dae was like, and I knew that Brek never knew it. I knew what Dae's tutor was like, and that no one in Merillial was aware of that either. Perhaps you should let Brek know. Tell him where he's standing.. I shook my head and closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax a bit, letting my thoughts wander free. I felt a smile creeping on my face as I recalled a memory from twenty four years ago.


The crown was heavier than I'd expected it to be, and only stayed over my eyes because of my hair being messy enough. It was big and made of gold, with deep red jewels, and shined under the light of the candles.

"It's still too big for you," my brother said, and I looked up to meet his eyes in the mirror.

"Well it's not mine," I pushed it up as it slid down on my forehead, and then took it off and handed it to him. It took him a moment to take it.

"It's not mine either," he muttered.

I shrugged. "Will be."

He frowned at the crown, putting it back where we originally took it from, and then crouched and looked up at me. "You
could be a king one day, you know."

"Only if you don't have kids," I said. "And some other things, I think."

He made a face. "Well..then we can rule together. If I become a king, you can be my advisor, and--"

"So here you are."

Meg stood up and we both turned to the door, as our governess walked in. She was followed by the tutor, as fast as he could follow her, and while he seemed relieved, she was obviously annoyed. My brother and I exchanged a long look, both knowing what was waiting for us - the tutor would be nicer, because he just found his lost Crown Prince. The governess would be harsher, because she just found her little charge sneaking around the Throne room. I didn't quite get it - I was with my brother, and he was with me. They should've been happy, because they would have to be searching longer if we were separated. Still, every time we were unguarded but together - which was in most occasions - they would get pale and worried, as if we always walked under a ceiling which could collaps onto us any moment.

I stepped back as they walked to us, finding myself with my back against the mirror we were looking ourselves into a moment ago. She approached and tried to make my hair stay in place, ignoring my attempts to avoid her hand.

"Well just let him go," my brother said, more or less ignoring his tutor. "You won't get it to look any different anyway."

"Their Highnesses are having guests for the dinner, Your Grace," she told him. "Young Prince, as well as yourself, should get properly prepared." She was met by our stares. "Dressed, if you will."

He lifted an eyebrow. "He's dressed. We both are. Why--"

"Now, the visitors from Merillial are important guests, my Prince," the tutor interupted, as the governess caught my wrist when I tried to wriggle out of her reach and out of the room unnoticed. "With the silence between the battles, this meeting might be what will ensure the lands of your mother's and father's stay safe for many years to come."

I stopped my attempts to run away, feeling a grin on my face. "We will be at the meeting?"

"No, my Young Prince," the tutor answered, and my grin died. "
You will be at the dinner, and don't forget that your parents are counting on you to show why they're proud of their sons."


I was sitting at the table, right from my brother, with the governess on my right. I didn't quite know what was she doing there - it wasn't a custom, really, and I was fairly sure her only role was to make sure neither of us speaks while we should keep silent. As if we didn't know it ourselves. Mother and Father took their seats at the head of the table, and those such honoured guests sat on their left; the man closer to them was tall, surely almost as Father, and I didn't like the idea of meeting his eyes. The other one, to his left, was younger, though older than Meg, with dark hair and brown eyes, surprisingly calm and observing the room, the table and us. He didn't carry any weapons now - nobody did, except for Father's guards - but I had seen the sword he came in with. The governess never knew, because I made sure to have her looking the other way, but I managed to pay a quick visit to where the guests left their belongings - and I wanted to take that sword and see if I could even swing it - so I decided to be nice to the guest. I have met only a few who said no when I'd ask for something nicely enough.

I listened to the adults talk about, trying to make myself unnoticable as I observed the strangers. My brother observed them too, taking sips of wine which they let him drink for this occasion, listening carefully to the discussions about the war. I'd heard of those already - mostly by listening as his tutor told the same stories to Meg, and by asking the guards and prisoners I wasn't allowed to talk to - so I rather listened to the small details about the life on that other court, and what the people seemed to be like in Merillial. They seemed to be having a bit different accent, yet barely recognizable.
If I could visit Merillial, I thought, I would pretend to speak that way and wonder if anyone would know I'm not from there.

I jumped as my brother, the governess and the young guest got up. More or less, with the two latter bowing, we left the room without another glance towards the table, before I even got what was happening. I followed them all to the gardens, keeping my thoughts with the Merillians. I could've passed as one, couldn't I? They surely had people looking like me, they couldn't have all been dark haired and with dark eyes, could they?

"Are you good with swords?" I looked up as my brother spoke, but he wasn't asking me - he already knew what I was like with swords, after all.

The ambassador from Merillial barely changed his expression. "I like to think I am."

I stepped aside as Meg pulled out two thin dueling swords from a dummy they were still stuck in. I followed their tips, and the governess followed my eyes. My brother was old enough, and allowed to train with swords which weren't dulled - I wasn't, even though the whole castle knew I wanted to be. The Merillian didn't seem particularly happy to see Meg handing one sword to him.

"Go on," my brother said. "We should spar."

"No, Your Grace, we shouldn't." The Merillian hesitated, looking between Meg and the governess.

Meg shook the sword he was giving him. "Just a few minutes. You were told to keep us company, were you not? I've sparred with those before."

"Keep you company, not get myself beheaded." The Merillian muttered under his breath, as he took the sword. "You're sure you know what you're doing, Highness?"

"He's always sure," I grinned.

"No, Young Prince," the governess shook her head. "Come with me to your room, let's--"

I sat on the grass I was standing on.

"Mar-- my Prince, you shouldn't--"

"It's alright," Meg smiled at her, and then at the Merillial's diplomat. "We'll be alright. What was your name, again?"

"Brekyr Elgan, Highness." The diplomat bowed, slightly. "But most people call me Brek."

"Megarus Angroth," brother said. "But most people call me.." he frowned a bit. "Well, most people don't call me by name, so whatever you'd prefer." He waved in my direction. "My brother Mary."

"Which would be short for Marius," the governess muttered, supplying. I glared at the sword in this guy's hand. I barely knew anyone who used my full name, and it was the same with Meg - we were called by our titles, or by the nicknames among ourselves..or we weren't called at all.

"Pleased to make your highnesses' acquaintances." He stumbled, slightly, adding an extra syllable in there somewhere. He seemed frustrated with himself, but I couldn't suppress a smile. I wanted to be like that once; travel around, and speak in big words to royals of other lands.

The diplomat, Brekyr, weighed the sword in his hand as Meg lifted his own. Meg attacked first, jumping forward, swinging his blade at the stranger's middle. Brek stepped back, throwing his blade up, easily deflecting Meg's blade and sending him stumbling to the side. Brek whirled around and brought his blade -- which was, I noticed, turned to its flat side-- around, towards Meg's unprotected side.

Meg threw his blade up, blocking the diplomat's. Without a moment's hesitatation, Brek took several more passes at Meg-- an overhanded blow, a swing at his shoulder, a pass at his legs. Meg blocked each one, finally jumping over the last one and giving the diplomat a shove on the shoulders as he landed.

Lord Elgan half-smirked as he took a few steps backward, giving Meg some room. "Well done, Sir."

Meg frowned at him a moment, before nodding. "You too."

Meg stepped forward, swinging his blade at the diplomat's shoulders. Brek threw his sword up, blocking the blow with seemingly little difficulty-- and the next, and the next, and the one after that, before switching to the offensive and forcing Meg across the small clearing.

As they reached the edge of the clearing, Brek brought an overhanded blow down over Meg's head. Meg blocked it and threw Brekyr back, before advancing on him, forcing the diplomat to back across the clearing, defending himself. They went back and forth across the clearing several times, each switching between offensive and defensive, until Meg was panting, and they were both visibly sweating. Then Brek finally managed to get the upperhand.

He brought his sword-- which, at some point, he'd flipped to its sharp side-- down over Meg's head, twisting it at the last moment, so that it hit my brother's blade just right. Meg's blade went flying to the side, and Brek's rested on my brother's collarbone a moment.

The diplomat quickly removed his blade and bowed. "A good fight, Your Highness."

"Would you shut up with the formalities, and show me where I went wrong?" Brother sounded annoyed - probably more by his lost than the way Brek called him - and the governess close her eyes for a moment. I was pretty sure she could already see Mother and Father getting mad at her for letting Meg insult a guest. I. however, could only keep grinning. Brother was good, but this visitor was better. I'd never fought with sharpened swords, but I really really wanted to do it now.

"As you wish." The diplomat smirked. "Though I'm not sure I can help you much. It seems you've the same weakness as I-- that being our offensive abilities."

"I wasn't on offense when I lost my blade."

"Fair enough...Sir." The diplomat walked across the flat and picked up Meg's sword, and turned, handing it to him. "That's actually a fairly simple move."

"Show me." Meg lifted his blade to how it was just before it went flying from his hands.

"You feint an over-handed blow, so your opponent braces himself against you." Brek brought his blade down over Meg's head, slowly, twisting it just before they collided. "Then you slip your tip under his, and make his own block work against him."

"Oh, I see." Meg lowered his blade, frowning slightly as he thought. "Let me-- can I try it, now?"

The diplomat hesitated, before nodding. "As you wish."

He lifted his blade over his head, not quite extending his arms as far as he could've, and let Meg try the move. Even though the diplomat's arms weren't fully extended, they were beyond what Meg could reach-- far less manage to do anything with. Meg huffed.

"It works best if you've got the advantage of height, Prince." Brek said with a sympathetic smile. "You'll get it, one day."

I got up again, ignoring the governess, walking over to stand by my brother's side, glaring up at the Merillian.

"But when you're holding it up like that," I said, "can't someone shorter use that to attack you from down here?" I made a circle in the air, gesturing somewhere at his bellybutton.

"Well...yes, I suppose they could."

"Then.. it's not really always a good thing to be tall."

"Not always." He agreed. "Though, if you're the shorter man, you usually don't try an over-handed blow on your opponent-- so he wouldn't be blocking over his head."

I thought about it for a moment. "But he can think you're trying it, and move to block it, and then you can trick him." I shrugged, knowing our tutor didn't really like any sorts of tricks.

"Now you're thinking." The man grinned at me.

I grinned back, as brother tapped me on the shoulder with the hilt of his sword. I could feel my eyes widening.

"Go on, no one will know," he muttered. "Just try it."

I reached for it, but the governess's hand got there before mine, jerking the sword away. She frowned at Meg.

"Really..Your Grace, you should know better. The Young Prince isn't allowed to use sharpened swords, and you're putting both us and Lord Elgan in a very tricky situation here." She turned to Brek. "I apologise, Sir. Perhaps leaving to some other part of the garden would be in place."

"If I may.." Lord Elgan turned to Meg, "Your Grace, I'd ask to go back to my chambers - these clothes--"
"Sure," brother cut, nodding, tugging on his own shirt. "I should do that as well, really." He looked at the governess. "We will see the gardens after that."

"As you wish, my Prince."

Trailing off behind all of them, I watched as my brother and the governess, along with some guards, left to his chambers, but I followed the Merillian diplomat. A pair of guards followed us as well, but I knew they had no right to question my decisions. I knew my brother's chambers well enough, and I knew him better than anyone else; this man was new and egzotic and far more interesting.

He seemed startled as he turned and saw me standing in front of his room with him.

"Oh..you're quiet."

"Thank you," I said, keeping serious. "I was practicing."

He looked like he was about to smile, but it was the truth - creeping around the castle on my fingertips and appearing on unexpected places was far more amusing than appreciated. In the end, he forced his face to stay straight, and nodded. "Looks like the practice paid off, then."

"It did?" I smiled, but turned serious soon enough again, looking away. "I wish it was the same when it comes to swords."

"That will come with practice, too." He assured me, crossing his arms. "Now how can I help you, Prince?"

"I want to know about Merillial," I said, with an angelic smile. I also wanted to check if I could swing his sword, but soon enough it would be inside of his room and if he said no, I could never get to it.

"Oh, Merillial's nice enough. Good commerce..strong army...expert swordmakers..." Brek's eyes flicked between me and the sword on his hip, as he saw me looking at it.

"I don't know what commerce means," I muttered, determine not to meet his eyes.

"Trade." Brek clarified. "We've got lots of farmers, and blacksmiths, and weavers that make lots of things we can trade with other kingdoms...would you like to come in?"

I looked up this time, and nodded. "Yes, please..sir."

Brek turned the handle to his room and pushed the door open, gesturing to for me to go in a head of him. He hesitated a moment, glancing down the hall, at the guards, before walking in. "Don't suppose I can close the door, mm?" He said, mostly to himself, as his gaze swept around the room.

I poked the door, and the guards tensed a bit. "Why not?"

"Your guards wouldn't appreciate it much, Prince." The man smirked. "I'm sure they'd rather keep an eye on me-- at least while you're near."

"But you won't hurt me." I shrugged.

could, though. And it's their jobs to be sure that don't."

I didn't really understand. "You could..but you wouldn't."

"And why are you so sure of that, hm? You've only just met me. You don't know what I would or wouldn't do."

I bit my lip. "Well you're not that stupid."

"Don't rely on other peoples' stupidity."

I sighed. "Alright." I walked in, glancing around. I knew every room in the castle - they were my playground, because Mother never let us get put while the war was so near - so I only took a few moments to slide my eyes over his clothes and little things he brought along. I stopped myself, ending up glaring at the sword again. "Um..where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Mm...My, uh, Dad taught me bunches...started teaching me when I didn't even come to his belt... Lord Mackay took up my training, where my Father's skill ended."

I frowned a bit. My tutor -
Meg's tutor, who had no choice but to teach me as well when I'd say so - always complained about me being too young, even though I was taller than up to his belt. That wasn't particlarly fair, now I heard it's not the same everywhere. I walked over to his bed, and climbed up to sit on it.

"So..do you like it here?"

"It's very interesting here." Brek nodded. "I haven't had a chance to travel much, yet-- and Barqarnon is very different from Merillial."

"It is?" I kept glaring at his sword as he started taking it off to change his tunic. "How so?"

"The climate, for one," he waved towards the window. "Night falls earlier here, and it's colder in the mountains than in my land. The language differs a little, with some words being pronounced differently, and quite a few customs, from the way a couple gets married to the way the royal family sits at their table, are very different from Merillial's." He seemed to hesitate for just a moment. "Even gods you worship tend not to be the same ones the Merillians do."

I couldn't hold back another grin. "Have you been to somewhere else too? Can you speak other languages?" I thought for a bit. "What about Scarthian? Do you believe there's treasure buried there? ..have you ever seen a dragon?"

"I've only just started travelling wth Lord Mackay. He's started teaching me other languages, as he can-- not Scarthian. Yet. No. Never a grown one. And if you want to see my sword, just man up and ask for it-- otherwise stop staring."

I opened my mouth to protest, and closed them again, then looking away and pouting. "I'm not allowed to handle sharpened swords."

"Oh..." Brek laid it down on the bed, just out of my reach. "Okay, then. Stare at it all you wish."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "If I ordered you to spar with me, would you?"

"If I tickled you, would you laugh?"

"..I'm not really ticklish." I shrugged at his expression. "Didn't you say you don't want to risk anyone even thinking you might do something to me?"

"I did-- and I don't." He crossed his arms, leaning against the wall beside the bed. "So, no, I'm afraid I couldn't, Prince."

"Well..but..I want you to." I frowned at him. "So you have to."

"Well, you sort of killed the comparison I was going to draw." Brek frowned back at me. "But the essence of what I was going to say, is that it puts someone-- me, for example-- in a bad way, if you were to do something like that.."

"Lord Angroth, sir?" I opened my eyes, pulled out of thoughts. A guard was looking at me with a strange expression, still no more than a boy, obviously waiting for me to speak before he'd dare to open his mouth again.


"Um, apologies for interrupting you, Sir. You're needed in the castle, if you would.. Her Highness sent for you."

• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:55 pm
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Auxiira says...

Akim | Assassin
Eajra | Day 2

Spoiler! :
I was woken from my sleep by a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed it and rolled over, putting my closest dagger at the person's throat. My eyes focused and I realised that it was the girl from the day before. I let go of her arm and lowered the dagger.
"Gods, little Lady. Don't wake me up like that." I could kill you. I don't think you want that. "What time is it?" It seemed early, a lot earlier than I usually woke.
"The sun just came up." She looked at the dagger. "You're a bit paranoid, aren't you?" I ignored her, more concerned about the time.
"The sun ju-" I groaned. I hate mornings. "Let me sleep. Wake me up in the afternoon." Mornings were bad. My parents had been killed in the morning.
"We said we're leaving in the morning. You can sleep once we get there." No, I won't, I'll be leaving, with my gold.
"I'm nocturnal. Morning is evil for people in my craft, little Lady." It was true. Nothing good came from killing people in the morning. Night was the best cover.
"I was fine with leaving last night, it was you who insisted on waiting till today," she looked younger in the morning light, even more vulnerable than the day before. It was interesting. "You just have to travel now, no one asked for you to do your craft." Oh, but they did. You just told me not to. It isn't fair.
"And that'll be frustrating. I actually like my craft." I pushed away my covers with a sigh and stood up. I hadn't slept enough. I realised that once again, my morph had slipped, but not as much as in my sleep. I quickly corrected it.
"Why?" She sounded truly curious, strangely enough. Not many people, especially women, weren't interested in why I did my craft. I looked her straight in the eyes and raised my eyebrows.
"Do you really want to know, little Lady?"
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know." I really want to know where you lived now.
"Don't you find there something interesting in people's fear? Their sudden realisation that they're going to die, and that they can't do a thing about it?" I remembered everyone's. It was my way of paying homage to them, even if I didn't feel the need to. And I now wanted to see her fearful face. I hadn't seen it the day before. It could be exquisite, I was sure. I glanced at her just as she nodded.
"There are different kinds of fear. If you just kill them, then you can't observe anything but one of those." What does she know about it? All of the questions I was asking myself came back to the one I kept asking her. Where was she from?
"I know. I just prefer this one, little Lady." I smiled, testing the edge of the blade she was glaring at, then licking away the blood that proved its sharpness, enjoying the taste of iron in my mouth. "Shall we go then?" Seeing as you seem so eager to.
She chewed on her lip as she nodded, watching me. I didn't like it. Having eyes on you meant that you were being seen, maybe recognised, and that was never good. It was one of the reasons I never stayed in one morph for too long.
"Yes..how fast do you think we can get there?" It would be like traveling to the border, a bit more than a day's ride from here, and then a bit more. Shouldn't take that long...
"Not too long. It's just the next kingdom along." I straightened my tunic, still thinking it over. "I wouldn't be able to say for sure though. I've never been there before."
"..why not? Were you never curious?" And there we differ.
"No. I was far more occupied with getting away from the law and finding jobs. I never had any problems getting away from the law though." I frowned, not sure why I had told her that. Seeing her level of curiosity, she might not not stop asking until I told her, and I didn't want that. A smile came onto her face.
"How did you manage that? Not getting caught, even back when you first started..?" Definitely a bad idea. I clammed up. My life is my own.
"Trade secret." I said shortly, snapping the dagger back into it's sheath, making a note to change the place of it. It wouldn't do to have her know where my weapons were. Even if most of them were where she couldn't get to them. "Let's go."
"Hm." She shrugged and followed me downstairs. I nodded to the innkeeper; I would go and talk to him once the Lady was with Leshka.

The stables were around the back, with only few horses. The stable hand, John, sat on a stool, dozing. I scowled. You'd better have fed
Leshka, or you're dead.
I strode over and kicked the stool from underneath him, smiling at his surprise as he fell to the floor. I bent over him with a smile that showed my teeth. They always seemed to have a good effect on him.
"Hello, John. Was your nap nice?" He swallowed loudly but didn't reply. Spineless coward. I saw the girl who called herself queen turn away and look at the horses. "You'd better have fed Leshka." He trembled.
"I di' feed 'er, Mr 'Kim, I swear." Really, the world had too many men like him, who trembled in their boots at the slightest threat.
"Good. Now, tack her up, and for the love of the Gods, don't talk to the Lady about me, or the Soldiers will have some rat to clean up." He nodded, his watery eyes wide with fear.
"Little Lady." I turned to where she stood staring at the horses, apparently thinking about something. "Stay with Leshka," I gestured to her, a beautiful bay with a white star on her head and black socks, "and make sure this idiot doesn't touch her except to saddle her. Please." I almost forgot to say the last word. If she thought she was my queen, then she wouldn't like it. With that, I turned and walked back to the inn.

The innkeeper stood behind the bar, waiting. He knew me as Akim, but under this morph, and I didn't know his name. Every inn had a different morph. It was better that way.
"Lady friend? Really, Akim?"
"A client of sorts." He frowned. Young Ladies weren't my typical client. "Listen, I'm going to be out of town for a few days, maybe a week. Give my work to the new ones, will you?" It was vague, and could reference to any type of work.
"Sure thing." I nodded to him and went back to the stables.
"'e's bin commin' 'ere for a while." I heard John say as I came inside. I can't trust you with anything. I saw the girl sidle over to him and peer over his shoulder.
"So, it's a secret?" You little minx. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you.
"Mr 'kim sai-"
"I told him to keep his mouth shut." They both looked at me. I glared back a them. "My life is my own. And John here has a particularly loose tongue. I've considered cutting it out before. He would be a wonderful mute." And I could wear his tongue around my neck to warn people what happened to those who didn't keep my secrets. She turned to me, a small smile on her lips.
"I merely asked if he's known you for long - so it's his life I asked about, not yours." [i]If its to do with me, then it's my life. She walked to the front of Leshka and stroked her forehead. I glanced at her, surprised. Leshka wasn't known to like other people. "She's beautiful, by the way."
"I know." I went and took the reins from John, not trusting him to hold onto her more than a few minutes. "You're also very lucky she didn't bite you." I checked the saddle and frowned. "John, where are her saddle bags?" [i]Gods, you can't even do that right.
I lead her out of the stall as John fetched her saddlebags, quivering.
"I heard already that she doesn't normally like your companions. Maybe she has a thing for Scarthians," she murmured, just loud enough for me to hear. And that wouldn't surprise me, actually.
"Maybe so. And I don't have companions. What John, I assume, was talking about were the people who tried to pet her. She broke John's arm the first time he took care of her. That was the first time she reacted so badly." I scratched her nose as John attached her saddlebags, making her shift nervously. She really was always like this around him, and most other people."Maybe she doesn't like cowards." I checked the saddle a second time, then lead Leshka out of the cramped space. "Do you know how to ride, little Lady?"
"Of course I know how to ride." She didn't seem sure about what she was saying though.
"Sure. Up in the saddle then." I folded my arms and smirked at her. If you get up and stay up the first time, then I'll be surprised. "If you can."
She didn't look at me, and swung herself up into the saddle, a slightly startled look on her face as she landed in the saddle. Leshka shifted slightly but stayed still. I almost raised my eyebrows but didn't. The little Lady tried to keep an unruffled face, but I could tell she was slightly disturbed. New to horses, but knows how to ride. Interesting.
"And, um, you plan to walk all the way?" Oh, you wish.
"Of course not," I handed her the reins and grabbed onto the back of the saddle.."She's strong enough to carry both of us, at least for a while." But it probably won't be comfortable for me. I hoisted myself up behind the saddle. "I'd have left the saddle at the inn, but I wouldn't trust John with keeping a tankard safe, let alone a good saddle." And you probably wouldn't like riding bareback first time around. I reached around and took the reins from her, clicking my tongue. "Walk on, Leshka."


As we left the city, she turned in the saddle and looked back at it. What's there for you? I had had enough of the silence. I was used to the noise of the town, or traveling by myself, not traveling behind someone who insisted on not talking.
"So. Where did you live before coming to Eajra?" I asked. The question had been intriguing me since I had met her, and now seemed as good a time as any to ask.
"In.. If I answer your questions, you should answer mine." I stiffened. You can sacrifice a few answers.
"Within reason." I replied quietly. I could tell that it pleased her.
"Very well then, I lived in the Prison. How old are you?" [i]The Prison? I guess that story is true then. Unless she's lying.

"Older than you, but younger than John," I replied, smirking. She hadn't made it difficult to dodge that one. "The Prison? How did you leave?"
"Why, you want tricks in case you end up there? I made a deal." Ohh, good. You know how to play the game. "What do you do when you're not busy with your..craft?"
"I travel." A lot. Tricks could be fun, but I don't plan on going there. What's it like?"
She looked down at something. "Amazing, sometimes. Not so much at other times.. I don't think one should talk about the Prison much." Afraid? Knowledge of something? "Who taught you how to kill people and not get caught?"
"People. And a natural affinity for it." She was getting a little close to home for me to be completely with the question. "Why go to Scarthia? Why not forget and make your own quiet life somewhere?"
"Scarthia is where I belong, where my family comes from," she replied, directly this time. "It's my responsibility. And I have nowhere else to go anyway." She shrugged. "How old were you when you did it the first time?" The first time? The old Bastard, wasn't it?
"I was... Twelve, I think. I only remember the man's screams." I shrugged too. "Responsibility is an awful thing. Make your own place for yourself. I did." I carved a path of blood. It's pretty nice actually.
"I can't. I was raised as a Princess, to be the Queen one day. Now I'm the last of my family..back there, anyway." She was silent for a while, and I thought she was done with the questions. "Was it out of curiosity then too, to see the fear?" I remembered it finally and stiffened.
"Self-preservation." It was that or be killed for having magic.. "But his fear just sweetened the deal." I took a few breaths and tried to relax. "What do you want to do in Scarthia, little Lady?"
"Once again, I have a name. I don't call you Mr Assassin or something alike, do I?" And if you do, and someone hears, you'll be the first to die. I tried to remember what she had said her name was as she shrugged. "I'm Aqui Van Aldarean, queen of Scarthia and the heir to the Great Crown." Miss Aqui, then. "That depends on who is there now.. I wish to visit all of the Capital's Temples first, and tell the spirits that I haven't forgotten-- but those are talks of gods and values you probably don't care for. Really, how did you manage to never get caught or sent to..to a jail or something?"
"Who needs a god to rule their lives when they live by their own rules, Miss Aqui?" I moved around slightly. I hadn't ridden bareback for a while. "And as I said, trade secret."
"Spirits of the Temples don't rule. They observe and guide, and advise when the one asking deserves it." She folded her arms. "If I wanted you to get caught, I could've done it already. Perhaps trusting another person once in a while wouldn't kill you." Oh, it could. It definitely could. "Can you use magic?" I didn't see why she couldn't see my magic. I wouldn't show that I was a morpher though. I let go of the reins and showed her my finger daggers for a few seconds before catching the reins again.
"Yes. And trust will kill you in the end." It's killed a lot of people.
"Trust is bringing me home right now. You could've stabbed me a billion times already." Who says I'm not going to do so as soon as we get there.
"On the promise of gold. I trust in gold, not in people." People aren't worth trust. I was quiet for a few minutes. "Who knows. I might think that having a potential Queen who may one day need my services is more profitable than killing you, too." It had been something I had said on the spur of the moment, but it actually sounded like a good idea. Maybe I should cater to royals? It was her turn to be silent now.
"What if there is no gold? Or, what if there's someone else there and I don't get my crown? Or, if I lied just so I wouldn't go alone? What will you do then?"
"If the other person wanted you dead, and offered money, I would kill you," I replied. It was better for her to know the truth. Maybe she would be more scared when it happened that way, too. "Otherwise, you might want to start thinking of ways to make money, because you'll be in debt." An awful lot of debt.
"How can you be so sure I wouldn't kill you to be sure you won't kill me?" It was a good question. One I wasn't sure that I knew the answer to. I thought for a few seconds. Her power last night... she didn't take your energy straight away... she had to touch your skin first. I smirked and sent a silent command to the bracelet at my wrist. Cover me. Completely.
"You need to be able to touch someone's skin, right? Well then I don't have a problem."
"Is this the clothes' magic or your own?" She touched one of my sleeves and I tried not to twitch away. "You don't need protection, though.. I don't kill people."
"That is a lovely object I picked up along the way." It has very deep pockets. "And anyone can kill, if they're backed into a corner." Even a child, if his parents are being killed in front of their eyes.
"Not even then. If someone attacked me, I could get them unconscious, make them not wake up for a very long time..but I don't plan on ever killing anyone."
"Say that again when someone is driven on killing you or a loved one." I could hear the pain in my voice, and wasn't pleased. Don't show emotion. I fell silent, and she didn't start up the conversation again, thankfully.

|Day Three
Spoiler! :
I watched her as she slept, so vulnerable and frail. It really was difficult to not take a dagger and wake her up before sliding it through her ribs. It would all be so easy. I shook the ideas from my head. Gold. Think of the gold. It was easy to say that, but it wasn't even sure that there would be gold. I didn't know if what she was saying was true, and that she had come from the Prison, or whether it was elaborate ploy to catch me. Either way, I was there, watching her sleep. She hadn't been asleep earlier. I wouldn't still be free if I didn't know how to tell if someone was asleep or not.
She woke with a start, glancing at me. I almost smirked. So defenceless. Except for your power. I frowned. I would have to be careful about that.
"'Morning, little Lady," I said, reverting to her nickname. I preferred it to Aqui. "There's some food for you over there." I waved to a plate of food next to the fire.
"Thank you.. I'm not hungry, though." You didn't eat yesterday either. You just become more mysterious. She stood up with a small smile. "I think we should get going..."She glanced up at the sky. "It might rain."
"It might." I stood up, collecting everything that was on the floor and dumping it into a saddlebag, asking the bracelet to cover my wrists and hands as I did so. "You should eat though. You never know when your next meal will be." Or who'll give it to you.
She lifted her shoulders. "I will eat at some point, I'll survive."
I shrugged. More for me. I picked up the plate and quickly ate the food. "Your loss. Let's get going then. The sooner we get there the sooner I can leave." I wiped the plate with a rag and put it into the saddlebag before buckling it onto Leshka's saddle. I gave her some oats, then looked back at the Lady. She sighed quietly, the mounted, leaving me to swing up behind her. I was silent as we traveled.

After a while, I tensed slightly. I knew this road, I remembered it now. The crackle of flames and the screams were in my ears again, the anger and the pain too. I glanced through the trees, wondering whether they had torn it down or left it.
"Leshka, stop." I ordered before dismounting as she stopped. I had to know. "Stay. You too, Aqui. Don't follow me." Maybe she'd listen to what I said if I called her by her name. I handed her the reins. I could hear the pain that the past always brought in my voice. I hated it, the way it manipulated me and gave opening to other people. I made my way through the wood to where I knew the cottage was.
Only burnt ruins remained, overrun by the forest. The roof had caved in, taking half of the walls with it. Blackened stones were visible beneath undergrowth. I moved around to the back, where I had watched my parents burn. The stakes still stood there, a charred warning to anyone with magic. I could feel my fingernails digging into my palms through the gloves.

I heard the rustle of steps behind me. She had followed me. I almost growled. She was too curious for her own good. Her footsteps sounded right behind me. I spun around and pinned her against the nearest tree, a dagger against her throat.
"You seem to be awfully unconcerned about your life for someone who wants to be a queen," I snarled, leaning towards her. You don't intrude. I saw her clench her hands. You're angry? Scared? Good. Maybe you'll listen next time.
"No, step back," she muttered.
"Why should I? I said 'stay'. I'm the one who knows Eajra, so you stay, godsdammit!" I was close to completely loosing my temper, and that was never good. I could already feel my eyes starting to change, flickering from green to blue and back again. She started trembling.
"Just move away, please." She flicked her tongue across her lips, then closed her eyes. "For your own good."
"Oh, the little queen knows how to say please now?" You didn't seem to before. She opened her eyes again. "What will happen if I don't step back? You'll throw a temper tantrum?" I grinned. "Maybe I can silence you then. The Gods know I've been wanting to." I was actually telling the truth to someone I had known for a few days, and that was a surprise. People who I'd known for years often didn't hear it.
She reached up and clasped my wrist, and I realised too late that my sleeves had slipped down. I could feel my morph slipping as she took my energy. My hair brushed my shoulders, and the arm that she was holding turned paler and slightly thinner. I hated my appearance. I swore and switched our grips, so that I was the one her holding her arms, and not the other way around. As I dropped her to the floor, cutting her contact with my skin, I changed my morph back to what had been, breathing heavily.

"Don't push it, girl,"I growled. She propped herself against a tree, frowning slightly. [i]You and that cursed magic of yours can go to hell. I should leave you her, take myself back to work and may the Gods take your damned gold.

"I didn't want to." Oh really? I didn't believe her, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to stay when I couldn't say she wasn't going to do it again. "What happened? You changed."
"I really should silence you." It would be a very good idea if you've seen that appearance. "It would save me an awful lot of problems." I shot her a sour look. "It certainly seemed like you wanted to do that."
She shook her head at me, still frowning. "I had to."
"Of course you did." And you expect me to believe that? "You had to drain my power." I rubbed my wrist, frowning. It calmed me slightly.
"Yes, I did," she replied shortly. "I need energy from people, that's.. I can't survive without it. It's like food is to you, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to control it. So next time I tell you to step back, just do it."
Her description of her powers weren't that startling, apart from her control of it. Maybe she can feed from animals? Humans can't be the only option, that could be deadly if you liked traveling. I thought it over for a few seconds."And if I tell you to stay then you stay. It might be for your own good too."
"I was worried. You acted strange." Now she was worried about me, someone who would kill her just to see her expression. The world is a strange place, and even more so now she's here.
"I had my reasons." I regretted saying it as soon as the words had left my mouth. If there was one thing I had learnt, it was if you gave her a little, she'd want a lot. I threw a look at the stakes, seeing my parents tied there again.
"What is this place?"
"An execution ground." I rested my hand against the one my mother had been tied to. "People were burned for being themselves." For having magic.
I heard her come closer, but didn't turn. I would answer some of her questions, depending on what they were. "People...close to you?"
I looked back at her. Close to who I used to be. "They were close to a little boy I once knew. He died though." And I was born from the ashes. I sighed and sat in front of the stakes, hearing the crackle of flames under our conversation. "Everything he loved was burnt to ash, and he died." It was strange to talk about myself as if it wasn't me, but then I didn't want to reply directly.
"I see." I don't think you do. "Was it anyone's fault?" I almost laughed. There were a lot of people at fault in the story.
"The God's for giving him magic he couldn't control in a magic that condemned it." I crossed my arms and leant on my knees. "Witch-hunt is a game Eajran children play." Their parents don't play. They actually witch-hunt. "The boy wanted to play with the other children, but his mother would never let him. She had already lost one child. The boy didn't listen, and everyone found out. It was his fault too. If he had listened, then his parents wouldn't have died." I glanced back at her. "Who's fault do you think it is?"
"Fault of those too afraid to understand,"she replied. Her reply included a lot of people. "I'm sorry."What for? "What happened with the boy later?"
"He died, I said. I watched him burn with the greatest of delights." I stood up, brushing off the dust and dirt from my trousers. It had been a relief to leave that side of me behind. It had held me back so many times. "He went back to the place where children still have their innocence." I threw the charred pieces of wood a final glance, then turned back towards where we had come through the trees. "Shall we go then, little Lady? We should get there by nightfall, I imagine." She nodded, glancing at the house before following me.
"What happened when I took your powers?" I returned to my hated self.
"The little boy possessed me. His ghost roams around here, and I normally have a barrier against him, but your feeding stopped that." It was actually a plausible lie, except to those who knew their magic. I looked at her, smiling slightly. She frowned, seeming to think it over.
"That's a lie." You're not as gullible as you first look.
"Is it?" I shrugged. "Or are you just being paranoid?" It was like the pot calling the kettle black.
"I'm not the paranoid one here. And you're lying." She was so sure of herself. It was quite refreshing, really.
"What do you think it was, then?" I asked as we came back onto the path. Leshka had pulled a branch from a nearby tree and was chewing on it. You eat grass, not trees, lady. I frowned and pulled it out of her mouth before throwing it away.
"Magic which you didn't show me before." She was sharper than I had given her credit for, and I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not. Though it bothered me that she was finding out more about me than anyone else had ever known, it didn't make me feel as uncomfortable as I had thought it would. "That other you reminded me of someone." But I still don't like it. And I would prefer if it if you gave up.
"Really, now?"
"Mm.." She fell silent, and we continued walking.


We were no longer traveling on a used path, but rather a track that lead us through the forest, not talking. I had nothing to say to her, and I was still slightly under the effect of my original appearance. I wasn't too concerned about the lack of path, as long as we kept going west, we should eventually get there. We couldn't ride Leshka, so I lead her by her reins. If I had been alone, I wouldn't have gone this way, in fact, I probably would've given up, but I knew that the little Lady wouldn't be satisfied with it, and there was that promise of gold. Scarthian gold was worth a lot.
When we arrived at a clearing, it was dark enough to stop for the night.
"I'll keep watch tonight," Aqui said, propping herself up against a tree. "You should sleep." But I don't trust you.
"Do you think I trust you that much?" I asked, the scorn clear in my voice. I don't trust anyone to watch me when I'm not inside. I was only like that in the inn because you had taken my energy, like now.
She sighed. "Tell that suit of yours to do its magic again if you wish. I don't carry any weapons, I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to. You're tired," she continued in a quieter voice. But do you think I'll admit it?. "Maybe you don't think so, but you are."
"I know when I'm tired or not," I muttered, but a yawn forced it's way out. "Okay, fine. But no... leeching." I sat down next to Leshka, not tying her to the tree in case we needed to leave fast, leaning against a tree. I got rid of the gloves, it was annoying having to wear them, and asked for a cloak, wrapping myself in it. I threw Aqui a glare, then closed my eyes.


I woke to a clap of thunder, and cold raindrops seeping through the cloak. I stared blindly for a second, before realising that my morph had, yet again, slipped and changing it back. Lightning lit the sky above us, thunder shaking the air a few moments later. I stood up and caught Leshka's reins, trying to calm her.
"Storm?" I asked Aqui, even though it was clear. I need to work on that.
"Yes..I doubt we have anywhere to hide from it now. Do you think we should move on?" We're not going to get any more sleep, are we?
"It's either that or stand here and get soaked anyway." I frowned as Leshka started to shift from one side to the other, rolling her eyes slightly. Don't bolt on me. "Go into that saddlebag and find the bag of sugarlumps, will you? I don't want her bolting." I pointed to one of the saddlebags. Sugar was the best way to calm her. "Don't go behind her. She'll kick you."
She went and found them, then brought them over to me, trying to hide them from the rain. "How long have you two been on each other's side?" She asked as she handed them to me.
"Quite a few years." I took a lump of sugar and held it out for her in the palm of my hand. She took it, calming. Good girl. I stroked her nose then continued down the track. "I took her from a Talantarian. He was going to use her for ploughing." She is evidently not a plough horse. His face when he saw himself take the horse was priceless. A smile twitched my lips.
"Have we passed the Scarthian border yet?" She asked after a few minutes. I have no idea.
"I don't know." I shrugged. "From what I remember of the stories, there's a wall, or what's left of it that marks the border." I shook the water from my hair, but it was no use. I should have slept with the hood up. "I haven't seen one before, but I've never been this close."
"I see."

|Day Four
Spoiler! :
It was silent. Too silent. Far too silent for me to be happy with it. Our footsteps would be heard by anyone close by, and there wasn't any life at all. It wasn't normal. This forest wasn't normal. You couldn't see the sky and there was barely anything underfoot. We hadn't passed a wall, even though all we had been doing was look. Leshka didn't seem comfortable, and I tended to trust her. She wasn't acting as if we would be in trouble any time soon, but still... it was better to keep an eye out.
"I don't like the silence," the little Lady cut the silence, her voice seeming too loud despite it being only a whisper. "It doesn't really feel dangerous, but..strange."
"Do you think I like it? You can't hide your footsteps if it's silent." And anyone could find you. "There should be some life, it's a bloody forest."
She lifted an eyebrow, then after a few moments, nodded to a space between two trees. "Perhaps there's something along that path."
I stared between the trees. Path? "What path?" I looked again before glancing back at her. "This isn't a good time to play jokes, little Lady." I'm on edge, it wouldn't end well.
"Who's..well that path." She pointed in the same direction with her finger. "Right there, between the trees?"
I followed her finger, but still didn't see anything. Are you hallucinating? "There is absolutely nothing there apart from a perfectly normal space between two trees."
She stared at the space for a few moments, then at me. She's definitely seeing something that I'm not. Slowly, she reached up and pushed my face, making me flinch a little, but I didn't move. She promised. I repeated to myself. "There. Path."
There was suddenly a path in front of me, passing between the trees. I blinked, wondering if it was an illusion. It didn't disappear. "That wasn't there two second ago..." Maybe... I looked at her, frowning.
She sighed. "I'm not going to use my powers." I know. She took her finger away and crossed her arms across her chest. "There. Can we go now?"
"I can't see it again." My frown deepened. She has to be touching me. Brilliant. I didn't like it, not one bit. Prolonged contact with anyone was bad enough, let alone with a person who could suck my power if she wanted to. "It might be that you have to touch me for me to see it."
She reached up and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Now?"
I could see the path again. Good. "Yes." I was still tense, seeing as she was close enough to touch my skin if she wanted to, but she wasn't for the moment, so it was fine. Or at least that was what I was telling myself. "That works, little Lady."
We turned down the path and followed it, her hand never leaving my shoulder. I glanced at it every few minutes to make sure she hadn't moved it.
After a while, the ruins appeared in front of us. The Scarthian Wall. A small grin slipped through despite myself.
"The stories were right after all, little Lady. There's the wall, so beyond it must be Scarthia." It's obvious, isn't it? She smiled too. Even though it was good to have come this far, it wouldn't do us any good to let our guard down now and be attacked.
"And the Capital right next to the border, to greet and protect the cities within." I had heard some bad stories about Scarthia's Capital, and it made me tense again.
"Mmm." I frowned, then plucked a dagger from my belt, twirling it around my hand to calm me down. "The Capital could be dangerous. I heard some mercenaries went to Scarthia, quite a few years ago now, and never came back." That wasn't the worse, but there was no need to scare her.
She worried at her lip "Many went to Scarthia just so they'd never have to go back. Maybe they found better things to do."
"These guys? Little Lady, they never stayed in one place. They were mercenaries because they had nothing better to do." The dagger spiralled in the air, glittering. She shrugged, then fell silent for a little while.
"There are many legends about entering the Scarthian Capital," she smiled a little. "But we'll be safe in there, I'm sure." I'm not.
"Mmm, sure," I replied, tassing my dagger the furthest into the air.. "I'll believe it when I get out of there in one piece, and with my gold. Are you really sure you want to do this, little Lady? It'd be a big responsibility being a queen... Especially if you have debt." She didn't reply.
Last edited by Auxiira on Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:19 pm
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Shady says...

Ataia-Warden's Wife, Day Two

I lingered in Vys's arms moment longer, but knew that stretching out the goodbye would only make it harder. I finally pulled away from him and turned towards the portal, holding on to his hand. A shiver of fear ran through me, as my mind's eye conjured those horrid creatures that came to get me.

I squeezed Vys's hand. He won't let anything hurt you. I took a deep breath, smiling at him, and backed into the portal.

The instant I was through, an invisible force yanked me backward with a great force. Vys's form got watery, out-of-focus. I'll come back to you.

The portal sucked me straight down at a sickening rate, images flashing by in a blur. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to breathe. I couldn't-- wouldn't-- let the fear overcome me like it did the first, and only other, time I'd been through a portal.

An eternity later, I stopped falling and landed on the ground heavily.

I pushed myself up a little way, cautiously, and looked around, keeping myself close to the ground. I was lying face down on a barren beach, the sun-warmed sand sticking to the side of my face.

Small crabs skuttled out of sight, but the rest of the world was still. I carefully stood up, swaying slightly, looking around suspiciously, taking a defensive stance. I stood a long moment, and, seeing nothing happening, I took a cautious step, testing the ground beneath me. It seemed stable enough.

I warily took another, and another, and then dashed for the stand of trees I saw a few hundred yards in front of me.

I slid behind a log once I was safely within the forest, and peeked over it, panting, scanning the beach for anything or anyone. Everything was still. You've been in Prison too long, Tai. Not everything is out to get you.

I finally noticed where I actually was. I was in a cool, silent stand of trees. I looked around, but found it barren except for a few birds that started to chirp a minute after I sat still, and squirrels that chattered from perches out of my sight.

I stood again, drained, sweating, slightly panting, and looked around again, shivering even though it wasn't cold. I hadn't really thought about what I'd do, on the outside. I'd been so focused on getting here...now that I'd succeeded, I had no idea where to go.

"Come on, Tai, think. You wouldn't even have hesitated, eight years ago..." I suddenly felt so old. "Though...oh, gosh, so much could've happened. The world didn't just stop, just because I wasn't a part of it."

I looked at the beach, shivering, and then looked forward into the woods. I took a deep breath and started onwards, figuring I'd decide what to do once I reached a town.

I walked briskly, my legs starting to burn after just a short distance. I shook my head, disgusted at how weak I was, even though I'd thought I stayed active in the Prison. No, you didn't. You grew into a pampered pet, because Vys didn't make you stay in shape. You didn't have to fight for your life every moment of every day.

After a while I was forced to slow my pace. I walked for a long while, until the afternoon sun began fading to a cool evening, and the end of the wood still wasn't in sight. I leaned against a tree, panting. I stood there a moment before I decided to climb the tree, to see how far I was from exiting the woods.

I looked around until I found a tree with branches low enough I could climb to. I kicked off my shoes and started climbing, savoring the burning in my arms as I hauled myself up onto the bottom limp, and twisted around the tree, grabbing another limb that was just barely in my reach. I kicked against the tree, trying to climb up. For a breif moment I thought of using my powers, before I killed that thought. No, Taia, you're in the real world again. People don't like magic here.

I struggled for another minute before I finally collapsed onto the limb, panting, cursing myself for being such a weakling. And just why can't I use magic? I'm in the middle of a bleeding forest, surrounded by miles of nothing but trees. It's not like anyone would see...

I reached for the next limb. It was well out of reach. May as well. I jumped for it. I fell short, my fingers barely brushing the bark. I quickly tapped into my magic. "Vir!"

Suddenly I flew in the air, too quickly, hitting my shoulders off the limb above me. I started falling towards the ground, my concentration broken, only barely stopping before I hit it, jerking up once more. I forced my magic to level out, my mind to clear.

What the hell? I carefully focused my magic, making myself rise. I shot up too quickly, though didn't hit anything this time. I frowned. I guess my magic gets stronger, the closer home I get....or...maybe...the further from home I get.

I sighed, shaking my head, tired of trying to decide if Eajra or the Prison was my home. I carefully, cautiously, rose to the top of the tree and then above, hovering just above the treetops. I sighed. I still had quite a ways to go.

...No... I got a sudden urge to fly the rest of the distance. It would be soooo much easier...no...well...no one would see me. It's almost night.

I looked around suspiciously before I finally gave in, zooming over the treetops for a long while, until I felt my magic start wavering. Then I carefully landed on a tree and half climbed down it, checking myself with my magic, night being well set in.

And I'm so tired... I found myself a perch in an ancient branch with massive limbs that formed a cozy little cradle. I laid my hand on the edge of the branch and focused all of my remaining energy on it, pulling it up further than it had naturally grown, giving myself a bit more buffer.

After a few moments my arms started trembling, my magic wavering more. F*ck it. If I fall, I fall. I curled into a ball, resting my head on my forearm, a gnawing pain in my stomach. I massaged my belly, silently pleading with it to stop hurting so I could sleep, making soundless promises to feed it soon after I woke.

I closed my eyes, cold, miserable, wishing I was in a soft bed, in Vys's warm arms-- rather than in a dark forest, surrounded by creatures that made strange noises, and a damnable cold that wouldn't leave my limbs.

I was back in the castle. Tim was crying on the bed. I was bleeding in the corner. Father was still getting his pleasure. I forced myself to my feet, wobbling, my head aching and too light-- hard to keep balanced.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

"Shut up, whore."

My bottom lip wobbled as I started towards them. I was a kid again. Father was so big. So strong.

"Stop hurting him!"

Father whirled around, hitting me so hard my vision flashed black, throwing me to the floor once again. I tried several more times, each time getting hit harder and harder, until I was crying nearly as hard as Tim was. Finally, a lifetime later, Father finished and left us both.

I crawled to the bed. "Tim."

"Get away from me!" He sobbed, rolling away from me.

"It's just me, Timmy." I said softly, wiping my face.

"I know! You're awful!"

"I'm...what?" I asked, hurt.

"You're a bad person, Tai." He looked at me accusingly. "You let him hurt me."

"What? No." I felt my lip quivering again. "I tried to stop him."

"You *didn't*, though." He snarled. "You just laid there, watching him hurt me, and you didn't stop it. It's your fault."

"...Is it?"

"Yes." He drew himself up. "Everything Father does to me is your fault. And I hate you."

I stumbled backward, breathing heavily. "I...I didn't mean to. I...I tried."

"Trying isn't good enough, Princess." He said coldly.

I started crying again.

"Come, now, be reasonable." I heard a deep voice behind me. "He won't hate you."

I whirled around and found Vys standing behind me. I suddenly grew to my proper height, and scrubbed at the tears on my face. "...Vys?"

"Indeed." He smiled at me gently.

I frowned, and glanced back at Tim. He was gone. Suddenly we were back in our bedroom. "Was it just a dream?"

"This is a dream, yes."

I was confused.

"I told you before...I can visit dreams. Even those of people who aren't in the Prison." He moved towards me.

"Oh..." I rubbed my face. "So...I'm...not in the Prison?"


"...Am I in Eajra, then?" I glanced behind myself, even though I knew I wouldn't see Tim.

"Not yet. Though I suppose that's where you're heading...?"

I shook my head, frowning. "No...I don't think that's a good idea."

"Sweetheart." Vys pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair. "Your brother doesn't hate you."

"Mhm." I buried my face in his chest, wishing I could smell his soap.

"It would be stupid of him to blame you. It's not like you could beat up a grown man. You were a little girl."

"I can now." I stepped back, still frowning.

"You were a *little* girl." He insisted. "And I'm nearly certain that you're blaming yourself far more than he blames you."

I nodded. Vys leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest."

Day Three

I woke to the sound of a bird chirping over my head loudly. I irritably cracked my eye open a moment, to glare at the bird, before closing them tightly. "Deixar." I muttered under my breath, and listened with satisfaction as the bird was hurtled through the air, far, far away from me.

I sighed, laying lazily for several long minutes. I was covered in sweat, my hair sticking to my forehead, my clothing dampened. I had no idea what time of day it was, but it was already very hot and humid. Eventually, I rolled out of the tree, caught myself with my magic, then began looking for food.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:05 am
Alvarin says...

Zain - Prince of Eajra | Eajra, Castle - Day Three
Spoiler! :
I opened my eyes just to immediately groan and close them again. It was still dark outside, and my whole body was screaming for more sleep. It felt bruised and sore from yesterday. No, I should do it today.. I’m already awake anyway. I needed magic if I was ever going to manage to rule Eajra properly, despite Tim’s interference, that I had figured out years ago, especially when my two sisters already had magic. The there was Megarus. Everyone feared him because of his magic, and I knew no one would ever fear little Timmy unless he had something to back him up - something other than me - and I wasn’t going to let him screw everything up. It’s high time I get some real power.[i/]

I got up, suddenly feeling awkwardly cheery as I got dressed. I had started planning the whole thing a few months ago, as I saw Rea’s hands suddenly disappear as she got some dirt on her. Of course she was terrified of anyone finding out, and that I could use to my advantage. The fact that Tim was too afraid and confused to come out and play only made this even better. It was the first opportunity I had had to put my plans to work. [i]Capture a Kappa, drink some magic water, get magic powers.
I snickered. Then I just had to get my hands on some spellbooks, but that shouldn’t be too hard. I had one already, and it hadn’t been to hard to acquire.

I opened the door to the hallway and looked around, checking for servants, the only ones that would be up this early, but since it was clear I made my way towards Rea’s room. The door was locked, so I knocked, softly at first and then harder as no one opened. Come on.

“Who is-” She jerked the door open, and her eyes widened. “Oh, Tim! What are you doing about at this ungodly time in the morning?”

I frowned. “It’s Zain, and I need your help with something. Get dressed and come with me.” I stopped myself from telling her to hurry, deciding that I should at least try to be nice, but who knew how long Tim was going to sulk. I didn’t want him to take control before I was done.

She drew away. “Where do you need me to go? ...And why do you need my help?”

I grabbed her wrist in a not so gentle manner and glared at her. “Oh, not too far. We’ll take horses. I need your abilities to acquire something. You’ll do a favor for your brother, won’t you, sis?” I smiled, knowing all too well what I was going to threaten her with if she refused.

She tried to jerk away. “I don’t know what ability you’re talking about, and you’re not my brother!”

My smile turned into a smirk as she struggled, and I pulled her closer. “Oh, I know all about your magic, just like I knew about Ataia’s, so you shouldn’t be so rude.. If I get angry, my tongue might slip.” I let her go. “Besides, if you do as I say now you’ll.. You’ll have something to blackmail me with later, meaning that we’ll be on an equal footing.” You’ll have something on me, I’ll have something on you, so neither of us can do anything about it. The little politician would probably like that.

Her eyes narrowed, and she didn’t say anything for a moment. “..Fine. Give me a few minutes to dress.”

After she had closed the door I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the cold stone wall, waiting. I had never been fond of waiting, for anyone, but I doubted that Rea would’ve agreed to go in her nightgown. I could’ve made her. Though I prefered if she came willingly, since it saved me a lot of trouble and time. I wasn’t quite sure what time of day it was, since I couldn’t judge from the sun, and the moon wasn’t showing.. Though that was probably better, since I would need the dark. I snickered. Soon I’ll be as powerful as Megarus, if not more so.

I looked up as Rea finally stepped out of her room, and almost snickered at her attire. That dress will never look the same again. “Are you ready? It shouldn’t take long,” hopefully “so we should be back before breakfast.” She just nodded and followed me as I led the way out of the castle and to the stables. I was constantly checking so that no servants would see us. There wasn’t anyone who wouldn’t think this little excursion seemed weird.

I carefully avoided Salt’s box and instead took the one I had let Demitri borrow a two days earlier. That bastard. I glanced back, spotting Rea at the stable doors, looking too conscious of where she were putting her feet. Getting her up on the horse was going to be a pain, but a necessary one. I brought her an old mare, the one Tim and I had learned how to ride on.

As I held out the rains to her she didn’t look like she wanted to take them. “Get on,” I ordered, “we don’t have all morning. You don’t want anyone up and about when we come back.”

She grimaced. “...It has to be on horseback?”

“No roads where we’re going,” I muttered. “Are you going to be like this for the rest of your life? Get over it already. If you’re going to be a diplomat you at least need to be able to ride a horse.” Try stalling anymore and I might tie you to mine.

“I don’t think I like where we’re going...” she muttered and got on awkwardly, wrinkling her nose. “I’ve never understood why Tim loved these nasty things so much.”

“At least that’s something we can agree on,” I mumbled as I got into the saddle. They were big and strong, ‘noble’ according to some, but even so they were just animals. Then again, Tim was too afraid of people that he’d rather hang out with any type of animal than an actual person. “We’ll be going south,” I said before kicking the sides of the horse and setting off, only half watching so that she would follow. The old mare knew well enough that she was supposed to follow the horse before, so Rea didn’t need to do much.

The forest was a bit trickier to get through than I remembered, but I managed to find all the marks I had left behind the first time I had found the little lake. A little lake with a small and very valuable creature. We rode as far as I dared to go, before I stopped and slid down from the horse. The sun was still down, and the large pale trees looked almost imposing in the dark. Rea froze as soon as she put her first foot on the ground, probably realizing how muddy it was.

“A bit further ahead,” I said in a hushed voice, “there’s a tiny lake. A kappa lives there, and I need you to capture it for me.” I couldn’t quite make our Rea’s expression, so I continued. “I’m going to go to the left side of the lake, and make some noise, while you will go to the right side as silently as you can. When you see it, you need to lift it up. It won’t struggle, since it doesn’t want to tilt its head.” I let my words sink in for a moment. “Do you know what to do? You’ll need your powers, or it’ll see you.”

“Are you crazy? I’m not doing this!”

I grabbed her arm, squeezing it too tight. “Well, it’s either this or the Prison. Your choice,” I hissed, close to her face.

Stiffening, she looked away. “Fine. Whatever you want.”

“Good,” I said with a slight smile that I didn’t even know if she could see, and let her go. “Now do your thing and go invisible.” It was quite amusing that she had that ability. After all, she wanted to be seen, didn’t she? Interact with all kinds of people in all kinds of places. Taking power by talking her way to it.. I almost scoffed. It seemed so weak. Talk yourself to power because you couldn’t take it in a proper way.

“I can’t just.... Turn it on, Zain.” She crossed her arms. “I don’t have control over it.”

I almost hit her, almost, but managed to catch myself in time. Instead I forced myself to to relax my fists. “Is there any other way to make it work?” Last time I had seen it she had gotten some dust on her.. Probably a triggering factor.

“I’m not going to tell you! I didn’t want to be out here in the first place.”

I sighed as she made a move to get back on the horse, and bent down to grab a fistful of mud. It’s your own bloody fault. “Listen, Rea..” I started with faked regret. As she turned towards me again I simply tossed it into her face, snickering a bit as she first froze and then tried to wipe it off. After a second or two her head simply disappeared. “Now, now, you shouldn’t lie to your brother. Take off your clothes, will you?” I said with a sneer. “We don’t want to ruin that pretty dress of yours.”

She gasped. “What? No!” Her hands still wiped at her invisible face.

I shrugged. “If you say so. Stand still, will you?” I said as I threw some more mud at her, this time aiming for her chest and stomach. “I’ll just make sure your whole body is invisible, then we can go catch that kappa.” I felt a strange urge to giggle, but resisted. This was even more fun than I had thought it would be.

She tried to dodge, breath coming fast. “Stop! Zain, please!”

“Trust me, the quicker we get this over with, the better.” I grabbed her shoulder with one hand, smearing mud over her back with the other, ignoring her pleas. Soon enough I couldn’t see her at all. “There now.. It wasn’t so bad, right?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “Now all you have to do is catch that kappa for me, and I’ll let you return to the castle with me.” I squeezed her shoulder tighter.

“Ow! Fine! Just let me go.”

“Don’t disappoint me, little sister,” I warned her before letting go and heading for the left side of the lake. I had no way of checking if she was actually doing as I had told her, but she knew what would happen if she didn’t, and I doubted she’d test me. If this didn’t work I’d have to work out a new plan.. Or just try this one again, ‘cause it was rather fun to see her squirm.

I didn’t bother trying to hide any noises I made as I walked. I needed to scare that thing to the other side of the lake, where Rea would be waiting. Hopefully she’d be able to lift it straight up, before it had any time to struggle, or it might kill her. Probably should’ve warned her about that. Though I doubted she’d agree if she knew she could die.

I kept walking back and forth on the right side, waiting for something to happen. I didn’t know what I was expecting, since I wasn’t even sure that a kappa made any sound. If I suddenly got grabbed by an invisible mud-lady I’d freak out, but from the other side of the lake there wasn’t a single sound. If she left I’ll hurt her. Useful to me or not, I didn’t like wasting my time.

Eventually I got tired, and annoyed, so I headed back to the horses. I was met by a flying kappa. A green little monkey with a turtle shell and duck beak. The description from the book I had read wasn’t far off. It was deathly still, apparentöy trying not to spill the precious water it carried in the dent on the top of its head. I smiled, an honest and happy smile for the first time today.

“Well done,” I mumbled as I grabbed the thing’s beak, pulling it down and catching the water with my mouth. I was almost shaking from excitement. All I had ever wanted was power, and now I was finally going to get it, in its purest form. When I had drunk the last drop of water the kappa went limp, dead as a rock. I felt strange.. Or rather, I expected to feel strange or powerful, but I felt exactly the same.

Rea almost immediately let it fall to the ground. “Are we done now?”

I looked up, hoping that I was looking at her face, but it was hard to tell, since I couldn’t see it. “Yes,” I said with a sudden laugh, one I couldn’t contain. “Yes, we’re done. Lets go back, sister dear.”


On the way back to my room I passed the door to the room Marius was staying in. I wanted to go back and try some spells from that spellbook, but I couldn’t resist peeking inside when I noticed that the door wasn’t even locked. He had his back turned to me, sitting by the desk writing. Telling big brother about me, huh? I couldn’t really let him tell anyone, not that I could do much about it.. I should at least know what and who he’s telling.

If he noticed me walking up he didn’t show it, and when he closed his eyes and leaned back I picked up one of the letters, reading it. It was indeed addressed to Megarus.

"Asking wouldn't hurt, you know." I glared down at him where he sat before putting the letter back on the table. I wanted to read the others as well, and I had half a mind to do it as well, but something told me that I shouldn’t. Marius had, after all, won that sparring match of ours.

"It's not like you'd tell me the truth anyway," I said with a sigh, still glaring at him. I didn’t like politicians, never had and never would. They were even more unreliable than the average idiot, and that said a lot. It wasn’t that I couldn’t act and lie, ‘cause I had gotten plenty of practice doing that, but if I screwed up with a politician the consequences would be far worse than with any other person.

"You can't know unless you ask, can you?" Bullshit. You wouldn’t tell me anything. "Well, now you've read it, are you satisfied?"

I frowned. I wasn’t even close to satisfied, but I was curious about one thing that I had read in that letter. "You mentioned two young guests?"

"That would be your sister and yourself," he said with a nod.

I get to leave the castle? Even go to another country? I wondered if he had really cleared that with my mother, I doubted it. She didn’t even want me going out to the courtyard. “What was that about ‘asking wouldn’t hurt’?” I said, showing a smile. He probably had some hidden motive, but I couldn’t help feeling slightly thankful, which I shouldn’t, since he would undoubtedly try to use it against me.

"I did ask." He gestured towards a chair, but I ignored him, I liked towering over people, more so than I did normally. "I asked your mother, and she agreed it would be an experience worth having."

Wait, what? I stared at him, not quite believing him, but not really wanting to call him a liar either. “My mother agreed to let me go outside the castle walls? ..With you?” Had he told her that he knew about me? He must’ve, or she wouldn’t let me go.. Actually, I found it hard to believe that she’d let me go even if Marius had told her. He probably thinks it’ll be easy. I almost snickered. He could probably deal with a troublesome kid, but a powerful one, with magic? I didn’t think so.

"I come across as quite a reliable person, you know." You probably come of as whatever you want, whenever you want. "Of course, it's understandable to be a bit scared of the wide world when you're spending your life trapped inside."

I almost choked. Say that again, will you? Say it again and I’ll turn you to charcoal. Somehow I managed to calm myself. I shouldn’t try to use any magic until I was alone in my room. He already had too much leverage on me. “She hates me, and she’s afraid I’ll spoil little Timmy’s reputation, so she doesn’t usually want me outside the castle walls. I’m just surprised she trusts you enough.” I shrugged, trying not to glare, but probably failing. “But then again, you’re known for being good with people, so I suppose I can understand her.”

"I'm aware of her concerns - and as much as I saw, one can't say they're without grounds..” Come again? “However, I asked to take you with me, and I trust you'll make sure not to spoil prince Tim's reputation..not if you don't want everyone to know of you, that is."

Stop pushing it. “Why would I ruin his reputation, if it also meant ruining my own?” If anything, I’d improve his reputation. If they knew anything at all about him, it was that he was a stuttering idiot, afraid of other people as others might be afraid of roaring dragons. Pathetic and helpless. How could I possibly make that worse? “And that was a very fancy little threat. I suppose that’s why they call you a diplomat?”

"It wasn't a threat, it was a fact." Sure it was. "If you acted like he'd never act, people would notice, regardless of their position." His eyes narrowed, and I found myself glaring back at him. "I could, and will, tell them about you if I judge it necessary, and at that point it will be irrelevant what you do to get me to change my mind."

I stopped myself from slamming my fist into his desk, and sighed instead, feeling as if I was actually letting out steam, calming down as I did so. “Do you take me for an idiot? Pretending to be Tim is, sadly, what I do best.” I smiled, as much as I managed to force myself to. “But with you I don’t really have to act now, do I?” I hated to admit it, but it was kind of a relief. I could act like myself for once, and he didn’t hate me for it.. Not so that I could tell, anyway.

"I don't, and I disagree - when you pretended to be Tim, I figured it out, have I not? You should give yourself a bit more credit."

“Well, that’s because I didn’t want to lose..” And I’m not going to lose, ever again. Not with magic on my side. “Unless someone forces Tim to pick up a sword, that won’t be a problem.”

"That means, it will be him who will go to Merillial, and not you?"

“I’ll be acting like him, yes, and I suppose he’ll take over soon enough.” Depends on how upset he really is about Demitri.. That bastard. I frowned. “Meaning I won’t get to have a decent conversation during the whole wedding.”

"Prince Timothy's personality isn't that famous outside of Eajra's borders. You can have decent conversations, you just need to pick the moment and the person carefully enough."

“Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t think of that befo..” Hold on a minute. I frowned, my smile slipping from me. Idiot. What are you thinking? As if it would be that easy. “No, that won’t work. What if Tim comes back in the middle of it? Then I’ll.. We’ll suddenly not be able to talk at all. He doesn’t always give me much of a warning.”

"Perhaps then you should let the other person know. Or be sure to have this conversation somewhere where he'd leave you alone." I’d have to walk around with a sword in my hand, in a big crowd, then.

I frowned. Was he now trying to convince me to make a mistake, to show people I existed? Why didn’t he get it? I couldn’t possibly trust anyone with my secret. You found out yesterday, and you’re already using it as a threat. “I can’t tell anyone.. No, I’ll just have to play the insufferable little-” I shut my mouth before I could curse, glaring at the wall rather than at Marius. It would be nice to be able to talk normally to more people and not just him, and getting the fact that I couldnät possibly do that thrown in my face over and over again was starting to make me seriously annoyed. “He hasn’t come out since yesterday, so hopefully I’ll have some more time before he takes over again.”

"Can't you..? Why not?" Why the hell do you think? "If I were you.." Oh, no, don’t you dare. If he hadn’t stopped himself I would’ve made him shut up. I didn’t want him to tell me what to do. Advice was one thing, but trying to make it seem like he knew what I had to handle every day?

“People here can’t accept a king with magic, what would make you think they’d accept one who’s mentally disturbed?” I could hear my voice getting louder and louder, and I didn’t want to say that last thing.. I didn’t even think of myself that way. Well, it was obvious that something was wrong with Tim, but we weren’t nutcases. Great, now I’m starting to think of myself like everyone else does. The anger disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"I'm not talking about people here." So he thought that people in other places would be different? They are all the same. "And you're not a king just yet."

“If people know somewhere else it’ll spread to here as well,” I said, glaring at him again. If he said anything to anyone, it was just a question of time before it spread. If people find out, I’d lose my throne. “And I will be a king soon enough.”

"You seem to be in a lot of hurry. Being a prince is much easier than being a king, you know." Tell that to 6 year old Tim. He didn’t think it was so bloody easy to be prince. "And believe it or not, there are trustworthy people out there."

“I am in a hurry,” I growled. “I’m tired of being stuck in a castle all the time.. And even more tired of being stuck at the back of someone’s mind..” I almost wanted to ask him were those mysterious trustworthy people were, but I didn’t. I doubted he’d be able to answer. “I’ve only ever met one person I’d call trustworthy, and that’s Tim, but the only reason I think that of him is because he’s a weak idiot. I’ve never met anyone somewhat intelligent that I could trust with anything.. And I don’t suppose you’re gonna go and say that you’re some rare exceptions, ‘cause I won’t believe that for a second.” It would be hilarious if Marius tried to make himself out as someone worthy of my trust, right after threatening to expose me.

"You will become a king, unless your sister happens to return from the Prison, as your mother dies - you shouldn't be waiting with excitement for that to happen. Have you tried talking to her? Or, for that matter, have you tried talking to Tim?"

I almost scoffed. I had gotten rid of my sister once, and I could do it again. “She has magic, so I can just send her back there is she ever get out,” I said with a shrug, watching his reaction. Someone else might’ve looked appalled, but he didn’t even blink. Would you get rid of your brother if you could? “And yes, actually, I did try to talk to her. She made the knights lock me into a cell. Great fun, especially for Tim, who was the one who had to sit there the whole night,” crying, shaking and pleading, even apologizing for something that he hadn’t even done. All that just to try to punish me. Why couldn’t she just admit that I was as much her son as Tim was? “And no, I’ve never tried to talk to Tim. I’m his worst nightmare, so why would he want to? To him I’m just some evil demon possessing his body from time to time.” And just like everyone else, he hated me and wanted me to disappear. I noticed a bit too late that I had lost my posture, standing like a sack of potatoes, just like Tim always did. I straightened my back and squared my shoulders, glaring at him again.

"Whether you like it or not, you do share quite a few things." We’re nothing alike, so don’t even try. "It's ridiculous that neither of you can make proper bonds with people around you, I'm pretty sure you both get that."

The anger came back again, as suddenly as the first time, and I just barely managed to control myself. Proper bonds. My thoughts immediately darted towards Demitri. that was about as proper as it got, but I had liked it.. Until that idiot had to go and realize what was going on. “You don’t know anything about me, or any bonds that I have.” Tim and I were nothing alike.. If that meant that everyone hated me, then so be it, but we were not the same, and Marius suggestion that it wasn’t so made me much angrier than it should’ve.

"Don't I? Perhaps you're not as hard to read as you'd like to be."

“Perhaps you don’t know as much as you think you do.” I tied my fists, wanting to break his nose, but I knew I shouldn’t. Instead I turned towards the door. “The breakfast will be served soon, and I don’t want to do anything stupid, so I suggest we go there, now.” Though I’d rather go back to my room.

He hurried past me. "If you keep seeing everyone as enemies, you'll miss your chances to make anything else,"he said as he opened the door. You don’t know me. "Also, prince Tim should be informed of the fact he's leaving, before he wakes up in Merillial all of the sudden..and be ready till the morning, we're leaving quite early."

I snickered, trying to imagine Tim’s panic as he suddenly found himself in a different kingdom, with only his sister there to confide in. “That would be rather amusing though.. And I don’t know when he’ll be coming out again. He’s busy feeling sorry for himself at the moment.”

“Oh? What happened?” he asked as I went through the door.

I glared at him, again. He looked innocent enough, but that was supposed to be his job. Lying and deceiving. “None of you business.” I raised an eyebrow as he made no move to follow me towards the dining hall. “Aren’t you coming?”

He locked the door before turning to me. “I’d rather not have anyone else read my letters.” I frowned. “I take it we could discuss some details of our trip during breakfast, yes?”

“Yes, we could.” If I haven’t punched you by then, that is.

We walked together to the dining hall, and I tried to decide whether I should please my mother and act like Tim, or if it would be more fun to let her sit there and frown. She couldn’t have me thrown in a cell with Marius there, could she?

"Seeing you're here anyway, you could try being yourself now and see how that goes."

I looked at him suspiciously, but as usual he was hard to read. “Suppose I could.. Do convince my mother to free me from that cell if it comes to that, will you?” I put a hand on the doors, not quite waiting for an answer, but giving him enough time to answer before I opened, just in case.

"Trust me, my Prince, it won't get to that."

I shrugged before opening the door and entering. Rea was already there, and I tossed her a quick smile. She looked like she wanted to strangle me, and that only widened my smile. “Mother,” I said with a slight nod towards here. Her lips were pursed to a thin line. What a wonderful family.

I sat down at my ordinary seat, waiting for Marius to greet them and sit down as well. An awkward silence settled, until Marius decided to start talking. "I will be meeting with our entourage for the trip tomorrow.” I took a bread roll from one of the plates and buttered it absentmindedly as I listened to them. "If there's anything either of you require," he looked to me and Rea, "do tell."

"...We’ll be riding in a carriage… Right?” Would the princess like the carriages to be cleaned before we leave as well? I couldn’t help but laugh, her fear of dirt was as ridiculous as Tim’s fear of strangers. Mother was, of course, glaring at me, so I bit down on my tongue in an attempt to stop. I didn’t want to waste whatever time I had left stuck in a cell.

"A carriage, yes. Trusted drivers, trusted horses, trusted soldiers to follow." Like anyone could be trusted, but those words were enough to soothe my mother, at least. I took a bite of my bread to hide a smile. Soon enough I wouldn’t have to bring soldiers with me. I just had to memorize some spells. "We'll travel fast, and reach Merillial in a day's time. I have sent out letters to prepare everything for our - mostly your - arrival."

“I suppose most of the other royals are invited?” I asked, my thoughts suddenly darting towards Demitri. If he was going to the wedding, he’d have to see me whether he wanted to or not.

"Most likely. I highly doubt we'll be seeing some of them, though.. Your friend Prince Demitri might be there, however." I took another bite, trying not to grin. I liked him far more than I should, and the fact that he now made Tim miserable only made it better. Hopefully Demi would become like a sword, holding Tim back and letting me do what I wanted.

"Speaking of Prince Demitri, I received a letter earlier." What now? He should be apologizing for suddenly leaving yesterday. "The sovereigns of Tallantera are suggesting an alliance between our kingdoms, and seeing the bond that Barqarnon and Merillial is about to form, I think it's an excellent idea." I stared at my bread, not quite understanding at first. An alliance, that was good right? But why is she comparing it to.. Marius was looking between me and Rea, as if he was expecting some kind of reaction, somehow he reminded me of a hyena..

I let the bread go, feeling the blood drain from my head as the world suddenly took a spin. No. It wasn’t possible. Demitri couldn’t possibly agree to that. He loved Tim, but he’d stay with me hoping that Tim would eventually feel the same way about him.. Wouldn’t he? The table suddenly creaked, and I realized I had been grabbing the edge too hard. I needed to get away from them, I couldn’t breathe. Without saying anything I got up and staggered out of the room, not even caring to close the doors as I made my way to my room. This isn’t possible.

When I came to my room my hands automatically went under the mattress, and I picked out the old book I had found, with all kinds of spells. The solution was simple enough. I’d just make Demitri do whatever I wanted with a spell, and if he couldn’t convince his parents to call it off, I’d kill Rea.. Or expose her secret. No one would even know. That way I could have Demitri all to myself. I hadn’t found a spell that could help me control Tim, but I was sure that I’d eventually find one. I can fix everything with this. Everything will be like before, if not even better.

I kept turning the pages, faster and faster, until I found what I was looking for. A simple spell, just to try out my magic. Make a pillow float, then I could move on to some more complicated spells. I was feeling strangely numb as I said the words written on the pages, focusing on the pillow like it was the only thing that existed. It didn’t move the first time, nor the second, or the third. I kept trying anyway, shaking more and more each time, until my knees budged and I fell to the floor. Why was I shaking? I didn’t get it, and the more I tried to stop the more I did it, until I couldn’t even breathe properly, so I had to gasp for air. Tim turned him down, so now he doesn’t even see a point in trying to pretend that he likes me?

I grabbed the leg of a chair, just to have something to hold on to, squeezing it until it shattered in my hands. It made me feel a bit better, letting me breathe again. As I looked at the broken leg I felt myself get angry, and it was far better than whatever it was that had been eating me before. And this strength, even though it wasn’t nearly as good as the magic I had been expecting, was more than enough to scare people into submissiveness. More than enough to snap my sister’s neck. When I was done with the chair it was nothing more than a pile of splinters, and I moved on to one of the pokers by the fireplace.
Last edited by Alvarin on Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:05 am
megsug says...

Rea - Eajra - Day Two
Spoiler! :
"Have you ever been outside of Eajra's borders?" he asked.

I blinked at the unexpected question. "No, never."

"Would you like to?"

I didn't want to assume what I dearly wanted and look like an idiot, so I took the safe way. "I suppose visiting as many places possible should be in my interest, yes."

"Well then, would you like to attend the wedding?"

I could barely believe what I was hearing and didn't quite understand how or why it was happening.

"As Lierre's uncle, and my brother's advisor, I will be there, but I'm allowed to bring guests. I thought it might be an..insightful experience."

I couldn't help but grin and whispered excitedly, “Really?”

"Really. We'd have to leave tomorrow morning, though, seeing I'd like to get there a few days prior to the event."

I would leave in an hour if he asked me to.

"And I would like to take your brother along as well."

That was hardly a bad thing. How could I complain when faced with such an opportunity? “Oh! That’s fine of course!” I cried, unable to calm myself down enough to keep my hands still, “This might be good for Tim, and...” I stopped. I had almost brought up my own little issue. I hoped that a change of scenery would help, but sharing this wasn't safe at all. "This might be good for Tim," I covered lamely, hoping Marius would go take pity on me.

He smiled, and I had a sinking feeling he wouldn't let it go. "...And?"

"Ah..." My eyes flickered to the table, to the papers I desperately wanted to straighten, to the curtains, a little crooked. I couldn't think of anything. "I... think I could... could... learn more away from home too." I tried to meet his gaze, but I couldn't quite keep my eyes still.

He didn't look very convinced but replied slowly, "...Right. Learning experience away from one's home is very important indeed."

I tried not to look relieved. "Yes..." There were two trinkets on the table. They were right in front of me, and one was just in front of the other. Was this man trying to keep his rooms out of order? I moved one back just a bit and was barely able to muffle a gasp when I brought my fingers back sticky. Something must have been spilled on them or... And there was that darned tingling. By now, I was too familiar with this and knew what would follow.

"Is everything alright, Princess?" he asked, sounding truly concerned.

I jerked my head up, ripping my gaze from my fingers. "Ah... Yes, yes, of course!" I looked around desperately for a clock and, not being able to find one, just stood. "My! How the time has flown!" I squeezed the first two fingers with my other hand. "I... um... Pack! I have to prepare for the journey tomorrow..."

"What do you think I'd do if I found out what you're hiding?"

I forced a laugh, knowing I could just flee but finding myself unable to do so. Perhaps because it was too suspicious or maybe I was hoping he could help. "What do I have to hide, Lord Marius?" I tightened my grip as the tingling intensified and laughed again. "I wish I was so interesting."

"I can think of only one thing which would make a lady from Eajra lose herself like this." His voice was quiet as if he realized what this would mean if anyone found out.

I felt tears prick at my eyes, and words spilled out before I could think of their consequencess. "They sent Taia away," I managed, "I don't want to go... be sent away."

He stood slowly, looking at me as if I would bolt any minute. I felt like I would bolt any minute. "I come from a land in which magic is not a crime, Princess. Your secrets are safe with me."

I swallowed and slowly loosened my fingers, showing him where my fingers used to be. "I can't control it. Soon it will spread to the other fingers."

He took a step forward and then another, reaching out to touch my fingers. "Magic is more often than not triggered by emotions. Perhaps you should just try to calm yourself down."

I tried taking a few deep breaths. "Um... Can I wash my hands? A basin of hot water would do."

"Of course. Just through that door, to the left."

I nodded, giving him a trembling smile. "Thank you." I hurried to the room he had pointed out and washed my hands, scrubbing until the fingers I could see were red and stinging. I returned to find him sitting again. Though my fingers were still invisible, they weren't tingling anymore. I sat down, looking down at my hands.

"How long has this been going on?" he asked softly.

"Um... A few days. The first..." I smiled wryly. "The first attack was the day you came."

He nodded. "I didn't think you'd known for long. I was only four when I discoverd what I could do, but I could see how it could be a shock at such a late age."

I sniffled a bit to my shame. I liked to think I had more control. "What can you do?"

He was quiet, studying my face for a long moment. "I manipulate emotions... on the rare occasions when I want to do it."

I blinked, trying to think of something to say. "...Oh my. You haven't...?"

"No. It hasn't been useful to manipulate your emotions. I can only do so when I maintain eye contact anyways, and your eyes flicker like a hyperactive bird. For future notice, that does not make people want to trust what you say."

"I bet that's useful," I murmured, flexing my hand experimentally.

He smirked. "Magic often is."

"I... don't know how to control this. I know... the trigger, and I know how to stop it from spreading, but it just has to wear off on its own."

"Have you tried deliberately spreading it? Perhaps you could become completely invisible."

I scoffed. "I've been so terrified, I've focused on getting away from people and not getting found out. I've just been trying to get rid of it."

He shook his head, laughing a bit. "Suppressing one's magic is possible... doable, but I don't recommend it. It's a part of you, and pretending it's not there will hardly bring you much good."

I sighed heavily. "Ignoring it truly does nothing." I stared at my hand. Maybe I could control it...

"You said you'd identified what causes this?"

I looked up, strangely pleased with myself. My fingers had started tinglingly again, seemingly at my command. "Yes. I..." I tried to make myself focus on his eyes, prove that I wasn't afraid, but I settled for a spot on his forehead. I licked my lips, trying to find the words. I'd never told anyone about my aversion to dirtiness before. "When I... get dirty, my skin will start tingling."

"Then I take it it's rather important for you to get control of it - as much as we'd like to, we don't always tend to keep clean and welcomed with rooms and servants as we visit other kingdoms."

I grimaced. "I've been trying to overcome it. This... magic thing slowed it down though. I mean, I walked to town yesterday. You don't understand how big of a breakthrough that is or how long I couldn't see my feet."

Marius was quiet for a long time, and I fidgeted, far too stressed to focus on being still. "Why not speak to your mother about this?"

I licked my lips nervously. "She couldn't do anything to help Taia. I'd rather not worry her at all."

"Yes, but your father was in control when Princess Ataia was exiled."

"I just..." I frowned and shrugged jerkily, defensively I guess. "I'm scared, and I don't..." I sighed heavily and ran my fingers through my hair, looking at my hair through my fingers. "I'm not sure what to expect. I love my mother, and she loves me, but... It's law. A law I've grown up with, and I only questioned it once eight years ago, and now I..." I laughed suddenly, not really sure what I was laughing at. "Is this making any sense at all? I'd forgotten that I could ramble like this."

He gave me a small smile, different from the 'how intriguing smile' or the 'you can't stop now smile.' He seemed to be trying to make me feel better, and he did, a bit. "You probably should be afraid of the Prison... but Mina is the Queen. You might find protection if you tell her. It would definitely be safer than someone else finding out."

I blinked. I hadn't thought of it that way. "I could go talk to Mom now." I frowned when I said Mom. ...Had he called her Mina? He insisted on calling me Princess Rea, but he would call my mother, the Queen, Mina? I looked up, smiling a bit in an attempt to hide my confusion. "Perhaps I should have thought this out a bit more before panicking." I stood. "Now. If you'll excuse me, I have a conversation to hold."

Marius was standing now too. "Have a good evening, Princess Rea."

I grinned back at him. "Maybe... we can talk again sometime?"

"I would enjoy that, Princess."

I nodded, opening the door as I looked back, and ran into someone. I looked up. "Oh! I'm- Tim!" My eyes widened at his bruised face, and I searched his eyes. We both knew what was always going through the back of mind, so I didn't hide it as well as I could have. I wanted Zain to know I was looking for him if it was him anyways. I waved my hand nervously when I couldn't quite tell either way, only to clench it when I realized it was the partially invisible one. "Are you here to talk to Lord Marius?"

He raised an eyebrow, eyes narrowing as I hid my hand in my skirts. "Who else?

My heart sank as I realized Tim was locked inside. I always imagined him banging on an invisible wall, trying to get out. Ducking my head, I kept going. I didn't want to talk to him anymore, and he wasn't worth trying to be diplomatic with.

I took a few steps toward Mother's door but decided against it, wringing my hands nervously as I head toward my rooms.


Day Three
I was dreaming of taking tea with another noble. I wasn't sure who it was, or what country she was from, but we were having a language problem. Whenever her mouth would open a strange knocking sound would come out of it instead of words. I started out of my dream, looking around blearily. I was about to return to my pillow when the knocking began again, louder. I flung of my pillows muttering to myself. “Who is-” I jerked my door open and stopped myself when I saw the face of my brother looking back at me. I hoped it was my brother anyways. “Oh, Tim! What are you doing about at this ungodly time in the morning?”

“It’s Zain." My heart sank then "And I need your help with something. Get dressed and come with me.”

I backed away from him, closing the door a little more. “Where do you need me to go? ...And why do you need my help?”

I winced as he grabbed my wrist and glared at him. “Oh, not too far. We’ll take horses. I need your abilities to acquire something. You’ll do a favor for your brother, won’t you, sis?” I hated his smirk as a cold fear grabbed me. He didn't know. He couldn't know.

“I don’t know what ability you’re talking about, and you’re not my brother!”

He pulled me closer even as I tried to jerk away. “Oh, I know all about your magic, just like I knew about Ataia’s, so you shouldn’t be so rude.. If I get angry, my tongue might slip.” I stumbled back as he let me go. “Besides, if you do as I say now you’ll.. You’ll have something to blackmail me with later, meaning that we’ll be on an equal footing.”

If Zain really did know my problem- and I believed him- I needed something to even the scale. I sighed. I didn't see anyway I could say no. “..Fine. Give me a few minutes to dress.”

I hurried as fast as I could without any maids to help me, but at the same time I liked making Zain wait. Of course, if I made him wait too long, I wouldn't put it past him to drag me out half dressed to God knows where.

I wondered where we were going, what he could want at whatever time it might be. I knew it was a time for peasants and animals, if even that.

I swept out of the room and frowned at his smirk. What was that for?

“Are you ready? It shouldn’t take long, so we should be back before breakfast.”

I nodded and followed him, tension growing as he led me outside. He wasn't going to ask me do anything gross, was he? I looked up from the ground, even though I was worried about getting something on my shoes, and frowned at where we were going.

The stables.

If he was going to make me ride a horse...

The b*st*rd wanted me to ride a horse.

I stared at the reins he offered and frowned at him when he ordered, “Get on. We don’t have all morning. You don’t want anyone up and about when we come back.”

I tried to think of a way to refuse and finally asked, if a bit pathetically, “...It has to be on horseback?”

“No roads where we’re going.Are you going to be like this for the rest of your life? Get over it already. If you’re going to be a diplomat you at least need to be able to ride a horse.”

I stiffened. No roads? And who did he think he was? Telling me what I would need.

“I don’t think I like where we’re going...” I muttered and complied, partially to prove that I could. It smelled funny, and I hated the way it felt under me. “I’ve never understood why Tim loved these nasty things so much.”

“At least that’s something we can agree on." That we agreed on it, made me want to love the disgusting animal. “We’ll be going south." He started forward, and I didn't even have to do anything to make it go, just keep my balance.

After what seemed like forever, he finally stopped, and the mare stopped beside him. I took his cue and got of the horse, biting off a squeak as my foot squelched in mud. I tried to control my breathing, and he started whispering at me.

“A bit further ahead, there’s a tiny lake. A kappa lives there, and I need you to capture it for me.”

My eyes widened. He couldn't be serious? Catch an animal? A live animal?

“I’m going to go to the left side of the lake, and make some noise, while you will go to the right side as silently as you can. When you see it, you need to lift it up. It won’t struggle, since it doesn’t want to tilt its head. Do you know what to do? You’ll need your powers, or it’ll see you.”

I took a step to the horse. “Are you crazy? I’m not doing this!”

He grabbed my arm, bruising it for sure. “Well, it’s either this or the Prison. Your choice," he hissed, far too close to my face for comfort.

I looked away from the shadows that were his face. “Fine. Whatever you want.”

“Good. Now do your thing and go invisible.”

I sneered at him, wanting to make it hard just to make it hard. Glad for once, that I didn't have control. “I can’t just.... Turn it on, Zain.” I crossed my arms. “I don’t have control over it.”

“Is there any other way to make it work?”

I scoffed. He thought I was stupid! “I’m not going to tell you! I didn’t want to be out here in the first place.” I whirled around and started toward the horse.

“Listen, Rea..” It sounded like he was going to apologize, and I was going to make him do it while looking me in the face. I turned around slowly, smug smile already on my lips, and got a faceful of mud.

I sputtered, revulsion thrumming through me, and I tried to wipe it off without getting too much on my hands. The tingling crawled over me face, and I took wheezing gasps.

“Now, now, you shouldn’t lie to your brother. Take off your clothes, will you? We don’t want to ruin that pretty dress of yours.”

Shock burst through the panic. “What? No!" I still tried to wipe off the mud, even though I was fairly sure he couldn't see my head anymore.

“If you say so. Stand still, will you?”

I squealed as each handful hit me, spattering.

“I’ll just make sure your whole body is invisible, then we can go catch that kappa.”

I was begging now, forgetting pride. “Stop! Zain, please!”

“Trust me, the quicker we get this over with, the better.” He smeared mud over my back. I looked down at myself and could only see the ground below. “There now.. It wasn’t so bad, right? Now all you have to do is catch that kappa for me, and I’ll let you return to the castle with me.”

I squirmed under his painful graps, surrendering now that it was all done. “Ow! Fine! Just let me go.”

“Don’t disappoint me, little sister,” he warned and left me.

For a minute, I watched him, listening to him make a bunch of noise, and entertained the thoughts of attacking him. Of course, I wouldn't have the strength to actually do anything to him, and I remembered practically offhandedly, that Tim was still in there somewhere, and I didn't want to hurt Tim. I looked back at the horse, but eventually I just headed towards the lake. Zain knew things about me that could really hurt me.

I tripped once. It's harder to walk than you would think when you can't see where your feet are going, but I got the hang of it pretty quick. I lurked by the edges of the lake, studying the dark waters. I was getting kind of fed up, writing Zain off as completely insane, when I saw it. It was looking over its shoulder towards the other side of the lake. I crept toward it, holding my breath, and grabbed it. Instead of struggling, like I thought it would, it stiffened up. I hurried back, remembering what Zain had said before I did something brash and spilled the water.

I practically ran into Zain, and after staring at the kappa, smiled. It was a little unnerving. He actually looked happy. I didn't know that was possible.

“Well done.” He drank the water the kappa had in the dent in the top of its head

I almost immediately let it fall to the ground. “Are we done now?”

“Yes,” he laughed. The laugh made me more nervous than the smile. “Yes, we’re done. Lets go back, sister dear.”


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Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:07 am
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crossroads says...

Aqui Van Aldarean
Queen of Scarthia | Eajra
Day 2

Spoiler! :
I watched as the sky turned lighter, soft pinks and blues slowly pushing the black and dark blue away and drawing sharp silhouettes of the buildings and trees. I wasn't scared, but there was some feeling gripping my heart, something constantly prodding my mind. What if Yetch wasn't lying? I shook my head. He'd lied to me before, he'd lied to everyone - playing with my emotions and seeing my reactions was always fun for him, so why would this time be any different?
I slid from my seat by the window, turning to the room again, and slowly walked over to my guide, sleeping on the floor. I suppressed a smile, feeling somewhat guilty - perhaps I should've told him he could take the bed, when I didn't really end up needing sleep to feel full of energy - but then again, he didn't seem to mind. When I came back from my trip downtown, after I was no longer hungry, he was sleeping like a baby.
I crouched down next to him, carefully placing my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, wake up."
He rolled over and grabbed my hand, a dagger suddenly at my throat. His eyes fixed on my face and he let go.
"Gods, little Lady. Don't wake me up like that. What time is it?"
"The sun just came up." I frowned slightly at the dagger. "You're a bit paranoid, aren't you?"
"The sun ju-" He groaned. "Let me sleep. Wake me up in the afternoon."
I stopped myself before rolling my eyes at him. "We said we're leaving in the morning. You can sleep once we get there."
"I'm nocturnal. Morning is evil for people in my craft, little Lady." There was something slightly different about him, his hair seemed lighter maybe, his eyes a slightly different colour.
"I was fine with leaving last night, it was you who insisted on waiting till today," I wondered if the sun was to blame for the change in his appearance. I was fairly sure I looked a bit different in the morning's light as well. "You just have to travel now, no one asked for you to do your craft."
"And that'll be frustrating. I actually like my craft." He reluctantly pushed away his covers and got up, stretching.
You like killing random people in the street? "Why?"
He looked me in the eyes and they were the same as the night before. I didn't imagine it before..did I? He raised his eyebrows. "Do you really want to know, little Lady?"
No, not really. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know."
"Don't you find there something interesting in people's fear? Their sudden realisation that they're going to die, and that they can't do a thing about it?" There was a strange light in his eyes, an avid longing.
I thought back to the nurse and the other woman from the Prison. The way they looked at us before Yetch's flames touched their skin, the way their eyes looked. I didn't do anything then, anything but standing and observing - but I was interested in seeing the fire and what it can do to them, not in seeing their realization of near death and the moment of dying.. wasn't I?
I glared at the dagger - it was somewhat simpler than meeting his eyes, for some reason - and slowly nodded.
"There are different kinds of fear. If you just kill them, then you can't observe anything but one of those."
"I know. I just prefer this one, little Lady." He smiled, running his fingers along the edge of his dagger, licking off the blood that welled up from the small cut. "Shall we go then?"
I nodded, chewing on my lip as I observed him. It was strange, almost like talking to an another prisoner. Was the world outside of the Prison not so very different at all? Were the people just as bad..or are the prisoners not nearly as bad as they say they are?
"Yes..how fast do you think we can get there?" I wondered how he was even planning to travel.
"Not too long. It's just the next kingdom along." He tugged down his rumbled tunic. "I wouldn't be able to say for sure though. I've never been there before."
"..why not?" I couldn't imagine not visiting my home kingdom - if I could, nothing would've stopped me years ago from doing what I was doing now. "Were you never curious?"
"No. I was far more occupated with getting away from the law and finding jobs. I never had any problems getting away from the law though." He frowned, and I felt a smile creep on my face along with my curiosity growing.
"How did you manage that? Not getting caught, even back when you first started..?" Not being sent to the Prison. His face suddenly became unreadable. You won't find out, Aq.
"Trade secret." He said curtly, sliding his dagger into a sheath I hadn't noticed before. "Let's go."
"Hm." I shrugged, biting my tongue not to ask more questions. I was curious - he was the first person, not counting that man who brought Yetch and me to Eajra, whom I met in the world outside of the Prison. I wondered if he'd let down his guard once we left the city. I somehow doubted it - but after all, once we got to Scarthia and he saw what I was talking about, I should be able to order for my questions to be answered..though I hoped it wouldn't come to that. Are queens allowed to have friends?
I followed him outside, observing the rare people around as he led me behind the inn. There were stables there, with just a few horses - probably belonging to the people sleeping in the other rooms of the inn - and a man more sleeping than watching over them from a stool by the door. Akim went over and kicked the stool out from underneath him. He started awake as he hit the floor. The guide bent over him.
"Hello, John. Was your nap nice?" The man gulped but didn't reply. I turned my back to them and walked up to the horses instead, letting myself get lost in thoughts again.
It never occured to me before, but what if I really had no right to call myself a Queen? What if, because of my family being separated years ago, there's someone else on the throne now, and I bring new battles instead of new hope to my kingdom?
You're going home, I told myself, shoving those thoughts away. I was the last of my family from the Prispn - even if I couldn't get the crown, I would finally be where I belonged.
"Little Lady." The guide's voice cut my thoughts. "Stay with Leshka," he gestured to a horse a few stalls down, "and make sure this idiot doesn't touch her except to saddle her. Please." The last word was added on like an after-thought, and I could tell that it was almost an order.
I frowned at him as he turned back to the inn, but then followed the man - John - as he approached the horse. She was beautiful, really - even though I never knew much about horses - and I smiled at her as John did the saddling.
"Hello," I muttered, reaching to stroke the white star on her forehead, standing out against her black coat. She nickered and nudged at my hand, making John stop.
"She ne'er done that wi' anyone bu' Mr 'kim before," he muttered, staring at me, but not directly. I gave him a surprised look, and then turned my attention to her again.
"Have you known him for long?" I asked him, letting my hand fall down by my side again. He blanched and was suddenly very busy with the buckles on the saddle.
"I dunno," he was talking into the polished leather, and it was hard to understand him. "'e's bin commin' 'ere for a while."
I smirked, walked over to him and leaned to look at him over his shoulder. "So, it's a secret?"
"Mr 'kim sai-"
"I told him to keep his mouth shut." My guide stood in the entrance of the stall, glaring at both of us. "My life is my own. And John here has a particularly loose tongue. I've considered cutting it out before. He would be a wonderful mute."
I straightened up and turned to him, still with a little smile. There was something in the way he threatened everyone and kept for himself, which made me feel unusually playful.
"I mearly asked if he's known you for long - so it's his life I asked about, not yours." I walked back to the horse's head and reached to touch the star again. "She's beautiful, by the way."
"I know." He came over and took her reins from John. "You're also very lucky she didn't bite you." He frowned. "John, where are her saddle bags?"
"I heard already that she doesn't normally like your companions," I followed him. "Maybe she has a thing for Scarthians," I muttered, quietly enough only for him to hear me.
"Maybe so. And I don't have companions. What John, I assume, was talking about were the people who tried to pet her. She broke John's arm the first time he took care of her. That was the first time she reacted so badly." He reached over and scratched the horse's nose as John attached her saddlebags. "Maybe she doesn't like cowards." He checked that the saddle was in order, then lead the horse out of the stables. "Do you know how to ride, little Lady?"
"Of course I know how to ride." More or less. I glanced at her - I never really had much contact with horses, they were fairly rare in the Prison. Horses which had the mind of their own, at the very least.
"Sure. Up in the saddle then." He crossed his arms and watched me, a slight smirk on his lips. "If you can."
I ignored his expression, putting my foot in the stirrup and pushing it down against it for a moment, before I gripped the saddle's sides and pulled myself up, finding myself somewhat caught by surprise; the Prison's horses didn't tend to breathe, and I was more certain with each moment that they were as far from real animals as they could be. I licked my lips, doing my best to keep my 'don't-underestimate-me' expression.
"And, um, you plan to walk all the way?"
"Of course not," he scoffed, hading me the reins."She's strong enough to carry both of us, at least for a while." He pulled himself up behind the saddle. "I'd have left the saddle at the inn, but I wouldn't trust John with keeping a tankard safe, let alone a good saddle." He took the reins from me and clicked his tongue. "Walk on, Leshka."
I kept silent as we rode through the city's streets, glaring at my own hands absentmindedly. I wondered if we were going to travel as something close to friends, or as two strangers who happen to share the path - and the horse. After a while, I focused on the way Leshka's muscles moved, shoving away every spark of doubt which threatened to take over my mind. He wouldn't be taking me home, if he didn't believe he'd really get something from it, would he?
I looked up as we left the city, shifting a bit in the saddle to look back. Yetch was maybe still somewhere there. You shouldn't care. I bit my lip, wondering if I'd ever see him again - he was an idiot, but an idiot I've known my whole life, and it was strange to suddenly just be apart.
"So. Where did you live before coming to Eajra?" Akim asked suddenly, his voice close to my ear. It was about the closest any person - especially man - had ever been to me, not counting those I've drained of energy, and I wasn't even sure why I was thinking of that.
"In.." I grinned. "If I answer your questions, you should answer mine."
He stiffened behind me. "Within reason," he muttered.
I smiled. "Very well then, I lived in the Prison. How old are you?"
"Older than you, but younger than John," he replied, a slight smile in his voice. "The Prison? How did you leave?"
"Why, you want tricks in case you end up there? I made a deal." I smirked. If he could give such vague answers, so could I. "What do you do when you're not busy with your..craft?"
"I travel. Tricks could be fun, but I don't plan on going there. What's it like?"
I glared back at my hands, suddenly wanting us both to shut up again. "Amazing, sometimes. Not so much at other times.. I don't think one should talk about the Prison much." I looked up towards some forest over Leshka's head. "Who taught you how to kill people and not get caught?"
"People. And a natural affinity for it." He sounded slightly uncomfortable with the question. "Why go to Scarthia? Why not forget and make your own quiet life somewhere?"
I glared at his hands now, holding the reins. "Scarthia is where I belong, where my family comes from," I said, giving up on avoiding answers. "It's my responsibility. And I have nowhere else to go anyway." I shrugged, trying - and probably failing - to seem casual about that fact. "How old were you when you did it the first time?"
"I was... Twelve, I think. I only remember the man's screams." He shrugged. "Responsibility is an awful thing. Make your own place for yourself. I did."
"I can't," I muttered. Why not? I shoved away that inner voice. "I was raised as a Princess, to be the Queen one day. Now I'm the last of my family..back there, anyway." I was silent for a long moment. What if the Van Aldareans are no longer the sovereigns of Scarthia? Could that have changed? "Was it out of curiosity then too, to see the fear?"
He stiffened again. "Self-preservation," he ground out. "But his fear just sweetened the deal." He seemed to force himself to relax slightly. "What do you want to do in Scarthia, little Lady?"
I licked my lips. "Once again, I have a name. I don't call you Mr Assassin or something alike, do I?" I shrugged. "That depends on who is there now.. I wish to visit all of the Capital's Temples first, and tell the spirits that I haven't forgotten-- but those are talks of gods and values you probably don't care for. Really, how did you manage to never get caught or sent to..to a jail or something?"
"Who needs a god to rule their lives when they live by their own rules, Miss Aqui?" He shifted slightly. "And as I said, trade secret."
"Spirits of the Temples don't rule. They observe and guide, and advise when the one asking deserves it." I crossed my arms - something I surely wouldn't do if I were alone in the saddle. "If I wanted you to get caught, I could've done it already. Perhaps trusting another person once in a while wouldn't kill you." I sighed. "Can you use magic?"
He let go of the reins for a moment, unfisting his hands, and translucent blades appeared at the ends of his fingers. They disappeared before I could take a proper look at them, and he took the reins again. "Yes. And trust will kill you in the end."
"Trust is bringing me home right now," I said silently. "You could've stabbed me a billion times already."
"On the promise of gold. I trust in gold, not in people." He was silent a few minutes. "Who knows. I might think that having a potential Queen who may one day need my services is more profitable than killing you, too."
It was my turn to stay silent for a while. We've already been traveling for hours, the town we left was far behind us, and I was sure we would enter the woods by nightfall.
"What if there is no gold?" I finally asked, after a long while of saying nothing. "Or, what if there's someone else there and I don't get my crown? Or, if I lied just so I wouldn't go alone? What will you do then?"
"If the other person wanted you dead, and offered money, I would kill you," he said plainly. "Otherwise, you might want to start thinking of ways to make money, because you'll be in debt."
No, Queens don't have friends. "How can you be so sure I wouldn't kill you to be sure you won't kill me?"
He was silent again, then suddenly, his clothes changed so that not an inch of skin showed. "You need to be able to touch someone's skin, right? Well then I don't have a problem."
"Is this the clothes' magic or your own?" I carefully touched one of his sleeves. "You don't need protection, though.. I don't kill people."
"That is a lovely object I picked up along the way. And anyone can kill, if they're backed into a corner." His voice seemed slightly bitter, but I couldn't quite tell.

I could see my skin getting paler, and I tied my hands together so they didn't start shaking. Up to that point, I never even noticed how afraid I was of the tought of getting back. I was familiar with the Prison, and I didn't truly fear it, but I didn't want to imagine my freedom being taken away again.
"Not even then," I said. "If someone attacked me, I could get them unconscious, make them not wake up for a very long time..but I don't plan on ever killing anyone."
"Say that again when someone is driven on killing you or a loved one." His voice was pained, and he didn't say anything after that.
I don't have a loved one, I kept myself from saying, keeping silent as well.
I watched Leshka as she slept, and pretended to sleep as well. We'd stopped to spend the night as we entered the forest. Still on its edge, I knew Akim could see anyone approaching - he said he was going to watch, and I went with it, not really wanting to tell him that I didn't get energy from sleeping. It was a way of keeping it, yes - I could survive longer without feeding if I slept - but not anything like a replacement.
I turned, glancing at where he sat, with one of his daggers in hand. I couldn't see where he was hiding them - but I was fairly sure he had more than one.
With a sigh, I shoved away the thoughts of what he'd do if it turned out I couldn't keep my side of the deal, turning my back to him again. I considered telling him to go to sleep and keeping watch myself, but I had a feeling he wouldn't agree, so I just closed my eyes and let my thoughts fly to my kingdom.

|Day Three
Spoiler! :
I woke up somewhat startled, under impression of a dream I could no longer remember. I sat up, running my hand through my hair, and found Akim looking at me over what was left of the small fire. Judging from the sun, it was later than I thought it would be, yet I was pretty sure he didn't sleep at all. Why didn't you wake me up? I glanced at the food next to him, frowning slightly. He knew of my power, but not of the fact it was the only way of getting food for me. I knew sleep has kept my energy, but I also felt that familiar hunger, knowing I'll need to take my food from somewhere soon enough. If we keep traveling alone and we meet no one along the way, it might become a problem.
"'Morning, little Lady," he said, in a low voice. "There's some food for you over there." He gestured to the food I had noticed before. I hope we meet someone on our way..
"Thank you.. I'm not hungry, though." I was - but not for that kind of food. It seemed unfair to eat anyway when it'd reduce the supplies and do nothing for me. I got up, smiling a bit, trying not to think about feeding. "I think we should get going.." I looked up at the sky, darker than it should be. "It might rain."
"It might." He stood up swiftly, picking up everything on the floor and putting it back into a saddlebag. "You should eat though. You never know when your next meal will be." It didn't sound like a threat, more like something said from experience. You have no idea..
I shrugged. "I will eat at some point, I'll survive." If we encounter someone..
He shrugged too and wolfed down the food he had left for me. "Your loss. Let's get going then. We should get there today, and the sooner we get there the sooner I can leave." He went and attached the saddlebag to Leshka's saddle, gave her some oats and looked at me expectantly.
I sighed quietly before getting up in the saddle. Regardless of the sleeping, I felt tired, and I didn't like where it was going. Unlike the hunger of normal people, mine wasn't so easily ignored, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back after a while - I didn't particularly care, seeing he didn't care about me either, but I didn't like the idea of traveling on my own.
He was silent as we rode on, sitting behind me again, as I started getting overly aware of that fact. It would be so easy to take his energy now. Just accidentally brushing my hand against his.. No. Stop thinking like a predator of some sort, what's wrong with you? I bit my lip. It wasn't so hard to control it before; in the Prison, I could go days with only tiny amounts of energy taken, and now it's been just a bit more than a day and I already felt so drastically in need of energy. I wasn't used to that - and the fact there was no one around wasn't helping it a bit. Talk about something. Anything.
I found myself staring at his hands and the reins a couple of minutes later. Damn, Aq.. He was wearing gloves this time, and I frowned. Did he know more about me than he showed, more about my power? Could he know what was happening right now, what I was thinking of? I turned my head to stare at the forest around us instead. It wasn't possible - he just probably didn't forget what I said about killing him. Not that I'd ever do it, but he doesn't seem like a person who'd trust me on that one anyway.. I closed my eyes. Is it normal to be so aware of every living being next to you? I froze as I realized I wasn't only feeling his existance, but also Leshka's. Was that even possible? I knew stories of those of my kind - more or less - who used animals instead of people as sources of energy, but I also knew that my mother never liked the idea of it. This is not good.
"Leshka, stop." Akim's voice ground out with an undercurrent of pain, pulling me from my thoughts. She stopped, shifting slightly, and he swung off of her. I caught a glimps of his face as he turned to the forest, and there was the most emotion I had seen on it yet. He seemed sad, and angry. "Stay. You too, Aqui. Don't follow me."
I took the reins and exchanged a look with Leshka. It was the first time he acted like that, and I couldn't escape curiosity.
"What's here?" I muttered, more or less speaking to myself. The horse stayed silent, so I bit my lip again and slowly slid down from her back. I didn't like the feeling in my fingertips as I touched her in the process, but I decided to ignore it. You will not take energy from either of them, you need them. "Stay, please. We'll be back soon."
I hesiteted a bit before turning my back to her and following the path he took. I wonder if he'd be more mad if she got lost, or when he figures I didn't listen to him.
He stood on what once was a clearing, on the other side of the remnants of what could have been a house, staring at two charred stumps of wood. His eyes were wide and red, his hands fisted at his sides. He didn't seem like the man I barely knew, more angry and sad. I kept silent, not really wanting to approach too close, but I was fairly sure he had already heard my steps - though I knew I walked quietly, it was a forest, and it was impossible to avoid stepping on branches and leaves. I suppresed a sigh, looking at him. He seemed younger now, more like a normal person - more vulnerable, in a way. It would be so simple to just reach out and take energy from him now. I wouldn't need to kill him, not even truly hurt him; there was no one around us anyway, no one to pose a threat...
I never even noticed I'd taken a step towards him, and that my fingers got barely an inch away from the back of his neck. I was pinned against a tree, with a blade against my neck, before I even realized I'd made a move.
"You seem to be awfully unconcerned about your life for someone who wants to be a queen," he snarled, his face inches from mine. Too close. I clenched my fists not to move my hands to touch him. He didn't seem concerned about it now - there were parts of his skin not covered in clothes, and it was almost ridiculous how simple it would've been.
"No, step back," I muttered. I didn't like that feeling. It was new to me, and I didn't know if I'd be able to control myself if I let it take over. I really don't think I want to kill you.
"Why should I? I said 'stay'. I'm the one who knows Eajra, so you stay, godsdammit!" His voice raised to a shout at the end, and his eyes seemed to flicker, almost switching colours. I could feel myself shaking. You don't get it.
"Just move away, please." I licked my lips. Just wrapping my fingers around his wrist shouldn't be so hard.. I closed my eyes. "For your own good."
"Oh, the little queen knows how to say please now?" I opened my eyes again. His face was twisted in anger. "What will happen if I don't step back? You'll throw a temper tantrum?" A grim smirk crossed his face, but I could barely make out what he was saying. "Maybe I can silence you then. The Gods know I've been wanting to."
I gave up stopping myself, gripping his wrist with my fingers as I locked my eyes on his. You should teach him not to tempt you. As I started to take his energy, his whole appearance changed, shoulder length black hair appearing a stark contrast with his suddenly pale skin and his eyes turned blue. Silver flecked them. He swore, grabbing my arms and sweeping my feet out from underneath me. When I landed on the floor, he had returned to what he looked like before.
"Don't push it, girl," he growled, out of breath. I sat up, leaning against a tree, more worried than hurt. I had never done it that way before. It wasn't what I did usually, taking away the energy he had and making him tired - I targeted magic, draining what - I assumed, seeing how I felt now - would make me feel better than just strength of a random person. But if he hadn't stopped me, I knew I wouldn't have stopped myself.
"I didn't want to." My voice was still silent, but no longer shaky and weak. I frowned a bit. "What happened? You changed."
"I really should silence you," he muttered. "It would save me an awful lot of problems." He glared at me. "It certainly seemed like you wanted to do that."
I shook my head, not quite able to come up with a fiery response - I wasn't even sure if I had the right to be mad at him. "I had to."
"Of course you did." He sounded disbelieving, and his expression matched his tone. "You had to drain my power." He rubbed his wrist, scowling.
"Yes, I did," I said, sharper this time. "I need energy from people, that's.. I can't survive without it. It's like food is to you, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to control it." I didn't even want to tell him that - it came out before I got time to think about it. "So next time I tell you to step back, just do it."
He hesitated a second before replying. "And if I tell you to stay then you stay. It might be for your own good too." The explanation of my powers didn't seem to bother him as much as me following him had.
"I was worried," I muttered, looking away. "You acted strange."
"I had my reasons." He glanced at the charred stumps and frowned sadly.
I slowly got up, glancing in the same direction. I take it you won't tell me about them, but I'll try either way...
"What is this place?"
"An execution ground." He went over and placed a hand on one of the stumps. "People were burned for being themselves."
I hugged myself, carefully approaching him, suppressing the urge to just ask all the questions I had for him. "People...close to you?" He glanced at me, then back at the charred mess.
"They were close to a little boy I once knew. He died though." He sighed and sat down. "Everything he loved was burnt to ash, and he died."
I kept looking at the remnants of the house, half hidden by the nature surrounding it. It must've passed years since it stood, years since the forest took over after the death of the house's owners... I wondered just who this little boy was.
"I see," I said quietly. "Was it anyone's fault?"
"The God's for giving him magic he couldn't control in a magic that condemned it." He folded his arms over his knees. "Witch-hunt is a game Eajran children play. The boy wanted to play with the other children, but his mother would never let him. She had already lost one child. The boy didn't listen, and everyone found out. It was his fault too. If he had listened, then his parents wouldn't have died." He looked at me again. "Who's fault do you think it is?"
I was silent for a few seconds. "Fault of those too afraid to understand," I said then. It was what my kingdom was first founded for - those who had nowhere else to go, travelers and artists with no real home in other countries, people who for one reason or another didn't fit in. "I'm sorry. What happened with the boy later?"
"He died, I said. I watched him burn with the greatest of delights." He stood up and dusted off his trousers. I frowned slightly, but he didn't seem to notice. "He went back to the place where children still have their innocence." He gave the stumps one last glance, then turned away. "Shall we go then, little Lady? We should get there by nightfall, I imagine."
I nodded, giving one last glance to the house. I wonder if there's anything still inside. I shoved that thought away, looking for another subject to talk about. I didn't like to talk about my family and life in the Prison either - asking the same from him didn't quite seem unfair, but didn't quite feel fair either. "What happened when I took your powers?"
"The little boy possessed me. His ghost roams around here, and I normally have a barrier against him, but your feeding stopped that." He looked back at me, a slight smile playing on his lips.
I frowned. Barrier against ghosts.. As far as I knew, it was possible. But it wasn't what I felt. I didn't quite know how I could be so sure of it, but I couldn't escape the thought that protective wasn't the kind of magic I'd taken from him. "That's a lie."
"Is it?" He shrugged. "Or are you just being paranoid?"
"I'm not the paranoid one here," I cut before thinking. "And you're lying."
"What do you think it was, then?" He asked lazily as we arrived back at Leshka, who was chewing on a branch. Thank the Spirits she didn't wander away. He took it from her, frowning.
"Magic which you didn't show me before," I stalled, and suddenly stopped as I recalled what he looked like in that moment. "That other you reminded me of someone." He stopped and glared at me.
"Really, now?" His tone was sullen and I could tell he wanted me to let it go.
"Mm.." I thought back to it. The way his hair fell around his face, the way his eyes looked for a second.. I frowned a bit again. His eyes had silver in them - I knew already he had ancestors in Scarthia, but that meant he had someone who belonged to the royal family, my family. I almost smiled at the thought; if it was so, then it couldn't be that everyone died centuries ago like Yetch said, could it?

Megarus Angroth
King of Barqarnon | The Crag
Day Four, evening

Spoiler! :
OOC~ originally Cole's character, currently in my custody for the sake of the plot and dose of twisted minds.
Speaking of twisted minds, kids should skip the following paragraphs.

Fear. Captivating, imperturbable, entrancing.. It crept over her face as ocean waves over the shore, its firm grasp gripping her heart and making her eyes seem lighter and sharper, urging her skin to turn cold and her bones to quiver, before I even addressed her. I wasn't touching her, yet I could see, no matter how hard she tried to hide it from me - just like that useless Merillian prince, just like Lierre, just like her mother.. They all cowered before me, and all I had to do was to lay my eyes on them to make their pitiful little worlds fall apart.
"Your Majesty." She curtsied as she noticed me in the hallway, looking down. As much as I recalled, it was the first time she moved towards me as she saw me walking towards the dungeons - at least, the first time she did it of her own will. "I hope you had a..pleasant trip home."
Not as pleasant as it might have been. "I will certainly see to give myself an enjoyable enough time while I'm here." Her skin turned paler as she tensed, and I felt my lips curling up into a smile as I imagined the moments to come. It's good to be back. "Besides, it would be so sad to take you to Merillial without making some memories stick, now, wouldn't it?"
She was shaking, though trying her best to hide it. It was stupid of her - she should've learned by now that she can't hide her fear from me. No one could, but it only made it more amusing to observe as they tried anyway. Exciting, even. I slid fingertips of my left hand over the rings on the right, observing as her eyes followed my moves. I looked up as one of the guards approached us, practically kissing the floor in his bow, and kept silent. Silence always made people nervous, anticipating everything but not knowing if anything is coming, not daring to speak before I'd speak myself.
"My King," he said finally. I said nothing. "The prisoner is awake."
I glanced at the girl - Princess, I reminded myself, you must remember not to call her your whore in Merillial, it might get you wasting your time on unnecessary discussions with one of the idiot she calls her family members. - as her eyes flicked from the guard to the hallway leading to the dungeons behind him. I've heard already of under what kind of circumstances this person was imprisoned. Are you scared for him, dearie? Do you wish I let your hero go free? I smirked.
"Leave us," I told the guard, and he bowed again before adhering. Amalaya made a move to follow him, but I caught hold of her arm, keeping her still. "Not you, my dear. You are coming along."
"I don't see why you require my presence, King," she said, silently yet in an unpleasantly strong voice. Have you prayed that I'd never return? Allowed yourself freedom in my castle, my kingdom?[/i]
"I like having an audience," I replied, walking down the hallway after my guards, with her a step behind me. In my shadow, where she belonged, like dogs would follow their master.
"May I be so bold as to ask what for, Majesty?" She asked, and I stopped, turning to her.
"Bold?" I repeated, keeping my voice silent and calm. "Have you forgotten your place in these few days?"
She swallowed, still trying hard to look braver than she was. "No, your Majesty."
She was scared, and now I could hear it in her voice - but not scared enough. In one swift move, I pushed her against the wall by the force of my blow, pinning her there and keeping her still, pressing her ribs with my hand as she struggled to breathe normally. A puppet, with strings in my fingers.
“And don’t forget that," I breathed, my lips close to her ear, as I grabbed her wrist with my other hand. And don't you dare believe you can ever be more than a pet or a toy. Under my control, and mine to play with. I pulled her along as I made my way to the cell, this time leaving the guards to follow me.
The prisoner was a boy, somewhere around the age of that fool Thranack or the little vulture who desired my crown, holding to the bars and glaring at my hand clutching Amalaya's. Well then, is that what this is about.. I stopped before his cell, glancing at his animal. It was large, and its fur seemed soft - I've heard of the tigers of the Plains, and I've always played with a thought of making myself a carpet out of one. With a Tribe girl to f*ck on it, preferably.
"Let her go."
My eyes snapped up to him. Dare to try that again.
"Did you just give me an order, prisoner?" I narrowed my eyes at him, fixing my gaze at his, keeping my voice silent and emotionless.
"I just don't want you to hurt her... Your majesty." His words were better - but the tone wasn't, and he was still looking back at me. I felt my annoyance grow towards this stranger, and my thoughts for a moment fled to Daerys and his challenge. I will stick my sword through your heart, even if the whole castle of Merillial will be watching.
"It sounded like an order to me," I said softly, turning to Amalaya, forcing her to look up at me. She turned to me, but lowered her eyes, staring down at my feet. Good. You've remembered your role at last. "Did it sound like he was ordering me to you, my sweet princess?"
She shook her head slightly and I gripped her wrist stronger, feeling her bones quivering under her skin. When I'm done with him, I will make you remember your place. "No?"
"It sounded like an order, your Majesty," the guards spilled the words the moment I looked at them. With a slight smirk, I turned back to the princess.
"You appear to be outvoted," I said. "What should we do about that?" She tensed at the tone of my voice, at my words sounding so calm, almost as if I was really unsure of what to do. I wondered what it seemed like to the prisoner - I was fairly sure that she was well aware of me just teasing her.
"I don't know, your Majesty." I was surprised she even found a voice to whisper, staring down at my boots. I turned my eyes from her to the prisoner and then back again, noticing the way he was looking at her and the way she avoided both of our eyes, so worried of what I might do to him. Well, well..
"Really now.." I said slowly. "I'm fairly sure I've told you what I do when someone tries to order me around." My lips curled into a tiny smile again. "Would you care to tell your friend of it?" I remembered by heart what I've told her. The only reason they can keep their tongue is so I can hear them scream as the knives are used for other deeds.
"They- They have to learn their place, Majesty." Her voice was trembling now, just like the rest of her body. So helpless, so alone.. I forced my own breathing to stay calm, thinking of everything I was about to do to her. You will welcome me home properly, princess. Many times.
"Indeed," I said, keeping my voice as cold as before, yet still with the same, almost cheerful tone. "And you sound terribly upset about this one learning his, princess"
"I'm not, your Majesty," she lied quickly, staring at her hands, as the prisoner was looking between her and myself. Have you gone as far as to fall in love with each other already? I remembered Mary telling me about it, years ago. It makes you ready to do everything for their safety, he said. I certainly hoped it was true, watching the princess trembling and the prisoner gripping the bars so strong that his fingers turned white. Safety, however, is surely no longer an option.
"How sad. Because he obviously cares about you," I said, knowing I was right the moment she glanced up at him. "...and so do you." And it's like signing his sentence..but not a death one. I felt my anger raising, again thinking of later, adding scenes to those already planned in my mind. You will regret ever daring to do that, girl. "I thought I warned you about that, haven't I?"
She froze, I could almost feel it. Of course. You know exactly what to expect. Just showing her the deepest parts of the Crag's dungeons and telling her of what will come to those whom she dares to befriend, to those who dare try taking her away from me, was as effective as the deed alone. Anticipation made her fret the future, just as I knew it would soon make her friend scared as well. The future itself.. I imagined the tears wiping every trace of rudeness and that obnoxious optimism from that prisoner's face, and the princess begging me to stop. I smirked. Oh, yes..it was good to be home.
"You can do with me what you want, but please.. Let her be," the prisoner kept whining, making my rage burn again. "She has nothing to do with this."
His voice was getting me annoyed by second, and the noises his beast made were starting to make my head hurt. And his words..his words.
I forced them to stay still, controlling the shadows of the dungeons, making both the prisoner and his beast unable to move, walking in as a guard unlocked the door and backed away. They were struggling to break free, as if my magic was something that a sad little hunter and his pet could battle against - like bugs pinned to a wall, still alive and helpless, unable to do anything but watch as more pins approach their bodies. I smiled a little, stepping close to the prisoner.
"Let me tell you what I can do," I hissed. "This isn't your home, and I'm not the chief of your tribe." I am much, much more than a man who happened to have the luck of catching the biggest animal. "I am the king of this land, and my word is the law, and I can do everything."
The princess stepped forward, reaching for his hand. I grew tired of you. I clenched my hand into a fist in her hair, pushing her from the prisoner, finding myself relaxing a bit as she hit the wall and fell to the floor.
"I'll deal with you later." Little Merillian bitch. Don't you forget your place. I turned to the prisoner, putting up a smile. In minutes, you will be screaming loud enough to be heard all the way to your home. "Take him out," I said, in my most friendly voice. Glimpse of hope appeared in his eyes. Idiot. "Let's give him some courtesy he deserves, shall we?"
I released him from my magic, stepping aside to let him pass. Then he turned again.
“What will happen to Bååvteres?”
He will look wonderful on my bedroom's floor. I took the sword from the closest guard. And on my throne room's wall.
The sword came down, the known sharpness of Barqarnon blades proving true as it cut through flesh and bones as if cutting butter.
"There," I said, "problem solved." I handed the sword back to the guard, making sure not to step in the blood running over the floor.
The prisoner was muttering something in his language, standing there and glaring at the blood and the body, and it took me time to realise what it was - my brother was the one good with languages, and I could never be bothered to understand more than perhaps five words of the language of the Plains. This one, however, was the one I knew very well; and it almost made me grin as I saw in his eyes that the reality finally hit him. "Ijje. Ijje, ijje, ijje, ijje..” No. No, no, no.. He tried to reach the cell again, too weak against my guards holding him in place. The princess called his name, and he turned to her, with desperate wish written all over his face - that the last minute hasn't happened. How do you think she will help you? She is mine. Just like you are yourself.
"Take him to the room," I ordered, then turning to Amalaya as she spoke a silent plead.
"Please may I leave, your Majesty?" Just a whisper, in a voice of a person broken by the pain of her beloved. This shall be better than expected.
"No," I said, pleased by the terrified look she shot at the prisoner, gripping her wrist again. "You're coming with us, my sweet princess." I want to see your tears and hear you beg me to stop. My lips curled into a smile once more as I thought of everything she might offer in return for her friend not being hurt. "You will watch."
The chains restrained his every move, keeping him in place, reducing him to nothing but a toy for me to do what I wished with.
I turned to Amalaya as she took a trembling breath, pushing her at the wall and clutching an iron cuff around her wrist. The chain connecting it to the wall was one of the longest - but just long enough to let her stretch and almost touch the prisoner, never really able to reach him. She kept her eyes locked on him, having trouble trying to keep her breathing calm. Can you see his fear? Can you sense my.. anticipation? I grinned at her.
"It's all your fault," I said silently. "Think about it."
I didn't wait for her to come up with an answer, as I turned to my Masters of the Dungeons. Masters. They all looked down and bowed as my gaze fell on them. There is only one master here.
"Take those clothes off him."
The prisoner kept glaring at me, with that same stupid look of someone who just hopes everything around him is a dream. Well, time to wake up. I killed your pet and you'll meet its fate soon enough. But let's have some fun first. With a move of my eyes, I sent the shadows to blind him, knowing well enough that he'd now focus on the other sensations. His breathing fastened, his heartbeats followed suit, as the room grew as quiet as a grave, nothing but the silent hiss of metal against metal audible.
I sat in the only chair in the room, one across the table from the X-shaped construction the prisoner was chained to, taking the glass of wine as a girl walked in with a plate. I almost snickered - I didn't even have to tell them what I wanted, they already knew well enough how to please me. I gave her the glass back, watching as she took a sip, nodding slowly as she didn't drop dead.
One of the Masters took out a whip, and I watched as he swung it once in the air, as the light of the torches reflected on small iron thorns sticking from the leather.
The first blow cut his breath along with the skin on his chest. I've heard he's been whipped already - I felt my lips curl into a smile as I imagined how his back must've felt against the rough wood of the cross, as his body tensed with every new blow inflicted.
I waved my hand after I counted to twenty, sending that girl to fill my glass again, and glanced at Amalaya. She was crouching by the wall, with her hands over her ears and trying to ignore everything around her. I know you can tell of feelings anyway. Are his fear and pain approaching levels you can't handle?
"Tell me," I spoke up as the Masters stepped aside. Blood was running down his body, and tears flickered in his eyes. He looked up, but stayed silent. At least something. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" I wondered if he would answer - I didn't really care to hear.
"Saevrie..hunter of the Räjroe-tribe," he muttered, with a hint of something like pride in his voice. As if I care what your tribe's name is. As if I care what your name is either. He took a shaky breath, grimacing as it stretched the skin on his chest again. "I wanted to see the kingdoms, so I left the Plains."
"How sweet," I remarked dryly. "Welcome to the kingdoms." I waved to the Masters again. "Do scream out when you decide to tell me something useful."
Blood was running down his skin, now paler, and I could see his bones quivering beneath them, reminding me of my recent trip to Merillial. That little son of a b*tch took his sister from me, and she thinks he can keep her safe.. One of the Masters lit a fire, taking out thin iron bars with leather handles, holding them in the flames for a while.
The girl who'd brought the drinks was now sitting in my lap, her eyes wide as she observed the knives dancing over my prisoner's skin, as I watched the preparations for the next steps. They indeed know how to entertain me. I caught fistful of her hair, tugging it down, exposing her neck, and took one of the bars from the fire. She cried as it came an inch apart from her, as she felt its heat against her skin. My lips stretched into a smile. Imagine it being pressed at it, and having no way of escaping it until someone gets kind enough to remove it. I turned to my prisoner again.
"What have you done to get yourself captured?" I asked, watching as the Masters approached him. Tears were now running down his face again, and I imagined his throat must've hurt already. We haven't even get to the part of the game which will really require your screams..
"I tried to help the princess.." His voice turned barely audible. "I did not know people here were punished for being kind."
"People get punished for not minding their own business in my kingdom." I glanced at Amalaya. "And for playing with my toys."
He made an effort not to scream as they gently pressed one of the bars against his ribs. A minute later, as they removed it, he was shaking - and I knew he was trying to calm himself, for all the injuries hurt more when he moved - but then opened his mouth again.
"She is not..your toy." Little arrogant moron. Must I cut your tongue out to make you stop talking? I pushed that girl from my lap as I got up, slowly approaching him. Standing with my face just a few inches from his, I put my hand over the chain on his wrist. His hand was strapped to a small wooden tablet, attached to the end of the beam of the X only by metal bars through the middle, allowing it to turn - along with the hand of the person chained to it.
"A toy, a pet, however you wish to call it," I muttered, letting the shadows over his eyes disperse. I moved my hand to the lever I was to pull to have the tablet spin. "Do you know what this does?" He stayed silent. "You will find out soon enough."
I stepped back again, nodding to the Masters, turning to return to my chair, as my eyes fell on Amalaya. Little Merillian b*tch. She was still trying to cover her eyes and ears, to make herself believe she was somewhere else. I strode towards her, lifting her up, slamming her back against the wall and keeping her still with my hand around her neck. She winced.
"I said," I kept my voice silent, "that I want you to watch."
Tears ran down her face as her beloved prisoner screamed behind my back, silencing the sound of bones being shattered. I turned to glance at him as he turned quiet again, finding him with his head fallen on his chest. Oh, no. You don't want to faint and miss the fun. As if reading my mind, one of the Masters brought back the heated iron bars, making the prisoner scream again. It didn't last long - he was too weak already, and I knew he couldn't stand much more of the pain. Good. I have work to do anyway.
"Please." I turned again as she spoke, barely loud enough for me to hear. "Don't. Don't kill him. Leave him be, he did nothing wrong, he just--"
"Shut up," I cut, my head starting to hurt again.
"Quit the whining, you little--"
"I'll do whatever you want." She was shaking. "Anything. Just let him live."
She always ended up doing what I wanted - but having her do it all willingly sounded like an intriguing experiment. And he will die soon enough anyway. "Take him back to his cell," I ordered. "I want it guarded dusk till dawn, and if anyone but me approaches it, put them in a dungeon as well."
With that, I unchained her, and pulled her out of the room after me. She turned to glance back at the prisoner and I gripped her wrist tighter.
"Time to properly welcome me home."
I pushed her onto the bed as we reached her room, locking the door behind me, turning to find her staring at me with eyes wide open. I didn't give her time to pull away from me, pinning her down and holding her wrists over her head.
"Shut up, little whore," I hissed next to her ear. "We have things.." I untied her dress, ignoring her attempts to set herself free. "..to talk about."
She winced, tears pricking in her eyes, and finally calmed down as my hand flicked over her face. Stop f*cking crying. I tugged her hair, forcing her to look up at me.
"Whatever you want," I cut. "That's what you said. Whatever I want. So shut up and get on with it."
I pulled away, enough to be kneeling over her, smirking as her hands trembled. It was good to know she wasn't going to stay in Merillial - certain parts of my body would surely miss her presence.
"We're leaving for the wedding tomorrow," I said, lying down on my back, keeping my fingers in her hair and not letting her move up. At least you'll be quiet if you're too..busy..to talk. I let my mind wander for a while. "Our dear adventures will have to cease for a while."
I let her pull away as her presence was no longer needed, and she crawled to the other side of the bed. "Don't fret," I sat back up, "they surely won't cease entirely. You will come back with me, and you will always be mine." Just like that stupid little b*tch who thinks her brother will save her.
I moved again, and she twitched. Narrowing my eyes, I let the shadow rise, keeping her calm, pinned to the wall, letting them crawl over her chest and restrict her breathing. "Pathetic. I could kill you in an instant."
She struggled to catch a breath. "You..you can't.."
"Can't," I repeated, silently, taking a step to her, increasing the pressure on her chest. "I can't? You find it suiting to tell me I can't do something?"
They can't see her bruises in Merillial, flashed through my mind, and I felt my lips curling into a smile. Well. It will be amusing to see how you cover them up, then.
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom