
Young Writers Society

Island of Despair (Starting)

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:00 pm
Cspr says...


I just shoot him a look, unable to think of a retaliation at the moment. "Anna, do you have anything for headaches, bruises, nausea, and dizziness in that magic bag of yours?"

"'Course!" Annalise is back over beside me and handing me the bag. "Now can we go get the people out of their seats? They're scaring me. A lot of them are staring at nothing..."

...Why did she pick this moment to have one of her spells...?

"They'll be fine for now. The water isn't really rising." So I know I'm pretty much lying.

I blink. "Hey, it's not raining."

Well, that took me long enough to notice.

"Never mind," I mumble after a second. "Um, I'm Miranda and..."
I glance back at Annalise. "Where's the first-aid kit, again?"
"The Irish guy has it!"
"The one who drives the cab?"
"Yeah, that one."
"He doesn't...never mind." I meet Zayne's eyes again. "Can you go find him? I probably should stay here..." I glance sideways at Annalise, who seems to be humming.
Why did she have to begin with post trauma disorder or whatnot?

((This post confused me, but I can't find a better way to put it since everything is supposed to be confusing--good luck.))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:30 pm
Chryssa2305 says...

(My second character)
Name: Ariana Summers. "Ria" "Ari" (from her brother) "Girle."
Age: 16
Gender: Female.
Hair Color, Style, and Length: Pale blonde(basically white) with blue tips and faded pink and purple stripes
Eye Color, Shape: Dark green eyes
Skin Color: Pale, and burns easily. But heals quickly
Physique: Short, but obviously athletic. About 5"4. Not pencil thin, just..normal in weight.
Prominent Features: Her eyes, her hair, and the cheek piercing she has
Picture*: http://s172.photobucket.com/albums/w40/ ... nt=Ria.jpg (In this, the piercing is in her lip, but in my mind it's where her dimple is)
Personality: She's a big tough girl. She holds her world on her shoulders, and does it very well. SHe's very hard to break down, but once she does, it's a horrid floodgate. She looks at the world through her camera lens. SHe's an artist and a photographer.
Strengths/Weaknesses: She's brave and has a high pain tolerance. Weaknesses: SHe's very sensitive emotionally and trusts to easily, gettig hurt in the process.
Things You Came With:
Suitcase: Assortment of clothes: shirts, shorts, pants, underwear, several jackets. SUnscreen, bugspray, small hand gun("For protection from the Beast!" says her Father) and a pocketknife. Sleeping bag, tent, lighter, flashlight.
Backpack: phone, ipod, Nixon camera, notebook and sketchbook, assortment of pens and pencils, lunchbox with an icepack and fruit, apples, oranges, strawberries. Reusable aluminun water bottle, and a Mtn Dew from the airport.

I glance at Miranda and nod. "Yeah, I'll go search 'em out!" I shoulder my backpack with a curious glance at Anna and trod off.
One good thing about this island is that there isn't much place to look for people. We're all on the beach as far as I can tell. So I'm looking for an Irish guy? Red hair, beard, short, maybe? I chuckle at myself, my image of a Irish man.
I heard a groaning at my feet as I walked past the surf. I look down and see a blonde girl lying on her stomach.
"Hey, are you okay?" I reach down and roll her over so she doesn't drown.
"...Ughhg..." she moaned, pushing me away and leaning on her knees. "I'm gonna die. I'm dead. I'm dead aren't I?"
"Well, you're not in Heaven."
"So, Hell then?"
"Probably." I smile when she looks up at me. I hold out my hand, "Come on, help me."
She took my hand and hauled herself up, "With what?"
"I'm looking for a guy. An Irish guy."
"Oh...okay." We started walking. She was dragging her black messenger bag along the ground. Her white hair was disheveled and her make-up running. Her clothes were wet and sticking to her body. I looked away quickly, not wanting to ...intrude. "My name's Ariana Summers," she said suddenly. Her green eyes scanned me and I smiled back at her.
"Zayne Wayland." we shook hands politely.


Zayne sure seems like a character. As we walk down the beach he starts singing a song, "Animal crackers in my soup, moneys and rabbits..." and then I stopped listening.
We finally find the guy, apparlently because Zayne yells, "Yo! Found him!" and runs off. I follow him reluctantly as he goes up to the guy.
"Hey, you've got blood on you." He grins at the guy who is already bandaging his wounds. "I was sent here to find you."


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Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:25 pm
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fictionfanatic says...

Could someone bring me in? I feel like I missed a bunch and you all made friends with someone
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:09 am
Cspr says...

fictionfanatic wrote:Could someone bring me in? I feel like I missed a bunch and you all made friends with someone

((Just make a post with your characters talking to Miranda, if you would. She'll be standing there, a little lost. Or you could talk to Annalise, my slightly "off" character. I'm sorry you felt that way. I brought you in on the last page: you could go from that. :) ))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:12 am
Cspr says...


I just glance up at the pair, not in my best mood. "Yeah?" I question, raising an eyebrow. There was a girl-guy and a scene kid in front of me. Lovely.
"Well, here. I think I'm done." I wasn't going to be selfish, though. I hand him the white plastic first-aid kit and just lean back, using my balled up shirt as a pillow. "So...how bad off are you two?" I also was a realist. No need to bully when I might need them for something. I move my bag closer to myself, though, anyway. There was no need to trust them, either.

((Caden is already back in his element. *chuckles* Well, sort of.
@fictionfanatic: see above post for response.))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:32 pm
Chryssa2305 says...


He took the first aid kit in a long fingered hand. "I'm fine mostly. Just a bump here and a bruise there." I said with a shrug. "This is for another girl, Miranda. She and some...strange sounding girl are down the beach."
"Hey, you should probably come back with us," Ria interrupted, motioning to the guy. "We should all stick together."
"Like Lord ofthe Flies?" I grinned, sarcastic.
"No, because we are not," she emphasized the word clearly, "going to go crazy and kill a chubby boy with glasses."
I smirked, "You don't know that."


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Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:46 pm
Cspr says...


"I don't think we're in possession of a chubby boy with glasses," I inform her, grinning wolfishly. I stand up, using a nearby tree for support, and look back at the island. "This is a weird place, don't you think? Not the sort of place you find coconuts." I shrug. "Oh, well. Lead me back. And I'd suggest avoiding that palmetto over there. There's a black racer curled up in the roots."

((Writer's block=blah.))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:22 pm
fictionfanatic says...


Adjusting my glasses, I approached a girl off to the side, the girl I had greeted eariler (Miranda).


She gave me a polite smile and responded "Hi."

I squinted into the horizen, half expecting a boat to appear to come save us.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my trance and said loud enough for everyone to hear "Is anyone else hungry?"
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:45 am
Chryssa2305 says...


"Let's only hope we dont find one," I said, laughing at the image. Sure, it was horrible, but it was entertaining.
"Come on, weirdos." Zayne smiled and started walking. "By the way, what's a racer?"
"It's a snake."
"Oh, I love snakes!" his grin was wide and mirrored his bouncing excitement. I took the first aid kit from him.
"Let's not break it, dude." I sighed. "And leave the poor thing alone, let it live it's poor little life while we figure out what we do with ours."
He stuck out his lower lip, pouting, "But I loovvee snakes!!"
I simply stared at him, "You're an idiot, know that?"
"I'm not an idiot."
"Sure you are."
"Hush!" he popped my arm.
I glared at him, then suggested he go do something anatomically unlikely to himself. He only frowned at that.

(AHa, I'm with you Cspr. Writer's block... ><)


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Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:58 pm
Cspr says...


I froze, all thoughts wiped because of a comment. "All the food's still on the plane, except for whatever you brought up," I said, dully.
I glance back at the plane, seeing it half sunk into the ocean--nose sticking up.


I nodded slightly, to her comment; smirking. I kept the look faintly as I watched them argue, even if I wanted to roll my eyes. "It's not idiotic to like snakes; they keep parasite-carrying vermin away," I amend, before moving on; stride becoming longer as I felt, you know, fitted into my body again--not just floating. "So, do you think that I look like some gangster thug now?" I ask, gesturing at my back briefly before slipping back on my t-shirt; with bandages in place, even if it was bloody and salty-smelling, I might as well be wearing it.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:14 am
Chryssa2305 says...

I laugh at the guy, "Mhm, real thug." I shrug my bag closer to my shoulder and briskly walk to catch up to him. "By the way, I never got your name. Mine is Ria." I smile against my will, "And goofy butt here is Zayne."
Zayne gave a stupid salute to the guy, "Not just my butt is goofy."
"Oh, you're disgusting." I snort. THen glance at the guy, eyes questioning.

(Apologies for the delay, my mother decided to take my computer :/)


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Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:29 am
Cspr says...

((It's fine. Well, unless the reason was you took up smoking or something like that. Then I'll freak out and go all Valley Girl on you: But that's, like, horrible for your, like, skin!"))


I smiled shortly at the girl, leg starting to hurt as we walked down the slope to the beach with the others. "Um, my name's Caden. Not Camden or Cameron. KAY-den. Everyone gets that wrong." I chuckle. "Nice to meet you."
I could only raise an eyebrow at the other guy, though. What did that even mean?
...Pack senses are tingling....
I shook that off and just ran my fingers over my cross and the good luck charm...
"So, um, did you see any more people? Like how many..." I could finish that. "Never mind. I'll see for myself." I wince. "Actually, I take that back. I don't want to see. Just answer me this: is there any blood? I'm not good with other people's blood sometimes."
I stop. "I also never talk this much." I shake my head at myself and then start walking again, still unnerved--but maybe a bit more.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:04 pm
Chryssa2305 says...

(lol, nah, nothing like that. Just grades. )


"You talk because you are nervous," I smile at him. "And I've only met you, Ria here, and two others. From what I can tell, it's only small stuff. I think you'll be fine, as long as you don't mind people's limbs being torn off." I shrug, grinning indifference.
Ria gawked at me, though, "What? There's no way!"
"You didn't see the blood!"
She paused, noted my grin and punched me in the arm, "You jerk!"
She sure could punch, I thought as I rubbed my arm. I'm sure they'll be a bruise there in the morning. "Sadist," I muttered as we walked back, nearing the others.


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Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:08 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Ugh, I feel lost again
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:56 am
Cspr says...

Cspr wrote:Miranda:

I froze, all thoughts wiped because of a comment. "All the food's still on the plane, except for whatever you brought up," I said, dully.
I glance back at the plane, seeing it half sunk into the ocean--nose sticking up.


I nodded slightly, to her comment; smirking. I kept the look faintly as I watched them argue, even if I wanted to roll my eyes. "It's not idiotic to like snakes; they keep parasite-carrying vermin away," I amend, before moving on; stride becoming longer as I felt, you know, fitted into my body again--not just floating. "So, do you think that I look like some gangster thug now?" I ask, gesturing at my back briefly before slipping back on my t-shirt; with bandages in place, even if it was bloody and salty-smelling, I might as well be wearing it.

((For fictionfanatic--Miranda's POV. And, as the others are moving closer to the beach (haven't read up yet, just saw your post)--just check out those posts as well. There. ;D ))
My SPD senses are tingling.

Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?
— George Wallace