
Young Writers Society

City of Six (Started and Full)

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Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:48 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Skull, in case you didn't see. The following clearly states NOT to post if you are still on Pending, and you are. So remove that post. PM me of Isha if you have questions.

ScarlettFire wrote:Okay, I have a Notice. As you may have noticed, something has been added to the main post. If you take a look, you'll see [Accepted] or [Pending] beside you name. This is here for a reason. Please don't start posting until you have [Accepted] next to your name.

As for me, I'll post soon. I have a little catching up to do.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:30 am
ScarlettFire says...

Charna Serkan - Inn Room:

I tossed and turned, trying to sleep. The images haunted me, all the people I'd killed. Men, women and children. I dreamt they talked to me, told me what I'd done and that I'd killed for no reason. I saw my daughter, saw her grow up to become just as deadly as I me.

Dimly, I heard a door open and footsteps as they crossed the room. A sharp pain in my leg told me who it was. I bolted upright to find Pravus leaning over me, one hand on my damaged leg. I sat there for a moment, panting then turned away, sliding my leg out from beneath his touch.

"What do you want?" I demanded, aware of how bad I must look. I felt sticky, and tired. Still tired. I sighed, getting up and crossed to the window, my limp barely noticeable. "Why did you wake me up?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:59 am
Lethero says...

Pravus - Toliaz - Inn Room

Pravus smiled when Charna jumped from her sleep. He pulled his hand away as she moved her leg from under his touch. "What do you want?" she asked. She stood and walked to the window, making Pravus's smile only widen as he watched her try to hide her limp. "Why did you wake me?"

"Maybe I only wanted a little company?" Pravus said in a sarcastic seductive voice.

Charna only rolled her eyes. "You and I know that you only get off if someone's either hurting or dying. Now tell me what you want or get out."

Pravus eyed Charna with a hint of malice in his eyes. "A letter arrived from your father," he said holding up an envelope. He handed it to Charna who immediately opened it. Her eyes moved back and forth as she read the paper.

"There's been a presence of Walkers here," Charna replied, handing the letter back to Pravus who lit it on fire, dropping it to the floor so it could burn to ashes. "We are to make sure their presence isn't here for much longer."

"Sounds like my kind of job," Pravus said.

"You are also to get rid of the messenger . . . permanently." She turned and sat back on her bed. "And make sure you're quiet about it, I need to get my sleep."

"You take all the fun out of it," Pravus said. He pulled out his knife. "Want him to be mugged or die of unknown causes?"

"Just get rid of him," Charna said, standing up to push him out of her room. She slammed the door in his face.

Pravus only smiled. "Guess it's to be a mugging then."
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:54 am
Octave says...

Dax Van Curen

Sometimes the full moon shines bright, brighter than any lights an alchemist can ever hope to invent. Nights like these are rare, and, fully aware of this fact, Dax has opted out of sleeping in the safety of his room in favor of staying the night in the garden.

It isn't as if anything there would harm him. He only wishes to sit among the quiet, fanged plants, his children, if you will, and perhaps close his eyes and listen to the wolves as they howl to the moon. He can almost hear them pining for wings.

He could grant them what they wanted. His fingers dig into the soft fur of the little bastard he calls a pet.

The wolves are out there, in the forest. Out there, where he'll never go. The forest is far too dangerous. It will kill him, and he'll wake up half-eaten by some monster, or, worse, buried.

The liger yelps as Dax clings to it for comfort.

Earlier this evening, he had no plans to stay awake. Dax glances at the mansion towering behind him, then back at the forest beyond the hill. An hour ago, he woke up, bathed in sweat, head pounding to the rhythm of his racing heart, tears drowning his vision.

If he stays, if he stays, the mansion will burst into a million sparks, and it will seem to the village that the nobles on the hill are celebrating again. Fireworks, a barrage of reds and oranges lighting up the already bright night. And none of them will come to help, and Dax will die, but he'll wake up, because that's how it's always been.

He'll wake up a few days from now, buried under soot, dirty and with a parched throat, unable to walk, speak, or eat. But he'll remember how Cal died, and how he'll have messed up so monumentally as to have killed the one person who's always been there.

He pushes the thoughts away. The forest will kill him. It will save Cal, but it will kill him, and Cal will be furious if Cal ever finds him again.

His eyes flicker towards the direction of the stables. He doesn't even need a horse. He can turn a plant into transportation, and though it will attract attention, it will certainly get him to the forest. Dax ponders the thought, eyes distant, and does not notice that a little flower by his side has sprouted a body and four strong legs. It's long gone by the time gravity drags him back to reality once more.

He decides to go to the forest. The forest is his friend; it will not harm him. He can always hide inside a tree should the need arise. But first, he ought to pack. Unwilling to risk returning to the mansion, he uses a plant to fumble through his room for whatever he might need, and ends up bringing a coat, some money, and a change of clothes.

A strong horse, modified for greater speed and endurance, takes him to the forest without much ado. Dax pauses, wary of what might lie within. The dream itself was strange; he'd always wanted to visit the forest one day, but he'd never wanted it so much as to dream of it.

Anything can happen. He doesn't want to die lost and alone - he needs a marker. Dax touches a tree and a face emerges from the shadows of its bark. Branches turn into fingers with leaves for nails, and, soon enough, a strange creature with hands on its head stands rooted before Dax. It stares at its creator with an expression caught between dumb terror and awe.

Happy with his work, Dax strokes its face.

"One down."

The voice startles the tree, and its arm crashes down on the source before Dax can react. It happens so fast, so fast. Lightning strikes, and the tree burns to a crisp.

All Dax can do is squeak and choke back tears.

A dark-haired man emerges from behind the trees, and Dax yanks on his horse's reins, but before anything can happen, the man vanishes.

Blinking, Dax is left alone again.

Was the man a trick of the light?

"Hello?" The boy calls out, more curious than ever. His blood roars in his ears.

Silence. Except maybe the footsteps of approaching strangers.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 3:22 pm
eldEr says...

Zabriel | The Forest

Light twisted around Zabriel's fingers, causing an unnatural swirled shadow to appear on the forest floor. He watched it quietly, only looking up to ensure that he was well-concealed from Dax Van Curen's view. Zabriel had expected the boy to be one of the more difficult to get into the forest. Dax seemed to have proven him wrong.

As for Aridian, it didn't matter how hard Zabriel tried, he could not force a nightmare on the man. Zabriel shrunk further into the forest and pulled his hood up, shielding his face. There was something about having his hood up that seemed to help Zabriel think more clearly- especially while he was this tired. He shook his head once and focused. Aridian had to be awake, that much was certain. Now the question was whether or not the boy was im the forest.

A snapping twig and crunching leaves answered Zabriel's questions for him. Brown hair popped out over the bushes, followed by hushed voices. Who Aridian was talking to, Zabriel could only guess.

He took one more step back, still twirling a very small amount of light around his fingers. It disappeared entirely, vanishing into silent swirls behind his back.

Zabriel glanced quickly in Dax's direction, and then back to Aridian. They were moving closer together, which was good. Assuming neither started and ran screaming in the other direction. Zabriel didn't have the time nor the patience for such things at the moment. He still needed to lure Conleth into the forest and find a way to heard the full group together. All before the sun rose.

Lu, Zabriel called his friend telepathically, when you're finished luring your three into the forest, be sure to bring them towards the far east edge.

He waited patiently for the reply, all the while conjuring a nightmare for Conleth.

That sounds doable, Lulu answered.

Zabriel didn't send a reply. Zabriel sent the poor boy plummetting off of the highest building in Toliaz, ending the dream with a demand that Conleth make an appearance in the forest- just as the boy hit the ground. It sounded almost like a threat, which Zabriel was only minorly uncomfortable with.

Zabriel looked up, frowning when he saw that box Dax and Adridian had stopped walking towards each other. Neither moved a muscle, but both were staring at the same thing. Right at him. Zabriel shrunk back further, completely submerging himself in bushes and the shadows.

got trans?

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:41 pm
aweqs says...


I made quickly through the small alleys of Toliaz, with my hood down, and my smokey cape swilring around my feet. For something so light and indistinct, it kept me suprisingly warm; I hardly felt the frigid late Autumn wind. As I trecked up Toliaz's mountainous terrain, I felt that familiar shiver up my neck- I was being watched. Ofcourse, I knew who by. The Shadowy Figure. The figure that had followed me, I assume, since I was born. I turned round to observe the figure. It was immediately still. It seemed almost transparent, but still obviously there. It always had its head ducked, and a long coat draped around it's shoulders. It slowly drifted behind a building, and out of my vision. I sighed and carried on up the hill.

I came to the edge of the Toliaz, which was marked with The Forest. I was about to take my first wary steps into the dense tree's, when I noticed a dark figure trudging towards the trees.

As the body became closer, I realised it was a girls form. She was wearing gray ripped leggings, and a worse for wear red cotton top. Although this girl was blatantly younger than me, it was obvious she was just as experienced. She had a fierce, intense air about her; her almond-shaped eyes were fixed on me with a impertinent speculation.
I met her glare with a equally disgracious scowl.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, suspiciously.

"I could ask you the same. Whats your name girl?" I replied. Her eyes narrowed.

"Tell me your business and I will tell you mine" she said, in a low voice. I sniffed, and turned my eyes to the dark forest.
"I was told to come here by a mysterious voice. I am meant to meet 'others'", I told her, raising an eyebrow, "Now you".
She smiled wickedley at me, " I believe we have both been sent here by the same whisperer". She held out her hand, "Cypress" she said. I took her hand and replied with my name.

" So", she exclaimed, " What do we do now?"

I shrugged, "I guess we wait for someone else..." I mumured, looking wistfully into the thickset woodland. I didnt like forests. I didnt like the way the leaves folded above you, the way anyone could be watching me without me knowing it... I almost choked on the claustraphobia which itched its way up my throat.

Cypress eyed me dubiously. I sniffed away the feeling of dread, and sat down on the hard ground, my mind chaotic and an unusual feeling of uncertainy in my stomach...

Clouds started to gather.
Last edited by aweqs on Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:37 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Aridian didn't know if he could be shown or not... leave that to you.

I looked at the spot where Sundancer fixed his eyes intently on. The spot someone was magicked to be invisible.

"Give up. Sundancer sees you. He can see through magic." I said to the spot. Elli was growling, and Jelly was busy cursing him in his colorful language. Something stirred.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:23 am
CelticaNoir says...


Malis didn't know whether to be surprised or stay neutral, as the girl disappeared. The girl hadn't bought a thing, but as soon as she stepped in, the entire room suddenly seemed blurry and distant. Malis felt disjointed - as if she wasn't in her own body, but in a dream. And then, there were these words: Go up to the forest, you'll meet the others there. Trust them.

Malis grumbled to herself as she strapped on a dagger onto her belt. Why am I doing this again? The door was securely bolted behind her, although anyone looking to axe it could easily break in. Obviously. This is so illogical. I don't even know that girl. The path beneath her sandals was rough and rocky - she'd never admit it, but sometimes, the rocks were painful to her feet. Whoever's up there, if you're listening to me, if I'm doing the stupid thing, strike me down right now! She knew she was doing the stupid thing, but she couldn't help it.

Curse my curiosity.

"Malis! Hallo! Where are you going?" One of her customers, probably looking to buy a new sword or some equally inconveniently heavy piece of equipment, called out after her. She cursed under her breath and sincerely hoped he wouldn't call her again.

Surprisingly, he didn't.
Last edited by CelticaNoir on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:26 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


What compelled me to be friendly? I don't know. But it had passed. I boosted myself higher in my tree, crouching on a wide, leafy limb. I was curled into myself so tight, I could hardly believe that anyone could see me in the pitch black, behind frosty leaves. I leaned into my pocket more. The last tendrils of warmth were slipping away. I sighed and curled one hand around the loaf, begging the heat to stay.

I didn't even know this girl's name, but I was still suspicious of her. Bad luck, it felt like- bad luck and secrets. I didn't like either. I sighed inwardly, a bit annoyed at the world in general. But honestly, what other choice did I have? It was like when Roger told me to be optimistic. Rog, sweets, don't know if you noticed, but nothing has ever gone right in my life. I can't look for the bright side if I've never seen it before.

Well, back to me in the tree. My biceps were covered all over with almost painful goosebumps, and the wind bit through the cotton of my shirt, crept in through the holes in my leggings. I bit my lip. Blast. Why did the Count have to come looking when I needed Toliaz the most? I could at least find some heat at Roger's, but in the woods? It was like being trapped in a block of ice- and not the type that I made. Those were at least a little comfy. Winter in the forest? That was not comfy in any way.

Whatever. I was going to stay up here, with my almost-cold bread, until I knew that Devon Dearest had gone back to his mansion. Then I'd go home.

hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:13 am
Lumi says...

Varik | Toliaz (Mt. Dekkan Pass)

“I assume you’ve lost the trail, Pravus.” Varik took a heavy step onto a pile of worn stones from the cliffside, narrowing his eyes as he touched his fingers to the cliffside.

“I’ve not lost his trail. My focus has merely...meandered. He can’t be far, but the coming rain cloaked him.” Pravus crossed his arms, his lips pursing together smugly.

“As you say, Pravus.” Varik closed his eyes and pressed his fingers into the rocks, releasing a small wave of dark green light into the jagged surface. Behind his eyelids, he took in the image of the entire Mountain Pass from the valley to the top of Mt. Dekkan. As if he were a part of the Earth itself, he scanned the valley ahead of them for their prey. And there he stepped, merely a mile away. “You’re in luck, Pravus.” Varik grinned, peering down at his smaller comrade. “There’s a cave not much further down from him.”

Pravus clasped his hands together and narrowed his eyes, grinning wickedly. Torture was his second language, and he knew that Varik respected and liked that. Varik heaved his sword and shield off the rocks and hitched them to his back, starting off again down the rocky path.

“Varik, wait.” Pravus stopped him, staring at the high, vertical walls. “Block off his path. We’ll meet him in the middle.”

Messenger Cortalese

He had to hurry; if he didn’t get out of the Mountain Pass before the rain began, he would have to camp out for the night. After all, he had heard horror stories about the Storm Birds, and he wasn’t going to dare risk his life. Cortalese picked up his pace, clutching his leather messenger bag to his side as a raindrop fell down onto his nose. He twitched and cast his eyes to the ground to avoid the raindrops. He cringed as he heard a resonant squawk in the distance. He raised his head up to glance at the silhouettes of birds in the sky. Three--wings spread wide--all circling.

Dammit, he shouted in his head, and began running down the rocky terrain. In the distance, he could see a small outcropping of rock big enough for him to get into. Cortalese clutched his bag and began running for his life as the avian cries grew louder. Thunder rolled in the distance, and a flash of lightning threw him off-guard. As he skidded to a halt, his eyes grew the size of the moon, taken aghast by the shifting rocks around him.

In thundrous blasts, pillars and walls of slag began shooting up around him, cutting him off from each side. His breath caught in his chest and he staggered back against one of the walls surrounding him. Under his breath, he began to utter a prayer of safekeeping. But not even his breakable faith continued to speak when he saw the flares blazing across the sky. Another squawk, and a torched corpse of a Storm Bird came raining down in pieces; charred bones and organs splattered around him, and he cowered to himself, unsure of what to do.

“Go on,” rang out a silken voice. “Take a bite of the bird’s flesh.”

Cortalese crouched down, shaking in fear. Thunder rolled in the distance.

“Must I repeat myself?” There was a flash of crimson light before a flurry of fireballs the size of raindrops descended on him, singeing his exposed skin.

“Who...who are you?”

The heavy sound of shifting rocks surrounded the messenger before the shadow of twisted armor overcast his sight. “It’ll suffice,” droned a dark voice, “to call us Death and Hell.”

The other voice--the one on about the bird--called back. “Because one of us will kill you.” He laughed. “And the other will put you through hell.”

Cortalese glanced up ahead of him as two men landed on their feet on the other side of his stone prison. He shivered and backed away, clutching the first thing he could find--the jawbone of the Storm Bird--to use as a weapon. The smaller man chuckled and shook his head. He held out his right hand and narrowed his eyes as he manifested a ball of flame in his palm. “Try me.”

He shrunk back once more, ambling up to his feet. Raindrops began falling around him, and he grinned. “Y-You can’t rightly make fire in...in rain...”

The slim, dark man just grinned wider. “Varik, if you would?”

The beast in armor knelt down and picked up a stone, tossing it up and down in his hand for a moment before coating it with an eerie emerald light. He tossed the rock up, suddenly, against one of the walls, warranting it to sprout a new surface over them, blocking out the rain and sunlight and every last shred of existence. “Saints preserve us,” he whispered, and began to back away as the fiery man advanced. The only thing he saw was the man’s wicked face, illuminated by the scarlet light of his fire.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:31 am
Lethero says...

Pravus - Mt. Dekkan Pass

Pravus smiled wicked at the man's fear. The messenger turned and ran only to be blocked by Varik who merely pushed him back. Pravus looked up to Varik and asked, "May I have the honors of making the first cut?"

"I wouldn't want you to miss out on the fun," Varik replied.

Pravus smiled and pulled out his knife. The blade slowly went from grey to cherry red, the rain hissing as it hit the knife. With a swift swipe Pravus cut the man. The man cried out as he was cut and burned at the same time. No blood flowed from the wound, as the hot blade had cauterized it.

"Who are you people?" the man screamed.

"Your worst nightmare," Pravus said, knowing that now his Nightmare made him seem like a horrible demon to the fellow. Pravus caressed his fingers across the man's face who screamed in pain as if someone were beating him. "Don't worry this will only hurt a lot," he said as he placed his fore finger on the man's head. He screamed in pain, his body jerking. Blood leaked from his mouth when he bite his tongue, his breath came in sharp gurgle breath as the man slowly drowned in his own blood.

Pravus stood up satisfied, he let the knife cool down slowly in the rain. Without warning he plunged the blade into the dead man's stomach, breaking the blade off at the hilt.

"What you do that for?" Varik asked him.

"As much as I would like to make my presence known," Pravus said tossed the useless handle away, "I don't think we want them to suspect that there is a serial killer nearby, it might destroy our plans for catching the Walkers. Which reminds me, you can have whatever is in his pockets. I don't need it."

"What, you don't keep trophies of your kills?"

"The only trophy I need is the memory of his last breath," Pravus said. "Let's head back, I'm sure the boss wants us to start right away."
Fly, Fight, Win . . . in Air, Space, and Cyberspace.
-Air Force Mission Statement-

Integrity First
Service Before Self
Excellence In All We Do
~Air Force Core Values~


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Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:56 am
Cspr says...


I jerked awake, panting. I glanced around in shock, only to find myself still in my dark room. I wiped sweat off my forehead and got up shakily, before glancing down the hall. I hear snoring and let out a small sigh of relief. Everyone was okay then. I can't shake this itchy feeling, though, like something's not right.

I grumble and just go over to the door, slipping on my shoes and coat. Maybe if I checked on the sheep I'd feel better.


Ending up halfway into the forest hadn't been my plan, but one of the sheep hadn't been there and now I couldn't find it. I was about ready to give up and go home, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't allow myself to disappoint...

I shiver as a breeze comes by and begin looking again.
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:31 pm
eldEr says...


The beginning of something like a frown tugged at the edges of Zabriel's mouth. Those creatures... they would be the death of this whole mission. What had Aridian called the creature? Sundancer or something similar. Zabriel shook his head and turned to walk away a few paces, ignoring the brush crunching underfoot, and the protests from Aridian's direction. What were the chances Dax had heard the boy by now?

Somewhere close, a sheep bleated loudly. Not far behind was a quiet voice, urging the creature to stop and come closer. The frown disappeared from Zabriel's face entirely, replaced by a wide grin as the sheep-- and persuer stepped into view. It was Conleth, Zabriel was sure of it.

Well, at least the boys were all within a reasonable distance of each other. That and Conleth was headed towards where Aridian and his little entourage. Zabriel was about to inform Lulu of his minor victory when the breeze suddenly picked up, slowly becoming a steady wind that began to make the treetops shake.

Zabriel looked up, jaw twitching and frowning once again. How unpredictable was the weather in and around Toliaz? With luck, it was just a windy night. Nothing more, nothing less.

Lu, we need to get the six together and start moving. It was getting much too late for his likings, and the wind was only unnerving him more. If they were going to get a storm, the six would scatter. Unless they had a weather controler... Zabriel couldn't remember. Then again, if they did, it was possible that he or she was responsible for the wind.

Lulu's voice came back before long. Yes, well, that's much easier said than done. A mental sigh. I'll... see what I can do. Is everybody in the forest at least?

Zabriel nodded, even if Lulu couldn't see it. He was more reassuring himself than anybody else. If you've gotten your half in, then yes. They are all in the forest.

He cut the thoughts off for a moment to think. Conleth and Aridian were already close, and Dax wasn't too far away. All they really had left was to get the girls gathered into one area. Yes, and then you have to get them to follow you, he reminded himself. That may prove difficult. Especially if they weren't supposed to show themselves just yet.

Zabriel smiled to himself and brought one hand up to his face. The light swimming in the air around his finger tips was more inspiration than he needed. He moved his hands up to double-check that the hood to his cloak was pulled up, and, satisfied that he was safe, he let the light filter into the threads. Enough light to make himself shine. Next came his shirt and pants, and just to add to the effect, a bit in the strands of hair hanging out from behind his hood.

Zabriel was now literally glowing. Stepping in and out of sight would be enough to lure the three together, and then to the girls, wouldn't it be? If their curiousity worked like his, it would hopefully be enough.

got trans?

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:11 am
MilkNCookies says...


Sundancer dug his feet into the ground and growled at the image; eli and jelly were instulting him. Kitten was staring, alert, terrified. I was with her. Hiding on Sundancer, I looked at the image. It was a glowing, hooded man. He started to walk away.
Let's go! Sundancer saud.

"Su-!" iu began, before he lurched forward, following the mysterious... thing.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:56 am
Cspr says...


"Stupid sheep," I grumbled as I forced the thorns out of its fleece. It bleated sadly and I just glared at the bush, wishing... I shake my head briskly, but the thorns creep away anyway.
"Did you see what you made me do?" I ask it. It just stares at me pitifully. "Fine, let's get you--what the...?" I stare at the lit figure which is suddenly walking through the woods, strands of light illuminating whatever it is. "Well...that's different."

The sheep turned tail and went running back towards my family's field. I just watched briefly, hoping it would get home safely, before turning back towards the...whatever it was.
My SPD senses are tingling.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
— Marcel Proust