
Young Writers Society

War of the Tsurekin

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Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:26 pm
Dynamo says...


"So, does Ryukin follow you everywhere?" Skylar asked.

"Just about."

"Even to school?"

Kai nodded. "Back in grade nine I was beat up by another kid in school. When I came back home that night and Ryukin saw my bruises, he told me he wasn't going to let me out of his sight again. A few days later that kid came back with his friends to harass me some more. Ryukin showed up before they could hurt me and scared them off."

"I think I heard about that," she said. "A friend of mine once told me she saw a bunch of guys running down the stairs screaming something about a robot dragon."

Kai smirked. "Yeah, that would be Ryukin. Nobody believed them, but from that day on they never bothered me again."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:31 pm
TNCowgirl says...

"I just found Tala a year or so ago, so I didn't believe it was possible either." She shrugged. "I still can't figure out where these guys came from, I mean they got some pretty heavy duty armor, and it fixes itself from what I can tell."

"Maybe they belong to the army or something, I don't know either. Or maybe their aliens." He smiled.

"I'm more likely to believe the army part. Robotic aliens is to, transformers. No way humans got that close to being right about anything realistic." She laughed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Ok, you know how they are always predicting in movies what the future is going to be like an all?" He nodded. "Then once we get to that time period it's nothing like what we guessed. I doubt someone guessed that well on what aliens are like. Transformers are aliens, you have seen transformers, right?"
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:42 pm
Dynamo says...

(Just so you know, our Tsurekin won't remember anything past an hour before they met our characters.)

"Yeah. I've heard people say it's a bad movie because it's not the same as the shows it came from, but think it's still a great movie. Anything with giant robots in it is great."

Skylar laughed at that. "Yeah, you've got that right. We'll, I've got to get going now. I guess I'll see you in class tomorrow?" she asked.


She put her helmet back on and got on her bike. "Well, bye," she said before driving away."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:46 pm
TNCowgirl says...

((I figured as much, I just wasn't sure. :D So I'm guessing we're just going to skip on to the next day? When will they run into others that they fight? Or will that be yet. I'll post after I know. :P ))
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:56 pm
Dynamo says...

(I was thinking we could take this chance to have our characters ask their Tsurekin where they came from, then have the creatures tell them they don't remember. After that we can go to the next day. I was thinking before we get into the battles we could have our characters meet one more person with a Tsurekin. Leave it to me, you'll know the character when you see him. :wink: )
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:06 pm
TNCowgirl says...

((Sounds good to me. :D))

Sky rode back to her house and parked the bike in the garage before walking inside.

"Where have you been?" Gram called from the living room.

"Out riding." She replied as Tala slipped in the door. She gave Gram a hug and smiled.

"What are you beaming about?" Gram laughed crossing her arms.

"I found someone else with a creature like Tala." She replied as she plopped on the couch.

"Really? What is it?"

"A dragon, and his owner is in my science class. Kai is his name." She replied.

"Well, isn't that exciting. Seems the two got in a fight." Gram said pointing at the dents and marks on Tala.

"Ya, there was a little misunderstanding." Sky laughed.

"Alright, food will be on the table in a few minutes." Gram walked into the kitchen and Sky laid back looking at Tala who laid on the floor.

"What?" Tala asked. "Your staring like you want to know something."

"Where do you come from?"

"The woods." Tala shrugged.

"Come on, Tala, you gotta know."

"I don't, all I remember is walking through the woods before I saw you almost getting killed. I had to help you so I did." Tala replied laying her head down. "There is nothing else of memory in me."

"Where did you first wake up?"

"The middle of the woods, Sky there was nothing special about it. Like I had gone there, laid down for a nap and woken up without a memory." Tala closed her eyes ending the conversation.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:28 pm
Dynamo says...

Kaiwent up to his apartment. Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door he saw Ryukin sitting in the living room. Since Kai's apartment was on the top floor it was easy for Ryukin to use the balcony as his own personal landing pad. He had to be careful though, because the balcony wasn't very big. Kai had to have the sliding glass door replaced about three times already because Ryukin misjudged his landing path and accidentally smashed the glass with his wing or tail. It seemed as though he had the hang of it now, though. It's been two years since Kai had to replace the door.

"So, you took my advice I see," Ryukin said. "Did you have fun?"

"Before you showed up and started a fight with Tala," Kai said jokingly.

Ryukin smiled back. "You're in a better mood than usual too, I see. You plan on going out with her again tomorrow?"

"Ryukin, it wasn't a date or anything. I bumped into her at the mall and we decided to hang out for a bit. But I guess you can say we're friends now."

"That's good."

Kai went to the fridge and got some leftovers out so he could heat them up in the microwave. As he waited for the food to cook he grabbed his school bag and sifted through it while he sat on the couch. As he looked for tonight's homework he remembered what he and Skylar had talked about with where their friends came from. He turned to look at the metal dragon sitting on the floor next to him and asked, "He Ryukin, do you remember where you came from?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Like, where were you before you saved me in the forest all those years ago?"

"You've never asked about this before, why now?"

"It's just something me and Skylar were talking about when she dropped me off. It got me thinking."

Ryukin looked at the ground for a moment, as if trying to remember. "All I remember is waking up in a tree. Then I heard you scream and I knew instantly to come and save you. I can't say what happened before that."

"I see..." I guess finding out where these guys came from is going to be harder than I thought, Kai thought. But if Skylar has one, then there must be others that have creatures like Ryukin and Tala.

(This might be my last post before leaving for my camping trip.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:34 pm
TNCowgirl says...

((Ok, have fun!))

"Time to eat sweetie." Gram called. She went and ate as Tala rested to let her body fix itself.

After dinner she went back to her room to study and do her homework.

"So, you ready for school tomorrow?" Tala asked.

"Yes, just time to sleep." She replied as she curled up on her bed. Tala jumped up next to her and she fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up and shot out of bed quickly getting dressed. When she was all the way ready she raced to school not even bothering to tell Tala to stay. She was late, again.

Always, late. Always. She parked her bike running in and laughing when she almost ran into Kai.

"hi." She smiled.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:48 pm
Dynamo says...

(Actually, I just found out we'll be leaving in around an hour and a half. Turns out my mom forgot to give my dad the keys to the camper. She's going straight from work to the camp site today, so we have to wait until the time she usually gets off work before we can leave. So, I still have some time left to write.

By the way, what colour is Tala?)

"Running late again I see," Kai said with a smile. "At least you're a few minutes earlier than yesterday. If we hurry we'll be able to get to science class on time."

"Right." They both hurried down the hall to their first class. They managed to get there right before the teacher, which was good because he might have given them a lecture about being late if they had arrived just a minute later.

"Everyone take your seats," he said. "Before we start today's lesson, I have an announcement to make. We have a new student today. His name is Sean Cordell, and he just moved here last week from Hawaii." He turned to the door and said, "Sean, can you come in now?"

A boy about three inches taller than Kai with fiery red hair walked into the classroom. He turned toward the class and, in a thick Hawaiian accent, said, "Please take care of me, everyone."

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get started with today's lesson." The teacher pointed toward Kai and said, "You can sit at Kai's table, Sean."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:55 pm
TNCowgirl says...

(((She's black, with a gleam of blue. :P)))

Skylar watched as Sean walked back and sat next to Kai. She pulled her notebook out so that she could study with it later.

Lunch time came along faster then she thought it would and she glanced to see if she could see Tala anymore.

"She probably found Ryukin." Kai whispered from behidn her. She jumped and turned around.

"Don't do that, I might clock you next time." She replied with a smile. Sean walked over.

"Hi, we're in science together, right?" Sean asked in his accent.

"Yup, I'm Skylar, Sky for short." She smiled shaking his hand.

"Hello again." Kai nodded.

"So, wheres the best place to eat around here?" Sean asked smiling at Skylar. She shrugged.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:18 pm
Dynamo says...

"Outside is always nice, especially on a day like this," Kai said. He pointed to one of the doors in the hallway leading outside and said, "If you go out that door you'll see some picnic tables out on the grass."

"Cool, I'll try eating out there. I'll see you guys later." With that, Sean was out the door.

"He seems nice," Skylar said.

"Yeah. Hey, why don't we eat on the roof?" Kai asked. "I know Ryukin always waits up their while I'm in class. Tala's probably up there, too."

"All right, lead the way." She followed Kai down the hall and up one of the stairwells. Kai was sure to check for people before going the rest of the way up to the restricted door. "Isn't this door always locked?" Skylar asked.

"It's supposed to be," Kai said as he started fiddling with the handle. "But if you jiggle the handle just right, it opens." As if on cue, the door opened. As soon as they closed the door behind them, Ryukin and Tala appeared from behind one of the ventilation systems.

"Tala, how did you get up here?" Skylar asked.

"Ryukin helped me," she said.

"But it wasn't easy flying while carrying something as heavy as her," Ryukin said. His voice had an edge of spite to it. Tala growled at the dragon in response.

(Just so you know, I have a specific way I want to introduce the new character's Tsurekin. It's going to be funny, though. If you could get them to start talking and eating lunch, that'd be great.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:25 pm
TNCowgirl says...

(((Sounds good to me)))

Skylar laughed and sat down next to Tala and opened her lunch pulling out her sandwich first.

"Well what do you think it feels like to have claws in your side?" Tala hissed.

"That would've been great to watch." Sky laughed. Tala growled only making her laugh harder.

"Pesty human." Tala hissed.

"Your the one that sticks around." Skylar teased back as she took another bite pulling her Dr. Pepper out of the lunch sack.

"Maybe so." Tala replied. "But your the one that's always needing saving, so you need me around."

"Sorry, we always seem to tease eachother." Sky smiled at Kai. "All of this is in jest, even if it doesn't look like it. Gram says it's very amusing."
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:52 pm
Dynamo says...

"I don't mind," Kai said, sitting across from Skylar beside Ryukin. "Ryukin is always worrying about me, telling me what to do. Sometimes he's more like a mother than a friend."

"Well, someone has to look after you," Ryukin said. "Remember that one study session when you forgot to eat for eight hours straight?"

"Eight hours, huh? That's something," Skylar said.

Kai shrugged as he pulled a banana out from his bag. "Sometimes when I'm studying I drown everything out, even my own bodily functions." He was about to peel open his banana when something hard landed on his head. "OW!" When he tried to swat it off it was already gone, along with the banana that was in his hand. "What the heck was that?" Kai said.

"Kai, over there!" Skylar pointed at what looked like a small, orange and white robot monkey with a long tail and a cute round head. It looked like it was sniffing the banana it took from Kai.

"It's another one!" Kai said.

"I'll get it!" Tala growled, getting up and running after it.

"Tala, wait!" Skylar said, but the wolf was already booking it. Ryukin was also chasing after the little creature.

The monkey made little frightened eek noises as it ran from the two. Ryukin went after it when it jumped onto one of the vent systems, but ended up slipping off the edge and hitting his head on the ground. Then it was Tala's turn to hurt herself. She chased the monkey across the roof and was about to catch it when it made a sharp turn left. She tried to turn as well, but the gravel covering the roof made it hard to maneuver. She ended up sliding across the ground.

Finally, after five minutes of chasing then managed to corner the little thing. "You're not going anywhere," Tala said to the monkey.

They both moved to pounce at the same time, but as soon as they jumped the monkey escaped by running under them. They ended up in a tangled mess, Tala's tail wrapped around the dragon's arm and Ryukin's wing trapped under the wolf's body.

"What's going on up here?" Everyone looked to see Sean, the new student from Hawaii, leaning against the door. The monkey ran over to him, jumped on his shoulder, and handed him the banana. "You causing trouble again, Reiky?" he asked the monkey.

(Yeah, I'm going to be leaving soon. If I don't post again today, I'll see you in a week.

By the way, Reiky is going to be a girl, and Sean will know that these guys are called Tsurekin, but that's all he knows.)
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
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Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:02 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Skylar looked at Sean and then the monkey. Tala growled low moving close to Skylar.

"You have one too?" Sky asked surprised.

"Ya, if by one you mean a robot." Sean shrugged. "This is the first I've seen anyone else with any creatures. I figured if there were others it'd be animals that acctually existed. But a dragon, thats impressive."

"Dragons have existed." Kai said shrugging.

"I'm not so sure I agree. Dinasours, maybe, dragons, doubtful." Sean shrugged taking a bite of the banana.

"That was Kai's." Tala growled. Skylar put her hand on Tala's head to hush her.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:23 pm
Dynamo says...

Sean swallowed what he had in his mouth before saying, "It was?" He looked at Reiky who was still sitting on his shoulder. "Reiky, what did I tell you about stealing other people's stuff?"

"You forgot your lunch, so I tried to find something for you to eat," the little monkey said. Her voice was that of a young girl's, possibly around ten years old.

"Didn't I also tell you that if you had to steal something to make sure you're not seen?" he asked. Reiky looked embarrassed. He turned back to the others and said, "Sorry about her. I'll buy you something to eat later."

"That's quite all right," Kai said. "More importantly, how long have you had her?"

"Reiky and I have been together for a few years now. I found her back in Hawaii. I found her being chased by a group of kids on the beach. They were throwing rocks and other things at her. I told them to stop, and Reiky ended up following me home. We've been friends ever since. But I never expected to find other kids with robots. Does every kid in this school have one?"

"Not that we know of," Sky said. "I only just found out about Kai and Ryukin yesterday."

"Really? Well in that case, why don't we be friends?" Sean asked.

Reiky tugged on Sean's hair and said, "But Sean, I don't like those clumsy giants." She was obviously referring to Tala and Ryukin.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

So verily with the hardship, there is a relief, verily with the hardship, there is a relief.
— Quran Ch 94:5-6