
Young Writers Society

Stolen (By Auxiira and Skydreamer)

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Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:48 pm
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Auxiira says...

~Two weeks later~


Limping through Arrivals sandwiched between Myra and Shell wasn't exactly how I had ever seen myself arriving in America, but it could be a nice change to dreams, I decided. Only if I ignored the pain in my chest every time I breathed in too deeply. Myra had told me that I was lucky to have only cracked a few ribs, and then proceeded to poke at them, leaving me breathless. I could tell she didn't like me too much, and I could only assume it was because I was close to Shell. Or rather, had been close to Shell. Now that she had gotten her friend back, she seemed to make a point of keeping her distance. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing. Neither of us would be hurt more than we already were that way. My heart twinged, disagreeing with me, but I ignored it, distracting myself by looking around the airport instead. I wasn't particularly interested - most airports looked the same.

I blinked as Myra sped us though Security, just one glance and a short phrase for me to be accepted. If there had ever been a reason to doubt that what I had gotten involved with was high up, then this blew it away. I didn't doubt that security was paramount here, but I had just been waved through. My gun had been lost at some point, and seeing how I didn't know exactly what I was diving into, I definitely missed it. Putting blind faith in people who I didn't know, and certainly didn't trust wasn't my thing, but it was for Shell. I couldn't leave her on her own.

The car that Myra had called ahead for sat in front of the airport, waiting. It was big enough for the three of us to sit in the back, and I clambered in gingerly, careful of my ribs and legs. Myra frowned slightly as she slid in between me and Shell.

"You should've waited another week. You're still not healed."

"You were going to leave without me." I countered.

"And come back for you when you were fine!"

"Sure." I knew we both grated on each other's nerves. Shell being distant was actually frustrating me, and I was venting on Myra. Not too fair, but I reasoned that she probably wasn't as nice as she made out, and deserved it. I wasn't going to poke fun at Shell, at any rate.

Sighing, I turned away and stared out of the window. The highway blurred past in a mess of cars and signs. Everything was oversized, like the Americans had something to prove. I shook my head. Everyone had something to prove.


I stretched a little as the car stopped smoothly. Waking when a mode of transportation stopped was a travelling habit. It had stopped me from missing quite a few trains. I noticed the car door opening, or rather being opened by one of those suited men. I tensed a bit as I saw Shell being helped out, then Myra started to go but stopped before getting out of the car and stared at me,

"This is all confidential, what you see in there is not to be discussed elsewhere. Understand? I could have you arrested if I find out anything."

"I'll only discuss it with my conscience," I replied, curling a lip at her. She smirked.

"Good." she said finally leaving so I could get out. I almost groaned getting out of that car by myself. There it was before me, the Pentagon. It was riddled with security all around. I followed after Myra and Shell and the suited fellow who was helping Shell, I kept glancing at them hoping Shell would turn her head for some reason so I could see what she was thinking. I didn't know what to think. We rounded a corner and entered the bulding through some unexpected door. It wasn't very secretive if they were trying to keep people out.

"Seems like anyone could just stroll in here." I muttered as I entered, last again. Myra of course heard me and whiped her head around. I rolled my eyes.

"This is a special department, only for the GEHS."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "GEHS? cause you couldn't just give them a name that made them feel human." This time she rolled her eyes.

"They aren't really, and neither am I. Best to face it. Alright we're entering the labs now. Don't stare too hard, some of them are doing testing and may seem to be doing strange things, others are sleeping so don't be too loud. Although if I recall correctly they sleep through anything." They? I shook my head as Myra pushed open double doors. Somehow I had lost Shell durring Myra's explanation and I started looking for her, she was just in front of us with her guide. I walked a little faster to catch up, and that's when I got a good look at everything.

It was like a huge, huge hospital except there were no typical odd smells of medicine and blood, but new strange smells of chemicals I'd probably never seen or heard of. Also there were ladders everywhere, transportable ladders, they were some kind of high tech ones or something. What I noticed more than the buidling and the lab coated scientists or the strange smells were the people, everywhere you could see a colourful array of people of every kind of ethnicity and facial structure either doing the "weird" tests that Myra was talking about, or with IV's stuck to them and connected to a computer. The place was like one long hospital hallway, without any doors. That and it was who knows how high up.

I kept walking faster and before I knew it I was beside Shell, I leaned over quickly.

"If only you could see this..." I whispered. "Though you really wouldn't want to." She turned toward my direction for a moment, her eyes widened. Myra caught up before she could reply.

"And this is Shell's department." We stopped infront of one of the "rooms" they were like rooms without doors, only three walls. They were pretty big, but it seemed only five people could really fit in the space. There was a bed in the middle of it, and one of the computer things that were attached to some of the people I'd seen. There was a short balding man with a white coat too big for him, near the bed tinkering with the computer. Myra walked up to him. "Dr. Lanster, Shell's back!" The man whipped around, he had a pretty chubby face, almost cartoon like his whole persona, I wanted to laugh but held it in.

"Shell, we've missed you here! My how you've grown." I rolled my eyes. Shell didn't seem to buying it either.

"I don't think I've been gone that long." She replied.

"American scientist acting like an overly affectionate uncle. What a joke. I could get him down in about two seconds," I muttered in Russian, seriously contemplating it. Shell tried to stifle her giggle. I heard it though and allowed a tiny smile to show. There was enough creepy around here for me to want someone on my side, which didn't happen often. It would be better if it was her.

"Russian? Or is that Czech? Anyways, I'm gonna have to ask you all to clear the room in about ten minutes, but for check ups I guess visitors are okay. Although I think I have some right asking who you are?" He said looking at me. Myra interrupted conversation,

"He's nobody and we'll be gone as soon as we need to be. Could you do some trauma checks on her? Also I think that they took her memory is there anyway to restore it?"

"I'll do the checks right now. Hey Shell, I'm gonna guide you to the bed and ask you to lie down, then I'll hook an IV up, you know, to the computer radar, so that we can check your brain. It'll be over in a few. Is that alright?" His tone made me want to scoff. She nodded. Once the IV was attatched to her bloodstream she fell right asleep. She looked peaceful. The doctor was scanning the screen as an image of her brain popped up and Myra moved closer to look at it, and so did I. Everything looked normal, the two of them were pointing and jabbing and talking nonsense so I just let my eyes gaze at her.

After what seemed like an hour they were done trying to figure out her feelings though a screen and she woke up after the needle left her body.

"So how am I?" There was an edge to her voice that hadn't been there before. She was upset about something.

"You're doing surprisingly well for someone who went through what Myra had described. I think that we can have the surgery on you as soon as tonight?" He turned to Myra for approval. What Myra should have done was then ask Shell, but nope, this was Myra.

"Sure! The sooner the better. She's had experiance with the outside world already so maybe she can handle some projects like mine. It'll be fun."

"Wait. Surgery?" I had been left out of the loop somewhere, and somewhere important.

"Yes, Surgery. She's finally getting her eyes fixed. By experts; people who actually know what they're doing."

"You can say my father doesn't know what he's doing, I'm sure, but didn't she go blind because of your meddling at the beginning?"

"I think we should talk without the presence of other people. Shell, what do you think, is tonight alright?" the doctor said. Shell nodded carelessly, she was thinking. "Alright I'm going to have to ask everyone but Shell and Myra to clear the area."

"You realize I just need to take one step back in order to do that right? There's no door." I told him. He frowned and nodded. I took a step back and crossed my arms, ready for a wait.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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159 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:20 am
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Skydreamer says...


My mind hurt. I instantly recalled the days I spent in the lab, waking up to pain. I tried to push the thoughts away. Because when they come, they come with Dmitri and I was suppose to stay away from him to protect him. I wasn't sure how long that would last, but I promised Myra I would try. I squeezed my eyes together as another shot of pain riddled through my mind. It was then that I remembered I had eyes, and that if I remembered correctly I had just gotten a surgery on it. Fear rippled through me. What if it didn't work? If it didn't work I could or would be blind for life. For some reason now the idea wasn't that appealing to me.

Before, I didn't want to see the world, it seemed so dark, and not just because of the darkness but because I felt cheated. And I thought my freedom was accepting my deficiency and living well through it, in fact that was my freedom. But now, now I could possibly open my eyes and see something for what would feel like the very first time. I would be able to see what color was, I would be able to see what I feel instead of just guessing, I'd be able to see people. People. I decided I should try to open my eyes, I hesitated three times--slightly opening but not fully--when finally I heard something, a shift of a chair or something. So I decided to face my fate, would I see or not? Up to what they did to me.

I sighed and lifted my heavy eyelids slowly. I turned my head to the left naturally as I did so, if I was going to see I didn't want to see the lights shinning on my face from above. It was blury at first, everything was in blobs as my eyes, as if being pried open, continued to lift slowly. Then a burst of pure, colorful light. I could see.

I could see.

And as my vision came in to clear focus I noticed a figure not too far from my bed, sitting in a chair. The person, I now identified, was sleeping. His head leaned on his shoulder to the right, and I noticed unruly but beautiful hazel brown hair. His breaths were even and I watched his body breathing in and out for a long time. I wanted to say something but the words caught at my throat. Dimitri? I sat up in the bed, trying to make as little sound as possible. With my new view I managed to catch a glipse of his crystal blue eyes, I held my breath for a moment. I cleared my throat, even though I tried, my voice barely made it out of my mouth.

"Dimi-" and I froze as I saw him react and shift. He didn't wake. I had to be louder, I didn't want to wake him though. That is, until I heard footsteps. I quickly climed out of my bed and tapped him on the shoulder. He started upright, grabbing my hand. He didn't let go until his eyes focused on me.

"Shell?" Without a doubt there were tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey." I said grinning at him. "Your hair is beautiful, so are your eyes."

He stilled, awe spreading across his face with a smile. "You're more beautiful," he whispered. I couldn't stop smiling if I wanted too.

"How long have you been here?"

"Since you came out of surgery. I wanted to be here when you woke up... And here I am." His eyes never left mine. "This is amazing." I grinned at him, and sat on his lap to give him a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It's more than amazing."

"Excuse you--I mean me," I turned and got up seeing Myra walking in. "Hi, I take it you can see?" I nodded. "Good. You report to duty tomorrow." My eyes widened. I didn't have time to take in her fire hair or her piercing look before I wanted to lunge at her and scream.

"What? What on earth do you need me for? I just got surgery!" I looked her squarely in the eye.

"Fine. You have one day. After tomorrow, you'll be working with me, what we need you for is classified, we can't discuss it here." She eyed Dimitri as she said that.

"Just as a question, what are you planning for me? Or am I just going to be the errand boy?" He challenged her with a fierce glare. She narrowed her eyes at him. Then she glared at me.

"For now? For now, I'll just be trying to keep you alive. If you live long enough maybe your stubborn attitude might be helpful. Oh, and if you'd like him to stay alive I'd suggest hugging while you both are on your own. No PDA here." She spent a full five seconds staring the two of us down before leaving. When she left I rolled my eyes and smiled at Dimitri.

"If you want me to stay alive?" He raised an eyebrow at me, questioning. My smile slowly faded. He deserved to know.

"Apparently, and I'm not saying anything, but if we were ever to be, you know "together" it could risk your life." I braced myself for his response.

"Is that all?" He grinned. "Like I haven't been doing that until now. If I'm with you, then it's worth the risk." My heart sped up and I smiled widely. I wasn't sure whether I should say anything about what I actually feel. He took my hands and stood up.

"Okay." A glint of mischief lit his eyes. "I," he reached under the bed and took out a small rucksack, his grin widening, "am asking you out on a date."

"Okay." I grinned. "I, am saying yes." I squeezed his hands "Where are we going, handsome?" I asked.

"To see the night lights," he replied mysteriously. "Up you get. I have clothes here for you." He reached into the bag and pulled out something, handing it to me. I took the clothes and looked around for a place to change, all I saw were more "rooms" without doors. I turned towards him, still amazed I could actually see his face, his reactions. I gave him a crooked smile,

"Could you hold up a blanket for me and close your eyes?"

"Sure." A slight flush crept up his cheeks as he fetched a blanket from a nearby closet and held it in front of him, closing his eyes as I changed. I changed quickly and told him I was done. I was surprised it fit me and everything.

"This is," I thought of the right word. "Cute! How'd you get it?"

He put the blanket down on the bed, then rubbed the back of his head, seemingly embarrassed. "I went to the shops nearby whilst you were in surgery..."

"Thank you. I think this is the first thing anyone's ever gotten me. I will wear it everyday." I smiled jokingly.

He chuckled. "It's been a long while since anyone was this happy about something I bought them, so thank you too."

"So can we go now?" I took his hand. I don't think he's seen me really "happy" quite yet, but going out, doing something, anything outside of these suffocating walls, the walls that brought back memories I didn't want to face, that was happiness.

"Of course." He squeezed my hand, then moved to the end of the partition, glancing up and down the corridor before tugging me towards the door. Once we were outside in the last of the sunlight, he relaxed more, grinning again. "This way, Shell." Bringing me around to the side of the building, I saw his bike, two helmets resting on the seat. "Our ride." I grinned. I quickly ran up to it and grabbed a helmet.

"This is awesome. Where are we going again?"

"I didn't say." He smirked lopsidedly as he put on his own helmet and handed me a leather jacket from his bag, before putting on his own. Swinging a leg over his bike, he patted the place behind him. "Take a risk with me?"

"What do I have to lose?" I grinned at him as I climbed onto the bike behind him. It was then that I fully recognized it. "This, this is the bike you rescued me with?"

"Yup. Couldn't leave her behind. Some lowlife would've jacked it, and she doesn't deserve that." I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his back, then I nodded.

"I agree."

"Hold on tight. I don't want to lose you." He kicked off the stand and started up the bike, revving the engine a few times before leaving the parking lot, straight onto the highway.


We came to a stop at the top of a hill, next to the House of Congress. Kicking on the stand, he waited for me to get off before getting off and standing next to me.

"This is pretty," he stated, taking my hand, "but what we're going to see is prettier." He lead me along, swinging our arms as we walked. Stopping to the side of the House, he pointed out across the Mall. "Isn't it beautiful?" I held my breath, it was amazing. There seemed to be a never ending row of lush green with patterns cut into them. I felt the breeze blow through my hair and watched as the sun dipped down in the sky and drew colorful streaks of purple and orange. I turned towards him and smiled.

"Yes, it's absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so much, for everything."

"You don't have to keep thanking me, you know. I'm enjoying this as much as you." Tugging me down the path that led down the side of the hill, we moved towards the lights. Music drifted up to us, pulsing in the night. A party was in full swing on the lawn, people dancing and snacking at mobile bars. Dimi grinned, drawing me closer to him.

"Shall we have some fun?" I grinned back, my heart pulsing through my ears.

"Yes." I whispered unsure of how my face got so close to his. I stared at his eyes intensely.

"Hey! You two want some drinks!" Someone called out. I wasn't sure what these drinks were, but Dimi took my hand and led me toward the crowd surrounded around a cooler. The person who had spoke was a tall, skinny brown haired guy with an extremely large smile, he kind of made you want to laugh every time you looked at him. He also, my mind told me, looked like the type of person to be hosting such a party. "Free for all!" He shouted handing Dimi and I colored plastic cups with substance in them. Dmitri smiled.

"Thanks." he said and then off we went. We found two lawn chairs unattended and sat. I turned to him laughing.

"Is this alcoholic?"

"Probably. Though maybe not. It could just be some sort of non alcoholic cocktail." He took a sip, testing. "Either way, it's good." I decided to try it. I smiled. It tasted like a mixture of fruits, pineapples, apples, kiwi, melon, and a lot of other fruits. I nodded in agreement.

"It's really good. This is awesome." I lifted my hands up to stretch and feel the wind blowing past me. I turned to stare at him, he was looking at me, smiling. "I want to know why you seem to hate your father? What really went wrong?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and leaning back. "My Отец... he's always been a lot more interested in his work than his family. And when you're a kid, knowing that you have a father, but that he doesn't want to see you can hurt. I was actually okay with it then, 'cause I had my mother. Then she fell ill. I've never really checked it out, but I think my father was developing bio-weapons, and she became really really sick." He paused to take a shaking breath. "And so I tried to tell him that. In my mind, he was a doctor, someone who could help her get better. But he didn't come out. Not even when she died. And that... well that was what made me hate him. He could've helped. But he didn't. I couldn't forgive that." He returned his gaze to me, no longer smiling. I reached out my hand to his and took his hand in mine. I never left his gaze, my eyes rimming with tears. I stroked his palm with my thumb.

"I am so sorry. Mayb-" Before I could finish someone's shadow was ontop of me. I looked up to see a blonde haired guy with tattoos on his neck grinning widely.

"Hey, you two just friends, or may I have this dance?" He pointed to the "floor" where people were dancing and music was blaring. There was music? I didn't know that. I shook my head.

"I don't want to dance." He had the audacity to move closer to me, I stared at him.

"You sure about that, honey?"

"She said she didn't want to dance, mate." Dmitri said, putting his cup down on the grass and leaning forwards. "So leave her be."

"I don't see you taking her to dance, mate." He said grinning lopsided. Then he grabbed for my other hand. Before I even registered when had happened, Dmitri was on his feet, socking the guy. He landed on the floor, nursing his eye.

"I did say to leave her be." His hand brushed against his ribs as he lowered it, and he winced, but hid it. Turning to me, he held out his hand. "C'mon, Shell, we're leaving." I took it and followed him.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"The Air and Space museum," he grinned. "If I remember rightly, from the map, it's juuustttt here." We went out onto the street and I finally got to see what it looked like to be out on a street. There were lots of lights and the road was wide. Before we knew it we were standing in front of the museum. The sky was quite dark now, almost pitch black and the museum was lit up. I could see the lights inside and it produced an effect where everything looked like it was glowing and alive. I grinned. We walked in the museum. Planes hung from the ceiling above models of shuttles. Dmitri looked around, grinning with a childish glee. I realized that he loved planes. That made me smile. Must have been fun flying all those planes.

"I want to fly with you." I whispered in his ear.
Last edited by Skydreamer on Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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67 Reviews

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Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:21 pm
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Auxiira says...


"I want to fly with you." Her voice tickled my ear, and then my heart. I stopped grinning at the planes and looked down at her.

"Anytime you like, darling." I was feeling particularly sentimental tonight. Maybe it was just the fact that I was here, with her. I brought her hand up and kissed the back of it, smiling.

"I mean, why not? We should try to run away again. Now that I can see, we should just go fly. Fly everywhere, anywhere. Anyways, just my thoughts. What's your favorite model?" She asked obviously trying to mask the tremble in her voice.

"The Rafale. French fighter jet. It's amazing in action. They're like the Red Arrows."

"That's a great one! A battle warrior fighter jet. I'm not surprised you like it." She smirked at me.

"And why may that be?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I dunno, you just have that kind of fighting personality, don't you think?" She grinned.

"Well, I don't let go of what I love. I fight for it. If that's what you mean." I took her other hand so she was facing me properly, swinging both of them a little.

"Yeah, that's my favorite thing about you. I know you're not going down without a fight. It's quite attractive really." I laughed.

"Why, thank you." I grinned. "I'll fight for you, you know. I'll fight for you the hardest I've ever fought. I can't let you go."

"Then you'll be sad to know, you don't have to fight for me. You won't ever have to let me go. I'm yours for the taking." She leaned in closer, till there was a breath of air between us. I brought my hand to her cheek and lifted it up gently, and then she closed the gap between us by kissing me.

It wasn't perfect, like they made it out to be in the books, but it was her, so entirely her that it felt as if I were free falling off of a cliff and up to the sky. I drew back a little and rested my forehead on hers, smiling. Her eyes gleamed like green gems, sparkling.

"I like flying with you," I whispered, knowing she would hear it. She smiled softly, more beautiful that anything I had seen. She wrapped her arms around me, squeezing. I hugged her back, kissing the top of her head softly.

As I glanced up, I caught sight of a shock of red hair across the crowd. Frowning, I recognised Myra. She was staring straight at us, a thunderous glare clouding her face. I narrowed my eyes, knowing she could see.

I stepped back from Shell, then wrapped my arm across her shoulder, turning her so she wouldn't have any chance of seeing Myra. I wouldn't let the fiery-haired bloodhound ruin the evening, like a overbearing chaperone.

"We should walk 'round the city, see the sights." I rested my head on top of hers.

"That sounds amazing, Dimi." She murmured, not noticing my diverting her attention. As we strolled out of the museum, I noticed bulky men, clearly not actually meant to be there, lounging attentively near the door. I stared one down over Shell's head and carried on.

We made it around most of the interesting landmarks in the centre of town before I decided it was probably better for us to go back, even reluctantly. Dawn had already started to peek over the horizon, and I could tell that, though she didn't show it, Shell was tired. It had probably been slightly overwhelming for her regaining her sight. I wasn't sure.

The men had followed us everywhere. I knew that they were for Shell, not for me, and I felt resent burning in my stomach that they wouldn't even let her out of their sight for an evening.

As we stepped off of my bike, I drew her closer, kissing her lightly. "Любимая моя, ты замечательный и бесплатный , не забывайте, что .*"

She smiled. "You'll break my heart with words like that, Mr Leonov." It was my turn to grin.

"I'd never dare to." I kissed her temple. "I'd better take you back inside, before they start missing you." He smile crumpled, replaced by a tiny frown.

"If I could, I wouldn't." She muttered.

"I know." I took her hand and led her to the door. "Don't let them break you, you're too precious."

She smiled back sadly and slipped through the door, closing it behind her. I sighed deeply, then turned around, facing the burly men.

"I suppose you actually are here for me, then. Should I feel honoured or disgusted?" The neutral expression of one turned to a smirk, and on the other, a twisted grimace.

"You should just feel happy to be alive once our friends are done," Smirk retorted. A ball of dread settled in my stomach. I couldn't get away from them. I was actually in more pain that I let anyone see. My ribs were killing me, and lifting my arms above my shoulder made it almost impossible to breathe. I still wanted to go down fighting.

It was over pathetically fast, a hand clapped to the side of my neck and a faint prick under the smarting pain brought me down, a swirl staining the morning sky. The shadows seemed to loom menacingly, and the space around me threatened to collapse. A steel-toed boot nudged my ribs exactly where they were fractured. "He'll take a while to break, this one." I needed to run away, but my limbs were like lead blocks.

"He'll snap in the end." I rolled over, my arm trapped under my fractured rib, spinning a sudden moment of clarity, and then black.

Spoiler! :
Heeey babe! How's life? Wanted to surprise you with this. ^.^

The burly guys are the daaaark side of 'Murica. They are clearly not going to do nice things to Dimi, and Myra is going to tell Shell that he's gone to visit a friend from travels. I was thinking that maybe they could update her on their 'progress' by text though, and maybe Shell could kidnap her phone? Idk. Though there won't really be any Shell/Dimi action in the next one. Have fuuuuun! ^.^

*My sweetheart, you are wonderful and free, don't forget that.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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159 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2117
Reviews: 159
Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:09 pm
Skydreamer says...


After I shut the door I closed my eyes and smiled. Staying just a moment to let everything sink in. It was so marvelous being able to see. So marvelous to see him, so fun, so special, and so magical to feel his lips on mine. My heart fluttered at the thought of it. Moving without thinking I walked down the dim-lit passage way to the room quarter that was mine. I found myself skipping along the way and grinning uncontrollably. There was an ache in my heart that the night had to end so quickly. I longed to be with him, even now. I already missed him. I passed by one room and saw a patient sleeping on their bed, she was a girl and looked horribly uncomfortable.

Seeing that made me realize where I was, what I was. How impossible it was for me to have a normal life. I had all the functions of a human, but I was enhanced, and made to help the world, not just live among it. As I stepped into my room I jumped back in surprise, noticing Myra sitting on the chair near the bed.

"Did you have fun?" She asked, void of emotion. This voice always got to me, she's trying to sound mechanical. Well I know she isn't.

"Yes, I did. I had more than just, fun! I think I'm in love? I think I'm in love! Does it happen this fast Myra?" I grinned at her. I was in the clouds and she wasn't going to bring me down. I didn't believe her that it would be impossible to be with Dimitri. Or maybe I did, but I still didn't want to. I wanted to be with him even if it meant I'd have to have some consequence, even if I was blind. My heart squeezed. Too late for that now.

"Hmm, I think it takes a bit longer my dear." She told me, standing up. She still kept emotion out of her voice. She walked slowly up to me and stopped in front of my face. She started to whisper, "Remember that tomorrow we'll be going on our first assignment, so you need to get some rest. Also, remember what I told you about relationships, I lost my love in the worst way possible. And I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't go through the same thing."

"What do you mean by that, Myra?" I asked the joy leaving my tone, and expression.

"Goodnight, Shell." She replied and then walked away before I could say anything. I stood there for a moment filled with fear and slight regret that I didn't ask him to stay with me for the night. I should have asked him to keep me company. I shouldn't have left him alone. The hope that Myra wouldn't, hurt him was what allowed my feet to move and let me sleep on the bed, exhausted.


A rude awakening was what I received as I felt something sharp enter my skin. I wanted to jump up, but someone held my arm. I opened my eyes, something formally unnessary and tried to figure out what was happening. Myra stood beside the Doctor from before, Lanster. She was smiling at me, but I frowned back at her. When would I wake up to peace?! I took a breath as the needle, I now noticed in my arm was pulled out. The Dr. Lanster placed a cotton swab on it and then went to the computer still next to the bed.

"What on earth is going on?" I asked as I held the swab in place and sat up.

"We're going on an assignment today so I had a slight dosage added to your system, mainly for your eyesight but also for strength and balence. We'll most likely be fighting."

"What exactly is this 'assignment'?" I asked making finger quotes at the word.

"We need to take back some information that got in the wrong hands. Your brain is one of the most advanced so we'll need you to get past some security."

"I thought we were suppose to be helping people?"

"We are helping people. If the people who now have the information, decides to act upon what they find, the whole world will be in a lot of shit. Not just because they are bad people or that nonsense but because the world will not handle the information. It'll be like an overload."

"So what is this, a spy trip? Are we super secret spies who protect the world from evil, like in," my mind registered several hundred movies with the same theme. "A lot of movies." Myra laughed intensly and it took me by surprise.

"We aren't spies, or agents, or superheros, we're GEHS and we do what we have to, to keep ourselves and the world safe, if you get caught on these trips you can and will die. This isn't some movie, these are real people who are very smart, who will be merciless, who will not want to get caught. Most importantly, this isn't some joke, this is life or death. Stop comparing yourself with a human. You have never watched a movie in your life, never bought ice cream, never driven your own car, and yet you know what each and everyone of those things are. You know exactly how ice cream tastes, and know exactly how to drive a car. Shell you could drive a truck if you wanted to! You can break through computer codes with your mind. Yes, I know that's how you escaped! How did I know? Your brain is so similar to a computer, we can enter inside it and know [everything."

I was speechless and my mouth hung open a little at the end of her speech. She smirked.

"I know why you thought you were in love, but I'm sorry to say, that's not happening." At that she turned to leave, which was a good thing, becuase I was tempted to be violent. Who did she think she was going into my memories like that?

"Don't forget who you are, my dear. You are not a human. I need you to be dressed and out in ten minutes."

Muttering curses to her under my breath I looked at the clothes that had been set on my chair while she was lecturing me. I grabbed them and looked around for some privacy. Why the hell did they make this place so open? Oh, right, we weren't suppose to be humans, no need for privacy? I grumbled as I snatched my blanket and looked around for anyone willing to hep me. I noticed the girl I had seen the previous night, the one who looked highly uncomfortable. She was walking in circles in her room quarters, pacing, her hand was on her head.

I wondered what they were doing to her while she had slept. Walking up to her slowly, I stopped when I saw her stop pacing. It was as if she knew I was coming towards her, fear entered my system and I was about to walk away when she turned towards me and I almost screamed at her fire-like glare. Literally fire-like because her eyes were a reddish-orange and so were her lips. Despite the shock of her face, which was sharp as well; her chin was abnormally long and pointed at the tip, her jaw bones also sharp and angular, her cheek bones jutted out like a skeleton, I decided to walk towards her. The reason being something in her stance, it told me she was afriad. Like she was actually afriad of how I reacted. Like she was afriad of herself.

I inched towards her slowly until I reached her box-like room. I smiled at her and extended my hand. She took my hand, her skin was cold and slightly sticky. I tried not to shiver.

"Hi, nice to see another girl near me." I told her laughing nervously and releasing her hand.

"I'm not a girl." She said with disgust and turned away from me, towards her mirror, glancing at her features.

"Sorry then. I was just wondering if you could help me to have some privacy while I changed. I actually don't have much time, just about one minute."

"You can press the 'close up' button. I'll show you." After that she walked over to my little box-room, and pressed a button I never noticed by a wall. Instantly the room started to close up, there was a thick sheet of sheet of dark cloth that closed up the enterance. She pressed the button again and the restrictions climbed back up. "There you go." She said. Her voice was odly deep. It seemed like it was enhanced in a way. I felt horrible for her. I wondered what she looked like before the enhancements.

"When did they change your face like that?" I asked before I could stop myself. She was on her way out, but stopped after my question.

"Just yesterday. My face was always hideous, but, but they changed my eyes, they changed my chin. I don't care, I can't care, but the thing that hurts me the most is, they claim it's good for interrogation. Interrogation! What?! Why not tell me to wear a fu-, a mask?!" I could tell she would be tearing up but no tears came. Her eyes were clear. Why were they creating monsters? That was never the plan! ! At least it wasn't suppose to be the plan.

"I am so sorry." I whispered, suddenly tearing up myself.

"And you know what else? Everytime I think about escaping or running away, or everytime I try to rip the earpieces off in a mission. I get these headaches, this terrible ringing in my head. It doesn't go away until the thought does. They aren't to be trusted. I don't know who you are, but since you're new, I suggest you get out of here as soon as you get the chance."

I looked at her, my body tensing up in fear.

"When did these headaches start?" I asked.

"They started after my first opperation."

I was doomed.
Last edited by Skydreamer on Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:47 pm
Auxiira says...


A sharp slap brought me back to consciousness. I gritted my teeth against the spiking pain that it brought with it. My shoulders ached from my arms being tied behind the chair and I could feel congealed blood on my cheek. A chair scraped across the floor, the screeching driving stakes through my skull. I sensed it be set down in front of me. There was the click of a lighter being flicked, and then cigarette smoke was blown into my face. I coughed, my whole body wracked with pain at the movement. I felt the world rush to my head. Another tap on my cheek.

"Don't pass out on me, kid. We got work to do today." I could still feel the dregs of fear shifting around my stomach, stirring up the little I had left in there. I had barely eaten since I had been brought here, and even then it had only been enough to stop me from passing out. The acid gnawed at the sides of my stomach, eating away at the fear until I couldn't feel anything. I stared at him blankly.

He grinned widely, taking in my slumped position and my vacant gaze. "Seemss like it'll go quickly today." He was an ordinary man, ordinary face, ordinary accent, discrete. And that was what stirred the fear up.

He tilted the chair forwards on its legs, rocking. "So here's the deal, kid, you answer my questions, truthfully this time, and we don't have to get out any of the nasty tools from the other days. 'Kay?" A single nod.

He picked up a clipboard and a pen. "Name, nationality, date of birth." I recited them, the same answers to the same questions, over and over. Every time he came, the same questions. Banal, everyday questions, like a bloody questionnaire. But then, every time-

"Your reasons for associating with the GEHS named Shell." I took a shaky breath.

"I love her." A sigh that sent rolling, nauseous fear striking through me. He put the clipboard down, rubbing his forehead.

"Look, 'Mitri, kid, I like you, I really do. Doing this to you, well, honestly, I don't like it." There wasn't any sincerity behind his words, the meaning seeming the exact opposite. "The GEHS' aren't individual beings, and they aren't human. They can't feel love. The only reason that thing pretends to love you is to use you, most probably."

"There's always an exception to the rule." I grinned to hide the fear. Bare teeth, almost a snarl. A challenge.

He stubbed his cigarette. "If I hadn't heard you scream, I'd almost think you like pain." A flippant remark thrown as he stood up, reminding me that I was nowhere near as strong as I pretended to be. A cold hot flush of fear rushed through me as my stomach flipped over. He circled me, silent, deadly.

I heard a rustle from the table behind me, then a cloth snaked around my eyes.

"It's so much better like this, isn't it?" This was the tone that set me shaking. Nothing but a conversational drawl. I tensed my feet against the floor and gritted my teeth.

The first blow shook my skull, making my ears ring. I shook my head, trying to clear it, but a blow to the stomach had me trying to double over, slumping with my shoulders twisting painfully behind me.

It was always the fists and the feet and the elbows and the knees first, for a couple of hours (I thought, I wasn't sure, I had lost any sense of time), and then came the blades and the blunt and the things that twisted and all I could do then was scream.


I woke up before he came back, for once. It was dark, thick black silence coated everything. I could hear my own breathing, ragged. Every little movement brought a twinge of pain. But. And there was a good but. He hadn't yet broken anything. I was almost certain all my bones were intact, save maybe a few toes and a finger. Maybe he was told not to. The thought gave me hope.

A glance around the room showed me only what I already knew: a door, a chair, a table, and me. I quaked slightly as I caught a glimpse of the edge of the table, quickly turned away. I didn't need to see that. I needed to get out.

Seizing onto the thought like a life ring, I tried to think about the place I was in. Technically, I knew nothing. So if I wanted to get out, there was a huge risk of being caught and hauled back. But I had to try. Starting to pull on my wrists, I wriggled them up and down until the rope seemed to loosen and I somehow managed to free my hands. I winced at the release of the pressure on my shoulders and rolled them slightly. Slowly standing up, my whole body ached.

I moved to the door and found it unlocked. Clearly they didn't think I would be any trouble. Pushing it open carefully, I tried to make sure no one was in the corridor before creeping out, jerky and sore. Meeting no one, I hurried through the building as fast as I could, trying to find an exit.

After a while, I finally found an open door, leading to a loading bay. A single van sat in the large area, inconspicuous, just like the man. No one else was there, but sounds echoed from the street just past the closed door. Hesitation leaked through me, but I shook it off. This was too obvious, but there had to be another exit. Skirting around the balcony surrounding the bay, I edged through a door on the other side, back into the warren of unlit corridors. After another long while, I started to see light, and sped up a little, ignoring caution. Rounding the corner, I felt my heart rise.

The man lounged against the door, phone to his ear, gun in the other hand, freezing my limbs. It was a trap and I had walked straight into it. I couldn't move as he took me in, a lazy smile snaking across his face.

"So, Shell knows, right, Ma'am?" Ice coursed through my veins. Shell knows? A simple nod from him. "Okay, well, please keep her informed on our progress. I'm sure she'd like to know, seeing as she ordered this." I almost heard the crack of my spirit. I was just so tired. I didn't want to see Shell, especially if she had tricked me into this. I was only here for her, only staying strong for her, but if she didn't want me, then there was no need to hold out.

He hung up, sliding the phone back into his pocket. "Hey, 'Mitri, don't look so down. We all get tricked at some point." A quick smile. "Should we get back to business?"

I nodded.

Spoiler! :
:p Like it? Of course, Shell knows absolutely nothing about what's going on, but they made him incredibly suggestible, then planted the idea :3 It'll probably be a hard road to get him to trust her again when she gets him back. A lot of flinching away and not wanting to stay in the same room, etc. They'll be pushing him further and further away from her now, but also, mental and physical torture still around. So yah.
Ma'am is Myra, bien sûr.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

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Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:25 am
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Skydreamer says...


"Are you ready for your first mission?" Myra's voice rang out from behind me and made me jump slightly. I turned towards her and she had a slight smirk on her face, it was very unsettling but I tried to ignore it. I needed answers, and in order to get them, I'd have to play along.

"Would it matter if I said I wasn't?" I asked, giving her a smirk of my own.

"No, it really wouldn't. Let's go, we've already wasted enough time. Say goodbye to Thorn." I turned to the girl in surprise, to see her reaction, but she had already left. I gave Myra a glare, opened my mouth to say something but then shut it again. There was no point. Myra started moving then without another word, and I followed like an obedient dog. There was something very off about Myra, something too controlling. It hadn't been there when she found me in Russia. It hadn't been there when she helped take care of Dimitri. At the thought of him my stomach was filled with butterflies and my head instantly hurt. Steeling myself I hurried up to match Myra's pace.

"Have you seen Dimitri, today?" I asked her with confidence.

"No." She replied curtly, turning to the left, and I followed.

"What do you mean, no?!" I asked, trying my best to keep the panic out of my voice. It was not easy.

"He's probably busy, you are too." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Anger bubbled inside me.

"Busy doing what!" I yelled thunderously, causing several people to stop and turn to us, just as we were reaching an exit I'd never seen before. Myra stopped too and turned to face me. She had the most grim face I'd ever seen her wear, she completely bared her feelings for me to see. Yet,

"Let's go." Was all she said, and then she turned away from me and out of the exit. There were two iron doors - normally closed - open wide and she walked through them. I ran towards her ready to do some damage, but the light of the day blinded me, well, in the sense that it was too bright. I could now see but my eyes were still adjusting and I couldn't find her as my eyes tried to see through the bright daylight. Someone grabbed my hand leading me, and I heard a loud roaring sound as I stepped further outside. My thoughts were jumbled as I tried to figure out what was going on. And in a strange moment, the anger I had felt to Myra dissapated to compliance that there was nothing I could do. When I saw Dimi I would ask him what was going on. I'd make sure he was okay. If they so much as laid a hand on him I'd run away with him. I'd kill them all and escape.

We reached the roaring machine as the sound became defaning and I soon realized it was a flying transportation device. FTD's were more common than before and almost anyone could afford them now. Commercial airplanes were starting to be more dangerous and people perfered being able to desgin their own aircrafts and it's wind resistence system. There was a pain in my heart as I thought of airplanes, the history, Dimitri was connected with it. Everytime I thought of him, it would be both pain and happiness. I needed to figure out what was going on first, for once, I needed to fully concentraite. I closed my eyes for a second and squeezed it shut, tight. I erased every connection to Dimitri for the moment. I pulled out determination and will, and confidence and then I locked my naive self away. It was time to be a GEHS.

We had to be in the air now, and my I opened my eyes and focused on seeing everyone clearly. The bluriness that existed before cleared up quickly and I noticed we were a team, and it was not just Myra with me. I saw two men and two women. They all wore body armor of some sort and serious faces. Myra was sitting beside the pilot who happened to be another woman. Seemed like we outweighed the men. I tried to register if that was strange. Perhaps it was another glitch in their reproducing system. Most of the GEHS were women. Recalling Thorn, I made sure to get a good look at their features. Most of them had regular features like mine. Except for one guy who instead of standing like the rest of us, was crouching by the side. His face was rough, torn and tattered, looked like it was burned in the third degree. I stared at him wondering what happened to him. Did he simply just try to escape?

Myra's commanding voice rang out again,

"This is Shell's first mission, so I want all eyes on her. We're going to meet the target and arrest them without any fatalities. If one person is shot dead there will be repercussions for the shooter. We want these people alive and well. We just want them in custody. Also, no one but Shell and I are allowed to touch the items in the facility. We were made specifically for that work. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!" They all replied in unison. So this was like an army. The American government was using us as the secret service. Makes sense, afterall, why not have enhanced beings do the dirty work than actual humans. I tried to stifle my anger as I took deep breaths. These people will have guns, I could die. I looked around me for some body armor and grabbed one, putting it on securely. One of the girls smiled at me.

"We wondered when you'd be sensible. Are you ready?" Why do people keep asking me that? How was I ever ready? None of us were ever "ready" we were forced. We were made to do this, built to do it. We never had to be ready.

"No." I said quietly under my breath and turned away from them. In any other circumstance I would be friendly. Right now, I just wanted to get this mission over with.

As soon as the aircraft or FTD landed, we all filled out in a single line following Myra, including the pilot. Then Myra paused and waved for me to get up towards where she was. I hurried to her side.

"Once we get inside that building things are going to go crazy, but you head toward the safe they will have somewhere. You have to figure out where it is. But you're programmed to handle it. Got it?" No, I did not get it. But I nodded regardless.

I took a look at where we were. We landed on the rooftop of some building. This was the less populated area of Washington but there were still people everywhere and this was broad daylight. Myra started walking again and we arrived at the door leading inside the building. I took deep breaths and tried to control my feelings. After a moment of hand communication between Myra and the man with the burnt face, he ran towards the door with force and broke it open. Then he stood back and allowed Myra in first, guessing my role was as important as hers I quickly followed her inside.

"Go find the safe!" She yelled at me. And I instantly closed my eyes and tried to envision where the safe could be found. A floor plan came to my mind. This was some type of a pharmacy lab. They were using this space to develop medicine, to develop drugs. I opened my eyes after I got the map and then ran down the stairs to the fourth floor of the building right before the rooftop. Running through the large hallway with pasty white walls and only a few dark blue iron doors, I knew this was meant to confuse. It was meant to be a maze of some sort. Either that, or I was over thinking everything.

Trying to figure out if there was any code I could connect to, I shut my eyes again and tried to read the walls, the security cameras, anything, but nothing came to me. I did several general code opeations in my brain trying to figure out if any of them would work, but none of them did. I decided then to try to figure out which room had people. If there was people, there was still something worth protecting. About to open one of the blue doors, I screamed as I felt something sharp and powerful rip past my arm. Ducking instantly I noticed a doctor on the other side of me, shaking with a gun in his hand. It looked specially made so that there would be no sound, brilliant. Completly silent guns. I gave him a rueful smile, and then charged towards him with a force I never knew I had. I kneed him in the stomach sending him down and then easily removed the weapon from his hand. I aimed it at his head.

"Where's the safe?" I said with heavy breathing.

"Just kill me now." He whispered in agony. I sighed, he wasn't going to be of any help. I was considering shooting him, but two things stopped me, my moral concious, and the order Myra had given. I grabbed him and pulled him up, maybe I could still use him to get into the room. I dragged him along with me and tried to read the floorplan in my mind. Somewhere there was a secret room, somewhere I'd find something. I heard a foreign footstep and turned quickly and fired the gun instinctively, low so I wouldn't hit anyone but would scare them away.

The other man was another doctor as I had expected, but he had just exited a room. The door he came from was still open. He noticed that I noticed and quickly shot at me, but I jumped out of the way, and dragging the first man with me I ran towards him, slipping to the left or the right as he fired aimlessly at me. Once I reached him, I slid down to avoid his closely aimed shots and swipped his legs sending him straight to the floor. He groaned as I then kicked him on the side and quickly grabed the gun from his hands. Then leaving the first man on the floor next to him I yelled to anyone who might be close that I had two of them here, and entered into the room, closing the dark blue door behind me.


"Good job, Shell." Myra had said on our way back. It was a quiet acknowlagement that I had done the right thing. I managed to find the safe, thanks to the doctors' stupidity. And also I managed to capture two of the lead doctors in charge of the whole program. Within the safe there was a harddrive filled with documents and information that I then took and immediately upon seeing Myra, handed it to her. Once I did, the tense feeling I had been having was released and I felt like I could relax. It was weird how once I was put in a situation, I automatically knew how to cope with it. Myra had smiled at me and I retured it.

It's been a couple of days since that first mission of mine, and since I performed that mission so well I was given more information about it. Apparently these doctors were experimenting on the reproductive cells that the government's been using to create us GEHS, and were planning to share this information with the world. Myra claimed that if it was shared with the world the results could be disatrous. People could riot, some people could start trying to create thier own GEHS and everything would be a huge pile of chaos. I found that overreacting, and within myself I found it strange that so much was hidden from the people.

And I found it ironic that country with a government so hell bent on allowing the people to have free speech, free choice, freedom, was hiding so much from them. Taking away their right to know. It was an interesting revalation to say the least. I wondered how many people really knew people like me exisited. How many people wake up each morning and think the world is still the same and nothing too advanced and crazy is going on? How many refuse to believe in superheros and people capable of the extraordinary? Well, here I was, the extraordinary.

In the past few days after my first mission and my realization of who I was to America, exactly what I would have been to Russia, I watched and scrutinized Myra more than I ever thought I could. I also watched her because I was hoping she would lead me to Dimi, I hadn't seen him in too long, and we had only shared our first kiss. We were just starting to be together, to risk it all for each other, I knew he wouldn't just leave me.

So almost everywhere she went, I went also, I wanted to study her every move, know her place here. I learned that she was in the highest ranks, and that in human years she'd be about Thirty. I learned that she used to be like me, not wanting to comply to the rules, until she was given her first mission. I learned that she likes to drink coffee and eat apples. I haven't seen her eat any other fruit. I learned though that she eats by choice becuase most of the time we are given our proteins right before we sleep, injected in us.

Being here taught me a couple of things about myself as well. I know now why I was constantly hungry despite the fact that I was being fed. We consume two times more than a regular human. We need to eat a lot. However no matter all that I learned, the most important thing is, I learned Myra has a scar on her head. It's barely visible but if you stare at it long enough you'd notice the striaght line across her forehead. She has been operated on. They put a chip inside her brain too. Did that mean she was being controlled? I wanted to figure it out. I wanted to figure it all out. Who was in charge? Where was Dimitri?

"Shell!" A familiar voice caught my ear, and I turned from folding my bed covers to face my new friend, Thorn. What a cruel name they gave her. I often just called her Rose.

"Hey." I smiled at her. She didn't smile back fully, but the coner of her mouth twitched a little and her eyes brightened.

"I heard you haven't had a full tour of the whole quarters. I thought I'd show you around."

"Uhh, I don't know, I've explored pretty much everywhere." I wasn't in the mood to do anything risky today. I just wanted to follow Myra around again.

"No, I think you really need to see the whole place." And that's when I understood. She had somethingto tell me, something serious to let me know.

"Okay, I guess seeing everywhere wouldn't hurt." I told her, and she almost smiled. We walked side by side along the hallways in silence. I wondered where she was taking me. As we walked I looked at the other GEHS' they all were doing their own thing. Some of them had friends, some of them didn't care. And some of them actually looked like they were struggling within themselves. Like they were given a mental illness. Another person I had gotten to know was actually the man with the burnt face, he answers directly to Myra so I know they have some kind of alliance. I had to get to know him in order to hopefully get him to spill some secrets on Myra.

As we passed his quarters, I notice him talking to Myra on the side of his room. There was hardly anything else to see here except endless rows of rooms. We arrived at the stairways leading to the upper floors. As we started to climb the stairs, Rose talked.

"This is the least monitored area when it comes to voice tapping." She whispered. I nodded in replied and smiled like we were having a normal conversation. "What I am about to tell you is confidential. I'm in the top ranks in interrogation and enforcement. I know when new people are brought in and brought out. I have to let you know that I heard that they have a 'tough new boy, a russian boy'." I couldn't help the gasp that left my mouth, or the shock that broke through my features.

"What?" I croaked, my voice breaking. Rose knows everything about how I arrived at this place, including how much Dimitri means to me. And she knew I had been looking for him.

"Where is he? What have they done to him?!" I asked her trying hard not to raise my voice. We were almost at the top of the stairs and I froze so that we could continue the conversation without being overheard.

"I don't know. I'll see if there is more that I can find out. I might be called over there in a couple of days, or weeks. When I am I'll tell you what's happening." I see a camera's blink red in the corner of my eye and I laugh viciously while wiping my eyes from tears of heartbreak instead of laughter. My Dimi. What were they doing to him?

"Quick, show me the rest of this place before you tell me crazy things like that!" I said, and she understood why. When a camera blinks red, more attention is paid to the area. They must've turned up the mic to listen to what we were saying. And now more than ever, I was determinded to find out, who 'they' were.


It's been two weeks and a half since I'd last seen Dimi. I'm starting to wonder if I killed him. I'm starting to wonder if because of me, he was now dead, rotting somewhere while Myra trotted along, his blood on her hands. I wanted so badly to confront her about what I heard. But I could not. I did not trust her, not even so much to allow her to see my anger. I would not even allow her to see me shed one tear, or say anything against her, I wanted her to think I'd forgotten about him. Maybe she'd be happy to know that I was being brave. Maybe she'd think that I was more robot than human. Maybe she'd think she won and I'd lost. I hoped to the world that's what she thought. Because soon, I would prove her wrong. Earlier today Rose had been called in to have a word with Dimi. Who knows about what. She said she was usually some type of initiator, she welcomed the newcomers. It made me sick. It made me want to lunge at Myra everytime I saw her. How could she do this to me How could she hurt him?

Speak of the devil I thought as I saw her approaching my room. She was smiling.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?" I returned her smile.

"I'm good as well. Shell, I wanted to say, I am so proud of you. You've really been working hard, doing everything you've been told. Breaking codes efficiently in your daily exercises, and you even did fantastic on your second mission yesterday."

"Thank you." I told her kindly. She nodded.

"However," There was a darker edge to her tone. "Don't get too attached to Thorn. I don't think she's the right person for you to be talking to."

"Yes, mother." I told her sarcastically, rolling my eyes. She frowned.

"This isn't some joke. I need you to be careful who you associate with. You know, we've been thinking about letting Thorn go for a while now, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Why the hell would you let her go?!" Oh no, don't give her what she wants Shell, don't get upset! Myra smirked.

"It turns out she's been looking into the head leadership everynight. We keep the head leadership annonymous for a reason. And that is for their protection. Without them, none of this would have happened. If she had any problems I don't see why she couldn't come to me, or any of the other GEHS leaders."

"Why not just explain this to her?"

"I did, however she told me in explicit terms, to mind my own business."

"I'll take care of it, no need to eleminate her." I told Myra sternly. Myra smiled at me, and I felt utterly disgusted. How could I ever have trusted this woman?

"Okay, I give you a week. If she doesn't stop by then, my dear, you'll be the one eleminating her." Myra was about to walk away when I stopped her,

"Why do you still give her assignments then?"

"What do you mean?" Myra looked appalled.

"She told me she has an interogation today." Myra stared at me for a moment and then laughed sadistically.

"That's not an assignment Shell, that's her punishment. Don't worry though, she won't be eleminated." And like that Myra quickly walked away. I would have run after her for more answers, if the amount of anger that I had in that moment, wouldn't have caused me to instantly kill her.
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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67 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 610
Reviews: 67
Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:47 pm
Auxiira says...

Dmitri Sergeyevich Leonov

Freefall. My mind was freefalling into a black pit where nothing could exist and I welcomed it. The absence of pain, of feeling, of everything, of her. I could stay whole days and be nothing but ambivalent about the way she sold me out, but then I'd snap and I'd want to find her and ask her why, why, why did she do this to me and then leave, because there was nothing else for me to do that involved her. But I always pushed that away, because I wasn't allowed to feel. That was the first thing we had established. Feeling wasn't of any use, not with GEHS around.

The army pants they had given me were crisp and smart, as was everything else. They'd cut my hair short as well, a buzzcut. I had imagined every tuft of hair as a bit of me being shaved off, and that was the start. I followed orders, because they were easy to follow, because they cultivated terror to rise whenever I thought otherwise. I welcomed that too. I didn't have to choose, didn't have to be hurt, didn't have to do anything but what I was told to do. And that was a welcome release. I could tell that they were shaping me into whatever they wanted, and I let them.

A few weeks ago, I couldn't exactly remember when, I had sat in the corner of a dingy room as the Man, I still hadn't been given his name, still didn't want it, questioned some people, who turned out to be doctors, on their activities. And Shell's name had come out, with a casual glance in my direction from the Man. I hadn't flinched, hadn't moved, hadn't changed. Why should I have done, when I had no connections to a person anymore?

Every few days, I would be on the other side of the table from the Man, free limbs resting on the block of cheap wood. And we would talk. About the training I was going through, about what I was becoming, about everything, and there was always a question about her. "How do you think she is, Leonov?", "Do you think she's missing you?", "Do you miss her?". I didn't care. I could feel the satisfaction oozing from him. He seemed almost proud.

And I trained. Shooting, combat, drills, like the army. It brought relief, release. The exertion spared my mind the trouble of thinking, and in some twisted way, it was if I had accomplished what I had set out to do when I was younger, as if I had joined the army. I drew a little pleasure from that. I lost myself in the barked orders, the burning muscles, the repetition. I wasn't Dimitri when I trained, I was someone else. The detatchement made everything easier. And I lost who I was.

Change came with a red-eyed girl in the place of the Man. I blinked once, twice, then sat down. Her appearance didn't startle me. She was a GEHS after all. She studied me for a while before starting. It was like when I first arrived, when I didn't know better. The same questions, with the promise of retribution burning in her eyes if I didn't give the right response. When we came to the question that had always stuck, always caused pain, I could answer easily that I no longer associated with her. There was silence after that. I met her searching gaze evenly. I didn't lie any more. There seemed to be a flicker of feeling in her expression, but then GEHS only simulated feelings to provoke responses. She continued with the questions.

Afterwards, she followed me out, grabbing my wrist and tugging me down the corridor. Another test? She scanned the ceiling, checking for something, I assumed cameras, before letting go once there were no blinking red lights. I stared down at her, a head taller, waiting for her to speak.

"She knows, I told her. She's terrified of what's happening to you, but as far as I can see they've only trained you. What do you want me to tell her?" I almost snorted. Clearly she didn't know what Shell had done, otherwise she wouldn't be asking.

"Nothing. I don't see why she's terrified." Unless she was worried I'd despise her. She was probably right on that account.

"What do you mean?! She keeps asking me about you, if I know anything new, if you're okay. What they're doing to you! You've got to tell her something, if you want any help, you've got to pass a message."

I looked at her quizzically. "They've only shown me what's really going on, and I'm pretty thankful for that. I don't want any 'help'." Any supposed help of hers would probably end up badly. She narrowed her eyes at me and looked confused herself.

"But, but she told me she loved you? I thought you'd want to escape to her? I thought you'd want to at least pass a message? Look, I am risking my life helping you two, what's 'really' going on?!" She raised her voice slightly in frustration.

"If you're helping her, than she's got you fooled, like me. She doesn't love me. She's a GEHS, she can't love. You shouldn't bother with her. That's what's really going on." I saw her flinch slightly. All an act. She stared at me in silence for a moment, before her eyes bore into me with determination.

"They're lying to you. Dmitri, they are lying to you. We, and by 'we' I mean GEHS, can love and we do love and I know because I have loved. And why would I lie to you about that? But they will lie to you because they want you. They want to use you. It's all they've ever done, they take innocent people and make them into monsters! Don't let them do that to you."

"If you've loved, then it's only been because they made you love. GEHS are capable of feeling only if they're allowed to. You're all just tools for them to use, and if it suits them that you can feel, then they may allow you to feel. But don't think for a second that I don't know they're using me. I'm perfectly happy with them using me. It's better than having Shell use me." I turned away from her, making to leave. She didn't say a word, but I could feel her eyes burning into my back as if projecting the flame that burned in her orbs.

I don't know why I did it, but I went to find the Man's office - he had shown me where it was about a week ago - and knocked on the door, waiting for him to call me in before entering. Another man sat across from him, and when he turned to look at me, I saw his face was burnt, twisted scars climbing up his face. I wondered how it had happened.

"Yes, 'Mitri?" The Man's voice was never sharp, only ever conversational, which made him deadly. You fear a man who never raises his voice.

"Sir, The GEHS that you sent..." No hesitation was allowed. "She wanted me to give her a message for Shell, and said she was trying to help us." I frowned slightly. "Of course, I told her I didn't have a message for the other one, and didn't need help, which seemed to aggravate her."

The Man smiled, cocking an eyebrow at Burns. "See?

"That is pretty impressive, yes. You've done well, yet again." I listened to them talk as if I wasn't there. It was oddly comforting, detatching me from being a person.

"Dmitri, Akar here is now your superior." I blinked.

"Yes, sir."

"He's under Myra, so you listen to her too."

"Yes, sir."

"You'll be leaving now. If you don't mess up, then I won't have to see you again." I nodded. He smirked slightly. "It's been fun having you."

The man with the burns - Akar - sighed before standing up. "You really are a terror. Come on, kid. We've gotta go."

I followed him to a car, and it wasn't a long ride before we reached the Pentagon. For some reason, I had thought that we were a lot further away.

"Myra wants to see you before I get you acquainted with everyone, so we'll be meeting up with her first." I nodded, following him through the doors that I had strolled through a while back, with completely different intentions.

Myra stood further back into the room, not too far from the cubicle that I remembered as Shell's. I took a breath to keep down the anger.

She smiled as she took me in, as we stopped in front of her. "How are you, Dmitri?"

"Fine, thank you, ma'am." She opened her mouth to continue, but Shell's voice cut across her.

"Dmitri!" It was filled with what had to be false emotion as she ran towards me. As she got closer she opened her arms wide as if to hug me. I grabbed her arms and swept her feet from underneath her, dropping her to the ground, hard.

"Don't touch me," I growled underneath my breath before stepping back, clenching my fists. I was angry, angry, furious that she tried to make it seem as if she hadn't been pretending, as if she hadn't been the one to order that I was taken there. She stood up, she wasn't hurt or harmed, yet her face looked like she was in pain, her eyes were watering as well.

"Wha-what? Dimi, it's me! I'm Shell. Myra, does he know who I am?" She turned to Myra, her face contorted. Myra seemed even more serious than before, unreadable, expressionless.

"He knows who you are Shell, he knows you betrayed him too, though."

"I never betrayed him. Dimi, I didn't do it! Whatever they're telling you is a lie, I promise I'll stop them. I'll stop her!" And at that Shell suddenly lunged at Myra and started to viciously attack her, sending several blows directly to her head. I grabbed her arms, pinning them behind her back as I placed a knee in the hollow of her back, forcing her to kneel. Myra backed off slightly. I could feel her straining as I stopped her from moving, then suddenly she went slack. I didn't let go, but listened to her, felt her body shaking slightly.

"Dimi, I would never betray you, I love you. I'd never betray you." She kept whispering it over and over again. I tightened my grip on her arms in response. It's all lies. I told myself, repeating it until someone pried Shell from my grip and took her away.

Akar laid a hand on my shoulder. "Good job, kid. They'll take care of her." He turned me away from Myra, and pointed up a set of stairs. "We're up there. Come on." I followed him, numb and hollow.
You read faster than Usaine Bolt sprints xD - Deanie 2014

I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. - Cathy, Wuthering Heights

The human heart has hidden treasures, in secret kept, in silence sealed...
— Charlotte Bronte