
Young Writers Society

Character How-do-you-dos

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Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:17 am
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crmcgill says...

Me name is Spot. Spot Conlon. I ain't that guy from da movie, Newsies, though I am a newsie. If ya haven't heard a me, ya daft. I'm da King of Brooklyn, and all of New Yawk fears me. I gots a soft spot though. A goil from Ireland named Kathleen McCabe. Found her bein soaked, jus cause she don't wanna work for somebody. She's part of me crew now, and if ya'd loik ta hear her story and mine, check out Extra! Extra! by crmcgill. I'm bein serious. Go read it, or I'll soak ya. If ya don't know what it means ta be soaked, I'll soak ya again. *gives you a death stare with his electric blue eyes.*
Open the gates and seize the day! Don't be afraid and don't delay.

To die would be an awfully big adventure.

I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Just call me Gill!

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Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:40 am
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VampireSenshi says...

Hey! You can call me Ryder. Ryder Asher.

I am from the story BLINK (you can go read about me VampireSenshi512's Profile).
As is to be explained, i am a blink. Which i believe is similar to a Jumper?
I don't believe i remember the name of the movie.
I can teleport, in the blink of an eye. I currently work for the military in the Special Operation Tactical Squad (SOTS) with another blink and some very skilled ex-marines and navy seals.

You could probably see me breaking into secret military installations and doing technical reconnaissance missions. When I'm not doing that i'm usually at home watching Bones or CSI or something.

It's nice to meet you!

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:54 am
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VampireSenshi says...

Salutations, Greetings, and a well hello there to you as well! My name is J.A. Paradox! I am a time traveling scientist, let me tell you my story. It won't take much time, i can guarantee it. Trust me, I've explained this a hundred times to you, or was that you from the future? I can never remember.

I was once a scientist that was working at a secret military installation in the middle of bloody nowhere with a whole lot of other scientist working on Time Rift Technology. Bloody complicated thing a Time Rift is, very big gravitational pull. Which is how i became sucked into it. That! That wasn't fun in the slightest. So afterwards, i drifted through this time vortex for the entirety of time and space. For a while I kept my sanity, but then i went insane. But after another million years i became sane again. I came out a very changed man, or whatever it is that you call a being that has existed for the entirety of time, space, and the universe. I guess you would call it a Me!

So that is my story, you can read more about me in VampireSenshi512's profile. Or did you already do that? Oh i'm sure you'll do it, i remember you talking to me about it. Or was that you're Son? Oh Bloody hell! Never mind that last sentence!

Well Salutations, So long, and a see ya later to you as well!

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:17 pm
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Anoia says...

*Takes a deep breath*
Phew, where to begin? In the beginning? Maybe too long ago, and nothing really happened for the first few million years anyway. Nothing that you humans would understand, anyway, or even care about.
Well, my name's Ptolemy, and I'm the second oldest animate being in the Universe, known or otherwise. The oldest is my partner-in-crime, so to speak, called Menelaus. I just call him Mel, 'cos that's quite a mouthful!
So, we get sent, Mel and I, on these missions, to all different time periods in human history, to right some wrongs, or whatever. I just go with it, to be honest. Unlike Mel, who's always fussing around... But anyways, yeah.

I'd better be going, 'cos Mel says if we don't leave now, RIGHT NOW, then we're going to miss the Armada, and Mel wants to go and have words with Francis Drake, about not deserting his ships to go looting. Don't think he'll have any joy, myself. The guy's too much a pirate to be changed, even by words with the oldest guy in the Universe.
"What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it might...travel."

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Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:03 pm
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DarknecrosisX says...

Name's Cecil Leonard, detective working for Scotland Yard Police Force in Britain. I've studied the vast magority of the human mind and behaviour, you see, if you weren't interested in what I'm saying right now, I could tell. A lot of people don't like me; the think I'm 'anti-social' although that may be because I enjoy antagonising them. I don't think that makes me anti-social... but anyway, you're losing interest. You can find me in a series of different character chit-chits, causing commotion. Regardless, I'm now losing interest in your loss of interest of this introduction. Ciao.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:00 pm
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PixieStix says...

What's up peoples!? My name's Rayah Sparx and I am the daughter of Aphrodite. I was born in Mount Olympus and hate it sooo much. Have you heard of these new guns that taze you when you pull the trigger? I have. It's pretty cool. Ummm I'm a cheerleader and I can heal people by touch, control fire, and have a wall form around me thats undestructable. Um... I will kill you if you get annoying. Yeah, thats all! Later!
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:01 pm
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AlfonsoFernandez says...

Hello. My name is Marty Michael. And you could probably say that my life is normal. Well, if you don't count the zombies attacking us (who are by the way the only survivors in Montreal), as abnormal. Anyway, I'm pretty good with guns, especially snipers, and I'm glad to say that video-games helped. I don't know what else to say, so, peace!
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:08 pm
katngo73 says...

Hi. I'm Meeca from Queen of the Robots. You could check out more on me by reading that interesting story of my life. I really quite like to live with my mother, until those robots and revolting Percius came into my life. I've been on the run from them for two years, and I'm still trying to fight Percius to bring love and compassion back to the world. (: I'm really shy, and pretty young, but I do like nice people once in a while.
“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little childish sometimes.”-The Fourth Doctor
"Who I was, what I did, that's not who I am." - Castiel
"Friends protect you." - John Watson

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Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:57 pm
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DarknecrosisX says...

Greetings fleshpiles of various different assortments and listings! (though you're all the same to me) This magnificent piece of perfection is known only as Project 98, the greatest droid to ever brace the universe with his existence.

I was created by a group of scientists under command of Arnold Lash, a complete nutjob if you ask me, and I was the first 'Sentient Factor Droid' to ever be manufactured. This means that the electrical impulses emitted from the human brain were recorded and grafted to my circuitry and central processing unit, making me able to learn and understand situations at thought surpassing meatbag capacity. Much better than the rusty junk heaps made before me.

Picking a fight with me would be completely foolish, considering the titanium and isometric-hexoctahedral-carbon allotope (that's diamond for those who are less informed) material that I am constructed with, rendering me fire proof, blade proof, bullet proof, ice-proof, etc. Not only can take shots thought impossible by merely calculating distance, round speed, gravitational strength and a variety of various other environmental factors, but my body conceals a hideous range of destructive weaponry.

My favourite of these would be my duel diffusion blades; a slice of pure genius. A tungsten-steel blade that contains a super-heater capable of producing temperatures up to three-thousand degrees centigrade, which is then couple with an electromagnet that magnitises copper molecules to the blade. In short, with the metal conducting heat at those temperatures, it is easily able to slice through rubble, and furthermore any biological matter.

Now you ask, why did I go into this much detail about myself? Because I'm amazing, seriously, which of you fleshpiles could possibly compare yourselves to me? None of you, correct answer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some spies to torture...
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:48 pm
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FutureAstronaut says...

Hey guys! Sadly, Ben got into a car accident and has passed. I'm John and I want you all to know his dad is back and all is well other then his death. Well by the way I'm a genetically modified superhuman from the year 2258 and I want you all to know my story is going to be coming soon on FutureAstronaut's page. It is all about me and my team who are working to defend America from the Eskimos who are bent on trying to destroy us. Our will is good and our fists hit hard so how about ya'll come and check out the Prologue of my story: The Great Eskmonian War. Enjoy! :)
Music and writing= my life

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:56 am
Paige says...

Good Lord. Am I the only normal one here?

My name is Caden Sommers. If you are interesting in any way, you've probably heard of me by now.

I'm almost 17. My twin sister would be turning 17 too, but she died. Kaput.

After her death, the worst girl in the history of popular girls, Kelsey Ackerman, our worst enemy, began making snide comments about the fact that Caroline was dead.

I would've murdered for Caroline. That would not be changed due to the fact that she died.

So I offed Kelsey Ackerman.

JUST KIDDING. I planted her in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion. Therefore, I was expelled from the most prestigious school in Denver, where I was sure to be Prom Queen and Valedictorian.

My parents were so overwhelmed with Caroline's death and my beating up Principal Ackerman's only daughter, that they shipped me away.

To Maine. Nothing worth speaking of has ever happened in Maine. That is, until I moved there.

I didn't plan on stirring up trouble. But sometimes, trouble finds me and we get stirred up together.

In Maine, living with my grandfather and cousin, I learned about some very supernatural family secrets. Whether or not I believed what I saw, was up to me.

I mean, these things, they can't exist. They don't exist, I'm sure of it.

But if I'm so sure, why does Caroline's death seem more and more suspicious?

What is a family secret, to begin with, stays a family secret. So, how come a mysterious boy at my new school seems to know what I'm going through? And why is he adamant on the fact that we cannot be seen together?

I moved to Maine with the intentions of being a good girl. But I was never the good twin.

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Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:22 am
Gabriellemarice99 says...

Hello all I'm Maxwell but you can call me Max. I have flippy red hair(no freckles so I'm a daywalker not a ginger) and gold eyes. I'm your normal everyday 18 year-old guy. Normal teen guy actions, looks, thoughts...well not so much my thoughts. I hear voices, have ever since I watched my dad knock around my mom when I was 5. Amy is my foster mom and she always worried about my cursing, pot smoking, and hearing voices, but when I resorted to trying to off myself she sent me away...to no other than the Loony Bin! Lars is my negative man in my head always downing me, Melany helps me with girls, and Milo is my gay guy. Oh, I'm bi by the way 8) any who nice to meat you all. HMU I promise not to steal your soul. :smt003

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Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:25 am
CyberScout says...

I'm Cy. Just Cy. I have the power to manipulate minds and edit memories. After a run-in with me, you could wake up in a dark room thinking you are a butterfly. Anyways, I was born with an immortal mother and time-traveling father. Which I can do both, to somewhat effect. I can stop time and any injuries heal super fast. The only problem is the god damn schizophrenia. And the soulless part. AND being abandoned in a factory when I was three. Maybe working for a group of rebels who have similar powers is bad too, but I quite enjoy the killing part of my job. Too bad not even a bullet to the head can stop me... Believe me, I've tried. I've lived too long, seen too many things, can't stand the voices... Please help me find somewhere where it can all be over, a place where the war is over. I don't know if I can live like this, but I have to. Too bad you can't live anymore. :twisted:

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Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:33 am
CyberScout says...

Who am I? I don't know. I just have to kill immortals, but you see, it's rather hard to kill something that can't die. How long have I been alive? I... I don't know, but all I know is that.. that there's an immortal here nearby, so close it's driving me insane, like the voices. They tell me I need to die, but that can't be right! I can't die. I've lived so long that I am the last one anywhere. My name is Cy. I'm immortal. and my story doesn't- can't end.

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Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:55 am
TheCrimsonLady says...

Hey love. I'd tell you my name, but.... considering the amount of people that want me dead, it might not be the wisest thing to do.

What the hell. I'll do it anyway.

So my name is Arianna Keinr. Some people might say that I'm an ex-convict. Here's my story. Decide for yourself : I was born a lady, half gorgon and half human (presumably, that is). My father was abusive and hit my brother- well, half-brother, really- and forced me to watch. But then I learned that I wasn't me father's daughter. My mother had started cheating on my dad- who could blame her; my dad's an ass- and my dad hated me. Six months after she died, I ran. I turned into a pirate. And I became the most feared pirate in the world. The Pirate Queen. My first mate and lover-turned-fiancé, Tristan, is my true love. I then discovered that I was actually the king's daughter, and that I was his only heir. I also helped the faery princess escape her bitchy mother and marry her true love. Who also happens to be my best friend. Now- well, judge for yourself. I've murdered in cold blood, tortured innocents, manipulated men, but I've also saved the lives that are closest to me.

Why am I rambling?

Oh crap. I'm drunk. But everything I sssaid isss true.
Let the blood pour down in rivers as the world burns.

ah yes my boiling cheetohs
— tatteredbones