
Young Writers Society

YWS Adventures: The Armada of Utopia

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Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:32 pm
Skull3670 says...

Recruiting Office

"Are you sure?" I asked wide eyed.
"Yeah," replied the gruff little old lady behind the desk. "Says so right here." She indicated the data tablet on the desk. "You've been promoted to Sparrow Class Pilot."
"Wow. I didn't think i'd done that much," i said running my hand over my completely hairless scalp, a side effect of an accident during my maintenance days. I had been particularly unlucky with a welder and now it just wouldn't grow back. I'd been called Skull or Skully for so long since then i couldn't even remember my name.
"Here is the activation card. You've been issued with number 3670." She handed over a small key fob with a skull on it and a simple card.
"Erm thanks. Maybe i'll see you for my next promotion Dolores." I smiled, taking the key and heading for the hangar doors.
"I doubt. I'll try and get a message to you if that lay about friend of yours Kobain ever gets promoted again."
The doors slid open with a swish and i stepped through to see a huge room, brimming with craft, jostling pilots and maintenance hands.
After a good twenty minutes of searching i found it. Sparrow 3670. She wasn't the largest craft i'd ever seen, nor the sleekest but she certainly looked liked she'd do the job.
A beautiful purpley blue paint job adorned the hull and a large YWS logo was displayed boldly on either wing. I climbed into the frankly rather tight cockpit and idled into the lift off lane. After a few minutes of waiting for a gap i was off into the cold obsidian murkiness of space. Suddenly a voice blared through the comms.
"3670 due to your flight simulator results you are to be deployed to the Solass and from that to the SPEW Griffon. Now sit back and relax while the auto pilot carries you to your destination." I lay back, accidentally hit the button marked stealth and grinned as the little craft blasted off on some computer designated course.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:52 pm
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Griffinkeeper says...

Forward Observation Post
SPEW Gryphon

The door opened and Isha stepped onto the bridge. Her pirates were aboard and finding their quarters. Isha, on the other hand, had other questions on her mind and she knew just who to ask. Grif was lying down with his eyes closed.

"Scruffy?" Isha asked.

"You can call me Grif, or Captain Griffinkeeper on formal occasions," Grif said, his eyes remained closed.

"Whatever. What's the big deal? One moment my squadron is eating dinner, the next thing I know I have to pack my things and board the Gryphon in a hurry. I was just getting used to my bunk!" Isha said.

"Meshugenah didn't brief you?" Grif asked.

"No. We didn't have time."

"Allow me to enlighten you then," Grif said. He made a gesture and the holoprojecter displayed the immediate area.

"Currently, the Utopians are attacking on a variety of fronts. The Anzati system is under attack from a single carrier group. Termalius is also under attack by a single carrier group, and the Duralians are under attack by five carrier groups. Operation Yankee Doodle Dandy will focus on the liberating the Anzati system. The Anzati system is currently being pacified by the Utopians. The Utopian Carrier group is supporting their invasion forces.

Our mission is to enter the Anzati system undetected, deploy a hyperspace distorter, then take out the Carrier group. Once the Carrier group is destroyed, the Anzati should be able to overwhelm the Utopian invasion force."

"So why do you need my pirates?" Isha asked. Grif brought up information on the Anzati system.

"The Utopians have begun pillaging the areas they have conquered. They have been loading their swag onto cargo ships, bound for Utopia. Some of the cargo are enslaved Anzati. We meed pilots that can fly out, disable the cargo ships and any escorts they have; then board the ship and steal their treasure. Then afterward, we'll need people to set transporter beacons on the treasure for transport to the SPEW Gryphon."

"Sounds like you need my pirates," Isha agreed. "What's the reward?"

"In addition to your usual pay, we'll give a bonus for every ship you capture and a smaller one for each ship you destroy. How much depends on the type of ship you capture. Sound good?" Grif asked. Isha only smiled.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:36 pm
Skull3670 says...

Deep Space

I awoke to the sound of blaring sirens in my cramped craft. Sitting up quickly i struck my head on the roof of the cockpit and groaned, groggily searching for the readout.
####Stealth Fuzzy Wuzzy Blanket Energy Low: Auto Deactivation Imminent####
I searched the control panel and deactivated the cloak before yawning and turning over. I was just falling back to sleep when the intercom blared.
"This is the Forward Observation Post. You have entered protected space without running required initiation protocols Alpha through Epsilon." Came the mechanised voice.
"Um, sorry?" I asked shrugging at the dashboard. "I'm just here to find the SPEW, um, Gryphen is it? Oh and to report active recon and assault duty. That all Dolores told me."
"Your ship is being scanned for life signs and weapon systems please hold steady." I sat perfectly still and waited for further comment. Minutes passed. The minutes turned to hours. Suddenly after what must have been at least three hours spent blasting music while i waited a voice i vaguely remember from a hazy memory in a bar wafted through the comms.
"Oh for goodness sake! This is ridiculous. Sparrow 3670, this is Grif, Captain and only crew member of the SPEW Gryphon. You have permission to dock. Report to me for briefing an equipment."
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Tue May 03, 2011 11:14 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

Deep Space
SPEW Gryphon

Grif stood in the hanger with a very unhappy look on his face, standing nearby was Isha. Their mission had been delayed for three hours because a pilot had been transmitting music. When a pilot transmitted; he could not receive. Attempts to contact him on other frequencies had failed; probably because the music was too loud. The fighter appeared and touched down on the flight deck.

"Adelaide, engage the warp drive," Grif ordered as the pilot climbed out. Grif moved toward the pilot and Isha followed.

"Hey, you must be Grif," the pilot said, extending his hand. Grif struck him, knocking him to the ground.

"Welcome to my ship. If you jam our communications with your music again, I will vape your ship, then throw you in the brig. This is a warship, not a concert hall, and you will adjust your behavior accordingly. Do you understand?"

"You hit me!"

"If you demonstrated basic intelligence then he would reason with you. So far you're more numskull than Skull," Isha said.

"That's Isha. She's your superior officer. Do what she says and this will be the last time you get hit. Otherwise, you're an idiot," Grif said before exiting the hanger.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Wed May 04, 2011 3:50 pm
Skull3670 says...

Deep Space
SPEW Gryphon

"Woah wait a minute. As in THE Isha? Which would you THE Grif! I ... um ... I am so sorry for wasting your time, Sir." My head was still a little fuzzy as the revelations hit me. That guy could really punch.
"Yes well done genius. Sure that accident that took your hair didn't damage your brain?" Asked Isha, giving me a withering stare. And by withering i mean if looks could kill i would barely be a smear on what was infact a very clean floor.
"Once again, very sorry." I looked at them, desperate for some sign of hope. Sadly nothing. "Well i guess i'll get out of your way then. I'm sure you have much more important things to do." With that i snapped a smart salute and bolted for the door. I turned to see if Isha still had that glare going, only to run directly into the doors, landing flat on my backside. Some days i wish the ground would swallow me up and let me rest in peace. Strangely today was not one of those days. Instead the blow to the head had, shockingly, knocked some sense into me. I turned, snapped to attention and pulled a salute so sharp in actually made a cracking noise.
"Sir, i would like to request a task. A quest, if you will, so i may regain some smattering of dignity and perhaps even improve what must be one truly appalling first impression." My action was met with initial stoney silence.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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