
Young Writers Society

Hunted 3 *Invite Only!*

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:32 am
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Jashael says...

Oh, I was supposed to post this an hour ago, but my Dad came home and sat beside me. He would never tell but I know that meant, "Let me use the computer, please?" (LOL)

Anyway, new SBer. Feel free to PM me if something is not satisfying in this post. Thanks!

Sallie (New Comer)

I grumbled twice. My neck ached and twitched. It was my position. Slowly sitting up and rubbing my neck, I mumbled to myself an “Ouch”. I had slept on the couch again, my head on the couch’s arm, my body lay flat on the couch, and my neck almost in a forty-five-degree angle. The thoughts of getting upstairs and laying my body on my bed seemed like heaven.

I rubbed my eyes and narrowed them on the green wall-clock above the door, which was across the room. I tried to read the time. It was dark, but I managed to get a figure: it was somewhere around three ten in the morning. I leaned forward, stretching my back a bit. I held out my arms, as far as I could, and then shuffled the papers cluttered on the center table, smoothing the crumpled edges before inserting them between the pages of my dictionary. They were drafts—my poem drafts. I love poetry and would stay up late just looking for the perfect word for the perfect imagery. And that sometimes meant falling asleep on the couch.

I stood up and folded the blanket on the floor. Mom had probably wrapped me in it before switching off the light, and I had obviously moved while asleep as it fell on the floor. Mother was very caring, and I smiled as I thought about it. She'd always been there when I needed her: when I graduated Junior High, she pinched my nose and said, with tears in her eyes, "My baby's grown"; when I was a freshman and my first boyfriend, Ace, broke up with me harshly, she wiped my tears to say confidently, "He wasn't even worth it"; and I could go on and on. She always had a way of seeing the "brighter side" of things; maybe I got my optimism from her. And when Daddy died, it was my turn to be her comforter. It was my turn to say, "It's okay"; but somehow, it felt wrong. We both missed Daddy, and it was never okay. Still we managed to live on, I guessed, it was just the two of us now. And I knew she wouldn't be able to stand it if we were separated.

Yawning, I walked across the room and stumbled upon a pen. After picking it up, I crawled over the wall, stood up, and felt for the light switch. Once the light was on, I went for the bathroom. But before I could enter, I heard a loud knock at the door. I supposed my bladder could still hold 'it' so I hastily went for the door, the knocking getting louder and louder as if the late, I mean early visitor wasn't very patient. Maybe he or she actually wasn't really patient.

I peeked through the blinds' slats and saw a man in a totally white tuxedo. I thought it was a bit strange.

“Sallie Vermont?” he asked. He'd spotted the small space I'd made and his dull and deep black eyes looked straight at me. His voice was loud and clear, and he probably didn’t even mind that it was still early in the morning and people were asleep.

“May I please know who you are?” I asked back in the most polite way as I could.

“Open the door at once,” he demanded.

“May I please know first who you are?” I wasn’t going to open the door to a total stranger, especially at this time.

The knob clacked furiously. I let go of the slats and watched the knob move by itself. He was destroying it!

Panicking, I froze for a minute. Then I thought about Mom. She was asleep, not knowing that there was a mad man in a frosty suit, trying to break in. My heart raced and its pounding felt as if my heart was strong enough to rip through my chest.

Then the most unexpected thing happened: the knob stopped moving.

After a few moments, I crept by the wall and looked through the blinds again. I couldn't see him. Was he gone? Was my mind only playing tricks on me? I sighed. Good.

I switched off the light, walked up the center table, and grabbed my dictionary. A swift cold wind gusted through the back window and the curtains waved. I stared at it till the curtains stopped moving. A shadow passed by swiftly. Something wasn't right. Something was lurking around for me. Someone's watching me.

I shook my head and weakly slapped my face. All I need is some more sleep. There isn't something or anybody there. I hoped...

Suddenly, I heard the door flung open. I faced it and saw the ghostly man. I didn't know how he opened the door, I didn't even want to know. I just strove to turn around, tried to lift up my feet and run. But the next thing I knew, the Man-in-White was seizing my arm.

“Ow! Please let go!”

“You’re coming with me," he said. His tone was maintained on an A sharp two octaves below C major.

"Where are we going?"

"Do as I say and no one will get hurt."

“I will! But please leave my Mother alone!”

“Grab your things. You have exactly ten minutes to pack.” He let my arm go and it made a red mark. The grip was tight.

Not wanting any trouble, I followed and ran upstairs, grabbing as much things as I could: t-shirts, notebooks, pens, dictionary and grammar books. Then I ran to the bathroom, fumbling through things, thinking twice if something was worth to bring. “Toothbrush?” I whispered to myself, panting. I stared at my pink toothbrush, its bristles twisted. My hand was shaking. “Of course.” I finally decided so I threw it in my bag.

When I'd thought I had everything I needed to wherever I was being dragged to, no matter how long and how far, I ran downstairs with my about-to-explode backpack.

“When will we get back, Sir? So I can wake up my mother and tell her,” I told the man. With all the loud conversations, I'd bet my life that Mom was still asleep. She was seriously a heavy sleeper.

“I cannot tell you for the moment. Now wear this.” He handed me a black cloth. It took me a moment to learn I was supposed to be blindfolded.

“I’m just saying goodbye to my mother, please, sir,” I pleaded, stepping back just in case if he said yes, I could run back upstairs at once.

“No time,” he replied. And I knew I wouldn’t get my request.

I wore my bag, took the cloth and wrapped it around my eyes. Thoughts swam through my head.

I felt his strong grip around my arm again, and we started walking—walking out of the house—walking out of my home. I tried convincing myself that everything would be fine. It had always worked, but no matter how optimistic I'd tried to be, I couldn’t think of anything good out of this. What if I never see this village again? What if I never see Mom again? What would Mom think when she woke up the next morning finding the couch empty? She was already a lonely woman when she'd lost Daddy. And now it seemed like she'd lost her only child, too.

I felt the man carry me inside a vehicle. I could tell because my weight sunk when I got in and there was a soft sound of engine. If it was dark to be blindfolded in the streets, it was even darker here.

Impetuously, I asked, “Can I first go to the bathroom? I don’t think my bladder can hold it any longer.”

I heard something slide, then clicked as if locked. “No,” the man said. His voice like the engine that roared as the vehicle zoomed through the streets.

I only sat silently, knowing well that nothing I requested would be granted. At least, I thought, I’m alive.
Last edited by Jashael on Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


Got a life?

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:28 pm
PhoenixBishop says...


Seth was many things, but impatient was not one of them, so the long ride didn’t bother him that much. What bothered him was the fact that he had been robbed of his sight him since he valued his sight above all his other senses. How else could one judge the beauty of their surroundings?

There was a blind man that lived not too far from Seth’s house, and he had always pitied the poor fool. After all, how could he pick a suitable wife if he could not see? How could he enjoy the majesty that was nature; sun set, sun rise, the ocean. Far too much in the world had to be seen, living without sight was pointless. The wretched old man should just throw himself off a bridge or something to end his pathetic existence.

Needless to say, Seth did not like being blinded even if it were temporary. Gingerly Seth reached to touch the blindfold and was awarded with a slap to the hand.

“Don’t touch it or I will hurt you,” said the same flat voice from before.

Seth scowled, but did not press the issue. Seth roughly estimated that they had been in the vehicle for about an hour. He shifted his position occasionally in hopes of some comfort, but it was not to be had. To his great relief the van finally came to a stop and the door was pushed open, instantly Seth was hit by a strong gust of wind. Seth could hear a loud whirling.

Someone behind him nudged him towards the whirling noise and loaded him in another vehicle of some sort. The blindfold was thankfully, ripped from his eyes allowing Seth to see. He looked around to see he was sitting in a seat in some kind of metal contraption with blades spinning and slicing the air above it. Seth believed it was called a helicopter.

He watched as others were loaded on to the helicopter coming from vans that incircled the helicopter. Out of habit Seth quickly assessed the others. He glossed over the boys with little interest and zeroed in on the three girls.

The first to meet Seth’s scrupulous eye, was a red headed girl with pigtails and freckles and a scar on her face. She looked like Pippy Long Stoking if she were to get in a bar fight. Not appealing at all. Then there was another red haired girl, slightly more attractive in a cute homely looking way. The third however was something to behold.

Her skin was like a rich mocha; her jaw line perfectly scuplted, long black hair framed her symmetrical face. The list of things that made her beautiful went on, and Seth tabulated it all into his head. He focused on her. At some point he’d have to draw her, although he doubted he’d be able to capture every nuance that made her so striking. Then she had to ruin it by opening her mouth.

“When my dad finds out about this you’re all in big trouble?”

Seth sighed. Girls were so much prettier if they did not talk. It was for this very reason Seth made so many portraits of pretty girls. He could capture their beauty with paints or pencils and avoid the mindless chatter that tended to spew from their mouths.

Seth diverted his attention to his competition. In his town having all the girls at his finger tips came from two things; his amazing looks and the fact that all the other boys looked like orangutans in heat. The first boy would be no competition at all. He looked like an anorexic mop. The second boy however could be problematic. Not as hansom as Seth of course, but he had that cliché blond, blue eyed, jock look that some girls found appealing for some reason.

Seth sighed, and turned his attention back to the dark skinned girl. She was by far the best thing to look at. Once the six teens were loaded, the doors to the helicopter were closed and they began to take off. He had no clue where it was taking them, but at this point Seth doubted he had a choice in the matter.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:48 am, edited 5 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:09 pm
aweqs says...

Nailah | Helicopter

My head was still swirling from the knock out drug I had been administered when they guided me out the van. A searing pain in my left temple was extremely painful and I made sure everyone knew.
"Do you understand how much pain I am in?" I exclaimed furiously, "When my dad finds out about this you’re all in BIG trouble!”.

I held my head, and staggered around dramatically. I was standing on some grey rock- cement its called- which had some white markings on it. Big gusts of wind were flying around the place, making everything more chaotic, and quite frankly, making my headache even worse!

I realized that the blast of air were coming from a helicopter- I knew the name of this contraption, because Daddy was often picked up in them for work trips.

I hardly acknowledged the 5 other teens who seemed just as clueless as myself. None of them interesting, except maybe that brown-haired boy who was unmistakebly eyeing me up. Yes... he wasnt too bad.

I felt a light, but assertive hand on the small of my back, pushing me towards the helicopter. I brushed it off, but made my way towards the form of transportation, making sure I swung my hips flirtatiously at the brown-haired boy.

The helicopter may have seemed domineering and large from the outside, but on the inside, it was very enclosed. I found myself squished between two red-headed girls. I shuffled around, pushing them aside- I need my personal space! One of the girl- she had her hair in pigtails (really, pigtails?) gave me an almost...coy smile, and the other just pushed back at me. I shuddered at the intimacy, but just took a deep breath, and massaged my aching temples.

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:10 pm
eldEr says...


Blast this man, he was actually making sense. Saying I'd sleep would mean losing the argument, falling asleep on his chest would... well that would be just as good as losing the argument. I took one more quick sip of my coffee before resting it on the side-table next to the chair.

"If you fall asleep, I will personally feed you to the beasts in the morning," I muttered. "Same goes for if you fail to wake me up the second they arrive."

Damon's lips were on my head again, and I had to shiver. Darned man. For reasons that were beyond my understanding, I found myself cuddling into his chest. Again. It was comfortable-- and warm-- and he smelled strangely good. Not that gross, cheap colongue smell, either. I couldn't say exactly what it was, but it was nice.

And starting tomorrow, I would be back to tormenting a few teens, and a few teens-turned adults. The perfect life for a messed up woman lik myself, and I don't think I'd change it. Damon was my only soft spot, though I tried to hide it as best I could. Apparently, I was failing.

"Of course you will," Damon answered. Were his fingers in my hair? It felt like it, but my eyelids were drooping, and my thoughts were growing groggy.

"Mmm..." was the last thing I mumbed before actually falling asleep. If Damon didn't wake me up, I would see to it he suffered afterwards.


I sighed, shifting as carefully as possible, and rested Domi's head back on her pillow. There was no way I was falling back to sleep tonight, and I didn't want to try. Another night-mare that I couldn't remember would only make things worse, so what was the point in trying?

I stifled a yawn and made my way towards the hut entrance, stepping out and glancing up to the sky. It was getting brighter, but it was still late. Or early, whichever you prefered.

Just as I was passing Maiara and Duncan's hut, a loud shriek pierced the air, followed by a flutter of wings. Large talons rested on my shoulder, and feathers brushed against my cheek. "Hush Shalo," I grumbled, "people are sleeping you moronic bird."

Shalo tilted her head, letting out a quieter squawking sound. "That's better." I ruffled her feathers with my hand and glanced towards the hut. Hopefully the beastly bird hadn't woken anybody. Heaven knows they needed their sleep. Heaven knew I needed my sleep, but that wasn't going to happen.

No, at the rate these nightmares were coming, I'd die of exhaustion. At least it would be an interesting death.

got trans?

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:15 pm
ForsakenAngel says...


Watching her sleep was the only thing that was keeping me awake. Her slow breaths had me mezmerized and the way she shifted with the tiniest movements was driving me crazy. Maybe she just didn't realize hiow much she ment to me.

I took a deep breath through my nose, inhaling her scent--coffee and, was that oak? Maybe it was the smell rubbing off from the forest. She seemed to spend a lot of her time out there in those woods, perfecting the beasts. It seemed like a waist to me unless you made them invensable. The teens just seemed to kill every one of them that she made. But she was persistant--and I liked that.

I still felt obligated to protect Annie, though she seemed to be able to rpotect herself. Accidents happened and I couldn't always be there to save her--to keep the promise I had made to her father. So, one of these days, a beast would get out and kill her and there was nothing I could do about it. Then I wouldn't have to be watching out for her all of the time.

Nothing I could do. Nothing.

(sorry its short, I'm at school and I have to go. I'll post Annie later(:)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:09 pm
Razcoon says...


Outside the fort, the entrance is sealed shut. Dammit...they forgot I was out here. I know I can't open it from the outside, so trying is hopeless. No trees around it, from what I can see, would get me over the top. Not that trying is a good idea. Even for somebody who usually lands on her feet, it's too high to jump from.

With an exhausted sigh, I sink down against the outer wall of the fort. Tose crawls beside me and curls up. My clothes still aren't dry yet, and are cold against my skin. Tose has the right idea, here; no use lying awake if it will take a while for someone to come out. Or notice you're gone.

I make a silent bet with myself that the first person to come out will be Tarrion, and that he won't be happy about it. For a good majority of the time I've been on this island, he's been worrying about me excessively, and has been surprisingly nice. Definitely does not approve of my being out so frequently. Of all people to become a father, he would be at the top of my list. It's funny because it happened.

Yawning, I lay down on my side, resting my head on Tose. If he wants to follow me, he'll have to put up with me too. I close my eyes and begin to drift off.
Ideas don't stay in heads very long because they don't like solitary confinement.

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:55 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

As the sky changed from dark blue to a morning gold, I felt less obligated to stay inside the walls. I felt trapped, like I was being caged in. But I didn't want to leave just yet, I knew I had to spend a few more hours here before I could leave.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stand to sit here and do nothing. I could sleep, but I wasn't tired. I could walk, but where to? I didn't have anything to do. Then I realized I could hunt. I didn't like to hunt, but I knew we could use more meat.

After grabbing a knife, I headed out of the walls, stopping to look at what was curled up on one side of the entrance. Naz. She looked like she had been sleeping like that--curled up, head resting on a little fluffball with a face--for a while. The fluffy thing looked up at me and I realized it was a wolf cub. How adorable, I thought flatly. It was cute but I didn't have time to think about it. When the fluffball moved and I stepped toward it, Naz woke up, lifting her head quickly. She seemed to relax when she saw me, knife in hand.

Then we saw it. A helicopter flew above us. Either it was another attack like the one when we first got here, or they were finally bringing in more people.

"Did you see that?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded. My first instinct was to run after it. I heard Naz shuffle behind me as I ran quickly through the forest, dodging trees and jumping over fallen limbs. I had one goal now--to find put what the helicopter was doing. I couldn't hear Naz behind me and I realized I was the onlt one who was going to be there when they dropped off whatever they were doing.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:20 am
Jashael says...


We’d been in the vehicle for more than an hour already. Where were we going? I did not know, and I couldn't do anything about it. All I could do was think...

I remembered that I had always wanted to ride in a private car, but never blindfolded and life-threatened like this, plus wanting so badly to go to the bathroom. Slightly and slowly, I raised my chin up, hoping I could get a glimpse of where we were going. But it was of no use. All I saw was darkness.

“Ow!” There was a harsh push against my neck, making my head bow.

“No peeking, or else…” The man’s voice rang in my ears.

Or else…Those two words were enough to make me obey.

"Can we please stop?" I whispered, and then the vehicle stopped. But I didn’t think it was because of my pathetic request.

I heard the sliding once again, and I was pushed to step out of the vehicle. It felt good to stretch a bit. The only thing I didn't wan to stretch anymore was my bladder.

“Umm…may I take off the blind—“ My words was cut by the man’s grunt. I took it as a yes, and cheerfully removed the cloth from my eyes at once.

I squinted; the slightest shine of light burned my eyes, and I had to wait for them to adjust with the surroundings. When my eyes could roam around, I noticed that the bright, and only, source of light was the headlights of an air vehicle called a helicopter. I’d never seen one in my life before. I’d always doubted it was even possible. But here and now before my eyes was a helicopter indeed. The time I had spent most of my time in the library at school breaks, reading legends, myths and rumored military secrets, was not wasted for useless information. Now I knew that a helicopter was true.

I stretched out my hand to the man, giving back the black cloth. But he did not even look at me, so I put it instead in my bag. I didn’t even think he wanted it back; it couldn’t be called a thievery, I hoped.

After being ignored, I looked behind me. The vehicle I had been was a van; and, like the man, it was all white. Craning my head to see what was beyond the van, the only thing I could tell was we were in a wide open space made, probably a huge lot, or so…I turned back. As the shadows took form, I noticed that there were five other vans brought in the place.

The man looked at me and stepped forward the helicopter. He was motioning me to follow, I assumed, so I did.

"Umm...sir, I don't suppose there's a bathroom in the helicopter, is there?" I sincerely asked. I never read anything about helicopter bathroom, but it looked big enough to hold one if I was fortunate enough. But all I got was silence, not a grunt, so I supposed it was a 'no'. "Is there a near bathroom around? Can I please go first? I won't try to flee, I promise." All I received was more silence.

As we walked up to the helicopter, I was surprised to see five other teenagers—three boys, two girls—also stepping towards it.

There was a red-headed girl, pig-tailed and tall-ish. Well, at least, taller than I. She looked back at me, but tore her eyes away from me at once. I started to wonder if I should have been quick in showing a smile.

The next person I noticed was a thin guy. He was staring on the ground; he looked so troubled. He glanced at me. I smiled, but he just stared back at the floor.

I looked at the other young man beside the stick-boned boy. He had brown hair and green eyes. I smiled again. I would have kept it long, but winked at me, and my smile faded. I observed him. He seemed to be eyeing us girls, but his eyes eventually were fixed on the dark-skinned girl, who was behind me. She was gorgeous, I thought so. The brown-haired guy reminded me so much of Ace.

Oh, what a fool… He dumped me after an examination. I still couldn’t believe he used me just so he could pass an exam, and even when I had perfect grades at school, I was stupid enough to fall for him. If this guy is from Ace’s lofty masculine division, then the gorgeous girl better be careful.

“Do you understand how much pain I am in?” the dark-skinned girl told the other Man-in-White, who was escorting her. Her voice echoed even with the loud whooshing of the helicopter's rotors.

I shook my head and faced in front of me. I noticed that there was another boy, a blond one. Strangely enough, he was beaming at everyone. He glanced at me and showed out a line of white teeth. I shot back a faint smile. At least some seemed to be having a good time in spite of all this forcing.

The other red-headed girl was told to get inside the helicopter. She practically obeyed. They didn’t even have to usher her inside.

“Get your hands off of me! If my daddy knows about this…” the dark-skinned girl demanded. But her words were futile. The man grabbed her hands and put the black cloth around them. I knew then that I wouldn’t want to scream and complain like her. She was then carried in the helicopter because she refused to budge.

As I’d predicted, it was my turn. The man who guarded me grabbed my arm. I followed without any complaining so he let me go on my own. I bumped my head on the way in though, which was a bit embarrassing. I was told to sit at the back. The dark-skinned girl kept on complaining about why she was sandwhiched between two red-headed girls who didn’t know anything about fashion.

I mean, seriously? I was wearing a plain shirt, a jacket and a pair of skinny jeans matched with sneakers. All I wanted was to be comfortable. I couldn’t even understand how she could be comfortable with that low-cut blouse she was wearing. Her cleavage was exposed... Honestly, I couldn't sleep in that blouse, even if I was all alone.

The men were up next. There was no complaining heard from any of them, and it struck me that the dark-skinned girl was probably the only one who kept on whining.

"My daddy will have you all go in prison!" she screamed. The man who was handling her couldn't take it anymore. He entered the helicopter just so he could slap her face.

"Shut up!"

And she did what she was told.

Now all I could hear was the helicopter's noise. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Hearing the helicopter's door close, I found myself doubting more if I’d ever see Mom again. I even have the feeling that, after exiting the village, we were about to exit the island itself. Maybe—just maybe--everything I’d read was true: even the myths about an outside world…
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


Got a life?

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:38 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Maiara | Duncan & Maiara's Hut:

Tossing and turning all night isn't fun, no matter what way you look at it. So, there I was, rolling over again for the hundredth time that night when I heard the squawking. Groaning, I pulled a pillow over my head. Duncan's hand left my side as he rolled over. The squawk came again, but it wasn't as loud as before.

I was suddenly angry. It was probably Tarrion's damn bird again. Pushing the pillow away, I got up and stumbled towards the door, still half asleep. Looking out, I saw that is was indeed Tarr and the damn bird. "Tarr? What're you doing?" I looked towards the sky and frowned. "It's so bloody early. What are you doing up?" Then I paused, frowning.

He had paused, but hadn't looked my way. What was he doing up at such an early hour. Then again, I didn't blame him. I hadn't told him Domi was pregnant when I should have... it was such a long time ago. Two years, maybe three. How time crawled here on the island... Sometimes it flew by, though. Nevermind, Tarr was still standing there.

"Tarrion?" I called, stepping out of the hut.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:49 pm
eldEr says...



I started and turned quickly, much to Shalo's displeasure. She gave a quiet, unhappy squawk and fluttered her wings around a little, smacking me in the face with her feathers. I brushed her off and blinked at Maiara.

"I'm guessing I woke you up, huh?" I muttered tiredly, rubbing the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger.

Maria nodded slowly, eyeing Shalo. "It's a little early, don't you think?" She sounded like she was still half-asleep, poor girl. I honestly hadn't meant to wake her up like that.

"Just a little." I looked back to the sky, frowning. Was that a helicopter? Oh good lord... My stomah twisted uneasily, and Shalo shot into the air, gliding back to the animal pen. Helicopters either meant supplies, or they meant a kidnap. New people were always a possibility, but highly unlikely. There hadn't been anybody new in at least to years now.

The sound passed, and I let the thoughts go. Dwelling on past memories and past fears probably weren't going to help me sleep at night. "Sorry for waking you, though," I murmured, keeping my eyes up and tilted towards the sky. If there was a helicopter up there-- my stomach knotted even more than it had before-- Annie would be out there chasing it.

"I'm... I'm going to go check on Annie," I muttered quickly, stepping hurriedly to her hut. I looked inside, jaw twitching. She was gone. Of course she was gone.

I darted back out, right past an exhausted and relatively confused-looking Maiara. The fort gate was open, just a crack. "Oh for the love of God, Annie," I hissed.


I groaned, reaching up to smack the hand away. It retreated from my shoulder for a whole milisecond before coming back and shaking it harder. My eyes felt like they were glued shut, and it took me a moment to register where I was. Damon's breath and voice ridiculously close to my ear was reminder enough.

"They're here, they'll be landing in around half an hour."

My eyes shot open, and I pushed myself up, eyeing the screens through vision blurred by sleep. I rubbed at them with the heel of my hand and blinked a few times to make things a bit more clear. "It's about bloody time!" I hissed, turning around to Damon. His eyebrow was arched and he was giving me this awkward-looking, somewhere-around-adorable, lopsided smile.

I grinned and leaned over to give him a good hard kiss on the lips, one that I ended up holding for a little longer than was necessary. It hardly mattered, judging by the shivers. When I did pull away, my head was resting on his shoulder, which made me appear to be a heck of a lot softer than I wanted to. Ah well. I'd make up for that when I started tormenting these kids.


No. It was way too early to wake up. I knew this and I hadn't even opened my eyes yet. I rolled over slowly, trying not to wake up Gemma. One arm made its way around her waist, more to soothe my fried nerves than anything else. The shirt she was wearing was itchy...

I frowned, eyes still closed and moved my hand away. My arm was burning. I forced my eyes open, blinking a few times to clear my vision, and stared at my arm. It was speckled in a bright red. My frown deepened, and I sat up slowly. The nasuea hit me then, a rather unspleasant wave of it. Not good.

I glanced over my shoulder and Gemma and took a few deep breathes. There wasn't much need to wake her, was there? It was just a little rash... a tomato-coloured one, but probably nothing a little ointment couldn't fix. I moved slowly to the end of the bed, resting one foot on the ground, and then the other.

Why one earth was I so dizzy? It couldn't be related to the rash... could it? No... I was probably just exhausted. Of course, this wasn't stopping my arm from burning.

I made my way over to the tent entrance slowly, keeping my eyes on my arm. Maiara was somewhere off to the side, but it looked like she was going to go back to bed, so I let her be. It may have been wise to ask if she knew anything about the rash, but if she wanted sleep I'd let her have it.

The sudden memory-loss was what really got me. Where were the medical huts again? I blinked a few times and shook my head. You know where they are you doofus, my back-stage mind scolded. I blinked and turned in what I prayed was the right direction.

I'm just exhausted... that's all.

got trans?

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:26 pm
LastPaladin says...

Tiaan: Helicopter

Being herded into a helicopter she caught sight of many of the girls. A twang of guilt struck her, hours ago she had just kissed Samantha good night. The poor girl was so nervous, and was afraid to hide feelings. To be honest most people her age who were bisexual were mostly closet. Still she had been looking at the other girls, and made her feel sick. She wasn't a whore, so why was so acting like one.

Surveying her surroundings she forced a smile on with tears falling from her eyes. Wiping her face she tried again. Feeling happy now she decided to be first to speak, "Don't you all love road trips."

The one who'd eyed her up dismissively sneered, "Oh yes I love being taken from my family and kidnapped. it's soooooooooo much fun."

Growling she replied, "Idiot, haven't you ever heard of keeping your gob shut. I know things suck, but they're just people. Trust me on that."

Someone further back replied, "No duh."

"Didn't anyone of you fight back? Didn't any of you try and prevent it?" she asked in disbelief.

The one who spoke before carried on, "Not all of us are Supergirl bitch!"

Getting angry she yelled, "What's your problem?"

"Oh nothing much. I love being kidnapped, hell it's one of my hobbies. But unlike you I never fight back Pippy Long Stocking!"

There was a horrible quiet over the Helicopter before a voice yelled from the front, "Shut up or you'll be comatosed rest of the flight!"
You poor take courage
You rich take care
This earth was made a common treasury
For everyone to share
All things in common
All people one
We come in peace
The orders came to cut them down

Billy Bragg - The World Turned Upside Down

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:51 pm
JabberHut says...

Jackson Teel

As soon as the van door opened, Skipper started barking. The man's growl told Jackson he should probably stop the dog or else Skip was going to get hurt somehow. Jackson swung his arms around the dog's neck, shushing the canine. Once the dog stopped barging and started whimpering, Jackson felt a large hand grip his arm tightly and nearly yank him out of the van.

"Okay, okay! I can get out myself, you know," Jackson said. "Can the blindfold come off now? I gotta get Skip--"

Among his talking, there were other people talking in the van as well, so Jackson wasn't sure if the man said yes or anything. Eventually, the guy himself pulled the cloth off his face. One look at the man, and Jackson wondered if he played football back in his day.

"Grab your dog and get," he grunted, shoving me in the back.

"Let me get my dog before you start shoving me," Jackson said, but the guard just shoved him again. "Skip! Here, boy!" he called, thinking none of these people were people to mess with.

Skipper galloped by Jackson's side. He was practically skipping to keep up with them, but the guard didn't care. He just shoved Jackson into the helicopter, and Jackson seated himself with his bag in his lap. Skipper didn't appear by Jackson's side though. He lost his dog?

Nope, he was running outside. Jackson hopped out of the helicopter as a girl and her guard approached the helicopter. "Skip, come here, boy! Come on!"

The dog looked upset. Jackson understood. Being shoved into vehicles all day--


"What time is it?" Jackson asked the nearest person, not really caring if they were working or not. "I have a game today, and I can't be late--"

"In the chopper before I throw you in myself, boy," the guard growled, yanking me back.

"It's the championship game! I have to be there! Skip! Skipper, come on! Skip!"

The guard threw Jackson back into the helicopter. He sat up and practically begged to get off the chopper, but as soon as the last person was forced inside, the door closed. Skipper whimpered behind me, anxious to play. Jackson sighed and slid down to the floor, his bag somewhere on the other side of the helicopter. Skipper seemed to walk away or pace or something, but Jackson didn't care. All he could think about was the big game that he'd never get to play.

Skipper returned, dragging Jackson's bag. He dropped it in front of Jackson, and a baseball rolled out of the pack. Forgetting his turmoil, Jackson grabbed the ball and gave it to Skipper, scratching the dog and praising him. At least he still had his best friend.
I make my own policies.

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:09 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Annie May~

No. There was no way in hell there were new teens coming to this island. I didn't want to believe it--I just couldn't.

I stopped for a second, looking up at the sky. Where had the helicopter gone? I couldn't hear it anymore. Maybe they weren't bringing more teens. Then, I could hear the faint chopping of the propellers again. My heart stopped for a second, but started up when I began to jog in the direction of the noise. I couldn't tell if the others were looking for it too--I couldn't see them.

I jogged for a while, forgetting that the island was bigger than I thought. It had been a long time since I had run and I knew I would pay for it later. Ever since i'd broken my leg I had a pain in it every time I ran. This was the first time I'd run without realising it.

I could hear something--it wasn't the helicopter more than I heard the yelling. Definatly no one I knew. Then, as the helicopter noise died down, the voices got louder. They were coming from somewhere ahead of me, some cussing, some arguing, some calm. I remembered when I first got here--I was scared and only had one friend, who died before I met my family. I'd daved them from a beast, a thing they were eternally thankful for. I didn't say anything and I left. But I had adapted quickly, quicker than most, to the change of not having a family, to having a family.

Shaking away the thought, I snuck closer to the noise, really using my nature feet--keeping my steps quiet and holding my breath as to not let them hear. Then I saw them--colors through the dense bushes and I went closer but stopped right behind a tree, listening and watching intensly.

(Just thought i'd hurry up theur arrival(: hope this is ok!)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:05 am
ForsakenAngel says...


She hadn't gotten much sleep, but it made me feel better to see her sleep at least an hour. She even looked a little better--as if that was possible. She was looking at the monitors, waiting intensly. Then, there they were and I smiled and went to stand behind her, my arms around her waist. I kissed up her neck to her jaw, then rested my chin on her shoulder and put my cheek against her's.

They seemed to be arguing, but who knew what about. Some of them were freaking out, yelling. I couldn't help but smile as I saw the beautiful sight. It had been a while since I had actually seen any action come from the original teens--this could get very interesting.

"I can't wait to see how they act when they see the others," Samantha said menacingly. "Or when they see my beasts." Her smkle could scare the crap out of someone who hadn't seen it so many times. This was the smile she used to use when the others were killing each other. She was enjoying this already.

(Sorry it's short...I just had to post for Ishy:)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:27 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Seth~ Helicopter

There were two things Seth could not stand; ugly people and ignorant ugly people. A regular ugly person at least could say they were smart, but ignorant ugly people were like missing links forgotten by evlotion, to the point they not only looked like apes but also couldn't rub two sticks together to make fire.

So when Pippi Long Stocking opened her mouth to ask if everyone loved road trips, Seth knew that she was not only slapped with an ugly stick, but the girl had also been robbed of common sense.

"Oh yes I love being taken from my family and kidnapped. it's soooooooooo much fun." Honestly he could care less about his family but he wanted to point out the ignorant of the statement.

"Idiot, haven't you ever heard of keeping your gob shut. I know things suck, but they're just people. Trust me on that." The girl snapped.

The nerve of her. How dare she open her ugly little lips.

One of the girls in the back said “Duh.” Seth gave them no notice as he zeroed on the red head.

“Didn't anyone of you fight back? Didn't any of you try and prevent it?" The girl continued

“Listen you country bred hick. . ." Seth began

"What's your problem?" The girl yelled.

“Oh nothing much. I love being kidnapped, hell it's one of my hobbies. As for the fighting back, these people don’t seem like the kind of people you want to mess with. Maybe you can toss horses around with your mannish body, but that is a talent the rest of us lack.”

Seth would have continued, but he was interrupted by one of the pilots.

"Shut up or you'll be comatosed rest of the flight!"

Seth sat back in his seat and pulled out one of his sketch pads. These people didn’t deserve acknowledgement. He would much rather draw something then waist his breath on them. In any case if he continued to talk to her, he suspected fowl words would escape his lips. The thought of such words made Seth feel sick.

Seth’s attention to beauty did not stop with just sight. It also came in to play with words. There were many words Seth considered to be ugly; all curse words were included. Other words made the list too; bulbous, igloo, love. The list went on.

Seth saw words as powerful tools. Allowing such words to come out of his mouth would be like puking rancid eggs. No, Seth wanted words to roll off his tongue like honey, and if need be, spew from it like vinegar.

Seth let his mind wander away from such thoughts, as he sketched the rough outlines of the dark skinned girl. He already had her face in his memory and didn’t need to look up. He positioned the sketchpad so no one could see it. No one was allowed to see his drawings after all. Seth’s brother had tried once to sneak a peek and Seth promptly kicked him his family jewels.

He had almost finished sketching her face when the pilot spoke again.

“We will be landing soon. I hope you all have fun,” he said with a snicker.

Seth looked up from his drawing. He had a bad feeling about this, but there was not much that could be done at the moment. He glanced out the window as they came to a landing, which looked to be an unpopulated island. Well, this could be fun he thought.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:33 am, edited 3 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


Oh, Brightlord Tumul! How unexpected it is to see you standing there! I didn't mean to insult your stupidity. Really, it's quite spectacular and worthy of much praise.
— Wit (Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings)