
Young Writers Society

The Runaways (Accepting Characters)

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:41 am
Eniarrol says...

Viola (if its okay...)

Its hard being with all these people i never get any privacy, i have to wonder for miles into the desert and still i hear their eerie voices echoing across the sandy ground. Sometimes i wonder wether they know that i can hear them talking idle stuff really but somewhere deep in my heart i wish they were talking about me even if it they were complaning at least i would know that i wasn't completely invisible here in this vast desert with no friends to trust. But really i was used to that never had i really had any friends maybe before my memories had settled, before my parents left i had friends but never now not when i really need them.
Last edited by Eniarrol on Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:42 am
Vampyre says...

Hi, is it ok to join? I'll make a profile, just tell me to delete it if it's not.

Name: Storm (Not her real name, and she gives no surname)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: About 6'4", slim but curvy. She has a small, heart shaped face, with short, dyed-black punky hair - almost pixie-like. Her skin is pale and she has one bright green eye (her right) and one hazel (her left) Three scars run from the corner of her left eye down the side of her face, from an incident she won't tell anyone about, as well as several others on her body from various fights(Unless she really trusts them) Many small scars decorate her wrists, hands and arms. She wears torn t-shirts bearing logos and names of her favourite bands, and always the same pair of ripped, black cutoff jeans.

Personality: She loves knives. She'll never be found without at least one, and she's extremely good at using them. She's a very skilled liar, and is a thief. Watch your belongings around her, because she doesn't have very good morals when it comes to theft. She distrusts people as a general rule, and isn't very open with sharing food, having been in and out of less respectable JD centres for just over two years, and having to often fight for it. She's troubled, but fiercely loyal if you earn her respect, and can be fun to be around. She's very daring, and will give anything a go. Likes adventure. Has dabbled in drugs, but is now clean, and has been for about six months. She's not very shy, and rather curious, and if she wants to know something, will go right on up and ask it. Can be a bit of a flirt.

Background: She comes from a very dodgy area, and would have been killed many times before if she wasn't so good at fighting. She's never intentionally killed anyone, but was in the most recent JD for Manslaughter.

Original or Pick-up: Original

Federal Offence: This time, Manslaughter.

Hope that's ok! I'll write a post, just again, tell me to delete it if you don't want it.
That night she drew her swan breath in a bed
Made soft with all her razor blades,
That kissed her wrists with the romance you lacked.
As the hands that you’d kissed now dealt the trades


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Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:55 am
Vampyre says...

Storm blinked slowly, her eyes dancing with firespots as she glanced away from the flames she'd lit after Eli had been away too long for her to bear the cold. He would probably be annoyed if he knew it was her who lit the fire- he seemed oddly possessive of it, as if he was the only one who could light and use it. A soft crunching of sand caught her attention, and she looked over too see who it was.

Speak of the Devil, she thought, as she noticed first the streaked hair, then the fingers playing, as always, with the lighter, flickering small flames that somehow seemed brighter than the blaze beside her. Her curiosity had been kindled when Eli had left, slipping away, and had grown stronger the longer he'd been gone.

Never being one to sit silently and wonder, she stood up, brushing sand off of her lap. With a swift, practised movement, she sheathed the knife she'd been playing with and walked quietly over to Eli, coming up behind him. For a second she stood there, savouring the fact of being there, unseen, before swinging round and dropping down next to him.

"So where have you been hiding all this time?"
That night she drew her swan breath in a bed
Made soft with all her razor blades,
That kissed her wrists with the romance you lacked.
As the hands that you’d kissed now dealt the trades


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Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:24 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I was sitting on the ground Ookami's head in my lap and I was idly stroking his head deep in thought. "Demon." I heard someone call. I turned back to the fire and saw Shelly waving her arms. "C'mon Keller get warm eh?" She shouted. I sighed and stood up Ookami walking behind me. I sat next to her my arms going around Ookami resting my head against his shoulder. I heard Shelly chuckle and I looked at her. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She said shaking her head. I let go of Ookami and turned to her. "What seriously Rashel?" I asked her crossing my arms. "You haven't changed at all and that is definetly a good thing." She said smiling. I hugged her. "You haven't really changed Shelly either." I said quietly she hugged me back. "Goddess I missed you." She said letting me go. "Same here." I said sitting back.

I smiled at Raksha she hadn't changed what so ever and that made me so happy I didn't want her to. "Hey!" I heard Eli shout. I looked at him half irritated and saw he was talking to Storm who was one of the people I got along with she had been teaching me how to use blades and I was becoming rather good. "Storm can we continue on our lesson?" I asked her. She looked at me and gave me a half smile. "Sure later ok?" She asked and I nodded.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:21 pm
Cspr says...


I watched camp, feeling rather bored, and just lounged in the sand near the fire. "So...what's for dinner? Oh, wait, right--nothing's for dinner," she commented, rather lackadaisically as she stared up at the stars.
She giggled as she saw K.J. raise an eyebrow at her, obviously noting the quote.


I shook my head at the half-crazy red-head and just focused on the other people around the fire. They seemed mostly Gothic or odd-looking, not my type, and one of them had a dog. I hated dogs.

I just narrowed my eyes at the thing, then looked back at the fire. Why had I even come out here, anyway?
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:36 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Ookami growled at K.J. and I placed my hand on his head and he calmed down. "Calm Ookami." I soothed quietly and he sat beside me. I scratched him on the head and he sighed and flopped on the ground and I giggled. I crossed my legs and turned on my Ipod and started listening to Evanescence.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:27 pm
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Teardrop says...


I watched them intently out of pure bordom. After a while with the group, it had gotten pretty "same old, same old" We'd been on the run from the mental ward for what seemed like forever, passing threw a never ending maze of hate. I didn't really have any friends, not that I had the guts to talk to anybody. I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to talk to anybody, I couldn't keep a conversation.

I scanned the camp, a few carried pets with them, a few chatting with others, and a couple sitting around like myself. I never really talked a lot to them. So, I played with the buttons on my MP3.

When I was little, I used to have the MP3 still, and all other kinds of special gadgets. My hobby was hacking old people's computers. When I was in my teenage years, the police caught me, and I bit the officer. That was when I got into serious trouble, and ran away with them for the fun of it, and the thrill of being on the run. After awhile, the thrill drifted and it's just life for me.

I ran my fingers down the sides of my ragged black jeans. Torn for years of use, some holes were there when I got them. My sweatshirt, gray and bland, was too big. It hung off me but kept me warm since I just had a "Never Shout Never" tee on underneath.

I was tired of running, I thought about going home a few days ago. Well, at least leaving the group and trying to find my home. Not that I ever wanted to see my mother again, I'm sure she felt the same way about me as I felt about her. Discusted, she even admitted I was a delinquent, a mistake. I had to face the face that I was a runaway, I'd always be on the run, just like the other runaways.
And are the doctors dancing in, while the ambulances sing. Another boy without a sharper knife. The moment, that's where I kill the conversation, wrap this up with a knife that loves to feel. How do you know how deep to go before it's real?
- Yeah Boy And Doll Face ~ Pierce The Veil

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:02 am
Blueskysummer says...


He couldn't help a small yelp o surprise as someone plopped down directly beside him. his skin colored minutely at the way he'd broken from his calm-and-cool persona, but when he saw who had sat beside him that vanished, replaced with an impish grin. Storm had turned momentarily to confirm a lesson of some sort with one of her friends, and Eli waited patiently, flipping his zippo on and off, on and off...

all the while, Storm flipped a blade subconsciously between her fingers, making him smile just that much more. She was as good with a blade as he was with a flame. And as he spotted the slight glimmer of scars on one arm in the firelight, he wondered if her blades had bitten her back as his fire had. But he shouldn't make assumptions so fast.

"Where've I been?" He repeated slowly. "Where haven't I been? Walked near to the end of the earth and back, found some cacti that looked edible, and the desert sunset... amazing." he paused a moment to let that sink in. "You should come with me sometime." He brushed a lock of hair from her face with a devlish grin.

All innocent flirting, just a bit of fun. No harm no foul, right? but he knew not to go too far. Girls were like flames- no, like campfires, bonfires, perhaps. they needed to be fed compliments or their flames would die out, but if you simply ignored them they'd rear up and scorch you. they needed respect and careful care, and he'd fed a few fires in the camp. And he'd continue skipping from flame to flame until he found the one.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:31 am
Roadnevertravelled says...

Hi, hope I can still join. The title says accepting, sooo. . .

NAME: Reagan Lynch

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Long light brown hair that's wavy, 5"9, lightly tanned skin and some freckles across her face. She has bright green eyes. She has an oval face and thin body. She wears ripped jean shorts and a has two shirts, a off-white one and a light blue Aeropostale shirt. She has a black jacket for nights. She wears a locket that has a picture of her mother in it with a mustache drawn on it.

PERSONALITY: She's very independent and wild, but when she makes friends she cares about them. She's not very trusting at first and doesn't like to share with strangers, but she's different towards her friends. She is usually rather hostile. She has a knife which she uses for defense, but doesn't go flinging it around at everything.

BACKGROUND/HISTORY: She ran away from her home in New York at age 14 to escape her absive father and unloving mother. She travelled to Texas to live with her grandparents, but in the two years it took her to get their, he grandmother had gotten alzheimers and her grandfather was dead, so she started on towards california to live with her cousins, but then she met the other runaways.


OTHER: UFL, sure.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:50 am
Roadnevertravelled says...


I sighed as I watched the fire. Three weeks here, and the days kept repeating themselves. Move, fire, sleep, move, fire, sleep. There wasn't anything else. Sometimes I wondered if this was the right choice, or if I would have been better on my own. Whenever I thought this, I looked at my locket. Seeing my mothers fake smile and unloving face was enough to remind me why I started running in the first place; to escape those who hurt me and to find a home. Now I had one. I looked around at all the other tired faces and wondered who else was thinking the same, that we were acomplishing nothing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:29 am
Vampyre says...


"You should come with me sometime" Eli said, flirting as he brushed a little of her hair back from her forehead. A small part of her mind reminded her she needed to cut it soon, back into her pixie-layers. She pushed the thought away as she smiled back at Eli. Two could play at that game.

"I might just take you up on that sometime..." She dropped her voice slightly so he had to lean closer to hear her as she continued, her voice loaded with light suggestiveness, "Though I don't know if I should trust you to bring me back...I hear it's easy to get lost out there" She bit her lip in mock worry, flicking her eyes down demurely.

As she did so she spun the knife in her hands idly, amusement spurting through her as she noticed the actions mirrored by Eli with his lighter. Seeing the flames flickering and dancing in the reflected light of her blade reminded her; in all the time they'd been travelling, she'd never asked Eli why he'd been in JD.

"So what got you slammed up with the rest of us delinquents?" She asked, the corner of her mouth pulling up slightly in a mocking smile.
That night she drew her swan breath in a bed
Made soft with all her razor blades,
That kissed her wrists with the romance you lacked.
As the hands that you’d kissed now dealt the trades


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Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:22 pm
Cspr says...


I looked around camp, relatively bored. It was late and nothing was really happening, except for a few people flirting with each other. Yuck.

"So, anyone here read "Child 44"?" I asked, playing with sand between my fingers. I detested sand. It made food crunchy and gross and it stayed in my shoes, not willing to get out. "Watched "Needful Things"? Or does anyone do anything here worth something?"


I sigh at Ara, she was always stirring up trouble. I had the feeling she didn't really belong with these people either, like I didn't, so I humored her. Well, sometimes. Tonight I just got up and walked off. I always felt better when I walked. Sure, I limped sometimes because of my hurt knee, but other than that...

Pain was just another distraction, anyway. You get raised in a fake but just as real as real fascist dictatorship town and you learn that you gotta deal with everything, you can't ignore it or just hope it goes away.

((I have no idea what I'm writing...fever...blah.))
My SPD senses are tingling.

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Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:17 pm
Blueskysummer says...


He scoffed jokingly. "Yes, but if we get lost, who knows? We might end up somewhere better. Not that I'd get you lost." He added cockily. He was on full show-off mode for this girl, and subconsciously his fingers started flicking through the flame slower, gaining a buildup of soot.

He sighed at the question. "Ah, a job went bad. I broke into a house to see if the owner was home, you know how it is," he assed offhandedly, nor realizing she probably didn't know. "And as I was up in the master suite, my lit zippo decided to fall right on the lace curtains. Who'd have guessed lace would catch so fast? by the time I found water it was out of control, and my buddies had ran for it. half the house was gone by the time the fire department got there, and the police had already caught my friends. losers ratted me out." he scowled. "They sent me here for breaking-and-entering, trespassing, and destruction of property." He turned to look at her and realized he'd been gabbing away for a while, not the best way to get a girl...

"So, there's my story, what about yours?" He led, giving Storm his full attention.
Hmmm...this snake is called a "Water Moccasin" so in THEORY I should be able to strap them to my feet and cross this river like Jesus?

Hush. Optimus is speaking.

"I get it, the first rule of robot fight club is you don't talk about robot fight club." -Jack, Transformers Prime

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Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:17 pm
MilkNCookies says...


"Viola, are you alright?" I asked her. She was just sitting by the fire. I got up and sat by her. "You seem upset about something, or sad." I asked her. It was a while before she shrugged her answer.

"I'm bored. We don't do much out here." She complained.

"We're in the middle of a desert. There isn't exactly an arcade out here." I said. She laughed a bit at my joke. Funny, i can cheer others up, but never myself.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:31 am
emilyjh21 says...


I plopped down in front of the fire after going around and making sure everybody was comfortable for the night. As comfortable as one can be in the middle of the desert on the run from the authorities that is. When I first thought of the idea of running I thought it would be wonderful. I was ready for an adventure; to get away from those idiotic policemen, lawyers, and parents. Now, I'm not so sure. I've always thought of myself as the motherly type, but I'm scared I've lead my "children" to a dead end. We've been on the run for at least three months, I don't even remember. I quit counting. As I look around the fire, I see that I'm not the only one whose spirits are down. Everybody's been looking down for days, actually. I don't want to go back home and I bet none of the others do either. I've got to come up with a plan...
Happiness is a JOURNEY not a place. :D

Resistance is futile.
— The Borg