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Givin' Up On Love

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Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:27 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

"Maya here is my own best friend," Malachi smiled at the mare. "She was...a friend of mine's. I took her in because she abandoned her. She means more to me than most know."

Malachi frowned. Maya and him both. Abandoned by the most wonderful woman, who just had to have more. Someone like her could never settle down. Malachi had been naive enough to believe that thier love would calm down Silvia's wild, free nature. He was wrong, very wrong about that. He wasn't even sure if she had ever loved him in the first place.

"Who was your friend?" Sola asked, narrowing her eyes. "It's terrible. To just abandon the poor mare."

"Her name was Silvia," Malachi said, shrugging. "She was pretty close. I thought we were...best friends. Well it's a long story and it deserves more time than this. It's getting late...we'll miss dinner if we don't hurry back."

Malachi collected their things and rubbed Maya down with a brush to get out the fresh tangles the wind had brought.

"Ready Sola?" He asked. She looked back at the cave longingly. He smiled. "We'll have to come back soon. It's my favorite spot around here. I come when I have free time, though here on the ranch, that's rare. Tomorrow though, I have more to show you. I'm sure you'll enjoy it just as much."
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:06 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

Sola smiled and nodded climbing on Atreyu's back and following Malachi out of the cave and towards the ranch. She sighed as she leaned down hugging Atreyu's neck. She loved riding him, feeling the power that he generated course through her as he moved. She didn't think she'd ever have a connection with another horse like she did Atreyu. He was her breath, and the only love in her life she would allow herself to have anymore.

"We'll brush them down, feed them, and then we'll go eat ourselves." Malachi said. "From what I hear you don't feed much grain, or hay."

"No, it's not natural and my mom lost her horse after he coliced twice. I'll feed hay, but I rather let him live off just grass if I can. So far he seems to be able to, if it was to ever seem he couldn't I would put him on a diet with grain in it, but I want to be careful. I couldn't lose him." She replied with a shrug. "Not treats on the other hand are a different story."

"Sounds like you baby him." Malachi laughed.

"Oh I do for sure, he's my baby boy, so I figure I'm allowed to spoil him." They got to the barn and dismounted brushing them down. While Malachi was giving Maya some grain Sola turned Atreyu out to the pasture tossing some hay out to him. She petted and loved on him until Malachi turned Maya out to another pasture and then they walked to the house. Atreyu had his own pasture because they wanted to be careful one of the mare's didn't go into heat and they not notice it. They had said they might turn him out with the geldings after they watch how he acted towards the other horses.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:04 pm
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WhiteTiger93 says...

"Hey girl," Malachi said, patting her slender neck. He rubbed her between the eyes, just where she liked it and Maya streched out her head, next to his arm.

Malachi laughed and shook his head. Maya was pretty spoiled herself. Except on the days when they had riding lesson for children. She was always picked for the nervous bunch of them, mostly because she was gentle and didn't spook as easy as the other horses.

"Let's head back inside then," Malachi told Sola, with one last glance back at Maya to make sure she was okay.

Sola looked at him closely. "You're not seperated from Maya very often, are you?" she asked.

Malachi shrugged. "I guess not. I prefer her company rather than other people...people can be...well, nasty," he sighed. "But I can tell that you love Atreyu as much as I do Maya."

Sola smiled a little and glanced quickly at her own horse. Malachi grinned. At least someone seemed to understand horses the way that he could never explain. He saw it in her eyes.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:32 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

Sola knew what he was talking about, without a doubt horses were way better company then people were and they didn't stab her in the back like people did.

"So what are we going to eat?" She asked as they walked into the house that smelled wonderful.

"Who knows, cook loves his job so it's always good." Malachi replied. They got in the dinning room and she smiled when she saw roast, potatoes, rolls, and other food on the table. Her stomach growled and she blushed biting her lip. It just looked so good though.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:13 pm
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WhiteTiger93 says...

Malachi laughed at Sola's almost longing expression.

"Come on, let's eat. Mel would kill me if she thought I was depriving you of-"

"Malachi what are you doing!" Melissa growled, stomping towards them. Melissa was like a mom t Malachi. Or actually, a sister since she was only a few years older than him.

He groaned. "Sola this is Melissa, but everyone just calls her Mel. Mel, this is Sola."

Mel smiled at Sola kindly and turned to glare at Malachi. "You've had the poor girl our all day sight seeing and then when you get back I see you yapping her ear off while she's obviously hungry? Have you learned no manners?"

Malachi backed away. Mel was short and slender, and despite her pretty exterior, she was a force to be reckoned with.

"I'm sorry Sola, I got the introductions wrong. Mel, this is Sola. Sola this is my worst nightmare."

Sola smiled softly as Melissa hit Malachi's arm. "Oh that's hilarious," she rolled her eyes. "You'll have to excuse Malachi, Sola. He sometimes thinks that he's funny."

Malachi shrugged and slung an arm over Mel's shoulder's. "Don't lie. I AM funny," he grinned. "In fact, you're snide little comments are starting to hurt my ego. Maybe a little kiss could make it up..."

He wiggled his eyebrows and Mel pushed his arm off him and shook her head. "Malachi, no one could hurt your big ego. Don't mind his flirting habits either, Sola. He's just such a child sometimes."

Malachi laughed and pulled out a chair, first, for Sola and next for Mel. He sat beside Sola and they bowed their heads as Melissa said grace.

"Now let's dig in!" Malachi grinned. "I'm starving!"
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:49 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Sola put the food on her plate and ate silently as she watched the two talking. Malachi made a flirtatious comment here and there. Sola found it funny, he probably liked the girl. Sola smiled, she could tell that Melissa was a force to reckon even with her small size. She had an air of confidence about her.

The food was great. More people piled in, bowing their heads to pray quickly before digging into the food. Sola smiled, it was such a nice atomosphere here. Everyone was so nice and caring. They treated each other like family. Sometimes Sola found it hard to understand them because of their accents, but otherwise she didn't mind.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:41 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

Sola truly seemed to be enjoying herself. Malachi knew how she felt. This place...well it was his home. It always had been. He couldn't see how someone couldn't like it. Even Silvia had loved it here. But nothing could keep her in one place for too long. Not this place, not this family...not him.

He swallowed the growing lump. He had realized a long time ago that he would never get over Silvia. Ever. She had been the only person for him. They just clicked. He knew that she had felt the same way, but she was afraid of love. Afraid of anyone tying her to one place. She was a free spirit.

"Excuse me you guys," Malachi said getting up. "It's really been a long day, I need a shower and get ready for tomorrow with Sola."

Mel narrowed her eyes. "Malachi..." she said. Her voice was oddly soft and her eyes had a knowing glint in them. Of course she knew what was wrong with him.

He gave a flirtaious smile, that she knew meant nothing. "Even my big ego needs a rest. Your bags are right in your room and if you need anything Michelle," he said pointing to the tall, broad shouldered girl across from him, "Will help you with anything you need."

Michelle was one of the nicest girl's here and she gave Sola a friendly smile. "And if you need me, my room isn't but three doors down from where you'll be staying."

Sola nodded, looking at him curiously. "Goodnight," she said. "I'll be ready early for tomorrow."

Malachi nodded, giving everyone a last parting smile. He wasn't even sure it lasted long enough before he turned around and his face crumpled, going towards his room.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:11 am
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TNCowgirl says...

Sola frowned and then smiled going back to her food. Something was wrong with him. She could tell, but what was it? She didn't know and it wasn't any of her buisness.

"So, Sola. Would you like some desert?" Michelle asked.

"I couldn't possibly eat more." She replied with a laugh. "Honestly I think I might follow in his footsteps, I'm tired and a hot shower sounds very tempting."

"I'm sure after all the traveling you did and all." Michelle replied. "Let me show you your room." They got up and she followed the girl upstairs.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:22 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

Malachi sat on his bed, head resting in his palms. Why couldn't he just stop thinking about the girl? He had loved her, yes, more than loved her, but...she just tortured him.

There was a knock on his door. Malachi jumped up as they knocked again.

"Come in," he called.

Melissa. Of course.

"Malachi," she sighed. "What's wrong? Are you thinking about her...again?"

He shrugged. "I was planning to marry her y'know," he grumbled. "I just need time."

Mel frowned. "Malachi you've changed. It's killing me to see you like this. You need to talk. I'm here for you. We all are. We just don't want to see you like this. You're hurting," she said, softly.

He shrugged. "I'll get over her in time," he lied.

Yeah, he would never get over her, but maybe the pain wouldn't be so bad with time.

"Malachi," she scolded. "It's been six months since Silvia-"

"Enough," Malachi growled. "I don't need this. I'm tired and I don't need to talk. To you or anyone else."

Just the sound of her name...spoken allowed...

"Fine," she said, exasperated. "But you need to get off your high horse and realize that you're dragging other people down with you. Malachi we are your family and you our ours. Now stop being selfish."

She slammed the door as she left, leaving Malachi to dream. Nightmares.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:55 am
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TNCowgirl says...

Sola rolled back and forth in her bed trying to get to sleep. She pounded her fist into the pillow trying to get comfortable.

"No one will ever love you, Sola!" Adam yelled.

"Get the hell out!" Sola cried slinking away from the big guy. He pushed her against the wall and glared at her.

"No, I'm the only one that'll take care of you. It's time you gave something back." He hissed.

"Kennie will kill you!" Sola hissed fighting to free herself. Adam was supposed to be her best friend.
Sola sat up and gasped shaking her head. She really needed sleep.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:35 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

"Silvia," he moaned. "Baby I need you."

Was it still true? After all this time did he still need her? Yes, he still loved her and he always would but...was Mel right? Could he ever get over her?

"Yes," he whispered.

Sweat still clung to his curly black hair from last night's nightmare. Once again he dreamed of Silvia...riding off in the arms of another man.

He would stop living in the past. But he could never -nor did he really want to- forget Silvia. Malachi still loved her, but she wasn't coming back. He needed to get on with his life.

"Never fall in love," he whispered to his reflection, the sun-bronzed replic of himself looking somehow unhealtly.

Love was for the weak. Love broke you down until it left nothing more than a self-pitying fool. That was what he was becoming. Love exsisted, but it wasn't good like you saw in those cheesy romantic comedy's. No, love is cruel and evil.

Malachi smiled, though there was nothing at all funny in that moment. He wouldn't be weak anymore. Malachi would get over Silvia, but he would never love. Ever.

Malachi left his room and headed for a quick shower. It didn't take long and the hot water washed all of this mornings pain.

He dressed quickly and knocked on Sola's door. There was a bit of shuffling around.

"Hey," he called from the other side. "I was just making sure you were up. Breakfast will be reasy any minute and...be sure to wear some older clothes today. We're going to have a lot of fun."

He laughed a little and walked away. "I'll meet you downstairs soon then!" She called.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:25 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

Sola jumped in the shower quickly and let the cold water wake her up and wash the memories away from her head. She took a deep breath and pulled on some of her older clothes and then ran down the stairs and to the kitchen, she was starving.

"Morning." Malachi said between bites.

"Good morning." She said snatching a muffin and taking a bite sitting down as she savored the flavor.

*oy, work. :'( I'm so sorry I'm being a horrible writer at the moment.*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:57 am
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WhiteTiger93 says...

**You are not! :P I understand. :) I mean, I haven't been on in forever. So it's all good. ^_^**

"Good mmorning," he smiled. "Have a nice night?"

She shrugged. "It was alright," she responded. "You?"

Malachi frowned. "It was interesting I suppose," he said.

They ate in silence for about five minutes, each of them wrapped in their own thoughts.

"I'm going out to get Maya," he said getting up.

"Oh, I'm finished," Sola replied, stretching. "I'll go out to get Atreyu too."

Malachi and Sola walked outside together. "So what are we going to do today then?"

Malachi grinned. "Yesterday I showed you all the pretty and beautiful parts. Today we look around the ranch, I help you get used to you job and I have another special...treat I guess."

Sola narrowed her eyes, but still looked eager. "Sounds good," she replied.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:25 pm
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TNCowgirl says...

He nodded as they got to the barn. Atreyu was pacing in his stall and Sola laughed walking over to him and stroking his massive head. "Hey, baby boy, did you miss me?" She smiled at him. He nickered lowering his head to where her chin rested right between his ears. She laughed softly and let him out of the stall hooking him to some cross ties and brushing him down. She loved this horse with everything in her. She could walk under him not having to bend down to much.

"Ready?" Malachi asked from behind her.

"Whenever you are." She smiled putting her saddle on Atreyu.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:53 pm
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WhiteTiger93 says...

Malachi jumped on Maya's broad back. He rubbed her neck for a second and looked back to see Sola looking at Atreyu with an affectionate gaze. Something stronger than most people's fascination with the horse's unusual beauty. Malachi smiled and Sola looked up.

"Let's head out then," he said, gently nudging Maya into a trot.

Sola followed, head swiveling around eagerly.

"So really, what will I be doing?" She asked. Malachi shrugged.

"Today? The easy stuff. Later on though, we'll be getting into the actual strenuous stuff."

"But I can do it today," she offered. "Really. I'm used to horses and I don't want to do the "easy stuff," she replied.

Malachi raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Hey, I'm just following orders. Besides...the easy stuff is easy compared to the OTHER work there is. Overall, there really isn't any easy work."

Sola folded her arms over her chest. "Well I'm sure I could handle it. I want to do be able to do everything."

Malachi laughed. "I told you. I'm just doing what I was told. But we'll see what happens later," he responded.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

Oh no, I’m sorry, you’re under the impression that here on YWS we *help* writers instead of just feeding their gremlin tendencies.
— winterwolf0100