
Young Writers Society

AMAZING Battle Royale SB!(Started-Accepting)

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:48 pm
DaSpetsnaz says...

When I wake up I look around and see Mikan standing in the entrance of the stairway. I get up and she spins around defensively, but when she see’s it’s me she smiles. I take the weapons from her and set them down on the couch. We both sit down and I explain to her what happened with Eli, adding the occasional lie to make it sound cooler. She sounds surprised, but not too surprised. I mean, I am a big boy. I grab some food from my bag, a piece of dried beef and some crackers, and have the first meal since I came on this island. When I’m done I get a drink and start to pack up.

“Where are you going?” Mikan asks, she looks worried.

“Im not goin anywere, we are goin to serch the island for other studnts,” I say, she suddenly relaxes.”Did you think I was goin to just leve you here?” I say with a laugh. I hear a rustling downstairs and I get tense. “Stay here,” I demand as I head downstairs. I hear footsteps and I’m back up in no time. “We have to go, there are people here.”

“How may?” she asks with a mask of worry on her face.

“One, two, mayb even ten, it doesn’t matter we need to find a way out. But we can’t go downstars.” I look around for our way out. I see a window, or what used to be a window and head to it. “It’ll be a drop, but we’ll make it. I’ll go first,” I say, trying to be brave, but it wasn’t working to well. I take the bayonet and drop it out the window. I hear it clink about 2-3 seconds later, almost peacefully on the tar below. I set the packs down and jump. Not the first time I’d had a hard landing, but this one hurt, bad. My legs buckled on impact and I collapsed in a crumpled heap. I wince in pain, but I shakily get back to my feet. Mikan throws the first pack to me. I catch it and set it down. Then she throws the taser. Another catch, another set down. But when she throws the last bag I don’t get my hands up in time and it smacks me in the face, and I fall to the ground. I curse under my breath for embarrassing myself in front of her, and I stand back up. When I look up I see Mikan poised on the edge of the window. “You can jump, I’ll catch you!” I yell up to her with a reassuring smile on my face. She looks scared but she jumps anyway. I position myself and she falls right into my arms. My legs buckle again, but I withstand the pain. I look into her eyes and a faint smile escapes upon my lips. I hold her for a second before letting her down. We grab our stuff and start to head off who knows where.

Fleeing from building 50, no exact location.
"Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."


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Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:35 pm
YEYZ says...

I awake the next morning to the sound of chickadees chirping. Strange, I think. How there is something so peaceful in this peace less hell. I can see the bird out of a small hole in the wall, a hole big enough for my crossbow bolt. My crossbow is lying to the left of my head at arms length. Suppose it a sin to kill something so pleasant and peaceful, but our government as already killed everything peaceful and pleasant. There is a flash of black as my arrow fly's through the air pinning the bird to a tree by it's head. Fresh meat, I think as I go out to skin the now dead chickadee. I'll eat the bird later, right now I have to take Hunter out of this game. He will be the only thing keeping me from leaving this island leaving alive that is. Everyone else will be easy to eliminate, if I'm lucky they will eliminate them self's. A small chuckle escapes my lips, and I say to my self. The Hunter as become the hunted. A pitiful joke, but I'll do anything to keep my head straight and on task.

It's a dancin kitty what could be more aweome XD

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:30 pm
Amfliflier says...

I had just killed Jimmy Connors. I had just killed a human being. The reality of it just hits me. Someone I kind of cared about, was dead, because of me.

"I know this is hard," Misty Jennings said, "but we have to keep going. Someone might have heard the gunshots, and might be coming here now." I snap out of my trance and grab his bag. All of the same things I have are in his bag, but for his weapon, he has land mines. These could definitely come in handy.

"Misty, look at these! Do you know what this means?!" I say excitedly. She shakes her head, confused.

"We can set up a permanent camp! We can plant these around a good building, and not have to worry about moving around anymore! With these and guns, we could be unstoppable!"

"Yeah! We could find a building that has more food, if we need it, maybe even running water, if it still works. This is perfect! But, which building do you want! There are probably, like, one hundred!" She exclaims. I look at the vast city not too far off.

"Well, it'd have to be somewhere not in the city. We can't dig in the tar. Possibly a building near here." I explain.

"Well wherever it is, we should get going. Someone could be here any minute!" I nod, and start heading out the door. We've been walking for a long time, probably an hour, and I see a nice little building, with no others around it.

"How about that one?" I point at it.

"Sure. It looks nice. It kind of looks like it's going to fall down though." She chuckles. I also notice that the wood at the bottom is rotting a little. I don't think it will matter though.

"Let's go in and check it out." I walk towards the door and throw a rock inside, to make sure no one claimed it first. Nothing. I walk into what appears to be a dining room. There's a simple table and three chairs. There's a room to the left and to the right. I go in the left, and find a small kitchen. In one of the cabinets, there's a box of pasta, a loaf of moldy bread, and some canned pineapple. I check the expiration date on the pasta and the pineapple. Neither one has expired yet, but they will in a few days. I open the fridge, and to my dismay, I find out it doesn't turn on.

"No power." I say, crestfallen. I try to turn on the stove, and it doesn't turn on either. I'm disappointed, but I'm just glad there's a house. I open some more cabinets, and I find some brown bananas, a bag of old, stale chips, a jar of sugar, an onion, a bottle of ketchup, some lemonade mix, and an empty graham cracker box. I grab the ketchup, the onion, the pineapple, the pasta, and our crackers and beef that were in our bags. We have quite a lot of food, considering how much we had to start. It's getting late, from the beautiful sunset outside the picture window. The picture window! I dash over and close the blinds, hoping no one saw us. I run all around the house, with Misty's help, and close and lock all of the windows. I pull down all of the blinds, if there are any. I can tell Misty's tired, probably crashing from an adrenaline rush.

"Do you want to get some sleep?" I ask.

"Yes, please. Can you keep watch? I don't feel comfertable sleeping if no one's keeping watch."

"Sure. I'll get something to eat. Do you want anything?"

"No, I just want to get some sleep." She mumbles. She lays down on the couch and is out like a light.

In building 89, with Misty Jennings. Going to plant land mines tomorrow, so watch out!
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:18 pm
Funkymomo says...

kill me from the mines, I quit.
Light one candle instead of cursing the darkness.

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Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:56 pm
posum says...

I set up a base. I found a well out back so I will not have any problems with water as long as it stays clean. I will wait and prey upon the weak and poison the strong. I wil run out of food soon.
To die is to lose and I always win
except for that one time...
that really hurt...

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Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:38 pm
Fortissimo says...

This storybook is becoming more of a pain than a hobby. I give anyone permission to kill Nicholas Alber, and make it interesting:) Please leave Alison Hawley alone until further notice.
Live Life. Love Life. Be A Writer. YWS(:

All we are saying is give peace a chance.
~John Lennon

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
~John Lennon


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Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:06 pm
Amfliflier says...

My eyes flutter open, and I look around. I hear Misty moving around in the next room over.

"There's no water." She says.

"Yeah, we have some in our bags?" I say, confused.

"No, I mean there's no running water. Not that it really matters, I just thought I would let you know."

"Okay, that's fine. I think we should go plant the land mines. I feel like we're being watched." I say, glancing behind my back comically. Misty chuckles at my attempt to make a joke. I grab a few land mines, and hand a few to Misty. I'm very careful with them, knowing they could explode at any moment. We walk outside into the bright sunshine.

"Should it be a big circle or a little circle around the house? If it gets too close, it could blow up the house." There's Misty, always with her logic. She walks over and gets a stick out of the woods and draws a medium size circle around the house.

"Let's put them, um, every twelve feet. Estimate, of course." I was going to anyway. It wasn't like she had to tell me what to do all the time. I was a little annoyed, but I was just glad I wasn't going at this alone.

We had been working for a while, probably a half an hour, and I was exhausted. The dirt was hard packed, and I had to pack it lightly so that it didn't explode.

"Misty!" I shouted, wondering if I'd let anyone else know we were here. She looked up and started cracking up.

"There's a big streak of dirt on your nose!" She said in between laughing. She got up and started heading towards me. She was by a small mound of dirt.

"Misty look o-!" I didn't even get to finish my sentence, because the whole ground shook.

"No!" Misty Jennings, was dead.

Misty Jennings dead, building 89.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:15 pm
Amfliflier says...

"I can't stand it down here anymore." I was already sick of being stuck down in that musty basement. It smelled like death, which seemed like a bad omen in this situation. I opened the door and found out we had been down there a lot longer than I thought we had been. The sun was almost down, and I didn't know what time it was.

"I'm hungry." Alison whined.

"Well go down and get some food." I said through my teeth. She was really getting on my nerves, whining all the time, and crying. It was kind of annoying, like taking care of a three year old. This sounds bad, I know, but I knew she was NOT going to win. It just wasn't possible. I looked around, ready to attack with my crowbar.

I was really disappointed, because I didn't think Alison was going to be a big help anyway, and all she got for a weapon was a survival manual? Just then she came out of the basement with crackers spilling out of her mouth.

"You ready?"

"For what?" She asked, sounding scared.

"We're going to walk around. Hopefully, we're going to find someone who will be our first victim."

Outside of the basement, with Alison Hawley. Trying to find someone to kill. If you want to die, send me a pm, or just tell me pleeeeeeeease!
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:21 pm
Amfliflier says...

I was in shock. Just five seconds ago, Misty Jennings was smiling and alive. And now, she was dead. Because of me. It started raining down dirt and debris, literally raining on my parade. I ran inside and locked the front door, knowing someone should've heard that explosion. At least she left the shotgun inside, because that could come in handy.

What was I doing? My friend had just died, and I was thinking about killing someone else already? What kind of monster was I? I started hyperventilating, so I went and sat down. I had to think this through. Okay, so I was alone, in a game where you were trying to kill other people. This could be a good thing, because if I made it to the end, I wouldn't have to deal with a betrayal piece. But this could also be a very, very bad thing, because I had no one to stand by my side. If I could find someone to be in an alliance with, then this could go a lot smoother.

Just then another land mine went off. This place would attract other people like moths to a light. I wondered if anyone else had died because of the land mines. I heard the doorknob moving, and I knew someone was trying to break in. I ran over and grabbed my handgun, ready to shoot.

"Wait!" I heard a congested voice say. Oh no. I recognized that voice. Gloria Davis. The most repulsive girl in the whole school. I'm pretty sure she still believed boys had cooties, for that matter. The doorknob jangled again, and the door flew open. There she stood in all of her disgusting glory.

"Lucas!" She shrieked when she noticed the gun pointed at her. "Don't shoot! Please, don't shoot! I want to be in an alliance with you! I've been alone this whole time!"

"I wonder why?" I said to myself silently.

"Okay. We can be in an alliance." She squealed with delight.

"This is going to be fun." I thought to myself.

In building 89, in an alliance with Gloria Davis, going to kill her soon though.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:20 pm
Amfliflier says...

I look around cautiously, wielding my crowbar. Alison is behind me, making sure no one sneaks up on us. We're walking the perimeter of the area, to make sure no one invaded our space. Or rather, to make sure someone else wasn't here first.

I hear leaves quaking in a tree not to far away. I tap Alison on the shoulder and put my finger across my lips. She is instantly silent. I walk carefully over to the tree, making sure not to step on any twigs. Alison does though, and a bat flies out from the tree. We both shriek and run back to the basement.

We pause outside the door, panting and gasping for breath. We both look at each other and start laughing. We crack up, and fall to the ground. We continue laughing until our sides hurt and we have to stop and breath. I wipe a tear from my eye, and we both stand up shakily. Alison may not have a weapon, but she does know how to cheer someone up. The sun is down when we go down into the basement.

"So, do you wan to sleep first? I can watch, if you want me to." I offer, finally warming up to Alison.

"Sure. I am kind of tired." I walk over to our bags on the table that was down in the basement. There was also a kitchen chair, a cardboard box filled with old photo albums, and an army cot. I empty one of the day packs and hand it to Alison. She folds it up and uses it as a pillow. As soon as she lays down, her breathing falls into a hypnotizing rhythm. I sit down in the kitchen chair, still holding the crowbar. My eyes start to droop, but I keep opening them. Eventually, sleep claims me.

My eyes open, adjusting to the darkness. Alison isn't in her bed. I look around wondering where she went.

"Oh, she probably went to the bathroom outside or something." I think to myself. As I start to fall back asleep, I hear what sounds like an evil insane person laughing. Alison came out of the shadows, holding her survival manual.

"What're you doing?" I mumble, still half asleep.

"All they gave me for a weapon was a survival manual. I think I can use it though." She says menacingly, while slowly approaching me.

"What do you m-" I can't finish my sentence, because suddenly she's trying to shove her manual down my throat. I can't breathe. I need air. Air. That's my final thought as my lungs collapse.

Alison is shaking me awake.

"Wake up Lilia! It's just a dream! Wake up!" I gasp for air as my eyes open to the face that just tried to kill me.

"Get away from me!" I scream, terrified.

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything! Lilia, it was just a dream!" Her words make me realize something. Just a minute ago, it was very dark. Now there's a thin stream of light coming in through the basement door. It was just a dream. I run over and give her a crushing hug.

"It was just a dream!" I shout with joy, knowing she still trusts me.

"What was you're dream about?" She asks, curious.

"Let's just say you tried to kill me. I don't really want to go into details." She looks horrified.

"You know I would never do that! I trust you with my life!"

"I know. I trust you too." I say, sighing with a huge relief.

"By the way, you're a horrible watcher." She says, trying to lift the mood. I laugh, knowing that we will both go to the end.

In a basement in the north-east part of the island, with Alison Hawley.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:57 pm
Amfliflier says...

What did I just do? I was now in an alliance with Gloria Davis. She didn't appear to have any weapons, so she wouldn't be much of a help. I didn't fully trust her, so I didn't mention Misty's shotgun.

"What do you have for a weapon?" She asked innocently, even though I saw a gleam of mischief in her eyes. I decided to play it safe and lie to her. This was not going to be a good alliance.

"Oh. I didn't get anything either. Bummer." I say, contacting my inner actor. She must've believed me, because she really did look down.

"Hey, I've been through a lot today. Misty just died because of one of the land mines I planted, and we were in an alliance. I'm just gonna get something to eat and take a nap. Can you watch to make sure no one comes in while I'm sleeping?" I ask.

"Sure. That's fine. Oh man, that's horrible. If anything, I thought Misty was going to go to the end!" She said. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a handful of crackers and a few pieces of beef jerky. I shoved them in my mouth and downed them with a big drink of water.

Satisfied, I plopped down on the couch and rested my head against the cushy floral armrest. Her steely gaze was fixed on me, but I had a plan.

"Hey, Glo?" I said sweetly, giving her a false pet name. She blushed when she heard this, and responded, "Yes Lukey?" Ugh.

"Hey, I think I left my map in the bathroom. Could you go get it for me? Reading helps me fall asleep." She gave a confused look, but walked to the bathroom anyway. While she was on the opposite end of the house, I ran in the dining room and grabbed my handgun from my daypack. I dashed back to the couch and slipped it under the cushion. I settled back into my position right before she walked back in, holding my map. She walked over curiously and handed me the map. I leaned against the back of the couch, reading the map.

About fifteen minutes had passed since then, and I was really getting tired, but I couldn't give in. I closed my eyes just enough so that I could still see out of two slits. I could see Gloria, or "Glo", standing there for a few more seconds,to make sure I was asleep, and she walked into the other room.

When I was sure she was out of earshot, I casually reached down into the couch and loaded it with a magazine I had in my pocket. I heard a click, and knew I was safe for now.

A few minutes later, Gloria walked in, snorting and laughing. She was trying to be quiet about it, I could tell. How was she planning to kill me? I saw her holding what looked like her socks. She had stretched them out and tied them together. How was that going to kill me? That stink?

I was surprisingly calm, knowing that someone was trying to kill me. She walked over and sat down at the end of the couch. Her ugly, dirty hand started making it's way towards my neck, holding the socks. Oh, so she was going to strangle me? Not too bad. It was too bad I was ready with something better.

"It's a shame Lukey." She sneered.

"It sure is." I responded, whipping the gun out from the couch.

It was a shame the startled look was on her face permanently, because it made her ugly face even uglier.

In building 89, Gloria Davis dead.
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:40 pm
Fortissimo says...

Lilia and I are have been in the basement a while now, and I am getting a little paranoid. Nothing has happened in a while, but Lilia has had some crazy dreams. I guess they're about me killing her, but I wouldn't do that. Without her, I wouldn't last long at all. I have some skill, but it's hard with only a survival manual.

"We need to make some sort of plan, Alison." Lilia says.

"Yeah, I guess. But... what?" I reply. I can tell she senses that someone may be coming for us. I can feel it to. We've been "safe," and "alone," for to long.

"I think I've got it...." Lilia scrambles for her map and explains our new plan. Of attack....

In a basement in the North-East portion of the island, with Lilia.
Last edited by Fortissimo on Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Live Life. Love Life. Be A Writer. YWS(:

All we are saying is give peace a chance.
~John Lennon

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
~John Lennon


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:01 pm
Fortissimo says...

Heading around in circles aimlessly. I haven't seen any people except for Misty Jennings when she was killed by Lucas Bianchi. I'm a little terrified that someone is going to jump out and kill me at any moment. I hear a sound behind me, I reach into my bag slowly, and grab my pen. I try to click it open softly, but the click sounded like a fog horn to me, and the person behind me. I whip around quickly, only to see a building in the distance, engulfed in trees.

I walk towards it, but I seems like with every step I take, the building gets farther away. Until I run into the side of it. I walk in, only to find a small couch. I lay down only to find a small couch. I sit down and survey what I can from my position. I start to fade into sleep as I realize how carless I was, but it was to late, I as I drifted into a deep sleep, one I desperately needed, since I spent the past two days looking for shelter of any kind.

In the North-East portion of the island.
Live Life. Love Life. Be A Writer. YWS(:

All we are saying is give peace a chance.
~John Lennon

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
~John Lennon


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Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:11 pm
Amfliflier says...

"I've got it!" I shout, imagining a cartoon lightbulb over my head. She looks at me anxiously, waiting to hear what I have to say.

"Okay, so we can find you a weapon, a big stick or something, and we can wait for people outside. We'll be separated, of course, actually, that wouldn't be a good idea." I pause for breath when I realize I'm rambling. "Anyway, we can put on an act, and make people think we want to be in an alliance with them, and when they're not looking, we can kill them!" I say, feeling like a genius.

"Yeah! That's awesome! We could so do that!" She exclaims. I grab my crowbar and my bag, and we head outside into the gathering daylight.

I open the door and it's like walking into a movie. The birds are chirping, flowers and grass are blowing in the breeze, not a cloud in the sky.

"Too bad it's about to be the scene of a blood bath." I think to myself. I walk over to the tree that the bat flew out of and knock down a good size stick. It's about the thickness of my wrist, and the size of my arm. I give it back to Alison, as she studies it, like she's trying to figure out how she can kill someone with it.

"Okay, now for the boring part." I say to Alison. "We get to just sit here, wait, and look scared."

Outside the basement, waiting for someone to come. Please, if you want to die, approach us!
Forever for All <3


Everyday is Earth Day! :D

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:23 pm
Fortissimo says...

I jolt awake, only to see Alison Hawley gagging me with a book. My quest for air is never-ending.
Live Life. Love Life. Be A Writer. YWS(:

All we are saying is give peace a chance.
~John Lennon

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.
~John Lennon


I send you buckets full of stars, the prettiest rainbow I've ever seen and a really adorable unicorn
— Zenith