
Young Writers Society

Hunted 3 DT.

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Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:36 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

I decided againts the snake. Eh...just did not sit well logically. So I sent this profile to Isha and she said it was fine. So here she is, a third supervisor.

Name: Tory Darren

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blonde hair that falls in waves. She has blue eyes and prefers to wear all black pant suits, although when out on the field she wore more age appropriate attire. She usually always has on a pair of sunglasses and for a more casual look will dress in a black blouse, leather jacket and jeans.

Spoiler! :

Personality: She seemingly has perfect control over her emotions and usually keeps calm and collected no matter the situation. She also finds people that show their emotions so openly to be annoying and thus, finds most people in the world annoying. She shows little regard for others feelings when acting as herself, but she can act like she cares. Despite her lack of emotions herself she likes pressing peoples buttons in order to force them to show emotion. She does that by often teasing her co-workers. She is flirtatious, but has no interest in any relationships. She seems to lack a sense of personal space or social norms such as avoiding rudeness. She is cuttingly honest.

Strengths: She has mastered acting and hiding her emotions. It is generally unclear if any of the emotions she shows a genuine. This allows her to be a perfect liar as she has even mastered controlling all of the subconscious signs of lying. She knows how to fight thanks to a combination of living on the street and her training on the island. At all times she carries with her a stun gun and a regular gun.

Weaknesses: Seth seems to be her only weak spot in the sense of remorse. She feels bad about what she did to him and will do anything to protect him. She never questions Samantha's orders, as she almost considers her as a mother figure. Her devotion is almost to an obsessive level. If she were told to kill herself she would. This also makes her rather bad at thinking on her own, and she may take a very long time to make any one decision without Samantha's input.

Up For Love: Maybe?

History: At an early age Tory’s parents were killed in a fire. She was shipped from home to home, never settling down in one place for more than a few months. This was because with every new family people seemed to die around her. They death’s were obvious accidents, but the villagers blamed her anyway. They said she was cursed and no families would take her from that point on.

She lived on the streets until she turned eleven. That is where Samantha found her. She was brought to the island and trained in the art of deception. She was sent to a one of the island villages to observe one of the candidates. At first she thought she was meant to observe the Baxter siblings as one of them would be brought to the island. At first she decided it was Seth’s brother, but after certain events she confirmed that it was Seth meant for the island. She was also sent to gather information on all of the current islanders. When Seth and the other newbie's were brought to the island she returned as well.

Other: She has a sweet tooth. It is rare to see her without a lolipop

What They Packed: A gun, camera, and files on all of the new islanders, stun gun, some clothes and a picture Seth gave to her when he was still infatuated with her. She also has a large bag of hard candy.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:56 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Oh, look. Is that a new Supervisor? ;)

Name: Dimitri Belvidere

Age: 22.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Dimitri is about 6" tall with chin length dark brown hair and brown eyes--almost the same brown as dark chocolate with slightly tanned skin covered in a stylish suit that completes the 'Russian Mafia' look. Dimitri is strong, although slim and athletic, often mistaken for weak until he shows you he's not. He is never seen with his gun in its halter on his hip--or the stun gun beside it.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Dimitri is cocky, it's the only word for him. Cocky, bold and a bit of a bastard, but loyal--to Samantha. He loves to toy with pretty girls and boys, and is often quite nasty to those he sees as weak. He likes to torment others, especially the ones he sees as weak, and often goes as far as almost or actually killing the person. He has blood on his hands and isn't moved by it--at all. He actually sees it as a good thing. One could say he's just a little crazy and unstable. He's not afraid to hurt or kill--with or without orders, and would never dream of disobeying Samantha. He values his life far too much.

Strengths: Bold and loyal. Knows how to, and not to mention is, unafraid to get his hands dirty, be it blood, dirt or anything really. Somewhat manipulative, but tends to prefer force. Knows how to fight--both from training on the island and from fighting others back home--and basic first aid.

Weaknesses: Pretty girls or boys (He likes to break things) and can't stand 'nice' things. Hopeless at cooking. Sometimes way too bold for Samantha's tastes. Follows Samantha's orders, but questions them--not that he'd tell Samantha that. Can't seem to distinguish between 'right' and 'wrong', black or white; seemingly in the grey area most of time.

Up For Love: Erm, if you could love him?

History: Dimitri's younger years are a bit of a mystery. Although, his time with Maiara isn't such a mystery. He hurt her, abused her and cut up her back a bit with a nasty knife--that he'd sterilized via fire. Ever since he was a kid, Dimitri had liked to toy with things--animals, humans. Anything really. Especially if it was deemed weak in his eyes. Maiara had been such a toy. After he was done with her, she was terrified of men, and couldn't remember anything from when he'd cut up her lower back. Dimitri was surprised she could even walk after that.

A few years later, Dimitri came across Samantha, who asked him to help her out with something. He agreed and has been a Supervisor for a few years now. He was quite surprised when Maiara was brought to the island, and has been growing steadily more furious as he watched her fall for Duncan. He's been on the island as a Supervisor for about five years.

Other: Yes, you guessed it. This is the guy who left Maiara scared of men and with the scars across her lower back.

What They Packed: Clothes, a gun (standard pistol), a taser/stun gun, a few files on the Islanders, new and old. And a picture of Maiara....when she was younger.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:44 am
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Jashael says...

All of these new supervisors are making my guts twist. :lol:
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen:
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”


Got a life?

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Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:20 am
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eldEr says...

Things are gonna get interesting XDD

got trans?

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Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:21 am
SisterItaly says...

http://hunted3.webs.com/ HEYLOOKIT the site is up! Not quiet yet complete.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:42 pm
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aweqs says...

For newcomers sleeping in the kitchen, do we post waking up in 'Sleeping Areas' or 'Kitchen'?
Thanks :

/Isha:/= To be honest, we are talking about mostly nothing which in its own essence is something. But somethingness can't be nothing if there isn't nothing in the first place. So really, we're talking about meaningly somethingness that's technically caused by nothingness.

The Smiley Spammer

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Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:08 pm
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SisterItaly says...

Kitchen, and from now on ask questions like this on the site.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

"I never expected that I should be a queen so soon."
— Alice's Adventures in Wonderland