
Young Writers Society

Revenant [DT]

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Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:23 pm
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Steggy says...

Trope Breakdown

Badass Bookworm

Best For Last

Catch And Return

Type of Demon

Bajang (vampiric demon with the ability to take form of a cat)

Weapons or Skills

Metallic Claws - Since the Bajang takes a cat form, claws come in handy for slashing enemies cheap clothing or skin.

High-pitch screaming - Screams so loud it deafens the enemy.

Other than that, she's pretty good with knives and quick on her feet.
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:05 pm
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Lumi says...

@TheSilverFox @Tortwag @Steggy @saentiel @Caesar @Lumi

hell week iii


Appearance & Habits
Tell us about your demon & your host in brief detail. Things may always be added in-story for development. These will merely be pigeonholed facts.

Personality & Traits
Tell us about your demon & your host in brief detail. Things may always be added in-story for development. These will merely be pigeonholed facts.

Previous Role(s) in Hell
What did your character do in Hell? Were they ranked high? Or were they not even in the Legion, like Finn? If you haven't picked up on it yet, Pandaemonium seems to work on a Communist-like function of government, so perhaps you could explore their place in THAT system as well.

Finn & Arnie

Appearance & Habits
Finn: A tall and built ex-marine who was passing beneath the branch of Yggdrasil Null tumbled through upon escape. Has broad shoulders and dark brown hair, bright green eyes. When focusing, stressed, or overconcentrating, fidgets with his wedding ring. As a bargain with Finn's remaining, fighting soul, he agrees to maintain a relationship with his wife and son.

Arnie: A far-starved mutation of a human body, skin turned blue from the cold in Zamhareer. In Midgar he appears as Finn, and in The Heavens, appears as his former living self as an ex-Navy Seal police officer with arms mastery, particularly over Soul Caliber weaponry. His spirit expenditure, however, is high and fast, and he must use regular weapons to restore spirit between heavy fights.

Personality & Traits
Finn: More resigned to carefully carrying out objectives with a team; as well as making time for family and his kid--as a spiritual demand to Arnie. His physical fitness means the world to him, though his training at the Police Academy comes to a burning halt as Arnie possesses him. In short, his personal life will be in shambles, and his soul in agony.

Arnie: Considers himself The One Who Escaped Hell, and accepts group leadership that comes with that. He doesn't however, like all the stray Legionnaires that have his head on a hit list for being that man. After all, he was only a thief.

Previous Role(s) in Hell
Arnie was/is damned citizen of Pandaemonium who'd rigged the system of the food bank to award him multiple times per day. When found out, Nidhogg and his enforcers placed him in Zamhareer, where the air was palpably frigid and the food molded. That lasted for ninety years before the rift came of Yggdrasil.

Your goodies!

Code: Select all
[djm]Appearance & Habits[/djm]
Answer here.

[djm]Personality & Traits[/djm]
Answer here.

[djm]Previous Role(s) in Hell[/djm]
Answer here.

Now that you've completed your full CT, post it in the storybook and claim your credits for doing so from the challenge thread.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:22 pm
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Caesar says...

Yolandi and Belphegor

Appearance & Habits
Yolandi is a beautiful and strange creature. Her eyes are a roasted hazelnut type color, her hair the color of autumn trees. She has just enough freckles to look really interesting without them being a distracting feature. She's not thin, but extremely graceful, like some royal's spoiled cat.

Belphegor is the most monstrous creature your nightmares can conceive. The body of a horse which has starved for centuries, the taught, bearded face of a man, and the horns of a goat. Also, many limbs. Many.

See reference pictures in the previous post.

Personality & Traits
Yolandi, a long long time ago, was the daughter of French nobility, in a time when nobility was being eclipsed by the bourgeoisie. She passed her time studying the classics, discussing with her philosophy tutors on the nature of ethics, and being courted by scores of suitors hoping to marry into her family. This, and her otherwise sheltered existence, led her to hold what common mortals call values or bonds in rather low esteem.

Belphegor approached Yolandi at one point on a mission for Satan. They discussed for a while, and found themselves in perfect agreement on many things. The demon prince offered to possess her, in order to thereby grant her immortality. She agreed, retaining her full consciousness, as Belphegor was very impressed. The demon enjoys tempting industrious and artistic men into sloth and acedia through her, because, it has found, they are much more attracted to Yolandi. Naturally.

Previous Role(s) in Hell
Belphegor, Demon Prince of Sloth, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the chiefest advisers of Satan, who sit in Pandaemonium's board of directors.

A very long time ago, because the souls of the damned were complaining that they were only there because of their wives, Satan tasked Belphegor with scouring the earth for a happy marital relationship. On this trip, in Paris, Belphegor met Yolandi, and also concluded that such a thing was impossible.

Belphegor then returned to hell with the woman, and has since always refused to exit her body, even on Satan's express request. Also since then, it has yearned to go back to Midgar and its dens of larceny.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur


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Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:45 pm
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TinkerTwaggy says...

Appearance & Habits

Manta: slightly below average-sized woman, Manta has always been taken for much younger than she was – and she tends to blame/thank her asiatic heritage for it. She has a well-built, sportive body and slightly pale skin, and has constant wide-opened brown eyes to gaze at the world with. She’s usually seen wearing her trademark deep blue short-sleeved deep blue jacket over a long-sleeved, pastel blue colored shirt and pants of the same shade along with sports shoes.
Manta enjoys collecting bouncing balls and always has one in her pocket – her favorite being blue with an orange-colored manta ray inside. When in emotional turmoil, she usually toys with it.

Kan-Kan: Default disposition: creepy. Kan-Kan, known as Kanaaren before encountering his host, looks like your casual Aye Aye: thick, shaggy black fur with a layer of white guard hairs around his large, orange eyes and pointy rodent teeth. As a unique feature, Kan-Kan was given an orange hood – just big enough to cover his entire head when he puts it on – wrapped around his neck with a purple sphere-shaped pin. When worried, angry or feeling dramatic, he likes to put it on and thoughtfully rub his cheek against it – either that, or scratching the plank of wood he always brings with him using his peculiar third finger.

Personality & Traits
Manta: Born from a Chinese linguist and a Finnish archeologist, Manta has always found an interest in collecting symbols and their various meanings, starting with the shape of an animal that goes along with her name – the manta ray. After that, she spent a good chunk of her childhood developing trading various things, getting more and more random objects to add to her collection peculiar collection. She eventually studied languages with her father and travelled to England to follow the path of an archeologist herself, like her mother.
However, after Kan-Kan suddenly appeared in her life, she shifted her interest towards conservation biology, with one protected species gaining her interest in particular – it was, of course, the Aye Aye.
Aside the sudden passion that overtakes her whenever that species is mentioned, Manta is curious by nature, fearless, and usually energetic. Her father’s education also brought a calm and collected side to her, which usually manifests with a quick breath, and her facial expression suddenly becoming stoical no matter what happened before that.

Kan-Kan: Where Manta is confident, Kan-Kan is worried. Always, always worried, even when he’s calm. He likes to overprepare himself for every situation, and would prefer to be alone when doing so – well, alone at all time, in fact, as there aren’t many things he trusts. The upside of Kan-Kan’s generally negative dispositions is that he is quite observant, has a talent for easily remembering information and using it to his or Manta’s advantage. This tends to make him – and therefore Manta – talk in a seemingly emotionless manner from time to time, which could make them appear terrifying in the eyes of others, but luckily, he could always count on Manta to cover his slipups.

Previous Role(s) in Hell

Like many – if not all, as Kan-Kan suspects – species of Devilkin, collectively referred as The Thousand Devilkin, Kan-Kan is part of one that’s been sent to Hell after being mass-murdered by beings of the Midgard world that perceive them as demonic creatures. They now serve as soldiers, scouts, tormentors and guardians of its forests, making sure that the lost souls doomed to stay inside wouldn’t escape. Although most Devilkin took pleasure in their dangerous jobs – after all, torturing humans that previously murdered them for no reasons was satisfying – Kan-Kan desired to go back to Midgard and his simple life of scavenging for bugs and climbing trees, and not seeing yet another member of his kind beaten to death because ignorant humans decided they were devils.

Eventually, an uprising took place within the Devilkin, and many of them joined forces to escape the forest as well as Hell, hoping to reclaim what they called their lost paradise. Many were recaptured, but Kan-Kan somehow managed to make it back to Midgard, met Manta, and possessed her as a host when she was a child. Although Kan-Kan had been hiding successfully, he was aware The Forever Princess - whose only known name is "Thousand" - was after each and every of her missing imps, and wouldn’t rest until she brought them back to Hell.

Homework complete! I most likely won't post this week, but I'll start planning for said post. I'm already starting to get some lorepoints for my side of this universe of ours, and I need to revise Norse Mythology anyway, so, I'll give myself some time.

Ta-ta for now!
"Is there a limit to how much living I can live with my life? How will I know if I've gone too far?
And why did I spend my life savings on sunglasses for a whale?
I shall find the answers... to these questions."

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Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:12 am
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Steggy says...

Appearance & Habits

Rebecca - A tall lady with blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She is more of a bookish-looking type and can be found reading in or helping around the library. She's considered to be a "student helper" (even though she states she is 25 and makes it clear to all the college students). Rebecca also likes to knit funny hats and sing to her French bulldog, Hammer. She also found a cat with yellow fur and named it Fries.

Niya - She has pale yellow skin with gleaming red eyes. There are small two wings on her back. As a cat, she is seen as a yellow furred cat and is usually spotted around rainy alleyways, meowing for help. Usually, someone comes along and picks up the cat, taking Niya with them. This is her first time doing it and has heard tales about how it happens. She wishes that this one time it happens to her. Niya also wears a yellow and black necklace.

Personality & Traits

Rebecca - Caring and loud. She reaches out to people when she needs helps but if she's alone, then you'll probably find her reading her favorite book again. Her patience for people is very slim due to dealing with college students and their obnoxious ways. The one noticeable trait of hers would be a lonely mole underneath her right eye. She also needs to wear glasses when reading. Rebecca likes to have a good time and plan events when needed.

Niya - Opposite of Rebecca. An introvert with a crazy side. She tries to fit in with the crowds but often times, the crowds end up forgetting about her and she is left to rot in a rainy alleyway (this is where she decided to use that to her advantage and possess people that way). Niya's ideas come quick and she has a harder time speaking her mind; her best time is when she is writing down commands or giving her argument to someone higher than her. She doesn't like talking to bigger crowds and usually ends up panicking halfway through speaking. Her only main confidence is in sharping knives and being stealthy.
Niya also regrets a lot of things and often times has depressive moments where she downs herself for doing something simple.

Previous Role(s) in Hell

Niya used to write scrolls for the higher levels of the Hell and wanted to become something greater than that. She (and a few others that were soon caught) went up to the upper world to get a peek at it since they had heard so much from some other people. Up there, Niya met Rebecca and is kind of grateful but at the same time, kind of has a strong regret for leaving Hell.

Done with the homework!
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:45 am
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TheSilverFox says...

Wilhelm and Steles

Appearance & Habits
Wilhelm has brown hair and blue eyes, and looks constantly disheveled. He's escaped his acne years, but hunches and is generally seen wearing a dark red hoodie (when he doesn't have oil-splattered mechanics overalls - or, if he's lazy, which is fairly often, when he does). He has a slight overbite and sunken eyes, and is generally the person in the corner of the room whom everyone avoids. Usually smiling, but nervously.

Steles has brown and black feathers, tan legs, and a crown that's a few shades too dark to be golden (and quite clearly a lighter-colored extension of the top of his head). His talons are dark gray, his chest is puffy and white, and his dilated eyes have red irises (see reference image). Steles hoots involuntarily as an owl, and has a deep-seated compulsion to roost on tall objects; it is fortunate that he can fly, but not for long distances. See the reference picture shown earlier.

Personality & Traits
Wilhelm is an overwhelming introvert and shut-in. He keeps to himself, and is chronically suspicious of other people. Temperamental and focused, he can often be found in the innards of some car or pressed into the pages of some book or a computer screen. He's the kind of person who spends his hours on a Wikipedia binge, because he has few hobbies and plenty of free time (there aren't that many cars in Germany). Wilhelm has a basic knowledge of English, usually good enough to greet people and ask where the bathroom is.

In comparison, Steles is more open and regal (or tries to be, anyway). Well-educated, he has a tendency to not shut up when he's found a topic he likes. He enjoys walks in the forests and mountains of Bavaria and Austria, and loves to be in control. When he's not, he's flustered and often beats himself up over it. A nature lover, he has a particular affinity for bugs, stones, and waterfalls, and is easily awed by his surroundings (but has a selective memory, and may obsess over tiny details to the detrimental of everything else). He's exceptional at trivia, and likes to read in his spare time. He can fluently speak both English and German, and a smattering of other languages.

Previous Role(s) in Hell
Steles is often confused for, and closely resembles, Stolas. They're blood relatives, and Steles reached a relatively high position by nepotism (though he's embarrassed to admit it). It was enough to grant him the clearance to head out into Midgar with the intent of understanding and watching humanity. Though officially considered a spy, it was more just to get rid of him, due to his witlessness and uncaring for demon politics. Steles is aware of, and perfectly accepting of, this, and chose the most inconspicuous, neglected person he could find - a high school dropout, shut-in mechanic from Austria who had a strong enough desire to learn and be smart that he was easily coaxed by Steles into sharing his mind.

This lucrative deal, combined with Steles’s good knowledge of dimensions and the stars, has led Wilhelm to anonymously publish a few influential essays on astronomy, enough to gain some level of suspicious from German and Austrian authorities. However, Wilhelm is also weird and distant enough to stay under the radar, so that he has evaded any (weak) attempts to be investigated. As much of a shut-in as he is, he is happy to let Steles take control most of the time, so Steles has the free will to wander and do as he pleases. Steles will not return to Hell, even if called – he is content where he is, and would rather not come back to the place where he spent his childhood picked on and compared to his more famous relative. Of course, odds are that may not last long.

(ffff I hope this is okay)
S'io credesse che mia risposta fosse
a persona che mai tornasse al mondo,
questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.
Ma per ciò che giammai di questo fondo
non tornò vivo alcun, s'i' odo il vero,
senza tema d'infamia ti rispondo.

Inferno, Canto 27, l 61-66.

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Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:04 pm
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Mageheart says...

Appearance & Habits
Arthur Croft: He has light brown hair that he usually keeps in a small ponytail; he's average height for his age, and has green eyes. He gets sunburn easily and because of that doesn't have the same tan as his other classmates, despite how often he used to go outside. Since he typically has a book in his hands, he has been known to walk into signs and walls as a result of not paying attention. He also solves math problems for fun - which confuses his peers to no end.

Marius: His messy black hair goes down to his shoulders, and one may question if he actually knows how to use a hairbrush. His eyes are a piercing bright blue, though his bangs often obscure them. He is tall and lanky. He takes pride in the black horns that come out of his forehead, though he also considers his tail and fangs to be some of the other best parts of his appearance. He's usually seen cracking jokes and trying to make other demons laugh.

Personality & Traits
Arthur Croft: Arthur grew up with his aunt after his parents died in a car crash when he was little, and he used to confide in her back when he was in middle school. He never feels comfortable talking to her. The majority of his free time is spent on his studies. He dreams of going to an Ivy League school for college to make his aunt proud, though she has said multiple times that she's happy with whatever he ends up doing. His goal is to someday work for NASA. Despite his shy and studious nature, he's a surprisingly good leader and very rebellious when the need arises. As a result, there have been multiple occasions where he has almost taken control of his body back from Marius.

Marius: To someone who has just met him, Marius seems like the complete opposite of Arthur. He's loud and boisterous, and you always know where he is in a room. Humor seems to be his greatest ally. He has been known to make jokes in even the most difficult situations to handle. Most come to the conclusion that he's incredibly insensitive. They couldn't be more wrong. He excels at picking up on the feelings of those present, and cracks a joke in order to lessen tensions. When he isn't using humor to change the moods of others, he is using it in the hopes that it brightens his own. It rarely does, but he tries anyways.

Previous Role(s) in Hell

He was a prince of Hell, but he was known for avoiding his duties and sneaking out to catch glimpses of other demons. This supposedly only happened when he was younger, but he just became more skilled at leaving and returning undetected. No one is quite sure what triggered his sudden departure for Midgard. Many of theorized that his current status was too much for him. If someone somehow managed to find him and asked what his reasoning was, he would be oddly silent.

Arthur Croft was the first suitable host he found. He assumed that being a shy teenager would mean that he would essentially fall of the radar, but he hadn't expected how hard it was to be a student in high school. His knowledge of human history and culture has aided him greatly with the studies he is now forced to take, but he still laments the fact that he hadn't chosen an adult host.

My homework's done!

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:25 am
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sheysse says...

Host Name: A'isha Hamidi
Host Age: 28
Host Sex & Gender: Female, identifies as female.

Trope Breakdown
Badass Boast
Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?
Characterization Marches On

Type of Demon
Kekiuji is a Djinni, specifically a Qarīn. His counterpart is his host, and the fact that he resides in her was very much intended.

Weapons or Skills
When not in a host, he is capable of shapeshifting into a cat. However, in his host's body, his only skill is with his gun. The gun is an automatic pistol capable of changing through advanced mechanics into a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle. The gun is connected to his sleeve by a thin chain, so in the event that he drops it or it's knocked away, he can get it back.

Appearance & Habits
A'isha is a small girl, smaller than average for her age. While she's 28, she appears to only be 16 or so. Her skin is not too dark, but not too light either, and she has very dark hair. Her eyes are normally light green, but they turn gray when Kekiuji is in control if the body. Kekiuji alone looks mostly like a male A'isha, the only difference being his eye color. He usually takes on the form of a cat, assuming he's not in her body.

Personality & Traits
Kekiuji is a very self-centered fool who often tries to seem more impressive than he is. He often brags about the smallest things to make them sound much larger, but his plans are often ruined by A'isha butting in to explain that they're false. While he's sarcastic in a more ridiculous, humorous way, A'isha is no nonsense, and is sarcastic in a snarky way. The two are drastically different, or so it seems, but they have the same sarcasm which makes them identifiable as counterparts to each other spiritually.

Previous Role(s) in Hell
Kekiuji wasn't really much more than the laughing stock of hell. His old trick of pretending to be big, bad, and scary didn't really work well surrounded by truly big, bad, and scary demons, so he was considered by basically every demon to be a pathetic joke. If you ask him about this, hwoever, he'll either avoid the question or deny it and make a story up about how important he was in hell.

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Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:38 pm
Mageheart says...

When are you planning on starting this, @Lumi?

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

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Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:11 pm
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Lumi says...

I am waiting for @Steggy to submit her finalized CT to the SB system. It's not exactly needed to begin, but I'd like everyone to be included so I can properly rip you to shredslet you factionize yourselves.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:18 pm
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Steggy says...

I knew I was forgetting something

All done!
You are like a blacksmith's hammer, you always forge people's happiness until the coal heating up the forge turns to ash. Then you just refuel it and start over. -Persistence (2015)

You have so much potential and love bursting in you. -Omnom

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Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:55 pm
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Lumi says...

Dear Demons --> This did not go on your profile as it is an active living choice made in-story before the rifts open. For whatever reason, you either want to return to hell or want to flee the Imperial Troops chasing Finn. Those of you who wish to return will be working with Yolandi (Belphegor [Lou]) to track him down and have fun making misery in his wake, perhaps even to those around you.

The factions will be 4 and 3 counting Yolandi and Finn.

Our story begins in hell before the rifts open. Show as much of your life as you want, but in that same post, you must be through the rift.

You may also show some backsplash of your host's life, wherever they are originally. However, as with the rifts in hell, animals will bite them by the end and flee them away to <Next Time>. If you do this, give us some depth so we have material to work with.

If you've noticed, our host families are global. This will not be a problem, as Ratatoskr enters early to help them navigate the world swiftly at little cost.

If you are factioned with Yolandi, you will less need Ratatoskr, and she will have less want to help you as Nidhogg has wronged her in the past. Someone should dig into this in-story.

Add lore at your leisure. Add religion at your leisure. Determine world affairs, leaders, all this and more at your leisure.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:11 pm
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sheysse says...

Post is up! However, I remembered that I forgot to add a last part (whoops), so I'll do that later tonight, once I get on my computer again.

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Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:05 am
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Lumi says...

We NEED to know who's factioned which way, hells and helias. Please answer here which party you'll be joining in Midgar.

@TheSilverFox @Steggy @Tortwag @saentiel

The rest we have definitive answers for in the Discord, or I have lost them one way or another. I'm me and I apologize a little bit.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Mon Oct 09, 2017 2:01 am
Mageheart says...

I'll be with Finn!

[ she/her, but in a boy kinda way ]

roleplaying is my platonic love language.

queer and here.

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.
— Leonardo da Vinci