
Young Writers Society

Idk man just some Sanders Sides stuff

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:24 am
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan hardly had the strength to stand anymore, and vaguely he knew that was being aided by the rapid draining of his blood, but he couldn’t concentrate on it— not enough blood flow to his brain. It was funny, the way he could know and not know at the same time. That kind of seemed like his life in general, though.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:27 am
Ignorance says...

Once Remus had drank enough, he snapped out of it and pulled away. He sighed, looking at the barely conscious human laying in front of him. “…c’mere, human.” He picked the human up and began to walk off to his little cottage.
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Get in losers, we're going napping

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:31 am
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan mumbles incoherently, thoughts hazy and unpronounced.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:38 am
Ignorance says...

Remus walked inside. It was messy, but cozy. He lay Logan down on the couch, going over to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he came back over with a potion. “Here, drink this. It’ll keep you from turning into a vampire like me.”
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Get in losers, we're going napping

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Gender: Genderfluid
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Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:22 am
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan lay on his side, nearly drifting off to sleep already. The effort to reach and grab the potion was too much for him to muster.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:32 pm
Ignorance says...

“…” Remus seemed confused. He held out the potion to the human. “…you gonna drink this or what?”

{wait so is Logan gonna drink it or is he gonna become a vampire-}
Do you how do?
I use any pronouns :)
Get in losers, we're going napping

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Gender: Genderfluid
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Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:51 pm
winterwolf0100 says...

{He wants to drink it but he’s so tireddddd lol he was already practically dead on his feet before the bite}

Logan tried to say yes, he was definitely going to drink it, but only managed to mumble a bit incoherently. He hoped he’d gotten the message across.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:56 pm
Ignorance says...

Remus sighed. He held the potion up to Logan’s mouth and just… poured it in there. Hopefully that would work. Once he was done, he asked, “You need anything else?”
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Get in losers, we're going napping

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Gender: Genderfluid
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Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:03 pm
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan coughed slightly, then rolled to face the back of the couch in answer.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:05 pm
Ignorance says...

“…yeah that’s a no.” Remus grabbed a nearby blanket and pulled it over Logan. “You’ll be able to leave in the morning.” And with that, he went off to his room.
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I use any pronouns :)
Get in losers, we're going napping

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33 Reviews

Gender: Genderfluid
Points: 5175
Reviews: 33
Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:46 pm
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan nodded off to sleep.

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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19 Reviews

Gender: Genderfluid
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Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:55 pm
Ignorance says...

The morning soon came. A tired Remus came downstairs. He was going to go to bed soon, but he was checking on Logan first.
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I use any pronouns :)
Get in losers, we're going napping

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Reviews: 33
Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:00 pm
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan, after the first full night of sleep in weeks, is sat up on the couch trying to remember what happened. Where was he? How had he gotten here?

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

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19 Reviews

Gender: Genderfluid
Points: 42
Reviews: 19
Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:45 pm
Ignorance says...

"Hey, there we go... morning, human. You doing ok?" Remus yawned, walking over to the confused creature.
Do you how do?
I use any pronouns :)
Get in losers, we're going napping

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33 Reviews

Gender: Genderfluid
Points: 5175
Reviews: 33
Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:56 pm
winterwolf0100 says...

Logan blinked, not so subtly moving away from him. “Who are you?”

winter you are an adorable bean and I love your bad social awareness xD ~Omni
omni played robin hood, stole winter's brain cell ~Silver
winter is the only person who would survive the machine uprising ~Europa

There has never been a sadness not cured by breakfast food.
— Ron, Parks & Rec