
Young Writers Society

Trident goes for the markets

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Sun Jan 28, 2007 9:03 am
Trident says...

Ok, I started writing "professionally", as in not just for fun, last year when I tried an attempt at a novel (which I boxed :)). After doing some research in the writing field, I discovered that the short story market is much, much easier to break into, and to be frank, much quicker, especially if you can't finish a novel for the life of you.

I sent one of my early attempts to "The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction" and was rejected. That was a wake-up call. Ever since, I've been honing my skills by reading and writing often, knowing I was not quite ready for the big leagues. Well, I've been mulling it over in my mind for the past few months, wondering if I should once again start sending out manuscripts. I have decided that over the new year (like so many people do) that I'm going to sell a story before this semester goes out.

I'm not going to list my stories here or anything until I have actually sent them out. And those I do send out will go to big leaguers. It may be arrogant and hopeful, yes, but I can always go smaller later on. Once I get my first story out, I'll be sure to tell everyone, but nothing is in that stage as of yet. Well, best of luck to everyone else and I hope we all can get ourselves the recognition we all deserve.
Perception is everything.

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:09 pm
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Kitkat_1122_ says...

Good luck with getting your short stories published. For me writing a short story is just as hard as writing a novel. For who knows why.

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:33 pm
Sureal says...

In case you don't have 'em already, here's my two favourite links for helping with short story markets:

www.duotrope.com - database of magazines that publish magazines.

http://www.shunn.net/format/story.html - formatting for short stories. Especially important if you're submitting to professional markets.

Good luck :).
I wrote the above just for you.

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:36 pm
Incandescence says...

Trident --

You have the right idea. Start from the top and work your way down. There's no reason to get hung with an agent/publisher less prestigious than your writing could afford.

"If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders." -Hal Abelson

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:53 pm
Trident says...

Thanks for the encouragement, kitkat.

Sureal, thanks for the links. And good luck to yourself!

Incan, I just hope that the top will see my writing as worth it. Hopefully.
Perception is everything.

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:47 pm
Wiggy says...

Trident, you're an excellent writer. The big markets couldn't reject you! :P Regardless of what happens, good luck!
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

Got YWS?

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Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:39 am
Myth says...

Best of luck, Trident! Since my first rejection I've been busy writing, hopefully it will go well this time around.
.: ₪ :.


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Tue Jan 30, 2007 8:52 pm
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Poor Imp says...

You can't go wrong, starting at the top - either you hit your mark and make it big, so to speak, or you get the experience. ^_^

Good luck, Tri.

ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:31 am
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Trident says...

All right, short update. I have two pieces out there that may or may not sell. I'm reluctant, but it's always possible. Arbiters went out to the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. They're regarded rather highly when it comes to the genre and near the top. I also submitted a 5500-word piece to Glimmer Train, which is extremely prestigious. I'm not expecting anything, but there's always a chance...

And now I'll get back to writing so I can submit some more--if only I felt like writing. :wink:

Exhausting business, I tell you.
Perception is everything.

What is a poet? An unhappy person who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like lovely music.
— Søren Kierkegaard, Philosopher & Theologian