
Young Writers Society

Opinions on homosexuality

Do you support homosexuality or are you against it?

For homosexuality
Against homosexuality
In the middle
Dont have an opinion on the subject
Total votes : 43

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:06 pm
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Scottylaa says...

I know its a bit of a strong topic but with me being homosexual I wanted to see what YWS users opinions and views were on the subject. Please dont be afraid to put a negative view here I just want to see how many are agree with it and disagree in a way.

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:13 pm
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Pamplemousse says...

I totally support homosexuality! I have a decent amount of friends that are homosexual.
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:35 pm
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lyssiekins says...

I honestly don't see why people have a problem with it.
People who use religion as an excuse for their prejudices are purely cherry picking parts of the bible to follow.
What does the bible say against it? A man shall not lay with another man as he would with his wife? Of course not, because then he would be doing it wrong! ;). No mention of lesbians either (not that the bible is exactly for gender equality either...).
They won't quote "judge not lest ye be judged", or "those among us without sin cast the first stone" or friggen "love thy neighbor"?!?!

If you have an argument don't make it a book that you believe in. As intelligent and well thought out view-points go this is a no-brainer. I'm all for believing in things, but saying "because x says so" is a cop-out. Get your own arguments. Make them infallible, or if you can't, then be open to new information that will show you why you are wrong! Embrace being able to learn, not to reinforce outdated ideas.
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:42 pm
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retrodisco666 says...

Homosexuality isn't a choice so maybe better wording might be for homophobia or against it -you can't be for or against something out of our control!

Gays, we rule
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:12 pm
Nate says...

Just as a quick note, I think this is a good topic to have in The Lounge. But to all posters, please keep it a friendly discussion. If you wish to debate something, there's a few threads in the Debate forum regarding homosexuality, gay marriage, and non-discrimination in the workplace. The most active thread at the moment is located at:
Gay rights? (cont)

Anyhow, I think the poll is a bit oddly phrased for some of the same reasons that @retrodisco666 mentioned. It's kind of like asking, "Do you support brown hair or are you against it?".

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:31 pm
deleted5 says...

Yeah the survey is phrased a bit weird :P
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:45 pm
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Iggy says...

I will admit that seeing so many YWSers for gay rights makes me a very, very happy person. I am 500% for gay rights. Oppressing someone for loving the same sex makes no sense. It's like hating someone for eating a burger when you're on a diet.

*Iggy shoos self out of thread before the negative comments/votes come along and make her day worse* :(
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Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:13 pm
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Taxi says...

As someone who was raised by and still interacts daily with a prejudiced family, it's very refreshing to see people respond so positively to this subject.

While incoming negative opinions will be a bummer, I'd like to note that forum topics exactly like this are largely the reason I dropped the bigotry I was raised into. Overly religious families tend to be restrictive, so having a way to discuss such difficult subjects with many different kinds of people - and have your beliefs questioned - is a huge help.

It's not immediate of course, but to quote my Sunday school teacher (my grandma) "it plants a seed in their mind."

So yeah, glad to see this kind of topic pop up in the lounge.

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Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:28 pm
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Cairo says...

I'm not sure that homosexuality is entirely something to be "for" or "against" as it just /is/ or /is not/ in a person... Hmmm...

I am a supporter of gay rights of course, particularly considering I have attended an arts school known for support of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgenderism for the past 3 years. There is no difference between you or I in terms of rights should you be homosexual and I heterosexual. Though, I would like to point out that in highly homosexual-supportive environments such as the arts school I have found an anti-heterosexual string of thought as well, which is particularly interesting considering that's the opposite of the larger opinion of society (who should really just accept everyone)... In fact, I have been yelled at for speaking up for myself as a heterosexual in response to a proclamation that all those attending my school are "as straight as a circle" (ie, not straight at all). So, while I do support homosexuality, I think there's a careful balance that needs to be reached... Heterosexuality and homosexuality need to be viewed as equal, lest one becomes "fashionable" and the other frowned upon or vice versa!

(In short... I am totally in support of equal rights for LGBTQ and the like)
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Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:33 am
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TakeThatYouFiend says...

As @Cairo says, it is not "for" or "against", but equal. I don't mind if you are homosexual, heterosexual, or or even a pedophile (please note there is no law against pedophilia, only against underage relationships, in face pedophobia is something I fell quite strongly about).
On the subject of gay marriage, I don't see why we cannot have an equivalent ceremony? No-body seems to have thought about that.
On the subject of the Bible, I have a simple answer: The Bible is wrong. No, it isn't all wrong. But if you look at the history used in compiling it, it is not in the slightest surprising that we have passages forbidding prawns and mixed fabric clothes, and indeed homosexuality.
You know that studded leather armour in films? Nobody wore that. I mean, how would metal studs improve leather armour?

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Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:52 pm
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windrattlestheblinds says...

^I agree that being "for" or "against" an innate aspect of personality that can't be changed anyway is kind of pointless. But I do sort of object to putting pedophilia in the same category as sexual orientation, mainly because pedophilia isn't a sexuality, it's a paraphilia. They're not the same thing.
And also, from an ethical standpoint, being a pedophile means having urges that are really not okay at all if acted upon because, y'know, children, whereas that isn't remotely the case with sexual orientation, regardless of what that orientation is. So, um. Not really equivalent, that's all, and kind of uncomfortable because "gay dudes want to have sex with our precious little boys!!" is such a pervasive piece of rhetoric among certain bigoted circles.
(Although I agree that there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile in and of itself; it's when those urges are acted upon, in any way, that it becomes not remotely okay.)

For my part, I'm hugely in favor of protection of and rights for all MOGAI people, not just the gay ones.

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Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:05 pm
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MasterGrieves says...

Oh, I am definitely pro homosexual. I am very much in favour of enabling the freedoms and rights of ANYONE, regardless of sexual orientation. Although I have labelled myself as bisexual, I feel as if labeling myself is pointless, as I am who I am. Therefore, if I am asked what I am, I respond: "Me." :)
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Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:57 pm
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PrehistoricEchoes says...

First off, we shouldn't have discussions like this on this site because all it causes are flame wars.

Second, call me callous, but I don't care. I myself am asexual (albeit heteroromantic), and I am sick to death of overt sexuality shown everywhere. Hetero, homo, whatever. Keep your sexuality where it belongs: in bed. Stop pushing it in my face all the time.

Third, who here is against made up words being used to make people look bad and silence unpopular opinions? How about both sides stop the name calling for a change...
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Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:23 pm
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Zolen says...

PrehistoricEchoes wrote:I am sick to death of overt sexuality shown everywhere. Hetero, homo, whatever..

Zolen supports this message. Your sexually does not matter unless you are trying to romance someone or something. The public at large does not need to know, and should not care.
Self quoting is the key to sounding wise and all knowing.

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Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:37 pm
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windrattlestheblinds says...

Zolen wrote:
PrehistoricEchoes wrote:I am sick to death of overt sexuality shown everywhere. Hetero, homo, whatever..

Zolen supports this message. Your sexually does not matter unless you are trying to romance someone or something. The public at large does not need to know, and should not care.

I disagree. I'm ace myself—and aromantic, which is more important—and I'd LOVE to see sex itself become a great deal less omnipresent, and for romance in general to get knocked off its pedestal and be acknowledged as equal to, not better than, other kinds of love.
But I don't think the way to do that is to silence discussions about sexuality and romantic orientation, because when that happens, everyone gets assumed perioriented-hetero by default. Which solves exactly nothing. I, personally, am sick to death of having people ask me if there are any ~nice boys~ at my school or if I'm "dating someone yet" or when am I going to get married (to a boy, of course, because DFAB). And the only way to combat that, really, is for orientations other than hetero to become so thoroughly normalized that it's considered impolite to just make assumptive statements like that.
Also: Personal feelings about public/private spheres aside, MOGAI people aren't treated equally under the law, and that needs to change.

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