
Young Writers Society


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Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:36 pm
Monki says...

1.Total number of books you own?
Ooh. I haven't counted lately. Just to be on the safe side, I'll say maybe over two hundred. I've given many to friends, so if I never gave any away, I'd have well over a thousand. (I don't borrow books from libraries. I have a sort of phobia of borrowing books, because of bacteria and such... So, buying books can get quite expensive and consumes a lot of room in my bedroom.)

2.What was the last book you bought?
I bought two books recently (I believe it was this past Saturday): Marley and Me: Love and Life With the World's Worst Dog and Death By Latte.

3.What was the last book you read?
The last book I read completely was Be More Chill. But the one that I'm currently reading is Marley and Me: Love and Life With the World's Worst Dog.

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
1. The Book Thief. This book changed my whole outlook on life. It changed my attitude, my personality, everything about me. Not only do I think that this author (Markus Zusak) is brilliant, but I think that he should feel honored that he created such a piece that could change lives like he has done.

2. It's Kind of a Funny Story. This book opened my eyes to everything that teens like myself go through. Only the particular teen in this story is suicidal and is put in an insane asylum. I love this book, and the sad but true reality of this book is that teens/children really do go through such things like this. After reading this book, I thank God above that all of my marbles are intact--at least I think so.

3. The Rules of Survival. Simply put, this book tells of the suffering and insane emotional neglect two children go through, living with their mother. When I begin feeling sorry for myself, I remember this book and all that it's taught me.
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:42 pm
Blink says...


1.Total number of books you own? Not enough. Never counted.
2.What was the last book you bought? Oliver Twist.
3.What was the last book you read? 1984, by George Orwell.
4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

1984: Need I say more? It's characters are brilliant, and the story at the end was wonderful. It's all I can say. However, it was excessively depressing :)

The Book Thief: Just great. There were sad and emotional parts, but they were all so real--ignorant of the fact Death was narrating it.

The Lord of the Rings: Like, wow. The style clung onto me and poured sugar on my senses. It was like reading fire, only better. Way better. The world was a real turner for me, and regardless of my seeing the films and rereading, I couldn't put it down.


And Maybe Eragon. It made me write just to prove that even a 13 year old could do better.
Last edited by Blink on Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction." ~ Oscar Wilde

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:03 pm
Rosendorn says...

1.Total number of books you own?

Umm, No idea. Between the basement, the computer/school room, my room and any random place books can be found in my house, about.... 200.

2.What was the last book you bought?

I went on a buying spree last time: Criminal Masterminds by Charlotte Grieg, The Rise and Fall of the Great Empires by Andrew Taylor and Queen, Empress, Concubine by Claudia Gold.

3.What was the last book you read?

For school: Elizabeth, Captive Princess by Margaret Irwin. For fun: The Swan Kingdom by Zoe Merrott

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

The Diary of Ma Yan by Ma Yan- Showing the real life hardships of a girl who wants to go to school in China.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini- It got me writing. I love the twists, the style, everything.

Protector of the Small 1- 4 by Tamora Peirce (or just about anything else by her)- The characters are not stereotypical at all, the main guy character is a riot, the main girl character you want to be best friends with and there are a lot of animals. And, it shows that if you give it your all eventually you will be rewarded.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:11 pm
niteowl says...

1. Total number of books you own?
I don't know, probably around 200-300. Maybe I'll count when I go home and edit this.

2. Last book you bought? Superior Saturday by Garth Nix. Haven't bought many books lately, as I don't have much time to read.

3. Last book you read? Non-fiction: Uncommon Grounds by Mark Pendergrast. Read it for my final paper on coffee, and it's really good. Admittedly, I didn't read the whole thing (just what I needed for my paper) but I want to read it over the holiday break.

List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you:

American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Great story, great author, need I say more?

Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar. They may be just silly stories about a bunch of peculiar 3rd graders, but I think there's a lot of good stuff packed in between the lines. Like DJ, the kid who was always happy. When someone asked him why, he said "You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy." :D

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Excellent portrayal of how evil develops. The language is a drag at times, but it was worth it. Plus it helped me write a kick-butt paper and a kick-butt college admissions essay. :P
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:55 pm
Juniper says...

1.Total number of books you own?

Last time I counted was last year and it totaled around 4,120

2.What was the last book you bought?
I don't remember the title >.<

3.What was the last book you read?
The education of Little Tree

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
Bury my heart at wounded knee
Little women
"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:49 pm
alwaysawriter says...

1.Total number of books you own? Over 300, I think.
2.What was the last book you bought? To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee for my Summer Reading Project.
3.What was the last book you read? Some Christian romance novel. I got bored about halfway through so I haven't touched it in a while.
4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson--it was the first book to make me cry.
I'll edit this later when I think of two more.

Meshugenah says to (18:12:36):
Kat's my new favorite. other than Sachi.

WWJD: What Would Jabber Do?

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:00 pm
Fand says...

1.Total number of books you own?
427 last time I counted, but that was before last semester, so I've added at least thirty to that.

2.What was the last book you bought?
The Story of Lucy Gault, William Trevor, for my Irish Lit class. It's actually pretty good, if utterly depressing.

3.What was the last book you read?
I generally read a few at a time. The Story of Lucy Gault, The Inheritance of Loss (Kiran Desai), and a collection of essays by John Locke. Well, and King Lear, for my Shakespeare course.

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley.
The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The Collected Poems of John Donne.
Bitter Charlie :: Shady Grove, CA :: FreeRice (162,000/1,000,000)

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:00 pm
dreamintechnicolour says...

1.Total number of books you own?
Ok, so as a child I had a thing for pony books and so overall I have about 150 books, but only about 20 *real* books. Generally, I only buy books if I am absolutely in love with them and will read them again and again.

2.What was the last book you bought?
Time Travellers wife by Audrey Niffenegger

3.What was the last book you read?
The Rise and Fall of the Queen of Suburbia by Sarah May.
I felt like I needed something frivolous to read considering it's summer vacation...

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
The Bible
Need I say more?
Survivour by Chuck Palahniuk
Epic, epic work
Chameleon by Mark Burnell
Not because the book is particularly meaningful to me, but I think we always carry a soft spot in our hearts for the novel we were reading when we first fell in love.
Last edited by dreamintechnicolour on Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:02 pm
scasha says...

1.Total number of books you own?


2.What was the last book you bought?

The City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

3.What was the last book you read?

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

Persuasion by Jane Austen

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:47 pm
Bleeding Rose says...

1.Total number of books you own? 133
2.What was the last book you bought? The Exorcist
3.What was the last book you read? Midnight Bella
4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

This book inspired me to reach for the stars! It is about an orphan girl that climbs over the outer wall that encloses her orphanage. She finds an abandoned cabin and makes it her own. She keeps it secret until she becomes sick and has to tell her friend to go and check on it. I thought that it was a beautiful story and was very inspiring.

Life As We Knew It

This book inspired me to stand tall through the most impossible events. It is about suffering, love, and hope. It all starts with a little comet. It knocks the moon out of orbit which makes the whole world fall. You can imagine the rest. It was impossible to put down!

Viking Warrior

This book inspired me to never give up even when all hope is lost. It is based on a slave. He becomes the greatest warrior in his time. He is undefeatable just because of one little thing, confidence. He never gives up even when he is being hunted and the hound is looking straight at him.

Yes, all of these books inspired me. I am an easily inspired person when it comes to books that I read in two hours.
Rite 2 meh lyk dis...and I shoot you.~Unknown
I'm the future of America. Be afraid. Be very afraid~Unknown
If you're blonde and you know it clap your hands *Snap* *snap*
If you're reading this...you're finished reading.

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:05 pm
Ducati says...

1.Total number of books you own? I'm not sure which are mine and which are my family's. I steal books they buy. Probably around 300
2.What was the last book you bought? Oh, it was a recipe book for someone else for christmas!
3.What was the last book you read? Well I'm reading Slam by Nick Hornby but before that I read Wuthering Heights. Again :)
4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
Sophie's World
Jane Eyre
One flew over the Cukoo's nest

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:00 am
Macs says...

1.Total number of books you own?
I used to own tons, but then, since I find it pointless to own books if you will never read them again, I got rid of over half of them. So now I only own maybe 70 or so, ones that I really loved.

2.What was the last book you bought?
That I bought? Well, that's a hard one. I always go to the library, so the last one I got from there was "The Traitor's Gate" by Avi. The last one I bought might have been "Watership Down" by Adam Richards or "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee... I can't really remember.

3.What was the last book you read?
"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, I think.

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
"Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch
I used to read this book with my parents and it always made me cry... I am really close to my parents, so yeah.
"Into the Wild" by John Krakauer
I read this novel a year ago, and simply adored it. The man in it has such spirit, such dreams... and they are all crushed with his death. But he got what he wanted. He got away from society, which is exactly what I want, except I don't have the guts, and God calls us to live in society, but stay far enough away that we don't get dragged into the nonsense that is society.
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
I loved this novel because it showed the many flaws in culture, and how much racism affects the common person. Racism is wrong.

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:01 am
JC says...

1.Total number of books you own?
I don't know. A lot. I have a wall bookshelf in my room and a few boxed stored...so probably over 700.

2.What was the last book you bought?
13 Reasons Why

3.What was the last book you read?
Blood Noir by Laurell K Hamilton

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Though it can be a drag at times, I will never, ever read the abridged version. This book is just..wow. I love the characters, and the events, and everything. It's great.

This is the first book I ever finished writing. So what if the writing is horrid, it means a lot to me and started my passion for writing.

The Sweet Far Thing (third book in the Gemma Doyle trilogy) by Libba Bray.
I quote this one all the time. It was the perfect example that you can end a series well (unlike HP7 and Breaking Dawn). I love Libba Bray's elegant writing, and Gemma is the perfect narrator.
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:29 am
thunder_dude7 says...

1.Total number of books you own?

As in, that I bought? I only got into this whole reading thing recently, so...about ten.

2.What was the last book you bought?

I just bought "A Whole New Mind" and ordered the Young Writers Literary Journal today.

3.What was the last book you read?

That would be "Found", by Margaret Haddix

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):

The Alchemist
The Young Writers Literary Journal
The Shadow Thieves

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Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:45 am
Icaruss says...

1.Total number of books you own?
Like, thirty-something.

2.What was the last book you bought?
The script from the movie "Dioses." But that was just to see a movie script written in Spanish. And because it's awesome.

3.What was the last book you read?
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, by Mario Vargas Llosa.

4.List 3 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
Trainspotting, by Irvine Welsh.
La Ciudad y los Perros, by Mario Vargas Llosa.
La Palabra del Mudo, by Julio Ramón Ribeyro.

Maybe I should put Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter up there too, because that's kinda what got me into reading and writing, but that would not go with my cool, suave, filthy, experimental writer persona so I won't.

Also, I would like to add that Macs did not get Into The Wild.
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

Adventure is worthwhile.
— Aesop