
Young Writers Society

Another newbie on the field.

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:56 am
J_Fang says...

Hi to all.

First off I'd like to apologize to anyone I've posted/replied to: If it seemed like I was doing an introduction that belonged here I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for it too come off like that. I was just trying to relate.

As far as I go, I'm a professional artist, although that isn't how I make my living. I specialized in 3D modeling, but my paid work came from graphic design.

I've tried to write in the past, however, I'm a man of momentary ambition, so I would often stop shortly after I started. I've finally decided to get serious about my writing, and have thus far written approx. 25,000 words or 100 pages.

I read constantly on my mobile at work and thought this would be a great place to get exposed to a lot of different styles and talented people. I look forward to reading everything I can find and I will do my best to post as honest and positive criticism on as many as possible.

More random Info about me -
I listen to all kinds of music though typically my playlist is either Rock, Metal or most often the Buffy the Vampire Slayer (series) soundtrack.

Anime can be awesome when the mood to watch it strikes. As far as movies go Far and Away is an all time favorite and any horror movie is absolute gold--even if it's terrible.

PM me if you have any questions, or just want to chat

(My mobile wont allow me to post on here for some reason, so I'll do my best to note which stories/art I've read/viewed so when I get home I can post.)

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:59 am
SeleneForeverDream says...

Hello J, welcome to YWS!

Here are some rules to help you get started:

1.) Review your work. This means that if your writing has mature and/or sexual content you should rate it R and so forth. This will also allow your work to appear on the front page, so more people might review it.

2.) We have a 2:1 ratio with submitting your work and reviewing, but it doesn't look like you'll have a problem with that, considering you already have two reviews. This just means that for every submission of your own work you must review two pieces of writing.

3.) There is no chat-speak or CAPs lock spelling on YWS. This means, as much as you want to, please don't express your emotion through CAPs lock, like this "THAT WAS GREAT!" and please take the time and write English instead of "gr8, l8r ttyl". Term abbreviations like MC, POV, and lol are okay, but please keep it to a minimum.

That's it for the rules! You seem to already know a few, so don't worry about them too much.

So your a graphic designer? My aunt is one, too, and so are other people in my family. I have a family of artists, yet I can't even draw a smiley face well. :) It seems like a fun job.

If you have a question, would like me to review your work, or just want to chat, feel free to PM me.
Last edited by SeleneForeverDream on Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:49 pm
Shauni says...

Graphic designer, huh?! Cool, that's sounds good. Selene already put the basic up so I will just add something more...

You may notice that some of us have colored names? That's because they have jobs...

Blues: Greeters. They help the newbies to it in and help with rules. Like Selene for example.

Purples: Instructors. They will help you with your work. They review it and work with you in every possible way so that you can improve your witting skills.

Light Green: Junior Moderators. They boss a little around here. Like second in command.

Dark Greens: These are the ones that boss us big. They keep this in charge.

Orange: Retired moderators or

Red: Administrators. They administrate this world.

Black or grey: No job. US! We post our works and review but don't want to (some of us only) have any type of job.

That's it for the colors. As can you see, there is a rainbow of different tasks and people but in the end, we are all writers trying to improve ans show our work to the world.

Have a great time here! :D

Questions, help or bla-bla speak :wink: just PM me anytime. I promise that I will answer as soon as possible!

See ya!

Best wishes

~Shauni (:

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:19 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

The graphic design thing caught my eye. For a long time I wanted to be a graphic designer. Now, I want to get into journalism. Anything to keep writing/editing. ^_^

And, since old habits die hard (I'm both a blue and a purple), I want to give you the little run-down on groups! Here on YWS we have a ton of groups you can join and have fun in. Just click on the big "groups" button in the header.

I check YWS between my classes. I don't allow myself any luxury of signing in, or else my class work will never get done. :P But, I do use it to check up on stories I've written/reviewed, so it's all good. ^_^

What genre do you write in?

If you have any questions, PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:27 pm
J_Fang says...

Graphic Design can be fun, frustrating and boring all at once. Since you have to do what the people who pay you want you to do it leads to frustration, but they have the money you want so whatever :).

Also I hope the posting 2:1 ratio doesn't apply to posting research help/advice. If so I'm sorry and will get to reviewing straight away!

The novel I'm working on I guess could best be classified as...

A Gothic-Fantasy Drama???

Modern Gothic setting with supernaturals around and romance--tragedy--betrayal/manipulation plots. Though Romance I guess would have to be the major theme or at least the most obvious.

It's actually a three part series that I cooked up sitting at work. I was reading book reviews in USA Today and a character snapped in my mind. I refused it for a few days and then started talking to my roommate about it in an attempt to get it out of my head and from there it snowballed.

(No, it's not a Twilight-esc book...mostly) Its a revolving viewpoint of 3 characters...each scene is one of their viewpoints...Two are high school attendees and are best-friends, the other is a nurse and their individual plots interweave together. All human are human except the outside forces of influence.
And that's a very brief and vague summary I guess...

The three main characters are:
Elizabeth "Izzy" Kindle - A chick that has some real "grit" though has an emotional weakness (the best friend).
Lesleigh Allen Grahm -A guy (the other best friend) with "it" who is thrust into a world he really doesn't care to be in, but just keeps getting dragged deeper and deeper into it.
Michelle Brown - A female nurse is exposed to the world as it really is and is coping/dealing with her own romantic interests which happen to make her a part of the world she isn't necessarily dying to be in.

I'm trying my best to avoid a stereotypical "Evil Other Woman" and one of the things I'll post, in hope of guidance, on the research threads is about women and their views towards other women in regards to their love interests.

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Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:41 pm
Sura says...

Hello and welcome to YWS!

And the ratio is only for reviews to your own posted work (wanting critiques).
You're novel sounds very interesting! I hope I come across some of it in the future. : D
I'm back!

"Breaking fixed idea!
Throw away the prejudice
that fish live in fish bowls only!"

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Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:05 pm
Rosendorn says...

You're fine when it comes to reviews! You've done eight already. ^_^ Nice work!

That sounds like something that would go in "Other Fiction" since it's such a blend. From the vague impression I got, it looks interesting. Maybe not my thing, but interesting none the less.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

Your hesitation suggests you are trying to protect my feelings. However, since I have none, I would prefer you to be honest. An artist's growth depends upon accurate feedback.
— LCDR Data