
Young Writers Society

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Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:38 pm
MagnusBane says...

Hey everyone!

I just joined this site, and I can't wait to start meeting everyone! I love to write, and I've been writing my own short stories since 1st grade. I'm extremely picky about what I write, and I've been known to write the same paragraph over and over again, spending days trying to perfect just that little part. I'm hoping that this site will get me motivated and silence that inner editor, because it's getting to the point where I spend weeks trying to perfect the first 3 pages of my stories!

Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading some great stories, making some cool friends, and maybe posting some stories of my own! (If I can ever get them the way I want them to be :)).

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Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:47 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Hey magnusbanefan13! Welcome to YWS! You'll have great joy here ^^

So, I'll lay the rules to you.

1. We have a 2:1 ratio. That means that when you post your work, you should do two reviews to some one else's work.
2. Rate your work. posts that are rated will appear on the home page. If it contains mature content, rate it R.
3. Keep the capitalizing and chat speak to a minimal. At some point, no one will understand you.

If you have looked around, you may have noticed that some people have their names colored. That's because they have jobs.

Blue - Greeters. They welcome the newbies (like Rosey and Adnamarine above).

Purple - Instructors. they answer your questions and give the most constructive reviews.

Light and dark green - They are Junior Moderators and Moderators. Their job is to overview the greeters and Instructors job and to direct civil discussions, and such.

Red - Administrators. They keep the site running smoothly.

Orange - Basically retired Administrators and Mods.

So, tell us more about yourself! What are your favs? Author/Book/Band/Music, etc?

See ya around! if you need anything just PM me!

Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

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Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:51 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Just to let you know, rated R works will not show up on the front page. This site is rated for family-friendly fun. ^_^ (outside of literature, that is)

Ah, the inner editor. The way I silenced that is to not allow myself to re-write, or re-read, anything I've written. That keeps the forward momentum going. Rewriting is left for once you have a draft done. ^_^

YWS is also the place to help get stories to where you want them to be! I've posted some stuff I'm not too happy with and gotten critiques. Then, I re-write with those comments in mind. It does wonders. :D

What genres do you write?

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:07 pm
peanutgallery007 says...

Hi! Welcome to YWS (generic greeting for newbies #12) ;) . Kidding. I really do want to welcome you.
I hope I get to review one of your pieces soon! :D

Anyway, I am the same way with my works, though probably not as obsessive. Every time I re-read one of my pieces, I find SOMETHING to delete, edit, or add and it drives me insane. I normally just give up and post it anyway so I can hear what others have got to say about it! ;)

I would consider joining some of the groups around here! There are lots, including Debate, Character Development, The Novelists, and so much more! I hope to see you around soon, and PM me for anything you might need. Bye! :)
Have a peanut =)

Try your hand at my poetry contest!

Proud LGBT supporter.

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Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:31 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Hello magnusbanefan13, welcome to the fabulous world of YWS! :D

I'm glad to see you enjoy editing your work, because that's always appreciated around here when you submit your work. Someone once told me that it's not possible to edit something too much, so keep it up! I know there comes a time when you simply can't stop editing every last detail, but it makes the story all the more interesting. I think that's an awesome habit to have! :)

Any-hoo, onto those YWS rules!

~ Try not to "flood" the boards with your work. This means don't go submitting 50 chapters at once. This will turn people away from reviewing your work and is inconsiderate to other people submitting their work. So please, submit one piece of work a day and one chapter long. The chapter, though, can be as long as your little heart desires. Please post multiple chapters in the Advanced Critiques forum, because that will allow you to get proper feed-back.

~ Please refrain from using caps lock and net-speak. *writewatiwant* touched on this, but I can't stress it enough. An example would be "gr8 ttyl l8r" and "AWESOME JOB, KEEP WRITING!". Term abbreviations like POV and lol are fine.

~ Please check your grammar, punctuation and spelling with each post you make.

~ Be kind and considerate to everyone on here. That way you're sure to make some friends. ;)

~ Have fun! :D

If you have any questions, would like me to critique your work or would just like to chat, feel free to PM me!
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You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

Pain is filtered in a poem so that it becomes finally, in the end, pleasure.
— Mark Strand