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All part of the camouflage

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:24 pm
Kalliope says...

Note: I originally started this for Cal's contest. The one where you had to use three quotes... But due to tons of schoolwork and such I didn't finish it even close to the deadline. Still I think I could use a lot of help with it. Especially the dialog...

Here are a few things I'd be very happy to know:
#1) Are the characters realistic? Too perfect or too flat?
#2) How can I improve the dialog? (I think I really need help here...)
#3) Is there anything missing? Is the plot completely clear?

Reviews are greatly appreciated! :)

All part of the camouflage

They were sitting at a window table at "Miranda's", a small street café right across from the City Bank. A cold autumn wind, mixed with raindrops, was blowing leaves across the street and the sky had turned a fierce grey. A storm was coming up.

Lucy leaned back in her chair and pretended to study the menu once more. Out of the corner of her eye she watched two of the guards, who worked at the bank come in for their break. They always visited "Miranda's" at five o'clock in the afternoon to have a pot of tea and a chat. And that was the reason she was here. Listening to the guards chatting about their job. Collecting information. Important information. Funny, how many important details about the security system of the bank the guards dropped, when they were off duty, not knowing that two criminal master minds were sitting right next to them.

Criminal, sure. Criminal, but genius. George was especially genius, although she'd never admit it. Currently George was sitting across from her, his handsome face pulled into a smile, watching her intently with those clear grey eyes. This misty-eyed gaze was, of course, very annoying, but she had to endure it. All part of the camouflage, she told herself.

"I think I'm ready to order now, honey," she said, putting the menu down in front of her and smiling at George so sweetly, that it was pure irony. Who'd had the stupid idea to act as a couple anyway?

George grinned and waved one of the waitresses over to their table. She was tall, blonde and admittedly quite pretty and she was obviously very pleased to be requested by the most handsome male in the room. Again. George always waved this particular waitress over. Lucy watched her check him out. Literally. The waitress' eyes looked him over about four times before she took even one step in their direction. Lucy rolled her eyes. Yeah, sure he looked charming in his dark grey sweater that complimented his eyes so well and, sure, she noticed the way it stretched over his well-trained muscles. Of course Lucy noticed! Who didn't? But how could this girl look at him that way? She didn't even know his name let alone what he was like.

"Hello you two! My name is Casey and I'll be your server this afternoon," the waitress said with the widest smile Lucy had ever seen. What a surprise. Of course Casey didn't even glance at her, but batted her eyelashes at George like crazy. Lucy couldn't help but make a face. How pathetic.

"So, what can I get you," the waitress asked in a manner that annoyed the hell out of Lucy. Still the girl was making eyes at George.

"Oh, I'll have a cup of Earl Grey," he responded smiling sweetly, making the waitress blush slightly.

"And you, darling?" He grinned and twinkled his eyes at Lucy which caused the color to drain from the waitress' face just as quickly as it had appeared.

"An iced fruit tea, please," she answered coolly, giving the waitress a polite smile and, after she had left she, still smiling, shot an angry look at George. What the hell was he playing at?

George just grinned and indicated her to lean towards him. Eventually she did, but not without shooting him another angry look.

"What," she hissed.

"Oh, our guards are having quite an interesting conversation and I thought you might like to listen..." Judging by his broad grin he was very amused at her. Great.

"I swear she is so into me. Did you see the way she smiled at me? Really, I can tell, she wants me so bad..."

"Josh. Listen. She served you your coffee. That was it."

Muffled laughter at the table.

"Yes, but the way her hand held the mug and the extra care she poured the milk with and her smile and the way she said 'Here you go sir'..."

More laughter.

Josh, the fat little guard, watched hungrily as a brunette waitress helped an elderly lady out of her coat.

"Hey, you think she'd date me?"


"Hate to break it to you, dude, but... no."

Lucy couldn't suppress a smirk. Those guys were just too stupid.

"Told you, you'd want to listen," he said, still grinning, reaching out for her hand now.

"And I believe I told you not to overdo the couple disguise thing," she said, pulling her hand back, but nevertheless remaining caught in his mischievously sparkling eyes.

"An iced fruit tea for you, ma'am and an Earl Grey for you, dear," a slightly too loud voice interrupted.

Even before she looked up Lucy knew who was standing there, setting an ice tea right in front of her nose. Casey. A lot more slowly than she had set down Lucy's drink she set down George's steaming hot Earl Grey, brushing
his hand with hers. Accidentally.

"Be careful, it's hot." Lucy felt like puking. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No, I think I have everything I want," George answered mischievously glancing at Lucy. Lucy quickly looked down. This is all part of the camouflage. You're both on duty, doing your job.
But... what was
that about?

Casey seemed to be wondering the same thing. She looked disgusted. But instead of just shoving off she put on her charming little smile.

"You know, I've always wondered what your name is, dear," she said, madly batting her eyelashes.


Judging by his answer George had been prepared for this question. No surprise here. George was always prepared.

"Jack's the name m'dear."

He gave her another one of his flattering smiles and turned to face Lucy again. Casey pursed her lips. Obviously she was not pleased with the way this was going.

"So Jack," she said, her voice getting higher, "what do you do for living?"

George looked up at her again, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Now my colleague, Silvia here," he gestured toward Lucy, "and I work in the cash-flow-management of a small company."

"Cash-flow management... Sounds interesting. What do you do there?"

Cash-flow management. Which syllable of the word didn't she get?

George, again, raised his eyebrow and Lucy would swear she heard him let out a little groan. He was clearly getting annoyed now. A smug smile crept across Lucy's face. Good for him.

"Basically..." Oh no, there was just no way she'd let him go through the whole thing now... "What we do is -"

"We rob banks."

Both George and Casey's heads shot around to look at her and for a moment none of them said a word. There was nothing to be heard but the clatter of teacups and the chattering of the other customers. Even George who usually kept cool in any situation was totally stricken by surprise. He caught himself quickly though and seconds later George and Lucy both burst out laughing.

Casey who naturally didn't find anything funny about the whole thing turned around and stomped away without another word.

"You, Lucy, have completely gone crazy," he said once they had calmed down a bit. Although he was doing his best to look angry and disapproving he couldn't completely suppress an amused smile.

"Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops," she replied, a cheeky grin on her face. "Now let's get back to our guards."

She bent over to be able to listen better. George leaned toward her also and started to play with her hands. She automatically tried to pull them back, but he gripped them firmly. This was all part of the camouflage, right?

"Okay, I think they're talking about their families now. Seems like we came here for nothing," she said. As she turned to face George again she nearly jumped. He'd come a lot closer.

"Um...," she started, but the words got lost somewhere in her throat. She was completely caught in the gaze of his raincloud grey eyes.

"You know," he said, suddenly smiling mischievously again, "if we were really dating, this would be the part where I'd be forced to kiss you."

Suddenly the words came back to her.

"Don't even-" Ignoring her attempt at a protest he leaned over the table just a little bit further and kissed her.

-think of it, she silently finished her sentence. And as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back she thought: Maybe this couple camouflage thing isn't that bad after all...
Last edited by Kalliope on Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:26 pm
Rydia says...

Some small suggestions first -

Especially George was genius, although she'd never admit it. [This is worded awkwardly. Maybe 'George was especially genius, although...']

Lucy couldn't help but making a face. How pathetic. [Either '...couldn't help but make a face' or '...couldn't help making a face.']

"Oh, I'll have a cup of Earl Grey," he responded smiling sweetly, making the waitress [s]slightly[/s] blush slightly.

What was he playing at?! [Just choose one punctuation mark, you don't need both.]

Judging by the direction of the little fat guard, Josh's gaze they were talking about the brunette waitress that was just helping an elderly lady out of her
coat. [You have a typo in that coat should be on the previous line but also, the beginning of the sentence is confusing. I'd suggest 'Josh, the fat little guard, watched hungrily as a brunette waitress helped an elderly lady out of her coat.']

"And I believe I told you not to overdo the couple disguise thing," she said, pulling her hand back, but nevertheless remaining caught in his
mischievously sparkling eyes. [Again, a formatting typo.]

This is all part of the
camouflage. You're both on duty, doing your job.
But... what was that about?! [Format and double punctuation.]

What?! [Double punctuation.]

George looked up at her again, slightly raising an eyebrow. [Could be worded better. Maybe 'George looked up at her again, eyebrow slightly raised.']

George, again, raised his eyebrow and Lucy [s]would[/s] could swear she heard him let out a little groan.


#1) Are the characters realistic? Too perfect or too flat? I think they're very good. Lucy is well defined - very good use of thoughts - and I think George has an excellent sense of humour.
#2) How can I improve the dialog? (I think I really need help here...) [color=red]I liked your dialogue actually. I think the guard's conversation could have been better but the rest was good.

#3) Is there anything missing? Is the plot completely clear? I think you could have described the setting and Casey more but in general, it was well written and you have an interesting start and I think your plot is developing really well already.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:52 pm
Heidigirl666 says...

I liked it this, and yes the characters were realistic.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with the dialogue, although the waitress seemed a little unnatural. This bit here...

"Hello you two! My name is Casey and I'll be your server this afternoon,"

It just seems, I don't know, a bit weird, and a bit long winded, and since for the remainder she is described simply as 'the waitress', is it necessary to have her introduce herself? She doesn't seem important enough to the story to be worth having a name, if you know what I mean. And 'server'? Waitress would sound more normal. :wink:

That's the only thing I can think of, Kitty15 seems to have everything I was going to say covered. :D
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. ~Flannery O'Connor

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Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:56 am
day tripper says...

Ahh,I really really liked this!
The characters are so, so

Great job, really(:
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:04 pm
Heatherish says...

I don't think that the dialog is that bad at all. The characters are not too perfect or flat but could be slightly more developed. ALSO, I think you could take this story just a little bit further. Like all of a sudden she realizes shes kissing him and pulls back but then there is this tension between them that manifests as their bank robbing scheme comes to its climax...

haha imaginative, I know. Good luck and keep writing in general!
Favorite Quote (at the moment):
"cuz' I'd rather wast my life pretending than have to forget you for one whole minute"

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Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:55 am
lyrical_sunshine says...

Note: I originally started this for Cal's contest. The one where you had to use three quotes... But due to tons of schoolwork and such I didn't finish it even close to the deadline. Still I think I could use a lot of help with it. Especially the dialog...

Here are a few things I'd be very happy to know:

All part of the camouflage

They were sitting at a window table at "Miranda's", a small street café right across from the City Bank. A cold autumn wind, mixed with raindrops, was blowing leaves across the street and the sky had turned a fierce grey. A storm was coming up.

Lucy leaned back in her chair and pretended to study the menu once more. Out of the corner of her eye she watched two of the guards, who worked at the bank come in for their break. They always visited "Miranda's" (I wouldn't put this in quotations if I were you...maybe italics though) at five o'clock in the afternoon to have a pot of tea and a chat. And [i]that
was the reason she was here. Listening to the guards chatting about their job. Collecting information. Important information. Funny, how many important details about the security system of the bank the guards dropped, when they were off duty, not knowing that two criminal master minds were sitting right next to them.

Criminal, sure. Criminal, but genius. George was especially genius, although she'd never admit it. Currently George was sitting across from her, his handsome face pulled into a smile, watching her intently with those clear grey eyes. This misty-eyed gaze was, of course, very annoying, but she had to endure it. All part of the camouflage, she told herself.

"I think I'm ready to order now, honey," she said, putting the menu down in front of her and smiling at George so sweetly, that it was pure irony. Who'd had the stupid idea to act as a couple anyway?

George grinned and waved one of the waitresses over to their table. She was tall, blonde and admittedly quite pretty and she was obviously very pleased to be requested by the most handsome male in the room. Again. George always waved this particular waitress over. Lucy watched her check him out. Literally. The waitress' eyes looked him over about four times before she took even one step in their direction. Lucy rolled her eyes. Yeah, sure he looked charming in his dark grey sweater that complimented his eyes so well and, sure, she noticed the way it stretched over his well-trained muscles. (Well trained? You might want to rephrase that.) Of course Lucy noticed! Who didn't? But how could this girl look at him that way? She didn't even know his name let alone what he was like.

"Hello you two! My name is Casey and I'll be your server this afternoon," the waitress said with the widest smile Lucy had ever seen. What a surprise. Of course Casey didn't even glance at her, but batted her eyelashes at George like crazy. Lucy couldn't help but make a face. How pathetic.

"So, what can I get you," the waitress asked in a manner that annoyed the hell out of Lucy. Still the girl was making eyes at George.

"Oh, I'll have a cup of Earl Grey," he responded smiling sweetly, making the waitress blush slightly. (Why would that make her blush?)

"And you, darling?" He grinned and twinkled his eyes at Lucy which caused the color to drain from the waitress' face just as quickly as it had appeared.

"An iced fruit tea, please," she answered coolly, giving the waitress a polite smile and, after she had left she, still smiling, shot an angry look at George. What the hell was he playing at?

George just grinned and indicated her to lean towards him. Eventually she did, but not without shooting him another angry look.

"What," she hissed.

"Oh, our guards are having quite an interesting conversation and I thought you might like to listen..." Judging by his broad grin he was very amused at her. Great.

"I swear she is so into me. Did you see the way she smiled at me? Really, I can tell, she wants me so bad..."

"Josh. Listen. She served you your coffee. That was it."

Muffled laughter at the table.

"Yes, but the way her hand held the mug and the extra care she poured the milk with and her smile and the way she said 'Here you go sir'..."

More laughter.

Josh, the fat little guard, watched hungrily as a brunette waitress helped an elderly lady out of her coat.

"Hey, you think she'd date me?"

Laughter. (That's a lot of laughter)

"Hate to break it to you, dude, but... no."

Lucy couldn't suppress a smirk. Those guys were just too stupid.

"Told you, you'd want to listen," he said, still grinning, reaching out for her hand now.

"And I believe I told you not to overdo the couple disguise thing," she said, pulling her hand back, but nevertheless remaining caught in his mischievously sparkling eyes.

"An iced fruit tea for you, ma'am and an Earl Grey for you, dear," a slightly too loud voice interrupted.

Even before she looked up Lucy knew who was standing there, setting an ice tea right in front of her nose. Casey. A lot more slowly than she had set down Lucy's drink she set down George's steaming hot Earl Grey, brushing
his hand with hers. Accidentally.

"Be careful, it's hot." Lucy felt like puking. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No, I think I have everything I want," George answered mischievously glancing at Lucy. Lucy quickly looked down. This is all part of the camouflage. You're both on duty, doing your job.
But... what was
that about?

Casey seemed to be wondering the same thing. She looked disgusted. But instead of just shoving off she put on her charming little smile.

"You know, I've always wondered what your name is, dear," she said, madly batting her eyelashes. (Okay, sorry, but the "dear" thing is kind of corny.)


Judging by his answer George had been prepared for this question. No surprise here. George was always prepared.

"Jack's the name m'dear." (Again, a little corny.)

He gave her another one of his flattering smiles and turned to face Lucy again. Casey pursed her lips. Obviously she was not pleased with the way this was going.

"So Jack," she said, her voice getting higher, "what do you do for living?"

George looked up at her again, slightly raising an eyebrow.

"Now my colleague, Silvia here," he gestured toward Lucy, "and I work in the cash-flow-management of a small company."

"Cash-flow management... Sounds interesting. What do you do there?"

Cash-flow management. Which syllable of the word didn't she get?

George, again, raised his eyebrow and Lucy would swear she heard him let out a little groan. He was clearly getting annoyed now. A smug smile crept across Lucy's face. Good for him.

"Basically..." Oh no, there was just no way she'd let him go through the whole thing now... "What we do is -"

"We rob banks."

Both George and Casey's heads shot around to look at her and for a moment none of them said a word. There was nothing to be heard but the clatter of teacups and the chattering of the other customers. Even George who usually kept cool in any situation was totally stricken by surprise. He caught himself quickly though and seconds later George and Lucy both burst out laughing. (Okay, I'm totally confused here. Who just said "we rob banks"?)

Casey who naturally didn't find anything funny about the whole thing turned around and stomped away without another word.

"You, Lucy, have completely gone crazy," he said once they had calmed down a bit. Although he was doing his best to look angry and disapproving he couldn't completely suppress an amused smile.

"Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops," she replied, a cheeky grin on her face. "Now let's get back to our guards."

She bent over to be able to listen better. George leaned toward her also and started to play with her hands. She automatically tried to pull them back, but he gripped them firmly. This was all part of the camouflage, right?

"Okay, I think they're talking about their families now. Seems like we came here for nothing," she said. As she turned to face George again she nearly jumped. He'd come a lot closer.

"Um...," (No comma, just the ellipses) she started, but the words got lost somewhere in her throat. She was completely caught in the gaze of his raincloud grey eyes.

"You know," he said, suddenly smiling mischievously again, "if we were really dating, this would be the part where I'd be forced to kiss you."

Suddenly the words came back to her. (What words? I'm confused again.)

"Don't even-" Ignoring her attempt at a protest he leaned over the table just a little bit further and kissed her.

-think of it, she silently finished her sentence. And as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back she thought: Maybe this couple camouflage thing isn't that bad after all...


Overall, this was very cute. It needs to be clarified in a few spaces, however. It's a little bit too short for me to decide a lot about the characters, but I thought they were pretty good - with little hints of flaws here and there. George seems ALMOST perfect, but I also got the idea that this is part of his cover.

Very nice. Will there be more? :)
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:41 pm
Kalliope says...

Gee, thank you for that critique. I was just planning to get into this project again now that NaNo's done. Yes, there will be a few more parts, but I will have to think about the characters and plot some more, before I actually post more. I have sketches of I think three or four more parts, so you'll get to know George and Lucy a bit better in time.

I did notice as well that George seems a bit too perfect but for one it's part of the cover and the other thing is that Lucy doesn't really know enough about him and somewhat idealises him, so that's part of the problem, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for the tips, you pointed some good things out and maybe changing them would make me less annoyed with this piece. (:


If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. - Lewis Carol (1832-98 )

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— Hank Green