
Young Writers Society



Why would you want to know me? well, for those who do, I was born on earth and live in Hades. It's a nice place btw. um, I aspire to exchange student over to Japan (no, I'm not a weeaboo or anything). I'm anti-social and am waayyy to blunt according to my few friends. I'm a sucky conversationalist, I hate meaning less talking (think about), and I feel like I psychoanalyze everyone, cause I feel that everyone I meet has problems(hey, it's true, don't deny it). So yeah, now think very carefully, do you really want to subscribe to me or friend me?


manga, Japanese stuffs, learning Japanese, reading, writing new stuffs, archery, kick-boxing(wanna learn soooo bad), being annoying


being freaking awesome (yes i earn money by being me, wouldn't you want my job?)

oh to be a cat in a pile of towels
— ChesTacos