
Young Writers Society


Photo of hekategirl

About hekategirl

I am hopelessy something. I am dangerous, mysterious and goofier than everyone tends to assume. I can't stand people who stand firm on an opinion that they truly know nothing about. I love people who aren't afraid of what other people think or who aren't afraid to make a fool of themselves.


Rock music/Alternative Music/Hip-Hop Music, anything dark and disturbing, karete (Tang Soo Do), Hip-Hop dancing, archery, reading, writing, and movies


Eclectic smart-aleck



There are those who say that life is like a book, with chapters for each event in your life and a limited number of pages on which you can spend your time. But I prefer to think that a book is like a life, particularly a good one, which is well to worth staying up all night to finish.
— Lemony Snicket