
Young Writers Society


About Sara

My teacher always said "You have to live life to be a good writer." Well i'm not going to tell you a lot, but trust me when I say, i've definitely lived.

I was adopted at four so I moved to Utah with a new family. I was born in Texas so Utah was a ways away. I had 3 brothers and 2 sisters, so there were 6 of us. My real mom had abused most of us and so had her boyfriends. All I remember was being locked in a closet with little food and water for 2 days. But my sister whom I recently visited told me a lot more that I wont be sharing with you today.

When I was nine, my grandparents (real ones) who I hadn't seen since I was six, died in a car crash... They were my world my whole life, we had grown up with them... So I was naturally devastated.

I have lived more than that since those days, but I will not share anymore today. So now you know that I've "Lived."


Writing, horseback riding, nature: hikes, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, etc.


Subway (current job)

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
— Walt Disney