
Young Writers Society

"Quoth the Raven, Nevermore"

Photo of RavenAkuma

About RavenAkuma

~ Fear not. Despite the wicked face in my profile pic, I am quite friendly. I just like to smile, and so does he, heh heh heh ~

And yes, the profile pic is a dude, but I'm actually a lady lol. I'm 21, originally from California, but now I work at a library in a small Kentucky town and I have plenty of time to read and write.

As a reviewer, I am no professional. Writing and reading are just my passions. They've been a focal point in all my pastimes and several classes, and having been getting criticism (constructive and trolling alike lol) for many years, I've been able to refine my own writing. Now I hope to continue the process with a new (much less toxic) audience, new renditions of my stories, and do more to help others refine their stories in the process.

As a writer, I'm desperate to get into serious publishing. I'm even working on a book that I hope will be a big break.

In the meantime, I already have an epic fantasy series that has been with me through thick and thin. It alone has a story here...

Spoiler! :
On Wattpad, many years ago, I posted a rough draft of the story that I hoped fellow writers would help me polish. Instead, many found it "cheesy" and uninteresting, and didn't want to help much, so the books got a bad name.

Not just on Wattpad specifically, and far from experiencing this with every user, I was feeling this toxic sense of "if I have to read your book, it better be good, and you better read mine." It felt more like we were trading stars and algorithm boosts than sharing writing advice. I mean, my writing was pure cringe at the time, but we were supposed to be helping eachother fix that.

Soon, my books became old news, and that was double trouble: nobody saw past the rough draft, and Wattpad doesn't like promoting "old" content.

Booksie was my second chance, and it was 50/50 on there. Not a lot of vocal readers. So, I scoped out a couple of other sites, but they were all dead ends as well.

So, here I am in hopes that Young Writers Society could be a fresh start with fresh critics. If you're interested in my work, don't be afraid to tell me your honest opinion, positive or negative! Don't be afraid of being harsh, for the trolls hath already hardened me XD

If you would like me to review your work, here's some information...

- I am best at reviewing my own genres, fantasy and horror. I can absolutely review other genres too, though.

- There are only two genres I'm not great with, which are romance and sci-fi. I am open to both, but I'm not good with sci-fi in general, and romance...In simplified terms, I suck at reviewing it, I suck at writing it, I just suck with creating anything for that genre XD Again, I am open to reviewing either, just know I may not be the best judge.

- Got gore? Got violence? I don't mind, heh heh...

- If there's something specific you want me to focus on in my reviews (telling you about how a certain plot point reads, focusing on highlights, focusing on recommendations, etc), don't be afraid to let me know. My default is to just try and balance everything.

That is all I feel necessary to cram in here for now. Have a nice day or night, kind visitor ~


Fantasy stories, Horror, Gothic Literature, Classic Literature, anime/manga, heavy music, video games

By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
— Winston Churchill