
Young Writers Society


Photo of Plus-One

Who is this strange person I see before me?


I'm Tom (he/they). I'm 33 and from somewhere in the middle of England but hopefully not the place you're thinking...if you're thinking. Now you're thinking. Not there. No don't keep guessing. Ok I'm from England.

I was a member here ages ago and recently came back to pay a visit to my younger self, and it's inspired me to toy around with expressing myself through writing again. I've changed so much since I was last here so hopefully I'm in for an interesting ride.

I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, poetry and short stories. Though I'm not sure I'm good at any. I am debating trying to move up to my first attempt at a novel too.

Hit me up for reviews, conversation, maths dorkiness, and creative activities.

Happy writing y'all!


Technology, Nature, Sport, Film, Music, Sleep


Tech Entrepreneur and possible architect of the imminent robot uprising. Ideally preventing it instead.

I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.
— Sylvia Plath