
Young Writers Society


About PaigeEmily

I am seventeen and the only thing I am currently dedicated to is reading, I read several different books a week. Doing this helps me explore many ideas and techniques when writing and helps me to develop myself more and more as a serious writer. My dream is to one day be a published writer for young readers (teenagers) and my area of specific interest is the supernatural such as vampires and werewolves. I aim to add a different approach to the world of the supernatural :)
My goal isn't to be published and get a lot of money, I don't care about the money (though it's a great bonus) I simply want the pride and satisfaction from working my ass off to get my work published :)


Writing (obviously) and I love, love, LOVE reading :D I can easily make it through a 500 page book in a day. I also love photography and would be interested in making a hobby a way of income along with my writing.


Full Time Freelance Writer



Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers.
— Yevgeny Yevtushenko