
Young Writers Society

Ah, a new face! Haven't seen you around here before!

Photo of FortePiano

Weird. Enough said.

AH! PEOPLE!!! I mean... Hi.

I'm really surprised you're reading this. You must be REALLY bored. Well, while you're here, I guess I'll tell you about the stuff that you came for- My life.

Okay. So, where do I start? I'm not going to tell you my life story, so that's a big no-no. I guess I could start by telling you that I count myself as an... "Aquired taste." In other words, if you've stuck around long enough to meet me, there's no going back.

I am a musical creature. I am third chair Alto Saxophone in my Highschool marching band. I love jazz, classic rock, and most video game music. There is one downfall to music that I hate. Approximately 85% of modern music is absolute crap.

I'm a Whovian. It's probably the second thing you noticed about my profile, the first being "is extremely... odd."

I don't care what anybody says, Nintendo is the best of the three main game developers, above both Microsoft and Sony. ALSO if you want to talk Pokemon, I can talk Pokemon.

I identify as a straight white male, but I have no oppositions to anybody. I can become friends with pretty much anybody except for rich, "privileged" white boys. I am not rich, nor privileged in any way.

God. I just looked over this and realized that nobody's ever going to- Oh! You're still here? That's a huge surprise. Well, since you're here, I will tell you one thing-

*Whispers in your ear* Hail Hydra.


Playing saxophone, singing, reading, and overall being odd.


Saxophonist, "Engineer"

Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
— Samuel Butler