
Young Writers Society


Photo of Forestqueen808

About Forestqueen808

I was born and raised in the same house and have seven brothers and sisters, and yes they are all blood related. More than half my siblings are married, and three including me are unmarried. I have nine nieces and nephews and excel at English! I love to run Cross Country even though it is tiring but it is sooo worth it.


Hiking, Hunting, Boating, Drama, Writing, Reading, Writing, Writing, eating, running Cross Country (Go Mustangs!) reading, sleeping, writing, writing, writing, watching movies, hanging out with friends, writing, writing, listening to music, oh and did I mention writing?


Jr. High Student (8th Grade)

I think the best thing about making it into the quote generator is when nobody tells you, so one day you're just scrolling and voila, some phenomenally inane thing that crawled out of your dying synapses and immediately regretted being born the second it made contact with the air has been archived for all time. Or worse, a remark of only average inanity. Never tell me when you've put me in the generator. Pride-tinged regret just doesn't taste the same without the spice of surprise.
— SirenCymbaline