
Young Writers Society

The Astral Plane

Photo of BrumalHunter

The Answer Lies in the Stars…

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): INFJ
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS): Idealist, Mentor, Counsellor
Enneagram: Type 1w2.
Greek Zodiac: Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio, Capricorn Ascendant


Reading, writing, conlanging, video games, cardistry, and psychology. Science is my field, not an interest per se.


Current: Winter Canine Former: Juvenile Space Wolf Future: Elder Space Wolf

I was flummoxed by fractious Franny's decision to abrogate analgesics for the moribund victims of the recent conflagration. Of course, to display histrionics was discretionary, but I did so anyways, implicating a friend in my drama to make the effect cumulative. I think a misanthrope would have a prosaic appellation, perhaps one related to autonomy and the rejection of anthropocentrism. I think they wouldn't think much of the prominence of watching the coagulation of tea to prognosticate future malevolent events, not even if those events were related to jurisprudence.
— Spearmint