
Young Writers Society

We're all playing a game

we're all playing a game

Hey, I'm Auxiira, but you can call me Auxii, Aux, Iira, generally whatever you like!
I'm a huge fan of most everything literary, including (but not exclusively): ASoIaF, The Chronicles of Ixia, Divergent, Throne of Glass, Legend, The Steampunk Chronicles, etc...

I live in France, and have a French thread somewhere...

SparkToFlame, Audy, Blues, ShadowVyper, Alpha, Iggy, ArticMonkey, Lumi, Aquestioning, Laure, PenguinAttack are all my fuzzies <3


reading, writing, listening to music, archery, life, OUaT, GoT


A ginger planning to take over the world ^^

I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells, listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights